Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 28, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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Focal and
A warning that all drivers of hurse
drawn vehicles ac night must display
u light on Biu h vehicle, in accordance
wilh the state law, both for their own
protection and that of the driving
puhlic, wi8 issued Monday by Deputy
Slate .Motor Traffic Officer J. J. Me
diation. The latter has received many
complaints from autoista concerning
horse vehicles driven at night without
displaying lighu, and will from now on
make arrests of all such violatois.
The Mnckcy Studio absolutely guar
antees to finish your photographs in
Plenty of time for Christmas. Call now
and arrange for a sitting and save a
lot of time and money. 204 East Main
and Central. 1M4"
8c per yd.
Vanity Shop. tf
Sachets, lingerie Bets, back powders,
hand decorated shoo trees, pin cush
ions, and powder Jam. Handicraft
Mrs. Daniel Stono of I.os Angeles
business trip to Klamath Falls. U A. Whitehead and Miss Anna Kopp
Special rate on engraved calling of Ashland, left San Francisco for New
The county agent's office In the Lib-! J. W, Dreamier left this morning on a j On November 23, Jesse Wlnburn,
erty building is a very buny place
these days for County Agent Cate and
Miss Florence Pool, home demonstra
tion agent, and assistants are getting
out their annual reports. j
See our button card for new Ideas In
covered buttons. Handicraft Shop.
cards. Call 390-L or Tribune office.
Edgar Wight, watch repairing.
A full line of Xmas gifts. Handicraft
C. A. Rwlgart anil C. V. Feliz of the
AlltO tops, cushions, CUI laill lights. iCillirnrni.-l.flloin-n enmn.-mv lefl
Medford Auto Top. No. drape. 2M':tlllii m,npig for San Francisco.
Beacon bath robe blankets for j B. Karrow, carpenter. Central Point.
Christmas presents, at M. M. Dept. i0om, work ieciily. 7SS,,.3. 215
St". 21 p ,.r v.i
"U'nin L tuu nwiei .Mi'Mioru lliciuue
W. J. Tberhardt of Chicag , C. W.
Wood of Oakland. K.'A. Watson and
Hnttons covered.
Handicraft Shop. tf
Men's dress shin's, gun mel:il welt,
.lb V.'iliie Tinvv til r.n M 1 lnnl
Hotel. Shasta Springs. Calif., Mr. and . store. 21U
Paul Watson of the' Shasta Springs
Mrs. W. T. Grieve of Prospect, .Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Kluiorc of Seattle, Mr. and
.Mrs. T C. Power of lloseburg, and
Jack Carruthers of Chicago.
(lood clean rags wanted at Medford
Printing Co. v
All kinds of rough and dressed
former well known resident of thelature will try to accomplish. Port-
valley, on her way to Head, Ore., to
visit her daughter, spent today In the
city visiting friends.
Out of town property owners: Let
mo iHTsonally mako your rentals nnd
collections. Iteferences given. M. Post
ofNco box CGI, Medford, Ore. 214
Tho Cioo. I,. Trelchler Motor Co.
today received notice of reduction on
Vnited States and Goodyear tires and
tubes and will be glad to quote the
new prices lo their customers.
(luilil card party.-I.eglon hall, Thurs
day afternoon, Dec. 1st. Progressive
bridge and Five Hundred. Me. 216
A warmer temperature for tonight
and more rain for tomorrow is. the of
ficial weather outlook. During Saturday
night and up to this morning .85 of an
Inch of rain fell in Medford and vicinity.
Special scalp treatments, manicures,
shampoo, linlr dying, etc.. given to
gentlemen from (! to 9 o'clock Monday,
Wednesday and Friday evenings.
Please make appointments. Phone
59u-.J, Sanitary Beauty Shop. 213
Mrs. Paul Hansen corsotloro for
Nufione. Phone r. STi-J. tf
Men's dress shoes, gun metal welt,
$S.G0 value', now $(1.50. M. M. Dept.
Store. 213
A slow motion study of tho grout
pastime, golf, in which ninny former
theories as to what happens lo the
ball when hit, is Bhown In ono reel
today and tomorrow at tho llinlto tho
ator. This picture Is of compelling
Interest to any ono who ever wielded
a golf club.
Whether your motor Is now or old,
whethor It bo a Ford or n Packard.
Do Luxe pistons will increaso your
power and docreaso your vibration, oil
and gas consumption. Wo guarantee
tho above results. HivorBldo. Oarage.
. . tf"
32,000 miles without repairs. Pay
n Hupmobilo. Clark Motor Co., deal
era. 213
K. (!. Trowbridge And II. D. MIIIh,
or the Modrord Iron Works wero In
tho city today on business. They have
been in tho Iron works business in
Medford for tho past Hi years but havo
recently built a new plant nnd ndded
greatly to tho equipment. Thoy now
have traveling cranes In both tho ma
chlno shop and the foundry, nnd thoy
havo air equipment, as well as every
thing necessary for handling big work.
Grunts Pass Courier.
Xmas cards, 5 to 20 cell I a. Handi
craft Shop.
Wo nro located at 30 North Holly
slreot at Valloy Oarage. Vo aro agonts
for tho now Velio Six and havo n num
ber of bargains In used cars. Your own
torma In reason. Ilattory eervlco In
connection. Open Sundays and oven
lugs. Mod ford. Velio Co. tr
Signature cuts for ads and eltter
heada designed. II. Grey. Phono 7.1.
The Oregon State Dental association
will hold its twenty-eighth annual
meeting at the chamber of commerce
Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this
week. One of the most prominent
dentists to be present at tho conven
tion lu fir IWv II '.Liurn F Iituli,n
Wallace Woods, phone 1 OS. .,. ,.. '.' f i,,. ,i
II K. Main St. ,,,. .' ...
O. T. Dean, Seattle; Dr. J. E. Argue,
Taooma; Dr. Randal Williams, Taeo
iiiii; Dr. Itoy West, Seattle, and Dr.
C. ,f. Stansbery, Senttlo.
Fine handkerchief linens white
and colors 25 cents a square at
Deuel's Art Department.
Agato Jewelry, Kdgar Wight.
Christmas umbrellas in all latest
colors and handles. SI. M. Dept. Store.
Among guest
are Mrs. D. W. Stono of I-os Angeles,
Something doing every minute
Thursday, Dec. 1st. Don't forgot Guild
10c dance In evening, legion hall. 215
State Senator (.'. M. Thomas of Med
ford la in Portland to get a line on
what the coming session of tho legia-
land Journal
The Apostolic Faith congregation
Mil hold regular services in their new
hall at 128 Fast Main street over the
Marsh grocery, beginning Friday, Nov.
25, on Tuesday anil Friday evenings
at 7:45, and Sunday morning at 10:30.
Try our merchants lunch. The
The newest shadoB In silk nilxod
and slu-tlnnd yarns. Handicraft Shop.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Henton left the
latter part of last week for Tacoma
where they Intend to reside. Tho Hen
tons have varied property interests in
that city to which they will give their
attention, Thoy also Intend to engage
In stock iiilslnc -r. a ranch near Olym
pia. Gentlemen make evening appoint
ments at the Sanitary llcauty Shop for
scalp treatment, facial massage, etc.
r.xpert operator. 695-J. 215
We do stamping for your needle
work Deuel's Art Department.
Men's dross shoes, gin. metal welt,
J8.50 value, now Jti.50. M. M. Dept.
Store. 213
According to reports the Pacific
highway through Canyon creek can
yon is still in fine condition, despite
tho heavy rains of tho last week. A
man and team are kept constantly at
work leveling up bud spots as they
occur. The snow on tho mountains
followed by a heavy warm rain has
caused the Umpqua river and Canyon
creek to nearly overflow tliulr banks
In some places. No Berlous damage
has been done thus far.
Wanted Clean rags at Medford
Printing Co.
High grade tailors for men and
women. Ones, Ashland, Ore! tf
lleacon bath robe blankots for
Christmas presents, at M. M. Dept.
Store 213
Gladys Applegato, now with the
Amorlcan Hallway Express company
in San Francisco, will bo on tho office
staff of tho California-Oregon Power
company, when their general offices
aro moved to Medford. Ashland Tid
ings. Special rato on engraved calling
cards. Call 31)0-1, or Tribune office.
Wlso pooplo know what a "Hup" Is.
Clark Motor Co. 2 1 3
.liny nil kinds of woll mado aprons at
St. Mark's llnzuur, Legion hall, Dec.
1st. 215
Poultry thieves visited the hen house
at 1005 South Peach street Saturday
night and carried off two fino Hanoi
Hock pullets.
AUractlvo Innovations In American
Legion jewelry. Martin J. Roddy. 213
Mattresses, fiirnlturo upholstering.
Medford Auto Top. PIone 10 1. 211
Dome made CliriHtmas candy lu ap
propriate .boxes or in bulk, and made
alter your own recipes if desired.
Leave orders at Kaiidylanil, or phono
11S2. 21!l
York, the trip being an ocean one cl
over two weeks duration by the way
of the Panama canal, sailing on the
steamer Uuckeye State.
Another big dance al Aoi'lig'ti
Saturday, Dec. 2, Sunet oi xhesiry.
Dr. Frank Roberts, dentist. Deuel
lildg. Telephone 503-11. W .
Invest your savings in the Jackson
County Building and Loan associa
tion, tf
Mr. and Mrs. George Honseltnan of
Portland arrived in Medford veiter la;,
morning for a brief visit. Mr. Ileiistd
man who is connected with tiie IE ney
man Hardware Co. of Portland wl.l tr
ill tho city for a few days and Mr
llenselman will visit her parents, .Mr.'
and Mrs. James Campbell at the
Campbell ranch for several weeki.
Another big danco at Apjdesau
Satuiday, Dec. 3. Sunset orchestra
Hr'ghten up your ads and businesn
stationery, with a new signature cut .
designed at reasonable charge. II. I
Grey, .Mail Tribune, 222
China H'y bulbs. Jap Art Store. !
An old barn which stood on tho oast
side of the highway about two miles
south of Talent burned last night. The
cause of the fire Ik not known. The
i barn was built by Dr. I'erozzi In 11107 1
and was later owTicd by Dr. Page, of:
Among thuee from this city who at
tended the Rogue River Valley .Min
isterial association meeting at irauts
Pass today were Revs. W. .1. 1 ?nton.
F. R. Leach and E. P. Law
County V. M. C. A. Secretary
Wood and Walter Fraser Brown,
latter is the secretary of the as'
tii-n. Rev. Fenton was the chief .
r at the gathering.
Ladies' suits' reduced from
I'o.uth to one-half at M. M. Dept. Store.
Millinery half price. M. M. Dept.
Sioie. 213
Assortment of ladies' blouses, bar-
Ins at fi.'JH to $25. M. M. Dept.
Siore. 213
l.ndiP8' softs reduced from uno
f.piii til to one half at M. M. Di pt. St"re.
, 213
lust two fh'ys left to onlet those
f'hrlstmas and Now Ve:it '.t Hins
onrrtK. Don't wait and be df:-' pinte-d
r-ii phone nrv and Iv e party
at your home with, samples.
Longer evenings now. Your friends
' MI enjoy Rood books for Xmas. Mi'd
!ord Book Store. llo
Mary M. Estos.
Funeral tser ices or the late Mary
M. Esios, wife of M. J. Estes. of this
city, who passed away at the home of
hf-r mm. Itaukin EKten, Wedjiesda:',
XovcmluT -'d, will be held at ihe par
lors of Weks-t 'miKer Co., Tuesday.
.November at J:y( p. in., eoiulueted
by itov. F. 11. Leaeh of the First liap
tiHt church oL" which .she was a mem
ber. Interment in 1. o. O. F. cemetery.
Special convocation Tues
day, Nov. 29th, 7:30 p. m.
M. E. M. Visitors wel
come. 214 A. F. NOTH. Secy.
Cmt Ciales Continue.
KAN' FKANCI.SCO, N. L'S. dales,
which have been batterim; the
j itiRton ami ri?nn cn:. '. "
:!ehiy for the
j continue today
i iiitf to the for
j States weat in i
warnings weie
at all stations
board from i'a
M-ir.-.l Km 11,
at the Hotel Holland :"' ".. , V "'""
im.o iii.i. ii.mtii tinct:i irtiiie-t. j lie Uiil ll
thrco tons of hay
machine, owned by
lie latter was
bun and Mr. and Mrs. It. R. Williams ' l?"'!,!!!1""'.
Another shipment of ribbon novel-
To the Public
I am not under any association. Will
do any work at Central Point cem
'tery. DigKint,' graves $7.50: burying
and filling In, J2.5U. Can furnish any
kind of trees for your lots. Also
monuments of any kind. 20 to 40 per
.-ont off. J. 11. W ATKINS,
213 South Central Point. Alder St.
and tuninrrow
h of the
I. menu h'-n-hoisted
en the nnri hwfst Ht-a
I'uiunibi.'i liver norlli
a'- 'I
Shrine Ceremonial, Dec. 2
fi(g Hillau Temple will
CS ! hold a ceremonial nt
T, l.n irtnnn'. ASIllUUU,
on Friday, Dec. 2.
Business session at 2
p. in.; parade at 3;
first section at 4;
Kprond section at S.
Muiifluct and entertainment for ladies
l Masonic hull at 6. Men will aine
:.; !h..! a..m y. cifeteria plan, at B.
I anc ; urd s.c':l parly follows at
a.-.mry. a-'fr e.nd section. Petitions
.s!io.i:d .b.j in hands of Recorder not
later tiia.i K.-May noon, fee $75. Cards 1!C2 n-.w ready for delivery.'
i W. II. McNAIR, Poteiltiite.
2r;. W. II. DAY, Recorder. .
Safe MUA
I - '
For Infania.InvalldsandGrowlng Children
The Original Food-Drink For All Afrcs
the Original
Avoid Imitations
nd Substitutes
Rich milk, malted grain extract in Powder
No Cooking Nouri.binff Digeatibla
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Davis of Dunsmulr. I T l?"
R. A. Cooke of Hornbrook, F..O. Mc-l'?' . '""f maC"i"
Kay of Seattle. P. .7. Nenuner of Rose- J ,vls !,n" 80n' lh
Till-: SKA SON IN"
An i:iiilHit'iito 1 112 1 Version of
IMumis' ('rent Story of l'ails
no risk ix pi!Ici:h
TONKiiiT (.'.xm-.Tii ih (;iii:s
in "Tin: iii .Nt ii"
of Heattle.
You only havo until Wednesday,
November .10 to order those Christmas
and New Year's Kreetlnn cards. Phone
390-L and mako appointment for party
to call with samples. 214
'Billions covered at Deuel's Art De
That moro than a passing Interest
In the Otokoii Caves highway is be
ing shown by the state highway coin-
mission Is evidenced in a letter Just
received by Judge Kclus Pollock of the
Oregon state highway commission:
"Wo have changed our records to
show that we are to aid In any co
operation that may bo noodod in main
tenance of the road between Orants
Pass and Waldo," writes Mr. Jlooth,
"and we havo discussed the possibility
of extending the work from the Caves
i-oad to tho Holland turn-off on a 50-50
basis with the forestry people, leaving
the $10,000, which you are to contrib
ute, to some other section or tho road
that may bo decided upon." GrantB
i ass Courier.
Sweet tooth! Candy! del It nt St.
.Mark's Ilazaar, Legion hull, Dec. 1st.
riyron II. Hurd and Miss Lamnion
of the home office of the California
Oregon Power company In San Fran
cisco arrived in this city this morning.
I'orsylhe Dyers & Cleaners, phone
311; shop at 110 Mistletoe. Prompt
scivlco and prices lowest consistent
with first class work. A portion of
your patronage appreciated. 219
Wo fix 'em. Crater Lake Automo
tive Co., 123-12.- S. Front St.
Wood! Wood! All kinds of wood
at HIS N'orth Central, $3.00 per tier
and up. Prompt delivery. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Plume 031-X. J. M.
Carlton. 217
Sunday's arrivals at tho city nuto
camp woro as follows: .1. L. Maddox
and family of Yakima, Wn enrouto
south; D. Maddox of Yakima, Wit.,
enrouto south; Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
French or Lindsay. Calif., enrouto
home; Petor Lebuhn of Seattle, en
route Kout and .Mr. and Mrs. L. Knurl
of Yakima, Wn., enrouto south.
When in need of shingles and roof
ing call Wallace Woods, 10S, 711 K.
Ready made. sidi-walks. Artisto
Stono Co. 217
A few suggestion!! for Xman. Pot
tery, hand-painted glassware and
fancy candlesticks. Handicraft Shop.
Tlie Woman's association of the
Presbj teriiin cliui oh Is holding an all
day meeting Tuesday for the puriioso
of sewing for the Christmas sale.
lleacon bath robd blankets for
Christinas presents, at HI. M. Dept.
Store. 213
I Signature cuts for ads and letter
! heads designed. II. tlrey. Phone 75.
O ( o
Doors, windows, Medford Lhr. Co.
j Mrs. John Pernoll of Applegato to
! gether with .Mr. and Mis. Ilenj. M.
j Collins, her hosts for the week end at
j (Irants Pass, siont Saturday lu Med
j ford.
I Plain sewing, iinileraiUMllus and
children's wear a specialty. HOG W.
' Fourth street. Telephone M3S-Y. 210:
It. I. Stewart, builder, ronlraetn for
ties. Handicraft Shop.' i
When better automobiles are built,
Bulck will huild them. tf"
Windshield glass. Car Htorago by
day, woek or month. Hittson Motors.
An excellent picture of George Cod
ding of Medford, who iB vice comman
der of the American Legion in Oregon, I
was published In the Sunday Journal !
of Portland along with the other state j
Legion orficei-3 who will welcome ;
Marshal Foch and' Hanford MacNider, I
national American Legion commander, j
when they arrive in Portland next
Thursday. j
Ladles' suits reduced from one- j
foui th to one-half at M. M. Dept. Store. !
213 ;
Insurance Plus Service. R. A.;
Holinos. The Insurance Man. tf ;
Leave your order for fancy needle-!
work at Deuel's Art Department.
The weekly aution sale of the C. E. ;
Gates company last Saturday after-:
noon drew a largo crowd and good bid
ding. Two used antos, a team of
horses and a lot or small stuff wero
auctioned off.
Another big dance nt Applegato
Saturday, Dec. 3. Sunset orchestra.
Kdgar Wight, reliable jeweler.
When In need of sash and doors,
call Wallaco Woods, 10S or come to
711 13. Main St.
A tar pot containing a largo amount
of tar being prepared for uso on the
roof of the building occupied by the
Kxchiinge Tire Co., on North River
side boiled over this morning and
caused a smudge which led people In
that section of the city to believe a
serious riro had been started.
Just two days loft to order those
Christinas and New, Year greoting
cards. Don't wait and be disappointed
but phono 390-L-now and havo party
call at your homo with samples.
Xmas cards are ready for your selec
tion. Iluy now when you can take
plenty of time. .Medford Hook Store.
' 213
Milk Prices lowered
in Medford
At a meeting of the Milk Produc
ers and Distributors held last Satur
day il was decided that tho price of
milk should be reduced. Tho meet
ing was woll attended and tho opin
ion was unaniniuiis. Among other
things of discussion, the quality of
milk was brought up nud it is a well
known fact that Southern Oregon,
(meaning Medford) has the best
milk, containing the highest per cent-
age lu butter-fat In the state, which is !
uellvered to the consumers. Thi:;
statement was verified by Mr. Xiuicr,
Deputy State Dairy mid Food Inspec
tor, who was present at this meeting,
and was appreciated very highly by
the producers.
The price of milk and cream dellv-1
eied at residences dally, effective De-1
U huildlugs. Residence 217 Apple j "j
r-iiet-i. i iioue u-t.i, trf
Signature cuts for ads and letter
heads designed. II Grey. Phone 75.
O ' 1
Jimmy Richardson, mummer of stu
dent activities at O. A. l. o.mse.l
through this city this morning enrouto
from the scene of the Heaver defeat at 1
the hands of the Trojans at Pasadena, j
to Corvallis. Jimmy announces his;
Intention of resigning bis position at
the northern Institution. The football!
team will pass through tomorrow mnr-'
nlng on the "Shasta" at ',i:0 !
Keep up the Xmas spirit. Send ;
Riveting cards. Handirraft Shop.
Any color of hdkf. squares 25c. j
Handicraft Shop. i
Shingles, shakes. Medford Lhr. Co.'
Lath and plaster. Medford Llr
Co. .
Iielport Kectic of Taconia was the
week end guest of Henrv Priiigle of
this city.
Visit "The White Klophuut" booth
at St. Mark's Ilazaar, Dec. 1st, Lesion
Dr. II. K. Murphy, dentist, over
Woolworth store.
Cut chrysanthemums, .lap Art store.'
-Milk. gal.. 10,.; qts.. 11c:
Coffee Cream, gal., $1.
.'Oc; pts., 30c; half pint, 15c.
Whipping cream, gal. $2.00
tide: pis., 35c: half pints 20c.
pts.. Gc.
'0; qts.,j
FOR SAI.K Will sell complete runii-:
turo for i" room house and turn over
house at very reasonable rental. Call
at 106 S. Grape or see Itrown k
White. ji.v
LOST Munch of keys in leather case.1
Phone GIG or 2GS. Reward. 214
LOST Saturday, crank for Wile car.
Reward. Phone 038-M. 2H ;
FOi:.l Hill f,. Call 4U-R.2. 215
WANTKD To n-m small dairy runch
wilh or without stock. II. Roletto.
Central Point. Kouto 1. Il.ix St. 215
FOR SALK-Fivsh cows.
Phone 7-F-ll :
21S I
FOR SAI.K 1120 Hnhy Overland, run
G5P0 miles: also 1 91 S Chevrolet, new
top. good tires, both cars In first
class mechanical condition. Add res
H'SJ W. Kleventh St. ;io
Baking is a
Real Pleasure if
b Kerr Gifford & Co, Inc.M
fat . PORTLAND, OREGON ! ; if3
Best Patent Flour
is used.
A blended flour. "You get more loaves per sack."
Kerr's Rolled Oats, Wheat Flakes and Hot Cake Flour Have
Proven Superior
Kerr Gifford & Co., Inc.
Portland, Oregon
Now Showing
The First Touring Car Designed and Produced
Entirely by the New Maxwell Organization
A car which reveals, at a glance, such a
wealth of beauty and goodness that the price
seems almost unbelievable.
Cord tires, non-skid front and rear; 31 x
4 inch.
Disc steel wheels demountable at hub
nnd rim, or wood artillery wheels, option
al without. extra cost.
Unusually long springs promote comfort,
tire economy, readability.
Alcmitc lubrication.
Plate glass window in rear curtain,"
Drum type head lamps, nickel trimmed.
Non-glare lenses.
Real leather upholstery; Turkish
cushions. '
Adult-sire scats, deep and wide and
roomy. Skle curtains open with doors.
Leak-proof windshield. Windshield
wiper. Motor driven electric horn-
A. W. Walker Auto Co.
West Main Street, Medford