r jrEDFonn rxrn t'rtbttst!," "NrEDro'Rn, ov.v.aoy:," totday. yoTTanren " 'itQ'f PXGfi TEN m INDIGESTION, GAS OR BAD STOMACH TARE"DIAPEPSIN" "Piipo's pepsin" lias provun Itself th surest relief for IndiKttsliun, Cases, Flutulonre, J I carl burn, Kour jicss, I-Vrinoiitation or fcJtoinach Ui irt'sa caused ljy acidity. A few tab let h Rive almost imim-diate stomach relief and shortly the stomach is cor rected so you can eat favoritn foods without fear. J-uiKti ' costs only feA cents at driii,' store. .Millions helped annually. Adv. DAY OR NIGHT WEEKS-CONGER CO Tuntral Director! WOOD! All klmls of wood at riglit prices; dry mill blocks. Onlci- Promptly Filled MEDFORD FUEL CO. Cor. Fir mid Third. Phono 242 AL WOOD Host wood of nil kinds.. Only wood In city under cover. Also best Utah C'oul (it SI 7 off car. VALLEY FUEL CO. 2nd ntirt Wir Phnrwt 7 TO GATHER DATA liKUIJX, Nov. 2 . A vast mass material on Ccrman raw materials, J productivity, labor, wanes and tho !country's financial status is hoi iirathered by the members of the j r Guaranties comininsinn the subcom imiti- of th reparations commission, now in Herlln. i jMtmtst daily consultations are jbeintj held with various government (officials as well as financial and in dust rial leaders oh to the prospects of (fJormany meeting hep S 1 00,000,000 tfold installment to the allied powo j on January 3 5, and in some of these j conferences Koland W. 1 Joy den, and I Colonel .lames A. JiOKan. the unoffic ial American representatives, arc luiv- itiK u part. The second of four in stallmentH, another $100,000,000 i: due next April. The commissioners are expected to remain here .until iJeceniber 1 when they will ro back to Paris to report to the full Kepa rat ions commission One of the most important phases of their investigation lias been currency inflation and the decline of the mark. It is interesting to note that since th? reparations payments be Kan last May, the outstanding paper money circu lation in Germany jumped from 60 7 24, 4 03,000 marks to 91,34 7,101.000 marks for the week Knding October 31. "Lem'me carry KELLOGG'S. atk! say 1 will! Mother MM t'iL. hi nl you tout a uuy At Jr$l LOGO'S, but I could carry 'em u hml I 2 will I willI" W to word for it! Ijcmll neverlinow how delicious eatJQIIoggs Positively the most joyously good any-time-cereal any man or woman or child ever put in their mouths I Such flavor, such crispness! Such big sunny-brown Corn Flakes! How you'll relish a generous bowl-lilled-most-to-overllowing; and a pitcher of milk or cream! Never was such a set-out! Never did you get such a universal vote as there'll be for Kellogg's Corn Flakes! Big folks and little folks will say "Kellogg's, please, mother!" Leave it to their tastes , and yours! rrove out an wu For, Kellogg's Corn Flakes are a Tevclation in flavor; a revelation in all-the-time crispness! Don't just ask your grocer for "corn flakes." That brings vou most anything! Say KELLOGG'S ",,cC CORN FLAKES they're wonderful! I1L TOASTED CORN COHN FLAKES Aho mA.n of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES nd KELLOGG'S BRAN, cooked .! Im.mbl.,1 A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. NOTHING that we could say would so thoroughly convince. you. of.. the value. of Chamberlain'? Tablets as a 'personal, trial.,- We can tell you of thousands who have been permanently cured ot chronic constipation, indigestion,' biliousness, sick headache and disorders of. the stomach and livei, but this will have little weight with you as compared to a personal trial. That always convinces. WANTED! 500 men, women and children in loam how teason- able it is to have their dental work: done bv us covered r by a life's gun ran lee. EXAMINATION FREE Phone 669 for Appointments DR. O. J. JOHNSON, Dentist Phone 9 - 22S East Main St. AREA BEYOND ALL METES, BOUNDS SAM AHA, on the Volga, Nov. 21. I Ily a Staff Oorresnondf-nt of the As Hociutod Press.) The numerical and Koogruphical extent of the great fam ine cannot he given. There Is today and has heen as much food available In Samara, for those who have mon ey, as In liaku, on the Caspian sea, 2,000 miles distant. The Itusisan refugees from IloLshevism In Con stantinople uro Buffering from hun ger and lack of clothes almost as much as thoHe Russians In I'oltava and they in turn as much as those in Orenhurg. The Associated Press correspond ent completed a journey from Con stantinople to Moscow by way of Tif lls, Ilaku, Astrakhan and Samara, and everywhere found intense mis ery, the mo3t sordid of which was seen in the dreary steppe region be tween Tlflis (Georgia) and Uaku (port of Azerbaijan on the Caspian sea.) There revolution after revolution for fivo years, has left u trail of do structlnn and ruined houses and wrecked railway stations which can not bo matched in Russia. Added to the lack of food, Is the constant bat- tlo with malaria, cholera and typhus and added to these is the cold there is littlo shelter or fuel. No more pathetic sight was seen than that of the Ilaku central railway station where thousunds of men, wo men and children, going nobody could say where, were camped on dirty sidings, for the most part dressed in rags and eating scraps of food llko hunted nnrmals. To tho north, along the Volga In Russia, the miserable is often of tho respectablo, cleanly kind. At Craz- Itzyn thousands of families are living In railway cars. Others havo been housed In villas and palaces. Jlegglng Is rather the exception than the rule everwhero in tho fam ine regions. Tho Herman colonist villages and towns along the Volga are so cleanly and orderly, surrounded by such flo rid luxuriance of field and forest that it Ik hard to bolievo their people are suffering from hunger. As cv erywhero in Russia, the churches are open, and services aro held. At Volsk, when the correspondent at tended vespers, ho was followed out of tho church by ono of tho priests who begged that food come from America before his people starved. In tho worst areas there is fur more hunger swelling than was seen in Vienna in the winter of 1918, BABE ASLEEP BY OF CHICAGO, Nov. 21. Thomas Cain erwood, arrested yesterday, charged with the murder of his sister in law, Mrs. Hetty Sharpies. 22, confessed early today, according to the police. Robbery was the motive ascribed by tho police when her bank book, which bad contained $05. was found partly burned in the kitchen stove. She was found strangled when her husband returned from, work. Ily her side was her baby in its crib. In her lap was some fancy work she was making for Christmas presents. A short while later the police arrest ed Thomas Catherwood on suspicion and held him after a five- foot cord was found in his pocket. In the knots of the cord, according to Ihe police were long black hairs similar to Mrs. Sharpies' hair. ALL ORATORY ON CHINESE STATUS IS NOW FINI WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. (Ily As sociated Press.) With tiio Far East ern negotiations advanced to the stage of an agreement on general principles by tho powers declaring their Inten tion to respect tho administrative as well as tho territorial integrity of China, the Washington conference was prepared to resume discussion on that basis today at a further executive session. As proposed by Klilui Root of the American delegation and adopted by all the nations after two hours of de bate in executive session yesterday, the declaratory resolution, constitut ing the first definite agreement of the conference, commits the towcrs 'also to a policy of providing fullest oppor tunity for development of a stable gov ernment in China and at the same time refraining from seeking special rights anil privileges that would abridge the rights of other nntlona. While not providing; for settlement of any of tho specific problems confront ing China the declaration touches in general terms most of tho principles for which China asked in her "bill of rights" and its adoption was manifest ly gratifying to her spokesman here. NEW YORK, Nov. 2-1. Authorita tive acts and evidence showing what has actually been done in America and Kuropc in the way of commercial aviation will be presented at a series ot meetings in various centers throughout the country during the next month, it was announced today by the Society of Automotive Kngi necrs. Among those who will take part 'In the programs are Glenn I... Martin, pioneer aviator: Ralph Up. son, balloon expert, representatives of the army and navy air services, and Assistant Postmaster General Shau ghnesjty, who will give information re gardliiK the aerial mail service. To the Public 1 am not under any association. Will do any work at Central Point cem etery. Digging graves $7.!0; burying and filling in. 2.;i0. Can furnish any kind of trees for your lots. Also monuments ot any kind. 20 to -10 per cent off. J. 11. WATKI.NS. " 213 South Ceutrul Point, Alder St. TWOHY BROS. LOSE T PORTLAND, Nov. 21. The caso of Twohy Ilrothers ngamst Ihe Ochoco Irrigation District for. 1250,000 for bieach of contract has been settled In favor of the district by Judge Tucker who has decided that tho contractors have no cause of action or suit against tho district. This sweeping decision of Judge Tucker is of interest to the friends of R. V. Reu, former district engineer of tho Medford Irrigation District, as it was against him that most of the con tractor's fire was directed. BE ADULTERATED IlKRLIN', Nov,. 24. German beer may hereafter bo adulterated. The roiehstag has overridden the Bavarian deputies' objections to altering tho beer stamp law so as to allow tho use of corn and rico In browing.' Spouking for the Havurlan peoples party, Deputy Jaud said: "The prac tice of adulterating beer must cease. It's purity must be preserved." His protest met with only scattering applause. RED PEPPER HEAT Kcd Pepper Rub takes the "ouch" from sore, stiff, aching joints. It can not hurt you, and it certainly stops that old rheumatism torture at once. When you arc suffering so you can hardly get around, just try Red Pepper Rub and you will have the quickest re lict known. Nothing has such concen trated, penetrating heat as red peppers, just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you will feci the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Pain and sore ness arc gone. Ask anv good druggist for a jar of Rowlcs Red Pepper Rub. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles on each package, l-'or Health Vim Vigor and Tltalllty UlVT.-''SHi:H' IXAND TAIUJi IS MAI.K OR KKMAI.K. r.impltfet Free on H.'qm-Ht. Ask tor H'KU'M'S the OK lillNAI.. IlKWAKK OK IMITATIONS ANIl St'llSTITITKS. WEI AM I DUt'll i-tv, ISI Kihiy St.. lent. ,1. Sau I-'rnnclseo. lif. AL nlhcr lruKistn. i ASK FOR Top Notch Flour A hard wheat blend, it is scientifically made, and bakes a white loaf, which does not dry out. Endorsements come in every day on "Top Notch" flour. OUR Snowy ButteFlour An excellent pastry and family flour, is made from Rogue River Val ley wheat, the oldest label in Southern Oregon. Central Point Mills: By F. S. Brandon Dorti sclc with ihe prunes MY DAD'S favorite yarn. . WAS THE one about THE OLD storekeepers WHO WAS playing checker IN THE back of the store,; v AMONG THE coal oil. AND THE prunes. WHEN. .THE sheriff. . WHO HAD just Jumped hl Vin. ! SAID "SI there's a customer, WA1TIN' OUT front" AND SI said "Sh-h-W! t IF YOU'LL keep q,ulel,'K MEBBE HE'LL go away. NOW HERE'S the big Wm, WHEN A good tiling, HAPPENS ALONG. 1 DON'T LEAVE U to Oeorxey TO GRAB the gravy, F'RINSTANCE !F YOU HEAR of a smoke. M. OR READ about a Bmoke, THAT. REALLY, does more. THAN PLEASE the taste. THERE ARE no hooka ofl you. THERE'S NO law agalnBt. YOUR 8TEPP1NQ up. WITH THE other lira onei. AND 8AYINQ right out. IN A loud, clear voice, . , "QIMME A pack of. THOSE CIGARETTES. THAT SATISFY." i " 3 ' YOU'LL iy yon never tuted each flaTor, uch mild bat fiffl-bodled tobceo goodneM. You're right, too, baorotw they don't make other eljarettee like Chesterfield. The Chesterfleld. blend cant bt oopied. A . sferQeld CIGARETTES LjooetT& Myer Tobaccq Co, PM you taao akomt IK ChaMtmrfmld pooka g oflOT mm v iMf;mt l 1 ffui ir 1 A Ringing Appeal to Oregonians By R. A. Booth Chan-man State Highway Commission rnHR I JSP. f rr. p,j.. ;. f,.j-. I mental or even elemental if Oregon is to prosper. The population of Oregon cannot be sustained it Oregon payrolls decreast?;. It is a matter of vital interest, then, to every inhabitant of the state to keep Oregon dollars in the state! To buy our own products and use them is like eating the cake and having it. too. It is keeping the products and the money also. Let's do it with renewed energy! Let's pat ronize those merchants who feature Oregon-made mer chandise. Let an Oregon product give' us pleasure and strength at every dining hour. Let's go to. the greatest extent reasonable to build and furnish our homes with Oregon Products and let us daily as we enter the store rooms and shops keep rToroNvf an ob,it!on.that we cannot shift BUY. OREGON PRODUCTS! ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES Of OREGON 02 OREGON BUIUDINO PORTLAND I