1 "PAfiE TWO "MT1DFOT7D MATL TnTHTN'E, W.PrOT?P. OTJTTIOX. Tf'KSDAY. NO YVM BET? 1.. 1921 Focal and Personal i Those who enjoy beautiful books will find a great deal of pleasure lu store this week at the public library. In keeping with the nuilon-wlile cam palKn for increased use of better chil dren's books, the county library will have an exhibit this week, Nov. 14 Nov. 21, one hundred and fifty chil dren's books. These includd some of the finest examples of American ju- veulle book making. The Illustrations, most of which are in color, represent the work of the best interpreters of children's literature. Tho selection will offer useful suggestions for Christmas gifts. Everyone Is urged to visit the library and enjoy the books. Nonsurgical treatment of corns, ingrowing nails, chilblains, foot sweats I Ashland faces the prosnect of a A. R. Iirashcar was In the city to- ",. W. Davis was fined $10 in Jiis:i"0 tiavels IhrouRli some of 'the "snup line" this winter as an auxiliary day, making Inquiries as to probablo Taylor's court Monday aiteraoo?! f..r counlriea as well as in the of a public commlnsary departmeut for costs of a gymnasium for Hogue Hiver speeding on the I'acific highway be- States. wayward hobnes, knights of the road Though plans are yet In their Infancy, ; t ween Phoenix and .Medford, an. I in! Ed High, auto dealer and aviator and workmen who are "down on their the community Is figuring on erecting the same court Vernon Dew a diew a and another man, both from - shland, luck." according to Chief of Police a structure 40 feet by 60 feet for the fine of $20 for speeding on Smth. were here Thursday an I bef re they Hatcher who started an Investigation boys and girls of the town. The build-1 Riverside avenue Inside tee city lin- left arranged to take V. I,. C'hi.dreth's this morning relevant to the growing ing will be built by cooperation of the Its. Uoth were apprehend d by Deputy Influx of "tourists" who stop over In Presbyterian church and of the Htate Motor Trafflce Inspect r Mc Ashland enroute to warmer climates schools. Grants Pass Courier. j Mahon. at the expense of the railroad com-! Children cared for by hour or day. xper a to washing and iMdlshivg pany. Tho system of special railroad Mr8. yv. N. Campbell. 101 Ncwtown.207 ! motor flushUig and top dressing. New foreign I mill. The two ladies are sisters of United '.Mr. Conley and Jacob Conley is the father of the three. police, maintained at the expense of the company, is unable. Chief Hatcher claims, to prevent the men from riding' the freight trains. A bunk house i equipped with running water, electric i lights and a stove with free firewood j is maintained by the city in a rear room of the Fourth hi root fire station. From one to fifty wanderers traveling on room every night.- Lumber prices are advancing and it surely will pay you to buy somo of llert's brand tamales. Gusher Cafe. Don't forget to call at tho Medford' Pharmacy, Main and Central, for a, free fifty-cent tube of Maglac Tooth ' Paste, Friday and Saturday. 2'Juj Guests at the Hotel .Medford include i :G. C. Hatch of San Francisco, R. M.i Adams of Corvallis. H. H. Sloan of I ul,l ,1,- Illi..nu" rmniK.nl tlin neinimij ni'i i"t, uie. n. . it.imin-. Ashland Tidings, j ' -ew "-" Mr. ana .Mrs. a. ii. urigiiam oi i-.ui;eui, managsment, at Hittson's Garage. 2ii You'll e to hurry If you want V get In on hat big load of kindlin Newcombe has. He also has block Phone GJ 1. if Windshield glass. Car storage by day, week or month. Hittsou Mo'-os, Si 4 The city council will hold its n;M '? dd auto and left a f)rt in it Harry Hays and his brother i I Trail, w e-e business callers. Ask d how th"y v.ere getting along with their agate quarry said they had not worked it any ti ls summer as they had been i usy nn the Crater Lake highway but Advica for Women Who Suffer "I advise every woman who Buffers with kidney trouble to try Foley Kid- . , c.j. ,. ...-Jney Pills," writes Mrs. Hessie Brawn- .uuroay -i Scovi,le Ave., Cleveland, O. almost deserted as Thursday almost I.., eomd not do luy housework, but every one waB called on to attend ajnco taking Foley Kidney Piils I fee! place, court and those who were not sum-like a new woman aim am uuie 10 ao nuir.ed to go went of their own accord my worn. niieiiiimuu uueu to hear the evidence in tho Matthews "Ukles, backache, stiff joints, sore trial ami Fridav about everybody I muscies aim oiuup "' went to Me.llord to see and participate , in the grand celebration. Even all the business houses wl-ivi closed and ailments indicate disordered kidneys. Foley Kidney Pills act promptly. Sold everywhere. Adv. warts, moles. Dr. llalstead, PMpps ti10 lumber that Southern Oregon block. 1:08 1 Lumber comnanv nre offering. Inouire lllook of SermonB by Dr. E. J. Ilulgln.f r vnrri. nt min Dance at Nat Wednesday night. No charge for ladies. 203 F. E. Merrick returned this morning . null! Jusf published, price $1. Leave sub- 8c,'Brllon with n.qfilfir thi wonk 9ftf. ,.r 1 '114.. I...- l 1 IUn 1 I Fir1' HJ iioianiuiu ta.iaa ui luu uuni- and professional women will meet evening nt the Nat under the nervision of Miss Stoltenberg. nhvsi- w ul training teacher of the high school. , mm H iiiituu uuuuieu. uunuur vaiu. - eI' Don't forget tile dance at Moose hall, Wednesilay, Nov. 1G, Ashland Good music by Leedom's orchestra. Admission 50c. Ladles freo. 201 A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Maco of tho Central Point dis trict at tho Sacred Heart hospital this morning. Ins'iranco Plus Service. U. A. llo!in"a .he Insurance Man. tf Dance nt Nat tomorrow night. Ladies freo. 2M Ashland now has tho championship title for Willamette valley and south ern Oregon. A chuiicngo from the Columbia university has not yet been answered, although O. A. Iirlacoe, city superintendent of schools, has do elared that tho local team will finish tho season when Ashland nnd Medford play at tho latter city on Thanksgiving day. Ashland Tidings. Eat turkey dinner before a big fire. placo, Hoguo Elk, Thanksgiving. 208 Tho Masonic nnd Eastern Star Danc ing club will hold their first dancing party on Wednesday, Nov. lGth, at the Masonic hall. This dance to bo for club members only. 203 Tonight Is tho last meeting of tile b-iok rcvlow class of tho Y. W. C. A., under tho direction of Miss Van Saul at tho public library. A large atten dance is desired. Dnnco at Nat tomorrow night. I ailles free. 2Dli : Practical Accountant will konn your accounts, largo or small, cheaper than yu can hire a bookkeeper. Compute Income tax returns. Experienced in , auditing. Itest of references. E. II. Itees. Gil llouli'vnrd, Ashland, Ore I'lione :t4K-I,. 203 A Thanksgiving entertainment will be held nt the Lincoln school Friday evening. Nov. 18th. An excellent pro gram Is being prepared; and tho pro ceeds will bo used to build a play shed for tho children. Everybody Is asked to conio and help a worthy cause along. A good time is promised. Medford grown chryBnnthomums. Miifhlov J!r Ilintmv ft7 Whether your motor is new or old, whother It bo n Ford or a Packard, Do Luxo pistons will Increase your power and decrease your vibration, oil and gas consumption. Wo guarantee tho above results. Riverside Gurngo. tf Miss Katherlno Llndley Is hero as tho guost of her cousin, Mills Kath erlno Ulrlcli. Miss Lludley's home Is in Medford Klamath Falls Herald. Hemstitching and plcotnig 8c per yard. Work done while you wait. Vanity Shop 20!) Do not forget that water rent for second ward (quarter beginning Nov. -1st), becomes delinquent if not paid today. 203 Miss Floretico Pool, county home demonstration agent, held a clothing school today with tho women of the Valley View district. Guaranteed suits and ovorcoats made to measure, $17.26 and up. Also Goodyear raincoats and top coats in tweeds, twills, worsteds, etc., for men. women and children. Prices very roii sonablo. Agents, Forsythe, Dyers it Cleaners, 11G Mistletoe. Phono 341. 208 Ilert'n brand tamales. OiiBher Cafe. Only a trace of rain foil last night. and about (ho sumo amount today. Fair weather Is tho prediction for Wednesday. When you think of Christmas giving think of giving photographs. Mackey will suvo you money. 201 East Main und Central. 20" Signature cuts for ails anil letter heads designed. H. Grey. Phono 75. from a short business trip to San Francisco, Agate lewelrv, Edgar Wight. Signature cuts for ads and letter heads designed. H. Grey. Phono 75. 9't, Among guests at the Hotel Holland are E. A. Sandburg and C. D. Gabriol- son of Portland, !. A. f nmiibell nnd It. C. Uurc.lny of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Wilder or lluffalo, N. Y., und Mrs. C. A. Girard and A. E. (llranl of Dunsmuir. Suits sponged and pressed $1.00. Dry cleaned and pressed $1.50. Let us know your wants. Forsythe Dyers & CloanerH, phono 311. Shop at 11G Mistletoe. 208 Try Grape Street Grocery opposite Davis Transfer. 101 Letters from Dr. E. .1. Ilulgin, tho evangelist who conducted tabernacle meetings with tho local churches last May, tell of a great tabernacle meet ing just recently closed in Louisville, Kentucky. Another big meeting Is being planned for Lexington, Ky., In January. Rev. and Mrs. Lewis are no longer with the party. Their placo3 aro filled by new workers. Do not forget that water rent for second ward (quarter beginning Nov. 1st), becomes delinquent if not paid today. 203 ISO samples of engraved Christmas and New Year cards. Phono 390-L or call at .125 South Holly street. Several fine catches wero reported over tho week-end. It is said tho stoelhead are taking the fly tho past lew days. Grants Pass Courier. Engraved Christmas cards. Orders must bo taken early to, insure delivery. Phono Trlhunn offlco or 3H0-L and Marty will call to show saniplos. Signature cuts for ads and letter-. I'eiuls designed. 11. Grey. Phono 15. Mr. and Mrs. William Godfrey of San Francisco, and Mrs. W. G. .McDonald of Rogue Elk. Out of town property owners: l.et mo personally make your rentals and collections. References given. M. Post office box Gill, Medford, Oro. 205 Edgar Wight, watch repairing A sterenptioon lecture on "Amer icanization" will be given at the First Baptist church Wednesday evening, which is open to all. The lecturo will be Illustrated with Gl slides, and will be of special Interest. Elbert Hubbard's Roycrofters make all things by hand. Leather, copper and books. Medford Book Store. 203-" Hemstitching 8c per yd. Buttons covered. Handicraft Shop. tf Wo aro located nt 30 North Holly street at Valley Garago. We aro agents for the new Velio Six aud have a num bor of harguinB In used cars. Your own terms in reason. IJnttery service in connection. Open Sundays and even ings. Medford Vclie Co. tf Pert Anderson returned this morn ing from Portland v.diere he attended a session of tho state fish and game commission, of which he is a member. Good culls, very large Spitz. Wood lawn Orchard. 207 Havo you ordered your engraved Xmas cards? Order now for early de livery. Your namo engraved on these cards. Phono 390-L. tf Tho Seattle Times, Post Intelligen cer, Union, Record and Star, the Fris co News, Sacramento Star nnd Union aro Mild on tho streets of there will be much business u;. f-r consideration. Kdgar Wight, reliable Jeweler. When In need of sash and doors, cull Wallace Woods, 108 or come to 711 E. .Main St. Engraved and hand-tinted Xmas card.;. Prices Co to )5c each. 150 samples to choose from. Phono 390-L. tf fhinn lllv bulbs. .Ian Art Store. A beautiful ralnb'iw was formed tho niTlhoast part of the horizon a intended to go to wink on It away. Harry IV11 it and C. E. Guthrie were here for simper on their way up to ilutle Cipek i.rehai'd and they retur.u-d ;!ie next morning for bre:ikt'ast. Mr. 1 eMi-tt informs me that Mr. Hell, who bnight tlie orchard of Mr. CoMiin ha) "old It to a man in Los A les by he name of J. A. Hanrahn-, and that iie, Mr. IVlieit expects to : rierintend ;lie work this season for the new owner. Wednesday evening Dale Honney and Warren L. Tison of Drew, anil O. R. Stewart and W. A. Stewart and (!. W. Trusty of Trail, and Thomas Given of Eag'o Point came in for hit- supper. They came out with a band i" or over a hundred head of beef cattle a taking them to Medford and had to right man who was on his way to Medjord I ran out of gasoline ami could not find : any one to sell him as the stores were j closed, but he found a r.:.. i !.; ha i so.ne in his car who divided with hi'u -and sent him on his way rejoi-in". Notice Sportsmen, don't foriret the meeting f j:n;..i B' Ciiuily Game Protective i.-:i'r:. :ee-i: n l.cijn ban, Thursdav v, i.'ng 7: M. 201 3. rMi VSl-, lit V. I. t3 : r-7. ;Fi For Constioated Bowels Bilious in Liver result c, the slisht shower ex;ie.- stop at the Geo. Given farm for p.is ienced this noon. iture and came up. to the Sunnysi.Ie for When hotter automobiles are built, suuner. beds anil hrpiikfnir In n o-.ii- Rev. Urittson and wife came out Hiilck will build them. u It. 1. Stewart, builder, contracts for all bui'dings. Residence 217 Apple street. Phone (143 'f Among tourists who have recently arrived In this city and are consider ing making their homo are Henry May iand party of Hillsboro, Ore. j The -Medford pharmacy is giving away absolutely free a fifty-cent tube of Maglac Tooth Pasto on Friday and Saturday. 205 Shingles, shakes. Medford Lbr. Co. The nicest cathartic-laxative to tonif-'ht physic yeiit- I.-iavuIs when you have i leadaelie Ililimisness Colds Imli-stion Dizziness Pour Sttftn.'ich is candy-iil-e f'asearets. Ono or two ill empty your bowels com pletely by morning and you will feel f-pli :id:d. "They work while you slece." Cnsenrets never stir you up or gripe like Walt.-;. Pills, C.ilomel, or Oil ami (bey cost only ten cents a box. Children love OtscaretH, too. Adv. EAGLE PCI EAGLETS By A. O. Kowlctt Edward D. Clark of Medford, N. I!. Stoddard of Butte Falls and Harry Gordon of Fort Klamath wero here Tuesday und all oi' them went to Hutte Falls. J. P. Millard and R. II. Jlradshaw, Medford! two doputy sheriffs came in for dinner daily by Hob Gallogan. Gullengun Tuesday. They wero out summouinp makes his headquarters In tho busi- witnesses in the Raleigh Matthews ness district of Medford and Is the ' trial. They senmed to have all they silver-voiced young man that sells the could do as they each had a great roll Portland Telegram at tho corner of of BUbpoenas. They claimed that he Front and Main from 7 a. m. to 1 : 30 j f"1"" the tri!! was over that there p. m. 20-1 would bo a hundred witnesses testify That unusual activity and Interest j'" tho case. Since the shooting of Is being taken by the Pythian Sisters ' Jncks tho interest in the case has in building up nnd strengthening their been increasing until now, Saturday from Medford Thursday morning and was met hero by his son, J. A. Ilritls ui cue of tho firm of nrittson Pros., who aro on tho P. S. Anderson farm and went out homo with him. Herb Carlton or Wellen and T. J. Spangler of Prospect, wero among the business callers Thursday, Porn, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Robin son, Nov. Sth, a ten pound boy near Eaglo Point. , H. Guebel, Western Farmer -pre-sentatlvo and poultryman of Portland, was here for dinner Thursday. He seemed to bo doing a good business ns many cf the farmers Boemed to take It. Charles Drown, ono of tho active auto ralesmon was here for dinner Thursday. Mrs. J. R. Vincent. Tom Volly, Mr. and Mis. lloyd Tucker and Jacob Con ley of Ashland, passed through hero Thursday on their way to visit R. N. Conley of Hutte Pulls, who has owned and recently sold tho old Hawk saw EAT IBS AND TAKE , SALTS FOR NDNEVS Tho young people of tho First llap tlst church will glvo a social ut the cluirch next Friday evening. The social committee Is planning n pleas ant evening for all who come. Dunce nt Nat Wednesday night. No chaine for Indies. 203 R you uro figuring on building n home, bring your plans to us for nn estimate. Our motto is "Permanent Construction nt a Moderate Cost." Ihilld a stucco liungalow. Medford "Concrete t'onslruotlon Co., offlco Jack son ( nunty Hank Hldg. 204 Robert A. Ilooth, chnlrman of the 'tate highway commission, underwent a minor operation at a Portland hospi tal Monday. A quick recovery from tho shock of tho operation Indicates that ho will be laid up for a short time only. Medford grown chrysanthemums. Mudilox & llonney. 207 The ladles of Medford are cordially invited to attend the card party at Masonic hall, Thursday p. m., Nov. 17. Admission 25c including rerreshments. 203 Tho members of tho Golden Link lliblo class will meet at tho homo of Mrs. O. W. Medley, G02 Catherine street, Thursday afternoon, Nov. 17th. All members aro urged to bo present. When In need of Bhlnglos and roor ing call Wallaco Woods, 108, 711 E. Main. Do not forget that water rent for second ward (quarter beginning Nov. 1st), becomes delinquent If not paid today. ;o3 Mrs. S. M. Hayes has returned to her home at Trail following a visit Willi her mother, Mrs. L. A. Ueutley at Ashland. She was accompanied homo by her sister, Mrs. Pool, for a short visit. Cut chrysanthemums. Jap Art store. Pumpkin pies at public market. Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Ogden left this morning for nu Indefinite stay in Cottage Grove. Mr. Ogden Is district manager for one of the largo Portland papers In southern Oregon. llert's brand tamales. Gusher Cafe. Itriglilen up your ads and business stationery, with a new signature cut designed at reasonable charge. 11 Grey, Mall Tribune. 2 Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Maurier and two children who havo spent the summer on their homestead near Hutte Falls left this morning by motor for their home In Seattle. For tho best lino of engraved and hand tinted Christmas cards call 390-1. and party will call to show samples. Trove labile, the round thread linen finish stationery in the new designs. Medford Hook Store. 203 G. W. Nichols who lives across Hear creek about three miles east of Ash land, bus purchased 88 acres of land adjoining the farm of W. E. Cox. Invest your savings a ttie Jackson County Building and .onn association. tf Colonial Garage, idorage, accessor ies, gas, greases, flushing crank cases and washing a specialty. 207 Safe 7RUA for infants nj iNViiLios k rcn A J-M-vT tf-M&S&m the Original For Infants, InTOlldsnndOrowtncCMIdn-n Irilchmllk. mulled grain extract in FWder Tho Original Food-Drlni Tor All A;cj No CooLins Noariihinj Dig.utible temple, is indicated by the announce ment that ta. iWcdnosday evening tho temple will Initiate the largest class in its history. At this time the initia tory team, which made such an attrac tive showing in the recent D. O. K. K. parade, will make its first appearance J lisbeil In initiatory work in its new uniforms. After the Initiation a unique supper will he served. ' Auto tops, cushions, curtain! lights. Medford Auto Top, No. Grape. 214 Just ns the joyous days of youth molt into tile practical yeara and aro goilo forever, so the time for kinder garten benefits if neglected now can never bo regained. Tiny Tots School. 832-W. , 20-1 Mrs. Fred Furry of Phoenix, left Saturday for Fresno nnd Hcneoia, Cab, where she will visit with relatives. Wo fix 'em. Crater Lake Automo tive Co., 123-125 S. Front St. Doors, windows. Medford Lbr. Co. MatlrosseB, furnlturo upholstering. Medl'onl Auto Top, Phono 101. 214 Ralph Perrault who has been visit ing Mr. and Mrs. John Draws and family of this city for the past week left Sunday for his home in Timmins, Out. and will visit relatives in Minne sota before reaching home. High grade tailors tor men and women. Orrna. Ashland. Oro. tf Starks IXdlolous apples $1.25 per box. Tel. 957 or call at No. 9 N. Fir St. Only a few boxes left. Campbell ,t Carley. 203 William llaniia. local agent of the Associated Oil company was busy to day r.round town sporting a new Dodge roadster, and worrying for fear It would get wet. Altu Nuylor, Goodwin corsetlore, 20 South Fir St., upstairs. Phono 91S-W. '4 210 Lath and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co. Nomination of officers will be made at the American Legion pout meeting tonight. The annual election of tho post will be held tile last nieeliug in December, and tile im.tallatt in of the new ofiicers will come at tho first meeting In January. Hemstitching Plcotlng 8c per yd. Vanity Shop. u All kinds of rough ami dressed lum ber. Wallaco Woods, phono 108. 711 E. Main St. ' The list of poslori'lce applicants for Rogue River was closed last Saturday. The following are the applicants for appointment lo that pstol'liee: Wil liam F. Carey. Mrs. Anna M. Clark. Mrs. Henrietta Sundry. Charles N. Union. Mrs. Vivian Normal lle.rto. Mrs. W. S. Torrs. James W. Whipple. Try our merchants lunch. Tho Shasta. The Coo. L. Treichler Motor Co. today received notice of reduction on . I'nited Sfitrs and Goodyear tires and: tubes and will be glad to quote the new prices to their customers. I and as there is no telling what decis ion a jury oi' twelve men will reach in a case oT that kind, but tho concensus of opinion seems to be that the jury can't help but acquit him, but 1 sup pose that by the time that this is ptib- tho decision will bo rendered ind tbn ironer-il Heh-e fw th-o thews will be exonerated from all ten-! sure. T. F. McCabo who had boen to Med-1 ford and came out Tuesday morning I wont on up toward his home on the liutto Falls stage. Mrs. John Rader nnd her daughter Mrs. Harry Stanley wero business callers nnd visiting Mrs. Rader's daughter, Mrs. Uoy Ashpole Wednes ilay. A. II. Shelby of Medford, representa tive of Baker Hamlin Pacific Co., was here Wednesday for dinner. Mrs. Charles Kllnglc of Lake creek, came out from Modfonl Thursday mor ning on the Hutte Falls stage and went up home on tho Lake Creek stage. Mrs. J. K. .McDonald, the hos tess of the 101 It Resort and Mrs. J. Double-day or Hutte Falls also were passengers on the Rutin Falls stage and Mi's. McDonald took passage' on tile Persist stage for her homo. Har vey Stanley of Eagle Point also went to Hutte Falls on tho stage, going to Rancherla Prairie ranch, the Stanley brothers having leased tho Rancherla ranch, and had his horses there and was going after Uiem to use ou the farm In this neighborhood. C. M. Situs of Salem, was also a business caller Thursday mid so was Cecil Culbertson and Henry .Meyer and family of Lake creek, on their way to Medford. Mrs. A. R. M.mley of Portland is here visiting Mrs. Roy Stanley ami the Eagle Point Improvement club met at Mrs. Roy Stanley's home Thursday nnd had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Manley and she gave the ladies pres ent a very interesting account of her Take a glass of Salts before breakfast if your Rick hurts or Bladdor bothers you. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine The Ani'ivv" w worn on must piwrrl ooiifii,'"0' . -nst Kidnpy trouble, U'caiiBC wn eat too mucti nnd all our food ia rich. Our Moo,J j3 filial vith uric nciti whic'j the iJiiuoy.s strive, to filter out, thoy weaken from overwork, become ulugyish; the cliininative tiB.s'.ic"a clop and the result Is kidney trouble,' bladder wenkneas nnd a perioral dwline iu health. When your kidneys feel liku lumps of load; your back hurls or the urine is c)oudy, full of Bciiiment or you aro obliged to seek relief t'.vo or three times during tho night; if you suffer with sick lieadocho or dizzy, nervmiii spells, acid ntomoch, or you havo rlu-umatisiu "when tho weather is bad, get from your phar macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tableapoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will -then act fine. This famous Balta is mado from tho acid of gTapea and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for fenerations to fliiBh and stimulate clofr;jed kidneys; to neutralize tho acids ia the urino bo it no longer is a source of irritation, tiius ending bladder disorders. Jad Salta is. inexpensive; cmnot in jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithia-watcr beverage, and belongs in every home, because nobody can niako a mintnke by having a good kidney Hush ing on time. 81 ALTO WILLIAM FARNUM Complete Now Show Tomorrow is Greatest Sacrifice" A powerful modern drama, with Mr. Far num portraying one of his. finest emo tional roles. TOXIfiHT Thomas Mclg;liuii in "The Continent of Canaan" in r -A . -J An Impressive Display of Model Hats and Blouses fashioned from the newest fabrics Priced from $5.00 to $18.50 The Vanity Shop Corner East Main and Eartlett JW) LATE TO ySSIF FOR S.U.H brassaw. MS Front St. MS WANTED Would like position in well c:;ta!)lislto! btliluHK Iuiuhc where t'ne advancements are jrood for the ri:;lit parly. (Wn irive ref"r-j cures. Aire 21. L'J'i Haven HI . I Medl'onl. Ore. uo,". . SQUIBB SQUIBB The House of Quality Wo carry a full line of Squibb 's Household and Pharm? ceuticals. Ask for Sqvtibb's. '.W GXP I-'OIt SAl.K Four rooms, bath com plete, furnished, IncludiiiK piano. Wood for year in hIiciI. 35 chickens, close to pavement. fill -a -ill. balance, like rent will' Kive yon possession -of stri.'tly mod-J cm bungalow, hardwood floors, fire-: pliuv, on pavemout. j ('. S. IH TTKHFIIOI.I). 2H I ISO ilV( Tel. rooms i:.'-.I-2. on 2i.il i 1-:U KIONT Hoi pavement, i;aia. FOU KAl.li! Civjd payinf; business, small capita! required. Sirkness Is rcas'in fir s"ll;ns. Hox C, Mail Tri bune. 107 WANTF.tl 'leneral office work bad evpt'rietice. Plume (7"'-W Have Put Your Tire On Your Wheel and it will give you the very best of 'oad servVe. It is the kind of tire that is made to run and wear, not i.iercly to look well. Comes in nil the wanted sizes and treads, non-skid, cord, etc. A guaranteed make. Haywood Tire Surgeons V. 1). llulies 33 X. Grape h : 19 .Xdelliert a Meilford IUH 11. Mrs. I'd ul Hansen. ulloiie. l'hone 5S5-.I Dr. H. K. Murphy, Woolworth store. I-'lliot of I-'oois Civek was liusiness visitor this fore-i cirsctlcro .iiiiini;. i niess you see the name llilyer" on nat kauc nr on l.-ihl,TM v.-in nn noi i;cuin genuine Aspirin pre-i s.-ribod 1 - thvi,d:ins for twenty-one ' years ami proved wife by millions. I Take Aspirin only as tol.l in the Itiiv- packaue for Colds, Heaibu-lie. Xrn. , aontlst. ralKia. Klicuni.uism. l-:arat h. '",i,,t!i nche. l.in-,!wi(; :lm f,,r l-ain. H.nuly tin boxes of (wi-lve lUiycr Tablets of Asoirlti eost few rents. Prinruists also s.-ll l.ircer paek.iKes. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Mayer Manufacture ef Monoac.-tirarl.lesn.r of Snli. ylirarid. Adv. Tin. "KTII.KTTO" -Alark mi a Tonl is a ( iu;irantco that it is the Lu'st nf its Kind mado. It means l'ottcr THE GUARANTEE n-nt will 1'c niailc freo may ithvc defective- that defective tool f charge the only must lc Fhone SCO l?el.hc-i fill Tunis 1 hat coiidit ion liein returned to us. TRADE AT HOME lower iiriees. ln-tter service and increased wealth for the OLD HO MK TOWN". Southern Oregon Hardware Co. Sporting Goods 203 W. Main i.