1 BRINGING - here: the Riimm-- In the Circuit Court of the State of ure&uu mi ua:suii uounty. Euil Moore, as executor of the Last Will and Testament of Sarah s Moore, deceased. Plaintiff, vs. Aus tin L. Tavlor and ll,lan t,,.i.!, .,.. wife. Defendants. To Austin L.. Taylor and li.i0 Taylor, his wife, Defendants: In the name qf the State of Oregon: You are hereby 'summoned, to anneal- in the above oulitled'CourL and tw n,i answer the cnmnlnini f w, L,,u Jlct III- iff on file therein against you within jIy wppks from OitMlioi. lot ,no, . ... Jot Lnit date of the first publication of thlB junmions. You are further notified that if vnl. fall to appear and answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid the plaintiff will apply to the Court for rhe relief demanded In sni,i ,. .i..,.. ... vuiiiiimmi, !a succinct statement of which Is aa pnows: mat me uourt decree that ulalDtiff- holdR a. Hpn mu,, j I luiiun" ins described property situated and being in the County of Jackson, state of Oregon, to-wlt: u'Tlie Southwest quarter of the vorlheast quarter, the Snnihn., per of the Iorthwest quarter, iho Northwest quartor of the Southeast niorler and the Northeast nimrt ,.r khe Southwest quarter r.f So.n fhlrty-two (32) in Townshin Thlrrv. 'Jlir 1341 SOUth Of Ttnntra . - .ui)D x'fiir tf West of the Willamette Meridian in lackson County. Stnto nf n..,,,,,.., . . u,vhuU i;uil- lainlnir one hnmlrofl nlvt,, ni!,ii hko an uucnes and water rights to tarn premises belonging or in anywise iiijjbi mining uiereto ror Irrigation pur Klges." in. the sum nf tnnnil nn Rnterest thereon at the rate of six per rem- per annum trom April 5, 1920 logether with costs and disbursements :f this suit, and 220n nn nt, ..,... ees for the prosecution thereof. 2. That said prejnlses be ordered old In the manner provided by law nd' the proceeds of said sale bo np- ucu iu me sausiacuon or Bald Hen. i. i nat the purcuaser of said prem--es at said sale he iiarnn,i n i, .... itled tp the. immedbate possession Bereof, free and clear of all riirht itle. interest nr patntn n.v oni.i ants, or either of them, and that both f said defendants be forever barred Ind foreclosed from nil i.irri,t ,oi .i tterest ifl and to. snlu- premises, ex- yn. um riKiic oi redemption from said lie as nrOVfderl hv Inn, 1. ' j , am, iui miuii iner and further iw i. n, py, deem just and equitable. uaie or urder for Publication of this amnions is September 28th, 1921. WM. S. CROWELL, Aiedrord' National Hank nMo- ri, Oregon. - , " OR REXT FU11XISHEJ) ROOMS JIl RENT Large, comfortable sleep- 'e 100m, with bathroom privileges, at 325 S. Riverside. 185 0tt RENT- -Sleeping room. 315 S. 1S5 Riverside. AVANTGO -SITUATIONS j ANTE D PI n I n . 1, 1 n iz" , . T ufi.aoitt.nuif,, toil O. jy- . ass ANTED Refined lady wishes posl "on as housekeeper for widower or 8ingle mBn! (tVlwHaniurl In nft n- huntry. Mrs. Ida M. Stewart. Med- "iu, uih uen. ijei. is HEIiP WANTED Malq.and Female ANTED Al ,.ll "ij r, ' 1, . "''I' iv.ivuia. uuiu IIUIIKR Orchard. Phono S-J-t. 1S8 ANTED M illfnra moii inA rt'Kn ,t.l,n handla nitiiinc ,ni,i '. .1,. hfneral farm work inevnorionxpii Pll not aillllv Wrllc fnr i,llli. IJf5 Steady work. C. P. Coleman, " ", Lakeside. Ore. 1S9 t-- 'TEt Apple pickers at Wester- - "ituarus. rnone s-e-z. ' JN'TED Apple pickers for long Job, transportation. Phone S-R-l. vittck urcnard. ETED Apple pickers and packers L- Minnas uamy. JTED Experienced packers nnd J makers. Oregon Growers Pack- . "-"I'eraiion. help wanted female Wc See STE9 Kxpenenced waitress pollanrt (Info 20D r . , . . mmmmmMMi rrr LIL lTKD Wnitress. Hotel ledford 1 n-J"8"1 FORCED SALE WHY RENT? 200 Acres Stock, Grain, Alfalfa Ranch ' rmcK $j,.-ioo inn00 Cash' Ba'nnce terms. SO acres in cultivation. All good grain alfalfa land; some in aifalfn. Well located near Pacific High- bari1"1 RoSU8 River. This place must be sold. It Is a genuine There Is wood enough on place to pay for It. Good spring lor 0llt ran8e- Well fenced with woven wire. Good barn. Water one irrigation. This is sure a bargain In good land. ItOGUK HlVKn T-AXI) CO, Nash Hotel Comer ME UP FATHER Lt WANTED Wood cutlers or will sell stumpase. Gold Hny Uealty Co., iBicj.nuiiu i.s-lt or 134-Y. 183 WAXTED Carpenter. Appl-a7 Jack son County Creamery. iss YvAXrhDA rust class general fruit man in the public market at Klam nth halls. Ore. Address Marl;e Mter. j S5 WANTe"d-T1ip Weed Lumber ConT Daily, Weed, California is employing a Huge number of hands for their hash, Dnod and llox Factories and Aencer Plant, offering steady em P oyment with advancement tq em ployes seeking a 'permanent resi dence. All interested parting are requested fi communicate with the eed Lumber Company, Weed, Cali fornia. 19,,i WAXTED Factorj rspresentatTvo tor ! one of the most popular ii cylinder f fHIMI V V- I II Ui automobiles will be in Medford In a lew days tn nlnc ,..r,. , locality. The right kind of man need. ",lve mucn money to take ad vantage of this opportunity but must nave good references, unquestioned honesty and lots of push. Russell H. Lawson Auto Co., 354 East Uroad- uiuuuu, ure. - 27'' WA XT KI MlhCJOl AjA XEOUS WAXTED ro exchange first-lass for fir-jt-nlticti n n.ni.,.i.. furniture Liberty Dldg. 183 WAXTED Furnished room with heat in ft. Home nrivilnirps &tl,i00 nnv ,94, Mail Tribune, stating price. 181 WANTED To lease or DiiyNo7 1 Little Giant audi some 8-Inch pipe Phone 950-W or 3S3-R, evenings. 183 WANTED To give you our special price on recovering car tops. Med ford Tent & Awning Works. 128 N. Grape, Medford. WANTED Hout. mortut nd re pairing. Phon 4&8-M or 488-X. tf WANTED This wK, n Ford can, muro uienanaa, to guarantee against punctures and blowoutst by Installing Universal Tire Filler. 110 11.. niTeiniae. rnone Hs-M. tf FOR RKXTrARMS 1'OR RENT 2000 acre alfalfa, grain ami siock ranch, fine dairy ranch, 10 miles from Medford on river, rail road and Pacific Highway. Gold nay Realty Co, telephone 728-R or 183 FOR RENT 200 acre bearing apple ami pear oronard. p. o. Box 1091. ' 183 FOR RENT 200 acre ranch. Inquire 127 S. Grape, Medford.fl IS:! FOR RENT Beariag Boar and apple orcnarus, ricn river bottom land from 5 acres up, suitable for pota roes, enhnnco nn1 .nriliinln shares. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 10-11 UI J.dl-1. FOR RENT Farm, on Blackwell HIU. on iiaved state highway, 4 miles north of Central Point. Good orch ard. apples, peaches, nliims. nrain and vineyard, and large acreage of grazing lanu tor stock. Inquire for terms. 222 S. Holly after 5 p. m. 191 FOR RENT OHara ranch a Tolo, river bottom land. .1,1 flpwa nlrnlfa also 200 acre bearing pear and apple orennru; also grain land. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R or 134-Y. tf 'y AceouMina fj MRVrCElQ: Sy InvestmeAts J YSTEM, ff Insurance. ? HELP AVAXTFI)-- MAI v I ' "" ' j 1 - ' . " '"" " I 1 1 J . ' ' FOR RKXT HOlSrs 1USIXESS OPPORTUNITIES : M -V I'llll u.l' ui i-w . J, .,..77777"" " : m. P, rhoMr nit I SCHMnT, Mer. Iilborty Bldit. Gold Coin Quartz ' and Placer Association buy mid sell mining: properties. us. Tcnipor I.lhcrtr Hide Temporary Offlco .MMlford J. C. BARNES Phone 784-L Real DTYVR Df A TT. T1.TTjtTN"B. ! ; n m r , ' , . : til 111 ' 1 - lDC ' 1 " i ii i i, FOR REXT Kumlshed garage, chicken house house. 122 Cottage. FOR REXT H room boNise T,.nnit house furnishing fiOO. Discount if oaHh. Furnished rooms bringing SU per month. Call, or write Y, care Mall Tribune. Jsa i OR REXT OR SALE 5 roomed fur- iiisnen nouse. Phone 147-R between n and 5 p. m. , 1H6 FOR RENT rFurnlshed houli oh i-ann St. lnqulie 838 W. Second. 18:1 WAXTEIJ Apple soneT'sT" Phone Mlravista 597-J-3. , VOll IiliXT Mjst-fcLLAXKOLS FOR REXT Furnished rooiiiiiic anil boarding, house. D-30, cai-e Tribune. vnu h R HiuN 1S3 -Twn fir tlirau , ant large rooms, unfurnished, Phone 87-R or 374. i. t'Olt K.tCHAXGK WILL TRAM Medford home or laTnch for good automobile. Teleiihone 728-11 or 134-Y. 1S3 FOR EXCHANGE Trnde7yrTar or home. I have n- lot leased to the Standard Oil Co., 1-6 royalty nirl close to the Bolsa Chlca 20,000 bai rel gusher. Cash value $1200. snecu. lallve value $25,000. If you have a - home or car worth the money call for, O.'.W. ChiSUlll.'418 S. flnkwlnlo .i 183 FOR TRADE Deere riding gang plow for hay or fqneing. Phone 517-L. ISS FOR TRADE 20 ncrts in . Willow , Springs district for vacant lots-in Medford. Campbell & Curley, No 9 N. Fir St. . tf iiosa- I-OST Sepctacles between Page the atre and Interurban Station. Finder return to Mail Tribune office. 1S4 LOST Bunch of keys. Ftndnr nio!.o, return to Mail' Tribune office. Re ward. , JCJ LOST Red iiillholder containing nln. lures and O. A. C-. student body tickets. Return to 110 N. Central. Reward. "1x4 FOUND FOUND By the jiolice, several bi cycles wnicn. we are holding at our Office. Anyone losing wheels please call and prove property. 83 goooooooooooooocra Used Automobile Bargains One Hudson Speedster, 1920, perfect mechanical condi tion. Come in and look it over. Price $1650.00 One good 1918 Oakland Light Six Touring Car. Price ?550.00 One special body Ford Bug. Price $290.00 A Maxwell Touring Car in !' good running order. Price $350.00 One 1918 Chevrolet Touring Car in excellent condition. Price $250.00. Busy Corner Motor Co. Main and Itivcraide joooooooc)Ooxxocooixooooodo I 11 . . . . .. - W . I . - .inv r.liU.1,1 '.ULM III N Mi UU 1 1 1 1 I. I T I ,r run ltl-;. h'nTloliA.i r ,...... i oiivia I luum HUUtie, prase, chicken house and wood nouse. i Cottage. . , m COUNTRY HOME Two Acres close In With all of the City Conveniences Two story plastered house: living room. dininr nm in.i .. , rooms, sun room, large sleeping porch, heating plant, electric light, city water, good barn, chicken Louse ! good garden. ",,t lViced or quick. Rale at $1,200.00 BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. ' Injiiii'anro 113 West ilaiu Street KstiKe AfRDTTT?D. PRECOX, FOR SALii, Shoe shop, fully equipped doing good business. Prii'e.i iglit for quick sale; have other' interests. Call or write W. L. Chapin, 515 E St., Grants Pass, Ore. JSd FOR SALE, LEASE OR EXCHANGE iO-rooin hotel and M business rooms, pnrtly furnished: only hotel in town 1000. Telephone 72S-R or 1'OR SALE Forced to sell Intoroet good paying business, small capitiil. Uox 771, .Medford, Oregon. iss TOR SALE On account slckncss7"v:. interest In irrmrl niivimr i,,iutnat,u i Address P. O. Box S02,' .Medford, Ore MOXKT TO LOAX F. P. FARRELL Lawyer, Secretary Treasurer Medford National Farm 1-oan Association, 220 W. Main St. IX) LOAN' J. B. Andrews louns money on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone 03-M, 31 North Grape Btreet; FOR. (SALIC AlTOMOIlll.l PflR CAI mm i., , .... "' u'y iaia rum, line condition, 1 $275. Phone 73, Sunday, Mr. Thomas. I 183 1 ' FOR SALE 1921 Dodge car puf chased I I ') nines, practically j new. Cord tires, spotlight, nnd lock. "L ?miuu. r irst come nrst served. Call 991, or 385. 184 FOR SALE 1921 Ford -one-ton truck, like new; or will trade for Dodge touring. Call office wagon show grounds this week. Mr. Owens. 183 FOR SAL.E Ford touring car. new 19i model, run 200 miles, guaran teed O. K. Price $487. Geo. W. ; Hanes, Palace -Hotol, Grants Paps. 0,'eSi- 183 J'UK BALE 1919 Ford touring. $335. Address Box H: II., Mail Tribune. ' ' 187 FOR SALE HOM ICS FOR SALE Six room modern lnuse, completely fin nlslic.l. Immediate possession. 121 Kenwood Ave. 183 FOR SALE 4 room house, electric lights, garage and two lots cheap. Phone 403-X-2. 18J FOR SALE 6-room bungalow; several lots. B. Witchor, 319 E. Main St., Modford. Phono 424-M. - 18G FOR SALE Six room bungalow: im mediate possession. 343 Apple St. ' ' ' ' 18C .uk. oALrJ $2o0 casn and $20 per month will buy you a home, large lot, four . large rooms and bath; screen sleeping porch. See Campbell & Carley, No. 9, N. Fir St. ' FOR SALE House and one lot: 1106 i-tiamic f5l. 18 FOR SAL-r-r-Houses and bungalows. furnished or unfurnished: also acre age. C. S. liutterfleld.. Phone 210. FOB SAL& LIVESTOCK FOR SALI3 Fox terrier dog puns. 110 euun. ijouoie uuggy harness J12. oauyia jiorman, JacKsonvllln, i 185 FOR SALE Good young cow giving mini now. rnone 8J FOR SALE 10 extra good milk cows nlso young Guernsey bull and cream separator. Will Bell separately. Walsh's place one miles N. E. of Medford on Crater Lake road. 191 FOR SALE Youna milk mw t,mi fresh. Inquire Bert Stancliff, Phoenix lo4 FOR SALE Klrtland Farm is offering for sale cheap one registered two year old black Perchoron stallion, mruu ny neto, tne best imported , black Percheron In the valley, or will sell Ketab. These are priced so they will pay for themselves next year. We have some young teams for sale also. Will sell a few regis tered milking shorthorn cows and heifers, two bull calves sired by r'oothllls Corporal, the grand cham pion of the Pacific coast. Write, phono or come to see . us. J E Mason, su;;t. Phone 1D-X-3 Central Point. bath and inii " . . Xouiry Public SATURDAY. OCTOBER FOR SALE Team of horBes.-haraess and Wagon, 10 and 'If vears -.old, weight UOO;. tor $1.50. Phone-SS5. 1S4 ! OR SALE Three choice milk cows cheap if sold at once. J, 11, Stevens iol, Oregon. S3 FOR SALfi; Registered Shorthorn Jiulls and registered Hampsliire "o sauoie noises and work horses Call on or writo Ross H. Iund, Jlouutcrest Ranch, Hilt, Calir. tf FOR SALE Cheap for cash, heavy team and outfit: Arthur Fitch. Jack- sonvlllo. , 104 l'OK SAI.lCniOAL ESTAI'H FOR ..ALE 13 good town lots, wag ons and harness, home buildings. All this going cheaii. C. T. Kdv Plmu St., P. O. llox 1076. 85 FOR SALE -3 lots. with fruTtTuTiies. anil grapes in u desirable part of Ashland; plenty of rough lumber 011 lots to build good house. Q, W . Milam, Phoenix. 181 FOR SALE 1 aero tract, 2 miles out. under ditch, good road, snap at . $125. Phone 517-L. ' . 1S8 FOR SALIC 30 acres about 4 miles from Central Point. 16 acres of rich bottom land. Paid up water right for 13 acres. G room bungalow. Good barn. This is a snap at $2500; Terms on part. Phono Pierce at 01 i-ij or jud. FOR- SALE Homestead relinquish ment 1G0 acres fir, yellow and sugar Pino timber; cruised to over 1,000 000 feet. Southern Oregon, close to unto road; nearly all level; fine game and fish Bection. Bargain, $70u cash quick sale. 251 First St Room 8, Portland, Oregon. 187 FOR SALE 6ft . mi i ,,." tion deeded water right: 5'4 acres - -j .i in i.uiiivu ..... i. on pum-a hi years old, 10 acres alfalfa, 8 room house, insured, for 3300; 14 mile to school, 1 14 miles to store. Good terms. D. O Fred erick, Snider Dairy & Produce Co.tf FOR SALE 10 acres first class hind One-half inlln frnn, nil,, .-....,.. ,..11., ... ....... ..limn, 911JUU. 'erms- Campbell & carley, No. 9 .11 oi. tf FOR SALE Lease nun excliange real """" "Qin nay Realty Company. FOR SALE Good? ranches. See .leiore buying, j. B. Andrews, 31 . urnpe Bt. Phone 03-M. tf rOT SALE Alralra. train nH nnni miuues rrom o.uo per acre np; long time, easy paymenU. Gold Ray nimiiy uo.' tf BAI'K MISCELLANIOOrs FOR SALE White iron bedstead, coil "i ugs, mattress, whllo dresser, oal locKer, ixa rug, all nearly new. 340 naven St. jg TOR SALE All kinds of apples; also ''"one ui'i-J-a, u. w. Isaacson tf" FOR SALE 9 large geese. 12 llarred "ens, laying. 1. c. Graham, uox 8u, jiedford, Ore. 183 FOR SALE Cottage. Canned fruit. Call 122 IS FOR SALE Ix)W iron whi.nl Phone 314-Y. wajon. 183 FOR SALE Three and nnn.hnir i,m Federal truck. Good tires, good shape, $1500. -your own te,.lna Phone 07. .... , j8. FOR SALE Rronze' torn, nmi h. from large stock: also Tolouso goose Mrs. S. P. llarneburg. 8i; FOR SALE Annie cbler. nnrl wml grape juice, both muscat and tokay Phone 22 R, Soda Works, 10G 8. uartiett St. ... tfJ FOR SALE Choice Bellflower npples ; delivered. In' Medford $1.25 per box. i jjuii. nenu in orders. FOR SALE 200 locust fenp r u.,.i iu m. acnmiut, Jacksonville. ' ' 183 FOR SALK Savage .303 rlflo 125 cash: n i simpe. uail Iti'J. J87 FOR SALE Squash. J. A. Manke, Just jam oi Jacksonville,- adjoining Clancy orchard. jjjj REAL VALUES IN '' USED CARS Chevrolet Touriaj $325.00 Maxwell Touring $350.00 Studebaker Roadster $400.00 Overland Service .....'..: $200.00 Patton and Kobinson, Inc. 1021 By George McManus FOR SALE FordBou tractor, good aB new, $525. Phone 5 F-4 or address llox 07, Eagle Poiut, Ore. ' 188 FOR SALE Well pump with Inquire 018 King St, pipe. 183 FOR SALE At a bargain, fine Kim ball piano, one uoo niuimi mr. 7 years old, new U. S. cream separator i u num rancu, ri. 34 1 KK SALE One Fuller Johnson gas "-iigiui., 1 myers tloep well pump, 1 galvanized water tank, 1 Vclie hack. Phono 201-Y. tr. FOR SALE Kegs and barrels, fir and r white oak. Soda Works. 106 S. liartlett St. 392 FOR SALE Pure brod White Plym outh Rock chickens: a year old Alr dale bitch.- Call 904-Xi -- . tf tOH SALE Sand, gravel,, sediment aim uirt. Plowing und teuming work uuiib, i-iuino aia-j, samuel Bate man, 302 Maple St. FOR SALE Apples ana pears from uuc ier uox and up, in Medford: at orennru 2f,c and up. Gold Ray jimmy uo. Phone 728-R or 134-Y. tf BUSINESS DIRKCTORY Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & VAN VORI8 AnsirBcts or Title. Rooms 8 and 5, No. 22 -North Central- Ave,, up etalra. Jackson County AIWTIIACT CO. Tho only complete Ti tle System In Jackson County. Abstracts of Tltlo and Title Insurnnco , Attorneys PORTER. J. NEFF AUorney-at-law. iuuma una , Meoiord National attiM MUUQing. A. R. REAME9 Lawyer, Garnett Ci-y allGlng. O. C. OOS Real Estate, law and aeciieiaent or estates a specialty; WINF1SLD R. ntn-nim i ' Ream 7 Palm block, 107 Uast Mala ni., ueaiara.' 0. M. THOMAS Lawyer. Rooms 1-2-3 uMiiKBuu uo. uanK Bldg. Medford Oregon. Phono 43-J. ELIJAH H. HURD Lawyer. Office: ait a. a H. Bldg. ' Architect FRANK C. CLARK- -219 W. Mala at. Phone J41-J. Auto Supplies LAHER ADTO BPHINO CO. We are uperaung the largest, oldest and east equipped plant la tae Pacific rtkw.it. Ilia .r ..-i... others fall. Bold under wrlttea guaraatesd. 34 North FUteeath ., rertlaag, Oragea. liulldinjc Materials MEDFOKb CEMENT BRICK buvuk. WORKS speoill7.e In aL kinds of cement building products Cor. Fir and Tenth Street Chiropractor OR. A. BURKLUND tlhlrnnronlnp Special attention to Castro-Intestinal Diseases Chronic Indigestion, and constipation. These conditions re spond readily to tho art, science, and philosophy of chiropractic. No drugs, no surgery, no osteopathy. Suite 3, 4, and 6 Sparta Uldg., office phone 285. Chiropractic Physician JOfJETT P. I1RA V .11 ralihl fhl-V- practlc, rooms 42S-426 M. F. & H Building. 9 to 12 a. in.', 2 to B p. m .,' daily except Tuursdayi Phone 680. DR. HAVERY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic nnd Electro-Therapy. 427-28 Aledford Rldg. Phone 905. tf D1-. A- R. HEDORS Neo-EclectlC Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES 'Naturopathic Chiropractor. Me chano Therapy, Sxindylotherapy, Food Sclonces, Chlrouractlce. Office Stewart llldg., 235 East Main St i milieu: UltlCfl J7u, re8 170J.. Milcllty ami Surety Ilonds- FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS execute all forma of bonds McCnrdv Insurance Aaencr Hoofers UIIAHAM & WILSON-Practlcal roof ers i-none 209. 103. E, Eleveuth, -ledford, Ore, t v:ok FIVK CONTRACTORS Nm job to large Bi te Hall. Rair wrk promptly in: Built-in features a specialty. ' all and oee. Busbore Jones, 201 1 R. RIvnrHlde. Phona DcntLsts DR. J. M, KEENH DentlBt. Office M. F. & H. llldg. Office hours: 10; a. m.. 4 d. m. Phone 318J. DR. VICTOR R. KAUFMAN Dentist. Teeth cleaned, ethically and thor oughly without charge. Special at- ' tentlon to children's teeth and pyor rhea treatment. Emergency' calls answered at all times. Office hours , ' a- m- to 5 p. m., evenings 7 'to' ft rnuui'B urnce 280 res. 331-R. Sparta llldg., c Main, Medford. cor. RlverBide und Kxiiert Accountant WILSON- AUDITINQ CO. E." M. WlV son. Oi P. A. Attention glyen U' anything In Accounting and fncome Tax requirements. . Look Into oar iiupiiuea accounting, method. Llb erty Bldg., Medford. Phone IB 7-R, Form Loan , Bonds FINANCE THE AMERICAN FARMER uufiug mrm ixian. Bonds. Pro. ceeds to make additional farm loani and Improve agricultural conditions Terms and particulars, K.' H. HurL Seoy-Treas., 411 M. F. H. Bldg, Medford. ' Instruction In Music FRED ALTON HAIOHT Tcaolier of. imiuu unn narmony. Special coprs in popular music. The Watermal System, Haight Music Studio exclu sive representative. 313 Libera Building,' Medford, Ore. ' Mosan Art Rugs MOBAN RT RUO'CO. wi"we"aT? rugs from old carpets and rugs ant elean all rugs. "Rugs we cl.au an dean when we clean them." , 111 W. Tenth, phone. 180. Free .ell' ery. . ' . .' Optometjiut E. ' a BLWOOD Hniliia ' ' a. tested, glasses . furnl.hee, reniti' duplicated. 3H B. Main. , ... . 71 Osteopatlia usteopathlo PhyaJ elans, 4 1 6-4 1 7 Garnatt-Oore filag i Phone 904-L. Resldnea t LanioJ St. ' OR. W. W. UOWlkn (i.i,u..r Phyalelaa.. gaeclal attantlea trira ts i eye, ear, aese aad threat,, itf Llherty. hulljllag. Phoaa 4)l,v PkjrsJclaBs aad Sargeeas T. G. HBINH, M., D. Payslclaa aaj .. ,r,r' PB'ty. aye, Mar, Nose, and Throat, Glasses sciSBUflcally: i,iv, nnroporly aajusted. Oftlaa R. J. J.', gtUMB.NS Fayaiciau. aat 1 argeta. . Praotice llaaltea la aya.' Um c"l7 U,ted nd ' ( aup-V Plied, enlist and Aurist far I. P. j Co- P. H. Bldg. Pkaae DR. WM. W. P. Hni.T'w. 1...-- and Surgeon. Offices M. F. It H Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 111 Genesee St. Phone 160-J-a. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the' uuippea printing office la Bouthern Oregon. Book buidlag, lOOaa leaf lnrienra hlllln etc. Portland prices. 117 N. nr 8t Rug AVcavlug MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS "" "U" rugs from old' and worn carpets and rugs. ! Phone HQ-Mi 706 Pine St . Storage EXPRESS AND STORAOE at tut -orrice uarage, 2.-Z6 South Fir 8U Medford. Phone 608. . T GADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 43 North Front at. Phoue 115, Prices right. Service guar anteed. .. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAOW i-". Jioyiuing moved day or Bight. Service guaranteed. 29 8'. Oraue. ril,ono: 0KiC8 644 ot res. 647-R or -06. ' Undortakcra PBRb FUNERAL HOMR-Cor s7x -u uaiw, AoiDulance aerTlua,