Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 22, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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A novelty number of the George An
drews Complimentary concert at the
page theatre on Tuesday evening next j
will be a half-hour act entitled "A I
Night in Spain," in which a group of j
singers and others will be featured in i
singing, dancing and pantomime, in
beautiful costumes and with special ;
lighting effects. This will be one of;
the most enjoyable turns ever present- j
ed in Medford. Spanish beauties of
every type and gay cavallieros will !
wield fans and tambourines, guitars!
and castanets in a reproduction of the j
atmosphere and romance of Old Spain
which always appeals to the imagina
tion of auditors in every land. Spain
lias never produced a great composer
of its own, but all of the world's great
composers have made use of Spanish
folk-music, with its warmth of color
and fascinating rhythm, the very soul
of mUBic, a spontaneous growth out of
the hearts and lives of the people of
the land of the Alhambra,
The old reliable firm of "Potash &
Perlmutter," in their now role as man
agers of a New York theatrical book
ing office, will havj their hands full
with the vagaries and ambitions of
aspiring Hamlets and unheard-of
vaudeville ,headiners, temperamental
prima donnas and struggling geniuses
of every variety known to stage life.
An enlarged orchestra of the picked
musicians of the city, under the able
direction of Wilson Waite, has been
rehearsing for two weeks especially
for this occasion. The orchestra, In
addition to accompaniments, will have
two special numbers on the program,
which will provide a treat for all lov
ers of instrumental music. Medford
has occasion to bo proud of Its orches
tral organization, and the performance
Tuesday evening will mark a further
advance in Its position as a musical
The last rehearsal of the Choral
society will be held on Monday even
ing, at the Presbyterian church; a full
attendance is expected. The final
touches of preparation for the first
numbers on the program will be given
at this rehearsal.
The box office of the Page is open
today, from 12 until 5, for the ex
change of advance sale tickets for seat
reservations. The remaining seats will
be on regular sule at the box office
afterward, beginning today at the reg
ular box office hour.
A conference will be held in the
Presbyterian church on Wednesday
of next week October 26th at which
visiting delegates will be present
from the nearby Woman's Missionary
Societies and churches of Jackson
ville, Jhoentx, Ashland, Central Point
Rogue River and Grants Pass and
possibly Klamath Falls. Outside
speakers to be present are "Mrs. C
W. Williams, recently of Minneapolis
but now the field representative of
the Woman's Board of Foreign Mis
slons in the states of Washington,
Oregon and Idaho, Rev. W. H. Amos
of Portland assistant superintendent
o Home (Missions in Oregon and
Rev. Weston T. Johnson of San Fran
cisco, who is Pacific Coast represen
tative of the Board of Foreign Mis
Mrs. Williams is in exceptionally
strong speaker and worker an it
will be a rare treat for the women
of Southern Oregon to meet and hear
her. The women of the Missionary
societies of those various churches
are to meet at 2 p. m. and will have
two hours of conference with Mrs.
Williams. The later part of the af
ternoon from 4 p. m. and the eve
ning sessions will be given over to
discussions and addresses by the rep
resentatives who will bring to us a
vivid picture of the great organized
agencies of the Presbyterian church
and their far-reaching work. A sup
per will be served by the women of
the Missionary Society assisted by the
Woman's Association of the local
church for visiting delegates and
local people who can be present.
B. M. Morton, deputy United States
court clerk, as do all the other officials
and attaches of the court from Judge
C. E. Wolverton down, who have been
on duty at the southern Oregon session
of the court for the past two weeks,
will return to Portland with regret, for
they have greatly enjoyed the local
hospitality, surroundings and climate.
Morton distinguished himself late
last Wednesday afternoon while fish
ing at the Rogue river at the High
-ajiks with Chief Deputy U. S. Mar
shal John D. Mann, Postmaster Wm. J.
Warner and Assistant Postmaster Cliff
Beckett by landing a gamey 4 pound
steelhead which gave him a lively 20
minutes scrap before being safely
It was bis first experience at steel
hpad fishing and the upstate man was
so enthusiastic over his catch that he
had the fish dressed and on exhibition
around the federal building all day
Thursday, after which he expressed it
to Mrs. John D. Mann at Portland to
be served on the Mann table after be
and Mr. Mann return home.
I'fcJi Jk . A one
- Friendly BURLEY
" Gentlemen TURKISH
The perfect blend of the three
perfect cigarette tobaccof .
,in .one perfect cigarette
Sunday is set aside at the First Bap
tist church as "Church Building Sun
day." The morning service will be
given over to a platform meeting when
the plans for the new building will be
outlined. Mr. Aubrey G. Smith will
speak on what Sunday school features
will be made prominent, while Lester
Merriman, president of the B. Y. P. U
will point out how the new church will
be made to serve the young people,
and Mrs. J. H. Dittemore, president
of the Woman's Auxiliary, will speak
on the social features which will be
possible in the new building, and Rev
F. R. Leach will give some facts of
special interest to the people. The
public are Invited to this service which
will be of interest to the entire city.
St. Mark's Episcopal
Cor. North Oakdale and Fifth Sts.
8 a. m. Holy communion.
10 a. m. Sunday school.
11 a. m. Holy communion.
Wm. B. Hamilton, Vicar.
M. E. Church, South
Oakdale and Main streets.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Classes
for all. Dr. Roberts, supt.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in.
by the pastor, W. J. Fenton.
Central Point Christian Church
Bible Bchool 10 a. m. Mrs. Victor
Bursell, supt.
Preaching services at 3 p. m., by
L. E. Millard of Medford.
Evang.-Luth. Zion's Church
Fourth St. below Oakdale Ave.
Rev. Dr. W. R. Morenz-Ocscr. Pastor.
Res. 518 West Fourth St.
XXII. Trinity Sunday. ,
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Divine service 11 a. m.
You and yours are cordially invited,
First Christian Church
Cor. Ninth and Oakdale.
Dell Ely Millard, Minister.
Bible school services 9:45 a. in. Her
bert Berrian, supt.
Morning worship and sermon 11 a
m. Subject, "Indelible Deeds. Solo
by Miss Margaret Yiigor.
6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. The
young people's service.
7:30 p. m. Evening sermon. Sub
ject, "The Danger of Doubt." Special
music by the male quartet. Tennyson's
poem, "Crossing the Bar."
Catholic Church
. South Oakdale Ave.
First mass Sunday at 8 a. in.
Second mass at 10:30 a. m.
Evening services at 7:30 p. m.
The forty hours devotion will begin
at the second mass on Sunday and end
at tne evening services on Tuesday
he masses on Monday and Tuesday
mornings will be at 6:30 a. m. and 8:30
a. m. Evening services at 7:30 p. m
The Rev. Albert Carmody of Corval
lis will preach the sermons during the
Four'y Hours.
Rev. John Powers
The work of organization of the
county and the city if Medford for the
5th Annual Membership Roll Call of
tho American Red Cross, Nov. 11th
and 25th, has been going on for the
past three weeks. The various
branche have been visited and they In
turn have selected those who will
have charge of the campaign in their
own communities.
Tho following Is the list of branches
visited, with the names of those in
charge of the roll call: Ashland, Mrs.
E. Pell, Mrs. C. Pierce and Mrs. A. H.
Pracht: Phoenix, Mrs. Wm. Carlcss;
Jacksonville, Mrs. G. A. Gardner;
Eagle Point, Mrs. R. G. Brown; Rogue
River, Mrs. Earhart, Mr. Brown, prin
cipal of Rogue River high school;
Lake creek, Mrs. Harry Young; Tablo
Rock, Mrs. McBrido.
A meeting will bo held in the Ruch
school house on Saturday evening at
which time the Ruch and Applegate
branches will organize for work. A
meeting is scheduled for Central Point
on Thursdayevenlnc, Oct. 27, and Gold
Hill will be visited within the next
few days.
A group of women met at Red Cross
headquarters Friday afternoon, at
which time committees were appointed
and work outlined for the campaign in
the city of Medford. The committoe
in charge is as follows: Mesdames
Tumy, Hanby, Noblitt, Walther, Hlllls,
Fabrlck, Merrick, Klocker, Roddy,
Williams, Satchwell, Kenly, Kidd, Hol
loway, Skewls and Miss Kollehor.
:l 26
The annual meeting of the Jackson
County Chapter of the American Red
Cross will be held on Wednesday, Oct.
26th at the public library at 2:30 p. m.
This election is for the purpose of
selecting an executive committee and
an advisory board. Representatives
from the various branches are urged
to attend this meeting as well as all
members of the Red Cross.
This date is fixed by national hoad
quarters and is observed throughout
the country. Mr. C. E. Gates will pre
side and address the meeting.
SARA B. MEARS, Secretary.
Medford High
School Notes
Presbyterian Church
9:45 a. m. Bible school. -Carl J,
Brommer, superintendent. Miss Bullls
superintendent of primary department,
Mrs. Dr. Chas. T. Sweeney, beginners
11 a. m. Morning worship. Subject,
"What Shall I Believe Today"? Special
musie by the quartet.
6:30 p. m. Junior and senior Chris
tian Endeavor "Topic 2", "What Wc
Know About God."
7:30 p. m. Evening service, theme,
"Investments; False and True." Con
gregational music led by a young peo
ple s choir.
There will be no prayer meeting
next week on account of the confer
ence to be held that day the 26th with
visiting speakers of which notice is
given elsewhere.
Sunday will be Educational day at
the Presbyterian church. While no
special sermon will be given on the
subject, literature will be distributed
bearing on the subject and special
prayer will be made for our Christian
colleges and the Christian work at the
state universities. Every one Is asked
to keep this theme in mind for the day.
Mrs. J. C. Mann entertained some
of the teachers last Friday night.
Those present were Misses Manning,
Gaumgartner, Smith, Sherwood, Wal
lace, Bragg and Reynolds.
It may be of Interest to many of her
Medford friends to hear of the mar
riage of our former English teacher,
Miss Tula French Kinsley to Vernon
Barrett Falrley, Sept. 28, 1921, at her
home, Condon, Oregon.
The typewriting contest for the com
mercial classes of southern Oregon
will be held some time In May.
Miss Sherwood sprained her ankle
while at institute and is not able to
walk without limping.
The first Issue of the Hi Times was
distributed Thursday.
Cash Wood, the Y. M. C. A. secre
tary, spoke to the high school Thurs
day regarding the convention to be
held at Ashland this week. He urged
the boys of Medford to attend the con
The r-ngllsh V classes, are studying
Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.
Thursday afternoon an assembly
was called to encourage the sale of
football tickets and to arouse enthusi
asm among the students.
The members of the Junior class
have ordered their class rings and
The student body dues have been
coming in quite well but still there
are some who have not yet paid.
'An assembly was called last week to
take up subscriptions for tne hi
(Times. The subscription price is one
I dollar per year. Quite a number of
students paid up but about half of
ithem have not as yet. The seniors
j especially are not supporting the paper
I nearly as well as they should.
, First Baptist Church
"The Friendly Church".
; North Central and Fifth Sts.
9:45 a. m. Bible school, F. W. Mcars,
supt. Every Sunday Is a rally Sunday
In numbers.
11 a. m. Church building platform
meeting. Speakers, Prof. Aubrey G.
Smith, Lester Merriman, Mrs. J. H.
Dittemore, Rev. F. R.. Leach Come and
hear about the new church plans.
Anthem, Holden, "In Heavenly
Male quartet, Rhys, "The Heaven.
6:30 p. m. Senior and Intermediate
B. Y. P. U. Good meetings.
7:30 p. m. "Murder Will Out." Ser
mon based on the Dr. Brumfteld mur
der verdict. Come and hear the les
sons. Anthem, Semper, "Praise the Lord."
Soprano solo, Roma, "I Come to
Thee," Mrs. Watson.
Monday 7:30 p. m. Glee club.
Tuesday 2:30 p. m. Woman's Auxil
iary with Dr. Eva Carlow, 26 S. Laurel
St. Assisted by Mrs. Everhard and
Mrs. Merriman.
Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer meet
ing. Thursday 8 p. m. Choir rehearsal.
A welcome extended to strangors.
Frederick R. Leach, pastor.
First Methodist Episcopal Church
Fourth and Bartlett.
J. Randolph Sasnett, Pastor.
Office 29 Jackson Co. Bank Bldg.
Phone 968.
Bible schoel 9:45. A real school
with classes for all ages. Prof. N. W.
Franklin, supt.
Morning worship 11 a .m. Sermon,
"The Greatness of Our God."
Epworth League 6:30. A large num
ber of young people thought It was
worth while last Sunday.
Evening service 7:30. Sermon, "The
Christian's Great Leverage." You'll
like this happy Sunday evening hour;
ask one of the large number present
last Sunday.
Monday, meeting of new church
campaign committee 7:30 p. m. in pas
tor's office.
Tuesday, monthly meeting of Ladles
Aid at 2:30 In the League room.
Wednesday, midweek devotional
meeting 7:30.
Thursday, choir rehearsal 7:30 p. m..
Morning Anthem, Tho Lord Is Ex
alted, (West). Soprano solo, My Re
deemer and My Lord (Golden Legend)
(Buck). Mrs. Pierce.
Evening Anthem, God Who Madest
Heaven and Earth, (Pontius). Soloists,
Mrs. Anderson, Mr. MacDonough.
Tenor solo, Jesus, My Lord, (Bohm)
Mr. MucDonough.
Miss Matie Vroman, pianist; Mr.
Bernard Roberts, organist; Mrs. May
Jordan-MacDonough, director.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Authorized branch of The Mother
Church, The First Church of Christ,
Scientist, in Boston, Mass.
Services are held every Sunday at 11
o'clock. Subject for Sunday, Oct. 23:
Probation After Death.
Sunday school at 9:45. All under
the age of twenty are welcome.
Wednesday evening meetings, which
Include testimonies of Christian Sci
ence healings, nt 7:45, church edifice,
212 North Oakdale.
The Reading Room, which is In the
M. F. & H. Bldg., is open duily from 1
to 5, except Sundays and holidays. The
Bible and all authorized Christian Sci
ence literature may be read, borrowed
and purchased.
The" public is cordially Invited to
attend the services and visit the Read
ing Room.
Try This for Indigestion
Foley Cathartic Tablets are Just the
thing for constipation. Their action is
wholesome and thoroughly cleansing,
without griping, nausea or inconven
ience. They banish headache, bilious
ness, bloating, gas, bad breath, coated
tongue and other symptoms of disord
ered digestion. Mrs? H. J. Marchard,
36 Lawrence St., Salem, Mass., writes
"I used Foley Cathartic Tablets for
constipation with good results. I keep
them in the house." Sold everywhere.
Notice of Bond Sale
Notice is hereby given that sealed
proposals will be received by the
Board of Directors of FORT VAN NO Y
of said Board, First National Bank
Building, Grants Pass, Oregon, until
the hour of 10 o elock In tne forenoon
of the 27th day of October, 1921, for
issue of Boads of said FORT VAN-
aaeuit of 125,000.00, par value, mat ur
ine aerially In annual amounts so as
to be approximately equal, principal
and interest, commencing six yearn
from the date of issue, all of said
Bonds to mature in sixteen years from
the date of issue; said bonds to bear
Interest at the rate of six per centum
per annum, payable at the "office of
the County Treasurer of Josephine
county, uregon, or at me nscai Agen
cy of the State of Oregon, in New York
City, at th optien of the holder. The
Board reserves the right to reject aay
or all bids.
Secretary, Fort Vannoy
Irrigation District.
First publication September 24th,
lAst publication October 26th. 1921
f IJ IJ I 1 m Jr-, M jr III
1 1
Trv "Turnover" Toast , r
- clieu
People who must have their toast; people
who would rather have it; those who don't
mind it; and those who take it when they
can't get anything else; these and all others
are the ones who should try toast made on the
Turnover Toaster. Because the toast it
makes is a real revelation of what good toast
can be.
This toaster, as its name implies, turns the
toast for you. It is attractive, efficient, and
economical; and it has been widely imitated
because of these qualities; but the best and
biggest thing about it is that it makes good
Wholesale Distributors
Portland, Ore.
Pythian Sisters Dance!
K. P. Hall, Thursday, October 27
Knights and Families Invited ,
We have just received a good 4-passenger
Hudson Speedster, 1920 model, in perfect
mechanical condition.'
Price Only $1650
Busy Corner Motor Co.
Main at Riverside
leaves Medford 11:00 a. m. daily. Leaves Hoseburg 1:00 p. m. daily
Leave Medford 8:00 a. m., 11:00 n. m., 1:00 p. m., 4:30 p. m.
Licave Urania Pass 10:00 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 4:00 p. m., 6:15 p. m.
t Cam stop at all intermediate points.
Waiting room, Medford, 5 S. Front. Phone 309
TtLntrcl Diratan
Ciena Baata ad Claaa Olaatat
Universal Tire Filler
Better Riding Cushion Than Air
110 N. Riverside
Phona 188-M
For right prices In
and repairing old work In cemeteries,
call or write.
Work erected in or shipped to all
parts of the Pacific Coast. -137
N. Fir St. Medford, On
217 Eut Main St. ' Medf ort
Hlffheirfc Quality Jiwtlry Bplriar.
illKfflOllQ DIRluf, WjC
iVlC- j quality and price.
v '7 Jai uh your wanu,