PAOT? FOUR HEDFOKB MXIE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1921 IlEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDEPENDKNT NEWHPAFEK POBLIHHEU EVERT AtTEHNOOji EXCEPT SUNDAY BY THE MJDKOIU PKINTIKO CO. Tta Madford Hun day thin It firralahed Mwipaper. Office Mall Tribune Building, 26-27-2 norm jar ireeu- rnone it. A consolidation of the Democratic Times, the lied ford Mall, the Wed ford Tribune, The Bout hern Oregonlan, The aiaiua -incline. ROBERT W. RUHU Editor. BUUP1R 8. SMITH, Manager. uascmrPTiON tebmii T MAIL. In Advance: Dally, with Sunday Hun, year 17.60 Iaily( with Sunday Hun, nonth. .76 Daily, without Sunday Hun, yar .50 Daily, without Sunday Sun, month .& Weekly Malt Tribune, one year 2.UV Bmiday Hun. one year ..-...-. 2.00 BT CARK1KR In Medford, Aathlaiia Jacksonville, Central Point, Puuemx Talfenti Dally, with Sunday Sun, month ,7b Daily, without Sunday Sun, mouth .6 Dally, without Sunday Sun, year,. 7.60 uaiiy, Wlll ounuay bum, une year a.uv All terms by carrier, cash tn advance. Official paper of. the CKy of Medford Official puper of Jackeon County. Hvnrn rinllv a. vera ire circulation for ell months ending Oct., laO, 3226 Entered ah aremtx. . om matter at Medford Oregon, under Hie act of Marct. t, 1V79 MEMBERS OK TUB AHBOCLATED PRESS. The Aaosclated Pi ens Is excluslTely entitled to the use for republication vf all news diHpatchca credited to It. or noi etherwlae credited In this papf-r.-und the local newM puniiHiieu iwrmu. All riKhte of rupiiiiW-'Hiioii of special dispatches herein are alao Mrved. Ye Smudge Poi Artbor V'nrri It begins to look like the c:niKtitu- ( Ion of the United Ulatim hail some thing on the by-laws or the Switch men's Union, No. 1)78 of Kiiiihub City, Mo. The mulls will ho curried con trary to the explicit orders of the Brotherhood of IJeat Hind-End Itrake tnan, after "the proposed strike. - Errors cropped out in tills col. yes terday! Mica Woniack wus called Mica Mamack. This wus some of Komeo Roppes' work. Democrats are flocking to Dick Antle'g abode of the silent drama, and geMing the 1st good bawl since tho campaign of 1012. Ah Kim, the pioneer Chinese wau dorei) out on a vacant lot Mon. and nearly got shot for a pheasant. Heat appeared In n local radiator last night.- This was a surprise'to the guests, and a shock to the prop. The careless employee was fired. . ill Is not raining ruin for mo, It's raining daffodils; .' In every dimpled drop I see ,. - Wild flowers on tho hill. ,. . The clouds of gray engulf the duy And overwholm the town; It Is not raining rain to mo, It's raining roses down. It is hot raining rain for mn, But fields of clover hloom, When any buccaneering heo Can find u bed and. room. A health unto tho happy, . A fig for him who fints; It Is not raining rain to mo, ' ; It's raining violets. ( (Hobort Lovulnnd, 1S78). Considerable building und construc tion work is being carried on locally with a soft nosed lead pencil, these days. ' It takes a good Juwyer, to call uuother Juwyer, "leurnod counsel," and not botruy his words with his fuco. It's a wonder somo woman would not havo u party and "litstefully decor ate tho charming living room with autumn leaves." GETTING UNDER COVER ', (Albany Democrat) S. I. Hopine and Mrs. (I. llurml son woro married Sunday after noon at tho hitter's home. They plan to live in the brldo's house. ' Tho BV. Examiner prtnt-i a picture of the Greek princess who successfully hooked an A'norlcnn with $:;o,oiil),uo(. Her Highness has her legs cocked up on a tuble, thcro being mf flrepluco in the room,. Closing arguments In tho Dock Brumfleld cuso aro due tomorrow. The pros, ntty will uddress the Jury, and the SOU votos In the spectators' section of the courtroom. , "TREMENDOU9 CUT IN WOMEN'S 8KIRT3" (Ad Pendleton Tribune). Nothing loft but a waistband. Add famous combinations Tola' phones und taxlcubs. ' . Modern fire fighting ruuliunent for the city has hit a Bnng. The muniffur- turers of Btich are clinging to tho old established precedent of getting money for them. The public has forgotten tho names of the vice president, and the girls who attended the Fat Arbuckle Jam boree. ' . ? NOTHING TO PLAY WITH (8hedd Newt) ''- , oldoBt son of Mr. and Mrs. ia took suddenly ill while play ' "ing 1n the yard, with 'what in ' feared to be lnfnnllle paralysiB. The Brown Octoln-r alo of the song, tunns out to be a dnrk red wlno, thai forgot. to Jell.. ... ..luUJxUlU LIFE IN THE MOON ACCORDING to Professor W. II. . Pickering, one of the world's fon.'inost (istroiiouiers, tlie heientisU heretofore have been all wrong about the moon. '. Instead of being a vast dead surface from which a!! life vanished ages ngo, the moon is a fertilelively planet. Fields 'of vegetation sprout up, mature with great rapidity and die as swiftly. Clouds, Knows and blizzards are common also on portions of the moon's sur face, in spite of long belief to the contrary.- Of moon inhabitants the professor says nothing; but if all the rest of his information is sound, there may be living creatures there. This is a complete reversion of all former lunar theories. Once more man's carefully complied ideas about the realms of space seem about to be set at naught. Such contradictious in knowledge bewilder the lay mind and tend I.) leave the listener restless, unsettled and even a little apprehen sive, lint why should they? Knowledge, is a growing plant. The truth of yesterday is the error of today. Only the fool believes hu man wisdom must stand Ktill while the would moves on. BASIS OF INDUSTRIAL PEACE. AlilflTISlI manufacture!' speaking recently before a gathering of I'M l lending manufacturers anil bankers in Hoston, took as his subject "I'eaee in Industry." Among the things he considers es sential for the workers if there is,to be industrial pence are: . . " Karnings sufficient lo maintain n rcasonirblr standard bl'Vomfort. "Reasonable hours of work. "Keasonable economic security during Hie whole working life and in old age. "A reasonable share with tin; employer in delerminiiig the con dition of work." The speaker' pointed Wl that the present contest. between so-called capital and labor, c'aeh striving. to organize for its own advancement Mid advantage, is much like the policy of balance of power among nations. Kaeh side wishes to be strong ononli not only to protect il f:elf but lo diclale terms as well. The result, all too frequently, is war. Among groups in industry us among nalious, the only safe way is co-operation and tint adoption of policies mutually beneficial. Quill Points w What we need is a peace Unit assures understanding. Down on the farm is the only soft thing about it. Oil, Patriotism, what needless taxes are piled up in thy name. The California climate isn't the only tiling in that vicinity that s intoxicating. . ' CO f?v"' riw law -means another tS ' - C :u..-.. (2) Evrytkin4 has "to be learneel. i--V-S A: "falsa tat..v!f VM' : TTKe beit zhorch. nutnbers are not often. secured an revival!.. (Sg) Advice and TneJicin-e are aW rihi; CACep . when, you are xo nexeCnetn.. ($Th vv.rl A ; ' ettirt bir than. unw mart, wrxo are Tiryjuo , to run. it. if all prayers were answered, who would Ho N , --iite nara worn HZ HBCK says: SSW-tSi1- Chinamen, is vlsF "that they etnbntderfSm "their 4hirt tails ,.A . we don't In Ibis glorious free eoiuilry, every congressman feels that the house is his cast U; Quotations You ; Should Know Many n promising political future has been marred by too' many promises in tho present. ', ' .'' Tho world can't be normal while thiscstraiigetneiit continues be tween d 'Anniinzio and the headlines. ' 6 From what Is chicle obtained? lAns. From the sapodllia tree. 7 From what is mercury principally 'obtained? Ans. From cinnabar. I 8 Where do the most of our oysters 1 F.rom scenes like these old Scotia's 'come from? Ans.- From tho Chesa- grandeur springs J That makes her loved at home, revered abroad, . t I Princes and lords are but the breath of Kings, An lionest man's t'no noblest .work of Oca. 'M .1 S, Robert Burns. -U- , It may be added that one-half of the matrimonial partnership sel dom knows how the other half lives. The ad writer who said: "You remember the quality; you forget the price," wasn 't talking about war. ' i , a- ' . Kvery a while you find an old-fashioned preacher who still persists in preaching about religion. The alien, mid the American, who displeases the IC. K. K., -in ay have little in common, but they are tarred with the same stick. That Western judge who sampled the prisoner's home 'brew real ises that vvery man is entitled to a trial by a jury of his beers. how much do you: know? peake Hay fisheries. 9 Into how many classes are teas divided? !Ans. Into two classes, green and black. RippHngRhijmQs lA A V & Watt Waton NEWLY RICH. . CIIAItLKS CIIKKSKMAX nalUrd for nmJiy yearn ilong n path obscure; he humbly' whacked a span of steers, for he was beastly poor. Dame Fortune watched him as he hewed and plowed and dug his ditch, and iii a vain and freakish mood'she made him . beastly rich, Our huro straightway started in to paint the coun try red, lo sample every brand of sin, and knock the statutes dead. If any curse seemed safe and sane, he dodged it right, away, and pikers followed in his train and cheered him night and day. The' meanest trick Dame Fortune knows she sprung upon this guy; the starkest man among his foes im such a trick would try. It is as though yon took a swing from some -cheap lioglot near, and placed on it. some antlers fine, and christened it a deer. And if the pig, inspired by hope and endless fun and fame, believes itself an antelope Dame Fortune is to blaine. Ami Charlie Cheesemnn hipped up ale, anil waded deep in slime, until one day he went to jail, charged with a horrid crime. Now nil the moralists advance and take him for a text, explaining that his name is Pance iu this world and the next. They swat, this votary of fun, they ronr, from coast, to coast ; but old Dnme Fori une is the one who ought to get the roast. 1 J iWhat are calipers? 2 What is the duty of a coxswain. ' .'1 What will dissolve celluloid? 4 I low many foreign-born Irishmen are there In the United States? G What causes hogs to eat soft coal and ashea? i C What was tho israt book printed In America which contained cuts to illnstrale the text?..', 7-cIIow many foreign born Russians and Polos are there In .this country,? .8 What, is tho tallest building la the entire world? , a In what play , did Joseph Joffer utn become famous? . ! 1(1 In what story is Ichabod Craino u character? ' Answers to Yesterday's Questions , 1 Or what origin Is the word cafe? yns:i: French.- ' ' . " 2 What la cajolery? Ans. Deceit or. flattery. : '. . , 3 What was the most hotly eon 'tested battle of the Civil war? Ans. (iattyskiiig. How did court-plaster et Us name? It was rii-st applied by ladles of the court as beauty patch on tho face. - ' D What Is the highest branch of mathematics called? Ans. Calculus. Selected with care where it iJrow8 WWanted m Everybody to enjoy a delightful drink Foteers Golden Gate Tea with that fine tea flavor Black or Green It's a Grand Old Remedy You can't keep strong and well with out sleep.. Whether your rest is bro ken by a painful hacking cough or just an annoying tickling! in the throat, the system becomes weakened and run down. Mrs. K. D. Drake, Chllds, Md., writes: "After an attack of the 'flu' I was left with, a severe cough. Noth ing relieved me till I used Foley's Honey and Tar, which I can highly recommend." It covers irritated mem brane with a healing and soothing coating, loosens phlegm and clears air passages. old everywhere. - ' Adv. VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles are most dangerous be cause of their insidious attacks. Heed tha first warning they give that they need attention by taking GOLD.MEDAL Tfc world's tadrl rmAj for tfcMi disorders, will ofun ward off tfcvaa. dls atM and atrangthaa tfca body acaiait further attacks. Thraa sizas. all-dragfiatt. lk fa tha dud Cold Mdl on arar? boa and accept no imiutiea SERENE THROUGH SAVING OKI atfo, with uVnty, and no nt'ctl of depend- f inu; on even one's relatives, is beautiful and serene. , Hut old ae, without emmh for' even modest wauts dejiendent on charity is a thing merely to be endured.' ; 4 A First National savings aeeount, with care ful investnietits, will provide for you an ado-, qnato income for the sunset of life. UhQ FIRST NATIONAL BANK: Mbidford Oregon 1 Be prepared for 1 I sickness or accident: ! Some people, go along patting off and putting off preparing ! , for the future or; for, unforscen trouble which may overtake . ! them. Then comes disaster. ! ' . We hope that everyone enjoys themselves but they should also be prepared for sickness or adversity and this can only be done by having READY MONEY on hand for emergency. . To have this ready money, come in and open an account in our bank and REGULARLY add to your balance from your earnings, ; . ' . ; ; :" We vill welcome you ' ; Jackson County Bank Established 1888 .' . Member Federal Reserv "A Sure Start Assured' FREE BATTERY TESTS. REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES OF BATTERIES Automobile Electrical Work Starting, Lighting and Ignition Service. ' Battery & Electric Co. Nat. Bldg. Phone U6 Medford WE POINT TO OUR BATTERY as tho very best you. can buy for your auto or any other purpose where a storage bat tery Is needed. It has lots of reserve power and endurance and we urge you to give it a thorough test on your car. ' ' WRITE The Salem Nursery Company 428 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Oregon If Needing First Class Stock In Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Plants - . for Fall Delivery WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE. Wo Ciiiiirnntpp lo teach you to W,altz Fox Trot ii nil One Step SEWARD HOTEL "HOUSE OF CHEER" ALDER AT 10TH STREET, I'OKTliASD, OREGON. All tha nrunn ofoMri,. r .(nn in our course of cislit. Piivntp 1 unexcelled. We strive to please, sons. Sec us any Wodnesdav nnil ! Rates $1.60 and up. With bath (2.00 and up. Our dining room la us any rrmiiy nignt III our JIl(ord Pharmacy. Wednesday ami hall over the CAMPBELL DANCING SCHOOL very popular, and our business men's luncheon, and our regular and Son day dinners are not equalled else where at our price. Opposite Olds, Wortman & King's big store. W. C, CULBEHT30N. Proprietor,