Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 03, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    FAflE TWO
The October mooting of the M'Mlfonl
post of the American IeKion will be
held tomorrow night at Legion hall,
and fa in the nature or a Joint session
with the women's auxiliary of the post.
J-lmen, Neighbor! Klein the Tailor
makes duality suits to order from l'15
to f!iO at 128 E. Main, upstairs. li&
Ifot waffles at all times, Rex Cafe.
. . 166
A. n. Bunnell of Klamath Is among
the guests at the Hoti 1 Holland, as are
J. R. Clauser of Cincinnati, O., A. N.
them hack again to the Washington
building about 3:40 p. m., for a five
cent fare each way, which muBt be
paid by the parents.
Save money and buy your sweater
ut Jones' sale. J 00"
Used cars at lower prices than any'
where else In town. Patton and Rob.
Inson, Inc. - tl
' MIks Florence l'ool. county home
demonstration agent arrived home to
day from her attendance at the state
fair luat week. County Agent C. C
t'ate Is not expected from Salem until
tonight or Tuesday morning.
Genuine Chinese noodles at Rex
Cafe. 10C
The sweetest uay In the year la com
Inc. 106
.Mrs. A. 11. WisBing returned home
Sunday night from a alx weeks visit in
A bargain Ono good mahogany
phonograph with 29 musical selec
tlons. IMays all makes of records, $75
Palmer's Piano llouao, 234 K. Main St.
: Hemstitching and plcotfng 8c per
yard. Work done wb.Uo you wait,
Vanity Shop. . 20fl'
The Kagle RIdgo tavern on Klamath
lnko cloaeil Saturday for the season.
Work will be started at once on instal
ling a new electric lighting system
the building of now cottages and the
pinking of other Improvements ut the
Spot dances! J'vlllo! Vrl. nltn! 170
Flour sucks $1 per tloz. while they
lust, largo Blue. Pullman linking Co
Alta Naylor returned Sunday from
Oi antB Pass accompanied by her sister
Mrs. J. C. Hunter.
Save money and buy your Bweater
at Jones' sale. . 100
Hear ye! Hear ye! Kloln tho Up-
Htairs Tailor malios classy suits and
overcoats from $36 to $60 at 128 K
Main, i- Ifl'J
Incidental to the opening of the
United States court term for southern
Oregon, which begins here nt 10 a. in.
'iuesday, a number of Kluniath Indians
have already arrived In tho city and
more nre on tho way.
Overland, old model, In flno Bhapc
and a good bargain. Hlttson'B. 100'
Tho sweetest day in tho year is com
Jug. ' 106
According to Herbert Nunn, state
highway onglneer, tlio contracts for
the paving of the Rosoburg-Wilbiir
portion of the Pacific highway and
that portion of the highway betweon
Drain and Rice hill will be let by the
state highway commission when that
body meets October 25. When these
two bits of paving havo boon finished
tho Pacific highway between ltosaburg
and Portland will bo completely hnrd
surfncod, with the exception of a strip
of 12 miles botweon Albany and Cor
vallis. The big guys, tho Ilttlo guys, and
the whole bloomin' crowd will be
there! Where? Appleguto! When?
Suturday, Oct. 8. 171
A tine lino of cigars at tho Cosy
Noolt. IC
Mrs. Tinny and Mrs. McDonald will
ontortaln tlio Woman's Association of
the Presbyterian church, Tuesday
afternoon nt the homo of Mrs. Tinny.
Delicious apples $2.00 a box, orchard
rin. ' Phone 390, J. A. Weaterlund.170
Spot dances! Balloon dances! Apple
gate! Saturday night! 171
Paxson's dahlias nt Central Point
nro certainly, beautiful at this season
of the year and a largo number ol
Medford and other people stop to see
and ndmlro them.
Stylish, reliable suits and coats at
the pi ton of "no recrats." Price f'ii
$50. Kloln tua Tailor, 128 IS. Main.
Upstairs. 109'
Hlg sale on ladles' sweaters at Jonus
Tuesday, Wednosday, Thursilay. 1110
Mrs. Dolbort Wills of Weed arrived
In tho city last Saturday for a week's
visit with relatives. ,
Tho bost placo in town for used cars,
trucks, and tractors. Patton and Rob
inson, inc. tf
Genuine Chinese noodlos ut Rex
Cnro. 160
Judge C. 11. Watson has accepted nn
Invitation to repent IiIh valuable ser
vice to the Cold Hill high school In tho
form of talks on timely topics similar
to last year when ho gave the high
school fifty-two addresses. This is a
gratultlous sorvlce ami one appreciat
ed al llio by the teachers and the
pupils. fluid Hill Nows.
Tho swootest day in tne year Is coin
ing. Kit'.
"19 Chevrolet bug, overhauled ai-d a
goer. Phone 57. 1'iO
W. Murphy, the traveling freight and
passenger agent of the Canadian Pa
cific railroad is spending Monday in
the city' on business.
Delicious apples $2.00 a box, orchard
inn. Phono 31(i. J. A. Westorltmd.170
Snappy, Kppy uiuslo at Applogate
Saturday night. 171
Supt.' J-. W. Bcrrlan took a truck
load of cans filled with steelhead fry to
(Irani I' today, where ho was met
by people from Holland who took the
steelhead to plant in tho streams of
thHt Bcctlon. -!r.
Murphy's dental office is also
open nvetilngH from. 7 to 8.
See the sweaters nt Jones' IiIk snlo.
Tocal and
The transferring of approximately
forty pupils from the 3rd and 4th
grades from the Washington building
to the new room being fitted up in' the
Roosevelt building, did not take place
today as scheduled, because the long
delayed furniture for the room did not
arrive here from Portland until this
morning. The transfer will take place j Hausenkamp of Laramie, Wyo., Glenn
Wednesday. The Interurban Auto. Parker and Victor Miller of Klamath,
company by an arrangement with the .Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Thyle of Seattle,
school board will take the pupils from Lester Rowland of Aberdeen, Wash.,
Washington school daily at a: 40 a. in. 'and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clarke of Pres
to the Roosevelt building, and convey"' pect.
8c per yd.
Buttons covered.
Handicraft Shop. . tf
Hig dunce J'vlllo Fri. nite! 170
The Rogue River Valley Ministerial
aBSOclatlon held its first meeting of
tho fall season in this city at the
public library this forenoon.
For the best values in used cars see
Patton and Robinson, Inc. tf
Edgar Wight, reliable Jeweler.
Mr. und .Mrs. E. R. Oatman lifter
spending last weea nt the state fair
have gone from Salem to I'ortland to
remain a week in that city and vicin
ity. First-class 2)x3Vz tires $13. DQ. Med
ford Vulcanizing Works. 189
Large eastern oysters, all styles, at
Rex Cafe. 1C6
In accordance with tho gingering up
process adopted by the Grants Pass
chamber of commerce its board of di
rectors lust Saturday elected Lynn
Sabln of Portland as the secretary of
the organization, concerning which
tho Grants Pass Courier says: "Mr.
Sabln Is ft gradtiato of tho O. A. C
where he was honered with the high
est position In tlio gift of the student
body. He comes well qualified to ban
die the secretarial affairs of the local
chamber, and, best of all, he comes
equipped with enthusiasm, intending
to make tho management of comtmin:
ty affairs a life's work. Tho president
announces that affairs of the chamber
will be conducted on a different basis
hereafter. There will be a business
like administration, with proper fol
low-up systems and intensive work."
There is nothing so healthful and
invigorating these dnys as a drink of
the lithla water sold by the Jackson
County Creamery. Order a case today
Hot tamalcs at Rex Cafe. 10U
Judge Wm. Colvig left today for
Portlantl by unto, with Captain Floyd
Cook, of Portland, whero he will spend
a few days.
Agato Jewelry, tlgar Wight,
Chill con came season open. Qusher
Highway Engineer Herbert Nunn
and AsBlstant Engineer C. C. Kelley
wero here Sunday und In company
with District Engineer Ilodgmnn In
spected the Crater Lake highway as
far as the new Rogue River bridge, the
Pacific highway over tho SIsklyoiiH
and the Green Springs road. Mr. Hodg
man left them ut Jenny Creok and
they proceeded to KIntnath Fulls
Beginning Octobor 1st, I will soil for
30 days at 20 per cent discount from
the regular retail price, any new piano
I bundlo. Give me your order. 225 S.
Oakdalo. Phone 091-J. II. N. Lofland.
Dig sale on ladles' sweaters ut Jones
Tuesday, Wednesduy, Thursday. 100
Among the visiting railroad mon in
tho city today are 10. P. Duffy, travel
ing passenger annul of the Denver &
Itio Grande, and J. A. Lathrop, right
of way und tax agent of tho Southern
Dreasninklng, pleating embroidering
of all kindB, braiding, bonding, hem
stitching and buttons covered at the
Stylecraft Shop, Medford Bids. tf
Edgar Wight, wntoli repairing.
Mrs. V. C. Johnson of Memphis,
Tenn., left this morning for home
after a mouth's visit in this vicinity.
Whatever you do, be photographed
on your birthday, at Muekey Studio,
East Main and Centra!, 204. Prices to
pleaso. 107
Largo eastern oysters, all styles, ut
Hex Cafe. Ki0
Mayor C. E. Gatei. arrived homo last
night from his absence of a week at
the stato fair. Ho was met at the
train nt Roseburg last ovoning by Mra.
Gntos mid neorge Gates, who drove up
from Medford with Mrs. Jack Kerr,
who had spent Inst week here, to take
her to hor homo in Canyonville, and
the mayor returned to Medford with
them by .auto. They arrived In the
city long beforo tho train reached
here, the l'uelflc highway north being
In splendid condition.
Bert's famous chill con carnc. Gush
er Cafe.
Hear Drevltson and his four synco
pation boys, the best dunce music In
southern Oregon. tf
Mm. II. E. Adams of Gold Hill was
a ouslneas visitor in the city Monday.
Hear 'em! -J'vlllo! Frl. nlle! 170
Tho Rogue River Transfer company
hnulB fruit on trucks euulpped with
pneumatics. Phone 20. 107
Uluo enamel plates with the word
Modt'ord" In white for use In connec
tion with the regular state auto license
nlato may be obtained by Medford
tiuto owners for $2 per net from the
members of the Crater club who are
taking this means of helping finance
the organization. Tho plates have
proved very popular In other cities
being particularly noticed on Califor
nia cars this summer. The plates are
iiHlcstrbcllblo and may bo used Indefinitely.
Better pick up some of tho print
paper on rolls for wrapping goods and
save money. Comes with cores in it
to fit roll paper racks. Much cheaper
than wrapping paper. tf
All the best citizens say they only
buy fuel whore they not it the cheap
est and brat ami that is always at the
Valley Fuel Co. J'houe 7t.
Hobby Pelouze played end on Mult- Mrs. KlizsKeth Klippel, a pioneer
noman in roi uanu Saturday, Tn uen , rcsideiit or- Jackson ounty, is ser
Whitman was beaten 13 to G. Bobbyi lonely ill with pneumonia at her rest
is Oregon representative for a large: deuce on North Holly street. Although
Seattle machinery houso with head-, she is 82 years old Mrs. Klippel was
quarters in Portland. ?..'r. und Mrs
Pelouze who have been in California
expect to return to Medford soon and
again take charge of their ranch near
Eagle Point which they had leased.
See the sweaters at Jones' big sale.
Bert's famous chill con carne. Gush
er Cafe.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hopkins, former
ly of Medford, have recently taken
'apartments on Portland Heights where
they will make their permanent home.
Mr. Hopkins expects soon to enter bus
iness In the Rose City.
Hot waffles at all times, Rex Cafe.
Get your coal, $17.00, at the Valley
Fuel Co. tf
M. T. Thompson was up from Yreka,
Calif., to Bpend Sunday, returning
home today. He is looking after the
hale and hearty for her years until
stricken with this illness.
Popcorn that will pon, 10c per lb.
Warner, Wortman & Gore. 172
R. I. Stewart, builder, contracts for
all buildings. Residence 217 Apple
street. Phone 643. tf
C. L. Goff writes insurance on any
thing anywhere. tf
Mr. and Mrs. F. Roy Davis and son
Bobby arrived home last evening from
a ten days trip to southern California.
Butter milk and cream at the Cozy
Nook. tf
Men's shirts made at the Stylecraft
Shop, Medford Bldg. tf
Saeh, doors, any kind of mill work.
Trowbridge Cabinet Works. 171'
Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetiere for
NuBone. Phone 585-J. tf
"Oregon Bond" owned by Scott
Wolff won second place In the 2:10
drilling of a prospect oil well three. class ior Oregon trained horses at the
miles south of Ager for the 500 Oil &j state fair ut Salem. Time 2:i3Vt and
Refining company, in which several , 2: 15&. Scott Wolff returned from the
Medford people hold stock. He says; fair last night
The rooms of the commercial de
partment of the high school ' were'
filled with smoke about 1:35 this after- j
noon and the fire alarm at the high
school was rung, the students vacating
the building. All classes were suspend-'
ed for about a balf an hour much to
the glee of the students. i
The only fire which could be found,
according to Mr. Smith, superinten
dent of schools, was In one cf the
stoves in the domestic science labora-'
tory in the basement.
they are now down 600 feet.
When better automobiles are built,
Bnlck will build them. tf
Chill con carne season open. Gusher
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Brown of Eagle
Point, are home from eight weeks
visiting In Brockton and other cities in
Illinois. Mr. Brown says the fanners
of Illinois sold their holdover $1 and
$2 corn thiB year for 46c and this
year's crop is selling for 35c. Both Mr.
and Mrs. Brown say they are more
convinced than ever that the coast Is
the place to live and the Rogue River
vuliey Is the itleal spot. They stopped
over In Baker for a visit with Mrs.
Wm. Brown.
Dangerous Blues- J'ville! Frl. nite!
Just! received a shipment of 30x3'i
first-class tires, $13.50. Medford Vul
canizing Works. 1S9
The members of the Wednesday
Study club will meet for a social after
noon, next WodneBday, October 5, at
2:30 o'clock, ot tho home of Mrs. W. E.
Crews, 707 S. Oakdalo avenue. This
will be the first meeting of the club
this full.
Alta Naylor, Goodwin corsetiere, 20
South Fir St. Phone 918-W. 17t
Auto fire liability bonos, glass, life
Insurance, R. A. Holmes the Insurance
Man. tf
Through the courtesy of Mr. Berg
ner or tho Vlnlng theatre, Ashland,
Wully Reld's picture, "The Hell Dig
gers" which closed there Saturday
night was secured by George Hunt to
take the place of Hobart Hoswnrth In
"Hio Brute MiiBtor," which failed to
arrive for yesterday's showing. Wally's
picture, which is one of his best will
be held over until Tuesday night, and
"The Brute Master" will be shown at
a Inter date.
Hot tamnles ut Rex Cafo. 166
There's a busy Business College in
your homo town. Now day and even
ing clnsseB Oct. 6. 166
Mr. and Mra. W. E. Nicholson re
turned home last evoning from a week
end visit to their ranch near Fort
Klamath. Mr. Nicholson reports ideal
weather in the Fort Klamath region
and that the roads between here and
Fort Klnmuth arc In fine condition.
' China lily bulbB. Jap Art Store.
Dr. McMorrls M. Dow's office ad
dress Is 300-7 M. F. & H. Bldg. Office
hours 11 to 12 noon; 2 to 5 afternoon.
Tel. 139. 271
Mrs. Sollss of Jacksonville, who Is
a former resident of Medford, left this
afternoon for a visit at Berkeley, Col. j
The Cozy Nook, DeVoe's new store
in the Sparta building, is now open for
business. tf
Try our merchants lunch. Tho
The giainB and grasses of the first
prize winning Jackson county exhibit
nt the state fair have been shipped to
Portland where they will become a
part of the Oregon state exhibit. Tho i
fruits and vegetables of the famous i
exmuiL were un soiu ui ouiem utter
tho fair closed.
The Dow Association Hospital, Inc.,
Is n public hospital located at 704
North Central avenuo. It is now open
and receiving patients. Tel. 11. Miss
Patton, It. N., BUpt. 271
Hlg sale on lndloa' sweaters at Jones
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 1 GO"
Bring your buckets for home nmdo
sorghum 12 Vic pur lb. Warner, Wort-
man & Gore. 172
Get the soft paper (lencll tablets for
BChool at this office. tf
All kinds of building mouldings.
Trowbridge Cablnot Works. 171
Out of town guests nt the Hotel Med
ford include: Mr. ami Mrs. R. E. Fitz
gerald of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. C. B.
Mel. nln mid Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Mcl.nln
of Ixi8 Angeles, Mr. und Mrs. Harold
McCnughey und Mr. und Mra. H. L.
McCaughey of Seattle. Perry O. DeLup
and R. L. DeLap of Klamath Falls, and
Gilbert Brown and Ijiwrunce Fxizzell
of Lakevtew.
See De-Luxe Auto Top Shop before
getting that now top. tf
Invest your savings In tin Jackson
County Building and Loan association
W. C. Crittenden of San Francisco
is in the city on business.
High grade tailors for men and
women. Orres, Ashland. Ore. tf
Chiropractic patients "Iveep Smil
ing." There's a reason. Dr. Jouett
P. Bray, chiropractic physician, M. F.
H. Bldg. Lady assistant. tf
8c per yd.
Vanity Shop. tf
N. Y. Stocks
Int. Mer. Marine pfd ...
InternatA-nal Paper ...
Kennrc-ott Copper
Louisville & Nashville
Mexican Petroleum
Miami Copper
Middle States Oil
Midvale Stee!
Missouri Pacific
New- York Central
N. Y., X. H. anil llartfo
Norfolk & Western
Northern Pacific
Oklahoma Prod. & Kef .
Pan Ainer:cun Petroleti
People's Gas
Pittsburg and V. Va
Ray Consolidated Coppe
Rep. Iron & Steel ....
Royal Dutch. X. Y. . .,..(..
Shell Trnns. & Trail
Sinclair Con. Oil
Southorn Pacific
.... 4 9.:.
. 2 1.5
. 22.25
. 13.2 5
. 25. S
. 19.7
20. ;
5 3
2 I
Southern Hailw.iv
Standard Oil of X. pfd ..
Stndelmker Corporation ....
TenncKNco Copper
Texas Co
Texan Pacific
Tiibaeeo Products
Tranaionlineiilal Oil
I'lilon Pacific
I'. S. Food Products
P. S. Retail Stores
I'. S. lad. Alcohol
1 nlted States Rubber
United Stuten Steei
I'tali Copper
Wesllnghouse Electric
Willy's Overland -
Auier. Zinc, Lead und Sm
Hullo and Superior ;.
Cula. Petroleum '
Montana Power
Shattut-k, Ariz
Pure Oil
invincible Oil
General Asphalt
The George Andrews Complimentary
Concert committee bus secured the
Page theatre for Tuesday, October
25th, as the date fixed for the enter
tainment. Messrs. Hunt and Antle
have entered into tho spirit of the oc
eaaitin and generoualy donate the
theatre for .this event which will be
participated in by the best talent in
the entire Rogue River valley, every
community of which will be represent
ed on the program.
Tho committee contemplates a pro
gram which will he unique in concep
tion, and, with' the talent enlisted, its
execution cannot fail to provitle an
evening of artistic enjoyment, with
plenty of fun "to chase i dull care
away." Mualc will, of course, be a
prominent feature, but it will be Inter
spersed with dialogue and action In
the production of an entertainment as
different as possible from the conven
tional concert.
NEW YORK Oct. 8. Foreign
silver 70c; Mexican dollars 53 7-8c.
Allla-Chalmers 33.75
American Beet Sugar i27.5
American Can '., 27.5
American Car and Foundry....l 29
Amer. Hide & Lenther pfd.... 50
American International Corp.... 33.6
American Locomobite 90.5
Amer. Smelting & .Refg 39
American Sugar 57.3
American Sumatra Tobacco .... 4 1.1
American T. & T. , 107.8
American Woolen 75.7
Anaconda Copper 40.7
Atchison 8G.25
All. Glf & W. Indies 27.6
Baldwin Loocmotlce 87.75
Palttmore & Ohio 38-3
Bethlehem 'Steel "B" 55.7
Cunadlan Pacific 113.0
Central Leather X 29
Chandler Motors 4 3
Chesapeake & Ohio 50
Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 25.7
C. U. I. & P ,34
Chlno Copper 2 6
Crucible Steel 04.1
Cuba Cane Sugar 8
General Electric 1
Chino Copper
Co'orado Fuel and Iron
Corn Products
General Motors
Goodrich Co
Great Northern pfd
Great Northern Ore Ctfs
Illinois CeiitraJ
Inspirat'on Copper
t- i '
.. jfM-t. TODAY and
in I J5&
Norma " I J.rl Gilt !
In the . T t rVf
ii-eille.-.t - ' i f J
I'rodU'tlon s.Jl J
of her. ' V TWf
Xf , :- '': ' ' gtW
2 0
2 5
A Moi-y tluil
miaslies through
lo I he blgars t
llngling lll'-mull
triumph since
ion saw Wallace
Held In 'Tlio Vul
iey (if the
In the Kingpin of all Saturday
Evening Post Stories
FOR SALE A aafe.
the old Russ Mill:
Hotel Office. '
May be seen at
Inquire at Nash
FOR SALE Grapes. Excellent for
juice. J. A. Manke, Route 1, Medford.
Just eimt of Clancy orchard, near
Jacksonville. 174
WANTED To rent. Reliable couplo
desire attractive completely furnish
ed house or apartment. References.
402 Hotel Holland. 100
WANTED Experienced
Phone Mlrnvlsta 597-J-3.
p ic k e r s.
ween oeasons
It's just at this season of the year that our Studio offers
its best facilities for making your portraits. The rush is
over or has not yet begun consequently we have
more time-at our disposal which means increased
attention to you increased attention to your order.
217 E
at JONES' 1
Shell Service Garage
22-20 I'ir St,
Curs for hire without dilvorn 8t2.."i0
HT (111)'.
Will tnko rnr In t ratio (or Cnur-room
furnllirl house.
buy ft brand
Dew CorooA
sortnblo type
writer. Orber atuej
t attract! r pnexw.
u belon you boy
3 Days
Tiies., Wednes. and Thors.
Ladies' and Children's Sweaters
You all know when Jones advertises
a sale he means business
$ i M up
3 Days Tues., Wednes. and Thurs,
5 9 '
4 5
.. 1
12.5 t