Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 29, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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stEDFOim wnn .Timnn. oiriON-. Tm'iismY. sEPTF.Mnr.n ;?. io?f
Caused by Woman's Ills and
Cured by Lydia EPinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Grafton. Pa. "I was trouhled mitt.
inflammation and pains in my sides and
W'HimoacK. Alter doctor-
'.ilMilhne with ditTWont
t" . - . i ,.i . .
T.jBX" . J7UHI1 aoetors nnrt mi.fn.f.ltv iinrnm-i.u
American Zlnz. Lead and 3m.. 10
Itutte and Superior 1
Cala. Petroleum 37. S
Moutaua Power .'. 4J
Shattuk Arizona
i'ure Oil
Invincible Oil
lionoral Asphalt 5.0
I been almost imiH.sslblo for them to market. They belonged to Mr. Clark
..... nut in any other way loan n ...... .j.
nil mnor mvan n. t
WASHINGTON', Svpt. 2lt. Ha-ked
u T no ii - i n i er f e rem-e
HardiiiK, ivpublioHii
ri newt'il with f res h
. :-) v.
TV Vjmeof Lydia E. Pink- vi'"' tlu'ir lanipaiRn for u new sen-
l ? ham s Vegetable Hie elollire rule tn nrpvpnl f ililn: .H-r.
Compound, and 1ns and iibsuui-tive debate,
knowinethatshehad The m i,,. i.,,,..,..u...,, ,.,t. .,.
W'Jt4ilrfai"ybe1nheli?dby fo,'L' snn,l' of t'PUbli. an's advo-
T fciM'il ll 1 purchased it. I cation the . -haime in time-honored
was unable to do my wau. pnx edure was said to be ton
work at that time. .. , .. .-
oJin hoM rf ."Ji."' nlU1' influential senators, in.lud-
old baby that is the healthiest and big
gest baby for his age that I have ever
seen. I am willing for my letter to be
used for a testimonial to tell other suf
fering women how much your medicine
has done for me, as I give Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound all the
praise." Mrs. Blair L. Fisher.R.D.'I,
Box 37, Grafton, Pa.
Working early and late lifting,
carrying, and the heaviest of houahold
duties is it any wonder that it results in
backaches and kindred ills. But every
woman who suffers as Mrs. Fisher did
should profit by her experience and
Eive Lydia . Pinkham s Vegetable
ompound a fair trial.
I horseback.
I K. DeAnnoiid and son of HeaKl'V
c 7-. ."worn here last Wednesday with a fine
T ': lot of hams, shoulders and side meat
s! 7 j ; that ho was sellitm to our townspeople
j K. C. Hell, the present owner oi iue
Ulutte Creek (Corblul orchard was a
'business caller also Wednesday and
; reports that his fruit crop i 1 to
By A. O. Howlatt
t hai ley Brown, one of tho auto
st'-crii:i; works and Wesley, that is the
salesmen of .Medford, was hi re for
dinner Thursday.
Walter .Marshall and family of
lirow nsboro, were in town Thursday
and while tliey were here nave mo his
subscription for tho Medford Daily
Mail Tribune. The sumo afternoon 1
met Krank Johnson who lives at the
also transacting business nero ra
nesday. Meni-v Mevers of linker Flat some
Alvin Anderson who has been work-. f,vu mj,,s northeast of lirow nsboro.
iiiK on the rock crusher on Ucese creek was lell, ,, business Wednesday,
was a business caller last Monday on j s v iveker of Medford. and
his wav to Medford. iCharles llasli formerly of the ivlouze
Mrs Kiddle who lives on the C. P. ranch but now livins on the larm he
Coleman farm on Lake creek and purchased from " J"". .
passed through here some ten days U)W llutte Falls on R "' "-' 4 '
on her way to Klamath Falls re-j were passengers on the Med, old btiiM.
turned Monday on the l.utte
.... ..r 1 -,... was' neat ion oi Hie. HOW uriilo .nn.
Iiik Senators Johnson of California;
l-al-'olleUe, AViseonsin and Hot-all.
Idaho, are op)osed to the change.
Their uhjectiong were said to be based
on tlie ground that restriction of de
bate l,y majority vote would deny a
small minority the power to delay or
delcat what they regarded as vicious
They were said to have emphasized
ihat the new rule would have pre
vented tho loin; debate and "cani-
liulBn (if education" on the Versailles
treaty and almost blocked the .suc
cessful filibuster uf tho "wilful
twelve" against former President
Wilson's armed ship bill.
and Mr. Hash went on up nouio. i
derstand that Mr. Hash is noing into
tho dairy business unite extensively.
Harvey Peyton brought out a load of
spuds for our market Thursday.
Israel I'atton of untie t ans,
I anions the passengers on the nunc
1 Kails stage Thursday morning on his
stage, and went on up home on the
Lake Creek stage.
Itoy Stanley has been hauling lum
ber oast the Sunnvside to coei u
large stack of hay he has on the south
side of the creek to feed this winter.
... . ... i . ..r ii-rn, tnollt
l.U COWUOll. O..C u. , ,
farmers and stock and dairy men camt f-rence Fallow of Lake Creek is
out anil wont to .Meuioru .""". i ,..,., wi,h his sister, Mrs. 1
Oreen Matthews, another one of our handy man around
well to do farmers and stooj; men was j
a business callor Saturday. chin-lev Humphrey of llorby,
Ceo. W. Hastings, manager ot lie iirlnL.lpaI-nl8lier f that section passed
liiouir irauiuii..ui,ii ..i ... through here Thursday liioraii
Ull CO., lOUMUK U'CI ...v- . -
hlgnways witii W. C. Haines, agent for
the said oil company, of San Francisco
and found fault with our roads on ac
count of the weaving of the tires on
their trucks, but felt better after they
had dinner at tho Sunnyside.
David Keys who has been working
for C. H. Natwick on the Crater Lake !
highway, is boarding at the Sunnyside. !
1 met with the principal ot our
schools, Mrs. Geo. Holmes, last Mon
day at the postoffice and was told
thai there were 38 names -of children
enrolled in our school and that every
thing was progressing nicely. Our pri-
tonehnr. Miss Alice Train, is
Itogue river on Ihe east side, and while
here he gave me his subscription tor
tho Weekly Mail Tribune, and the
same afternoon -Mrs. F. W. lteid, wife
of one of the men who are operating
tho steam rollers on the Crater Lake
highway met me at the Kist office and j
gave me her subscription for the Daily '
Mail Tribune. I
Thursday evening Mrs. 1'. K. Saudoz ;
of Klk creek. Trail postoilice, spent j
tho night ;;t the Sunnyside.
Miss Josephine. Dowd of Jackson-,
ville, came out on the initio rails
tage as far as Kagle Point and weul
on ui on the i.ake i itck s'age in umi
her sister, Mrs. Ncwsbauiu who was
recently married.
Mrs. It. K. Kiddle of Lake Creek who
has been out to Klamath Falls on busi- j
ness came out Thursday and went on
up homo on the Lake Creek stage.
It becomes my painful duty to record
another sad death in our community.
tho;that of William Wesley minor wno
lived a short distance anovo nero. u
appears that he was riding in a car
with a man by tho name or I ox anu
that something went wrong with the
name ho went by, asked him lo stand
on the limning board and watch to see
what was wrong and in making a turn
in the roail the wheejs turned so as. to
overturn the car, ;UchinK him enter
it and crushing him to death. Ue
loaves a wil'u and two year old son,
father, mother, tmi hrothern, half
i lirother. sister and grandfather and it
host of friends to suffer Hid beveavr
ment. no was 211 years and 11 mnnthj
old and was b un on his graiulfuther't
old homestead near Ashland, Oregon.
The funeral will take place SundaMl
from the Perl Funeral Homo in Med
ford, the burial to be in Ashland.
Lift (i
Friday and Satu
See Windows at
The Vanity S.
E. Main and lartlett
Remodeling Nevtly Dc.
YOU 0-
A Wise Woman
can make her friends bcliovo
that a dry cleaned yarnient is
So ran wo. Our system Is
nothing short of wonderful. - U
given the narmont the appear
ance of a new one.
Send uk that old dress or Buit
today we'll remake it.
X(Xi:V YORK, Sept. 29. Two
hm.i1.-rwl niio.i ,r..i.Kn..u i.f HULI'V
of the George Washington, tho larg- proving to be the right person in that
est passenger liner operating under department.
tlie American flag, were discharged
today, In furtherance of the policy of
the United States shipping board to
have only American crews on Ameri
can ships which it owns.
Similar action will be taken with
regard to other shipping board ves
sels operated by the lino, officials
iV. Y. Stocks
in 1925!
Trees planted this yenr will lie
almost, il' not iictiuillv lii'iirinii
fruit ..(luring- tlio yenf of our com-
iuo His Fair. How much more
valuable will your lirnperty la'
than if barren fit' (roes.
Also consider the improvement, in
vour home surroundings a nice
plant ill": of shade trees, shrubbery,
roses, etc.. will accomplish. Our
.stock or Fruit and Orniiincntal
Trees embraces a wide assort
ment, of tlie finest in their respec
tive classes.
When you are ready to plant, con
sult us. We can help you.
Oregon Nursery
NEW VOIIK, Kept. 20. Gains of
one to three points were made by
leading issues of the railway and in
dustrial divisions intoday's stock mar
ket. Technical conditions prompted
extensive- short covering. Sales ap
proximated 500,000 shares.
Allis-Chaliners 33
American Beet Sugar 28
American Can 27.1
Amer. Car & Foundry 12S.S
Amer. Hide & Leather 51.25
Amer. International Corp 3-1.3
American Locomotive 90
Amer. Smelting & Kefg 3S.1
American Sugar 61
Amer. Sumatra Tobacco 41.3
American T. & T 107.8
American Woolen 75.50
Anaconda Copper 30.25
Atchison 86.50
Atl. tlnlf & W. lndios 28
Haldwln Locomotive 8S.I
Baltimore & Ohio 38.8
Ilethlohom Steel "B" 56.25
Canadian Pacific 113.75
Central Leather 2 9
Chandler Motors 43
Chesapeae & Ohio 5 6
Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 2 6 I. & P 33. S
. llest wood or nil kinds.. Only wood In
city mulct- cover. Also best I tali
foal at St " off car.
2nd and Mr
1'lioiie TO
City Cleaning
and Dyeing Co.
When you think of having
vour Clothes Cleaned and
Pressed, think of our guaranty:
Chino Copper 24.1
Colorado Kuel & Iron 24.75
Corn Products 7S.50
Crucible Steel 64.50
Cuba Cane Sugar 7.50
Krle 13.75
(ieneral Klectric 124.3
General Motors 10.3
(loodrich Co 32
Great Northern, pfd 75
Croat Northern Ore Ctfs 27.6
Illinois Central 97
inspiration Copper 34.75
Int. Mcr. Marine pfd 4S.1
in'ernatlonal Paper 49.75
Kennecott Copper 20.6
Louisville & Nashville 109.2
Mexican Petroleum 109.2
Miami Copper 21.2i
Middle States Oil 12
Midvale Steel 26
Missouri Pacific 20.1
New York Central 74
X. Y N. H. & H 15.1
Norfolk & Western 96.25
Xorthern acific 77.6
Oklahoma Prod. & Ret 21.1
Pan American Petroleum 47
Pennsylvania 37.6
People's Gas 51
Pittsburg & W. Va 26.50
Ray Consolidated Copper 12.75
Reading 72.3
Rep. Iron & Steel 52.50
Royal Dutch, N. Y 46
Shell Trans. & Trad 33.6
Sinclair Con. Oil 20
Southern Pacific 79.75
Southern Railway; 20.8
Standard Oil of X. J. pfd 107.25
Studebaker Corporation 74.6
Tennessee CODDer
Texas Co 36
Texas & Pacific 23
Tobacco Products 66.2"
Transcontinental Oil 8.50
I'uion Pacific 122
I.'. S. Food Products 12.5
1'. S. Retail' Stores 52.23
I". S. Ind. Alcohol 46
Cnlted States Rubber 49. S
I'nited States Steel SO
Vtah Copper
Westiaghouse. Electric 4 5.5C
Willy's Overland -". 0
Nick Young and R. A. Petty, Artie
Vestal and F. J. Ay res were business i
callers Tuesday. Mrs. L. M. Abbott of
Butte Falls, came out on the stago anu
went on tip home Tuesday.
Tuesday morning our town was
thrown into a stage of excitement
when the news was carried from
house to house announcing the shbot-
ing ot Wilbur Leroy Jacks by Raleigh ,
Matthews in the street near the old
grist mill, a very sad affair. It was
the result of an old fned that has been
brewing for a year or more. Hut as
there have already been a number of
different statements published in dif
ferent papers throughout the state and
the statements very conflicting, evi
dently designed to influence the minds
of the public one way or the other 1
proiioso to let tho matter rest until tne
case is decided by the courts.
Dr. Sweeney of Medford was called
and upon examination found that Mr.
Jacks had been shot In two places both i
bullets penetrating Hie bowels, so the
doctor took him in his own car to the ;
hospital in Medford and he passed
away the next day about 9 o'clock a.
m. He leaves his wife and three chil-1
drcn, Edna aged 14, Kenneth aged 7.
and Wilbur, Jr., aged 9; his mother,
Mrs. F. E. Minnick of Central Point,'
a twin brother, Wilfred who is living
at Lima Ridge, CaliL, and a sister,,
Ruby Hayden of Yakima, Wash.
There were four men, Messrs. A. L.
ICdgerlno, G. W. Potts, Wilbur Bornss
and Albert Randall, all of Grants Puss.
They have been putting up the guard
rails on the approaches to the different
bridges that have been built along the
Crater Lake highway, and painting
them. They remained from Monday I
until Thursday night, then going home.
but engaged their rooms for next .Mon
day, when they expect to return and
apply another coat of paint.
lien J Trowbridge and C. H. wat-
kins of Medford, were here for supper
Tuesday evening.
Grant Matthews, wife and son Kan
who live on the Crater Lake highway
about a mile south of tlie Rogue river
bridge were here Wednesday morning
on their way to Medford. Mrs. Mat
thews in speaking of the work done on
tho Crater 1-ake highway related how
their house was shattered by the blast
ing on the highway. She said that they
were compelled to unroof their house-
entirely and one stump came througn
the roof that was so large that it took
three or four men to work It out. The
road runs right through their yard and
has necessitated several changes in
their plans, but they are rejoicing to
think that they will have such, a fine
thoroughfare from their place to ieu-
ford when it Is completed, for the way ;
it has been in the winter time it has
nnitniAr n i l n iiun i iii.n a
Benefit Sale ; -H
VU111111U111LJ UIUU AJLViWlJVp4cifl
Broken Out Skin and ItclilnB
Bwum llelH-l Over Night.
TY,r nnslrtitlv skin eruptions, rash
or blotches on face, neck arms.
bodv, you do not have to wait for re
lief from torture or embarrassment.
declares a noted skin specialist. Ap
ply a little Mentho-Sulphur and Im
provement shows next day.
Hernusc of lt germ destroying pro.
nerticK. nothinK Has ever been found
to take the place of this sulphur prep
aration. The moment you apply
henling hegins. Only those who hriv.
bud unsightly skin troubles can know
ihe dellcht this Mentho-Hulphur
brines. Even fiery, itching eczema Is
dried right up.
Get small .jnr from any good
druggist and use It like cold rrenm.
Saturday, October First
, .i l 1 r 1 1 " T . - . 1 . , L. rriirt - 4UAm - f
r- .1 j i cViaro rrnHts with the laaies or me -ivi- e'vs -"-" " i-"-
For this one-day sale we share proms witn ne i r .ec!-l,
o r ona nrm tnwaru iiib uuiiuiuk 1 -?.
. -- - i .
l C m-j-ific ealQ Aft A i
ceniuiuuisw" . , ... ,
will be offered in every department ror tms u.
. . , 15c
35c and 45c
. ... i i i i
27-inch heavy Outing Flannel, white ana colors, spec.., aiu
36 inch heavy Outing rlannel, extra wiom, special,
36-inch extra quality Sateen specials a ,yu V i ' V ' "j
ic n;,fto strinftd anirunff. oeaumui paucmo, j ......
lU-111'11 uv'"v 1 , . i J I Z.Z7C
Gf, rnR. beautiful colors, special, yard "
r I y.lva enpna I . varfl
Japanese repe, peauu. ui . : , ;. 69c j
32-inch French Uingnams, new pauc.i.B, oH""
i t i t- i " i i i w.wa a i varn '
. . i l- 1 ! 1,1. J Aarlra ! f ..
35-inch Mosswooa rercaies, ugnw ,
ww. ma 1' 1 1.1 n ...-.lif r. anprial ah varfl .! V.ii
Hope IVIUSlin, you Know uic 4u..jri r-- "-w .
Daisy Muslin, very good quality, special at
Lonsdale Bleached Muslin, special at ,
72x90 good quality Sheets, while they last, at -v t
81x90 good quality Sheets, while tney iasi ac ,. .;
50 dozen good Barber lowels, special, per aozen t
54 and 56-inch all wool plaids and stripes. Regular at, yard -. .
38-inch half wool plaids and stripes, regular at, yard '
36-inch Granite Clothes, nice assortment of patterns, at, yard ..,..
12 Mom me Silk Pongee, excellent quality, at, yam -
36-inch Corduroy, fine for children's Coats, at, yard
32-inch Velveteen, all beautiful shades, at, yard ,
36-inch Tricolette and Silk Jersey, at, yard -1
1 A
100 Silk Waists, selling at just one-half price.
1 lot all wool Slip-On Sweaters, Saturday at .
1 lot all wool Wraps and Throws, Saturday at
1 lot good House Dresses and Aprons, Saturday, at .
t- rrRu. SuitR and Coats. Saturday, at .
Large assortment Suits, Coats and Dresses, Saturday, at . . ....
Large assortment Ladies' and Misses' Rain Coats, Saturday, at . ..... , . ..
1 lot Ladies' Hats, Saturday, at - ? " s'4
All - L- C t 1 1 w - f riKlTP -
i i r.A. ..' 1 9.7. Saturdav . . ......... 1.UU
L.arge assuruncui i-wauu voi ovo, o... w - , aq
.fl I gf; aoOUl Lllllli UMMaw - -
. I.
$4.98 :.
...... $1.0(1'
., $io.5a;
,., $4.98'
$25 $30
New fall merchandise, Style Plus and Classmate Clothes.
Mallory Hats at.., . . .....
Help the Ladies Build a New Club
.House At the same time benefit
yourself. . .
': ' ' ' . ', ',u
Many of the above prices are our
uiar everyday low prices p;,TlllJJ
are fo one day only Come er .
I . ' Adv.
40 S. ItKerplde
Ptiono 474