Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 06, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    - I
TocaZ and
JLJ Personal
... : 1
Only three weeks more and the Cra
ter Like eeaaon will be on. Preara
liana for the op-n:t.i! b)' Alex Sparrow.
urrintendeal of Crater national i-ark
kid the manajrernenl of the new
Crater Lake company wtiich tail takes ,
OTer the former Parkharat concessions
are now progressing. Sue.-lritendent !
Bparrow lfft ln! morning for the lakef
with six laborers and a quantity of ,
provisions and other ipp'.ies to open;
h Mtk headtiiiarters tnere. e vm
be back In a few days to take tip ir.-ore
laborers. and will add Kiaduaily to
their number until tis staff for the
season Is completed.
"Hemstitching c per yd. at the
civiecrafi Shon. We also do dress
making, pleating, embroider?', buttons
braldine sad mending. Phone 744-J
M F. 4 H. Wdg. Mesdames Katt,n t
Robert. Prop. 'J
Few hundred dollars to loan on real
estate. O. C. liogKS. ''
Be sure and vote tomorrow at the
special slate election on referendum
measures. Ttje poll" r "In 'ronI
a. in. to li. m . and the voting pre
cincts in Med ford are the same ar.
were used at the election last Novem
ber. Here is your chance to have your
car repaired at a great reduction in
nrlce oer hour. Call and see us. Hun
Welch Auto Repair Hhop. 24 North
Jllverside. 65
The California-Oregon Power com
pany announces that all electric cur
rent will be shut off from Medford and
Phoenix for an hour from four o'clock
Tuesday morning on account of Instal
ling new construction. G&
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Mo of Klamath
Falls, formerly of Medford. r.pent Mon
day id the city.
Lawn mowers sharpened. Mitchell
Ladder Co.. 113 East Main. tf
"Il' Her Turn Now." Y. W. C A-
budget campaign, June 613.
The maximum temperature of Sun
day, k7i4 degrees, was the warmest of
the year by one-half degree. Fair
weather Is predicted for Tuesday.
School for drawing and painting.
Mrs. Edmondson, College bids. t
160.00 reward for return of box of
tool taken from 11. C. Thomas house
In Kant Medford. C. K. Stains, 701
East Jackson.
A number of members of the Elks
lodge spent Sunday forenoon at the
Elks picnic grounds cleaning up that
location preparatory to the big basket
picnic of the lodge, which will be held
there on June Ik, and at noon enjoyed
sn outing lunch washed down by quan
titles of Henry Mackey's superb cof
fee. Chevrolet Owners: Owing lo present
conditions I will completely overhaul
Chevrolet cars for JUS. See us before
going elsewhere. Bun Welch Auto
lie pair Shop. 28 North Riverside. 65
"It's Her Turn Now," Y. V. C. A.
budget campaign, June 613.
Portland guests at the Holland in
elude 'W. J. Crane. T. O. Ijimbert, O.
Mlkkelson, J. It. I.oe and J. A. Noll.
Hemstitching 8c per yard. The Van
lly Shop, cor. E. Main ami llartlett. CU
If you want strawberries to eat or
for canning punxxtes get them till"
week at Uie 1'leasaul View farm, Just
west of the Talent school house. Sev
eral varieties. fi"
So far its can bo learned Medford
will have no Fourth of July celebra
tion this year, and as usual will have
to depend for entertainment in that
line on the Ashland celebration, which
will consist of a big parade, public
speaking,, music, sports, bull gauies
and a big displuy of fireworks.
'Its Her Turn Now," Y. W. C. A.
budget campaign, Juno 6-13.
Walter U Ulceson, grand keeper of
records ftud seuls, will be with us Mon
day evening to pay Talisman Ixjdgo un
olflciul visit.. All Knights bo suro and
ue thore, i lr
Among guests at the Medford are
C. W. Nichols and C. Dankson of New
York, E. M. Russell or Cleveland, Prod
C. Schram and Mr. anil Mrs. 1. J. Sic
(irace of Seattle, P. C. Ureasel! and
family of Denver, and the following
from California: Mrs. J. McDonald and
sister, Mrs. K. Shipley uud C. K. Rog
ers of Jxw Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Molzger'pf Santa Ana, and -Mr. ami
Mrs. George Hreck, ChaH. C. Anthony,
M. A. ; Horer, Hryan Coleman, J. 11 11, K. Taber ami II. Steinberg of
Sun FranciKCo.
Election night dunco Tuesday, June
7th, at American legion bull. M'
We develop kodak films free. West
Side Pharmacy. tf
Pyllilun Memorial duy will bo ob
served on juni! Hlh by tho KulglilH of
Pythias lodges throughout the I'nlteil
Stutes. .
"It's-Her Turn Now," Y. W. C. A.
budget cadipuigu, June 0 13.
For oue week wo will glvo a pair of
Ice tongs free with the purchiiKo of u
coupon ile book. Juoksun County
Creuriny. phone Dl. tf
.Mrs. , Claud and adopted buliy
bou left for their home at Uend yester
day byway of Kluinuth Fulls, by auto,
following a two weeks visit with rela
tives In, the city, nccompunled by Miss
Josephine Koppus who will be the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Metz for ueverul
weeks, ,.
Sugaf Cowl taxi, county trips spec
ialty, nlinne 12711. 82
Sweet potato 'plants for sale at Mon
arch Seed & Feed Co. tf
Tho banks of Medford uud ull other
towns lu the county will he closed all
duy tomorrow becuusu of tho special
Bluto .election being held thut day.
Attention strawberry growers! Wo
can furnish you cups nnd crates at
lowest prices. Farm llurouu Co-operative
Exchange. tf
American Iglon Election Night
dunce, Tuesday, Juno 7th, ut Amerleiui
Legion hall. Come nnd hear the returns;
Plans of Oregon schools districts ti
vole on special tax levies at annual
meetings, June Z. were completely
upt by aa opinion written by A'lor
ny Gw?raJ Van Winkle for trie tcfor
niaiiu of J. A. Churchill, fciate scr
i.'ileDie&t of public instruction, which
holds thai before lax lTi can be
voted by school districts ne foroj
rriurt t .reared and di.tHb'iTel to
the county titrfrju-n4e!ii3 th.'Oushoet
the state for the school dUtrtc-s in
their respective cooties. rY.!!oiBir
receipt of the?e forms 2m days' notice
must be sfven before an e:ect!.n to
Tot( a u x i-Ty can be held.
Lrv rail! bl'cks. phooe 6'A-Ti.
For or.e week e will ge a pair of
ice to::ga free with the purchase of aj
cou;xn ice rxk. Jacsoa County I
Creaniery. Phone 51. tf
Elecrion night dance. Tuesday. J :ne
7rh. at American legion Lall. to
Fretl C. Charr.pjin is a visitor in the
city from Foots creek who arrived
Election Night dance Tuesday. June
7th, at American Legion hail. ;
In thirty seconds hail can destroy a
crop thai requires a year to reproduce.
Insurance against Vus by hail at low
rates Is offered by the McCurdy Insnr
ance Agency. '
Vote X Yes 302, world war veterans
state aid fund. 65
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Mitchell, of
Portland, were In Medford today en
route to Ashland to visit their friends,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hamilton who re
cently moved there from Chlco. Mr.
Mitchell has been connected with the
Telegram and Oregonian for several
' It's Her Turn Now.' Y. W. C. A.
budget campaign, June C-13.
First-class carpenter work. Esti
mates furnished. Phone Dixon S3S-J-1.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Drake of ISeagle.
siient Sunday here, making thir head-i
quarters at the city auto camp.
We are paying the highest prices for
all kinds of poultry and eggs.. Faun
ilureati Co-Operative Exchange. ff
Swimming at Nat, hours 2 to S and
7:30 to 9:3ft p. m. tf
Nash hotel guests Include Al McCoy
of Tonopah, Nev., V. Hansen of Wal
lace, Ida., C. W. Stone of Shasta
Springs, S. M. Hawkins of Cbico. J. O.
Dapp and John J. Hrown of Crescent
City nnd H. D. Walsh of Klarnath
American legion Election Night
dance, Tuesday, June 7th. at American
Legion hall. Come and hear the re
turns. 6'
Lawn mowers sharpened rlgnL Lib
erty Shop. 2C1-J. tf
If a farmer or orchardlst loses only
one crop in thirty-five years from fire
or hall he has lost more than adeuuute
Insurance wonld cost for the Bnme
length of time at today's rates. Mc
Curdy Insurance Agency. !!
On the front page of the magazine
section of tho Sunday Oregonian ap
peared a little gem of a poem entitled
"Rose of the Morning," written by Hen
Hur Lampmun, formerly of Gold Hill.
" He per yd. '
Iliittons covered.
Handicraft Shop. tf
"It's Her Turn Now," Y. W. C. A.
budget cumpnlirn, June fi-13.
Vote X Yes 302, world war veternnK
state nld fund. (15
Tho fluo home of L. C. Dunn and
Its contents, In Ar.lilund, were destroy
ed by n fire of unknown origin lust
Suturduy afternoon, lloth tho houc
and contents were Insured.
Phone 474. Guaranteed work, prompt
service. City Cleaning & Dyolng Co.,
401 South Riverside. tf
American Legion Election Night
dance, Tuesday, June 7th, at American
Legion hull. Come and hear the re
turns. W
Dry mill blocks. Phone C50-H. 09
Voto X Yen 302, world war veterans
stute aid fund. 05
. Among Holland hotel guests are A.
W. Huriintt of Sacrumento. Hen. I'n-
ger Sf Sun Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. A.
C. Corben of Dutismulr, Jnck Sharp
rutck of Reno, and Mr. and Mrs. ('. A.
lllrkel nnd Mr. anil Mrs. W. Tunsretiii
of Seattle. J
A reduction of jMelflc pneka
goods. Handicraft Shop. 0
lletuember the boys on June
you did when they were In tho
Vote X Yes 302.
The 100,000 murk In automobile reg
Ixlrntions of Oregon was passed May
31, with registrations on that date
totaling 100.159. according to a suth
mury compiled by Secretary of State
Koser. The totul registration for
1020 was 103,790 automobiles. Ma
registrations totaled 4570, or Just 302
abend of May. 1920. Registration fees
collected by tho department to May
31 totaled 12.102.079, as against n total
of 2,050,094 collected during tho en
lire year of 192u.
For mile. 1920 Ilulek Six, J1300.
Good as new. See Attorney llorden.
Waller (1. Oleeson, grand keeper of
records anil seuls will be with tm Men
day evening to pay Tullsiniin Lodge an
official visit. All Knights bo sure nnd
be there. tl
Miss Mildred Woodruff who hud
been the guest of Miss Dorothy Con
ner for some time, left today by way
of the Canadian Pacific railroad for
her home In New York state.
Dry mill blocks. Phone BR0-II. 9
The regular Juno examination of
applicants for state tenchers certlfi
cates will ho held next week hv County
School Superintendent Homes nt Jack
sonville, commencing next Wednesday
at 9 a. m. and continuing dally until
noxt Saturday at 4 p. m.
Miss Edim Jones arrived at Jackson
ville recently from Chltwood. Ore., to
make her homo with her father, E. R
Try our merchant lilneh. The
When better nutomnblles are unlit
Ilulek will build llleui. tf
'Mary" at the
fray- .?'
M i V rt " ' V x j
ivC 'if f- 3 'TJ f
1 'j'w ; f fx 'v'xj,wi
MIES Virginia l-ce. premier oancer, wilh the -Mary ' company.
The last musical comedy of the sea-; girl, and the efforts of this embryo
son, ' Mary.'- will be given at the Page
theatre tonight. Mr. Cohan, the actor -
aiilior -producer Is presenting "Mary "
so!ly under his own management, and
h: proybled an excellent cjmany of
Medians aud chorus associates who
gijp lib: to the book and music uniidsl
a ivirgeous. scenic equipment. :
Mr: Harbach's book, contains a story
that would pa.s3 muster in the light-1
comedy field. It tells the. story Of a
young man in love with a charming
The Passion Play will be given Wed
nesday evening at the First Methodist
church, corner Fourth and Hartlett.
Dr. J. W. Wilkinson of California will
be the lecturer and has in his collec
tion of wonderful slides what si said
to be the only true likeness of Christ.
Tho public Is cordially invited.
Call at Handicraft Shop nnd get the
prices on children's colored wash
dresses. CJi
Fruit ladders, all sizes. Earl Fruit
Company. Gi
Ted Thye, ex-world's champion, is ex
pected to referee the match, liasaiita
Singh, Hindu champion vs. R. W.
Hand.' undefeated champion of south
ern Oregon, Friday, June loth. 05
It developes that the driver of one
of the cars in the collision at .Main and
Front streets l;ut Saturday afternoon
w-as W. E. Conger lnsteai!of "Beany"
Walker, as related in the account pub
lished in the Sunday Suu.
R. A. Holmes, the insurance Man.
Insurance, and Bonds, plus Service.
Save money on wrapping paper by
uslnf KhitO'Pilut paper In rolls. Ask
this office. tf
Films lu at 10 a. in., ont a: 3. Stem's
Studio. C5
American Legion Election Night
dunce, Tuesday, June 7th, at American
Legion hall. Come and hear the re
turns. ' CO
The courts nnd county and city of
fices, as well as the banks will be
closed tomorrow ull day because or
tho special state election.
Fruit ladders, ull sizes. Earl Fruit
Company. G7
Feed wheat $2.30 per cwt. at the
Farm Bureau Co-operative Exchange.
Election night dance Tuesday, June
7th. at American Legion hall. Ilti"
Wllllum O. Tait, 'president of the
First National bank, who was elected
pri'siilent of tho Oregon Hankers asso
ination ut the annual coavoniion of
idiat body last Saturday, arrived. home
ffoin the Convention at Seaside; Ore.,
ipis forenoon.' .
' " For carpenter '.'work phone 'vDVxon,
I29-J-4. Back, to pro-war prices.'' i G7
i i Hemstitching Sc ' pot- yard. Owing
Id the reduction In all lines, "we have
reduced tho price of hemstitching to
Kc per yard. Your orders hie rcsiiect
fully solicited and wiil receive very
prompt ntttention. The Vanity Shop,
cor. E. Main and Burtlett. tii'i
For top und upholstering. Do Luxe
Auto Toil Shop. tf
A special meeting of tile liny Scouts
to consider plans for the summer
camping trip will he held Tuesday
evening ut the Washington school
grounds, and all scouts are expected
to be present.
Notice Heglnning June 1st, our
prico for hemstitching will be ,Nc per
yard. Satisfaction guaranteed. Vanity
Hat Shop. ' Gt'i
Violin instruction, Florence Howell,
special attention to beginners. Sparta
building, phone 04 5-1 1. tf
American Legion Election Night
dunce, Tuesday. June 7th. ut American
M'gion hall. Come and hear the re
turns. 06
Grants Pass Is the nieoca today of
the Woodmen of the World lode s of
Southern Oregon who gathered there
for a big celebration ami to gi-eet I. 1.
Boak of luiver. head consul, and oth
er high officials of the order. The
Medford delegation departed by uuto
for Grunts Pass this uftcimx'ti In time
to participate In the big W. (). W.
basket picnic at C p. In., which will be
followed by an o'ii nlr meeting In the
city park ut S o'clock tonight.
Election night ilnnco Tuesday, June
7th, at American l.e:ion hall. 66
We develop konHK films free. West
Sido Pharmacy. tr
Mrs. Paul Hansel., coraellere for
Nullone. Phone GS5 J. tf
Page Tonight
( business man to acquire wealth; He
j has art kiea that is seemingly worth a
; fortune and which he sets out for the
jwest to develop. Hi3 Idea is a distinct
i failure but through It he accidentally
'acquires the wealth he sought. Mr.
Mandel and Mr. Hirsch have written a
very pretty Bcore which contains many
melodies that are of the catchy vari
sty. Mr. Cohan has selected with un
usual care a cast that Includes many
well known players.
Rex Lampman and father, of Gold
Hill, who, by the way ate good news
paper men, have been In Ashland late
ly in an effort to organize a local stock
company to start the second paer
here. After interviewing a number of
business men. they came to the cm
elusion that it would be better if they
could organize a local company and
buy the Tidings instead of starling
another paper. We made them a price
on the Tidings that would guarantee
good returns to the Investors. Ash
land Tidings editorial.
Choice of three surfaces of kodak
prints Velvet, gloss, squeegee (enam
eled). Swem's Studio. C5
Invest your savings in the Jackson
County Luilding and Loan association
Oregonians at the, Medford yester
day and this morning were Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. liosworih and daughter and
Raleigh Taylor of Corvallis. C. F.
hmedley of Astoria, Jlr. and Mrs. O.
W. Nelson of Salem, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard A. Hall, L. P. Hermann, Mrs.
K. E. Orton and Mrs. W. L. Hay ward
of Eugene, .Mrs. C'has. L. Moore, R. H.
lumbar and J. C. Iloyle of Klamath
Falls, und the following from Port
land: Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Helcher.
Stewart Belcher, R. II. Esslinger, E. S.
Alger. B. F. Rogers and Miss Ann
Election night dance Tuesday, June
7th, at American Legion hall. CG
I'se pure lead spray for your last
applications. Corona Dry Arsenate of
lead. Earl Fruit Company. G7
There w-as quite a crowd all day
Sunday at the Barber field to witness
tile flight by Jack Sharpnack and his
commercial plane, which was kept
busy most of the day by persons will
ing to pay $10 each . for a ride around
the rim of tho valley.
Sweet potato plants for sale at Mon
arch Seed & Feed Co. tf
Pine flume lumber at Big Fines
Lumber company. tf
I'se pure lead spray for your last
application. Corona Dry Arsenate of
Lead. Earl Fruit Company. G7
Tho body of William L. C'hlldors
who with his wife was drowned In the
Rogue river last Thursday, has not yet
been found. There was a crowd ull
day Sunday at the scene of the drown
ing and many volunteer workers at
dragging the river. Nellher has the
('hlldeis car been located.
American Legion Election Night
dance Tuesday, June 7th, nt American
Legion hall. Come and hear the re
turns. 06
Our new intensive course in machine
bookkeeping will qualify you to do
ptaetical liookkeeping work In a few
weeks. Soed typing nnd shorthand.
Slimmer classes (morning only) at
sK'clal low rates begin June 0th.
Medford Business College. GO
Ice cold drinks, ice cream cones and
pure home-made candy at Kandyland,
the tiniest store in Oregon, two doors
east of ltlalto. 05
Voters entitled to vote nt (he special
state election tomorrow but who nre
not registered may have their votes
sworn in.
FOR RENT For the summer, modern
furnished home with sleeping porch,
garden and berries. Small family
preferred. Call 722 Dakota or phone
0u7. CT
Full SALE Dodge commercial truck
lu excellent condition, model 1920
only run I'.mmi miles -two new tires,
price $1125. Phone 361 Jacksonville.
lult KENT Newly furnished sleep
ing room:; in private family, with
bathroom privilege:;. 325 S. River
side. , U'i
Basanta Singh, a Hindu, asd Rilphi
j Hasd. pride of Gold Hill, have been
j Kiaiched for a bout at Gold Hill next
Friday evening. June 10, best two out j
Oi three falls, to a finish and decis
ion. Hand weights 163 ln Basaita
16e and the men will meet "Set C2tB
weights. Ted Thye 'of the ;M.." A''. 'A.
C. clnb of Portland, ' who wrestled
Hand to a draw ix weekfc agoi tiaS
been invited to referee, and is likely
to accept. The rr.ateh "will begin at
'j itjock and there will be no pre
liminaries. Tleets'are on sale at
Brown's and Brown's.
The Hindu is fast and clever man,
arid Co set up for Hand. In his na
tive land, wrestling is tanght In the
schools. Basanta has wrestled sev
eral times in Portland and other
northwest cities and always made a
aood showing. He has been after a
match with Hand for months, and at
last is going to be accommodated.
Hand is rated as one of the likeliest
young mat men on tlie Pacific coast,
and is in good condition. The match
has been hanging fire for some time.
A large number of local and valley
fans will attend the match. i
MAlilNjpfa 'Belle. Mardon died
at thel Sedj 'Heart (Hospital, June
5th, of pvritoniius, aged 4-3 years, S
months and 29 days. She was born
It; Indiana on Aug. 6, 1577. The
fanjily were formerly, residents near
Gold Hill and came to Medford last
August. She leaves her husband, John
H., and three sons and two daugh
ters: John 'V. "and Elsie Mardon of
Medford: Willie D. and Edgar E of
Medford, and Foster and "Miss Hazel
Foster of Independence, Ore. The fu
neral service will be held at the Perl
Funeral Home Tuesday, June 7th, at
1 p. m. Interment at Rock Poini
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
Warning! Unloss you see tho name
"Bayer" on package or on tablets,
you are not getting genuine Aspirin,
prescribed by physiciunb for twenty
one ycam and proved safe by mil
lions. Take Aspirin only as told in
the BnytT package for C'oids, Head
ache. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Ear
ache, Toothache, Lumbago and for
I'ain. Handy, tin boxes of twelve
flayer Tablets of Aspirin cost few
cents. Druggists also sell larger
packages. Aspirin is the trade mark
of liayer Manufacture of Monoaeeti
cacideHter of Salicylic-acid. Adv.
YES X 302
Adjusted 'Omipftn.niitJon for cx
wrvlcv men
- - j
It. A. HOLMKS ' r'
All Forms Insurance and Bonds
Jackson County Hank Illdg.
Speed Along
under nur built to order top an'll
let her catch the wind in won't
hurt top of sides. Our made to
order auto tops have it all over
the factory made kind, in tlesion,
materials aud workmanship also
in price.
Service Garage
-'-'--u S. Kir St Medfort!
jProfessor Budlong
Puts Tanlac to
, - ,g
.-' :: PROF. C. J. BVDLOXO. Manchester, X. 11.
'I;.an; actual fact, I'm in good
health, for .the first lime in thirty
vears and I owe my present splendid
'Ohdlliun to Tanlac and nothing
else." was the emphatic statement oi
Professor C. J. liudlong. well-known
and highly respected citizen of Man
chester, X. H.,. residing al ,42 School
'Practically all my life I had had
rheumatism, and when I say rheu
matism I mean every word of it. It
was ull over my body and especially
bad in my feet nnd less, and there
were times when I couldn't get from
my bed lo my chair without help.
And from the time I was a boy I
couldn't sit down and eat a good meal
without being in misery afterwards
and I would have terrible pains
around my heart and frequent at
tacks of palpitation and dlr.ziness.
One. of 'the loveliest sections of Oregon is
Jackson County mild climate, ground of
great-fertility, and fine scenery they com
bine to make this an ideal home country.
The First National Bank is ever on the alert
to promote the development of Medford and
Jackson County, and is always glad to con
fer with those who have plans furthering fu
ture growth.
A Great Sale of Stationery
At Less Than Pre-War Prices
One pound Willards Society Linen Paper. 47d
One box AVillards Society Linen Envelopes 33
Willards Society Linen (iilt Edge Cards with
Enveh ipes 1 49
These are wonderful bargains of high clas;
ery and the sale is on for this week ONLY.
Heath's Drug Store
The San T ox Store
109 East Main Street. '
Tor. Ilnrllett Kill. I'liiine :t:t.t
'.'I had 'a stubborn eosn of constipa
tion, was troubled awfully with blind
ing headaches and hardly knew what
sleep was. My suffering had almost
made a 'complete nervous wreck of
me and I was so weak I wasn't worth .
a nickel as far as work was con
cerned. I thought my iruuhles had a'
lifelong grip on me and was about as
discouraged as a man ever gets.
"Well, before I had. finished my
first bottle of Tanlac 1 realized !t was
different from anything I ever tried.
It suited my case exiicity. And now
for almost the first time since I can
remember 1 can cat anything I want
and digest it. J haven't an ache or
pain and have gained fifteen pounds
ill weight. I just feel good all over
and am full of life and energy these
days. Everywhere 1 go I talk Tanlac.
It hasn't an equal." Adv.
We linvo the nineklmrii Wmxl Yard
and are now prewired to furnish all
kinds of wood und sliilis hy the tier or
cord at
Yard nt 113 S. llr street, I'lione 5
or 870-.1. lielhery lo nnr imrt of