PZGE TWO ' ocal and Personal 'The executive board of the Women's Presbyterlal AsBociatlon of the South ern Oregon Presbytery Is meeting to day ut luncheon and for executive session with the president, Mrs. Wal tor Frazer llrown at l'enbro orchard The following are the other members of the board: Mrs. Volncy Dixon, Med ford; Mrs. C. 13. Lamkin and Mrs. J. W. McCoy of Ashland; Mrs. M. C. (iiLston and Mrs. L. D. Clement of (Irants Pass;' Mrs. E. W. Warrington of . noseburg; Mrs.' J. W. Angell of Phoenix, and Mrs. H. W. Davissun of Central Point. ...' Hemstitching and picotlng 10 cents per yard. The Vanity Hat Shop, Cor1. E Main and Uartlett : ' ' tf HeihBtltelilng 8c per yard. The1 Van ity Shop, cor. E. Mala and Uartlett. 116 The vacation season is now begin ning, and a number of local people are already enjoying their annual period of rest and recreation. July, August and Septertibef- are the heavy vacation months, i We develop kodak films free.' West Side Pharmacy. tf Dunce at Trail, Saturday, Juno 4. Orchestra music. i 04 Th first of a series of public reci talB glven'by the George Andrews stu dios will be held Thursday night, June !lth at the Presbyterian church when piano pupils of Mrs. E. E. Gore will present a program of classic and mod ern romantic numbers. ' Pavilion dance at Gold ' Hill Sat. night. Don't miss it! 63 Sugar Uowl taxi, county trips spec ialty, phone 1 27-11. . 82 In Hue with the general donning up of (he city and making It more nightly Alex Sparrow ia having the motor (rucks or Crater National Park freshly painted and is planning to have his saddle horso curried sometime be tween now and July 1st when the Crater Lake Beason oenB. Swimming at Nat, hours 2 to 5 nnd 7:30 to 9:!i0 i). hi. tf First-class carpenter work. Est I mates furnished. Phone Dixon G39-J-4 . 81 Mr. and Mrs. George D. McClenn of Mt. Vernon, Wn Mrs. K. M. Tracey of Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Marshall of Svattlo nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Will. J. McCarthy of Sun Francisco aro among the guests at the Holland from a distance. Ileal music, good floor, gonial crowd, pavilion, Sat. night, Gold Hill. .'! Attention strawberry growers! We can furnish you cups and crates at lowest prices. Farm Iluroau Co-Opora-tlv'o Exchange. t Perhaps double the hatch of rain bow irout eggs by the state hatcheries wll he realized this year in compari son with lust. It. Is expected no fewer I bun 10,000,000 tiny rainbows will be liberated in tho lakes and streums of Oregon ulter thoy havo passed thru the earlier stages from tho eggs- to flugerllngu. State Game Warden Hurg duff has Just -returned from a visit to the McKonzIo river and 'Unite Fulls hatcheries, The Orogonlan, , Dr. House, tho Chautauqua lecturer, tolii you of Phillip's Wheat Acid Phos phates. .. Wo .have It Heath's Drug Stoic, ; ' ' 62 blocks and dry Blubs tur safe. Call 869. -. - , . tt Asiier Neff, son of Mr. and Mrs. It.K.Nuff who enlisted In the navy during the war Is homo on n furlough. ''It's Her Turn Now." Invost in tho Y.'j W. (.!. A. 'Campaign week from Julia th to 13th. . .'-... tboiie 474. Guaranteed work, prompt service. City Cleaning & Dyeing Co., 401 Bouth Riverside. tf (tin-go Mason of Klamath Falls lias been one of tho citizens from tbnt section-here on business this week. Another of those popular pavilion dances, Gold Mill, Sat. Good muslc.0 -Sweet potato plants for sale at Mon nreh Seed & Feed Co. tf Telegraphic news from Salem tells of the coming promotion of it former well known Med ford man ami is to the effect that at a meeting of the state board of forestry to be held in Portland-Saturday 11. J. Kberly will be named deputy state forester under a now law enacted at tho lust bcssIoii of the legislature. Mr. Kberly has been employed as nn assistant in the state forester's office for several years and receives an nhliual salary1 of $1800. Under the new law the board may al low hint not to oxw-pd $:!500 n year. Dr. Houhp, the Chautauqua lecturer, told you of' Phillip's Wheat Acid Phos phates. Wo have it Heath's Drug Store. 02 Try our tnerchnntr lunch. The Shasta. On tho committee that has been ap pointed to handle the student body music activities or the II, of O. for next year Jacksou county has a mem ber lu the person of John Anderson ot Ashland, , For Bale, 1920 Hulek Six, $1300. Good as now. See Attorney nordon. ; 08 When better automobiles aro built, D u Irk will build them. tf ' The 48th annual convention of the Oi'egtin stnto granite convened In Eugene on Tuesday. Mm. Annn'Dlirt Ick of Hoftuo Itiver has been appoint ed a member of tho standing commit tee oil home economics. . Wanted Apprentice girl to learn millinery Ut Deuel's Store. Mllss Taylor."'- ' " 82 Lawn mbwora Bnnrpenect right. Lib erty ShopV S61-J. tf There were eight more hntn party arrivals at the city autg camp ground Wednesday. Will trade lnria for shbop. Guy V. Conner. 69' Wanted Apprentice girl to learn millinery at Deuel's Store. Miss Tay lor, - '". ' ' . Guests from Portland at the Med ford are V. K. Lyon, W. C. Mandell. J. W. Lundy, F. CI Shankland, J. M. Kusseii, A. 11. Ferguson, G. M. Hroke land and family, E. A. White, J. W. Condon, F. !. Ilayburnt G. F. Slgon thuler, w. F. Sargent, L. A. Hanson, and D. M. Newgard. Other Oregonlans at this hotel are W. E. Dykman and Harry C. Boydsteln of Lakevlew, A. B. Taylor und C. H. Obenhaus of Hose burg, F. L. Parker and Will Madison of Astoria, and II. J. Kuliskey of Eugene. Halph Hand will -wrestle Basauta Singa at Gold Hill, June 10th. ' ' Although not definitely decided Miss Florence Pool, the home . demon strutlon agent may tuke her annual vacation beginning on June 8th, spend lug tho time at her home at Towiisend Mont. R. A. Holmes, the insurance Man Insurance, and Bonds, plus Service See tho Vanity Shop ad Irt today's paper. 62 Kenneth Williams, tho Grants Pass ball player with the St. Louis Amer leun league club who Is well known In Medford is making a fine record this season nnd at the beginning of the week stood .seventh in batting in the league with an average of 353. Save money on wrapping paper by iinln? white print paper in rolls. ABk this dfflce. tf Will the party who took tho wrong umbrella from Nat check room Satur day night, kindly return same and re ceive their own. C2 Guests at the Nash hotel Include Mrs. It. H. -Roberts of Sail Bernardino, Calif., Phillip B. Lowd and Vernon Dews of Uutte, Mont., Lymun McDon aid or Vancouver, M. S. Splkcr of Portland, and G. Y. Saldh of Salem Fruit ladders, all sizes. Earl Flu 1 1 Company. - 07 Feed wheat 12.30 per cwt. at the Farm Bureau Co-operative Exchange tf Volney Dixon was among the Med ford visitors In Portland this week. For carpenter work phono Dixon C39-J-4. Hack to pre-war prices. G7 Hemstitching 8c per yard. Owing to tho reduction In all lines, we have reduced the price of hemstitching to 8c per yard. Your orders are respect fully solicited and will receive very prompt atttentlon; The Vanity Shop cor. E. Main and Uartlett. CO Forest patrol by tho 91st aoro squadron started in Washington, June 1 and will start in Oregon June 15, Says Captain Lowell II. Smith. ' The captain will leave today for Camp Lewis to be on hand during the first daya of- the patrol work which Is starting early in tho northern stnto. Three' planes will' mako dally circuits of the timbered nrea of Oregon start ing the 15th of the month. Two of the ships will be sent out froin tho Eugene field which lu tho headquarters of the squadron and one from Medford, an other huso, thinks the captain whose plans are not definitely Settled oil tho mutter. A total of 127,000 square miles of tliuhcr In Oregon and Wash ington will come under the trained eyes of the Slat's ollservors 'each day during the fire season It Is estimated by Captain Smith. Of this area 95,000 square mllos will bo in Oregon. Eugene Register. Next week, June Gth to 13th Is cam paign week for tho Y. W. C. A. lie prepared to give. - Mrs. Roy Prultt was ablo - to be taken home from tho hospital Wednes day. The oxtorlor Of the Nalntorlum which has long been ah eyesore be causo ot its faded nnd discolored up pourance ia being repainted in H maroon 1 color. This improvement Is much welcomed nnd will add much to tho general attractiveness of the busi ness district. Wo are ready no to do It. What? Sell you hardware and sHirtlng goods. Southern Oregon Hardware Co. 04 Oi-egoiiiuns registered at the ' Hol land are Mr. and Mrs. M. H.' Anders 01 Huntington; Mr. mid Mrs. C. E. Hose- lund of lloseburg, II. L. Adainson of Eugene; nnd I In; following from Port- hind: E. E. Horn, E. J. Kellogg, D. W Lnndls. W. S. Kennedy, E, P. Geary, It. E. Morton mill F. 11. Thompson. For top and upholstering. De Luxe Auto Top Shop. " ' tf Mattressos made over, furniture up holstering and repairing, crating and packing. lXiuglas, 137 North Central. Phone 200-Y. 03 Mlllce lluglnning Juno 1st, our price for hemstitching will bo 8c pet yard.' Satisfaction guaranteed. Vanity Hat Shop. Oil Frank MoTaggart Is n business visi tor In tho city from Kugetao this week. William, tho violinist with the Ma jestic orchestra, Jacksonville, Juno 3d. :l Violin Instruction, Floronce Howell, special dttentlon to beginners. 8parta building, phone 54E-H. tf Auction sale of furniture, Central Point, at Methodist parsonage, Satur day, June 4tli. 03 Wm. G. Talt, president or tho First National bank and vice president of the state bunking association, is at. tending the association's annual con vention at Seaside: ' Orth hull, Jacksonville, Friday night Juno 3rd. Uenl dance music. Majes tic orchestra. 03' Cholve of three surfaces of kodak prints Velvet, gloss, squeegee tenniu- eled). Sweiu's Studio. 05 Big auto sponges 25c while they last. Oiled tunned chamois 7c. Hurry nnd look thorn over. Medford Phar macy. Oil F. L. Jepsen of Slsson, Is out! of the northern California residents visiting In tho city. Films In at 10 a. m out at 6. Swem's Studio. 66 Fruit ladders, nil slr.es. Earl Fruit Company. B" Wo develop kodak films free. West Side Pharmacy. tf Twenty minutes will be cut from the operating time of Southern Pacific train No. 13 betweeD Portland and San Francisco beginning yesterday, ac cording to arrangements made by the company to cut the schedule time of several of their fast trains. Another popular dance Friday night, June 3rd, Jacksonville. Majestic or chestra. 03 Dancing 9 to 1:30, Orta ball, Friday night, June 3rd. 03 Regular value HOc auto sponge, spec ial 25c while stuck lusts. See our win dow. .Medford Pharmacy, Main and Central. 63 Rev. Iliiteln and Rev. and Mrs. Lewis will positively spend Sunday in Medford In attendance at the last ses sions of the evangelistic campaign which ends at the tabernacle here Sunday night, and will not bo In Ash land at the big meeting Sunday night which inaugurates the Biilgln lLewls revival campaign In that city. ' ' Invest your savings In tbe Jackson County Building and Loan association. tf Saturday night, June 4th is the time, Riverside Community club house on the Rogue Is the pluce. Just .1 nice drive on a moonlight night with her; she will enjoy t;,e trip; ask her. Good music. Good eats. Congenial crowd. C4 Use pure lead spray for your la.st applications. Corona Dry Arsenate of lead. Earl Fruit Company. 07 Among the .passengers arriving in tbe city yesterday by the Klamath Fulls auto stage were Francis Walts, E. W. Riggs, Emll Flackns and J. F. Lewis. Sweet potato plants for sale at Mon arch Seed & Feed Co. tf Lottie Howard has a full line or summer hats for till ages. Call and see them. 109 North Central. 63 If your cur needs washing drop In und look over our special 25c wash spbnge. This Is a regular 00c value. Medford Pharmacy, prescription drug gists. Phono 10. ' 03 John M. Scott of Portland, general passenger agent ot tho Southern Pa cific, left with Mrs. Scott today for a visit of several months duration at his old home in Scotland. Ills many Med ford friends wish a pleasunt nnd Bafe journey. C. C. Hoover has been called on the jury nnd will therefore not be able to attend personally to tho delivery of milk this week. Any complaints will be promptly taken care of by telephon ing Hoover's Dairy. tf Pino flume lumber at Big Pines Lumber company. tf Ubo pure load spray for your last application. Corona Dry Arsenate of Lead. Earl Fruit Company. 07 The Fariu Bureau of .Jackson county will have a largo delegation In atten dance at the Farmers Week session at the O. A. C., Julie 13 to 19, according to tho present, outlook. It Is now being planned to have n local auto caravan lonvo bore a day or two before. ' East Sldd Meat Market just opened tip with a full line of fresh and cured moat. Olvo Us a trial. We will thy und please you. Prices right. 03 Furniture rmisneo nnd repaired. City Auto Paint Works. Phohe 754-J. tf Yes, the music! will be jazzy and the crowd Will bn merry, the moon will be shlnlhg on tho lloguo Saturday night at the Riverside Community club. Are you going? Sure, let's go. 04 Although tho Bky had a threatening and cloudy look today the weather pre diction Is for fair weather tonight and Friday. Tho niuxlmmn temporaturo of Wednesday was 82 degrees. Picotlng ; Hemstitching i Rtlttnns corered'- ' Handicraft Shop. ..If Chl-iinniel demonstration, JiinV 3rd nnd 4th. M. F. & 11. Co. 03 On!- new Intenslvo course 111 machine bookkeeping will quality you to do practical bookkeeping work In a few weeks. Speed typing and shorthand. Summer classes (morning only) at special - low rates begin Juno tlth. .Medford Business College. Oil Miss Mnrlo Fnldlnu, tho county health nurse, left. Inst Saturday to spend a three weeks vacation In south ern California. Popular Saturday night dance at Eagle Point, Junn 4th, Majestic or chestra. William's violin. 04 Mrs. Paul Hnhsoti, corsotlore for NuBotio. Phono G85-J. tf Lawn mowers sharpened. Mitchell Ladder Co.. 310 East Main. tf The work of drilling at the Trlgonia oil well Is now progressing smoothly and favorable through a very hard rock formation with the oil prospects growing better dally. Tbe drill Is now down over 1200 feet. The Riverside Community club will give another one of their popular dances at their club house on Rogue river, Saturday night, June 4th. Come and enjoy a good time. 04 Ladies don't miss chl-namel demon stration, June 3rd and 4th, M. F. & H. Co. 03 That cut-off Improvement to make auto traffic more safe at the corner of North Oakdale and West Main Btreets at the Methodist church (South) cor ner, was finally completed yesterday. The Work, which was done by the city, hud dragged on for several months. Cut the cost of your ruel bill by pluclng your order for winter fuel. We are delivering good 4-foot fir wooil from $7.75 to $9.00 per cord. All other ruel In proportion. We allow no com petitors to undersell us. Valley Fuel Co. ..... tf. At Eagle -Point, June 4th. Latest dance music. Majestic orchestra. 04 Guests from a distance at the Med ford are C. V. Piper or Washington, A. A. Forth of New York, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Breston of Rochester. N. Y.. Samuel Applestone, Geo. Fox and W. W. Phillips of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Rankin of Claremont, Calif. Dance and supper Eagle Point, Sat urday night, June 4th, Majestic orches tra. 04 Wo ore paying the highest prices for all kinds or poultry and eggs. Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange. tr OBITUARY I i ' MORGAN Thomas1 Jefferson Mor gan, private in Co. II, 308th Infantry, died of lobor pneumonia lu France, Oct. 15th, 1918. He was tho youngest son or Wilse and Helen Morgan or Trail, Ore. Born in Baker City, Ore., June 27. 1891, aged 20 years, 11 months and 18 days. He had been a resident of Trail for 21 years. Ho was a mem ber of Sequim, Wash., I. O. O. F. lodge 229. He leaves his parents, Air. and Mrs. W. P. Morgan, Eagle Point, Ore., two brothers, one sister, Henry Mor gan, Sacramento, Cal., Ed Morguu, Eagle Point, Ore.: Mrs. Pearl Russell. Dufur, Ore. Funeral services will Tie held ut the Perl Funeral Home, Satur day nt 2:30 p. hi. Interment in I. O. O. F. cemetery. The funeral services will be under auspices of Medrbrd lodge I. O. O. F. and American Legion. FLATER Isabel! Flater died at her home In Jacksonville, June 1, aged SO years, one month, one day. Deceased Was boril in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, April 4th, 1841, and was married to Daniel Flater" lit Chi.hani, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Flater had been married sixty years and have lived in Jackson ville Tor the past 11 years. She leaves to mourn her loss hot- aged husband, Daniel Flater, also three sons, three datigHters, Geo. ' Flater, Weavervlllo, Cnl.i John Flater," Jacksonville, Henry Walkeiv Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Aund Gil Hsplo and Mrs. Catherine Brown, Jack sonvlllo. The funeral services will be held at -the Methodist chlirch, Jackson vllle, Sunday, June 6th. Interment in Jacksonville cemetery. SMITHSON Helen A. Sitiltlison infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smlthson died nt the home roiir miles northeast or Medford, Juno 1, uged ohe month, 20 days. Interment will be In t'hoenlx cemetery, Juno 2nd, at 10 a. m. - Getting Along Good Women are as great sufrorers from kidney and bladder ailments as men. Foley Kidney Pills help rid the blood stream of lmpurltUs that cause rheu matic pains, backache, swollen, aching joints and stiff, painful muscles. Mrs, Carey, Box 91, R. F. D. No. 2, Middle- towh. N. Y., writes: "I had kidney trouble ever since I was a little girl. but I am getting along good since 1 have takeh Foley Kidney Pills." They act Immediately and help restore the kidneys to healthful activity. Sold everywhere. Adv. A. F. & A. M. Jl Special comnitlliicatlnn Mod A v rord Ixidge 103, Friday even Ing, June 3, 7 p. m. Two M. M. degrees. 03 L. E. WILLIAMS. Secv. SEAT at SALE The OPENS TOMORROW 12:00 NOON PAGE Floor $2.50; Balcony, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00; plus 10 per cent War Tax. A:C0HAHS COMEDIANS rvnf bm -t- rA i VMnj. :i7M 1 "TheFirstWoro -The Best Word ' ThcLmtWord musical Comedy THAT3 ALU THERE IS . THtRf IS'rtT ANY MORC, ' REGARDING THIS -ATTRACTION ISMT ITA GRAND 010 NAME? "ISO "BEL RIALT0 OR NOW PLAYING "The Trail's End' by JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD A pulsing story of the Great Northwest and the frozen wastes north of , Sixty." Coming Sunday "Till! FIRE CAT" with Edith Roberts y ',, " ' . ,i i,vi AUSTR1ANS FACE TRIAL FOR TREASON VIENNA, June 2. (By Associated Press.) Eleven former army officers. Including Major General Joseph Hum mel were, placed on trial before a spec ial court here yesterday on the cliarKo of having committed i reason. In "con: noctlon with tho recent attempt or for mer Eriiperbr ' Cilarlcs 'to roRnih: the throne of Uunsary. The charge is based on the allocution that the men organized legionary troops for the pur pose of restoring tho Hapsburg dy nasty; I '.'.'" Tlin nnmilfiHftn of 'w York- CMv greater than that of any state In tli U City is union except New York, Pennsylvania and Illinois. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Three passenger Saxon, running order, $85.00. 'li. Genesee st. , . in FOIt KENT 5-room furnished bunga low on King St. Possession on June aih. See Mr. Taylor, Valley Fuel Co. If WANTED To buy tomato plants. Phone .111-W. ti ' . ' ; ; - .A TODAY Do you remember the tims. you" first suffered the pangs of love all the agony and grief?. And when the girl turned you down, you were going to commit suicide, but you didn't have nerve enough, so you vented your pent-up feelings on your mother or sister and "hated women." You'll love it all over again and a lot more when you see this Riley-Ray picture. Our word on it, it's great! T A MT ft? RT TTF I? T is Playinff the old Qn JllllvjE IJU IJLILIV you have always loved in the way you love to hear them. M PA G E Coming Sunday "PINK TKiHTS," Clmw Homimro wltli (ilmly Walton.