VACTl FOTTTl MTDFORD fATT; TRTBTTirn, "MTnrFOTlTX OR KG ON. FRIDAY. MAY 20. 1921 Medford Mail Tribune AS INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED EVERY AKTEJlNOON . EXCEPT SUNDAY BY THE MEDFORD PRINTING CO. The Medford Sunday Sun la furnished subscriber desiring & 6ven day daily twspapr. Office Mail Tribune BufMinff. 2: North Kir uretC Phone 75. A consolidation of the Iemocratlc Time, the Medford Mail, the Medford Tribune. The Southern Oregonian, The Ashland Tribune. ROBERT V. RUHU Editor. 8UMPTER 6. SMITH, Manager. HATE VEESUS LOVE. TTBSCKX7TXOK TEEMS: BY MAIL In Advance: PsJiy, with fiundav Sun. yar 0 Daily, with Sunday Sun. month .75 Uaily, fellhout Kunday Sun. y-ar.... i.5) -jiauy. wnnout Sunday .sun, month .) Weekly Mail Tribune, one year 2. 00 Sunday Pun. one year 2.00' BY CARRIER In Medford. AKhland. Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix. Talf-nt: Daily, with Hunday Sun. month 75 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .ho Daily, without Sunday Hun. year ... 7.50 Dally, with Sunday Sun. one year S.50 All term uy carrier, canh In advance. Official pap-r of the City of Medford. Official baner of Jackaon Count v. Kworn daily average circulation for ix months ending Oct.. I'J'IQ. 3226 Entered as sc-cma cli. matter at Mpdford, Oregon, under the act of March 8. 1ST. V MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Asosclutert Pr-s in exclusively entitled to the ue for republication of II news dispatches credited to It, or not otherwise credited In 'Ms paper, and also me local newt ruiiiHh-ii hi-rein. All rights of republcttion of special dispatches herein are hi so reserved. V Ye Smudge Pot " Ry Arthur Ferry Volant. . caught In llie "luu'k wash of th Avar," Iw now gnlnt; to have her fact? washed. Thfi financial re'irt of the Mi-tho-dint church fur the flint quarter, faiU to nhow how many wuhIhuIih f but tons were salvaged from thu contri bution boxes. . Normal activity jireduinlnated on ( the matrimonial market thin week, and there were no material chanK'. commercially an a result. The ban erte$ lout a customer, who was quickly absorbed by the buu-ht.r shops. 5 - . -WHO'S MM1XKV XOW. . ;(Orccon City Knterprlst") . . ' In the Circuit Court of thu Ktatu of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. . Fern K. Looney. Plaintiff, ' vs. Thomas Y. Looney, Defendant. V The V. S. government has bowed its neck to bring back Hill Haywood from Mobcow. This is a humanitarian move, as Ruwiia has suffered enough. 4(T TATE forms the marshy vapors of the morning which vanish 11 before the perpetual sunshine of human love." Climatically, perhaps, this is not precisely the time to quote Mrs. Wilcox. 'But if one considers the sometime forgotten truth, that beyond the cloud banked Heavens, the sun is still shining, the quotation, metaphor ically speaking, may be considered sound. The statement that hate is. relatively, a temporary passion finds support, in a re view of thf lift? of (,'hit'f .Jiinlirt httt. who died ves tcrday. For the yoiiiiir southern lad. who fouylit in the Confederate army, who lived through the horrors and inliiiiiiaiiitie,s of the. recon struction period was in less than thirty years, appointed by a north ern president to a position on the Supreme Court of the L'nited .States. what Viscount Jiryee lias termed the highest position of power and honor, in the American republic. In no one would have considered such an eventuality possi ble. Nor would it have bin considered possible, then or for many years later, that a republican president" would one day elevate a southern democrat and and ex-confederate soldier, to chief justice, which amounts one mijrht say. to a patent of democratic, nobility, for life, lint I'residcnt Taft did that. Disrcfrardin;; every tradition o: political regularity, he went over the heads of a score of republican aspirants, and sent to the senate the nomination of Justice White. The nomination, moreover, was immediately confirmed. So with the world now torn by the products of hate, suspicion and distrust, with materialism and selfishness in the saddle, with Mrs. Wilcox' "sunshine of love" apparently as far distant as the niillcniuin, there is promise in the career of Chief Justice White, that our I'olyannas of stubborn faith, will eventualy be justified. It took nearly half a century for the north and the south, the boys of blue and the boys of grey, to forget their differences, to bury their bitterness and to clasp hands in the spirit of fraternal re union. That seems a long time in the life of an individual, but it is undoubtedly a very short time, in the perspective of Kternity. How Much Do You Know? ' 1 When does congress meet? 2 Who fixes lue compensation of congressmen and how is the money paid? ,- 3 Why do bills for raising revenue originate In the house of representa tives. 4 When should a horse be given its heaviest feed? 3 What is a pediffree? 1 6 Should hogs be kept In a muddy pen? 7 What is loam? ; 8 What is meant by humidity? . 9 Why should food lie cooked? 10 What is a sentence? Answers to Yesterday's Questions 1 Why are bones hollow? Ans. Science has taught us that a hollow tube will bear greater weight than the same material used in a rod or bar. 2 What is the office of the tonsils? Ans. They are supposed to guard against the entrance of dirt and germs into the system. 3 Where was the treaty of peace, which ended the Revolution, signed? Ans. In Paris, France. 4 What was the greatest difference between tbe constitution 01 the l'nited States of America and the Confederate States of" America? Ans. The consti tution of the Confederate States of America sanctioned slavery and pro hibited a protective tariff. 5 What three capitals has United States bad? Ans. New York, Phila delphia and Washington. 6 Is It the earth's shadow upon the moon that keeps us from seeing Hie entire sphere at new moon? Ans. Xo. The illumined side of the moon is toward the sun and all we see is the I narrow rim of the lighted portion. 7 What are monsoon winds? Ans. Tbey are winds which are reversed at opposite seasons of the year. S In what country are the world's greatest gold fields. Ans. The United States has the world's greatest gold fields. 9 What is the largest city in the United Stales that is entirely sur rounded by water. Ans. Key West, Fla. Hi What are several kinds of gov ernment to which a person may be subject? Ans. School, lownsnip, coun ty, municipal, state and federal. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness and sympathy dur ing our recent bereavement. FRANK LE ROY AND FAMILY .MR. AND MRS. GEO. CORU.M AND FAMILY. MR. AND MRS. J. E. TURN BULL. 51 Medford has a reputation for putting over whatever it starts. A Medford Chautauina has been started, and it is up to Medford to put it over, and put it over strong. j Meterologfcal conditions centinue sucn mat me stern enu inc oiu fruit house can't be duiibed. .The Loyal and United Yeast Haters of North and Bouth America will arise and ftKhl the proponed amend ment to the Prohibition Law, reiiulr ' Ins them to cat, where they buy it. An industrial survey of the vacant lots, indicates there is a bountiful crop, and a good opening for u cigar lactory. 'CONSIDER, AND HEAR NOT" (Santn t'lnm. Cat., News) At 7:45 the pantor will discuss the following question: 1 How can we guide kIi'Ih 1 through (llgglc llnlliiw. Satellites of Satan receiver! a nun-li needed rebuke Thurs. p. in., when the Christians walloped them. It tu 7. the printers keeping the score. Tho war department Is being flood ed with protests against the publica tion of the slacker lisl, mostly irom folks with a htrong desire fur OiMice, and a relative who v:ih a good d-icuer. Now and then a name Is printed thu owner of which suffered war mid Und lutes, but this Is not suiprllnu. con sidering the prevalence of sldi-Mrp. ping and springing lo anns, via a juariiage license at the time. RipplingRhijrciGS ? LA ift. At THE WISE PHYSICIAN. I HAD a lot of pimples upon my princely mug, and I took yarbs and simples and bitters by the jug. My blood was out id' or der, my life was full of care, and I was near the border of bottom less despair. And many learned physicians prescribed their cap-' sules gray; alas. alas, conditions grew puukcr every day. Anil then I sought a healer who just had come lo town, and many a boosting spieler proclaimed his wide renown. No silly, trifling question was by this doctor sprung concerning my digestion, my liver or my lung. He said. "You're always fussing with Jinks, who lives next door: you two arc roundly cussing each other, ever more. I'nless you live serenely your ills I cannot cure: so long you've acted meanly it's made your blood impure. For giving way to passion gives rise to many ills, and you. in angry fashion, keep kicking o'er the thrills. (Jo home and quit expounding the riot act to Jinks, and health and peace abounding will soon re move your kinks." His counsel wisely given. I took, and saved my life, and fn ny head were diven all thoughts of hate and strife; and now glad smiles and dimples are strung around my map. where once unseemly pimples were prone to overlap. "Gentleman" Girard Alleged Murderer, Faces Paris Trial The monthly meetlnE of tho Jnel on County Scenic Preservation sue eiy was netu at jacksonTillo toda with members present from nil nail of tiro county. At the noon hour dill ner was served In the I. (). (). V hnl The wet and chilly weather of till week Is not only holding back the iK't rles and garden produce, but the rose and other flowers. The roses and flov ers all over Medford are ready to burs Into bloom with a day or so of wuri There has been a gnat deal of rocking and talking, and Nunhtng of mines of late. (By International News Service.) PARIS, May 2. Henry (llranl. Paris insurance agent, who was known as "Centleman t: li aril, ' w ill face trial shortly here, ac cording to reH)its from official cir cles. (Ilrard Is al leged to be one of the most Ingenious criminals known to the Paris police. Alter three years of investigation by the French author I 1 1 e s (! I r a r d is charged with two murders, several attempted murders and forgeries. Cul tures of deadly microbes and concoc tions of poisonous mushrooms, it is alleged, were used by ('Irani in the murders chaiged against him by the Paris police. j would not be able to do. Miss Liberia ,wlll be home in a couple of weeks. I Mrs. Harvey Hover writes some or her friends that they will visit the vnl I ley in June when Mr. Hover will have jhis vacation from the drug store w b"ie jhe is working, at Eugene. Dr. Webster ti Phoenix is planting liille a patch of tomatoes, having pur chascd several hundred plants. Dr. i Webster has water on his littlo place jiiow since tho Talent ditch has been ; completed around the hill above his ; place. j Mr. nnd Mrs. Jewel, keepers of the ,.io.sophiue county farm, were guests at tho pleasant homo of Mr. and Mrs. j Noah Chandler, Sunday in North Tal . cut. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine i Mi. Cohi'n In! oven! tin was t alleil a wheW hoi m, a thurnuk'tily t d ami Bt'Vt'rol other kiiuln of a horse. tlVn dleton KiiKt in i-Konian My foht-n. for a hoi 8i : It 1m not pmlml'lf that an itntolM yjolating the niift'd lawn. Iy the iK'hool hotiKcn will ever ho caught, hut If eut'h nn iicririent nhotitd come to pa hi, the defendant will all m It' mistook the ficutvs HI mil.- fm !"i Many of our poultry lalsors in thia part of the valh'y are just now ri'coiv- ini? their baby chjrks. Ainonn them are Lloyd Colvor anil .Mrs. A. S. Furry. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. li. Shearer and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holston of Medftird wero business callers at the plant farm Saturday evening of last week. Mrs. Henry Frame: was out to ehureh last Sunday for the first time since her illness last fall and Is feel inn fitin we are Klad to announce. Mr. and Mrs. Haniptmre of An xeles were visltim; with the family of A. S. Furry last Sunday. Mr. Marne burK Is a cousin of Mr. Furry. H. F. Whetstone of Central Point, enme Hp to C Carey s Tuesday nnd bought tomato plants, enough to plant quite a field. Mr. Whetstone has some fine Hear creek bottom land. Mm. Oily Woltnn- of Talent visited her daughter, Mrs. Jim Pellett at Gold Hay Sunday. The Misses (lore who were injured hi tho auto accident some time ago. are getting along nicely. Miss Kliza heth has resumed her school work which tho physicians thought she leware! t'nlesn you sr the name Haver" on nai kairn or on tnltlt-tM. vmi are not gelling genuine Aspirin pre- HeiitiiHi by physicians for twenty-one (years and proved .afe by millions. 'Take Asnirln oitlv an inlil in th Kiv. er package for Colds, Headache, Neu i algiit, I; heu mat ism, Karache, Tooth ache. l,umhaKo. and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Haver Tablets of Aspirin cost few i-nls. ln uiKist also sell laiKer packages. Aspirin Is the trad meark of Haver Manufatture of .Mono.icetlt Acidester of SulicylU at id. Adv. STORAGE s T O R A G E FURNITURE MOVING PACKING, nml SHIPPING. BAGGAGE DELIVERED S T O R A E KEIZUR TRANSFER Cor. Itiinl.-it 8th. Phone s:t:i SATURDAY, MAY 21 IS BOYS' DAY AT MANN'S Come on in Boys! We have 500 Soap Bubble Pipes that we are going to give to the boys of Medford. One to each boy until they are all given away. WE ALSO HAVE SOME WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN BOY'S WEARING APPAREL THAT WE WANT YOU TO SEE. We have boy's tuit in a full range of all wool fabrics and patterns, plenty of them, and they are the famous fohnny v Jupanls Suits for Boys $73.50, $15.00, $17.50 Two pair of pants with every suit Boy's Knee Pants in Worsted, Khaki and Corduroy $1.95 to $3.50 Boy's Belts 50c Boy's Suspenders 35c and 50c Boy's Shirts and Blouses. All styles and patterns. Soft shirts with collars attached. Sport shirts and blouses in khaki, blue and light colors. Price from 98c to $1.50 Boy's Work Shirts 79c Athletic Union Suits 79c The kind the boys like. Balbriggan Union Suits. Short sleeves and knee length, or long sleeve and ankle length 50c to $1.25 Small Boy's Wash Hats . . .75c Boy's black Straw Hats .$1.25 Boy's Spring Caps 98c to $1.50 Every day straw hats 69c MANN'S DEPARTMENT STORE THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Medford, Oregon QUIT TOBACCO So easy to drop Cigavt'tto, Cigar, or Chewing habit. "No-To-Rac" nas nelpd thousands to break the costly, nerve-shattering tobacco habit. Whenever you ha v. a longing for a cigarette, cigar, plpw. or for a chew. Just place a harmless Xn-To-Bac tablet In your mouth In stead, to help relieve that awful de. sire. Shortly the habit may be com pletely broken, and you are better o!f mentally physically, financially, lfs so easy, so simple. Get a box of i'o-To-Bac and if it doesn't release you from all craving for tobacco. In any form, your druggist will refund, your money without question. Adv. Weave Clean WE RAG WE Rugs Rugs rkH. If FrM.lirarj Mosan Art Rug Co. 119 West Tenth 1914 Studebaker $50.00 Exceptional Values ! Prices Dropping $1.00 a minute Buick 1913 $2.50 ; -, Service Garage 22-26 S. Fir Medford Hides Skins Pelts Wool and Tallow We have established..! a... branch house at Ashland, Oregon, and are now ready to receive consignments from one skin or pelt to a carload lot, at highest market prices Ship Your Hides and Pelts to us and save freight charges. The H. F. Norton Co., Inc. 1st and A. Sts. ASHLAND, ORE. Make T!? Oregon IKoar Hotel PORTLAND POPULAR SPACIOUS LOBBT At the Center of Everything Broadway at Stark St. W suggest you write, phone or wire for Reservations AHTHVR II. .MEYERS. .Manager