I PXflT! SIX f PAGE ETOIIT irEDFOKD MATL THTBT7JTR, 'MEDFORD, OTIEOOX. WEDNESDAY. MAY H. 192f NOTED POET WINS MANN'S The Best Goods for the Price No Matter What the Price MANN'S II OF CITY AT BULG1N TEMPLE f7 I IT STAY With Ilia heart glowiue flow the Wirtuth of bis reception iu Medford, Kt(ln Markfiam, the famous poet aud thf dew of American poets, departed this forenoon on the Shasta train for Jlaiiburg where he lectures tonight, and Medford will ever feel gratoful for the visit of this noted man who great- )y Increased his number of local friends and admirers during his short slay here by bis geniality and demo cratic demeanor. Not only did he captivate a fairly large - audience in the high school auditorium with his lecture of last night, hut he took the high school stu dent body complete captive by his im promptu lecture before them this mor ning, during which he gave much of .bis main lecture and only ceased en tertaining and reciting hlB poems in time to be rusheu over to the depot to catch his train. - Mr. Markham was a distinct sur prise to Medford with his magnetic personality, wit, humor, learning and philosophy, as shown by his almost conversational style of informal talk introducing the reading of his poems and between his readings. Kora man 69 i'cara old he showed pleasing men tal and physlcal..vignr, and a., kindly and sympathetic attitude towards all the world. ' "! t i ;- ' Ills delightful Interpretations, of his poems and his readlngS.of them with fine lire and elocutionary effect nialtes his public appearance all tho more .welcome and appreciated. And thru- .out all his lecture- ho refers to his love for Orcgoni'the state of his birth, 'which he had not seen until this week from the time he moved away with Ills mother from Oregon City to Cali fornia when five years old. Of course Mr. Markham did not read all his many poems, but only selected ones, and he closed his lecture lust night without having read his most famous effort, "Tho Man With the Hoe,'' but the audience was not to bo denied' and forced the whlto-haired and white-bearded poet by long con tinued applause and shouts of "The .Man. With tho IIoo," to read that worl(j famous poem. His rending of it gave, each hearer a new insight into that classic. . Following last night's lecture an In formal 'reception followed during which all present were Introduced to 'and shook hands with Mr. Markham, and tho domestic class of tho high uchool served tee cream and cakes. The evening's enjoyment was much enhanced by Mrs. C. C. McCnrdy's piano solo preceding the lecture, nnd the vocal splo following It by Mrs. .Tames Ilnyes, accompanied by Ceorge Andrews. Mr. Mnrkham's appearance was under the auspices of thu high school, and although the high school tost about $.10 through tho lecture re ceipts falling that far short of the guarantee, this loss Is more than made up by giving Medford such a treat In the appearance of so famous a man. ' Mrs. hero ibis week's screen offering at the Page theatre will oe "The Mask," Col. Win. N. Sellg special production, opening Its engagement today. "The Mask" is a story by Arthur Hornblow, Jack Holt and Hedda Nova are seen in the leading parts. Holt has a dual role, that of twin brothers, Kenneth and "Handsome Jack" Traynor. A most extraordinary situation is pre sented when Handsome Jack, believ ing Kenneth lost In a shipwreck, at tempts to pose as the husband of his brother's wife in order to obtain a for tune. The reappearance of Kenneth, however, comes about In a most dra matic climax. The locale of the story includes the Traynors' San Francisco home and the picturesque diamond fields of South Africa. In the support ing cast are "Mickey" Moore, Fred Malatesta, Janice Ionsdale, Bryon Munson, Janice Wilson and William Clifford. , "The County Fair" at Rialto The younger generation Is not ac quainted with the charms of the old stage classic, "The County Fair," but if it Is anything like the wonderful picture seen In preview at the Klalto theatro this morning its fume was well earned. This production, made by the skillful exponent of the dramatic art, Maurice Tourncur, opens at the Rialto for four days engagement today, and attendance marks no doubt will be strained to the breaking point. With some splendid photography, flue selection ns to members of tho cast, and Incomparable direction, "The County Fair" should vie for honors with any big nttrnction that has play ed hero in a long time. The picture Is neither too long nor too short be Ing just long enough to tell tho story and give the characters time to Inter pret their roles, and Just short enough to mulio the audiences want some more. The cast features Uutlor, together with Helen Jerome Eddy, one of the most promising of screendom's lead ing women; Kdy the Chapman, prom inent character actress; Wesley Harry, frockle-fnced youngster,' who Is. now a star by his own right; William V. Mong, chnractor actor; Arthur Hons man, old-time Kdlsou leading muu, and John Stcppling. According to those who know the stage play, "Tho County Fair" has lost nothing In its transition to films; In fact, it Is said to have gnlned much. It Is an attraction that should enjoy a good run at the Rialto, and the story of the mortgage, the raco and tho ro mance will prove mighty popular. Hunter LaMnr at the organ, ns well as added attractions, complete a pleas ing program. BUENOS AIRES, May 11-dly As sociated PresB.) Representations made by tho United States government to tho Argentine government as a result of tho port workers' boycott that has kopt the United States shipping board steamer Martha Washington Idle here for more than forty days, have re sulted In a solution of the esse satis factory to both governments, said a sUitoment Issued by the minister of finance last night. WARING Unless you see the name "Buyer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Say "Bayer"! SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" of genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu matism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Strictly American! Hndy tin boxct of 12 UbleU cost but a few oont Largor package. A.plrtn li tb lrd. mark of Dyer Uanutactiir of Monoic.ttoctd..(r of SUIctIIucII! in x- Quality Toilet Goods Houbigant's Extracts Rnd Toilet Powders, DeCoty Face Pow ' der, Piver's Azurea Extract, Toilet Water, Vegetable and Face Powder, Le Treflc Face Powder and Toilet Water, Mary Gar ..deo Extract, Toilet Water, Face Powder, Talcum Powder, ,)(Cream, Rouge and Lip Sticks, Dorin Rice Powder, Compacts -.and Rouge, Roger and Galot Face Powder, Indian Hay, Anthea, Rice Powder, Talcum and Lip Sticks, Djcr Kiss Extracts, Toilet Water, Vegetable Face Powder, Cream and Lip Sticks, Palmer Garden Glo Face Powder, Talcum, Extract, Soap, Rouge, Com pacts. Lipstick and eyebrow pencils. HEATH'S DRUGSTORE The San Tox Store ' 109 East Main Street. An audience that filled the taber nacle gathered last -evening to hear another ineswage from Dr. liulgin, the evangelist. The Odd Fellows and He becaha filled nearly the entire middle section of the building. Dr. Hulfin addressed a special message of wel come to them and spoke of the good work of the order. Some thirty in a special delegation from Iloseburg were also present. They came all that distance to express to Medford and the evangelistic party their interest in the work done at Koseburg and to lend encouragement to the work here. This evening the Knights of Pythias will attend In a body, when Dr. uulgin will speak on "What 1 Believe, and Why I Dellove It." It Is a strong mes sage. Among the helpful things said In the message last night are the fol lowing, on the subject of "Jonathan and David": 'The love of Jonathan and David was the love of two brothers." 'The one damning sin which is cursing the flag and tho church today is selfishness." 'I would rather try to save a bei-r- guzzling German than to try and save a selfish man or woman." "What is the trouble with the hu man race? It is sin," 'What is sin? It is being out of tune with God." "Kin means missing the mark. God means you hit the bull's eye. The bull's eye is not your standard, but God's." "You Odd Fellows could not do business if it were not for religion." "Where is the institution that went ahead and got men fit to join your lodge? -Then you ought to Join it." 'Don't wait till man is pauperized before you help him." Tile evangelist pointed out the goed work of the lodges, but clearly show ed that religion has paved the way for nil of tliem by Its nlturistic teachings, nnd to be logical, lodge men, of all men, should be in the church. At the recciptlon smoker given last night at the homo of Dr. Conroy by the Medford physicians in honor of Dr. A. E. Hockey, the well known Port land surgeon, about twenty physicians present organized the Jackson County Medical association, with Dr. Henry Hart as temporary chairman and Dr. W. W. P. Holt ns temporary secretary. Tho purpose of tills new medical or ganization Is to bring about the social nnd scientific uplift of tho community from a medical standpoint. All of the physicians of tho county nro eligible to membership. On Dr. Mockoy was bestowed tho high honor of being elected an honorary member. Iocd'Btieis Among tho auto tourists who spent Tuesday night at the city auto camp ground were Thos. Keska end wife of Portland, who aro enroute south, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reudcn and three others of Moseburg, who returned home today; Mr. and Mrs. O. Wlck storm and two children of Applcgate; Mr. and Mrs. Ed W. Russell nnd son of Aberdeen, Wn., onrouto south; Mr. and Mrs. T. Franks of Watsonvillc, Tallf., enroute to Canada; Mr. and Mrs. (1. Nelson and two children of Marysvlllc, Calif., enroute north; Mr. and Ahs. A. E. Lyon of Yuba, Calif., enroulo norlb; Frank McCullum of Marysvllle. Calif., enroute north; and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lee of Hood River, here to locate Dig barn dance, Runcorn, Sat., May Hth. Majestic "4". la Lawn mowers sharpened. Mitchell Ladder Co., 318 East Main. tf Schwolzer draper' and curtain ma terials will meet your needs. Flue lino samples. Mrs. C. 11. May, phone 457-J. v -It! X-Hny ltenefit ball, N'ntatorium, Wednesday, May 11th. Couples $1.50, extra ladles 50c. Charily begins nt home. 44 T. H. Sixioner of Chicago, represen tative of one of tho largest wholesale dry goods houses of that clly. Is here on a periodical business visit, uud is registered at the Holland. Have just Installed some of tho most modern machinery, and am better equipped than any shop In Medford to give tho public quick service and qual ity work In shoe retiring. The "Model Hoot Shop," 111 S. Central. E. N. Rlden. Prop. C4 Rolled barley $1.5(1 per 701b. sack. We deliver. You don't have to pack it home. Monarch Seed Co. llring your csss to tho Groceteria where your dollar docs the most. 47 Everything electrical. Medford Elec tric Co. rhone 661. Medford Chautauqua, May 20-31. 4S The artificial silk industry started in ISS4 in France. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Modern bungalow. Small payment down. Balance like rent. Phone S87-W. - 4S FOR RENT Six room bungalow fur nished. 60S Catherine St. Call 971. . 45 FOR SALE Small modem bungalow. Phone 310. 46 WANTED To borrow SlJOO on newly Improved eliv pi open v. linv 7is, fit'. 4f, Means Money in Your Pockets TOMORROW WILL BE A DAY OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL THOSE WHO WISH TO SAVE MONEY ON THEIR SUMMER NEEDS. IT WILL PRESENT TO YOU AMPLE OPPORTUNITY TO CARRY YOUR INTENTIONS INTO EFFECT. IN OTHER WORDS IT WILL ENABLE YOU TO SECURE MANY THINGS YOU NEED FOR MUCH LESS THAN THE AMOUNT YOU HAD BEEN FIGURING ON PAYING FOR THEM. HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES. Many Other Big Bargains Not Advertised JERSEY COATS I SILK WAISTS PETTICOATS WAISTS New Tuxedo Model All new styles. Made Women's fine Sateen New Cotton Waists, in the new Sport col- of all Silk Georgette Petticoats in black fine quality, good ors. All sizes. Up to i i r.ono and colors. Cheap styles, worth a great $12.50 values. Op- nd Crepe de Chene. at $2 m Opportu- deal more. Oppor g $8-50 dT n y. . . $5 $1.19 $1.00 GINGHAMS CURTAIN SCRM TRIMMED HATS SILK POPLIN u 1000 yards fine Ze- 36 inches wide, Women's new Spring 36 inches wide.Ten phyr Ginghams, new comes in white, Hatg new styies. Up new shad1e choose SET "J 2Sc?0lOp!: Chn25r Op- 12'5 feu$ify5DaVya,Ue- portunhy 19(. portunity 19c $5.00 sale $11Q Day, yd Day, yd. . . . . 3 - yd. UNDERWEAR HOSE MEN'S SOCKS MEN'S SHIRTS Women's "Princess Women's fine Lisle Tar Heel, good qual- Soft Cuffs, good pat May" "Union Suits, Hose. Comes in ity white, tan and terns, all sizes, fast fine quality. Cheap black and colors. ui ' 1, c 'ij af colors. Cheap at today at $1.25. Op- Sold at 85c. Oppor- black, old at c. $2 0Q Opportunity 8...98c D-. 69c gCT?-.,15c , .., $1.19 , MUSLIN CAMBRIC - SHEETS TOWELS Daisy Brand, fine Cameo brand, soft 72x90 Homestead Turkish Bath Tow grade, - finished soft finish, 36 incHes wide Sheets. Good grade els, heavy quality for the needle, 25c Good quality, 25c Sold at $1.50. Op- values up to 75c. Op value. , Opportunity values. Opportu- ...' r rn .. n j- yaTd 1 6c flrd' 1 9c each each , t-J PILLOWSLIPS NAINSOOK LONG CLOTH OILCLOTH Daisy Pillow slips, 42 36-inch English Nain 36-inch Ragoon, soft Best quality in white and 45 inches. Cheap 8oI5r 8oft fj,I?ish' fine finish Long Cloth, and colors, 45-inch at 40c. Opportu- uallt CheaP at Sold at 50c. Op- cheap at 50c. Oppor- nityDay, ?Qr g OPP" tunity 2g tunity Day QQC each ........ Dayj 22C Day, yd. .....C yard... 'VC ATTENTION MEN Visit our furnishing dept. this week, $2.50 Shirts on sale 59 Mann's Department Store THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY ENTRANCES ON E. MAIN AND N. CENTRAL MEDFORD, OREGON TWrnrm;"!''"' ami? mrx j ill " '; Hi t I D I UPS AND DOWNS TJIOSI' arc all part of tho business and koop a fellow interested to see whieli is go in to evidence itself next. Strike the average between the two over a period of years and you'll find your business or farm hasn't treated you as shabbily as the immediate moment might indicate. You can at least still go on adding a little bit to that "Nationalized'' account over here. Vhe First National Bank' Mddford Oregon IS MEN'S SHIRTS . Beautiful fine quality Sold up to $4.00 each. ?" 8aIf $219 lhursday, ea s ;f . Mail Orders Promptly Filled Postage Prepaid Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns' It Pays to Use Orchard Brand Arsenate of Lead Either Paste or Dry ;( Farm Bureau Co-Op Exchange PICTURE FRAMING SWEM'S STUDIO 50, buys bmtd new Corona Dortabls tvD writer. Other nuke at ttrftctiv price. Sm uj before you bay. MF.nroKD liOOK STOKK