pxau six MEDFOTITT MinT; : TftTDU5rE, rETPO"RT, ' ifWEOOX. '""VVEDNEfcTUY. MAY" 11. 1021 .:J' ' -Souse Brothers ' . L 1 4 300R 5 233 AM l j , It attracts especially those who are fir j! inclined to look for beauty com- VM bined with comfart nd KMmy. HI , Ni This is evidenced by th Mtoniihing Ifl , Ijij number of women who own and ' I ' drive Dodge Brothers 4 Door Sedan. lljl Th gasoline consumption ii unusually low Tom tirs mllnagi is unusually high l . I Geo. L. Treichler , . . " . . Motor Co. ! , 10-18 s. l lr St., I'lione .101, Mcilfiin) I We Are Building Them Better Than Ever Before Today, more than ever, Goodyear Tires for passenger cars offer the utmost in economy and satisfaction. Improvement after improvement has been effected in them in the past few months. Our clincher type Cords, for example, are now made larger, with thicker tread and stronger carcass and bead. Our larger size Cords, our fabric tires, and our inner tubes, too, are bigger, stronger, more durable than before. You can get Goodyears, now, from your nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer. ! Goodyear Tike &. Rubber Company of California J We carry complete stock of ; Goodyear Tires and Tubes Solid Tires Vulcanizing i Medford Service Station, Inc. j Comer Pacific Highway and Main S Phone 14 Medford, Oregon Our line of Goodyear Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories Always in stock Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co. Phono 304 10-18 S.Fir. YOU CAN GET MOST ANY OLD THING AT MOST ANY I OLD TIME AT DE VOE'8 Medford Iron Works i GOOD CLOTHES Traitor, Trtn-k, Spray Oulftt, unit I tiiu Knitiiio ICt'imli'lim n Spii'lnll ;i:Ni:itu, foimkv ! AMI M.VCUINU MIDI' i I Make Thr-m KLEIN mm TAUOB 12H KmI Mao St. Recent bank statements dew-lop that the First Na::nat has $1,148. fssa.lfc ussetH and liabilities; Citizens. JGD4,G4.23; State, JlHii.Mi.SS. Collec tively they have $1,073,154.81 loans and discounts, and l,6S.9i.i3 de losits. The State bank of Talent has $134, t21.fi;: assets and liabilities. Col. John L. May of Portland, has accepted the invitation of Ashland uost, American Legion, to deliver the address. The colonel is a former citi zen of this town, and is a veteran of both the Spanish-American and world war. Rev. F. C. Strange, of Portland, a former pastor of the Ashland Presby terian church, has made arrangements for a temporary residence here this summer. V. T. Hoyt, architect, and a new comerliere, has offices upstairs in the Ashland ImpioTemsut Co.'s block. The family of T. K. Kelley, from Minneapolis, Minn., have arrived in Ashland to reside, which location is the headquarters of Mr. Kelley manager of the Mora Pump Co. for a wide extent of territory. Preliminary to the special, election June 7, to pass on state and county measures and possibly municipal ones Ashland 1 registration places have been designated as follows for the respective precincts: Billings of fice, East Central, Ashland Oak, and North Ashland; Cbas. Loomis store, Boulevard, Hast and Southeast Ash laud; Mrs. Sunt Allen's office, West Central and Northwest Ashland. The county clerk announces that anyone living in a precinct where he has been unable to get a person to act us regis trar, may register at the clerk's office direct. The Salvation Army drive is on thus far mostly a voluntary contribu tion one contributions being received ut the banks. Rev. M. E. OldHcld, of South Dakota is temporarily filling the pidpit of the Congregational church, in which he will officiate again next Sunday. The Presbyterians si ill lead baseball scores in the local interdenomination al series. Sum McNalr has gone to Seattle to attend a convention of Itexall drug gists, and Incidentally enjoy a brief vacation. " Levi and Orra Angle, father and son, have lost tlie . family horso, 'Dollie," a faithful animal which was 29 years old May 4, having been pur chased at Medford in ISiiti, when It was four years old. On the retired list for sometime past, the faithful old horse hus hud bestowed iiion It every care and attention. The Roy Walker tract In Ilelloview, 1 1 acres in extent, bus been purchased by V. D. Jaolison, a new arrival from hittler, Cal., who has been touring the Oregon counti-y and concluded to settle In this locality permanently. At Long's Lodge, on Sunday, Jesse Winburn was host to over a dozen guests from town, the outing assum ing the phase of a picnic party, with an inspection of the improvements which are being installed on tho old familiar camping spot. W. CI. Hale, Southern Pacific em ploye in locSl yards, has returned from -the company's hospital at Frisco. School having closed in i-.io Happy Camp district of Siskiyou county, .Mrs. E, Barrett has returned. She is a veteran teacher - in California, by length of service1 nearly eligible for letirement on pension. For sometime past Mr. Barrett has been at Coi-val- 11s where his son Kdmond Is attending 0. A. C. Bishop llomer Stuntz is soon to pay in official and social visit to the local Methodist church. Dr. J. W. Reed is a newcomer here from California, planning to locate in Ashland for general practice. Ills na tive state is Louisiana. Mr. and Mia. Clair Seek, irht left ometlme aeo for Mexico, ate located near Campeche, in which territory Mr. iteebe in a civil englneerine capacity, is proapecUne oil territory. After the close of school, Dr. W. E. Wake and family contemplate a long vacation, to be passed in northern and eastorn Oregon. IliPlr stny to be indef inite. ' New service stations now being erected, together with facilities al ready established locally, are on tbe basis of supplylne from this locality. (0,000 to 100,000 gallons oT gasoline per mouth, not to mention all other supplies essential to motor traffic, the approaching season promising to be a record-breaking one In this respect. Acorn circle, Neighbors of Wood craft, is planning to entertain the southern Oregon district convention here in June. The local committee in cludes Josephine Crocker, Edyth I'hlppB. Susie Dryad, Vella Baughman, and Mabel Roberts, each member thereof having an alternate in order to effectively cover the reception and entertainment or tho many delegates expected to be present at this frater nity gathering. L. Ledum is hand leader here tem porarily during absence of Carl Love land in Seattle tin business. Additional classes in dressmaking are being organized along the line of home economics. For particulars, see .Mrs. II. C. Galey. The Christian church will have a new pastor in the person of Dr. Joseph Champie, of Eugene.. Dr. Peter Bur nett hus been the temporary supply. Tbe Bonhrtm cottage on Beech street has been purchased by Floyd Putnam, a new arrival from Brownsville.- The Ladies' Symphony orchestra ap pears at the Vining Wednesday even ing. May 11. Winlnr tourists to southern Califor nia arc on the return. Among Ihe number are Mr. and, Mrs. .1. W. Mllluer who later on will visit lowu. I LET LIBERTY BONDS ABSOLUTELY INSURE YOUR INVESTMENT THE DAY OP THE fJAMIlhK IS PAST Oil Inveslors need uo oii2.-r "take a chance. IK1 jABl-K-nil operatititis should now he just ns .safe as iiivJ'errt'il industrial slocks.; J'fi . MANIJ IT! ... ,.,., II . von nre al nil interested in milking money in oil, take ;ilvant;i!;e of THIS opim'tmiil.V wherein tile vlenient of chance is so simply and reliiihly eliminated. We Want Every Investor to Have the Fairest Deal Possible Our syndicate hat bona fid leases on over ;"i,000 acre of deeded prospective oil land in the great Lance Creek vicinity, adjacent to Iiii.sk, W'xh. Leases are in First National iiitiik of Lusk. ' , , ' ' . .. . "We want to sink a well and hosen't the neeessary money.: Yon help ns K'1' '' :ind slinre in the immense profits that are ussurfd for just one good well.'; And if we should not yet n gusher, yon are not going to be permitted to suffer loss. Here's the Reason: For every hundred dollars subscribed and deposited with our Trustees, one, oue-kundred dollar Liberty Houd is purchased by them aud held in trust as security fur your imey. The difference between the curreut market value and the bonds' luce value, uud year's interest, is to be devoted to organization and drilling expenses. At the end of a year, when it is Hf.OVKX whether or not there is oil on our holdings, you shall, then, decide between nccopt ing -1(100 worth of stock in our company, or demanding your $100 bonds. If we got .oil, you'll doubtless prefer the stock and its accompanying profits. If not, you'll have your government bonds, intact. Isn't that about as fair ami square tin opportunity of participating in the great wealth daily being earned by oil, without risking the usual percentage of loss, as yon ever heard of V , ' : You Simply Cannot Lose ! Only sufficient money to do what is actually necessary is wanted. Therefore, right is reserved to limit subscriptions, returning money, on receipt, to subscribers .forwarding same after sufficient has already been received. The fewer in, the greater pro rata profit. And wo want the profit of those who no-operate with us to be something worth-while.. If YO.r have the courage of a pioneer, YOU TOO may be one of the fortunate ones, if you .u.-. , Act With Us Now ; Here's the key to .success and the insurance! against loss. Recall Mr. Rockefeller's begin ning and ACT! XO MONEY TO US SEE COUPON Minimum Subscription ifliOO HKI.I.MAX COSIlir.UC'l.M, T11IJST & SAVINCS BANK, KSCltOW DKI'T., Sixtli unit Uiiin Sis., 1.0.4 Aiicleii, Culifoniia. llrrrwith plpow flml wllli wliii-li I lien-liv niltliori?!- you to Imy f,H- nip If. S. "I.iWrt.v Munis of eiiilvu)tiit (tu-p vulup; h-jihp to bp Mil In i-iii row 11 you for hip for a jifrioil of nop year. Willi Ihe iiixlptstuiiilitifr ttint if. (it Hi.- mil of Hint time I am not mlsfied to ai-i -lit Movlt in Hip rulifomla-U'voniljif Oil -oiii,auy. ii corporutiun to hp formed uiluVr the laws of tlip Slate of Wvoui Inif. Willi Us eitluil (ilace of business yi l.usk. eoiwl to the ue vultie of kjiiip fui winch I Imve siilisciiheil ut Ihe rale of $1.00 mr share, said homl.s he delivered to me on demand. Ami if I fail to make mioh demand on vou within llfrep'i months from date herpof, il shall he presumed that 1 have iieeepted said Htoek. wliieli shall lie delivered to me on demand, uud then vou rp Miuhuried to delifer Raul hond to ithp Culilorniu-Wyomiui; Oil Co. I also uutuori2e vou to (llsburup to the raliforuit-Wyoniiiitr Oil Co., on deposit of wait! stock with Vou. the difference lielween par and the current uuilket value ot bonds, when purchased, ulna one vear'a Interest tlterfou. , These escruw instruclions nnd subscription to said stock made without iinv" liabilllv on your part, cscept that you are to invest money in s.i.li Ivinds and either deliver same or said slock to me in acpordance with above inslru. lions (Full Name) (Full Address) (Altach to remiltance, or to teller uccompanviiif; subscription) P. S. The Associated 's new well, Jiast of our property has i just, come in ! Address communications other than sub scriptions to Califonila-VVvoiiiin Oil Syndi cate, 3:13 O. C. Chapman illil(..l.iu Ai.Jeles, ' "'if. that you have your ItttRs alld Carpets cleaned tho Mas.w WAV. They are NOT cleaned on your iloor. ASK VOI R XKIGHBOIt l'fc. ( ie. iteHrsiy Mosan Art Rug Co. CITY AUTO PAINT WORKS WASHING, rOMSHING, TOP UKKSS1XU rilono 754-.T 1 lis Soutli Barllcu Mcdfnril, Ore. GIM CHUNG China Herb Store Jlcrli rure for earache, lieatlache. cat arrh, dipthpria, sore tlinmt. luuff trouble, kidney trouble, Htouuii'lt troxiMe, heart ttouble. chilis and tVver, cramps, coubIis, poor circulation, carbuncles, tumors, cracked breast, cureB all kinds of Boilers. NO OPKIIATlONri. ' Medford. Orecon. Jan, 33, 1917. Tht is to certify that I, the undT sinned, hiid very severe stmiac!i trouble and lutd been bothered for several years and IhsI A tic list was not expected to Jive, and hearing: of Gtm Chime twhose Herb store is at 214 South Front street. Medford), 1 decided to net herbs for my Htoincli trouble, and 1 started to feeling better as soon us 1 used them and tody urn a well man and can heart ilv recom mend anyone afflicted as 1 was to see Him riiling ami try his Herbs. (Sinned) V. It. JOHNKON. Witnesses: Wm. Lewis, Kuglo Point. W. I,. Childrvth. ftmltt I'olnt. M. A. Anderson, Medford. S. It. Holmes, Kaslo I'olnt. . 'C. K. Moore. Eat;le Point. J. V. Mclntvre. Kiigle Tolnt. t:eo. Von der Helh-n. Kngi- ValnU Tbo. K. Nicbolfi. RiikU. J'nlm. Licensed CITY SCAVENGER All refuse lmmeatntely removed on hort notlee. Weekly visit In resi dence districts. Dully buslnese dis trict, l'hutie 8US. wnrrshrrr jk-n.mxob. II i: . - i -r,'!"') v j"1 1 ' " ' ' - "" win mmm '- Weln"8t I Te",St, ffl.1 IS THIS HOUSE YOURS? , Jt ' Sfi ' D0ES IT NEEC) PAINTING? sfflf ' ' If so, see . MM If THOMPSON ' ;; ; ; the PAINTER . - .- Ill Dealtrin ggr, I ' Wall Paper, Paint, Oil., p . 'Il ' Varnishe. and Glass TLfi I " all on hand , . , ' . j Good stock of W. P. Fuller's lino of ' MK PntS, 6Very gaUon guaranteed. . ilii 126 N. Front Phone 464 Mjjf DAY OR NIGHT WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Director WHY WALK? '" -It is ncjiltliier and CHEAPER TO RIDE If you ride a Harley-Davidson Bicycle 'or Motorcycle Gaylord Motorcycle Shop