MEDFOim MAIL TRTDUNE, JFEDFOIID. OttKCON. WKIXKKIAY. MAY II, Wll PAUJ3 Til IEEE PORTLAND MAN GAINS 25 POUNDS TAKING TANLAC "Tanluc certainly proved to be the iitftHchia I needed for sine I bt'gat taking it I have gatiu'tl twonty-otu in m mis and am rf-atiy to go hm k to work," said Andy Towles, 552 Market stret-t, Portland, "For two years before I started tak ing Tantac I had suffered from stom ach tioulilfi and rheumatism. My atfctiie was poor and the Hit it I did manage to eat wouldn't dies unit made me miserable for hours after wards, (ias would form on my stom ach and press aguirmt my heart and lungs untii I could hardly breathe and often 1 just hud to gasp for breath. 1 was always constipated, had awful headaches, there was a roaring noise In my head and 1 often became bo dizzy I could hardly stand on my feet. The rheumatism in my back and less was so bad i was nearly always in pain and my joints were so stiff I could scarcely use my limbs. Finally 2 became so nervous, run-down and weak i Just had to give up nnd qui: work entirely. "A friend of mine In Seattle. Md me of the benefits he had received from Tanlac and 1 decided to try it myself. Wei!, sir, it has done me. so much good my friends all ask me what ! have been takinp to .make me look so well, and I mighty quick tell them it wu Taniac. I now have a splendid appetite, everything agrees yith me and I am never troubled with Has or shortness of breath. The rheu matism has left me entirely, and I can get around ns good as I ever could, 5 1 am not bothered with con stipation; "never have a headache or j 'dizzy tHpell, and that peculiar roaring has gone from my head. My nerves are in good shape, 2 wleop well, have regained my lost weight and strength Kand feel simply fine alt the time," ;v .. . . . Adv. "A BATHROOM IX KVKItY JIOMK" X,et us Install these standard sanitary bathroom fixtures in your home. MODERN I'lMBJ.N'fi AM) li RATING CO, Phone 020 Spurt n BUIk. ASHLAND HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL , THE BEST EVER The tenth annual number of "The Rorhp," !y the students o the Ash lam! hmh school, was issued May 7th ami Is one of the liest edited and most artistic editions that Rill lie Issued on the coast this year. It is a suhnUd tribute to the staff and especially to Edgar Buchanan, editor-in-chief, am! Benjamin C. Porsythe, principal of the high school who had personal chaise of lmlilishiiiB the same. The edition is dedicated to Walter HhkIk's, the effic ient coach. The animal consists of SB pases printed on the highest class enameled book paper, printed in two colors, with a handsome Crater Lake blue cover. There are 62 cuts consisting of panels, pictures of the seniors and juniors, snapshots of seniors "When the great were young," group pictures of sopho more class and officers, freshman class and officers, Hogue staff, debat ing, basket ball and football teams, anniversary play, girls' glee clnii. orchestra, high school faculty, picture of a park scene, school buildings, Stipt. O. A. Briscoe, Coach Hushes and other views. The people of Ashland as well as the IiiSh school pupils, faculty and board of education should feel proud of the schools and this annual. The .Medford PrinfiiiK company's up-to-date job plant printed the annual. Sport B. V. Ds CHICAGO Japan has si "llalie" Ruth of its own. The champion home run hitter of the Far BhbI is K. Tana Ita of the Waseda university team with a record of six homers in sis Karnes. TanuUa, like Until, is broad shouldered and stocky and plays the same outfield position as the New Yorker. He also bats left handed. The Waseda team FORMUUTE PLANS FOR LUNCH SERIES The ladies of the churches cooperat ing with the Bulgin-i-ewis campaign met at the Presbyterian church Tues day afternoon to formulate plans re garding a series of complimentary luncheons which will be given next week for the business women under the direction of Mrs. Ethel Kvans Lewis of the Itnlglu party. .Miss Dorothy Htissoni? as chairman of the census work with her assistants Mesdames Ttimy, Clark, Amleron, Sweeney. Kirkpatrlck. SchoefM, How ell and Albert, has completed a defin ite canvas today securing names of the employed women, to whom per sonal invitations will be sent later on. Any woman who earns her own liv ing is entitled to attend all these luncheons on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday night a sup per antt rally will be held as the cul mination of this special work. The following ladies were selected as chairmen: Mrs. 1. H. Dailey, general chairman; Mrs. Bryant, Baptist church; JIs-s. C. C. Ltndley, First M. K. church; Mrs. F. Wahl, Christhm church; Mrs. Witte, Presbyterian church; Mrs. ljvett. South M. E, church; Rhodu Burnett, Free M. K, church; Mrs. W. W. How ard, transportation; Mrs.. Edmeades, general chairman of music, with the following assistants, Mesdanies Leach, Welch, McCurdy, Burnett, Thomas. opened its American tour here yester day, losing to the University of Chica go -i to 2. ' . HARTFORD, Conn. A total of 3"S entries hao been received for . the seven early closing Crand Circuit events to lie held at the Charter Oak track here September 5 to HI. NEW YORK lanslng Van Ittmten, Columbia's rowing captain is 111 with the grippe and will not be able to row in the Chitds cup race on the Harlem river Saturday. . .. MEDFORD LIKES INSTANT ACTION There has never been anything with the quick action of simple witchhazei. camphor, bydrastis, t-lc, as mi'vt-d In Ejitvoplifc , eye wash. One ladv with inflamed and watery eyes reports her eyes are bright and etear ufte,- tmmgt Uivoptlk a very short titme. In nn other ease five applleatlons produced great benefit. We guarantee a small bottle to help ANY CASK weak, strained or inflamed eyt-s. Medford Pharmacy, Main anil Central Sts. Adv. CHICAGO The University of Okla homa tenuis team evened the score with the University of Chicago team, winning three straight mutches yester CHICACO Pitcher Oscar Fuhr, last year with Omaha in the . Western league, has been released to the Kan sas City American association club by the Chicago Cubs. t'OHTLAND Harry Stout, Milwau kee, Wis., will referee the bout In which Jack liritton, welterweight champion, will appear June S at Mit wattkie arena near -fcere, it was announced. MEDFORO ELKS IN DOUBLE VICTORY The return game in the volley hall series between Medford Klks anil the Ashland Y. M, C. A. was played last night on the locals' floor. The first series was between the first teams. The first game of the series was a ueck-ait-iuck affair all the way, every point being hard fosight with Ashland finally nosing out a vic tory with a score of 21 to JR. Th1 second game wits rather loosely played with Ashland constantly on the defensive. Medford tstuk the lead from the start and was never hemled. Score, itedford 21, Ashland 7. The visitors brawl again in the third ganio and won handily. Score Ashland IS. Medford 21. Personnel of teams; Medford E. Janney, G. Taylor. 1. Janney, C. Meek er. Ashland F. Eugle. V. Smith, C. Darting, J. McCoy. The second aeries was a romp ail the way with tots of fun but very little team work. Medford had the edge and had little difficulty in winning 'the first two gumes which atitotuaticatty dispensed with the third scheduled. Score, first game: Medford 21, Ash land li. Score second game, Medford 1, Ashland 9. Personnel of teams: Medford V. 'uwter, K. Janney, F. Fnrrelt, B. Elli ott. Ashhtm! K. Weren, H. Billings. I. Williams, IE. Kiiittrt. : , Light refreshmeiiis were served after the game. Iceland has one month of heavy snow hi winter-anti the remainder of the year Is eennftarativi'ly mild. EVER HAVE IT? If Ym 11a ts the Kmtt'tmiii of Thin Mectfttrtl rttiest Will iimivt Ytiti, Kvt'v have a ''low-flown jjaht iti the hack? Jit the sm.iiUM right oaw th hio? Thai's th home oi" backache. If IVh caused by w;tfc ktrimys, ; I'st Ooiiti'H Kittn?y Pitts,.. Metlfm'tl .in'opk i-Ut'y to t hi worth. iEt'Jtii a cast of it: Mrs, Y. H. CheatthN M! X, Kir St.. .Mcclfnrtl, says "lt nut's KJUaty hitvt? iJt-cn a Kiiit hii lo mi and I eammt miy loo much in rnti of tht'iH. My kttinpys were wvak ami ilistfttrtM! ad i htui n OhII achhis through thi Hntnli of my huek. My khlnya atttt itiPKUtiirl.v. ttm. Dtmn'tt Kidney lilfs from SiittiiRH Uvub Hiit'p soon hati me free from alt th IrouMe."' Irttre tiftt at all theaters, IonH simply a.nk for a kiilmi remedy get i Joan's Kltt-ipy PitiH--thti iaimt that Mtb, Chcatlip had.- Koster-MithHrH MfKr., Buffalo, N. Y. Artv. X T Y COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS': Z at'-': 1 'TV-- . . - . J- 'J. . We carry the most complete line of Crockery, Glassware and Cooking t Utensils in Southern Oregon . ;.. t AH Patterns of Dishes Carried in Stock Axminster Rugs 9x12 from $35.50 to $49.50 Tapestry Rugs 9x12, $28.50 to $38,50 Grass Rugs $4.50 and up Mattress, fall size, combination $5,50 : 40 lb. filled ; '. ZV.$7W 35 lb. floss .$16.5l 30 lb. floss . .$15-00 4- 1 I f 1 J See our Window Display of Porch Swings and Hammocks 9 185 CHEVRO L ower in Krice ii i The Chevrolet Motor Company has just announced the new prices on the 490 Model Chevrblets for the 1921 season;" This sensational reduction comes right at the start of the buying season. - This reduction means that you can purchase the greatest little car in America at strictly pre-war prices, the car with the famous valve-in- head motor, which means power, economy, simplicity and ease of operation. These cars are fully equipped with starter, speedometer, demountable rims, extra tire carrier, etc. You have no extras to buy.. . , ,.:. , -. Our easy terms enables you to buy this wonderful little car with a payment of only one-third down and you can have 12 'qaal monthly payments on the balance, with interest at 7 per cent. . . New Prices Are as Follows, Delivered at Medford: 490 Roadster,$800; 490 Touring $810; 490 Coupe $1410; 490 Sedan $1450; 490 Light Delivery Car $795; Model "FBM Roadster $1560; "FB" Touring $1600; "FB" Coupe $2380; "FB Sedan $2380; Ton truck chassis $1455; same with body $1585; same with body and top complete $1670. AH prices are for, delivery here to you, no extra charges. ... . . ' r "SOME DAY YOU WILL OWN A CHEVROLET" Medford Auto " Company CORNER MAIN AND HOLLY CHEVROLET AND BU1CK AUTOMOBILES