Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 11, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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ocal and
. The prediction received here this
morning from the San Francisco
weather bureau for a light to heavy
frost Thursday morning scenis to be
keeping alive tho old hoodoo that a
frost always follows the morning afler
Floyd Young, the frost expert, departs
from Medford Tor the season. Ho left
this morning for Davenport, la. Two
years ago he left the city about .May
HIM, and the worst frost of the season
followed next 'day. It is generally
hoped that there will be a shift In the
weather outlook and that the predict
ed frost for Thursday will not mater
ialize. Buy 40 acres timber land near Jlcd-
ford, $500, terms $50 cash and $5 por
month. Quadruple your money with
the wood, and plant to fruit and ber-
' rles, for . steady Income Gold Hay
Realty Co.'. owni-rs. tf
Hart your floor becomo rough or
Bcrntctied? If so have Van It. Gilbert
. rcnollHh It with bin new electrical ma
chine. I'honn 579. 4S
.' Homstltchlng ana plcoting
10 cents per yard.
The Vanity Hat Shop,
Cor. K Main and Bartiott, tf
Mr. and Mrs. George Manning, of
Medford, arrived In the city last even
ing by machine to spend several days
on business. From here Mrs. Manning
. wail leave for Corvnllls to visit her
mother. Mr. and Mrs. Manning ale
both former O. A. C. students and arc
'oultc well known here. Itoseburg
" News Itevlcw.
, Medford Chautauqua, May 2G-3I. 48
t Feed whoat $2.20 por cwt. at the
)'arm Dureau Co-operative Exchange.
y . .'..I :n:.'11 ,J.t I lit
. Pierre la. Trnglio, Hole advertising
(nan Tor the a'Ortland Flouring Mills
'Co., Is In Medford and JacksOn county
'-this week conducting demonstrations
of their products. Ho Is a llvo-wlrc
, and arranged the booth at the "County
Fair"- In the Rialto lobby.
Dr. A. E. Hockey, the nationally
.'known Portland surgeon, who attend
ed the Southern Oregon Medical so
ciety mooting at Grants Pass yester
day, nrrived In the city last evening
i mid was tho guest of tho physicians of
-Medford at a smoker held at tho home
of Dr. R. J. Conroy last night. Today
' and Thursday a clinic was held at tho
Sacred Heart hospital by Dr. Hockey
. iihd local pliyslcluna, and the clinic
will be continued Thursday.
Everything electrical. Modford Elec
tric Co. Phono 6G1.
Men! If you need shirts attend tho
imimmolh sale now going on nt
. Mann's. $2.00 values $1.10; $:i.0(l vul
, lies at $2.1(1. 4-1
Callforiiians nt' tho Holland include
, ".Iin. la. J. llamerlynok and son, Car
, Inon Rainier and .lorry Heufro of Onk
land, and Mr.. and Mrs. G. A. Luiigford
'mid l'!.' Sutton of San Krnncitico.
"?' Ilrooms nindo by tho Hoguo Hlvor
II rooni Works tire tho best for tho
money. Insist on home-iuado brooms.
Tho scason'B big comic opera lilt at
. t'hgn Friday. 44
: Gcorgo V. Ilnrlior of Hut to Falls is
' a visitor lii the city who arrived here
Medford Chnulamiun, May 2II-31. IK
... Insure your property with tho Oro
pun Flro Hnllof association, an Orogou
institution. C. 1.. tiiiff, gent. I'houo 41.
' 111
For enrpentor work pliouo Dixon.
r:t!t-J -4 . Hack to pre war pricos. 07
. During February nnd March checks
.-for tho total amount of $:t 1,(11 2 wore
. paid out for drills at tho National
Guard nrmorlos In Oregon during the
last half of 11120. 11 1b expected that
the checks for the first half or 11121
will largely exceed this sum.
Will trade land for Blieep. Guy V.
i!onnor. till'
R. A. Holmes, tho IiiBiiranco Man.
drinnrnnco. and llondB, plus Service
i?l Men's $2.00 shirts $1.10; $:i.oo shirts
Lt'l.nil; $:i.r0 shirts $2.10 at Mann's nil
jhlH weak. Soo llinni, 44
Orogonluns registered al 'thn Mod-
, tord a in Mr. nnd Mis. A. J. (iedilis.
'Mr. and .Mrs. J. V. Ilarrett, Gludya M.
i jllunt, F. II. lalmchill, Misses I. J. How
it'll. F, la. Kohlhagen, ltoseburfe, F.' W,
I'owers and family of rowon, E. K.
Morrison and Mr. anil Mrs. E. It. Kay
of Eugene, F. E. Powell of Albany,
Thos. II. Ness of Oiikliniil, and the
following from Portland: A. FI. Hockey
Otto Motschinnn. C. E. Fish, It. J. Wil
lliiniB. J. S. McLaughlin, It. J. West,
E. G. Lewis and G. E. IVnn.
Ilavo your car overnnuled now. He
ready for your vacation. Don't wait.
Hon Welch's Auto Repair Shop, 2$
'North Rlvoislde. -Ill
Th6 comic opera hit of the season,
;ovo Pirates of Hawaii," Pago Friday
"'' Dolco-Ialght Electricity for ovory
.farm. Medford Eloctrlo Co.
Miss Roko Wicknitiu returned to
tirnnts Pass from Medfonl last Sunday
night to spend a couple of weeks at
Hrlug your eggs to the Groceteria
.Where your dollar does the mosL 47
V Good flour $l.8i n suck at Rusg Mill.
0110110 620.
:"Sonio day you'll own a Chevrolet".
-; Much creillt Is due Charley Ford for
jfho Hpleudid comlitlon In which the
court houso grounds are being kept
this Billing, many visitors expressing
J the opinion that building mid grounds
-never appeared to better advantage.
cMr. Ford Is an experienced gardener
and besides keeping the largo lawn in
"ftpplb pie order, has beautified It by
' the addition of a humber of well-
'arranged flower beds. Jacksonville
.' - Hrfng your eggs to the Groceteria
where your dollar doe the' most: 47"
Mocks and dry slabs rvr alo. Call
859. tf
' "Try our merchants luiu'h. The
Among the county rural schools
which have closed for tho summer
vacation lire the I.nke creek, Missouri
Flat, North Phoenix, Pankey, Savage
Creek, and Elk creek schools which
closed last week, and the Antelope,
Mt. Pitt, Table Rock, Galls Creek and
Highland schools which had closed
Henry Wolf will sell you UMiieh
mnnzanlta, oak or laurel wooil for
$5.00 a tier cash anywhere. One Hriggs
auto wood saw attachment cheap.
Phone (ISC-V-. 44
it always pays to trade nt Mann's.
The women of Medford have found
this out; men follow tholr good exam
ple and attend the big shirt sale at
Mann's all this week. 44
Flour $1.85 a sack a'. Rubs Mill.
Phone 520.
Mr. Alford, manager o? tho Imperial
orchestra, Medford, has made arrange-.
ineutB to run dancing parties at the
Waldorf hall twice a month. The
Imperial orchestra iinedB no Introduc
tion to lovers of good dance music.
Grunts Puss Courier.
Invest your savings In the Jackson
County Hullding nnd Loan association.
Itlg Bhow nt the Page Friday! "Love
Pirates of Hawaii" by Medford High
School Glee clubs. " 44
For Sale Good garden and lawn
sediment. Phone 912-J. tf
There was a large turnout of Odd
hollows and Hcbeknhs at the taber
nacle last night, I. O. (). F. night, who
greatly enjoyed Rev. Dr. Hulgin's ser
mon, especially In lt application to
one of the great principles of Odd Fel
lowship, that of friendship, bnsed on
the story of Jonathan and David.
For Saio Good ganlcii and lawn
sediment. Phono 912-J. tf
Luwn mowers sharpened right. Lib
orty Shop. 2G1-J. ' tf
Don't forget dance Huricom, Snt. 14.
Hit of the season. Majestic "4". 45
Guests from a distance at the Med
ford last night and this morning were
H. Granort nnd E. Rothschild of Chi
cago, It. H. Parsons of Cleveland, Mr.
and Mrs. D. Vj Simon of St. Paul, Ed
win Markham of West New Brighton.
N. Y George II. StlcklcB of Red Wing,
nnd 13. Davis and M. It. Colby of Seat
tle. Superior dunco music, Majastic "4",
Jacksonville Friday night, Slay 1,'ltb.
1200 new shirts are going to the
men of Medford at Mann's mammoth
Halo of shirts. $2.00 values $1.10;
$3.00 values $1.50; $3.50 values $2.10.
When bettor automobiles are built,
Hiilck will build thorn. , tf
Mrs. L. linrklund of Oakland; Cnlir.,
Is In Medford and will llvo with her
sons, Mr. E. lliirklund and Dr. Hurlc
1 mid, 20 South Newtown street.
Medfonl Chauiauiiiia, May 20-31. -IS
Friday night, May l!lih, Good Luck
dunco nt Jacksonville, Orth ball. 45"
Don't miss 'Taove Pirates of Hawaii"
at tho Page Friday!' 44
Mrs. Ida n. Callahan of Corvnllls.
president of tho Oregon Federation of
Women's clubs, has Issued tho official
call for tho twenty-first annual con
vention of tho federation, to bo held
In Pendleton, May 31 and June 1, 2
nnd 3. Tho outstanding feature of the
convention will be (ho presence nnd
address of Mrs. Thomas G. Winter of
Minneapolis, president of tho General
Federation of Women's clubs. Mrs.
Alexnndor Thompson will speak on
legislative matters with special refer
ence to women's part lit Oregon's laws
and lawmaking. Miss Cnruolki Marvin,
stato librarian, will toll the women
bow to got tho best possible Borvlcc
out. ol tho stato library.
Good luck daiico, Friday night, May
13th, Jacksonville. ' 45
Hnvo money on wrapping pnpor by
using white print paper In rolls. Ask
thlB office tf
I'!. 15. Penh of Portland, general pas
senger ngodt of tho t'nnndlnti Pacific
lailwny. Is in Medford for a couplo of
days in tho Interest of tho road. Mr.
Peiin has visited Medford often and
has a number of friends here.
Mr. mill Mrs. (1. II. Leo of Hood
Hlvor, Ore., arrived In tho city Tues
day and are at tho city nuto camp
ground. They are hem to locate In
tho valley If they can find n suitable
Chicken feed whoat $2.20 per hun
dred delivered to you. Monarch Seed
lllg comic opera by Medford high
school Glee clubs at tho I'ago Friday!
Mr. anil Mrs. E. D. Yenuey of Port
land Ibis week assumed tho manage
ment of the Grants Pass hotel at
Grants Pass on which they hnvo ob
tained a lease.
Mrs. Paul Hansen, for
Ntiltouo. Ptiono 585-J. tf
Anyone having some Rood second
hand garden lioso for sale phono 3.10-1 a.
Mr. nnd .Mrs. ('. C. Clarke of Pros
pect, who lire said to bo newlyweds.
arrived In the city last night nnd are
guests at tho Holland.
It. 11. Puxson's superb dahlias now
on sale at Central Point. Plant up to
June 15. PilcoJIst for prist card. 43
Music while yoii eat, Majestic Trio
at Rex CaTe. every Wednesday. Satur
day and Sunday. 4'i
Northern California visitors in-the"
city who are registered at the Nash
are Ilert S.- Hitchcock and Lloyd A.
Hitchcock of Montague, and A.. E.
Hurly and J. R. Hudor of Chico. Also!
at this hotel are Chester Nelson and
0. Earle of Seattle, and A. E. Eber
hart and W. J. Davison of Portland.
Small paying business, best location
in town. Phone 255. .. 47
Mrs. E. E. Gore's beginning c:ass frn
young children will hold Its first meet
ing Wednesday at 4 o'clock at the
Andrews Studios. The interested moth
.r aw Invited to see a demonstration
City Taxi, phono 100. Good service.
Reasonable prices. Ts'ew management.
110 E. Sixth street. ;)
Callfnrnians registered nt the Med
ford are George A. AVebber and- J.
Slyiltes of laos Angeles,-Mr. and Mrs.
F. C. Edmunds and Mr. and Mrs. It. D.
Davis of Pasadena, and Jerry Schoen
I'eld, J. S. Loventhal, Mr., and Mrs.
C. E. Lucas, Chas. 1. Anderson, F. Gor
don and It. W. Olmstead of San Fran
cisco. ' :
ihc tickets for the "Love Pirates of
Hawaii" will be reserved at tho Page
beginning 12 o'clock Thursday. 43
Knights of Pythias will meet at the
Castlo hall, Wednesday eve, at 7 p. ni.
sharp and attend the tabernacle meet
ing In a body. 13y order of the C. C.
Furniture finished and repaired.
City Auto Paint Works. Phono 754-J.
Mrs. Hen Garnett of this city .will
open Garnett's Tea Room in the
Plaza block, next to Holmes' grocery
In Ashland Saturday, May 14. Mrs.
Garnett Is an expert nt catering and
the people of Medford will be glad to
know they Can have such a placo to
get lunches when In Ashland,
i Enjoy the music by the Majestic
Trio every Wednesday, Saturday. and
Sunday night nt the Rex Cafe. . 40
Music Wednesday, Saturday and
Sunday nights by Majestic irio at Rex
Cafe., ' 40
Knights of Pythias will meet nt (he
Castle hall, Wednesday eve at 7 p. m.
sharp and attend t lie tabernacle meet
ing in n body. By order of the C.'C.
Tho public, 'market was a light one
this morning In general offerings, Imt
with a goodly supply of tomato, "cab
bage and other plants on stile.
Ties, collars, caps and suits. .j)oii
Springer, 105 W. Main. tf
Hemstitching ,
Buttons corcred '
Handicraft Shop.
Dr. llray, Chiropractor
flees in tho M. F. & H. Hldg.. tfeek
days excopt Thursdays. Lady assis
tant. "Keep Smiling." '' ' ,.11
Oregonlnns registered nt tho Hol
land lire Mr. nnd Mrs. E. R. KnyVntl
Chiis. P. Johnson of Eugene, Frank
Ottoman of Malin, Mr. nhd Mr.s, J.f P.
Jorfrles or Corvnllls, C. E Ncfson' or
Salem, and V. L. Hays, C. D. Edwards,
G. F. Gllllgly, J. Williams nnd C. G.
Cathcart of Portland. !
Scratch feed fanned Tree of waste,
flno sturr, $2.75 per '100 IIib. Wo do
liver to you. Monarch Seed Co.
N. H. Nov. ciimb will deliver green
1 C inch slab wood very cheap. Let's
book your ordor now tor early deliv
ery. also dry planing blocks, kind
ling nnd shavings. Phono 631. 51
Majestic "4", Hunebm, Snt. 11. Lat
est song hlls. 15
A novel find' nllriictlvo ' jiilyertlsu
mont lor the big picture filrti, "The
County Fair," now appearing nt' the
Rialto theater. Is the transformation
of tho outer nnd timer lobby of that
theater Into a representation of boun
ty fair scenes with' Blx .. attractive
booths in tlie Inner lobby and ropre
sentntions of stables 111 the biiter lobby
with Cold Molasses, Seldom'wln nnd
Lightning, tho mythical' race' horses,
standing at Iho windows ', of their
stalls. "
Grand X-Rny Ilenefit bait, Medfonl
Nalatorium, tonight. Couples $1.50,
pxtralndles 60c.' Come and help Mod
lord. - :.r? ,-43
ltev J, K. fonder, formerly a pas'
tor or Ibis city, visited here last even
ing with friends returning to his home
ut Medford this morning by machine.
Rev. Cornier has many friends ill this
city. Roseburg News Review...
For high-class kodak finishing bring
your films lo tho Medford Photo (Fin
ishing Studio. 228 East Main. ' ' Se
samples nt enlrance. Price list on
application. . 4(1
Violin instruction, Florence Howell,
special attention to beginners. Sparta
building, phono 545-11. tf
Saro money on men's furnishii
ami suits. Dun Springer, 105 W. Main
Farm bureau meetings will bo held
at Eagle Point tonight and nt Ik'lle
view on Friday night, with moving
pictures as a feature of the program.
The pictures were .first introduced at
the farm bureau meeting ut Talent
last night.
Phono 474. Guaranteed work, prompt
service. City Cleaning & Dyeing Co.
401 South Riverside. . tf
The Farm Uurenu Co-Openttlvo Kx
change will pay 17c cash for eggs.'
Cases hack.' tf
Mill run $1.53 per sack 80 lbs deliv
ered to you. Monarch Seed Co.
Under the head ' Holly Huntington
To Go To Medford Schools Next Fall,"
tho Portland, Telegram publishes (he
following special telegram from Sa
lem: ; "Hollis W. Huntington, former
University of Oregon football player,
will not coach the Salem high school
next year, as had been expected. In
stead be will coach at-Medford. Hunt
ington .this year coached anaconda
high school in Montana and turned out
the champion teubi-of the state. Mr.
Huntington a lew months ago was
! married to Miss Marjorle Kay of
I Salem, daughter ufAMr. and Mrs. T. 1!.
The Medford Printing Co. ball team
(composed of hus-bcous" and "uever
wasers 'l would like to hear from any
local or out of town teams in regard
to games. Phono 75. 45
Wo are paying tho highest prices for
all kinds of poultry and eggs. Farm
lluicau C.j-Operative Exchange. tf
Better buy a Chandler than wish
you had. tf
Of Interest to Presbyterians Is that
there bus been a net increase of 1257
members; In the 147 Presbyterian
churches iu Oregon during the fiscal
year ending Easter Sunday as shown
by the annual report or trie Rev. Wal
ter M. Irwin, northwest secretary of
tho New Era movement, which was
complied during tho past week. The
denomination jumped from 15.SS2
members to 17.130. Actual accessions
were KlliS by examination and lrl30 by
certificate, but the net gain was 1257.
The synod also shows a not gain of
23u! in the Sunday schools, $13,340 in
benevolences and $37,282 in congrcga- aav iiamsPK.
Grand X-Ray Benefit ball Medford
Xatatoritim, tonight. Couples $1.50,
extra ladies 50c. Come and help Med
ford. iS"
Another big popular dance Friday
night, May 13th. Orth hall, Jackson
ville. Majestic "1" orchestra. 45
Delco-Llgbt farm light and power
plants. Medford Electric Co.
The Equitable Life Assurance
' Of the United States
120 Broadway, New York
Medford, Oregon:
is lii his'or-
Health and Vigor Win in
The Race of Life
In theso days of fast competition
only full-blooded, robnst, honlthy
pcoplo can keep to the front. Un
healthy weaklings with disordered
Mood arc bound to fall
behind. Success is yours
only if you .hnvo the
snap, vigor and magnet
ism that go with a whole
Home, rich blood supply.
Don't despair because
others forgo ahead of
you. Start rib'lit now to
' ..' M '.'
frco your circulation of tho impuri
ties that arc hampering1 your health
and progress. Thousands have
done this with S.S.S., tho famous
old herb blood remedy.
Get S.S.S. from your
drugfrlst today, and after
you have started takinp:,
write for special medical
counsel to Chief Medical
Advisor, 84!i Swift lab.
oratory, Atlanta, Geor
gia. It's free,
li ' il
This is
How He
Went Away
And This
Is How He
Came Back
It Grips You!',
They Amaze you!
You Can't Solve It!
Adapted from Arthur Hornblow's soul absorbing story of the wife
who did not know her own husband ....
Featuring ; ' '''.''