PAOE FTVTH 15,000 PEOPLE IN JACKSON COUNTY AND SOUTHERN OREGON READ THE41AIL TRIBUNE DAILY Just stop and reason it out with yourself. Can you afford to ignore all these people who are constantly watching the classified columns of The Mail Tribune in order to fill their many wants? Start at once and use this Advertising Medium MEDFOliT) MAIL TRTBUXE, fEDFORT), OIfK(!ON'. TUESDAY, MAY 1021 KKATTI.K, May 3. Uriuont valued at a (tuartor of a million dollar, h.-lil ly the United Status customs nwv'co in the state of , Washington will be ite stroyed as the result of orders re ceived by Collector of Customs lios roe Dhuhellei it was nnnouneed in day. Destruction of the first unit, Minulutfnf if yflOn nu:irtK of vhUK-t.v Kin and wines, held in the nprraisu-'ji I warehouse here was begun today. Stocks held at Tacoma, Bclliniam. Illnihp, Port AiikcIos and other cki vs will follow within the next two weeks, Mr. Drumheller said. Livestock. 1'ORTUXD, Ore. May 3. Cattlo nominally steady; receipts 311. Hoes Very weak; receipt! 173. Sheep steady; receipts 490. flutter. PORTLAND, Ore, May 3. Ulltt.T steady. Extra cubes 24u; cartons 31c; prints 30c. Xo. 1 churning cream 25c f. o. b., Portland; undorgrades 23c. Whom. I'Oim.AND, Ore, Way 3. Wheal, hard white 31. 3d; soft white, white club 51-30: hard winter, northern spring 31.27; red Walla 31.20. Today's car receipts Wheat S3; flour 0; hay !). S. V. lOggs and Poultry. sAn FRANCISCO, May 3. Butter unchanged. Eggs, dirties, No. 1, 2:1c; extra pullets 20 '.fcc: cheese, flats 14c; young America fancy 17VjC. N. Y. Stocks NEW, ortK. .May 3. Trading in stocks today was again extensive, but shorts renewed "their aggressions against various speculative favorites, especially in the oil, food and rub ber divisions. Sales approximated S'0,000 shares. Allis-Chalmcrs 3S.12 American llect Sugar 311.50 American Can 31. s Amrican Car &' Foundry .... 127.75 American Hide 4: Leather pfd. CI. American international Corp. CO. 6 American Locomolitve 1)0.23 American Smelting & Itef'g. . . 43. American Sugar HU. American Sumatra Tobacco .. 71.3 American T. & T 107.8 American Woolen. SO. Anaconda Copper 4 1.3 Atchison S2. Atl., Gulf & W. Indies 41.12 Baldwin Locomotive 00.12 Baltimore & Ohio 37.12 Bethlehem Steel "B"t (il.25 Canadian Pacific 112. Central Leather 38.8 Chandler Motors 83.11 Chesapeake & Ohio 02. Chicago. Mil. and St. Paul .. 20.12 Chicago, n. I. & J'ac 2S.0 Cbino Copper 25. Colorado Fuel & Iron 31.3 Corn Products 75. Crucible Steel 83.50 Cuba 6'aiic Sugar 20.50 Krie ; 13. General Electric 1;!7. General Motors. 14.12 Goodrich Co 41.3 Great Northern pfd 70.75 Illinois Central 111.50 Great Northern Ore Ctt's 30.50 Inspiration Copper 30.50 Int. Mcr. Marine pfd 55.50 International Paper G4. Kennecott Copper 21. Louisville & Nashville 98. Maxwel! Motors 5.50 .Mexican ' Petroleum 184.0 Miami Copper 211. Middle Slate Oil 11.73 Mldvale Steel . . ' 2!.li Missouri pacific ..... I r. ... . 18.75 New oil! Central 70. N. Y., N. II. and Hartford ... 17. Norfolk & Western : . 05.50 Northern Pacific .... j 73.:! Oklahoma Prod. & Itef 3.25 Pan American Petroleum .... 6!).0 Pennsylvania 3. People's Gas 4 7.12 Pittsburg and West Va 2. ltay Consolidated Copper .... 14.25 Heading 74.50 Rep. Iron & Steel 05. Itoyal Dutch, N. V 08.23 Shell Trans. & Trad '. . . . 4(i.(i Sinclair Con. Oil 20.8 Southern pacific 75.0 Southern Railway 21.73 Standard Oil of N. .1. pfd 108. Stlldebaker Corporation 88.8 Tennessee Copper 0.8 Texas Co 40.0 Texas & Pacific 21.12 Tobacco Products 51.75 Transcontinental Oil 12. Union raclflc 110.50 I'. S. Food Products 23.25 L S. Itctall Stores 52.50 I'. S. Ind. Alcohol 73.12 l'nlted States Rubber 7G.75 United States Steel 84.12 I'tah Copper 54.75 Westinghouse Klectrlc 48. Willy's Overland ' 10.12 American Zinc, Lead and Sin. 0.75 Butte and Superior 15. t'ala. Petroleum 40.0 Montana Power (bid) 5:1. Hhattuck Arizona (bid) 0.12 Pure Oil 33.75 Invincible Oil 20.50 General Asphalt 73.50 We take this means to thank the friends for their kindness and sym pathy during the recent Illness and death of our dear brother; also for the beautiful floral offerings. MRS. KA'l'K FORCE. MRS. V V. CANTRALL. W. T. MUCK. C. C. M'CK. M. R. BUCK. 25 canmy ruck, l&calBrieis "Southern Oregon communities are getting solidly behind the "buy-homo-products" campaign, according to Dan C. Freeman, manager id the Associat ed Industries of Oregon, who reiurned yesterday from a trip of one week to several towns in that section of tho state," says the Portland Telegram. "A G. Clark, 1'orni'r manager of the organization, accompanied Freeman. They attended the home products fes tivals in Ashland and Modford, visited in Grants Pass, Rosoburg, Salem, Cot tage Grove, Silvertun and other towns and assisted in organizing Oregon pro ducts campaigns. 'Splendid displays of home products were mn.Te it.- Ashland and .Medford, said Freeman. The peo ple of these communities are begin ning to realize the necessity of ex ploiting their products.' " This Is housec.i.anlng weather; have your rugs washed on the floor; strictly sanitary. E. .. Davis, phone 98. 3s Starling Wednesday, Majestic Trio botween 5 and S at Hex Cafe. 30;" A Mother Cloose Circus and Carnival will bo otto of the noval and original features of the X-Ray benefit fund rummage sale which takes place at the Xalatorium, Saturday, .May 7. The committee which has this department in charge lias devised all manner of Interesting, unusual and amusing fea tures for the entertainment, of the kiddies. an Included among Oregnnians at the Medford are Mr. and Mrs. (!. A. Hell man of Klamath Falls, C. M. Manville and E. R. Dorflingor of Eugene, and the following from Portland: Mr. nnd .Mrs. W. O. English, G. K. Ilartman. Jr., A. K. Hefner, G. E. Hislop, .1. II. Culp, I.. lodes, K. W. Schmeer, W. A. Ward and J. A. Ochwig. Save money on wrapping paper by using white print paper in rolls. Ask this office. tf Everyone wants to give to a worthy cause if it is within their means. The X-Ray benefit fund Rummage sale is such a cause and every person in Med ford can afford to contribute to it. Just bring anything you' have to do nate to the committee which is receiv ing goods daily at tho Xatatoriuin. Sale takes place Saturday, May 7. 30 Hear ihe Majestic Trio between 5 and S at the Rex Cafe, Begin to morrow. 30 Dan Bagshaw of Jacksonville is now a linotype operator on the Montague, Calif., Messenger, a-fter serving for several months in that capacity on a Prineville, Ore., newspaper. In mak ing tho jump between the two towns he last week enjoyed a brief visit with his parents at Jacksonville. Dr. Elliott will not be in his orflce Thursday afternoons beginning April 7th. 34 Furniture finished and repaired. City Auto Paint Works. Phone 754-J. tf liny 40 acres timber land near Med ford, $500, terms 350 cash ami $5 per month. Quadruple your monoy with the wood, and plant to fruit and .ber ries, for steady Income. Gold Kay Realty Co., owners. ' tf A number of the tourists' who spent the night at tho city auto camp pulled out early today hut this forenoon there were still four auto parties on the grounds. Better buy a Chandler, than wish you had. tf Wo lake you anywhere! Nash Taxi., Phono 90. liuick cars. 37 Everything electrical. Medford Elec tric Co. Phone GC1. Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noises Tells Safe, Simple Way to Treat and Jtelleve at Home. If you have catarrh, catarrhal deaf ness or head noises caused by catarrh, or if phlegm drops in your throat and has caused catarrh of the stomach or bowels, you will be glad to know that these distressing symptoms nmy be entirely overcome in many instances by the-following treatment which you can easily prepare in your own home at little cost. Secure from your drug gist 1 ounce of Parmint (Double Strength). Take this home and add to It U pint of hot water and a little granulted sugar; stir until dissolved. Take one tablespoonful four times a day. A n Improvement Is sometimes noted after the first day's treatment. Breathing should become easy, while the distressing head noises, headaches, dullness, cloudy thinking, etc., should gradually disappear tinder the tonii action of the treatment. Loss of smell, taste, defective hearing and mucus dropping In the back of the throat are other symptoms which suggest the presence of catarrh and which may often be overcome by this efficacious treatment. It is said that nearly nlnely per cent of all ear troubles are caused by catarrh and there must therefore, l.e many jeeple whose hearing may be restored by this simple, harmless home treat ment. Adv. Good Service Is measured by results. Are you obtaining satisfactory re sults? ' If not, consult us about your bookkeeping and 1. ..'-.r business troubles. O Aud-tinS O Accourvtina t? ltsurarcegy ' lrvestmerts M. P. SCIIMITT, S:r. Phono 681 l.lhertr Wilir. I A .Medford restaurant dishwasher and a ranch hand from near r.i- c;ty. who gave the names of John Doe and Richj ard Roe, were arrested last night by Patrolmen Adams anil Hemstreot on the chargo of intoxication, and when sobered up later were released on $35 cash bail to appear In police court this morning. They failed to appear and hence the money was forfeited. On Saturday morning at ID: SO there will be n circus parade on Main street and Immediately following this, will be a special matinee at the Page thea tre for children. .Mr. Geo. Hunt has secured the picture, "Jack and the Itoan-Slalk" lor this occasion and will donate the proceeds to the X-Ray Bcn efit Rummage sale. The price of ad mission is unique, being a glass of jelly or a can of any kind of meat, vegetables, fish or fruit. These will be sold later at the Rummage sale. 30 Try our merchants lunch. The Shasta. Play safe. Nash Taxi Service. Phono 90. '' ' 37 J. C. Rhodes, who is 24-hour advance man for the Al G. P.arnes circus, ar rived in the city last night to look utter the food supplies for the em ployes and the animals, and other matters. Harnes' circus will take thousands of dollars out of the valley. The Mother Goose Circus and Street Carni val at the Xatatoriuin Saturday, May 7, will keep the dollars at home. 30 R. A. Holmes, tho Insurance Man. Insurance, and Bonds, plus Service. Delco-Light Electricity for every farm. Medford Electric Co. County Y. M. C. A. Secretary Cash Wood has been working recently with the three district schools, Griffin Creek, Lone Pine, and Oak Grove, in preparation for the county track and field meet at Talent Friday. The reg ulation starting gun ami stop watch has enthused these country boys and i girls with the result that a very indif-1 l'erent attitude toward competition j has boon changed to keen anticipation. Ilclman Baths open for the season, Saturday, April 30. ST Violin instruction, Florence Howell, special attention to beginners. Sparta building, phone 545-11. tt Swimming lielman baths, open Saturday. April 30. 37 Sheriff Lowe of Klamath county and Chief of Police II. S. Wilson of Klam ath Falls stopped over here last night on their auto journey homo from Port land where they had been on business connected with a bootlegging case. Blocks and dry slabs for sate. Call S59. tf Patronize home and build up pay rolls by insisting on having brooms made by Rogue River Broom Works. 30 Bronchial Trouble Caused Anxiety Xo medicine has a better reputation than Foley's Honey and Tar for quick ly relieving coughs, colds and croup. It loosens the phlegm and mucus, clears U10 passages, eases hoarseness, stops tickling throat. John G. Hekking, 195 Burgess Place, Passaic, X. J., writes: 'I was suffering from an acute case of bronchial trouble which gave me con siderable anxiety. Foley's Honey and Tdr deserves all the credit for my be ing well now." Sold everywhere. Adv. Summons In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Jackson County. Emily 11. Mercer, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph B. Mercer. Defendant. To Joseph B. Mercer, tho above named defendant: in the name of Ihe State of Oregon, you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint on file herein, on or before the last day prescribed in the order for publication of summons, to-wtt: the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons; and if you fall to so appear and answer said complaint, for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in tho com plaint, succinctly stated as follows, to wit: For a decree of the Court dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be tween plaintiff and defendant; that plaintiff's maiden name he restored to her; and for such other relief as may be equitable. This summons Is published in the Medford Alall Tribune, by order of tho Hon. F. .M. Calkins, Judge of the said Court, made and entered April 30, 1921. The date of the first publication .hereor is Mav 3rd. 1921. GLEXN O. TAYLOR, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address: 220 W. Alain St., Medford Oregon. Notice of Sale of Government Timber General Land Office, Washington, D. C, April 10, 1921. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Acts of June 9, 1910 (39 Stat. 2181, and June 4, 1920 (41 Stat.. 75S), and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15, 1917. WHY? FOUND PAY STREAK You don't luivd lo speeilliite. Locate ill tlic proven dislricl. Here is tin; opjortunit.v. 21) acres nil in H year old ptNirs under Talent District Jrrifjratioii, iihsnliitely free from frost. Deep soil, l'ait of orchard now planted to potatoes. I know there is nothing better for the money. $4200 TERMS ON PART 20 aerei, etpiipped ready for business, what I believe to be tho best investment See mc now. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Nash Hotel Corner and June 22. 1920. the timber on the! following lands will be sold June 3. l!'2i, at Id o'clock o. m.. at public auc tion at the l'nlted States Land Office at Reselling. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Sec retary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth of one percent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be. deposit ed at time of sale, money to be return ed if sale Is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the Uniiod States or any slate, territory or district thereof only, t'pon application of a cpiallfiod purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 30 S., R. 1 W.. See. 5. Stt'U XW'i. Pine 150 M.. Fir 175 AL, none of the pino to be sold for less than 32.50 per M., and none of the fir to bo sold for less than $,2,110 per M. T. 33 S It. 5 , Sec. 9, XW'i SW'j. pine 200 M.. fir 440 AL, none of the pine to be sold for less than $2.50 per Al.. and none of the fir to be sold for less than $1.00 per M. T. 31 S.. It. 7 ' Sec. 1. NKVi SWi, fir 300 M not to be sold for less than $1.00 per AI. T. 3!i S., It. S W., Sec. 3, SW'., XKVi. pine 280 M., fir 150 AL, XKVi N''1,, pine 220 M., Fir 45 AI.. SW ,.; XWVi, pine 105 AL, fir 20 AL. NW 14 SU'i;. pine 15 M., fir 10 M. SW'14 SW',4, pine 05 AI., fir 35 AL, SEVi SU'C, pine 110 Al.. fir 10 AL, none of the pine to be sold for less than $3.00 per AL, nnd none of tho fir to be sold lor less than $1.00 per M. WILI.IA.M SPRY, Commissioner General Land Office. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By window cleaner, store fronts, buildings, eie. Residence work a specialty. Floors waxed and polished. Geo. A. Seelv. Phone 017-L. II HEM' WANTED Mule and Female WANTED Married couple for ranch work. Box 8j, aiuii 1 rimiue. It HELP WASTED FKMAM3 WANTED Good woman for general housework on ranch. Phono OIL Mrs. Geo. A. Munsfield. 3S WANTED Operate checker; must be able to use typewriter. Hotel Mod ford. WANTED Reliablo woman to come and do washing and cleaning for family of three. J'hone 300-L. WANTED Experienced waitress. Hotel iMedford. ' WANTED A middle-aged woman to assist in housework, Plume 452-L. 37 WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. Apply 81a E. Main or phono 431-K. tt WANTED AUSCELIiANEOUS WANTED Young weanling pigs. W. II. Arnold, phone 201-X. 37 WANTED Phone 100 for City Taxi. Taken over bv G. W. Purkey. Stand at Medford Shoe Hospital, 11!) East Sixth St. where you get better shoe repairing and better now shoes til reduced prices. WANTED Two housekeeping rooms, one furnished, downstairs or eleva tor, close in. AdttltH. Permanent. Address II, Alall Tribune. . . 3S WANTED To buy house to move. Phone 6-F-2. -10 WANTED Automobile. Medford home and ranch to exchange for automobile. Box C. D., care Tribune tf WANTED Today. Four auto tires up to 5 inches, to bo filled with Univer sal Tire Filler. No punctures or blowouts. Service Station at Med ford Natatoriuin. tt WANTED House moving and re pairing. Phono 488-M or 488-X. tf WANTED Several men nnd boys to know that you can buy any hike for $2.00 per week. Liberty Shop, S. Grape. tf WANTED Shoo repairing while you wait at the "Model Boot Shop." 21 S. Central Ave. Quick service, quality work. E. N. Ulden. prop. FOR RIONT-riRMSIIED ROOMS FOR RENT Barge, well furnished sleeping rooms In privnto family, close in. 325 S. Riverside. 37 FOR RENT Bedroom Willi light and bath. 345 N. Bartlett. 41 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Four room cottage West side of valley, good location; rent reasonable!. AI. E. Root. Let me show you in Jackson County, J. C. BARNES 784-L Phone 'It SALE POl l.TltY AX1) EGGS FOR SALE Two thoroughbred Butt Rock rnosfers, one of which has taken first prb.e wherever exhibit ed. Also a few Huff Rook hens. 10. W. Witte. 210 S. Holly St. 37 FOR SALE l.ionzc turkey Phone 5:s-.l-L eg: FOR SALE Rhode Island Red eggs. $1,110 per setting. Phone S47-Y. yon kale isk.Ij ostatk EOR SALE 5 acres, house, bain, chicken house, young orchard jest coining into hearing. Approvimaiety 5e0 boxes fruit this year. Located 2 miles east of Mediord, $Immi for quick sale. Inquire 51S King St. lf,: FOR SALE If you want a real bar gain in a productive 10-acre ranch bvy this place. Located four miles from Medford on good road, good 5 rootn house with electric lights,. larj,e barn, family bearing orchard, some :i 1 1 ;i 1 1:1 . irrigation. Crops all In. i)vn"r old and wants to retire. For a quick sale price is $:tomi. Call at 325 S. Riverside or phone 701-.I. 20 FOR SALE Cheap Lots In the Alary Place Addition. For information call No. 20, Barumu Apts. 30 FOR SALE Buy 40 acres timber land near .Medford. $500. terms $50 cash and $5.00 per month. Quadruple your money with the wood anil plant to fruit and berries for steady in come. Gold ltay Realty Co., owners. tf FOR SALE Four room house with sleeping porch and garage, fine-half acre lot plowed nnd planted; berries nnd garden.- Well located In .Med ford. Price $1250. Will accept small cash sum anil monthly payments. W. B. Hewitt, 125 S. Front St. If' EOR SALE OR EXCHAXGE SO acres with buildings, horse, cow and chick ens; also 4 lots at I'liivc sity Park in Portland. Apply 130 Almond St. 30 EOR SALE All'iilla. grain and stock ranches Trotu $5.00 per acre up; long time, easy payments. Gold Ray Itealty Co. tf FOR SALE Good ranches. See us before buying. J. B. Andrews, 31 N. Grape St. Phono 63-M. tf FOR SALE Leas ana exchange real estate. Gold Ray Realty Company. FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnlcued or unfurnished; alco acre-ige. C. S. Butterflold, phone 216. FOR SAI.10 LilVKSTOCK FOR SALE OR TRADE Poland China boar, easy kept in pen. John Blgham Central Point. 37 FOR RA 1. 10 Six beautiful fresh milk con's. Walsh's place, one mile north cast of Medford on Crater Uiko road 43 FOR SALE Cheap, good work horse, nlso a dandy saddlo horse, sauuic and oridlo. Walsh's Place. 0110 mile northeast of Medford 011 Crater Lake road. 42 FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow and a No. 4 Sharpies separator. Bol t Stan cliff, Phoenix, Ore. 42 FOR BALE Mount Crest Ranch of fers for sale four snorinorn nuns, ready for service, your choice for $350. Two younger lit $200, mostly red. Apply James Stewart,' Wount crcst Ranch. Hilt. Calif. tt AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Used cars. Wo have sev eral used cars that must, bo sold, antl sold quick. We will start prices. If they don't suit may take another. I Maxwell, in good running ordor $375 Jteo 4, a snap ut $150 Grant 0, now paint $400 These cars are In running order. John C. Signor, 221 N. Fir. 30 FOR SALE .Maxwell touring in host condition; very easy terms to re sponsible person. Phono 532-L. tt" FOR SALE Slightly used 11120 Dort car at uirgaln. Inquire Palmer's Piano House. 42 FOR SALE 1918 7-pnssenger Stllde baker Six, good condition, for sale, $750. Might consider giving II. as first payment 011 a cheap homo. S. S. Callahan, 131 Ohio St., Ashlund. Ore. 37 FOR SALE 1020 Ford touring cat good shape, 500. Phono KiS-J-3. 10 FOR SALE Stlldebaker Roadster, $050. Button Robinson, Inc., 112 S. lllvei'Klde. FOR SALE Dodge car In excellent condition. Terms If desired. Phone 781-J between ti and 8 p. 111. FOR EXUHATIGH FOR TRADE Eastern or western Washington farms, for farm land In Rogue River valley. Jacob Jones, R. 1, Auburn, Wash. 37 5-room Modern Bungalow Good Location $265000 $400.00 cash and balance $30.00 per month. Why pay rent? MEDFORD LAND 'AND"' INSURANCE AGENCY FOR SALF MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Horsepower hay bal"'.' very cheap. John A. Anderson. Cen tral Point. K. F. I). 1, Phone P:5. 40 FOR SALE Barrel spray outfit, apple packing press and boxes, farm tools, household goods, tils S. Central, 3:30 to 5 p. in. 10 FOR SALE Hay. A few tons of hay at $12.00 per ton If taken at once as need the barn room. Sec II. and A. Al. Pellelt at Gold Range Orchard two utiles south of Aledfurd. 38 FOR SALE Tomato plants ready now in anv quantitv. C. Carov. phone lii-K-li. if FOR SALE I hit point electric range, practically new. You can save $10" on this. C. Kenan!, 110 X. Central. FOR SALE Lawn swing and tool chest. ,21 Bookman Ave. 30 FOR SA 1, 10 Alfalfa Tel. -I03-X-2. FOR SALE Yellow l ent seed corn.' 5c pound. Call Jacksonville 353. 20 j FOR SALE or will trade light five passenger touring ear for any kind of livestock or poultry or sell on easy terms. Prico $250. See Mr. Cox, Exchange Tire Co., 2S X. River side. Open Sunday. 3! FOR SALE Two-ton truck in good condition. Plioue 507-J-3. FOR SALE Young cow; also rasp berry and Himalaya blackberry roots cheap. Phone 820-X. 39 FOR SALE Household furniture at Old N. Co'itral. Call between 12 and 4. 3!l FOR SALE Bean spraying machine, I h. p. Fully ecpiipped, $325. Boar Creek Orchard, Tel. S IM. 30 FOR SALE Seed corn. Phono R-13 X. 30 FOR SALE Small truck at a real bar gain. Terms to suit purchaser. At torney Borden. 38 FOR SALE Centrifugal Pump. Cn- pcity 350 to 500 gallons per minute. A-l condition. Bargain. Will. Young, Young's Garage. 37 FOR SALE Bared and loose alfalfa hay delivered. Phone 317-J-2. tf FOR SALE Americana encyclopedia of 10 volumes, at a bargain. Apply at Mail Tribune office. tt' FOR SALE OR TRADE Two twolvo h. p. gasoline engines. Hubbard Bros. . tf FOR SAI.15 Sand, grnvel, sediment and dirt, riowing and teaming work done. Phone 912-J. Samuel Bato mau, 302 Maplo St. FOR SALE One new Sampson trac tor at n very low prlco; will take good team In on payment, balance cash and terms. Geo. L. Trelchler Motor Co., Medford, Ore. tf RUSINES9 OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Tent, awning and canvas business with machinery and tools. Stock at inventory. 128 N. Grape St. 4 1 MONEY TO lA)AJf TO LOAN J. 11. Andrews lonnB money on real estate nnd buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone 63-M. 81 North Grnpe street. estraykd STRAYED From Rogtio River Vnlloy Canal Co. ranch on Eagle Point Road, April 27th, one bay horse with bobbed tail, branded nnchor 011 shoulder.- Weight about 1200 lbs. One bay 2-year old colt, lame In left front foot. Also one brown colt about 8 months old. V. I). Brophy. Phono bt.i-Y. 3!) lU'SI X ESS 1)1 UECTOItT Farm Loan Bonds FINANCE THE AMERICAN FARMER by buying Farm Loan Bonds. Pro ceeils to make additional farm loans and improve agricultural conditions. Terms and particulars, E. H. Ilurd, Secy.-Treas., 411 M. F. & II. Bldg., Medford. Heal Estate. BROWN &. WHITE Real Estate, In surance, Loans, Investments, Notary Public. Holland Hotel corner. tf ViHleitakers PERL FUNERAL HOAIE Cor. Sixth and Oakdule. Ambulance service. Phono 4 7. Palming anil Taper Hanging. LEWIS & CASEY Painting, Paper- hauglng, tinting. Estimates fur nished froo. Phono ISO. 20 S. Grape St. Primers anil Publishers .MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office III Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 2 7 N. Fir St. Transfer. I0AHS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 4 2 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER Anything mov ed day or night. Service guar anteed. Fair treatment. 104 S. Fir. Phono: Office 64 4 or res. C47-R or 200. tf Rug Weaving. AIEHI'ORI) FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpels, and rugs. Phone 510-.M, 70li I'luo St, Bl'.SI XKSS Dl KECTOItY Ahstinctors Ail'ltHAY BROS. & VAX VORIS Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5, Xo. 22 North Central Ave., up stairs. JACKSOX COFXTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated 1904. Abstracts of Titio, Title Insurance. Auto Supplies A 1 1 10 R AT TO SPKIXC, CO. Wo are operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant in the Pacific northwest. Lse our springs when others fail. Sold under written guaranteed. 3 4 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys I PORTER .1. XEFF Attorney-nt-law, 1 rooms 8 !iml Q Mixlfitrrl Vnlinnnl ank Ituldillg ' A. 10. RE A A1ES Lawyer. Garnott Corey Building. O. C. HOGGS Real Estate, lnw and settlement of estates a specially. B. I-'. LINDAS Attorney, General Practice. Patents a specialty. Stewart Bldg. WIXFIEI.D It. GAY LORD Lawyer. Room 7 Palm block, 107 East Alain St.. .Medford. Building Materials AHODI'ORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK. WORKS speclllze in all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Chiropractic Physician JOl'ETT P. BRAY Straight Chiro practic, rooms 4 00-10 M. F. & H. building, it to 12 a. in., 2 to 5 p. in., daily except Thursday. Phono 5S0. Klectrlc Service. BATTERY & ELECTRIC CO. Fac tory distributors for Exlde Batter ies and Falrbanks-AIorse light plants. Nat. Building. Phlne 110. lO.vpert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son. C. P. A. Attention given to anything In Accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look into our simplified accounting method. Lib erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. Fidelity and Surety Bonds FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS Wo execute all forms of bonds. McCurdy Insurance Agoncy. tf Instruction, lu Mustc. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher oi piano and harmony. Halght Music studio, 318 Garuott-Corey Build ing Phono 72. Mosnn Art Rugs MOSAN ART RUG CO. We weavs rugs from old carpets and rugs and clean all rugs. . "Rugs we clean are cloan when we clean them." 119 W. Tenth, phone 180. Free deliv ery. Physicians and Surgeons. T. O, HEINE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Surgery ot eyes, . ears, nose and throat. AH diseases of these organs treated. Glasses fitted. 314-315 Liberty Bldg. DK. A. BURSELL SpinologUt. Phys ician and Burgeon. Spinal adjust nients, general treatments and Ula Bonosis. 309-10-11 M. t t. H. Bldg. Elevator to third floor. Phono 20. '' .,. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to oye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. It. It. Co., AI. F. & II. Bldg. Phone 567. DK. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic . Physi cians. 416-417 Garnott-Coroy Bldg. Phono 004-L. Residence 20 3. Laurel St. . DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear, noso and throat. 303 Liberty building. Phone 496. DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN- .Chiro practic and Natural Painless Meth ods. Room 428 M. F. & H. Bldg. Phone 065. , . ,, JA.MES C. HAYES Physician and Surgeon; office hours 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Sparta Build ing; residence 1403 W. Main. Phones: Office 563, res. 492.' "Specialty," Medlcnn and Surgical Diagnosis. , tf DR. WAI. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices M. F. & H. Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 165-J-2. AFFECTIONS OF ANY OF THE T tilRVCS IMPINOCOArTSC 3PNt y BY A 3UOLUXATEO VCRICBRA I - Chiropractic (SPINAL) Adjuslments Will s E 1 Remove the IPLtt r r (MAU. LAROC 3 lilt. A. lil ltRLI'M). Chiropractor Suite 4 nnd G Sparta Bldg., Main and Riverside. Phones: Office 285. Res. 322, . V ih.oaT, iTmo laro sown 2So WfM Mail sirscjj .1