Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 02, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    medford mAtt, tribune, medfoit), o?nxov moxiiav. may 2. 1021
Just stop and reason it out with yourself. Can you afford to ignore all these people who are constantly watching the classified columns of The Mail Tribune in order to fill their maisy wants? Start at once and use this Advertising Medhua
t . Livestock.
; I PORTLAND. May 2. Cattle 25c
S higher: receipts 1238. Choice steers
f JSSJS.25: medium to choice JT.iSSsS:
i fail- to choice t6.505i 7.25; common to
i t.50 6.6(1; choice cows and
heifers J.2aj: 7; medium to good
': 55.T598.SS; fair to medium $3. 25ft
3 &iT5; common to fair $4.25 Hi 5.25;
tJ fanners $2.254.25; bulls, 3.50
5.50; choice dairy calves $1 1 1.50:
. lirime light $lo.r08 1 1( medium light
$8.50 10; heavy, t-iKfS.50; choke
. feeders $6.25 6.75; fair to good
: $;76WS.25.
Hogs 25c higher; receipts 375.
Prime liBht $8.75; smooth heavy,
4 250 to 300 pounds. $7.50 8.7 5; 300
: pounds up $7(3:7.50: rough heavy SO
7.75: fat pins, $Jj9.75: feeder pigs,
Jti.iiOtffs.OO; stags (subject to bfoker
UB' $44.?5.
tk Sheep strong: receipts 1430. Spring
lambs $7i89: east of mountain $7i
7.50: valley $5.50H 6.25; heavy $5&;
feeders $3I3; culls. $24: ewes $ t 8
4.2S light yearlings $4.505.50;
wethers $4Qi.
fOHTLAND, Ore., May 2. r.utter
4c lower. Extra cubes 24c; cartons
3lc; prints 23c. ilutterfat. No. 1
churning rivam 25c f. o. b 1'ortland;
Ulldyrerades 23c.
Wheat. , .
PORTLAND. Ore., May 2. Wheat,
liarK white $1.30; soft white, white
club .' $1.28; hard winter, northern
spring $1.25; red Walla $1.24.
Today's car receipts: Wileat, 120;
flour'S; oats 3; hay 2.
- r San Francisco Markets
SAN FRANCISCO, May 2. Btstier,
extras 33V6c; prime firsts nominal.
Kggs, fresh extras 25c; extra firsts
25c; firsts nominal; dirties No. 1 24c;
extra pullets 20c; undersized pullets
. 7c. Cheese, flats fancy 144c; firsts
nominal; young America fancy 17c;
firsts nominal. ,
Hens 25 tg 40c; strictly young roos
ters 4245c; old 1821e; fryers 50Si
60c; broilers 33 50c; ducks 30. 35c;
squabs 50 55c; pigeons $3 3.50;
llelgian hares 23Q2oc; jackrabbiSs $3
NEW YORK, May 2 Liberty bonds
closed: 3,i's $88.72; first 4's $S7.30;
second 4"s $8T.34; first 4U's $s7.50;
second 4 hi 'a $S7.30; third 44,s
$90.42; fourth $87.42: Victory
'3".i'H $97.94; ictory 4?4's $S8.00.
N. Y. Stocks
NEW YORK, May 2. Trading in
Btoclis today was very active and
broad. Popular issues in the indus
trial groups recorded xtreme gains of
1 to 4 points. Kales approximated
Allis-Chalmers 3S.75
American Hoct Sugar 40.
American Can 31.82
American Car & Foundry ... 129.
American Hide & Leather pfd. 51.50
American International Corp.. 52.
American Locomotive 90.
American Smelting & Jlcfg. . . 44.25
American Sugar 89.75
American Sunmtra Tobacco . . 72.95
American T. & T. 10S.12
American Woolen 81.25
Anaconda Copper 4l.fi2
Atchison 82.25
All., Gulf & W. Indies 39.50
ltaldwin Locomotive 91,
Haltimore & Ohio 3S.75
Jtethlehcm Steel "it" 61.12
Canadian Pacific 112.25
Central Leather ..t 39.50
Chandler .Motors 4.25
Chesapeake & Ohio Gi.75
Chicago, Mil. and St Paul ... 25.75
Chicago, II. 1. & Pac 2S.
Chino Copper . . . .t, 25.25
Colorado Fuel & Iron 31.
Corn J'roduets 74.82
Crucible Steel . . 83.50
Cuba Cant Sugar , iy.75
Krle . , 13.S2
floneral Electric 137.75
Oeneral Motors 14.12
Goodrich Co. 42.25
Gr-eat Northern Ore Ctfs. ... S0.j2
Illinois Central lm!) 91.
Inspiration Copper 37.
Int. Mer. Marine pfd 56. S3
International Paper 64.50
Kennecott Copper 21.
Louisville & Nashville 'J.
Maxwell Motors t;.
Mexican Petroleum i ti.25
Miami Copper 1.L25
Middle States Oil I i.i2
Mid vale Steel 29.25
Missouri Pacific ls.50
New York Central 70.25
N. Y., N. H. and Hartford 17.
Norfolk & Western t, 95.62
Northern Pacific 71
Oklahoma Prod. &. lief 3.25
Pan American Petroleum ... 09. ;5
Pennsylvania 35.12
People's Gas 4S.
I'lttsliurg and West Va 28.
liny Consolidated Copper .... i-t.12
Heading .73.02
Hep. iron X- Steel 0 4.50'
Iloyal Dutch. N. Y B7.02
Shell Trans. & Trad 43:3"
Sinclair Con. Oil 36.75
Southern Pacific 75.75
Southern Railway 21.37
''Standard Oil of N. J. )tii. ... 108.
Studebnker Corporation Sit. 62
Tennessee Copper 9.87
Texas Co 41.-
Texas A: Pacific 20.50
Tobacco Products 54.
Transcontinental Oil 12.25
fnion Pacific 116.87
C S. Food Products 21.
1'. S. Retail Stores 54.50
V. S. Ind. Alcohol 72.62
Pnited States Rubber 78. t2
I nited States Steel 83.87
1'tah Cojiper 55,37
Westlnghotlse Klectrie ...... 4 7.87
Willys Overland 9.02
American 5Cinc, Lead and Sm. 9.73
IHltte and Suijerior 15.25
Cala. Petroleum 47.13
Montana Power (bid! f.1.50
SI1.1t lurk Arizona iid .
i'ure Oil 35.50
Invincible Oil . ,
enernl Asphalt
TOKIO, April 9. (H- mail). Lien-'
tenant-aeneral Senba sosst in his rests- i
nation ,0 the house of representatives
...o.., fiwiMra h as an assent-
My of Hooligans, in which there is an
room for men with common sense."
lie announced his intention to deliver said district.
a scries of public addresses to explain j interest ceases mi the above War
to his constituents the motives for his t this date. The 3"lh day of
withdrawal. 5 April A, D. li21. A. C. W Al.KKU.
County Treasurer and ex-officio Trea
Tile king-snake, altumlaut in fieor-j
gin, is not poisonous but can kill any i
other reptile. - j
Notica to All Landowners in Bedford Irrigation j
Disinct tM to All VVtiora it Mfy Conctrn: j
ou aie iiwrli. notified that on tite stb .ij ,
o( April, 1821. fclmrd Wilder uleA dttlv 1
acknOHlfffJ i.d iritt..d petition with ii(e
Hoard ot lirritrs of Sfiford liTitfation Dis-trit-t
prajitiff that tii ttiojtiir di-Kciil..! laiiti
ef tlte pi-titiontr Kittut. in .l.ufcwm t'imiiiv.
firttm, tp mrlyUst wittun Ute Metitord Irriga
tion PiKtrief, that is t wtv:
Biotk liisift atcordmff to tite ctttt-iat
rtiif of ihe Town of llim-i tnj;t?i(?r with a
ttinn)Oi!:(r iratt of land aiijmtiint; tin- satue
the north. cad tra-t hfiwz luntndt'd ott tho
Wet by the Wr-st lint- ot liotiatiou Land Ciatni
No. 41. on Hie North.'asU'rlv kido l.v tltf. lies
rtly Hide lijie extidrd of Oiffitt 'Street, in
ti)e City of i'hoeuix, atal ott toe Mjtftlietb- side
by the northerly tine ot Hlotk eight, tiie 'whole
critUtntttK .-j avrex, more or less.
And further (tracing that an outer ittade
h- the eahl Hoard of Ptrer-tors tttat said tattds
be imrtoded tit the Medtoni imgatitwi iJistrtet.
Ait lu'rsotis itttfi'ested lit. or who juav he
afOi-'ietf bv tbc urtutosfil ( hsiurt n1 lite ixatu
tiarifs f sail DNtrut r hy lis imiusioti
ZAiWtiy rnired to appear attd answer
of M.jford irriitation iiistriet sit the l iberty the eonipiasnt liied against you !li Use
Htitidtfttt ott wvtit .Maitt street in the city 'f above entitled Court and Cause, on or
.t-doTi l"25: 1
then and there show eause. if attv thv have,
why lite prayer of said petitkm Ki'touid 'not be
f!XdJi,,,he!,aie)KI Lt, iSjSL
liateit April nth: ni5t.
1MAH" liLl-vZV St01'8
iSy K. 5i S, Secretary,
. ;
Notice to Alt Landowners in Mcdtoni trrisatitiB said time, for want thereof, plaintiff
piitrtct Brtd to All Whom ft May Concern: w!ii ,,!, to the Court fn" the relief
V.,u ate herein- iiotibed that on die ith thtv I W!" a!U to tile t.Otirt IO. the
of starch. i8si, p. t. puff filed bi iiuiy 1 prayed for itt the complaint, sttccinct-
arkltowiedged and vertftetl petttiott with th'ejjy stated as follows'
SSne 'thirlST V,y"!f"Jd,hr;',":;'' For judgment against the defets-
ttte' petitioner niluate ill JaSott County.
son. he ittetttde.1 within the Medford ittieation
''nesintttaf afat0poTrii:in fhe ter of Cottttt,- terest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent
itoad Sooth ss decrees .'ttt minuteK tast i ton! per annum, from the 12tii day of De from the Southeast earner of tito South ! cember, 1912; for the further sum of
L ?wkus,!:J1Z,?li?'&i ?500.0 as reasonable attorney's fees,
imtrt or iss to tit- (Ktt-th f Duff ira.$;antl for costs ami (lisbtii'iiemeBis, to be
rtienet? West along tit nnnh iie f ti-att -sitaxetl
rSw VwS"Stnmiv HTte s For 8 eeree f Court tlorlaiinj?
(tefrrecs m tniimtes fiast ;2S ft-c to the pUi-c l ainUffs ffiortgae, described in tbe
01 iwaiimtoe, wmximw 10 Jcomplaint and rectirded m Vol. 3J, at
a i,. c. sS. 7 of fowushij, a? soufh. P8 2.3-80 of tlie Mortgage Records
2 Wt.,W M., Ihem-e Soaiii aUm the KastJof Said Jacksmi CoiHily, OrfgOIl, a
v" f met a jiiHtBnt e f 441 U-ft ; tiiem-e firRt HJ)fj prior jjen ihe fJOWlJig
ovtlj SI ift'jcrpM Ji( umialvs went '2M iert; t . -, j s , f , tI,
tiicnw South' lips 44 miimtra tt't so? described premises, siiaated in Urn
tvrii iieee Suuth 83 iifgu'es sr. mimti-eti WfBtlCountv of JacUsou and State of Ot
.r fil V"? rt!lv 2ltf'ffrc",V If ",iM!f son. to-wit: The Kast haif of the
West feet to the Nir(h hue of JJuff tratji" - - .
tho.Ht- East ms wci u tite isJace of North west quarter and the Northwest
tontaiattiK Bi-rt-s. oii;irter of the Northeast quarter of
And f;trtbr Iraviti2 thai orbr 1k m.ifJp
by the K8ti iJoari of Directors that aa'ni Jaiwis
be i the Jdwifoni iirigali-jji J)ij,t(iri.
AH iH'rsotis intrrsti't in, or who tuny he
nffprtcj by the )rojMwef trhiiuge of the hmm of sxhi District r hy tfit ini-Iiisio f
Miii I.)ds ii, saki IMsitrict, are hereby DoJiiil
to ;i;ir at the vilire of the iiwnl tf iMrwtors
of M.'.(foni irriffitti'tii Uistrict in thy Lilwrty
l.nih.tfi ott West Matt. St vest in the City J
SU'tffurti, Orpgon, on the lini tiny of Stay, ibil,
at S so o'ffmk in the afifrooon of itmt ilxy
aiul thin sml there tiiiow caas', if any iiwy
have, why the prayrr. of Sitj.i H ii iott h.ttid
not be graiitei or tbe lati'i th4?r-il.-Mriije,i be
inrbufpti in he M.'.tf'ri ftrigtton lhune
liaa J Apui 1 lib. inii. y
iiUAiiti nr imtKCTOKS OF IriltFOHO
JJtKifJA'i'fteX (MSTKUrT
itv K. M. WiiiON, Srerctatv.
Notice to AN Landowners in (Bedford imgatiOii
Otstiict arti to Aii Whora ti fJiz Coficfr
tm ace berrbv it.tiftit that tm 1h ith tiy
of August, l.fjtt, i. A. l-mkn fib-! his dJy
af kitttwb'Hsfi ani V4rifi"d with the
IJoai'l of iJire.-teH-x of Mlforoi Urination Pis
tint (?ayi!j- that til fifoii!jj i"vfit''i havl
of the .eta toiler Kitunic i ,iwifm .'musty.
Orcfjnii, be in-w iett withni the JKdfotii ifrigi
tion PiNt.iet, that is to twy;
ficjtintttns at a (totnt ih.iiiis pAht ami
10.0 ofsaii.a fiortb of the stiihwpvt tormr of
Poii,tton lami tlsitt. No. 7X. TowitHltifi
Sfnith. Uane 'i We-t, Wi!hiTit.itp M eriiiian in
.(a'kfion O-'sitity, ittegnu, ati ntiitiiftt ihfiiro
enst 'if rois; lbf?-p )tort,i 48 roifs; the-net svps
40 ixnh; tht-n-e south -Ml ioiJk; Ihiwi- '3?t
ni"t to the pLit-e of be-gtoiting, cuiitaitttttg 18
And farther rn-jyttn; ihet s?J ofhr Jm nu1e
hy the oziil oi Directors that ;ihi latitw
te irtt httbid in tin- .Mvifonl Iffiifation district.
Ait (HrsoMs iwtejvitHi in, or who may h f-
tociftl hy the jii-ojwwtf t'haiise of the iifaries
of Haiti Diistrkt or hy the iHuiion of JKtid
Isirt-i in atti Pwttiti, ie hvjt-hy nniiitKi to
ifpfsr itt eii office of the Kojni of Directors
of MHfmti irTjRt)on JH-.trjft in ihe l.iiffriy
IUttt'ii( West Main Street in thi t'itv of
iieito(.i, Oron, on the 3rt tJay f May, Jsai,
at two oi;io k in the atteiooou of ttut hty
liien ami there hmv ''Ati, if any th4y haw,
why the itrayer of satii f-etifion shotil'l not
Brant1., or th4? Ixtvt (hi-fi'itt (csTi!w he
ttifbttirtl irt ihv Metifoff Jirigation Jii.strjit
ltel Anrif Ush. t'Slt.
liOAI iV I'ftlKCf OitS OF MKf,FOf
- . iimfti.n PKTttit t.
lv K. if, WJtSON, Secretrv.
fiotice to AM L8fJtiMTvrtef in Worffoctf Irrigation
Ditr!ci BTiri to Ai( Whom ft May Concern;
1 ott are herein not ft mi tijat on th i 3th
diiy if AffifitsJ, Ht, Ivtecett Finiey fifed his
tiitiy mkntiwiriKi i vjrifimt wfition with
ffte fi(,ttd of IMrectftrs of SteifotJ irriiffttiott
iJis.rtct th,tt the f.tlbsw itijr t)e.(:ribwJ
h-oni of tfie )v-tiiion4r Ritnate in 4n ktm 'ounty,
(trej;on, fte inrttui.-i wJthm the MftlfoTii Iniga
tim tiistjivt, that is to say;
lifRmnrnK al a j;jii Jf."-i fw-t north of the
hotitln'a-t ttriier of tif.natmtt itt?tl iaim No.
7'2. Township 'A Sotitit tinn Wcit, which
M'ttllie;(M ijim rinT it the e;tt tni west
ceitter brte thrti7i Setii "ii. Township 37
South, Hatwe 2 West, WiJfametts Meridian,
ttmntnci thw e.f.t i f-t; thetn-e north -io3
feet; theiv e West S'i feii ; then' r Mjuth ift3
fft to the pie of fjrfgmni'sg, ntatnii;g to
Aiuf further pTsvinsr that an orJer hr- irjae
itv the said Board" of Ptr-tt that -naid iartd
i. imhult-A in tf,f SihMi Irriu-f Hixtsiet.
Ail jicrrittnt inters,-! jn, jt wli" iisav tr
nff'M ted hy tiw rtroiwied hattz of the ts-
i!ari'S of 3!f l'ttri, t te- by the itji !c-ioi of i
Good Service
is measured by results,
ytm otttatnittt; s,ttisf;ictry
stilts? If consult tis ;i
your bookkeeping and o
business troubles.
t Aud;tii3
nvtifil :
to ;iv,-.t- at the tiii
On sen t tf,
iitrI i I Jit
iif'Ti if
t h-.-
?3!1 li.
Usl-M AriJ Slth.
i County Treasurer's 5th Caii for Talent
irrigation District General
Fund Warrants
Stale of Oreson. County ! Jackson.
1 1lsr.v 'artmcm.
t?"" " " " " ' . Lf, "
t 1 . . ;t .... ;
,. ,,u f, .,. -,!.,,., ,
!f Talent Irrigation Distrkt Warrant i
, vn .cuts .drawn on the General Vmi oil
surer ot Ute laient irrigation Dis
trict. Suit to Foreclose Mortgage
in lite Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for Jackson County.
K. F. Adams, Plaintiff, vs. A. M. Pike
and Agnes Pike, husband and wife,
Belle Niekeii and Chas. NicUeil, hus
band ami wife. Rosetta Duncan. S.
ji, Duncan, Hubert J, Gardner. .Miss
Martha JI. Knapp, jl. K. Stine and
It. L. Stjno, husband and wife. Nor
man C. Keats, ICuKene A. iligsinson.
the unknown heirs of any of the
above named tiel'endaists, if deceas
ed, also ail other persons or parties
unknown claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest in the real
estate described in the complaint
herein. Defendants.
To the above named defendants, and
each thereof: In the name of the State
f!f Oreeon: Yiu, and each of von. are
before the last day prescribed in thef
order for liubiiciltton of summons
herein, to-wit: on or before the expira-f
tl0 f ? f " t
first publication of this snnimons.
An" ya' amI each " y i,rC hCrC"
l' ned that tf you fail to appear
ami answer satii rjotjipittmt, wiiirtw
ri t, are iwrct
Ore-ldalltS, A. M. Pike and Agnes Pike, for
the sum n t34UO.uO. toEetllcr wilh in-
Section Thirty-two in Township Thir-
ty-eigbt South of Range Two West of
the Willamette Meridian, and fore
closing Che same, and directing the
sale of said premises as under execu
tion and the proceed? thereof applied
In satisfaction of said judgment; and
foreclosing and barring the defen
dants herein, and each thereof, fnmi
ail equity of redemption or other
right, title, interest, claim or estate in
or to said mortgage premises and en
joining and debarring them, and each
of them, from asserthig any claim
whatsoever therein or thereto, save
only the right to redeem reserved hy
law; and for other relief as may he
TJiis summons is published in the
Medford Mail-Tribune hy order J
Honorable P, Me Calkins, Jadge of the
above entitled Court, duly made and
entered on the ISth day of March,
1321, The date of the first publication
of this summons is the 21st day of
March, iI.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address; 220 West Main Street,
Medford, Oregon.
Notice of Saie of Government Timber
Genera! Land Office, Washington,
D. C, April It'., ism.
Notice is hereby given that subject
to lite conditions and limitations of
the Acts of Jitne 9, US US (33 Slat. 21SS,
and June 4, !S2tl (ti Stat., T5S), and
the instructions of the Secretary of
tiie interior of Sejitemiier 15, lit!?,
and June 23, IISSO. the timber on (he
following lands vili be sold June 3,
J!2I. at JO o ciock a. m at nubile attc-
iion at the United States Land Office
at Rosetntrs, Oregon, to the biitlicst
bidder at not iess than the Hint-raised
value as shown by this notice, saie to
ho subject to the approval of (be Sec
retary of the Interior. The purchase
mien, with an additional sunt of one -
fifth of one percent thereof, ileitis
commissions allowed, must be tietiosU -
ed at time of saie, money to he return-j
ed if saie is not approved, otherwise
patent will issue for the timber which j
must be removed within ten years.!
Rids wiii tie received from citizens off
Voti don't have io sjicetdaie. T,oeate iii liti; proven ijisirici.
I fere is the opportunity. '20 acres aii in 8 year !! pears tttttiei"
Talent District irriyitiitm, aiisolnieiy free fi'tnn frost, Deep
soil. Part of tiieitarti now plmRett io pttiaioes.' know there
is itofhiiit; heller for the money.
20 acres. e(j!ii;jH! ready for iiiisiiiess. fjcf me thw yott
what 1 believe to he the best investment in Jackson County.
iSce tnc now.
Nash Hotel Conscr
JP i'manl Slates. Sons of snrh
a;iy stae. U'iTiitry or dstrjet tljcrcifi :
ojiiv. 1 xiJtilK'a:;u jt a onaiiJicM ;
jurt miser.
the tim;.-r 4m auy icil ;
siiivis!H wiil lie nffrirj st-jiamiy ;
before beitig includcil iij atjy oiu r of a I
iarsit-r mist. i
t. 3i s n. 1 v.. s-c. :.. swill
XV t4 , pine, M., pir 17 none
!f the pine so be M!ii for iess thaa
$2.5t jter iL. atid none of the tir to he
sold (or less than $;.! jim- M. T. S3
8.. II. 5 W S. 9, NWU i5Vi. !iw
2tt M.. fir 44i if- ! of tSV ptiit' to
t, ..l. f,. -( ,11 ... i -.vt.J
" "," ,
Sl im , i T. ;,( s . it 7 see. 1.
XB'i SW . fir 3io U iw he sWj
for less than $ i-r Si. T. ::; S.j
H. S W Sec. 3. i?W, XK
pme ;
M., iir 150 !!., XK!a XW1,, pine 2-0
M Fir 45 JL. Sff !, MV!,, sine H'5
XL, fir 20 i! XWij SWU. 5ine 45 M.J
fir if) M., SWIi Sffis, piste 95 M.J
fir 33 SI., SKVt 8V',. pine ISti
fir I M ttone tif tin isse to be sold )
for less than $3.00 per M., and none!
of the iir to he sold for less than $ 1 . !
per M. WILLIAM SI'ltY.
Conitnissitner fieittnai iattd Of tiee.l
WANTED Grafting. i'Sstsne C3S-L.
W ANTE!) Experienced
Hotel .Mediord.
w nitres s.
WANTKiS A initldH'-aged woman
assist in housework. Phone 452-L.
WANTED Experienced giri for gen
eral housework. -Apply S13 i;. Main
or phone 431-H. tf
WANTED By young iady, rmjm and
hoarti in private home. Iktx o3t Mali
Tribune. 33
Automobile. Jied ford
ranch to exchange for
Box C. D., care Tribune
home and
WAXTEIJ-Todav. Four auto tires p
U) 5 jnch!s to ije iml wWl Vsh.&.
sal Tire Filler. Xa mtnitni"es or
hiuwoms Service Station at JN
ford Xaiat&rinm. tf
WANTED Shoe repairing at reduced
prices. Men's half soies, per iiair
$1.50. Ladies half soles, $1.00. Rub
ber heels, 50c, j fetter sew shoes for
less sjjGuey, Medford Shoe -Hospital
1 19 i. Sixts St. .
WANTED House moving and re
pairing. Phone 4SSM or 3S8-X. tf
WANTED Several men and boys to
know that yon can buy any bike fo
?2.00 jjfcr week. Liberty Shop, S
Grape. tr
WANTED Shoe repairing -while yon
wait at the "Model iioot Shop." 21
8, Central Avp. Quick service,
quality work. $3, Bides, prop.
FOR KK.N'T Lame, well furnished
sleeiiing rooms ia . private family,
.ciose in, 325 S. Riverside. 37
I'Oli KEST Ol S15KEEIl-S"0
FO HHBNT Two or fossr Hsist isossse
keesilng rooms. 511 S. Centra!.
FOR KENT ti-ttjont hoisse with Kar
ate. Ciiiekens for saie. O. O. iar
ker, phone S!l-U. 35
FOH itKNT Foar moitt eotiase Wtit
sitio of valley, cooti location; rent
reasonahie. Ji. E. Root,
FOR RENT lioiisekeeiiim; apart
nientg 5o adttiis; first fitior, eltise to
itttsiness district. 323 S. itivcrsidtt.
i'hone 701-J. 37
FOR Kii.VT-'-liay ist. gtace sititahie
lor garage or storage. Caii 150. ti
FOit 'i'RADE Eastern or western
Washington farsssK, for farm land in
Rogue River vatSey. Jacon Junes.
R. J, Auburn, Wash? , 37
LOST ijirge yotiim airedaie dog,
children's playmate. Reward for in
formation leading to retnni. S. R
Derby, Hit tJneiid. 35
STitAVEiJ Fratn RoRtie River Valley
i Caimi Co. ranch on Easle i'oint
j itoad, April 37(h, one bay horse with
i bobbed tail, branded anchor on
shoulder. Weight . about i2i ihs.
One bay 2-year old coif, iame in lett
front foot. Also one brown eoit
about 8 months obi. V, O. liropisj.
Fhona St i-Y. 33
784-L Phone
t iii!l Stai.-s !)r:fWS jSAI.K To thirochimi lff
Kock txiJis, ne ol hsc li:t
takcts Just ariz ttiirvr xiss'ut'l
A'o a iVw littff Uk hcis
K. W. WUu. 219 S. HoUy St.
KOK SALE Hen and elik-kt'sss. !'hi
FtSii SALK Uroaze
i'hmsc iatM-i.
stOil SAI.K Hfeiile IsSattfi ilvd f
i Si.! ier settias. i'hone S4T-Y.
five nmtiss, Ssati! and sieessjiit; jn!!
giod garden spot. Fttrj-dhd or un-s
furfiished. Fboue ;isJ-V or rail t
1 W. Teatu t- .5M 1
. . . 'fFOK HALK Xmmyi hjw; aliH ra-5s-
POP SAI.K If yoti Kant a mil bar-j berry and Hsnalava blackberry j
gain m a pridu.uve l-acre ranh xmn cheap, Vtiunv -.l-K, ?s.
bay ibl place, l.ocaUjd four miles 1
fnmj 51eifrd on uni road, gwi SALK HasihH furmture at
large iKtrs, family lni;si'uig ercbastl, $
ojtic aiiaiia. irnj;atn.
;tiial!'a. irriatin. Crops aiiSl,tl ot .
itt. t)wner old and wimt-s 5 tiut.
For a quick sale pric is Call j
at ;Jo Kiverside r phuc 7H-Jj
FOU SAIJC ilieap !.o?s in thy Mary!
Place Addition. For informU-loii a?FOR SASK Siul! irnvte at a ai itr-
Barnniii Ais.
FOH SAI.K Hay - acres tssulser inni
timir .Mwliiinl. $;!, terms cash
anti $."ijHt per' iiitmih. Qtt-it"!
rmif ititttiey vttlt lltt tt'tMttJ ami jtl.iiit
i it'tttt ttttd lMri'it.s fist stittiy In
euisie. (Ji)itl iiay itealsv Co., owners, f
lfsFOJi SAl.i-. j3in Sjeese isactor tSow.
FOR SALE Fear ftMsiss hsnife wilh
sleepttttr tMit-eh ani sanigti. Otie-italf
aer 11 pltswrl ;jhJ planteij; berrlt's
;snd snnlen. Well ierated in .Metl
fisrd. i'dee W'iil tteceiit small
cash sttnt atitl attatthly tvtstenls. W.
15. Hewilt. 125 S. FtolU Si. ll
FOH SAI.K Oft KKCHAXtSa S9 aeres
with bulltliaiis, iitirse. cow atttl eliicK-I
ens; also 4 Sots at rttiversiiy 1'arkl
is Portland. At.jiiy IM Aiatuod St.lOS SALE OJt TfiADK Two isyeii-o
FOH SAIJC Alfalla, srala and stock
raiielies from ?r.0y iter aere ttp;
lorn? tittle, eatty itaj'tiients. toli Ray
Ri!!y Co. SP
FOR SA1.1C Wasiever wassls fine
ranch home or acreage for chanaiiss
, highway !to!ss?si!s. see J. Sfaierville
owner, Ceiiirai i'olat. 3ji
SOU SALE Ott aecouaS of ieavins
Metiforti wiH sell iny isoaie, 340 S3.
Kiversitie. Tw-sltry btiiisaluw.
east front, eight rooms, two liaths.S
fira-fjlaee, sleeiiing iioreit, httill-ia
featares In tivtttg ttiotti. diitias nrnm
ami kitehet!. Fruit rtaini, woodsiietls
aatl giirase. ft SiixliSiJ. Mrs. tieo.
3. Hoffman, pnorte ;t3
FOit SALS Good raaeaes. See as
before haying. J. 8. Andrews, 31
Ji. Grape St. Phone 63-M. tt
FOR SALE! Lefts, ana eiefiasge real
estate. oia Say KeaSty tasaiiisBy,
FOR SALiS lionees and Jstsscaiow!,
furnished or unfsirnisasd; aiso
acreage. O. S, Batterfieiti, phone
FOR SAijE OK THADK i'oiami China
iKtar. easy kept in jMin. John Highani
Centrai ioin(. 37
FOit SAL53 A No. i milk cow. Caii
C Carey, nmme it-F-li. Addrcs
Talent, tf
FOR SALE Sss iseaniilai fresh miik
co?rs. Waish's jdace, one mile north
east of Stafford on Crater Lak-3 rsiad
FOR SALE Cheap, good work horse,
also a dandy sadtlie horse, saddle
and oritiie. Waisb's i'iace, one miie
northeast ot Medfoni on Crater
Lake road. 42
FOit SAJE Fresh Jersey cow and a
Ho. 4 Sharpies separator, iiert Stass
eiiff, Phoenix, Ore. . 42
FOR SALE Fresh milk goat,
peter, Jacksonville.
35 FOR SALB Mount Crest Ranch of
fers for sale four Shortborn bails,
ready for ttervice, your choice for
$350, Two younger at $200, mostly
red. Apisiy James Stewart, Styant-
erest Ranch, Hilt. Calif. tf
FO 1XSAN 1. H. Andrews loans money
oh reus estate and buys Biorfgages
and Liberty bonds. Pbons 53-M. 31
North Grape street.
Used Automobiles
For Sale
Ktiitiebaker Four, tr
rjiiitieSsiikcr His ir.
Wjliys-Kmjjlrl tr. car., su eve!
valve motor 850,00
VniiH.! OakiantI
Sis fllOOj,
Tumy Motor Co, ;
Vi'.i-125 So. Front Street '
fiaay . W i
i1' "I,x V - '
wt,. .7. k.,., ... .
(FOsS SALK Alfasfa !s.y. ivt
IXHi iAl.K i.3vn ?:i?iK
rhcKt. -l iWkmim Avi
StiFOii SALE Yeliow l.Viit seJ
I .H5Jjnd. Caii Jaekmviiie Zh
ii-Oit SALK or Wiii itste isva-i
nasciiiier tmtHiij; car tor asy iiitia 1
wi livesUick or ijoultrv or ya
easy tertn", iJriee $-5e. iS Sit: i
i:., J-JXraaase Tir Co., 2s N. iiiver-j
sde. Os-ea Sstsdav.
gi f.
iinix '
i'SUKie 5S
eaa spraying macbine,!
A h. o.
FuHy, Ie3i i
frXJli iSAi.K Feed earn, ihoK JM-X.
gam, 'IVftii t stilt itiiilttiisyr- As
SHHtey 1 tonka. 3 s
i'Oii SAL.K rcssirSstiKssl Passsp. Ca-ja-sly
35ft to Esss juitms jwr mlnnte.
A-1 eontlliltiii, l?atam, Wttt, Ytittng,
YttttitK's ilttfttge.
la tViiSve-iHt;li
iVOH SAIAS iss-asa isay, Plsoais
. W, Itsaacs,
FtMl SAi.E Baico Jotsse alfalfa
aay lieliverea. Vhoxke 317-J-3. if
I FOil SAI.1S Amastama eaeycSapetilaj
s oi lii Yottitnes, at a ttargaia. Ajjihv
at Mail Tritasse ofiire. - ti
h. p. gasoline
i'OH SALE Saaa, grafei, sesSmeat
atitl tlirt. Phnvins aati teamiag iipork
tione. Phoae SJ2-J. SasssasS iSate
isiaa, 302 Mapls Si.
FOR. SALE Gas jitw Saaspsoa trac
tor at a very Sow price; nrfii take
good team fa oa payaasat, Bafaaca
caah and terms, tjee. L, Treiebier
afetor Co., SJgdford, Ore. tf
FOJi SAi.iJ SitSiJ Ford touring ca
gjsod siiaias, 7tmi. Riwrne its
FOit SALE Stmiebaker Roadster,
?fi50, i'auos liobiasoa, tee, ii2 S.
FOit SALS Dsdge car Sn exeelient
cBfliiion. Tarsns if desired. Phone
"Sl-J between S and S n. at,
Farm Loan Bonds
by buyitsg Farnt iiaa Reads. ilro
eeeda to make additional farm loans
and improve agricultural conditions.
Terms and partieniars, H. H. Hnrd,
Seey.-Treas;, 411 M. F. & 11. liidg.,
Ileal Kstatc
liittiWX & WfHTK Jteai i&taie, In
surance, iMins, inyestmenis, Notary
i'nbiic, iioiiand Hotel corner, tf
and Oakdaie, Ambniance gervics.
Phone il.
Painting and Paper Hanging.
LEW iS & C'ASEV Painting, Paper-
hanging, tinting. Estimates fur
nished free. Phone 183. 26 S.
Jrape St,
Printers and Pnbiishers
best eissRpped prlniing office its
Southern Oregon. Book binding,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland prices. 2? 2. Fir St.
Office 42 Xorlh Front St. Phone
315. Prices right. Service guar
anteed. ISAViS THANSFEit Anything mov
ed day or night. Service guar
anteed. Fair treatment, i4 S.
Fir. Phase: Offies 644 or res.
647-R or20S. U
nsakes fluff rags from eid and
worn carpets, and rags. Phone
5i-M. ?6 Pine St.
Modern Bungalow
Good Location
$400.00 cash and balance
$30.90 per month.
Why pay rest?
- gsff wst Slala Sirst
Uetsiss 3 asd a.
Abstsacts ol THls.
! Xo- NertH Cestral A?
lAvasiXi coKXTy abstract
COMiAS3f Hsrerisorated ?3iM.
AlisSrarls of Tttie, Title jBsarseifi,
Au$n Sjlie
-We srs
best euipjed Ik the Fac?lc
et Esers fail . Sed uu4ar vrita
Hi Portland, Oregon,
UOHTKlJ J. NEFF AUon?ey-ssw,
I rooms S an4 5ledfor4 S&Ugs&A
1'orey Building.
-Lawyer, arseU-
O. C. BOi;8 meal fjts, isw sad
settit5iisetit g ssiafes a sjiaH.
8. P. i.iXlA$ Aiieraey, Geaeral
Prarllce. Jat5is a speciaity.
Sir-wart Bids. -
WfXFiKl.ii Bi. UAYUiliiS Jawyar.
lisoas J i'afssi isfeck, iST East Maia
St., 5le4forl.
JSsiidiEg Matrrial
BLOCK "WORKS snecOfss Ha sH
ktads or ceasstst buiislisg ssresitscSat.
C3f. Kir aad Tessiis Streets.
lttritaeie I'issrsieias
JOWKTT P. BRAY Sirassai GhSra
prsrlte, roosts itiS-lS M, P. 4; H,
SsaUtfins. S ts 13 a, as,. 3 to a p.
daily escejsi Taarsday. Phase
Kiectrie JScrvtce,
tory sRstribators for KiMe Batter
ies and Fairbanks-Morse light
siaats. Nat, BaRding. Pains US..
Kxpeipt Aeeotrataat,
Wii.SOX Al'DiTiXO CO. S, M. Wll
stnt. C. P. A. AttenfJsss gisrss to
any f bins ia Asesstsssting aaa isessae.
Tax requiretseats. Look snts ear
siranlified aeeeestisg isetssd. iiSb
erty itidg., 31edford. Pbetse
Udeiiiy and Surety
We execute all forces of boags.
SlcCardy JsssTasee Agessy. tf
instruction, ia 3taslc,
piano and bartneey. llaigltt Masic
studio, 3i8 Garnetl-Carey Balld
iag Phone li.
Slossa Art iins
rags froas old sarnets aad Tags sad
eisaa ail rags. "Rags we eleas ar
cleaa wta tjs eisaa tisera." IIS
W. Tenth, elseae 1S43. Free 4eUr-
Pltyslclaas and SurgeeHjs,
T, G, HEINE, i.i. D. Psysieiaa asd
Sarseos. Sargesy ot eyes, ears,
nose and throat. Aii diseases ei
these organs treated, Glassos fitted,
314-315 Liberty Pddg,
DU. A. BURSSLL Spinotegisti Phys
ician aad sstrgeas. Ssissi adiest
Bisafs, geaerai treatmeais ad dis
gsaosis. 389-lS-ti M, V," iU
Bldg, Eievstsr - to third ti3or
Phone 29. . . .-. .
DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physteiaa aati
Sargeon, Practice lissifed ts eye,
ear, nose and iisrsaL Eyas sciea-
tsfically tested sad glasses stsp
slieti, Ocalist sad Asrist tor S. P.
Ii. ii. Cg., JM. i & ii. Side. Phea,
5ST. . - .-.
Oil, F. G. CABILOW, Sit. ISVi MA1X3
CARLOW Osteoijaibis Physi
eians. 41S-41T Gamett-Gores Bldx,
Phone SSi-L. Residence 26 S,
Lanrtti St. r .
OR, W. W. HOWAiii Osieeaathia
Physician. Saecial attentats gives
to eye, ear, sose and throat. 3S3
Liberty building. Phoae 49fi,
praetie aad Katarai Painie ijetb
sds. Roost 42S M, i & H, Bidg.
Phone B83.
JAMKS C. HAYES Physfeisn sssi
Sargeon; office boars 11 to 12 s.
jss, i to 4, 7 te S a. a. Sparta BaH
tog; resideace It 05 W, Mass,
Phones; Offifs SiS, res. 4S2,
, 'Si5Sciaiiy" Medlcas aaa: Sargical
Uiagaosls. tt
OR, V JL . P. HOLT Phi eiss
and Surgeon, Offices M. F; & ii.
Bidg. Phoae-1S5. Reaidesse 118
Genesee St, Phoae '
iRViS CiErTi3r5.
ttaite 4 and & Sparta, Itide atata a
Mitsile. Phoacs; Office SSS, Kst.
rZ5r-;,- " - -
M25. V- WiSS