T PAf!E "FOUR MTCDFOT? D WATT', TRTTiTTSTK "MDUFOTJO. ORE;)X. MONDAY. MAY 2, 1921 Medford Mail Tribune AN NT R PK N f I: N T NKU'SPA I'KU PU BIJ H H KI ! ; V KICV A KT K 11 NOON KXKPT SUNDAV P.Y TDK MKDFOItU PRINTING CO. The Medford Sunday Sun iff furnished ubucrlbers desiring a seven day daily newspaper. Office Mafl Tribuno Pailldlng. North Fir Hirett. Phone IT,. A consolidation of the l)-mocrntic TlmoH, the Mod ford Mail, the Medforrl Tribune. Tim KuutlitMit Oregunian, Tlie Atdiland Tribune. ROliKRT V. KPHJj, St'MPTKR fl. SMITH, Kditor. Manittxer. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS: BY MA1I In Advance: In 1 1 v, with Sunday Sun, year JT.ftO liaily, with Sunday Sun, mrmth 73 laily, without Sunday Sun, yar. ... G.."ft iJaily, , without Sundav Sun. month .G.'i "Weekly Mail Tribune, one year. .. 2.00 Rundav Sun. on vear . '2.00 BV CARHI RR In Mt dford. Ashland. Jacksonville, Central I'uint, Phoenix, Talent: Ially. witli Siindny Sun. month ,7Ti Daily, "without Sundtiy Sun, month .'' Dully, without Sundav Sun, vtar.. 7. SO Daily, with Sunday Sun. one year 8.;.0 All terms hy carrier, ensh in advance. FIGHTING THE LOBBIES. Official paper of the City of Medford Official paper of Jackson County. Bworn dailv u vera up circulation for Hix months ending Oct., IftliO. 322 Entered as s-ro7id class matter at Medford, Oregon, under Die act of March 8. 187. MIOMUKRS Ol" TIIK ASSOCIATKO PUKKA Tho A.soficinted Press Is exclusive! v entitled to the use for republication of nil news dispatches credited to It, or not otherwise credited in this paper, uml uIho the local tw-ws published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein an also reserved. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry Attorney f tpneral JJatiglierty nays tlia "country l.s hack to normal," nmi "following a patriotic: program," and his kindness tn Henry Albers, ih-h and rnmliunctlmiH pro. Centum, last week, proves it. The Kahhath rains don't mix Willi gasoline any better thati inuoiiHhlue A SOt'IAfi KIIOK OFTKV ON Tin-: otiikk IIOOl (Tugi'iio Register) "Dear Allss Page: 1 am IS and for two years have been going wllli a hoy in tho same high m-hnol. Ho always comes to hoc mo when ho dnesnt have --to Hpend any money, hut when there are basketball Ranu-s, entertainments and dances that call for money, he never asks mo I have to stay home while my girl friends enjoy themselves. There are other boys I know would ask me, but they think my friend has already. It would ho different had he no money, but 1 know he lias. What shall 1 do? Pinky." 'The Democracy of Durham." (Deurborn Weekly) Or, the rela tivity of hull as thrown by Henry Ford. RAIN ANI KO.MANTF. (Hy Hduurri W. Hiirnnrd) A natty umbrella Is my Companion wherever I go; A shade when the niercury'H high, A staff In a blizardly blow. The skies may be droughty or .et. They may smile or portentously lower, I carry one always, and yet I'm the man that was caught in a . hower 'TwaH April. ITmbrcllaless Iteth For shelter distractedly ran And ntuglit me up quite nut of hivalh At the instant the downpour hvgun, Tho wodding Ih scheduled for Juno, When the bridal wreath bush is in flower; From I.ovo's rciKH a lifetime Immune, I'm the man that was caught in a shower. The American In a Russian prison who declared a hunger strike Satur day, may miss u few meals, hut no advertising. A little attempt at while slavery was nipped in the bud hero this week. (Clout Hill News) SlnppliiK the soft pedal on a h( of scandal. For rent A room for a gentleman with all conveniences. ii 1 1 West North 1 street, S. Carbondalo Free Prcss. TIIK HOU.OWNF.SS OT FAM !'. ( Alltany DenttM'rat) Kditor Sunday Iemocrat I have read the poems and articles written by local persons and pub lished in your paper, and I wish to say that, to me. It is more In teresting to read the works of our home people than the re no wned works of those perhaps more, famous In the world of let ters, who are strangers to our homa town. 10. W. Albany, Ore. How Much Do You Know? 1 What iniMi were. inrniln'13 of tin committee appointed to prepare the Declutullmi of Independence? 2 Wliut is Hie li'iiKlh iiixl breadth of Delaware? D How are I ho affairs of tho His filet of Columbia managed? l To what dot; race does the bull doK llelollR? f What are the '"prominences"? II Who was the last AitKlo Suxon Miik of the old royal line? 7 What Is a Cluhoculie? S What is a cubeli? 9 What Ih orthoKtaphy? 11 -When Is a tide at dead neap? Wisconsin Justice Dead MII-WAI'KKIO. Wis., .May 2 .ludi Joshua Krle PodKe, former stale su premo court justice, died today follow ing an Illness for several mouths. TIIK People's Legislative Nervier is thf imnic jjivi'M t tli reeently organized Movement for fiirhtiiif; the lohliy evil in WHsliinji toit. Its purpose is to restore' to 'the American people their lost con trol of their own government. Kven persons who believe that the people's will is not wholly powerless to influence rovernment know how powerful and (lantieroiis the lolihv interests have heconie. They reeojrnize also the opportiinily for useful service to the public which is found in the new ortranizalion s pro:raiii. Jt has three divisions. each with special work to perforin. First, there is the legislative division which will analyze and keep watch over all pending legislation so as to warn those concerned of "jokers" and parlinniciitarv stralai'f ms. Second, there is a statistical division which will compile informa tion required hy congressmen for haiidlin;; such legislation strictly in the public interest. Third, there is a publicity division which will kee pi he people informed regarding pending legislation. The third division is the most interesting. If it can really'koep th(! people actively interested in pending legislation as well as intel ligently informed regarding it, the most severe blow possible will atomalieally be dealt to lobbying. Selfish private interests get nway with their lobbies only because the public is uninformed or indif ferent. All the vast financial resources at the disposal of the big lobbies would be of little avail against an alert and responsible pub lic. Such a public would not only keep track of legislation and legislators, but would exercise greater sense and .judgment in 'the first place in the choice of its representatives at the Capitol. A BLIND MAN'S AIRPLANE. ONE of the most interesting incidents in aviation development is the invention by a blind man of an aircraft which he nredicts will revolutionize aerial warfare, ft is said the plane will irse almost perpendicularly, laud in a spot lottlo larger than its own base and, what is perhaps most important, hover in the air like an eagle. The advantage of this feature in bombing is obvious. An early model was tested out by an army flyer during the war, and while not wholly successful, it proved the practicability of the idea. The inventor is now buy with improvements. Jnveutors have been trying for years to fashion a plant which shall do the. things claimed for this model. If a blind man succeeds where others have failed it will be hot It marvelous and touching. Perhaps in permitting the glory of the accomplishment to a sightless man, (iod finds his way of giving consolation to all the myriads of the blind who may never know what il is to see men actually mount ing up with wings as eagles. And what of the fortunate mortals who have unlimited use of sight and hearing and other senses'? How far short of their possibili ties most of them fall when a blind man fashions a thing like this! JOY OF LIFE. IT'S pleasant to be living when springtime hits' the floor, and nature's kindly giving the ibest she has in store. The blue birds and the red ones their lays triumphant sing; I'm sorry for the dead ones who can't, enjoy the spring. It's pleasant, to be tramping along I lie dewey wold, at early morning, lamping the beauties manifold. Oh, there are times and seasons when my woes my soul exhaust, and I have divers reasons for thinking life a frost ; when wilder winds are shaking the chimney and the door, and rheumatism's making each passing hour a bore; when autumn rainstorms drizzle as though they'd never quit. I feel that life's a fizzle that ne'er will make a hit. Tint springtime makes me grateful that I am here to see, and any gent is hateful who doesn't prance with me. The people leave their conches lo greet, the smiling morn, the kickers and the grouches, the sickly and for lorn; the hungry and the fed ones, they form a merry ring; I'm sorry for the dead ones who can't enjoy the spring. I!ut. maybe they are knowing a spring that never dies; and maybe they are giving some thought to us, and say, "We're sorry for the living their spring must, pass away?" .10 1 Kor the first lime since the weekly forums of the .Medford Chamber of Commerce were inaugurated wilt the date be changed this week from Wed nesday to that of Thursday. This change is necessary because of the injustice It would be to II. C. Smith, proprietor of th Holland hotel and the many country people who would be In town for circus day who would be deprived of the opportunity of din ing room facilities if the forum was held on Wednesday. At the forum this week a very inter esting debate has been scheduled. George T. Collins contends that the report of the traffic regulation com mittee of tho Chamber of Commerce should be adopted, whereas II. U. Wal ther is opposed to various recommen dations in the report and will present arguments for their elimination. Every automobile owner should interest him self as to regulations that should be adopted in iVledford. They can only decide intelligently as to what Is best after hearing a thorough discussion of the question and therefore an oppor tunity has been crea'led for them to study the question. After this week the forums will again be held on Wednesdays and dur ing the month of .May tiiey will be conducted at the Holland hotel. IZAirCURWOODME THE LAZIEST MAN AT PAGE WEDNESDAY Some of the most remarkable achievements in the use of wild mil- IS AT THE PAGE As a result of "If Only Jim," the photodrama In which Harry Carey is now starring at tho Kialto theatre,! a mals fur a motion picture are said to vote may be taken In town to dele? have been accomplished in the produc tion of tho James Oliver Curwood story, "Kazan," which comes to the I'age theatre next Wednesday. .Most remarkable of all is said to be the work done by the wolf-dog who plays the part of "Kazan the killer." Ill one scene this dog Is shown with his mate, if real wolf, and her litter of whelps 111 their cavo. in another scene the great, black burly-haired dog chases and captures a rabbit in the snow. He carries his prey hack to the cave and its inmates. Then, later, while Kazan Is off on the hunt, a big lynx prowls up to the rock In front of the Utile den and enters. What happens In the cave cannot he seen on the screen, hut the lames Oliver Curwood story says that the vicious lynx killed the wolf pups j and blinded their mother. The lynx is seen stealing out, licking her chops, and behind hei conies the mother wolf, pawing blindly at her eves. Ka- iii appears, sees the lynx, and then what Is declared to be the most ter rific battle ever seen on a motion picture screen between two wild ani mals takes place. Ft. A. M. Crater Lake Chapter No. 32 ?9jSfp Special convocation Tiles- uny, .viay -mi, s p. in. .Mark Muster Degrees. Visitors welcomed. Ilii A. !'. NO'l'll, Secy. e BK"V mine who is the laziest man In our thriving community.. In "If Only Jim,'' Carey appears as a man who Is so lazy that It Is strenuous physical labor for him to yawn. If the contest can he arranged a beautiful easy chair will he offered as the prize with the following rules lor Iho contest suggested by Harry Carey himself. No one known to be suffering from either sleeping sickness or hook-worm can enter. Any contestant who has enough en ergy to vote for himself is disqualified. Any one who shows enough interest to walk over to see what the crowd is about at the Itialto theatre will be con sidered too industrious. I'olnlors on laziness as a fine art can he hail ny any one sufficiently active to join the line that leads to the box-office of the Kialto theatre to day or tomorrow. Card of Thanks We wish to take this means of ex pressing our appreciation and bean felt thanks to the many friends ami neighbors for their acts of kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of our beloved husband and lather. Joshua Patterson. Also the beautiful floral offerings. These kind deeds during our dark hour of sorrow shall ever be cherished and remem bered. M US. i:i,I.A I'ATTKKSON Ml!, AM") MltS. Kit. JACOHS :l Mil. AND .MUS. W.M. KKlt.NS .More than forty prayer meetings will be held ill Aledford this week lrom 9:30 to 10 a. m. Quite an Interest is manifest in these morning services. You will be greatly benefited if you will spend this half hour with us in prayer. Forget you denomination and look to God for salvation to come to Medford. So much good has come from this hour of prayer that we are looking forward to n union cottage prayer meeting to ho held once a week after the revival has closed. It's time now for everybody to pray for Medford. Every church member in Medford should he on their knees asking God to save souls. Meetings ns follows: Tuesday Mrs. W'm. Davis, 402 S. Central. Mrs. Wakefield. 1003 W. Tenth. Mrs. 13. F. Stensen. IIL'8 W. Fourth. Mrs. J. A. Haron, 301i,N'. Central. Mrs. P. W. Conklin, 305 13. Jackson. Mrs. Combs, 017 Nnrregan. , Jlrs. It. S. Fifer, 103 Crater Lake. .Mrs. II. A. Newland, 851 E. Ninth. .Mrs. C. Parker, 500 S. Crape. Mrs. n. X. Bunch, 2-lt! S. Ivy. Mrs. P. M. Kershaw. 721 S. Central Wednesday Ladies on the east side will hold ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine 1 Take Aspirin only as told in each nuekitRe of KOiuiiiu Fiayor Tablets of AHpirin. Thou you will be i'ollnwins l lie directions and dosage, worked out by physicians during 2 1 years, at il proved safe by millions. Take no i ha'nees with substitutes. If you sc. the J layer Cross on tablets, you cm tako them without fear for Colls. Headache, Nfluratg-ia. Rheumatism, Hurache, Toothache, Lumbugro aid for Pain. TIanriy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists als.i sell larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Hayer Manufacture of Alonoaeeticaeldester of Xallcylicaeicl. Adv. Sytiotnl of tlif AiimmU SUtuttnt of tlip OOUMtiitf I'MON Klltli LN.SL'UA.NCK COM 1 'A NY Of Nrw Turk, in tlia Sut ot Nw York, on the Mil itiy u( I ftuibtr, H'-'l, m-ule to ihc In-untii- (AriHiiumotiPr i( 111 Sll of Oregon, imruant U Iiit ; t CA1MTAT ' Ainnl of (MHtal tt k m. .$ OO.OOO.UO INCUMK Nrt prritiiiimt rtiritnl ilurum tli ycAr $l,o(JS,74a.SS lMt'iiM. .tiiiilt'ii'M and rnt r , citril Uiinuif the jisif ....,, t3,57l.l4 Total im insm'it.snMCN'rx Net Iiu'im viui iluriiiK tlitf ear lit uli'ii.U mnt on i'14'iUl hUK'k iluruii Uif )ttr O.UUO.OO I'otiumtMotM ami ulaitrt itiil tlur- uii; thf yrmr 4 :.L 1 3C..i 1 Tairv. Iicriim- ami lea twui ihir- fuc th. TMr l!.:t I i 47 Aw mi m til ui tihM e tpMiililui-o I .'i!i..".sti.4l Total aJiK-tiihuirr Jl.auu.o 10 ASMKTS Value uf t'k4 and bomti tmiml iiuukrt inw 1 "I7.1H0 U in l4iik, ami on liainl I'd IllltltllM lit Miiltip if i-tilli'rlioll wriuu ilio Siirt. IW.U. . Inttrvti and nnu due and - irurd llf m-urinco r.-.'iiiiUl ( tid lodr Total adiutlUxl . ti ...... l.iAiiu.rmxs Croa rli)K for kto iim-aid. . . .$ A tu Jinn .it nfu(itnt tmiiuinn M t'Utntan.tihtf n-k All otti.r liAl'iintrt -II.; Tolal ;t!t,i:i.oi 3-tS.103.lt 13.ltU.dU tii. tun 4u VI X 14-M 177.C.OL' 00 1 ,307.7(it.li lialuliiit-i, nc'.iKif of . jptal si.-k f Il'uo mm.. . 51. ."o; !M.V',i7 t SI.NKSX IN UHrXaiN Ut THK VKAll Net prt'iiumiM in"ciil iliinnu iht Jr $ l'7,ots tit iwid (hini)K tt tr .1 i"l ti 1hv iii.-wrvtd oiintiK tln .ar,. 4.1IU.47 emiMKKiiAi. i mi in run: insiham k CuMfANY WMtTNKV I'.VIi'lli;. rrwulml. W1M.1AM M ItAl.UiU', SrtTtftar s:nii.rv ivmI'iii jUciii tt,r iht' TASi. KAN 'K i iiMMI-iSloSt li. .v.M l:i C. C. IMoi'iv, Local Afioiit, MedfoiM. union prayer meetinK at Mrs. 11. A. Canaday'ii homo at p. in. .Mrs. C. Ii. Kichardson. 17 S. (irape. Mrs. D. E. Phipps, ;ll!S X. Riverside. Mrs. Joe Daniels, HMO Court. June Crimes, 715 W. Jackson. Mrs. Will Hesler, 834 Penn Ave. .Mrs. jeoTp Katla, 26 S. OraDKe. Mrs. S. Hennett. bZl S. Riverside. Mrs. Gregory, 923 S. Central. Thursday Y. V C. A. rooms, X. Rartlett.' Mrs. Albert Moore. E. Jackson. Mrs. A. 'Raymond. 224 Clarke. Mrs. K. J. Fonts. 112 E. Twelfth. Mrs. finrch, 1104 W. Fourth. Mrs. Hooker, :119 S. Newtown. Mrs. I. J. Phipps, 92a E. Main. Mrs. T. J. Boyd. 84 'J E. Main. Mrs. Fields. 14:i S. Ivy. Mrs. Abbott, 912 S. Central. Friday Mrs. Joe Harold, 1119 W. Fourth. Airs. Farmer, 1U7 S. Ivy. Mrs. D. W. Driskel, 310 S. Riverside. Mrs. R. A. Nev.iaml, S51 E. Ninth. Mrs. Lovett, East Main. Mrs. W. J. Roberts. 522 V. Tenth. Mrs. W. C. Sinclair, 229 Apple. Mrs. D. M. McOaniels, 5t9 lieatty. Mrs. Johnson, 714 Welch. Mrs. Vaughn, 917 S. Central. Save this list and attend every meeting you can. Watch for the white flag. Other meetings will he held this week which we fire unable to aunounce at this date. 8ynopis of the Annual Statement of" THK AlIKiiH'AN INSUUANri-: ('UUl'ANY of Nwait in iiit; iUU of New Jeney on tlie Slit Ua ui iJectiuber, itfu. rniiUe lo nv. -i lumw t-oiuiiiLSsluiier uf ttij btalu oi Oreuun, liunuaut to Uw-: - - - j CAPITAL Amount of capital atock paid I up $ 2.000,000. 0U INCOME Nft rettirrw rece'tted duriue Ui I year t 9,557,037.23 Interest, dividfiidi mid rentt re- I ceivwl duriuit tliu j'Lar .... 090,683.11 Iunuiiiv from utiier sources re- I ttiu'd during Uie yar l.riRl.OS No. 115. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Central Point State Bank .At Central Point, iu the Slate or Oregon, at the close of business April 2Stli, 1921. RESOURCES Loans ami discounts - - -.- -- $2O8,70X.5S Overilrafts. secured and unsecured : ; None Honds and warrants Jl.lTo.'iu Stock-' Federal Reserve Hunk l.ankiliK house Furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned Due from approved reserve banks Checks and other cash items ( ash on hand Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund i ndivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid.. Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates of deposit Cashier checks outstanding Time and Savings Deposits Notes and hills rediscounteil Hills payable for money borrowed llond Certificates of Deposit Suu.w S.Oiiij.iju . !,:! 12.0.-, 1. -124. 4.-, 5U.01S.4r, 34.2 10.42S.H2 S3U.M.S.4J ? 25,000.IMI fi,00ll.H) 10,152.24 lo2,27.t; .' - 5.11) 751.25 m,W2.1S Non None 200.011 ..?Xll,9s.4:i Total State of Oregon, County of Jackson, ss. I, o. Ft. Terrctt, Cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly swear thai the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. D. R. T1011RETT. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of May, 1921. EDITH 1.. JAC011S, Notary Public. Jly commission expires November 12th, 1924. Correct Attest: J. O. Isaacson, Win. C. l.oever, Y. .1. Freeman, Director. Tutal income $10,259.1:4.02 nisnritsKHKNT-s Nft Iossm paid iltiriui: tlie year iriHutiiiiij u d i u s tmeiu ui- Wlnei t Imd-iid paid itn capital stock duriiia the year 400.000.00 CuuiuiiioiiK and aal&ries laiid duiiln: tlie car 3,048, 80.1. 51 Tate, liceli-scfl and fee. paid during the year ... 500.4110.05 Aoiuunt of ali other expend!' turei 465.800.37 MOTHER'S DAY ' is Sunday, May the 8th "LEST AVK FOT'CJET" Did you iliiiik to write lo Motlicr? I )iil you toll her that yon fare? Don't let her Tfope you're Roniewhore, . Send a card, and tell her Where. Wc have a nice line of MOTHER'S DAY Cards. HEATH'S DRUG STORE The San Tox Store 109 East Main Street. Total eipemliUliW . . . f S.33ti,0UU.3U ASSKTS VnJiit? ff real estate owned (inarket $ 45-1,700.00 attic ot it oc K -i amt uoinM owned (cnarkt Taiue) Loans on iiDfiuut; ana col Utenil, vtr Cash in banJi.s and uii liaml... I)Ur from ri'iiuuniiico bureutu for iohrfcs Pretniunis in con me of roHeutioii written biticti Sfinenibtr 3U, lUU l,CS4,Ol3.TtJ liifjrr-t nud reitu due and ac crued 131.3l).ll li e i nt. unt nee rtH:uvi'nibIe on paid i.is 47,02. 18 11,748,232.14 j,3rit.0!tn.oit 24,004.82 Total admtttt.-d nspts $1 C.424 .4 1 ' I.IAIIIMTIHS Orof rUfm.-i for lovei unituid.S l,ll'3,G21.Gri Anioutit itf tine a rued ireiitimiLt en aii iititiliHKiitu; risks. , , . 9,723,538.3 i line for cuuiuiia&iijii and broker age 34.071. lit Special rvarrvf htnd 3tM).l,li0.0i) All other liabilities ......... 3:t7.0M) Oti Sun'lu 2,!IU6,11.4 Tiftal liabilities, pxrlii'dvc of capital KUH-k of S'-i.OiMi.ODU . S 1 4.424.4 1 -1.C6 Bl'SINUSS IX OKKtJUX FOi: TIIK YKAlt IS ft p mil in mi rvi-nml uurni tlie jr S 6t.3 LoMta laid durirn: the rear. . . J 1 ..'!)!(.?: Lnuh-xt iiiciirri'il ifnrirn the .tfar 12.5!7.tJJ THE AilKlttt AN 1NSI HAM K COMPANY, t V. KAII.KV. ITcMdeiiU V. irO.llU.LY, Stcretr. Statutory resident attorney fur net v tee : A. C. ItAKItKlt. Insurance OuittiiiiAiuiiur, SjJun. System Service Co., local Agents. Medford. The Show That You Know MEDFOED one day onl Wednesday, IVIay 4 mm. M LVtXt A. I AM AMMAl tVUll AMMAL AJS ALIO At, G. BARNES' 1 150.WO CHAt lEKCE CS0UP I LIONS IN ONE BIG ACT IW 4tt Awoh Awl Act bust l I PERFORMING BENGAL ARB AND SIBERIAN TIGERS (gw lUclia.iltl.OMrHkqriI -Hit OM.T KAf. WILD ANIMAL CUtCUl ON CARTK' 30 20 IL6TUS I I o k Xp , I SAMSON II I ML UMY h OUC AT ID 1 1 III J nrU Dancing Horsfi-Dancing Girls rU MR S VfiTXS AS AN ADDED ATTK4C1TON tOR IHr VA.tOSMOM M)EL Sll'PfWOU mmJ C.mtKJVJA WRGCOUSSAAVIPLTOr ALLtCOl t'Al. PAl'.F AXTHt in.Rs tiNoFns couNntss Of PtUftX , OF MORSM ANMALS T)L FA1PYLWD FANTASY IUNGIELAND OJOf5 3 OJtN t AND 7 PM ft VfCMANCF.S ?. A NO tS fM m La It Pays to Use Orchard Brand Arsenate of Lead Either Paste or Dry 1 Farm Bureau Co-Op Exchange Rytmpfs f-t)ie Annual Statement of t!m NOK'tll CHINA lNSl'liAXCi-I CO., LTD. of Sli:itit:iiai, China, on tile 3 lit day of Ik-cem-ber. lil2U. uiatle u the iimuraiice coiiimissiDDur f the hlt of Oretuit, imr.-tiant to law; INCOJIK Net prrmimns received mc tha Jr Intret, diiideaiLt and reata re ceived iliirim; the jear Ircuiqi fntm ather anttrcea ra ceiterf purine tin year Total J acorn IHSHCKSKUKNTS Net hwsea paid dtiriiii the year. iin'hidina adjiutinetit expenses. $ CemiiiwitHn and .aiarir paid dur- inr (he year -. Taies, licences and fee paid dur- ittjf the year ' AnutKit ait atitar MfteadiltirM. 272,073.83 43.375.00 4S.C53.34 3ti4.1 10.17 206,273.77 1.2.9K5.61 8,4 25.37 113JL'l.K.I Tta! MptWrna , J ASHETR Tla mt it'kK mn4 knib 9wmw4 tnartat fata $ Cash la hank xmti a hi a a I'remlam im tnrt liaatii wriRen aiaf Seat. St, lftO.. OUier ledsei auets luutmt and rvau il;i and accrued TwUl admit ted aaieta',. ...... LlAltll.I'niO.H Gnwt claims fur mtpaid. . . . $ Amount uf luicarurd preitiiiiuts ott alt mtUtaiidiitj r.sk Iiue fur t'oiuniia.it)n and bmker- tl.2i(l t,tii.05 2C,il3.!H) 5 .!! 12,564.52 .Sl,03S,4S0.4tl 82.041. Ill S5.300.14 0.5(10.00 I 1 ,500.00 850.138.41 All other ItaMlitiiH tiurplua as roard jhiJIcj IiuUpts . . Total lUbihUea, eiclu.si?a of capiu! anwk SI .O.IS, 4S0.48 IM SINKSM IN tH!Ki;ON FOIt TUK YKAlt Net prctmutti ricetwd dunim (lie . S 10,052.3 wwn pant diirini; the ir 5,j:itl IS LtMei iiicormi ihtnint the year. . i's-ti) Itt NOltill CHINA 1XSI It.-.NCK TO 1H K. Ii CANTY, I'. S. Manner. Statutory i:eid.ut Atloricv (r Serivr' A. C. JMIHlKtt, IitHttraiic CtmniiiMiouer, Kali tu. UlllTilKU Klil.lA CO. Aiu-utt. PICTURE FRAMING SWEM'S STUDIO YOU CAN GET MOST ANY OLD THING AT MOST ANY OLD TIME AT DE VOE'g Licensed CITY SCAVENGER, All refus Immediately rainoved on hort notice. Weekly Tiatt In rosl enc dltrlct. Daily bualnu dl trlct. Pkon Hi. WHITSkTTI- JaXMNtW. GOOD CLOTHES I Sinks Xkem KLEIN mm TAIXOB 12A Fast 7wan t, Srv buy a brand 11 new Coronii. w v port able type writer. Other make at attractive prices. Bee us before you buy HOOK DAY OR NIGHT WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors GIM CHUNG ' China Herb Store Iforb euro for faranhe. liemiucltp. cat arrh, iliptherhi, sore tit mat, hic trmibli. kuitioy trouhU. Htffitiioh trouble, tnivt trniihlf. ohlllH ittul f'Vfr, rr'itmns. ooushH, poor fitfu Iiit ton, carbuncles, tumors. okd hrt'Hst. pihts nil kiiulM of (iofters. NO UIHOCATIONS. .M.Honl. tr.'Ron. Jnn. 13, 1017. This is to certifw that I. th linrfpfv sisnt'ii. iuil very svoro stomach trottblo Mid hal been hothirrd for sovflral vtarn nmi mm AUtfttNi was not expfcien to flvf, ami lu-iiriii of (Jitn Chttni: whose lit r stoiv is at 2H South Krmit street, M.lfr.I, I .Icri.if.j to Rt't berbH for my stoninfh tronlil.-, -,itu I started to ferMng ln'Ucr ns soon s I usim! thm ami today in a well man jmkI can itiart!ly rorom mtnd anyone fnicttir as I wan to me tiim Chung and tiv his Hrb. tSinne.J) v, K. JOHNSON. VitllPjHCS! Vtn. l.-vis. KnfjJc Point. W. i, ffnldrptli. KapJo Vofnt. M. A. Anderson. Medford. S. n. Holim'.'. KairU1 Point. i Iv Moore, Eagl Point. ) .1 V. Mrlntyrf. K.iRte Point. (I-n. Von d.r H.lbn, Rue Point Titus, ti. NtcliuU, Kagie Puittt,