MF.PFOTJT) "MATT; THTT.UNE. "NrETtFOTIT). OTJKGOX. MONDAY. MAY 2. 1021 LUCKY Strike cigarette .WTO If Workmanship Counts THE MOSAN PROCESS lit (icnnliij; rugs Is the best. ASK YOl'K NKIGHUOll riiono 180 Free Delivery Mosan Art Rug Co. 119 W. Tenth St. WE REPAIR Batteries, Generators, ; Starters, Ignition, Lighting, Magneto Systems All Work Guaranteed. Official Service American Bosch Magneto Co. Perkins Auto Electric Co. 27 N. Grape St., Medford, Ore. Phone 237-R Night Call 985 Your Choice of All Makes Oakland 6 3920, model heavy JYnino vnn less limn 3000 miles $1450.00 Cleveland 3021 model, run 3000 miles, equip ped with front and rear bumper, spare tire, motor-meter. Mechani cally in first class condition. Guar anteed - $1600 Buick 6 r-p;issenjcr, 1917 model. Guar anteed in first, class condition $1200.00 Willys-Overland 7-passengcr, 3918 model. Ncvr paint ;nb. Cord tires, 4 spare cords. Motor-meter, power tire pomp. Guaranteed mechanically in good condition. Velie o-nasseiiL'er 191S model. iBeauti fill running ear. Cord tire erpiip ped. Spare tire, niotor.mcter and bumper, power tire pump $1200 Dodge 1917. Looks like new. Good tires. New spare tire, 3921 li cense $900 Guaranteed Mechanically Ford Touring 1920. Run very little. Good tires. Motor bored for starter. Studebaker 6 7-passenger, newly overhauled, Motor rebored. De I.uxe pistons. new rear end, heavy rear springs. making ideal stage car. New Slrombcrg Carburator. Good tires This ear is priced right and will make some one wanting to haul big loads to lake or do stage work n fine car. Chevrolet Touring 3920 model. Al condition Hittson Motors 13G S. Fir. ill BERN! F The rSiilKin-l.ewis uniun evangelist lr campaign was inaugurated Sunday evening at tlie tabernacle, which had lieen erected for the special purpose of taking care of the large crowds who would want to attend the various ser vices. The large auditorium was lilled the first evening, which insures I he success of the meetings from the view point of the desire of the people to hear the gospel preached by one who is a past master ill ability to pre sent truth in an interesting and tell ing manner. Creat curiosity existed on the part of many as to whether the evangelist would come up to the high stanilr-.d set for hlni. it is not any exaggeration to say that Dr. Ilulgin won the hearts of every person in the lame audience present in his first message. Some who had heard Hilly i Sunday and other great evangelists , placed the speaker equal if not super-1 jlor to them all. ills wit. eloquence,! 'pathos nnd logic appeals to and wins ! the most critical. Nothing of tho sen sational was present, and all were im j pressed with the great earnestness and desire of the evangelist to sink self, help the community and exalt the ; Christ. The large platform for the singers was well filled with singers from all the churches and some who were not associated with any cliiirch. Uev. Rob ert Lewis with Mrs. Lewis at the piano make a strong combination, which insures the success of the musi cal side of the meetings. Mrs. Lewis sang a pleasing solo, and will again sing this evening. The music prom ises to be a strong feature of the meet ings, nnd will draw many who might not otherwise come to the meetings. Dr. K. .1. Ilulgin was introduced by Dev. J. It. Sasnett. after which Dr. ilulgin introduced himself by giving some Interesting facts in regard to his life, and told the people why he had come to Medford. ills only motive in coming, he said, was to do good, and it he could not he of service he would leave. He was not here to abuse the city, but to work with the ministers, the mayor, the city council and the chamber of commerce. He was not a knocker, hut a booster. If the people want a good chamber of commerce they must boost it, not criticize 11. Dr. inilgins theme was "The Ques tion of the Ages'" from "What think ye of Christ. V Reports will he given of some of the sayings of Dr. Itulgin from day to day, and if any of the chips from his axe hit any person, the speaker asked that they do not find fault.-but change tiiclr face. Some of the striking sayings of the evangelist are the following: Christ is either a man or Cod. If you say lie is a man you make your self ridiculous." Any person who believes ill God, the immortality of the soul, in a heaven and Is not a Christian Is a hypocrite." If Christianity is reasonable be a Christian." If Christ was man and man only why not surpass him; If Cod accept Him." "Christ said 'which of you convict- eth me of sin,' not other man could have said that and gotten away wit it." "We live in an age when we have minimized sin, humanized Clod, and deified man." The church Is founded not. on any doctrine, but on the resurrection of Jesus Christ." If .lesus never lived how did man forge .lesus." "You are a lost man or woman, and are lost till God and man do business by the way of the cross."- Tonight is Haptist night. Tuesday night will be First Methodist night All Manuals, and those who attend the church or Sunday school are ask ed' to be at the city park at 7:30 p. in. and go to the tabernacle in a body. Dr. Bulgin will preach this evening on 'The Triumphs of the Cross," and any person who fails to hear this message will miss a rare treat. Medford is having the privilege of hearing one of America's foremost preachers, and should avail themselves of the oppor t unity. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 p. m. boys' and girls' meetings are held under Mr. Lewis, who is an expert in keeping thein Interested and drawing them. The meetings continue (luring the week at 7:30 p. m. daily ex cepting Saturday. D f Penetratinp;, Antiseptic Zemo Will Help-You Never mind how often you have tried and failed, you can stop burning, itching eczema quickly by applying Zemo. Furnished by any druggist tor 35c. Exti a large bottle, SL00. Healing begins the moment Zemo is applied. In a short time usually every trace of eczema, tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and similar skin diseases will be removed. .For clearing the skin and making it vigorously healthy, alwaysuse Zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not agreasysalveanditdoesnotstain. When others fail it is the one dependabls treatment for skin troubles of all kinds - Tl E.W. Km Co.. Ucveod, O. Medford Iron Works Tractor, Truck, Spray Outfit, and Gag Knglne Hepalrlii n .Specially GKXIiRAIi FOUNDRY AMI MACHJ.NE SUOl" . Miss "Dot" Whitney and the Al. G. Barnes driving bears coming to Med ford with th big circui on Wednesd ay. May A. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A. C. Last Wednesday. April 27th was i the general clean-up day. and bright ! and earlv, for town folk, 1 met our lady member of the town council, .Mrs. I Mattie Iti-own with her rake already j at work, not only using the rake liei self but giving orders to others to do what, she wanted done and by night the different piles of rubbish that were to be seen all over our town ! demonstrated what our determined women could do. I don't know but it. would be a good idea to recall the five members of the council and elect five ladies in their place, for we have had i experience enough with the men to j show that while thev were in author-! itv that thev either have no taste for that kind of exercise or would rather sit In n cushioned nivot chair than to get out and rustle lo accomplish some-! ting in that line. She promised that j if the owners and residents on the i different pieces of property would ! Hoiin im she would have a truck come 1 around and haul the debris away and j then our town will look and be more i attractive. W. P. Holbrook, Verna Malhews, Gordon Cox and one of the Hayes men I and two of the women were in town about the middle of the week on business.- John Swcnson of Trail came out on the Persist stage and spent the night at the Sunnyside and so did John Dickson and went on to Medford the next morning. John Rader, one of onr prominent stockmen was in town also and while here in conversation John began to re mark about the high rate of taxes a3 well as the high rate of assessment I and I referred him to the fact that there were so many taxpayers that take no part in trying to see that we get good competent men into office to ake and administer our laws ami he pleads guilty to his being very negli- j gent in that case, for I doubt if he has voted at any of the elections for the past six or eight years, and after a! general election it is an easy matter: to count up twenty-five or thirty in an ordinary sized precinct who were too une to go to the polls to vote and 1 predict that after the spec-1 al election in June next when we are to vote for or against the vast appro-i priations of our tax money, to he used ts suggested by our late legislature that there will he that number in this precinct who fail to vole. Let ns wake up and at least try to put a stop to adding hundreds of thousands of dol lars to our burdens in the way of taxa tion. If we sit still and let the law- yets and bankers of the country say wno snail go 10 mase oui ius uiu administer them and they simply feather their own nests they are not!"i4. American Legion, there are nine so much to blame after all. Let us wake up and begin to look out for our own interest. And while I am on thiH subject, quite a departure from my w" in lonnai niarnu up, . eu , ' , , . , . u ..! by the government, a supply of which usual custom, let us insist on having j, uy vvr(Wvyhyy tnp UK.a, the next legislature change onr otec-; )fU They are of bronze, tlise Hhapud, tion laws so that no one can vote onHbnut WVPn inches In diameter, edged the subject of issuing bonds unless hoiy n wreath nf laurel, with the word or she is a taxpayer on real estate, j inar "World War Veteran.' Superhn As it is anyone who pays no taxes at posed (upon the wreath, a flag-holder all can vote ia half million or more dol- supplementing the design. The site lars on tho property of his neighbor he memorial monument In Ash , . . ,. , land cemetery has been selected and from whom he is renting a home. . h plnt Jm I)niparflfl fm. iniit(U. W. 15. Hammel and wife nnd Rnlut(jn ()f tnn Htmu, whi(.M wiU bp o( Courtney and wife were business cal-jiaUvL, granite, from Muarrles near lers. Mr. Hammel came in to take layer's Spur. The monument will be out a new disc harrow he has secured junveiled on Memorial Uay, and or through Roy Ashpole, one of our hard- rangements are being made with Col. ware men and Sam Courtney had come n'1 MaJr n-v1" A- Ma' in to finish up a job of painting for"" William Perry. Sam has rented the! bulldlnK opposite the poslofflce for a paint shop and is kept qtilto huay lately. SpSfiklnff of the hardware business, R. 11. Price, one of the contractors on the Crater Lake hiKhway has ordered eluht miles of barbed wire from Roy Ashpole, 48 bales to be used to fence Mr. Price's land on the side of the Sis kiyou mountains. O. V. Train of Lake Creek was with us recently. . During the last few days our school janitor has succeeded in planting a ..... good solid yew post and erected tne, oki nas poie tnai ipii non some i""wval.i,)11(I ,,,,, objects, remittances ago and now Old Glory is once nmrc hl(VinK i)0(, 8(.nt tll on overseas Bravo floating in the breeze at its bead. J. II. Heckner, the government ro dent exterminator was In town gettins things ready to start in poisoning squirrels. .Mr. and Mrs. Pert Clarno nnd her son Carl KeiKsman and Pete Potts and wife passed through town on their way to MfdforU to nee Mrs. tlurnoB JK-T" J'' ' i ' .' ,.TVi 1 ison Walter Herssmiin as word ha iconic out by phone that he had been I hurt by a horse, but did not know the i particulars. I" Mr. Iloagland of Cent nil Point and grandson came out from his place near Hrownsboro with a load of stovo wood on his way home. Mrs. L. A. Crane and her two daiigh- ters Misses llertha anil Helen Cram of San Krancisco. who are the guests of Mr. aud Mrs. R. C. Farrier of Lake creek were guests at the Sunnyslde Thursday. Lee llradshaw of Hrownsboro was a caller Thursday. Last Thursday .evening was rather a busy time with our old Dr. W. W. P. Holt, formerly of this place but now of Medford. It appears that Mrs. Thomas Cook who lives in the lower part of our town needed the assistance of a doctor and called Dr. Holt aud about the same time Mrs. It. 11. Maker inf Unite Fulls who has been at the I Sunnyslde over a month under the care of t lie doctor, needed the assis lance of a doctor so called for him and mini early in the evening until ten o'clock he was kept busy going first to see one and then the other and the result was turn a - fl:n p. ni. Mrs Thomas Cook became the mother of a (fine S-lh. boy and at 0:40 p. in. Mrs R. II. Uaker became the mother of a fine 714-lb. girl and at last accounts both mothers and babies are doing line. Grandma Laura Kdiiiondson Mrs. Baker's mother, is as proud as any grandma can, well be and well she may be. Kay Looseley of Fort Klamath, Hoy Stanley of Kagle Point nnd Fred Neil of Ashland were here for dinner Thursday. Geo. W. Stowell," the egg king and son, Thomas Clngcade and Ray liar- nish were business callers. R. I), l lenson, foreman for Khun Adv. Co., with force of v. P. Smith .and W. Hall were here Thursday put- tins up another set of hoards for ad- vertlsing purposea and Mr. Honson says that they are kept busy putting up hoards and advertising. They did 'slop long enough to eat dinner at tho Sunnyside. The Civic Improvement club met a' Mrs. Roy Stanley's last Thursday and had a very pleasant time and good eats of course. 'Phere were 17 mem- hers present and a representative of the California-Oregon Power Co. gave I them a talk on the subject of lighting the town but there was no definite ac- tlon on the subject. The next meeting i is at Mrs. Win. Von dor Ilellen's, May 2th. ASHLAND. May 2. Artording to lofli(.iul ,,,,,, f,f Ash hind Post No. "raves in Mountalnview and Ashland Icemeterios, also in the Talent cenie- u-ry. wnien are comma io u nonoreu Muy speaker and Malono as marshal of 1he day. The appointment of Mutorto, however, to a position with the Hono lulu Power Co., in the Hawaiian islands, will prevent his attendance here, as he sails tills week for Hono lulu. Not less than 125 Victory Med 'als remain to be disposed of in Ash land and near vicinity, to which ex service men tire entitled, though lor which many seem either nosioetful oi disinclined to ninke application. On tho basis of the number romalnliiK unclaimed in Jackson county, no Irs-. than 1.1,000 still await men throuul' nut tho state. The local post has met ,.,,. , pni,rn,,nC , decoration, poppy, anil state bonus funds. The popples are due here for distribution this week. The women's (auxiliary is unuer way, us promoters nwamnK cnarror ii-nt-ij. i nont: in Icrested In this movement should In terview either Mrs. Perry Ashcraft, Mrs. P. K. Hammond. Mm. (.'. I ,rmils, Mrs. r. H. Walker, or Miss .Mary .Sponter, u to details respecting ASHLAND AND VICHY C. E. RALLY TO BE A Christian KnoVtivoi rally inclmi- in all societies in Jackson. Josephine Klamath and Lake count it's will he held hi Ashland .May 4-5. 1!HM. The meetings on May 4 will he held in the CniweKational church, and those on May 5 at the Presbyterian church. May 4 T::i0 p. in. Orchestra. Vocal solo. Mr. (Vrcy Slratton. Itally songs, ( K. choir. Address, l-loyd Carrick. 8:45 p. m. Social hour (sttiutst. Kxecutive committee. Ashland Congregational society. Ashland Christian society. Ashland Presbyterian society. Medford Christian society. Medford Presbyterian society. Hogue Itiver Presbyterian society. Phoenix Presbyterian society. 10:110 p. m. Devotionals. May 5 9:30 a. in. Kxecutive conference. J2:00 in. C. K. luncheon. Toastnmster. Ke.v. C. V. Koehler. Responses, I'nlon officers. the lugani'iitltin. " Hashes of Ac tion," the noted war film, is due hen' at the Ytning, under Legion allspices, mXl week, t he specific dates being Thursday. Friday and Saturday, .May !:!. 1 ;) and 14. A social event of spec ial NimWfieance will he a "blow-nut" 4ui l uesday event hi;. .May ::. A j-unt entertainment and get 'eni committee will be hosts at a Jolly reunion to which all ex-service men in genera i are cordially invited. t'omplimentnry gren of Phoenix, lently tutored the club for the past to Mrs. Ir. Malm who lias so eftic Ashland French three years. Mrs. Wilmer Poh-y gave a one o'clock luncheon at her home on Cresbam street, April -ti. nearly a dozen of (he Instructor's "pupils?1 being present, including Mesdumes J. W. McCoy, Judd Miller. II. t). Anderson, W. II. Mowat, Dr. Woods. F. I. Wagner, H. W. Andrews and it. fialey, in addi tion to the honor guest ami hostess. I'ltru Parisian ideas and effects were introduced at this detigbtful social function. The French tricolor was omnipresent. Yankee surnames were transposed eit her into French r Its equivalent. For the tit me being a French chef presided In the kitchen, and very appropriately each compo nent of a well-appointed menu, served Incident to n three-course lunchean, bore u designation which implied that it originated in la belle France. Con versation was carried on in the ver nacular, the only exception being the occasional interpolation of an Anglo Saxon limerick, thus avoiding a ten dency in restricting the employment of "partei! vous Francaise" verbs and proverbs exclusively, at the expense of a little polyglot gossip by way of lin guistic variance. At UlP rocpnt V. ('. T. V. executive session, hold hero In unnnoWlon with llio ohsei'vnni'i' of the 811th unnlviM' Hnry of thn Ahlml unit )f the i' KMlli.atlcill, tho woiniMiH Jury hill. t h voted illion In .luni". wub uniinl inotiHly entloi'Hod. Tho addi'OHH of tho limir wan hy Itov. Waltor Kvuiih, puk tor nf tho llnptlft church, hlH thonio holnd "l'l-CHont rtuy IOvIIm," friri'lhly doiiictliiK tho effects of nurcollcH, iilcohollsm, unwholi-Honii! niovlns plc turcH und promlHrunuH dnnclnK. Mm. Clraoo Koehler. wife of the Presliyle rian pnHtor, preHented "The fiolilen Hour In our Pnhlic Hcliools," Incident to which topic It wax revealed thnt over fifty million children even In Aniorien do not attend Sunday Hchool. I'he "Koldon hour" movement cham pioned liy the Hpeaker, would provide. hrlef IliHplratlonal aervlce auppie- mentinp tho educational- period ror oath Behind every day. The Chau tauqua Hulute waa tendered Mm. Ann If. ItUKHOII, ABhland pioneer and C'hrlHtlan worker in thta locnllty for over aixty years, whose remlnescences of enrller days were particularly inter- cstlnK from a hisloical standpolnL AMERICA'S FOREMOST LAXAT1VR CLEANS UP LIVER, BOWELS, KIDNEYS and BLADDER CONTAINS NO CALOMEL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE IN 2VKRY HOX A LON7.C O. rtLMS CnViKlilnftoil. D.C, 4 AN OLD MAN Is the Man ten years older than you? YOU CAN TELL HIM Hy His Modo of Travel KEEP YOUNG Fly Hiding a Hike or a Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Demonstration at Gaylord Motorcycle Shop CITY AUTO PAINT WORKS WAsiiiNt;, p)i,ism.;, top Dlti:sMN(i Phone 7."i l-.l 118 South Parlkll .Mcilfonl, Ore. STILL ANOTHER NURSE RECOMMENDS TANLAG Oregon Woman Testifies to Pow ers of This Medicine Overcome Sufferings of Six Years' Stand ing: and She Has Gained Forty Pounds. "Although it lias birn almost iwo yars since Tunlae has ti-licved me of my troiihlcs and built me up wonder ful ty. I'm still feeling fine and can testify to both the immediate and lasting results of the medicine," de clared Mrs .1. K. Meikle. !US Francis avenue. Portland, Ore.. a rained nurse of considerable experience, "For six or seven years I suffered terribly from stoma di Trouble un-i rheumatism. After eating 1 would have heart Inn n so bad that I could hardly stand it, and the gas in my Mtmiiiich caused awful pains. I under BRAND MAD RON A BRAND EGG PRODUCER SCRATCH FOOD DAIRY FEED Made in Medford ARE SUPERIOR FEEDS AT K LOWER PRICES With Guaranteed Analysis Monarch Seed and Feed Co. Russ Mill Be Sure You Get Our Prices First EAT MORE BREAD I ts Your Best, Food Perfection Bread "The Quality Loaf" .1 1!. loaf 8. Medford Corner Main and Grape MEDFORD-ROSEBURG AUTO STAGES, Leave .Mcilfonl 1 1 n. in. Dully. l eave ltosebur-j 1 p. in, Onlly MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS I.I4AVK Ml',l)l()l(l. 10:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. :S0 p. m. Cars slop at all Intermediate points. Walt hit room Medford, 5 Sou III Pront. INTERURBAN Jff ' ill THE UNIVERSAL CAR I I The Ford Sedan I I III The I'oril Srilan, with an electric slailliiR anil liKhtfiiK system Is very popular iimniiK tho people I of ItiiKiie ltivei' Valley. It Is n permanently en- closed ear w ith plenty or shade. To women It I III I hi inns the ronvenlence nml luxury of an electric lllil with iliirnbility, ilcicndalii!lly and economy of tho I t'omo In and see this lTmniknblo car nsk for I III I n ilcniiinstralion. You cannot help but lie impress- I III I eil by the .Moderate cost, beauty and strength of I III I the I'oril .Sedan. I III I I!. GATES AUTO CO i li Cor. Sixth and Pacific lliajr I I WITH MLDFC2D TEADE 13 MEDFORD 11AJDS went an operation fur appendicitis that left me iti such a badly ruu-dow;i condition it looked like i would never regain my strength. "Inflamatory rheumatism set In ami my arms and joints ached dread fully. In fact, my hands had ly hm put in splints fur about six week ;o keep from becoming distorted and growing out of Bhape. My nerve were terribly upset, and at night i was so restless I could Scarcely vleep. "After taking seven bottles of Tan- l.m I )...! ....In. ,11,. ,1. Jin weight and was enjoying my usual I good health. The rheumatism leftmo ; entirely, my stomach never troubles 'me and my ulep is sound and refresh I iug. I can certainly vouch for tho merits of Tun lac. and a number of people have experienced its benefits inroiiKn my reeoinmenuaiion. Tanlac is sold In .Med Tor d by West Side Pharmacy, in Jucksunvtll Wy J. W. Uobinson, In Rugu River by W. H. Cary. and by leatlimr drUscist I in evsrv Uwu. Adv. Vi 11). loaf 13c Bakery Phone 3? LEAVE CfltANTS tAS. 10 a .m. 1:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. Phone 309 AUTOCAR CO.