Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 02, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    r PA'GE TWO
; r : I
I ; ' .
ocal and
Attorneys E. U. and Win. liriKKsl
returned yeytorday evening from Port- ford are C.
land where they uiipenrcd for Kenton Horn of Yellowstone park. Miss Mary
Howers In divorce procecdim,".!. Att-jr-; Chelan of C'hieat-'o. Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
fluents from a distance at the Med-
L. Aineney and Carl .
The regular bimonthly meeting of
the American Legion post will he held
tomorrow night at the American Le
gion hall at. which a large attendance
is requested as one or more important
matters will come up for action.
We want boy between age to
with bicycle to learn carrier route for
this paper. 31!
Genuine Swiss embroidered robes,
copyrighted, 40 samples. Special sale
this week. Mrs. C. Ci. May, resident
representative. I'honc 457-J. 'M
The Elks May Day ball which will
be held tonight promises to be one of
the biggest social events of the pres
ent season. The various committees
In charge have perfected every detail
and r.ll is in readiness. The decora-i Saturday, .May 7.
tlons, which are typical or the occa
sion, have transformed the spacious
ball Into a beautiful bower of flowers
and vines Interspersed with scores of
Japanese lanterns and clever lighting
effects. An augmented orchestra 01
ten nieces will provide the music ami
a delicious "feed" will be served at
midnight. Many Elks and their ladies
from all nails of the valley will be in
Just a vcar ago today Mr. II. C.
Williamson and Arthur W. Tyo, pro
prletors of Tho Modern Humblng i
Iloating Co. started doing liusiiiess in
tho Sparta llldg., and in one year
through honest endeavor and fair
treatment havo built up a really cred
itable business. They rcccnlly had to
secure more, space for storage. The
Iiovh kiiv thev like Medford. and to
prove it, have purchased homes and
are staunch boosters for a' bigger and
better Medford. "
Hemstitching ' '. '
.iiuttons corered
'Handicraft Shop. tf
Pr. J. I j. Helms of Mcdrord has pur
chased tho business property at .".-lit
East Main street, Ashland. Tho lot is
fiOxlOO feet and is improved by a one
Btory wooden structure.
Calls for state and government hank
statements lire made for April 2S.
Tho statement of the Central Point
f Stato bank published elsewhere shows
surplus and undivided prorits of
1.ri,fl()0, cash and sight exchange of
('3,000, deposits of $27,000 and a
steady increase of lmslness.
Ella M. Cross, public stenographer,
No. 9, Jackson County Hank Dldg.
Phono 320-U. W
K. J. Ilulgln, the evangelist, is a
guest nt the Medford and It Is under
stood will reside at that hotel during
his stay in the city.
Thero will be a meeting of the
Ladies' Auxiliary of tho American Le
gion Wednesday at 2:30 p. in. at the
-American Legion hall. This Is a very
important meeting and all members
are urgently requested to bo present.
Dring all discarded furniture, cloth
ing, shoes or anything elso salahlo to
X-l(ay Benefit llummagc sale nt the
Natntorlunt. Goods received every
day beginning Tuesday, May 3. Sale
Saturday, May 7. 3!l
Tij, nid those seeking suitable stop
ping places dming their summer vaca
tions, a booklet contiilnlnif. In con
densed form descriptions of various
Oregon and California resorts has
been issued by the Southern Pacific
company. The particulars Include the
name and location of resort; hotel,
cottago or camp; how reached from
stations, auto or stage, fare; name of
manager, accommodation provided,
intes for rooms and meals; facilities
for sports and amusements, ami points
of Intorcst in vicinity. Over 200
sorts are listed.
Kor first class painting, paperhaug-
ItiKt or tlntlnc call Arthur West, 177-.I
Tiring all discarded furniture, cloth
ing, shoes or anything oln salable to
X-Ilay llenol'll ltiimmagn sale at the
Natatorlum. floods received every
day beginning Tuesday,. May 3, Sale
Sutnrduy, May 7. 3!)
(iitosts from u 'distance, at the Hol
land tiro H, A. ami II. L. Mansfield of
Indianapolis, Intl.. E. L. Petty, V. Via
son and E. L. Parker or Flat Hock, 111.,
and J. H. Howe, 1". If, Honey and Mr.
and Mrs. M. J. Clark of Sail Kranelsco.
Will Kerns and ltalph Koozor left
this morning for Portland, accompany
ing tho body of Joshua Patterson,
which will ho cremated there.
Hemstitching and plcotlng
10 cents per yard.
Tho Vanity Hat Shop,
Cor. K Main and llartlelt. tf
Lawn mowers siiai peuci: right. Lib
erty Shop. 201 -J. tf
!'. I' Honey, one oT the advance
press men of the Al. J. Harm's circus,
arrived In the city Sunday to look
lifter Interests of that coming tilt ruc
tion. There will bo a meeting of the
Ladies' Auxiliary id Hie American Le
gion Wednesday at 2;30 p. m. at the
American Legion hall. This Is a very
Important meeting and all members
nro urgently requested to be present
12-Inch dry pine $1.00 a tier; liiinoh
dry plno $1.75. Valley Fuel Co. tr
Oregon guests at the .Medford In
clude .!. ('. Doyle or Klamath Falls.
nml the following from Portland: Mrs.
V. A. 'Jackson, F. A. and F. S. Jackson.
Miss' D. (ioodliiie, W. (i. Hanson, Mr.
and Mrs. Minion. Mrs. A. Novak, E. S.
Suiuuel and W. J. Stephenson.
Miss Altn Nnylor, Goodwin eorso-
tlero. 121 N. Orapo street. Phono MS-J.
Look for Hie dish sale at Weeks
Orr's. .".Si
Mr. Ness of the California-Oregon
Power company Is back from a several
days business trip III California.
Feed wheat $2.20 per cwt. at the
Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange.
Delco-Llght fann light and power
(dan's. Medford Electric Co,
ney Hrlggs reports that notwithstand
ing Mrs. Powers sued for divorce the
court gave the decree to Mr. Howers,
awarding tho custody of the son to
Mrs. Howers, until further orders of
the court and denying her alimony.
Ashland Tidings.
Flour $1.85 a sack al Kuss Mill.
Phone 52D.
Lawn mowers sharpened. Mitchell
Ladder Co., 318 East Main. tf
The decorations for the Elks May
Day hall have been pronounced the
best seen in Medford for years and
well worth seeing.
Hring all discarded furniture, cloth
ing, shoes or anything else salable to
X-ltay llenefit Ituiiimnge sale at the
Natatoiiuni. Goods received every
day beginning Tuesday, May 3. Sale
.Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlcro for
N'nllone. Phono SSu-J. tt
Of Interest to the Methodists of
Oregon is the fact that L'.i of the I"
bishops In the Methodist Episcopal
church will assemble in 1'ortluud May
11 to 17, for the semi-annual meeting
oT tho college of bishops. The coming
or these men Is of great significance
to northwest Methodism, as this is tho
first time the board of bishops has
met in regular session on the Pacific
coast. The bishop of Peking, China,
is expected before the session closes.
increasing the total to 28. The Port
land session will be the regular spring
meeting. The fall meeting was held
last October at Atlantic. City, N. ,1.,
where Portland was awarded the
spring session.
For Sale Good garden and lawn
sediment. Phone 1)12.1. tt
Invest your savings In the Jackson
County Hiiildlng and Loan association.
E. A. Illllon or Aberdeen, Wn Win.
Thompson of Seattle- and J. M. Posey
and A. Y. Slinison of Lodi, Calif., are
among the Nash hotel guests who ar
rived in the city Sunday.
314 ton Mack with bunk, $3S00, run
2500 miles. Guy Conner. 35
For Sale Good garden and lawn
sediment. Phono 9I2-.T. tf
Tho Farm Bureau Cooperative Ex
change shipped south on this morn
ing's train nearly u ton of dressed
Hard time danco. niggest of the
Kcasou. Ashland Nat., Tuesday, Mav
3rd. 35
When better automobiles are built,
Hulek will build them. tf
Mary L. Chlsholui, recently elected
president, of the newly formed auxil
iary at Gold Hill, Ore., has forwarded
tho application of the women from
that community for a charter for a
unit or the Women's auxiliary to be ut
lached to the Gold Hill post No. 53 of
tho American Legion. Gladys Ham
mond was chosen treasurer and Lotsyt
E. Miller, secretary. j
Everything electrical. Medford Elec
tric Co. Phono Oil I. !
Phono 4 71. Guaranteed work, prompt
service. City Cleaning & Dyeing Co., I
401 South Itivorslde. tr
The coming Junior week end of the
1'iilvcrslty of Oregon will see a bun
died or more editors or high school
papers as guests or the school or jour
nallsin, of the i'liela Sigma Phi and
Sigma Delta Chi. A program will Iv
arranged and rormatlon of a stato high
school press association is planned
Three-quarter ton Sampson, run 500
miles, $.50, with bed and license. Guy
Conner. sn
Call Nash Taxi. Phono lid. Wo In
sist upon careful driving. 37
I' rank Clark, who has been 111 with
pneumonia, Is convalescing rapidly
and was on the streets this morning
lor the lirsl lime sinco Ills illness.
This la liouseeleanliig weather;
havo your rugs washed on the floor;
strictly sanitary. E. I,. Davis, phone
0!IS. ;,,s.
Good Hour $I.S5 a sack at Kuss Mill.
Phone 5211.
(lus Kloeker drove lo ltutto Falls
Sunday by iiulo, upending the day In
(Hat vicinity. .
mivo moiipy on wrapping paper by
lisiny ivhilo print paper In rolls. Ask
this ofrice. tr
Fiirnlliiro rinlshed and repaired.
my Auto Paint Works. Phono 751,1. j
Stryker and Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Smith
of Ilidgefield. Wn., V. P. and F. H.
Nelson of San Diego. Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Witlieiill of Spokane and MIsb
L. 11. Cale of Spokane, Mr. and -Mrs.
Frank Clnisinan and Harold F. Chris
man of Oakland, Calif.. M. P. Patter
son, I. Rosenthal, and F. S. Schneider
of San Francisco, and Leon Hewitt, 1
V. S. Cassell, A. P.. Cleland, It. V.
Malloy and E. II. Giitheil of Seattle.
Huy 40 acres timber land near Med
ford. $500, terms $50 cash and $5 per
month. Quadruple your money with
tile wood, and plant to fruit and ber
ries, for steady income. Gold Hay
Ileal ty Co., owners. tf
Try our merchants luticli. The
Shasta. "
In the display window of Letcher &
Son's store is a oisplay of placer gold
which was brought In by a Leland
lady, who with her young son spends
her spare time in panning dirt from
I he creek near their home. Last Sat
urday the lady brought in $20 in coarse
gold and the previous Saturday she
brought in $21 in gold. Grants Pass
Play safe. Nush Taxi Service.
Phone 90. 37
11. A. Holmes, the Insurance Man.
Insurance, and Bonds, plus Service.
E. II. Helms of Jacksonville, spent
Sunday evening in the city visiting
witli friends.
Delco-Llght Electricity for every
farm. Medford Electric. Co.
Iclmnn Maths open for the season,
Saturday, April 30. 37
Hubert Gordon of Klamath Falls
left for his homo this morning after
spending a week in the city on busi
ness. ileginiiing May 1st will run n 5-day
sale on whipping cream at 25c per
pint delivered. Hoover Dairy Co.
152-Y. 35
Violin instruction, Florence Howell,
special attention to beginners. Sparta
building, phone 545-H. tf
Chester Kubli and wife of the Apple
gate are spending a few days in the
city with friends.
Swimming Helman baths, open
Saturday, April 30. 37
Hlocks and dry slabs Tor sa:e. Call
859. tf
II. C. Smith, proprietor and man
ager of the hotel Holland, is a grcat'i
booster tor Mcdrord and vicinity hence
on tho new stationery or that hostelry
is printed in red ink "See America
First Visit Crater Lake," and on the
front of each envelope is printed be
neath the picture of tho hotel the
words "In the Pennons Rogue River
. alley, while on the back of the envel
ope in red ink Is printed "I Forgot to
Say Let the Holland Plan Your Trip
to Crater Lake."
Pntronizo homo and build" up pay
rolls by insisting on having brooms
.nade by Rogue River Hroom Works.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris lliich of Jack
sonville were among the Sunday after
noon anu evening visitors in the city
rroui the county seat.
Everything electrical. Medford Elec
tric Co. Phone 001.
Members or Separate company A,
National Guard, of Medford. will as
semble at the armory tonight at 7:3o
to prepare for the funeral of Holland
C. Caiiess to be held tomorrow after
noon. Private Caiiess was formerly
bugler of Company D of Medford.
N. n. Newcomb will deliver green
16-iuch slab wood very cheap. Let's
book your ordor now for early deliv
ery. Also dry planing blocks, kind
ling and shavings. Phone 031.
The stock of the Jackson County p. m. Tuesday under auspices of the
Farm Ilurcati cooperative exchange
which has just been incoriioratcd with
a $00,000 capital, 30.000 shares of pre
ferred and 30,00 shares of common,
each at $50 a share, was placed on sale
today. It was announced this morning
that $15,000 worth of the common,
stock has already been sold. Prior to
amending Its thai ter anil going on tue ; . , . .,,,! i ,,. ,in,..,w(i
stock basis the bureau had been oper-( Mrfi w,Ilon was 1)or ilt phoenix,
ating under a $5 membership fee. !,jn(.kson countv, Oregon, January 14,
The city auto camp is now illuniinat-i , .., ,..,,; hpl. eirlhood at the
cd nightly and presented a pretty up-1 (amilv llomo uear yrel!a, Cal., where j
pearance last night. Tills illiimina- m.ll)v 1.p,.ltV(,8 nnd fiends now re- j
lion is much appreciated by the visit-! sj(,e' s"l(! ig surviv(.a uv u daughter,
nig auto tourists, hiuiday during tue ,. . r;jffol.(l ot Gravs River,
, rain lour tourist autos were drawn up. Wash.. nd sisters, Mrs. Nettie
National Guard assisted by Rev. An
gel. Interment at Phoenix ceme
tery. WILSON At Gray's River. Wash.,
Saturday, April 20th, 1921, May
Elizabeth Wilson, aged 511 years 3
months and 10 days, daughter of Al-
FOR SALE 1918 7-jiassenger Studr.
baker Six, gootl condition, lor saK.
$750. Might consider giving it a!
first payment on a cheap homo.
S. Cailuhau,-131 Ohio St., Ashland
FOR SALE Horsepower hay b;il?r
very cheap. John A. Anderson, ('en.
tral Point, It. F. D. I, Phone 191. pj
FOR RENT Nice modern 5-ioum
house, sleeping porch, garage, cluse
in, al 329 S. Graie. ;;5
Brick Anderson or the Hlue Ledge Klos(; the --ntrances ol us many of j ,k,mlpU of Weeil CalIf-i al, .,r5. v
uie uuii.i.aiuiicm.1, A pal-jn nf Oakley. Calif.; also
district has relumed to his home after
spending a .ow days in tho city.
Hotter buy a Chandler than wish
you had. tr
J. O. Isaacson of Central Point, was
a .Medford visitor today.
Expert shoe repairing at reduced
prices. Men's half soles $1.50 per pair.
Ladies' half soles $1.00. Rubber heels
50c. Potter new shoes for loss money.
Medford Shoo Hospital, 119 E. Sixth
Mr. and Mrs. W. (I. Tail and daugh
ter are home Ironi California, where
Mrs. Tall and daughter had spent two
We take you anywhere! Nash Taxi.
Phone 9U. Hulck cars. 37
Mr. and Mrs. P. (i. Duber were down
from Central Point today.
Fair weather is the prediction for
Tuesday. The rainfall of Sunday
amounted to .35 ot an inch. While
rain was railing in Medford and vicin
ity snow fell in the mountains and
high foothills. There was a frost this
morning Willi a minimum temperature
of 30 V6 degrees, which caused no dam
age to speak of, it is said. However,
the situation looked very grave last
night up to midnight when the ther
mometer stood at 32, but; then the sky
again became cloudy and it began to
warm up until about 5 a. m. when the
mln i in ll in was reached. I
The fire department was called, nut
at 2 p. m. Saturday by a minor Hue!
lire In a dwelling on Catherine street.
Al G. Hai nes' animal circus which :
shows in Mcdrord day arter tomorrow j
is showing at Klamath Falls today. j
Rev. Win, F. Hamilton has been con
fined to his home for the past week
with illness.
tourists making themselves comfort'
able inside :ho dry bungalow.
Orcgonians at the Holland are Mr.
and Mrs. S. F. Young ot I.akevlew, II.
A. Lindgren of Corvallis, M. L. Coul-
trap of Klamath Falls, and V. R. Wil
lingale and A. A. Allen of Portland.
brother, Harry Leo of Lassen county, 1 1
California. She was a devout Chris-!
tian and passed to the great beyond
fully recoiifield and prepared for the!!
life- to come. She lived in .Medford'
t from 1910 to 1919 and was weli
known. :
The remains of Holland Caiiess.
,scu of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Carlcss of
Phoenix arrived this morning Trom
New Jersey, accompanied by Mrs.
The body will remain at the par
lors of Weeks-Conger ocnipany until
Tuesday afternoon. Funeral services
SIMPSON Mis. L. J. Simpson of I I
Xorth Ilend, Oregon, a lifelong friend
of the family of W. M. Colvig of thi-i
city, died at liuiiingame. California.
Mrs. Simpson was a girlhood compan
ion of Mrs. Helen Gale of thin illy,
and was well known here. -Kile was
a sufferer from heart disease.
One-tenth of all the United States
manufactured products is made
will be held at Phoenix church at 2 New York City.
Did You Read Jr
the article, tin .
in Hie
May American Magazine?
All Forms Insurance and. Bonds
....Jackson County Bank Bide.
Car Week
This is a BIG WEEK on used
cars. Prices so low you cannot
afford to be without one. Cash
' ..CASH---
C. E. Gates Auto Go.
Stops Medicine
Health Recovered
by Internal Baths
Mr. A. CzarneeUI, (i r. 7 Mhnllroineiv
St.. Man Kr.'MHitii'o. Cat.. wHt.n 'ivi-.
rolls Hygienic InsliUlte nf N,ii- York
as follows:
i imi:4 admit thai nu. N1, f ,,
.1. II. I.. Ca.'-i'ade has i uivd chronic
onMlli.iilli.n, from which I miITci-imI
Sim,. May 12. Kin, 1 have never even
tasted any kind of patent medicine or
purgative. .My health Is excellent in
every respect."
liver half a million lnislil. keen.
Intelligent Americans have found that
Internal llalhing ts more essential to
their health than external liaths-
llave found that used nccash.nallv
it night they feel like illtrercn'l
people the next morning. No more of
that I.III011K, lire. I, nervous reeling. 'but
having by nature's own cleanser an-
lisepitc warm water removed all the
poisonous waste from l he tower In
testine, they awake Ihoroutihlv re
freshed l.y normal sleep, with -ill
their functions acting i.roiicrlv.
lent' headed, tiappy and confident,
ager and capable for the duties ol
the day.
Why not team more about Ibis rap-
Idly growing and nalmal l.raelhe.'
The ".I. It. 1 I'aseade'' Is the Inven
tion of I'has. A. Tyrrell, M. )., o;'
New York, a specialist on intern;-.!
baths for l' years, and is now l.eiur.
shown and explained by West Hide
Pharmacy. Main and Crape Sts.. who
will give you free on leiiuest an in
t -resting booklet on the subject called
'Why .Man of Today Is Only Ml pe
on! t'fii. lent." Adv.
This store is loaded in each department with large assortments of the newest Spring Mer
chandise, bought at the lowest market prices. If you buy at the M., M. Dept. Store, you
know you are buying the best merchandise at the lowest possible prices.
sclliiiir httilies' ami Mi
Fur lliis week's
liniuii tlx funis, low licel .
Hindi Military Heel l'limps
While New I'.iiek Oxfotils
While Canvas ( Ixl'iinls
- ?7.95
One lot ol' Hoys' Outm;,' Shoes $3.1.0
Hoys' iiml (,'irls' Hikers $1.75 lo $2.50
Hoys' nml iii-ls' Snmliils , $1.75 to $2.50
I'ntenl Sirup Slippers $2.25, $2.75. $3.00
(inn Melal Strap Slippers $1.98 $2.50
Urowit Kti!:!isli Dress Shoes
K'utitiil Ton ti'ilii Metal Shoes
Heavy ISrowu Work Shoos
Male Skin Ontini: Shoes.
The new distinctive silk I'm' summer dress unit
sport wear. 100 to lie sold ill this price. Sold
everywhere at. $i"i.l)0. Sale $14.50
liiiii'iniette Satin Skirts $10.50
v I.
Wash Dresses in the new Swisses, (rfiiiiilic am!
Voiles. All the latest styles, specially priced this
week $12.50, $15. $18.50 pud $25
ICvery hat in onr department is priced til a savin;:
of nne-l'niirtli to one-half.
Trices to suit everyliody $2.50. $3.50. $ 1.-19
; $5.9S up.
li;.;lit and dark. Hoys' Minuses, full cut ami the
color is ;'M,tranlood never to fade. Sizes 5 to I t
years. Host materials $1.00
field fur boys'
There is iiothinv; Unit fills Hp
summer wear like a Wash Suit.
The kind we sell do not fade. 12 to (i years.
Kl''ii'l - $2.50. $3.50. $'4.50
Hint; Set'oe ami Taney Woolen Cups 75f
I Slack Straws for children ,4 S5o
l-'itie Milan Straws $1.19. $1.50
Big Shipment of French and Tissue Ginghams for This Week
Woml 'ii'nl fine ipialily 1'erenle Aprius full cut.
liu'ht colors. This week :1.25
.lust received for this Bargain Week, ."ill Chamliray
llillse Presses. I 'lit ill check or fiiuev striped--
$2.75. $3.00 $3.50
Pepemlow Muslin 14
tireen Ticket ' Muslin ' 23tf
Wild Hose Sheets ejQ
Shamrock Toweling 29d
McCall Printed Patterns