PORTLAND MAN IS A FIRM BELIEVER SINCE TAKING IT "Tnnlac has muile a believer of me. fur I have picked up tieventeen pounds hy taking it. naid .!. p. Atitzer, t'l'i. J lull street, Portlund. "Atuut two years uko I wuh taken down with erysipelas and was in Ltt-d for over u month. It left me wiili n , appetite and my stomncli was all out of order and I bean to fall oft in welfiht. When I ati anything it would four on my stomiuh and I world bloat all up and gvt short of luva'h.. 1 was troubled a lot with heart mini and dizziness. My nerven finally broke down and I became so restkss thai I could hardly sleep. I was just about all in and so weak that each mnrntiiK l uinn't know whether l could hold out through the day or not. , - ' "Well, I hadn't been taking Tanlac four days before I felt a sreat relief, nnd now I don't believe I ever felt better In my life. I eat like a lumber jack, am not troubled with nervous ness or dizziness and sleep like a baby. 1 uni back to iny normal welpht and, knowing what 1 do about Tanlac, I am more than 'glad io :ell ther about it." Adv. .EDZ0T?T rAH, TRTBTTXE, MEDFOTCD, OttKOOX, FRTDAY, 'APRTL 20, 1021 PAGE FIVE Mrs. Sam I'ullaril and J. W. and C. I!. Weston are residents of llcagle who are guests at the Holland, having como in Thursday. Try our merchants lunch. The Shasta. Play safe. Nash Taxi Service. Plu.ne 9ti. Notice .My wife having left me this Clarvnoe ORourke, the "Human Kly." save thrilling exhihitlons in climbing the front of the Hotel Hol land to the top of the building where he performed a number of perilous stunts, lale Thursday afternoon and early last evening before large crowds. A collection was taken before each ex hibition. Patronize home and build up pay rolls by insisting on having brooms made by Kogue Uiver Uroom Works. ;;i ' Come to Jones' any day this week is notice that 1 will not be responsible ! ,, se Olympic flour demonstrated. for any bills Incurred by her. John .Martin llallod. 33 Slogan: 'Medford. Kogue Hiver val ley, Oregon I'oducts; know them! I'se them! Boost them! 34 II. A. holmes, the Insurance Man. Insurance, and Bonds, plus Service. Ask for Hogue River Valley made products. 3t Jerry Jerome, although still some what shaky from his recent siege with Special prices. Every sack guaranteed. 34 Dressmaking and remodeling. Loca tion Flower Shop, phone SuC. 31 Frank A. Johnson, a well known business man and retired contractor, from SlHkane, is In the city visiting his daughter, Mrs. Frank I'ipgras of The Shasta. Mr. Johnson is a life member of the Elks, and is a member For Your Floors CteMp For Your Furniture ri-edar 'Polish At Your Dealers the flu presided in his capacity ot' M l,"KS -u exalted ruler at the Elks lodge session , l,rott.v l,lllcc 1U1I surrounding vul- iH.st nil-lit. and was sunning himself i'J uouuiuui. down town today. He 'will be able to resume his regular business duties next Monday. Seven-piece Imperial orchestra at the May Day dance, Nataloriuiu Sat. night. 33 Ask for Oreeou made products. 34 Slogan: Medford, Rogue River val ley, Oregon Products: know them! Use them! Boost them! 31 Majestic "4" orchestra, tingle' Point Saturday nitht, April 3Uth. Bit May Day dance. 34 Dance at Jacksonville Friday ailht. Included among the Oie'gon guests at the Holland are Mr. and Mrs. Dan C Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rout ledge. A. 11. Clark, Arthur R. Allen, F. O'Dell, II. M. Kelnh'art, K. C. Shaw. J. A. Simpson, C. C. Shaw, W. K. Alhery anil R. J. Wood of Portland, and R. J. McMullen and F. S. Town send of Kugene. i l'.uy a sack of Olympic flour at , 'ones' this week and get that special price. 34 Furniture fin'sN'd and repaired. City Auto Paint V;ks. Phoue 7"4 J. If Better buy a Chandler than wish you had. tf The season for the mauimolh egg ;has again arrived and Peter Oleson's i Black Minorca pullet is responsible I for the one brought to the Courier of j.fice today. The egg measuied tiVj : inches aixiuud and 8;v. inches In cir I cunilei-ence the long way. Grants Pass Courier. I Save money on wrapping paper hy I using white print paper in rolls. Ask this office. tf Ella M. Cross, public stenographer, No. 9, Jackson County Bank HldR Phone 32611 (mornings only). 41 Olympic flour guaranteed by Jones buy a sack this week anil set that special price. - ,'!4 tf 120 People Injured. I I.OK AXCW.KS. April 2!'. -Twenty 'pcrsoitH wen1 iniured three Kfrlously. 'When a Pacific Electric railway ttircc iVar train It-it the inu-k and nverturn led today at III Moute, 14 utiles cast if here. 1 leuy Frisco's Plea. SACl'.AM KN'TO. Cal.. April L'!l. The senate today rejected, 1 Ti ayes to 21 net's, the bill to transfer control uf IKan Frani-iscu harbor from the stale to thtf city. Cash for appleR. Phone 671-R. 33 April 2in. Majestic "4 . M' Everything electrical. Medford Elec-j Oregonians registered at the Med trio Co. Phone (101. ,ford are J. L. Bebkley and Mrs. Cllf- Merle John l.oosley, meniher of a , ford of Klamath Falls, Harry R. well known Fort Klamath family, Midi Hague. 11. U Cireen and F. II. Johnson Miss Marion Helen Zbinder, whose 'of Kugene. and the following from homo has been at Morrill, were nuietly ! Portland: Edgar S. Dean, F. O. Teh- married last Tuesday in Klamath Falls by the Rev. F.. P. Lawrence. They will make their home on the buys a brand new Coronn Dortable type writer. Other mokes nt attractive prirea. fieo ua before you buy MKDI'OKI) RDOK KTOitF bridegroom's ranch in the Fort Klam ath district. Popular dance at Haglo Point Satur day night. Everybody invited. Real music. 34 Slogan: Medford. Rogue River val-i ley, Oregon Promicis; Know mum: Use them! Boost them! 34 Violin Instruction, Florence Howell, spec'al attention to beginners. Sparta building, phone 515-11. tf The Mail Tribune has received a message froni Howe's circus, that was to show here Saturday, May 7, to can cel their advertising. Saturday, April 30, everybody will join in the May Day festivities at the Natatorium. Admission only I He. 33 Ask for Rogue River Valley made products. 31 Dance at Jacksonville Friday night, April 2'Jtli. Majestic "4". 33 A successful child welfare- meeting was conducted Thursday afternoon at Talent by Miss Florence Pool, the home demonstration agent, nt which 17 children were weighed, measured and examined by Dr. Mnltngren of Phoenix, and Dr. Woods of Ashland. Slogan: Medford, Rogue River val ley, Oregon Products: know them! Use them! Boost them! 34 Ask for Oregon made products. 34 betts, D. YV. Campbell, Lee McKnight, Ij, 11. Freeman, Ira T. Walker, W. A. Kinnery. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Mox mor, I j. R. Waters. W. J. Malthouse, C. A. Rouse, J. J. Downs, R. E. Hodge, J. AL Putnam, A, Breymaji, ,J;ik C hteWand A. H. Ilu"dsSn: Miss Alta Naylor, Goodwin corse- Ueu.tlltl N.Grapc.street. Phone 648-.I. o.-Ui .-. ti-f ; :i..-f."4i fiFeed- whent(.-$2.'Jii per cwtS" at the Farm Bureau Co-operative llxchange. tf Flour $1.85' a -s'ack at Russ Mill. Phone 539. ' County Prosecutor Rawles Moore has been out of town for several days attending to some official business and is expected home within a day or two. Expert shoe repairing at reduced prices. Men's half soles $1.50 per pair. Ladies' half soles $1.00. Ituhhor heels 50c. Better new shoes for less money. .Medford Shoe Hospital. -119 E. Sixth St. Come to Jones' any day this week and see Olympic flour demonstrated. Special prices. Every sack guaranteed. 31' Frank Bellinger Is now convalescing from his recent pneumonln-flu illness and was down town this forenoon for a time enjoying his first day out. Invest your savings In the Jackson County Building and Loan association. FRECKLE-FACE Sun ami Wind Hriu; Out I'jily Spots. ' How to Houiovr Kaslly. j Here's a chance, M isn VYcklu-face, i to try a remedy for freckles with the KUarantee of a reliable concern that H j j will not eost you a penny unless it j removes the fret kles; while if it doea ' Hive you a clear complexion the ex pense Is irifliiiK. Simply K't an ounce nf CM him double strength from any dentist and a few applications slum Id show j you how easy It is to rid yourself of thy homely freckles and el a betu ( t i f nl complexion. Uarely is move jthan one ounce nfdrd fur the nu-iyt can. Vie sure to ask the Urut.int for the jdouble rttrensili Othine. us thiw s(rnpt h Hold under gun rant or money back if U fails to remove freckles. 5 In order that all desirtni; to at tend the ttuttiin meetiiiBS In Medford, mnyMiavo every opportunity to do so, the usual Sunday evening and mid-week ehureh services at the .Phoenix phureh will be omitted dur ing the tabernacle meetings. yiu. Christ inn lOudeavor society, however, will hold a short meeting nt the I'hoenix church each Sunday evening promptly at 64a, which will close in ample time to take t he inter urban bus for Medford, which is duo at Phoenix at 7:20 p. m. The services of last Sunday and this week have been with special refer ence to the tabernacle im-tlngs. This week cottage meetings will be held at country homes both east and wet-i of I'hoenix with pood interest. State Superintendent V. J. Merwl of Portland, will pive a special lec ture at the Phoenix church Sunday morning on "Americas Opport unit j in World's Crisis," In connection with the present status of the liquor prob lem in America, and other countries. Mr., Herwiff Is the new state superin tendent of the Oregon Anti-Saloon f league, and will speak also in Ash land Sunday evening. No special col lection at the' Phoenix meeting.- Mrs. .1. M. Under will sing a contralto solo at this service, ihotlnie. .of which Is 1 1 a. m. mv. v .ar. suu. .. -v-sj some In 1011 Consri'S1 , hot apart tho seein:l Sunday In .May as a time to Pay our loving respects to mother with a floral nlTeitng. Don't lot motlicc think you have CoiitUm her. Wear ii Dower onrvlf. mid send her a basket or n ho uq net. vert uou find fhv 7JiHnr" WING WEEK: SALE THIS GREAT SEWING WEEK SALE CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT Take Advantage of These Money Saving Bargains Tomorrow TABLE DAMASK b4-inch Mercerized Darpd.sk 65c 64-inch Damask,' finest) quality, $1.25 Big Assortment of All Linen Damask TOMAHAWK SHEETS 72x90 Sheets, fine quality $1.25 IHQNCLAD SHEETS 81x90 Slr6ncUd Sheets, extra APRONS Wonderful showing of fine Percale Aprons i . . . . $1.25 SILKS 36-inch Silk Poplin: All colors . 98c Country Club Sport Silks. All colors $1.75 Heavy Pongee, full 33-inch . .$1.19 36-inch Tricolette, brown, navy and Henna $2.19 DEVONSHIRE AND ROMPER CLOTH 50 pieces of new patterns, light and dark. Special . .29c value J. . .V $1.75 GINQHAM SALE Double fold, fine Ginghams in checks, plaids and plain . . . . . . .18c NOTIONS R. M. C. Crochet Cotton 10c Safety Pins 3c Hooks and Eyes 3c Snap Fastners .... .4c. Basting Thread .v. . . .5c Sewing thread ... .6c Bias Tape, 1-2-3 . .10c Lingerie Ribbon, 10 yards . . . . .25c Pearl Buttons' card ........ .-.65c Pins , . v 3c PAY LESS AND DRESS BETTER ML Mj Jit rM DEPARTMENT SME DEPENDON MUSLIN 36-inch bleached muslin, fine quality . i 14c TOWELS Fine Huck Towels, full size Saturday 15c PILLOW CASES Rose Pillow Cases, 45x36. Special 35c LACES ''f Great assortment 5c 50-piece lot 10c ZEPH YR GINGHAMS ' Double fold Zephyr Ginghams in the latest colors, plaids and checks 29c TRY McCALL PRINTED PATTERNS The Colonial Liberty Bldg. Phone 298 Exclusive Ladies' Ready-to-Wear New dresses in Organdie, Voile, French Gingham and Dotted Swiss. New Fiber drop-stitch Sweaters New N eckwedr in Filet, Irish and Organdie Jersey Capes and Sport Blouses A few Coats, Jersey Suits and Skirts very specially priced. Visit our Shop Before Buying Advice Is Cheap, So It Is Given Freely to Sick People When a. watch a lifeless combination of wheels anl screws olid aprliiRR nets out of onior. a person wouldn't think of listening to advice from friends that a screw driver or a mullet or monkey wrench would bo just the thing with which to "fix" It. It would sound foolish. And the watch mnked would be hunted up without question. So It Is no wonder that men who know are constantly amazed at the ease with which people will swallow fearful and unknown compounds when they don't feel well all upon the "advico" of friends. And the human body is a thousand times more deli cately adjusted than a watch. It takes years to learn the delicate functions of nerves and muscles and secretions just what Is wrong with them when they go wroug In sick ness. It takes ycai-B to learn what is right in a given case. It's tho doctor who puts In theso years of learning. It Is tho doctor's learning which enables him to wrlto tho proper prescription which tells him the way to help nature, resume her. many delicate functions. . 211 10. Main Ht. I'hone 1(1. .HASKINS. FOR HEALTH Olives and Pickles in Bulk JUST RECEIVED, FRESH SUPPLY PICKLES AND OLIVES IN BULK Plain Sweet Pickles Dill Pickles Mixed Sweet Pickles ; Green Olives ' Sour Pickles Ripe Olives 1 Sweet Relish NOW IS THE TIME FOR PUTTING OUT PLANTS Cabbage Plants Tomato Plants Cauliflower Plants FRESH BAKERY GOODS We will have a complete line of bread, cakes and cookies. FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUIT, INCLUDING STRAWBERRIES Personal Attention Prompt Service H. E. MARSH Phone 252 Grocer Phone 252 Ask for Oregon Made Products 23-12 DANCE 1 Old Fashioned Hard Times Party E Natatorium TONIGHT 1 High School Students and Alumni Invited li.TI