MEDFORD Mil; TRTBTJNT!. !M"EDFO'RD, ORECIOX. THURSDAY. 'APRTL 2R. 1021 PAGE 8EVEN i&3r HfifllUS HflMF prihiiirts fer :iJ i M H P AN UDJtb UK5 rUKffl KP AV UU N 'K L,c';:;-;s N PH I S llkfl VIII I LI1MI ! III II I ll I I III II I VIVSI Will lIIIIIUV IN LAST YEAR Ono of the largest manufacturing, wholesaling nnd retailing establish ments In Medford In the Medford Ice nnd Storage company, located on the Southern Pacific tracks in the factory district of south' Medford. Tho plant has a daily capacity of 35' tons, ' an "Ice 'storage capacity of 4,500 tons, ices all the fruit cars shipped out of southern Oregon for tho Bouthcrn Pacific, ships in car load lots to coast points and sup plies pure Ice to tho residents of Medford and vicinity. Last year they Iced about 900 cars for fruit grown in the Koguo ltlver valley. Tho company employs between 20 'and 25 people tho year round. They have ' storage for eggs and other products and now have several thousand dozen of eggs in storage. W. S. McMann, the local manager, is a live-wire, and has been with the company eight years. BARRETT, FURRIER V. AV. Bartlott, furrier and taxider mist, has been in Medford for eleven years, has spent a 11 to time in this line of work, being a lover of wild animals and out door lifo ho takes to the profession like a duck to water and is an expert In his line. . llui place of business Is' located on West Main street and ho carries the largest stock of furs, of his own make, of any one In southern Oregon and northern California. Ho has many rare pelts and furs in his stock. A 10,0001111 I'HILADKI-PHIA, April Conm-i- ontiouB objtH'tui'H to war wrvteo in Germany have formed a union with more than 10,000 members, each of whom has siRned a pledpe that they will neither take up arms, pnidmo war material, Bive money or aid in any way in what they charaeterizo n tho "organized murder of suhjerts of other countries or of our own coun trymen." This information comes from How ard H Brinton, a member of the So ciety of Friends from West Chester, Pa., who recently attended a public meeting in Berlin held under tho aus pices of tho "German Union of Ob jectors to War Service "I expected to find a dozen or so long-haired persons sitting about a table, and instead found a hall, jam med to the doors with about 800 people, the air tenso with suppressed enthusiasm,' said Mr. Brinton. One of tho speakers said the or ganization was formed by German war prisoners in England after they were permitted to return to Germany. A student, who was a speaker at tho meeting, declared that there was great need in tho universities for a spiritual awakening, since tho old military party was still strong there and demanded revenge on tho enemy. Another speaker said that the Ger mans who had permitted themselves to bo driven into this war had brains that were nothing but soup poured into their heads by others. "Militar ism, mammnnism. egotism and all that goes with the Wiinelm idea, must dis appear," he said Dr. Helen Stoecker, of tho Wom en's International League, for Peace and Freedom, said that tho education supplied by tho German state is drill, not education. "Instead of bringing hidden qualities to tho surface, it hammers lies into tho brain," he said. "If the 'educated' are taught only how to exploit humanity. It were better that mankind remain as ignorant as tho Russian peasant." Monkeys nnd bears ment cooked. prefer their OUT ARTISTRY Exhibit at Chamber of Com merce Sets Record for Orig inality and Harmonious Ar rangement Big Crowds Attracted. The exhibit of Kogue Hiver valley products at the Chamber of Commerce in attracting wide attention and favor able comment, alike from home people and transients. Tho displays show tho wido rango of variety in products, and tho unlimited field of develop ment. The Uoguo River Valley Milling Co. has a display of mill products, flour and cereals in various sized sacks. Tho Uoguc Hiver ltroom company has an exhibit of brooms, in from the well known whisk to tho house wives' favorite weapon. Tho brooms will compare in workmanship and quality, with any In the world, and are mado from broom corn grown in tho Itoguo River valley. V. V. Hartlett has a display of at tractive fure, that will hp much sought, after by tho fair sex next fall and win ter, though summer furs are shown. P. J. lluher and 15. J. Klein have on display samples of the tailor's art, in tho different stages of construction. The Peerless llakery has a display ot bread, and the Medford llakery Co. an exhibit of bread and pastry. Tho Medford Ico company has a cake of pure ice, with a bouquet of pink peas frozen in tho center. D. M. Allen of Rogue River has a pieco of Arabian lace, a marvel of the needle and patience. The art of the photographer. Is. set forth by -a group of pictures, some in colors, offered by lssott the photogra pher. The Mosan Art Rut; company a new institution in this city, displays a rug the product of its plant. Klocker's Prlntery offers an exhibit of plain and fancy job work of high grade, and the Mail Tribune has a dis play showing the various stages of the printing of a daily newspaper. The Medford Exchange has a display of rubber stamps. The Snider Hairy offers a display of dairy products. Hold Medal butter, whipped cream and ice cream. The Jackson County Creamery has n dis play of Gold Seal butter, and its soft drink product A-I'orler ami Whistle. The Hagloy Canning company and the Rogue River Canning company present a display of their canned goods, etc. There are samples of the skill of j tinsmiths offered by the Medford Metal Sheet Works, in which the com-! plcxities of joining and riveting aro ' shown. In the mechanical line, the W. W. Perkins and Co., show their lead hammer. The Simplex Window is exhibited ns a product of tho Medford Planing com pany. Candy displays of goods made and sold in the Rogue Hiver valley are of fered by the Medford Candy company nnd Crowson's. Tho War Eagle mine of die Mea dows district has a pile of cinnabar ore on exhibition. Tho Medford Cement. Ilrick and lllock Works has an exhibition of bricks, also a photographic display of Its tombstones. The Oregon Oranlte company has a polished marble block exhibited. Wizard Washing Powder, manufac tured by F. M. Clausing is also shown. DINNER FRIDAY Tim big "Oregon Products Dinner" given under the auspices of the Med ford Chamber of Cominerco and being served by the ladies of the Christian church in their basement is open to tho general public to participate in. it is not necessary that citizens of this locality he members of the Chamber of Commerce to attend tills dinner, it is open to everyone that is witling to pay 50c per plate for the best din ner that has ever been served for that price. Tho dinner will take place tomor row evening at. fi:3il, after wtiieh there will bo several short addresses which will he over in time for those who de sire to attend the concert at the Pago theatre which is bill to open at 8:.".0. Several guests from Portland repre senting the Associated Industries As sociation of Oregon will be In atten dance. Members of the .lackson Coun ty Kami Hureaii have been Invited to attend and several of their number will be heard from Immediately fol lowing the dinner. Don't Fail to Visit Our Exhibit At the Chamber of Commerce Home Products Week April 25 to 30 Inclusive "PERKINS LEAD HAMMER" Protects the Thread MOST ESSENTIAL TOOL FOR ANY MECHANIC MADE BY W. W. Perkins & Son 27 No. Qrape St. NOTE Selling campaign direction Hubbard Adv- Agency Was in Bed Three Days Mrs. Josio Reed, 217 N. Kxtor St.. Tulsa, Okla., writes: "1 was in bed three days with my hack. I took Foley Kidney Pills and In two days wns at my work again. I cannot praise your medicine too much." Foley Kidney Pills stop bladder Irregularities and strengthen the kidneys. They help elimfnnto from the system the poisons that cause backache, rheumatic pains, stiff joints, sore muscles, swollen hands and rtent, .putfluess under the eyes. Sold everywhere. Adv, IF MADE OF METAL. The Medford Sheet Metal Works was purchased nbout it year ago by M. J. Showors &. Son, who aro exports 111 their linn, tho senior member hav ing spent 35 years In the business. They are up-to-date in their lino nnd manufacture everything mado of Bhcet metal. Their plnce of business Is 111 North Fir street and they Itavo a ills play In the Chamber of Commerce this wool;. Made in Medford Phono 180 Free Delivery WE MAKE RUGS CLEAN RUGS "Tho Ruga We Clean Are Clean When We Clean Them" MOSAN ART RUG CO. Weavers of FLUFF RUGS 119 West Tenth Street Medford, Oregon 5? Made in Medford PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY A BUSINESS can sometimes get to going on PROMISES, but it can keep going only on RESULTS- Wo know that it is the desire of substantially all of the SOUTHERN OREGON butter consumers to give their loyal support to their HOME INSTITUTIONS, but we want to impress upon you the necessity and importance of making it your business to accept NONE but such products as are manufactured in SOUTHERN OREGON. If yotir Grocer or your dealer be disloyal to tho home industries, it is natu rally to your own interest to insist upon home products. MILK CONSUMERS: Since the inauguration of pasteurized milk in Medford we have made it possible for residents of this community to ! obtain a high class product, free from disease germs which SOME MILK MAY CONTAIN. Our milk is regularly tested and we aim to put out a high-class article, pure and rich in butter fat content. We invito trial and compari. son with others. Medford consumers have been placed on a par with other larger communities. WE ALSO MAKE ICE CREAM Always enjoyable and admittedly Healthful. Buy it by tho quart, brick or gallon. It's always the best because we . make it from PASTEURIZED CREAM. WE ALSO BUY POULTRY AND EGGS, . ' t and every dollar our institution may gain in this department enables us to conduct tho creamery business on just that much closer margin, and accordingly bonefit the cream producor to that extent. Our cream trucks pay caBh ' for poultry and eggs and we shall be pleased to bo favored by you in this branch of our business'. In conjunction with the creamery business, WE MANUFACTURE FRUIT BEVERAGES; WHISTLE, GRAPLO, A-PORTER and all the familiar brands of SODA water. Please bear in mind nothing could be relished more kconly, any day in the year than WHISTLE, GRAPLO and A-PORTER -three of the finost fruit drinks bottled for home use; com monly known by us as tho "BLOOMING GOOD DRINKS." ' Our delivery service is most effiqiont, and any applications from now patrons shall bo gratofully received and served in the same courteous manner as the numerous patrons at prcsont on our milk routes. ii JACKSON COUNTY CREAMERY (Operating Creameries at Medford and Grants Pass Oregon) ' NOT A BRANCH OF ANY NORTHERN INSTITUTION, BUT A 100 PER CENT SOUTHERN OREGON INSTITUTION. s