1021 vxav vtvv, 15,000 PEOPLE IN JACKSON COUNTY AND SOUTHERN OREGON READ THE MAIL TRIBUNE DAILY Just stop and reason it out with yourself. Can you afford to ignore all these people who are constantly watching the classified columns of The Mail Tribune in order to fill their many wants? Start at once and use this Advertising Medium - LEDFCRT) MTL TOTTiTXNR MEDFORD. OTHtf'iOX. TTm?s.Y. ',PTUT, Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., April 2S. Cattle nominally steady; receipts 6. ' Hobs weak; receipts 515. Not on market, being direct or sold on con tract. Sheep weak; receipts 391. Quota tions unchanged. Butter PORTLAND, Ore., April 2S. liutter weak; extra culies 31 (ii 32c; cartons 3Sc; prints 37c. liuttcrlat, No. 1 churning cream 33f3tfc f.o.b. Port land; undergradesSlc. Kggs and Poultry. PORTLAND. April SS. fiBKH. sell ing: price, case count. 23c: buying price, 21c; soiling price, candled. 24 (St 25:: selected candled in cartons, :.' - W2Ue. liens, heavy, 25c; light 20c; broilers over 1 i lbs. 35W4Ui:; old musters. 12f; 15c; turkeys, dressetl iii'Jj fille. (frniit and Hay. Hurley 22W2t; oats, J2t!Ti27. Mlllrun $28. Hay, buying price, timothy $21 w 2(1; nllalfa $IX.CUt'l; grain, inlxeil, $22(23; clover, JlMil"; straw $15. San Francisco Butter and Eggs SAN FRANCISCO. April 28. Hotter unchanged. Eggs, fresh extras 27c; extra rirsts 2t;Vic; dirties 23c; extra pullets 21c. Cheese, finis fancy 15c; young America fancy llic N. Y. Stocks Allis-Chalniers 37.12 American Heet Sugar .'!'. 25 American Can 3(Ui2 American Car & Foundry ... !2i.37 American Hide & Leather nfd. 53.50 American International Corp. .111.25 American Locnmottivc ...... s. American Smelting & liefg. .. 42.12 American Sugar S3. 02 American Sumatra Tobacco.. 70. 70 American T. &. T l'lT.fiv American Woolen 7SI.25 Anaconda Chopper 40.02 Atchison M.75 Atl., ulf & W. Indies 3S.5U Haldwin Locomotive !i0. Jlaltlmore & Ohio 3ii.50 Jlethlehehi Steel "11" r.11.12 Canadian Pacific 111.37 Central Lealher 35.25 Chandler Motors ' S3. 50 Chesapeake & Ohio 6 1.25 Chicago, .Mil. and St. Paul 25.75 Chicago, II. I. & Pac 27.75 Chino Copper 24. Colorado Fuel & Iron (bid) 211. Corn Products 73.75 Crucible Steel XI.S7 Cuba Cane Sugar IS. 50 Krle .... i :;. Oenerai Electric l:;7. Cleneral .Motors t:t.G2 (loodrich Co 37. (i2 Client Northern pfd ;.. 71.25 Orent Northern Ore. Ctfs 30. Illinois Central 91.25 Inspiration Copper 35.62 Int. Mcr. .Marine pfd 54.25 International Paper 62.75 Kennecott Copper 20.12 Louisville & Nashville (bid) .. lis. Maxwell ' .Motors (bid) 5. Mexican Petroleum 14!l.50 Miami Coppor 23.25 Middle States Oil 14.S7 Midvnle Steel 28.62 Missouri Pacific 18.50 2S'ew ork Central 611.50 N. V., N. II. and Hartford .... 17.25 Norfolk & Western '. . . . 94.75 Northern Pacific 73.62 Oklahoma Prod. lief. . . . 3.37 Pan American Petroleum .... 71.50 Pennsylvania 34.37 People's Gas '. . . 4 7. Pittsburg and West n 2S. liny Consolidated Copper .... 13.75 Heading 73. Hep. Iron & Steel 63.62 Royal Dutch, N. Y IIS. 87 Shell Trans. & Trad 411. Sinclair Con. Oil 211.62 Southern Pacific 75.25 Southern Railway 21.50 Standard Oil of N. J. pfd 107.87 Studebaker Corporation !U. Tennessee Coppor 10.50 Texas Co Texas & Pacific Tobacco Products Transcontinental Oil Union Pacific Tl. S. Food Products I'. S. Retail Stores U. S. I nd. Alcohol United States Rubber . . . United States Steel Utah Copper Westlngliouse Electric ... Willy's Overland American Zinc, Lead und Huttc and Superior ...... Cala. Petroleum .Montana Power Shattuck Arizona Pure oil Invincible Oil General Asphalt 42.87 21. 53. 11.50 1 16.50 20.50 53.75 (ill. 75. 83.3" ' 53.87 47.50 8.75 9. 13.62 45.62 52.50 5.87 35.12 20. (Furnished dy ui jacuon County Abstract Co.) Ileal Estoto Transfers .7, Co. Bldg.' & Loan Association " lo Charles Henselman. deed 10 lot 4, blk. 2. Highland Park Add to Medford John Westergaard to Winnie C. Downey, Q. C. D. to lot !. blk. , 2, Cray's Add. to .Medford . . . Winnie C. Kincaid. et' vir to II. C. Applegate. Y. D. to lot !i. blk. 2, Cray's Add. to Aled ford ' J. Co. Bldg. & Loan Associa tion to .Mary J. McNnnin.rn, deed to lot In sec. 25, twp. 37 S.. R. 2 West Mary A. Alee to John Albert. W. 1. to lot 3, blk. 15, Cen tral Point Ira L. Gleasnti, et ux, to John .Albert, W. D. to lot ill Cell- QmrtTsews tru! l'utiii . .v , Delhi AiiU!tli. el vir, Albert, XV. I), to li.ls o John and S, !t. Hells Mik S3, lot 4. Iilk. 3! Add. to Central I'oint 'Pessie I.. M esHenyer, t-t John Albert. W. 1). lot i:l. blk. s. Central I'oint " .lolin ltrenner, t nx. to City of Med ford. Q. C. I), to iols 1 and 1'. all lot 3. blk. 3. drays Add. to .Merit'ord .... K. C. .Mi-Kesson. et of Medford, (.f. l IS and Hi. bloik I'nreeorded Add. ux. lo City D. TO lolS 1. fa In i.-ks to .Med fofd Charles Hesoheh ion K. Taylor, et ox. In M.ir t ux, W. I. to lot 13. Ashland I Assoriatiou Tnirl r.lohn Dixon, et ux, f' (iaines. et ux. V. Homestead IK lo land In NV4 sec. l'J, twp. as S.. ' II. 1 West . , Clarence C. i'itrce, et ux, to I). K. Millard. W. I), to lots 1 and 2, sec. lli. twp. 35 S., H. 1 V Chas. A. Haeon, el ux, to Sarah Coy, W. I), to bus :!0 and 31. block X, Central Add. to Kaule Point - .Mary Swinden to tlobl l:hb;e Mining Co., V. II. to S of SW of SV SIC of SW, SV lit Si:, sec. 34, iwp. 3(i, s.. i:. 3 West Edward Sterns, et ux, to J. 1C. Hilsinger. el al. W. I. to XH sec. 3li. SV sec. 3U. in twp. 4(1 S.. K. 2 lOasl J. F. Walter, et ux. to I., llavis, et ux, V. II. lo lots 1. 2. 3. 4, 5, li, 7, X. 9. In Kiverdalc Tract In twp. 3li S., I!. 4 West 1(1 Shrimps In the Norih Sea, in waters not far from Oslend arc the choicest In the world. Notice of Sale of Government Timber (leneral Land Office, Washington, D. C, April Hi. 1921. - . Notice is hereby given that subject' to the conditions and limitations of the Acts of June 9. 1916 (3!l Stilt. 2ISI, anil June 4, 1920 141 Stat., 75SI, und the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15. 1917, and Juno 22, 1920, the timber on Ihe following lands will he sold June 3, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. 111., at public auc tion at the United States Land Office at Rosehiirg, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not loss Hutu the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Sec retary of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one- fifth of one percent thereof, being commissions 'allowed, must he deposit ed at time of sale, money to lie return ed if sale is not approved, otherwise patent wilt issue for the timber which must lie removed within ten years. Bids will he received from citizens or the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 39 S., R. 1 V.. Sec. 5. SV U N'Wy,, pine 150 XL. Fir 175 AL, none of the pine to lie sold for less than J2.50 per AL, and none of the fir to he sold for less than .$2.00 per Al. T. 33 S.. R. 5 W., Sec. !), NW'4 SW '4 , pine 200 AL, fir 410 AL, none of the pine to ho sold for less than $2.50 per AL, and none of the fir to lie sold lor less than $1.00 per Al. T. 31 S., R. 7 W., Sec. 1. NEK SWM, fir 300 AL. not to be sold for less than $1.00 per M. T. 3!) S., R. 8 W.. Sec. 3, SW 14 N K 't , pine 280 AL, fir 150 AL, NEW NVVVi. pine 220 M Fir 45 AL, SV!4 NWVS, pine 105 AL, fir 20 AL, N W Vt SW 14 , pine 45 AL, rir 10 AL, SWV4 SW4, pine 95 AL, fir 35 AL. SEV4 SW '4 , pine 140 AL. fir 10 AL, none of the pine to lie sold for less than $3.00 per AL, and none of the fir to he sold for less than $1.00 per AL WILLIAM SPAY, Commissioner. Ileneral Land Office. WAXTED SITUATIONS WANTED Graf tins. Phone 638-L. 35 WANTED Hy man and wife, work on farm to manage the same. Phone 3S7-R. 32 HELP WA XT El ) 1 HAIA LIC WANTED Woman for general house work, good home anil good wages. Tel. 174-J-2. WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. Apply 815 E. Main or phone 431-R. tf I'OR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT .Modern furiiisned house keeping rooms. Phone (158-R. FO RRENT Two or four light house keeping rooms. 511 S. Central. WE REPAIR Batteries, Generators, Starters, Ignition, Lighting, Magneto Systems All Work Guaranteed. Official Service American Boscb Magneto Co. Perkins Auto Electric Co. 27 N. Grape St., Medford, Ore, Phone 237-R Nighi all 985 IF SOLD BEFORE MAY 1 This , .'i-rnom modern builKulnw, furuishod and ready lo move into, all dear. taxes paid tor year in full, mi laved street and assessments paid. Ulue ki'uss lawn, iniii trees, l'lowery, roses. Wood liousp half full of dry wood. All for $3000 With Terms This property lias not been routed and is in good condition. Newly painted inside and out. all at. 7-J:l W. I'.lcvciith, Phone HKtl- or aihlt-css Owner Huugiilow , Mail Tribune. WA XT ED M LSCKLLA X KOUS WANTED (lood second-hand and rake. Phone GSfj-IM. yANTED Ciood family milk cow. Allies Contrail, Rnch. Call or phone 22-F-23, Jacksonville. 31 WANTED A middle. agetl woman Phone 452-L. lo assist in housework. WANTED Two selling evenings 509-W. liens. Tel. , 32) WANTED .Medford people to know 11 1 messenger and parcel delivery vice is at their command night. Phono 03G-L. day and 34 Wanted Automobile. Aled ford ranch to exchange for Hox C. D., care Tribune tl" home and automobile. WANTED Today. Four auto tires up to 5 inches, to ho rilled with Univer sal Tire Filler. No punctures or blowouts. Service Station at Med ford Natatorium. tl" WANTED Apples. Phono (ul-R. WANTED $3500 loan lor one year; best ot farm security. Ana. Box 31. Tribune. 33 WANTED Shoe repairing tit reduced prices. Men's half soles, per pair. $1.50. Ladies' half soles, $1.00. Rub ber heels, 50c. Better new shoes for less money. Alodford Shoe Hospital 119 E. Sixth St. WANTED House moving nnd re pairing. Phono 48S-M or 488-X. tf WANTED Several men and boys to know that you can buy any bike for $2.00 per week. Liberty Shop, S. Grape. tf- WANTED Shoe repairing while you wait at tile "Model Boot Shop." 21 S. Central Ave. Quick service, euallty work. E. N. Blden. prop. I'OR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Four room cottage West side of valley, good location; rent reasonable.' AL E. Root. FOR RENT MI8CEU.1ANKOU8 FOR RENT for garage .May 1st, space suitable or storage. Call 15ft. If t T Heart AntnmAhiloc 1 uoiu nuiuuivuiivj 1 For Sale Y Four, Ir- cor. f nr. J f $190.00 Stmlelmlu'i' Six 1i $650.00 Willys-Kni tl tr. eiir sli-cvi VII Viols T i-u motor $850.00 f Oakland Six $775Y OiiHukI Six $875 l!)l) OitUIiinil Six $1100 X Tat Tumy Motor Co. 12:1-125 So. Front Street WHY? 60 ACRES $7200.00 Under Talent Irrigation District, near Pacific Hinhwiiy. Very best nllalfa land in Jackson County, partly in alfalfa. Very deep free soil. Or will sell 120 acres fr $12,000.00. Company own ing this land has ordered this and other of their holdings sold. I have sold for them since June 1st, $57,000.00 worth of their hind here. There is a reason. The land is sold at less than half the priee it should brinj;- If yon only want 20 acres, see me. If you only have $1,000.00 and want land, see inc. We are point; to do business now. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY J. C BARNES Nash Hotel Corner 784 L Phone J'Olt I ! E X T A PA 1 i'l'.M I ; X I S FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping apartments for adults. 325 S. River side. Phono 701.1. 33 KOK It EXT yi'KMSMI.-.l) ROOMS FOR RENT Lnrge furnished sleeping room In private family, with hnth .room privileges, $'2.5u per week. 325 S. Rlversldo. Phone 7UI-.I. 31 FOR RENT I lolly. -Sleeping room. 21 N. FOR RENT Sleeping room Willi priv iiege of living room and bath. 31! Apple St. 3lH FOR RENT Room with in. Board if wanted. Phono 705-X. 1, close S. Ivy. 129 LOST LOST Physician's hand bag between Voorhics and Aledrmd. Dr. E. B. Pickel. 33 KSTRAYKI) ESTRAYED From Cold Hill, one buckskin gelding, brand tilt right thigh; one sonel tllley, branded. 11' seeing them notify Al. Walters. 34 -U SALE l'Ol'LTHY AXM) EGt.'S FOR SALE Leghorn chicks May -25, 12c: June. 10o. Hutching eggs re duced. Dressier Square Deal Hatch ery. Phono 951-L . - ' 34 FOR SALE Rhode Island Red eggs, $1.00 per setting. Phone 847-Y. FOR SALE 15ft thoroughbred Tun crod White Leghorn luylng pullets at a bargain. Will sell in any quan tity. 822 S. Oakdnlo, Tel. 4S1. FOR SALE O. A. Rock eggs for CS5-R-3. C. strain batching. Barrel Phone 41 FOR SALE Wtite Wyandotte setting eggs $1.60 for 15. 330 N. Trout St. 341 East Side Bungalow Bargain Five rooms, strictly modern. Built in Side Board, Book Cases, Writing Desk, Cab inet Kitchen; Garage, wood House. Owner Makes Price To Move It PRICE $3000 Terms to Suit You can buy the Furniture if vou wish. Piano. Victrola, two Bed Room Sets, Range, Heater, Rugs, Dishes, Etc., Etc. Better see this today. Page-Dressier Co. Phone 282 Nash Block Any Kind of Real Estate The Best Fire Insuraiice I hOH SALE REAL INSTATE KOK SALE J.'ui.nu cash. $lfi.l" per month buys 4-room house, city water plenty of berries. C. S. Ilutterfield. I'OR SALE Ol! EXCIIANllK SO acres with buildings, horse, cow and cliick ens; itlno 4 lots at ruivcrsity Park In Portland. Apply 13a Alinond Si. 3('. KOK SALE 10 acres land near Eugene, tire. Will lake car in part payment. L. .1. Wilson. King's High way. Phone 311-lt. 33 Kllll SALE .Modern bungalow, hath, loilet, all clear, just outside city lim bs nothing hut county taxes, ju.-'t finished on inside. One acre, large chicken house, Iruit trees, lawn. ir.no North Riverside. 32 POR SALIC Two fine residence lots each 50x12(1, east side, close in. rich ttocn soil. Cement walk, water and sevcn' in streets. Clear. Address Owner, Mail Tribune. 3 FOR SALE OR I'OR RENT 5 room fottase. 420 Park. Partly furnish ed or unfurnished. I'honc S15-M. 32 I'OR SALE Allalln, gram and stock ranches from $5.00 per acre up; long lime, easy payments, (lold Ray Really Co. tl" FOR SALE Whoever wauls fine ranch home or acreage for charming highway homesites, sco J. Simerville owner, Central Point. 3.5 FOR SALE On account ol' leaving Medford will sell my home, 310 S. Riverside. Two-story bungalow, east front, eight rooms, two baths, fire-place, sleeping porch, built-in features in living room, dining room and kitchen. Fruit room, 'woodsheds and garage. Lot NOxlOO. Airs. (leo. J. Hoffman, phono 292-X. 35 FOR SALE East side homo: 5 rooms with sleeping porch, with or without furniture, about I tj acres, with fruit trees. Piano player and electric light fixtures. Airs. W. II. Brown. Phone stia-L. 31 FOR SALE Eleven acres of iiniin. proved land 4 mile from Eagb Point. J. W. Antle, Lake Creek, Ore FOR SALE Good ranches. See us before buying. J. 11. Andrews, 31 N. Grape St. Phono C3-M. tf FOR SALE Lrrsk nnd exchange real estate. Gold Ray Realty Company. FOR SALE fi rn lulled acreage. 21ti. -Houses und bungalows, or unfurnished; also C. S. Uutterfleld, phone KOIl SALK LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Six beautiful I'resh milk cows. Walsh's place, one mile north oust of Med lord on Crater Lake road 42 FOil SALK Cheap, koik! work horne, also a ilnmly smlillu homo, smlille mill bridle. Walsh's IMnce, one mile iiortlieiiiil ol' Mctit'oi'd on Crater Lake load. 1J FOR SALIC Fresh .lermiy cow nnd a No. 'I Sharpies separator. Ilort Staii ellff, I'lioenlx, Ore. 4'3 FOlt SALIC Yoniiir work mare weight lafitl. l'hone 534-li. Hi FOR SALIC Fresh milk gout, peter, Jacksonville. llolle 1'ii FOR SALIC Hlnck niiiro 4 years old, heeii worked about two "weeks, weight J 350. Phono 889-11. 31 FOR SALIC Will siierlfleo young ranch team, UI'.iM) lbs., wagon, har ness, (ivneral purpose mure, liuggy and harness. HOIS Nlnntlc St. Ill FOR SALK A Tew fresh milk ctfws, officially tested. Also hay und wheat. Adjacent to aviation field, IVlodl'ord. Sclitilz llros. 3'2 FOR SALE Mount Crest Ranch of fers for sale four Shorthorn hulls, ready for service, your choice for $:ifiu. ' Two younger at J200, mostly red. Apply James Stewart, Mount crest Ranch. Hilt. Calif. 'tf AL'TOMOniLKS FOR SALIC OR TRADIC Ouklund six cylinder cur, 5-iusHcngcr, only run .'Mot) miles, good as new, clioap lor cash or trado for town property. O. AL Cornitltis, phone 5 1 4-.J. u'i FOR SALIC .Maxwell speedster, 5 who wheels, etc. A bargain for cash. - Inquire 91)8 W. Tenth St. or 12 N. Front St. 31 FOR SALIC Used car, 5-passenger. good miming onler. Frank Schcrrei', 1'hoenix. i Z'i FOR SALIC Studetiaknr Roadster, Jil&O; Chevrolet touring $5(10. Pat ton Robinson, Inc., 112 S. Riverside FOR SALIC Dodge cur In excellent condition. Terms If desired. Phone 781-.I between (I and S p. m. SUCCESS or FAILURE SUCCK9S In bunlncss requires, correct uccounllng, FA I r.U R 13 in businowi Is Invnr Iitlily due to Improper account ing. OKU un-to-ditto mnthods fur ' ni.sli you MONTHLY Lohs nnd flu in Htutnnicntn ho you can HTOI the h-nkH nnd loHseif. Con Hult uh. Chu rL'es reuaonuble. Auditing Aceourvtirl (0; TOTEMAERVICE "itsurajce1 'lrvstiicits M. P. 8CUMITT, Mgr. I'llline SHI I.lb.Ttr Hide KOK BALK MISCELLANEOUS POR SALE Centrifugal Pump. Ca pcily 3,50 to 500 gallons per minute. A l condition. Ilargaln. Wm. Young, Young's Clarage. 37 POR SALE Still lots of time for everbearing strawberries. A few plants for sale. p. 11. Dressier, Phone 951-L. 3i" r'OR SALE Second-hand Edison ro lary mimeograph. Meill'ord Hook Store. 3-1' POlt SAI.E practically Store. -Hammond typewriter new. Medford Itook 34 J tilt SALE First crop alfalfa Jacksonville or F, I:. Hybee. Iiav. 31 POR SALE most new. City. OR TRADE Truck. Call at 115 lienesee FOR SALE About 75 rods of Amer ican woven wire hog fence. 3'a feel high. Also ' spool of barbed wi''e. Phone II7-J-2. 34 FOR SALE-590-AL -Olio tractor, $250. Call 32 FOR SALE John Deere tractor plow, two twelve-Inch bottoms. Phone till. II. 35' FOR SALE Large range and granite dishes. Plume 201-.I. 32 I'OR SALE Fordson tractor, good as new. extension rim, Oliver number 7 plow, six extra shares, all for $600 Then. .1. Fish, Jr., phone 3-F-4. 32 POR SALE Bicycle repairing and ex change. One sleel range, polish lop, cheap. 520 N. Front St. 31 FOR SALE Grain hay. C. W. Isaacs. Phono 091-J-2. FOR SALE Fancy everbearing straw berry plants set out now these plants should hear heavily this sum mer. Plume 452-R evenings. C. II. Howell. POlt SALE Baled nnd loose nlfalfa hay delivered. Phono 317-J-2. tt FOR SALE Aniorlcana encyclopedia of Hi volumes, at 11 bargain. Apply at .Mail Trlbuno ofl'ico. tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Two twelve h. p. gasollno engines. Hubbard Bros. tr FOR SALE Sand, Rrafel, sediment nnd dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phone U12-J. Samuel llate nian, 302 Maple St. FOR SALE Manure. Phone 452-Y. Hoover Dulry. tl FOR SALE One now Sampson trac tor nt n very low prlco; will take good, team In on payment, balance cush nnd terms. Geo. L. Trelchlor Motor Co., Modford, Ore. tf MONEY TO LOAN ro LOAN J. II. Andrews loans money on real estate and buya mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone 53-M. 31 North Grape street. nrsi x i:hs i h it ic tout Farm Loan Bonds FINANCE T1I1C AM ICRiCAN FARM ICR by buying Farm Loan Bonds. Pro ceeds to mnko additional farm loans and Improve agricultural conditions. Terms and partlculurs, 10. II. Hard, Secy.-Treas., 411 ,l. F. & II. Illdg., Medford. Real lCstate. IIROWN & WHITIC RchI lCslate, In surance, Loans, Investments, Notary Public. Ilolluad llotol corner. tf I'liilei'lakers PICRL I'UINICHAL HOM1C Cor. Sixth and Oakdalc. Ambulance service, l'hone 4 7. Pointing mid Paper Hanging. LKWIS & CASICY Painting, Paper hanging, tinting. Estimates fur nished free. Phono IS!). 2(i S. ilrapa St. Printers anil Publishers MICIJFORI) PRINT1NO CO. has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Hook binding, looso leaf ledgers, hilling systems, etc. Portlund prices. 27 N. Fir St Transfer. 1CAI1S TRANSFER & STORAOK CO. Office 4 2 (North Front St. Phone 31.1. Prices right. Service guar anteed. , ' 1JAVIS TRANSKICR Anything mov ed dny or night. Service guar anteed. Fuir treatment. 104 S nr. Phone: Office 044 or res. (117-R or 20(1. tf Hug Weaving. MKDh'ORI) FLUFF RUO WORKS makes fluff rugs from old nnd worn carpets, and rugs. Phone IIO-M. 7011 Pino St. 5-room Modern Bungalow Good Location $265000 $400.00 cash and balance $30.00 per month. Why pay rent? MEDFORD LAND AND INSURANCE AGENCY i!20 West Main Street. Hl'SIXKSS HlltKCTOHV Abstractors Ml'RRAY 1IROS. & VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5, No. 22 North Central Ave., up stairs. JACKSO'N COPNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated 1904. Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance. Auto Supplies l.AIIER AUTO SPRING CO. Wo are operating the lnrgest, oldest and best equipped plant in the Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under written guaranteed. 34 North Fifteenth St.. Portland, Oregon. ' Attorneys OUTER .1. NEFF rooms S and 9, Bank Building. Attorney-at-law, .Medford National A. E. REAA1ES Corey Building. -Lawyer, Garnett- O. C. HOGGS Real Estate, law and settlement of estates a specialty. B. F. LINDAS Attorney, General Practice. Patents a specialty. Stewart Bldg. W INFIELD R. GAYLORD Lawyer. Room 7 Palm block, 107 Gust Main St.. .Medford. 1 Ituilding Materials .MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK- WORKS speclllze In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir und Tenth Streets. 'lili'opiuct lo Physician JOUETT P. BRAY Straight Chiro practic, rooms 409-10 M. F. & H. building. !) to 12 u. in., 2 to 5 p. m., daily except Thursday. Phone 5S0. Electric Service. BATTERY & ELECTRIC CO. Fac tory distributors for Exide Batter ies and Fairbanks-Alorse light plants. Nat. Building. Phine 118. KxiH-rt Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son. V. P. A. Attention given to anything In Accounting and Income Tax requirements.' Look' Into our simplified accounting method. Lib erty Bldg., .Medford.' Phone 157-R. I'lilclity nml Surety Bonds FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS We execute nil forms of bonds. JlcCurdy Insurance Agency. tt Instruction In Music. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher o: piano and harmony. Knight Music studio, 31S Garnott-Corey Bund ing Phone 72. ' Mosnll Art Hugs M OS AN ART RUG CO. We weava rugs from old carpets and ruga and clean all rugs. ' "Rugs we clean are clean when wo clean them." 1 W. Tenth, phono 180. -Free deliv ery. - . Physicians and Surgeons. T. G. HEINE, M. D. Physician and. Surgeon. Surgery ot eyes, ears, nose and throat All diseases ot these organs treated. Glasses fitted. 314-315 Liberty Bldg. i DR. A. BURSELL Splnologlst, Phys ician nnd surgeon. Spinal adjust ments, general treatments, and dla gonosis. 309-10-11 M. F. & H. Hldg. Elevator to third floor. Phone 29; DR. J. J. E M M K NS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eyo, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested) and glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurist for S. P. . H. Co., M. F. & li. Bldg. Phone '5C7. ' DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physi cians. 418-417 Gurnett-Corey Bldg. Phone 904-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear, nose nnd throat. 303 Liberty building. Phone 496. DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Natural Painless Meth ods. Room 428 M. F. & H. Bldg. Phone 96 5. 1 JAMES C. HAYES Physician nnd Surgeon; office hours 11 to 12 o. in., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m.' Sparta' Build ing; residence 1403 W. ' Main. Phones: Office G63, res. 492. "Specialty," Modlcan and Surgical Diagnosis. tt DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices M. F. & 11. Bldg. Phone 10.". Residence 113 Genesee St. Phone 165-.I-2. AFFECTIONS Of AW Of THE 1" NERVC3 IHPINCCDAT IHE V BY A 3UDLUXATCO VERTCORA Ml Lhiropraclic .- (SPINAL) 1 s E Adjustments rtV.i mil UJHCI Remove ihef A St Cause of ! 0 emjru, OMAM 1)K. AUUIIKLDND, Chiropractor Suite 4 and 6 Hpnrta Hldg.. Main and itlveiaide. Phones: Office 286: Res. 822. '