f PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREClOX. THURSDAY. AT'RTL 28, 1M1 Tocal and 4 Personal It has Just been learned In .Mcdforil tliut .MIhh Helen M. Iliitch. sister of Mis. Will (i. Steel, who u well known In Mcdtord llimuiili having made I011K visits with (he Steel family here III past yi-urii, is dead uuil was burled lit KiiKone. where Mr. uml .Mia. Steel have been resldlnK for some time, liiHt Prlihiy. .Miss Mulch hail taiiKht Heboid at (Iraml Mound, Wn.. for a year or more. . Special price on Olympic flour this wook iioihiim better come In nml! nuo the kooiI things made out of this Hour. I llclimtn Maths open for tho season. Hiitiirduy, April 30. :17 Clarence Ollourke, the Human I'ly." will make u dare devil climb of the front of tin' Hotel Holland at 7: 3u o'clock tonlnht. Hi' nave an cxhlbi tion of his skill at tin- same place lit 3:30 this ufloiiioon. liny u sai'k or Olympic flour lit Jones' this week mid gut that special pi U p. 34 Since npcniiin, the Hex Cafe lias used a Corona typewriter making two runs of nino carbons each day. I-Yw machines run iMiual the Corona ill oar lion work. Modioli! Hook Store. 'J"" Slowm: Mcdford. ltoBue Itlver val ley, Oii'Kon Products; know them! Use them! Hoost them! 31 Vernon Vawter arrived homo this liiornlni; from Portland where ho spent several days on Crater Lake de velopment hnslness as a, member of the state committee on Crater Luke heltennenis. Have thu old shoes mailt) new by llnppy Hob at Kldd's Shoe store. I have Just. Installed n new Champion shoe stitcher of thu most 'modern type, n nil my shop Is now equipped In every ilelull to rebuild your old shoes., With ,lliy years of experience Ihey can he nindo us kooiI as new In appearance anil wemr when rebuild lit my shop Willi nil of the latest Improved shoe l'fpnli'liiK equipment. 33 SpeakbiK of music you should hear the Hperlal ten-piece orchestra organ ized fol-'tho Klks May Hay dance, May 2ml. ' OioKOIilans lit the Modioli! are 'I'. I.. Wllllnma or Salem, M. C. Vnlle and M. 1.. Cnnipbell or lCuuene, F. H. John sbn of Myrtle Creek, K. II. 'riioiuus null b. A. West of Klumalli Falls, nud thu fol low I in; froin i'ortlaud: Mr. ami Mrs. Han C. Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. V. A. HoulledKe, W. A. funnel shall, L. M. (Ireen, A. A. Samuel, W. K. 11(0 ri'lch, .11. F. Slitenthlilor, T. J. (Iraves, A. .1. Itosseau, 1 1. J. Frank, A. (!. Clark Mr.' mid Mrs. It. ('.. Oil. II. Hunter. 1'. I'. Williams, (leo. S. Field. .lorry Jbne, V. H. Orny, ('has. II. (llaser. .1. O. Miilbeson. Mrs. II. N. llanett, It. nuckley, C. II. Uavls, P. (I. Knox, N. H. YonnK, 1'-. J. Illnchey and Mr. and Mrs. II : J. Kler. . . . 'Ask for Hokiio Itlver Valley niade products. 31 SwImiuiiiK llelniau baths, open Saturday, April 311. 37 'I'lle Ashland and Mcdford hlKh schools hasebnll tams will play their fii'Ht Maine of the season. In this city Friday afternoon. Saturday afternoon fho" Ashland hlRh team plays the Grants 1'iikh IiIkIi club in tbe hitter city. Ask for OrcKon innile products. 34 Vor Sale- (lood pinion mid lawn BCdlmeiit. 1 I'hone !H! J. tf ' Dance nt Siivune Ci'eek ball Sntur ilny evenliiK, April 30, 1921. Kvery body come. 34 "tleoiKe T. Collins of Medford has been appointed by C-overnor Olcott ns member of the tourist Inforinatloii bureau, created by the last legisla ture,"' snys a dlspatcb rrem Saleui. "Collins la the niaiiimer of the Mason Klirninn Wholesale (Irocery company's plant at .Meilfnrd. He was apiioiuted to filled the vacancy caused by the fact that K. C. Simmon of l-hineno. one of the original appointees, was unable to accept. Simmons informed the gov ernor that he could not attend the nieetliiKs owIiik to pressure of lms. ness."1 - " When better niitomobllcs nre built, Itulok will build them. tf Col. Sarnent's book "Strategy on the Western Kront," for Bale at Medford Hook Store. 32 Novel pieces of mechanism ndver tisliiK a certain brand of cereal pro ducts, which niv attracting inucli nt teiillon, nre nu Imitation peneick wbose tail leathers nlternntely spn(ad and fold up. seen In the show window of the Marsh Riwery, and an life like imitation ot u prospector or scout bak ing flapjacks over a camp fin', flipplni; them up and down, seen In the Fonts Kioccry stoiv window. I'houe 4 7-1. tiuaianteed work, prompt aen lce. Cily Cleunliis -4 Dyeing Co.. 4B1 Sontb Hlverslde. tf And ns to decorations, somelbiim novel and artistic will be omul at the Ivlks May Hay dance, May 2nd. 32 11. II. limit o l'ertland is here in vesUcBlini; Into ihe mineral di'inisils Hltuatloii in the vicinity o( MiMlford Other OreRonlaiis i-euisteivd at the Holland include 1.. IV Campbell ot Snlelli, F. t! Lewis of Kucene, Mis. Smith and II. V. Hnslett ot liosebnrs lUul W. A. Wihidwiud of rortlaud. Uressmaklim and reniodelini; Loci tlou Flower Shop, phone ;CiI. 31 'Some wedllni; uniaU pl.iut tbn e ilollnm ppr thousand. Phone 37( :;t' H.-'H. Noel is Irnmi' fiiun a visit with Ills parents In San Finncisco. SloKnti: iMedlord. Hokuc Kivcr val ley, Oregon PiMdinis. know them' t'se them! Hoost tbein! 31 Cull Nash Tuxl. Phone tu;. We in ulst liiKin careful diivini;. 37 Hlds for road Improvements .s:imai od to cost $600,000 and biiiliies involv InK an expenditure or approxiuia'cli $270,000 will be opened by tbe state liiKhwuy commission at a iiieitinc to be held In Portland May 2t. The Jiicksonvllle sidiool board at its recent mi-etiiiK ordered a bill or $711 paid to the Medford school boaid, in payment for tuition 'of county seal pupils who utlended the Medtuid 1 1 1 M 1 school for a short time at the begin ning of thu school year. .May Day dunce Kattle Point Sat. nlKlii. April :jiili. Irfia ull go for u jolly tluiti. (looil t uts lit nildnliihl. 34 We will iicci-pt auytliiiiK which you cannot use or wuut to -Ivc for our I'tlllllliaKe sale. 32 The prediction Is inado that the present low. price of butler may ko still lower and that the price will not benin to pick up until the sprinK sea son is over. Ask for lingua Itiver Valley made products. 31 Aboiil refreshments, Louis 'I'lrich Is In chai'Ke. Nuir sed. i:iks May Day dance, May 2nd. 32' Tbe Philharmonic orchestra of Los Anneles which plays ut the Pane to momiw uiKht will arrive In Mcdford from Cblco, Calif., on the late after noon train Friday, and will depart Saturday inoiuinM; for F.UKeno, the scene of Its next concert. Take n look, (ireut reduction In price of suits. Klein, the Tailor, 128 Fust Main, upstairs. 32 The committee for the Hummaite sale, to be Kiven for the benefit of the X-ltuy equipment will be at the Nuta toriuni Tuesday iiiornlnK to receive donations. HiInK In anything you care to donate--we will sell It. Tito cau.se Is n worthy one. 32 The postoHlce department has nulli nrlzcd the Ashland postmustcr to make n temporary star route service contract with the Howard & (Jrlines AslilauibKliuiinth Fulls dally auto static line. The service cousisls of all first class mail mid dally news papers only, uml Is designed to expe dite the delivery or the letter mail from Klaiiiatli Falls to all points uoitli Including Portland on train fit. This win ne tne third year ror such u ton tract. ; Ask for Oienon niade products. -,31 Hood flour $I.Sf. n suck at Kiis8'j111l7p,1i''!enH'' wlio 'signed the; chuutaiiqiiii Phone r2!i, F. 11. Hopkins of Medford Is among Urn guests in the Hotel Portluud in the state metropolis. One hundred, percent Medford anil Hogue Klvor Valley people nsk for and demand home grown and home inanu I'actiired products. 33 We lake you anywhere! Nash Tuxl. Phone III!, lliilck cars. 37 Phil II. Heller and Mrs. II. ITelfer of Norfolk, Vn., aro registered nt Ihe Holland, us uru also James Ferguson or Scuttle, (!uy Chiuite of New York, and A. It. Illgbee of Los Angeles. Try our uioicliunts limoh. The Shasta. Are you cleaning house? Send your discarded furniture, rugs, or anything else to the X-ltay Hiiinmiige sale. 32 Secretary or Treasury Mellon bus transmitted to congress un esllinnlei Horn necrulury iJ Interior Full for a deficiency appropriation of $IO,ldO for protection from ire or Oregon and California nud Coos ltuy grnnl lauds for the present Hscnl yenr. ' Piny sure. Nash Taxi Service Phone !H1. 37 $(10.00 suits ut $15.00. Nobby pat terns. Fit giiiiniutood. Klein, the Tailor, 128 10. Mnln, upstnlra. 32 An Inquiry has been received nt the Medford .chamber of ronimqrce for the wheiviibouls of August F. Vogt. He lived on a farm ut Prospect a few years ngo nml later moved to a hay lunch near Metirord. lie Is 10 yours old, very ralr, has big blue eyes, red dish blond inustnche, bnld bend, and Is 5 reel, 6 Inches tall. At one time he wiih doing business with one of the Medford banks.' Any Infoinintlon ns to whoro be may bo found will be greatly appreciated. $l!0.U0 suits ut $15.00. Nobby pat terns. Fit gunrnnteeil. Klein, the Tailor, 128 K. Mnln, upstairs. 32 Have you a dross Hint doesn't fit you, or n lint that Isn't becoming We can find someone to buy them at our rummage sale. 32" Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. (irlmcs accom panied by Ada Drawn motored lo iMed lord this morning. Klainiith -Fulls. Heruld. ? -a Slogan ; Medford. Kogue Itlver' val ley. Oregon Products: know them! I'so them! Hoost litem! i 34 II. A. Holmes, the Insurance' Wnn. Insurance, nud Honds, plua Service. Tbe Nash taxi service or which Messrs. Ileebe and .Marshall nre pro prietors hud nothing to do with the drunken joy ride unto smash-up on the Jacksonville rtiiul at an early hour Wednesday morning. The car that was In this smasiiup was ("has. Mul bollaud s taxi, u large Nnsh cur. A few people have confused the Nnsh Taxi service with Hie smasiiup, which does this service a great injustice, as the drivers of its cars are exception ally able and caiefnl. Ask ror Kogue Kiver Valley made products. ;!4 Ask for Oregon made products. 34 O. K. Fonts was among tbe Mcdford visitor spending the day In Grants Pass yesterday. Cash for apples. Phone 671-U. 33 F.verythlng electrical. Medford Elec tric Co. Phone filM. An old relic of bygone days came to light this week when Mrs. Mary Hich am s round the seal or the Hold Hill Mercantile company dated 1$!7. The men who used this seal and who inci dentally tilled quite a large purge In tbe history or ibis community were Cole. Smith, and Kd Williams. Smith will be remembered as Lord Smith, who claimed a title in direct descent fioui the Knglish throne. Williams died in the quake at Frisco and Cob has simply faded away. The seal Is on exhibition in the News office. lld Hill News. Heller have your plowing done with a Cletrac; it pays. Tel. NCS-Y. 32 Peii. ilar dance .it K.agle Point Satur day nlcht. Kteiybody Invited. Ke.il anisic. 3j W. II. Corwln and It. A. Miller are among the Medford residents In the btute metroixiliR this week who were registered at the Oregon hotel. Sloguu: .Medford. Hogue Kiver val ley, Oregon Products; know them! Use them! Hoost them! 34 Violin Instruction, Florence Howell, special attention to beginners. Sparta ImlldillK, phone 045-11. tf (lue.sts from u distance ut the Med ford are Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Henry anil .Master Jiuimle Henry and nurse of Chicago, Mrs. Until Hiddle of Now York, W. II. Ilertieaux of Sail Diego, CeorKo II. I.lndsley, Jr., and W. W. Crittenden ol Seattle, and .Mr. and .Mrs. L. C. Ackley and son, M. S. ItOKenstiidt and D. A. Seugucher' of San Franclgeo. ' Ask for Hogue Itlver Valley made proilucts. 34 Dunce ut Jiicksonvllle Friday night. April 2!th. Majestic "4-'. 33 In Justice Taylor's court Wednes day afternoon W. K. McCracken was fined $17i and costs for violating the auto speed ordinance. The ilrrest was made by Deputy Sheriff Joe Me.Mahon. The bureau of Indian uffiiliH lias re IHirted to Senator Mc.Nury that It finds no basis for a recent complaint from Indians on the Klamath reservation about fishing in the Klamath river. It is stated that no commercial fishing Is curried on, iind it is not considered equitable to deny rishlng rights to wblto men who own land within the ieserviillou. We Hike unythliiK from a house and lot, baled bay. stock, to old shoes for our rummage sale, llring donations to the Natatorlum, Tuesday, May 3d, when n committee will be there to re ceive them. 32" Sloguli: Medford, Rogue Itlver val ley, Oregon Products; know them! Use them! Hoost them! 34 A representative of Klllson-Wliitc rtjluiutuliqnu Is in the city today per fecting plans for the Chautauqua to be held III this city ihe lust week in May. rile will be present tonight ut the niee.tlng of the. sixty representative contract. . ',1'be meeting will be held at tbn library at 7,-30,-. . , ' Save money on wrapping paper by using wblto print paper in rolls. Ask this office. tf Ask for Oregon made products. 34 Piilionl.e lionie nud build up pay rolls by Insisting on having brooms niade by Rogue Itlver llrooni Works. 3li The arrival or n number or timber cruisers hero lately Indicates that some big deals are pending In the Untie Falls territory. Tho following parly of cruisers who will work in that territory arrived here Wednes day from Portland and are registered at tho Holland: II. .Morton, Jos. W. Herubuch. J. A. Hamilton. F. Webster, J. Dye, V. Hart and S. Hen. Come to Jones' any day this week and see Olympic flour demonstrated. Special prices. Kvery sack gunriinteed. , 34. Dressmaking nnd remodeling. Loca tion Flower Shop, phone 500. 31 Senator II. Von der llcllen arrived in the cily today from Corvnllls where he attended a meeting of the O. A. C. board of regents. Slogan: Medford, Rogue Itlver val ley. Oregon Products: know them! I'so them! Hoost them! 34 Itetter have your plowing done with a Cletrac; It pays. Tel. SK9-Y. "2 Assistant County Prosecutor George Codding and Deputy Sheriff J. J. Mc Million spent Wednesday In Ashland Investigating into Ihe nrrest there by i. io Ashland police ns vagrants two hobo mouthers of the I. W. W., who hud n large quantity of I. W. W. liter ature in their iKissesslon and are suspected of being 1. W. W. organiz ers, lliith men are still held In the county Jail until ruithcr investigation is made. The absence of Codding and Mc.Mnhon from the city necessitated the postponement of the Wolgamott trial In Justice Taylor's court Wednes day morning until next Monday. llreud 7c per loaf. Phone 2UI. 32 Majestic "4" orchestra. Eagle Point Saturday night, April 30th. llig May Pay dance. . ' ; 34 ,'flnnce at Jacksonville 'Frlduy night April 2!Hh. ' Majestic "r. 33" The prediction of fair and warmer tor the tlfird day In succession and ttiii risinix temperature almost made many persons wish for the old monot onous prediction of rain. The max imum temperature or Wednesday was 75 degrees Miss Alta Naylor, Goodwin corse- Here, 121 X. Grape streot. Phone 64S 3i Cash for apples. Phone G71-R. $ F. tl. Hurtles nnd J. Cass ot Portland It. K. linker of Wonder nnd C. F Rosecrans or Sissoit. Cullf., lire among the Nash hotel guests. Iced wheat $2.20 per cwt. at the Farm lltirenu Co-operative Exchange tf Flour $1.S5 a sack at Russ Mill. Phone 529. H. J. Frank of the Hlumaner Frank Drug company, and president or the Oregon Associated Industries: A. G. Clark, secretary of the Associat ed Industries, nnd D. C. Freeman, newly elected secretary who will take Mr. Clark's place, arrived in Medford from Port In ml by automobile last night and are spending the day here in the Interest of the Oregon Products week campaign. From here they will go to Ashland. Dance at Jacksonville Friday night April J'.uh. Majestic "f. S3 Expert shoe repairing at reduced prices. Men's half soles $1.50 per pair. Ladles' half soles $1.00. Rubber heels 50c. Itetter new shoes for less money Medfoid Shoe Hospital, 119 E. Sixth St. 1 F. 1.. Test, chier clerk of the Port land of lice of the Standard Oil Co. is in Medford for a few days. Ham timbers and dimension good clean stock. Central Lumber Co., iVn tial Point. 34" Jesse Winburn. who purchased the Austin hotel at Ashland about a year ago and Mr. and Mrs. Moses, ull of New York, who recently arrived in Ashland, were In Medford today. T. H. Simpson and Harry Toinlinson were among Ihe Ashland business men who were In Medford today. I For quick service phone 90, Nash Taxi. Ili-ebe und Marshall, new props. Careful drivers. 32 Come to Jones' any day this week and see Olympic flour deinonstrnted. Special prices. Every sack guaranteed. 34 T. P. Tibbelts, manager of tbe ad vertising department of the Portland Flouring Mills, the Olympin brand of products, is down this week for the .Made In the Rogue Itiver Valley and Oregon products displays and will speak at the banquet tomorrow nlgltt. P. It. Lyman Is the conipuny's popular local representative. Lawn mowers sharpened. Mitchell Ladder Co., 318 East .Main. ' tt Come to Jones' any day this weelt and see Olympic Hour demonstrated. Seclal prices. Every sack guaranteed. , '' 34 Miss Helen Clark, formerly deputy county clerk, has, resigned this posi tion and is now employed by Attorney O. C. Hoggs. ' Delco-Llgbt Electricity for every farm. Medford Electric Co. For quick service phone 90, Nash Taxi, Ileebe and Marshall, new props. Careful drivers. 32 Charles Hamilton of Ruch spent Wednesday In the city attending to business matters and visiting friends Buy a sack of Olympic flour at Jones' this week and get that special price. 34 Furniture finished and repaired. City Auto Paint Works. Phone 754-J. tr There Is considerable local Interest iu the Leach Cross-Joe Gorman bout it Portland Thursday night. Cross- Is remembered as the conqueror ot Hud Anderson, nnd Gorman has many I'llends In this city, where he spuitt his vacutlon two years ago. Hobby Evans, manager of Gorman. Is remem bered as one of the principals in the Young Dixon-IIobby Evans bouts ut Ihe Medford Athletic club eight or nine yeurs ugo, under the direction ot Frnnklo Edwurds. Better buy a Chandler than wish yon had. tf 311a M. Cross, public stenographer, No. 9, Jackson County Hank lildg Phono 320-R (mornings only). 41 Assistant Prosecuting Attorney George A. Codding attended to official business In the county seat and Ash land Wednesday. Olympic flour guaranteed by Jones buy a sack this week and get that special price. 34 Invest your" savings in the Jackson County Hulldjng nnd Loan association. Col. 11. 11. Sargent of Jacksonville, spent Wednesday afternoon In the cily attending to business mutters and visiting friends." - Picotius , v . Henistltchine buttons, coveted: ... Handicraft Shop. tf The condition of Architect Frank C. Clark, stricken with pneumonia ten days ago nnd confined in Sacred Heart hospital is reported ns- progressing steadily. For first class nnintintr nanerhnne-' lug, or tinting call Arthur West, 477-J. 35 Huy a sack of Olympic flour nt Jones' this week and get that special price. 34 The warehouse o( the Portland flour company on Main street is being dec orated with attractive designs, a wel come relief from the glaring yellow, and when completed will be one or the most attractive sights In the business district. For Sale Good garden and lawn sediment. Phone 912-J. tf Hetter have your plowing done with a Cletrac: It pays. Tel. 869-Y. 32 Jerry Jerome of the Standard Oil company who has been confined to his home with a severe attack of the flu, Is improving rapidly. Lawn mowers sharpened right. Lib erty Shop. 261J. tf 12-lnch dry pine $4.00 a tier: lG-inch dry pine $4.75. Valley Fuel Co. tf TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALK Nice modern home closi in. Immediate possession; easy terms. 32 S. Orniie. 3:! AMM&sLSji I D I " ' 1 . THE FAMILY FINANCES TIIK Imsinoss or farm may lc nuniin aloiiy all liuht, lmt liow aliour the thrift of the folks ? Is tlitM'o more spending and less sav iiiir that nocossary And yet. you can 't expert the wife and kid dies, or oven youreslf to have as much inter est (if incentive as one of those " Nationalis ed" savings accounts at the First National will bring. Vfxe First National Bank' " " "Medford E. W. Quick, a merchant of Hig Salmon, California, is spending a few days in the chy on business. Special price on Olympic flour this week nothing better come in and see the good things maila out of this flour. ' 34 Dance at Jacksonville' Friday night. April 29th. Majestic "4 ". 33 The first straw hut of the season, worn by a transient, niade Us appear ance on Main street Wednesday. Wanted to buy some pld carpets. Phone ISO. 31 Delco-Llgbt fann light and power plants. Medford Electric Co. ' F. I). Gordon of Grunts Pass trans acted business in Medford and Jack sonville Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlere for NuUone. Phone 5S5-J. tf AN OPEN LETTER TO WOMEN Mrs. Little Tells How She Suffered and How Finally Cured ' Philadelphia, Pa. "I was not able to do my housework and .had to lie down If-WIHIIIII mosc oi me time anu "Vi felt bad in my left side. My monthly periods were irreg ular, sometimes five or seven months apart and when they did appear wouldllast for two weeks and were very painful. 1 was sick for about u year and a half and doctoredbut without Lanv improvement. A neighbor .recommended LydiaK. Pirikhm's Vegetable Compound o me, andr'-tlie second-diTyiafter 5 sturtediak ing ftTbeganjofeo) hettajr and,! kept on taking it for.gayon.. inphtluwisloW.1 keep house, and perform all my house hold duties. Ypu can use these facts 'as. you please and I will recommend Vege table Compound to everyone who' suffers as I did' Mrs. J. S. Littlk, 3465 Livingston St., Philadelphia, Pa How much harder tho daily tasks of a woman become when she suffers from such distressing symptoms and weakness as did Mrs. Little. No woman should allow herself to get into such a condition because such troubles may be speedily overcome by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, which for more than forty years has been restoring American women to health. The Show That You Know MEDFORD one day only Wednesday, May 4 , ACT A AMW. All-l.U.1 AMMAL 30 AL G. BARNES' 30 SSt.000 CHAU-WGE CROUP LIOINS IN ONE BIG ACT ff Ik IUU iUim hail Ad Com Jl I PERFORMING BENGAL II AND SIBERIAN TIGERS 20 laW kUatfaASIIMMIrelairiia -THE OM1 UA. WKB NMU CUtCXt OK tTH- EDUCATEP 11111 IN THl OUJ A C AnEquMlrianArtSupreme A f Danrini Horses-Dancing Girfc HrU MFL BARNES OfFERS AS AN ADDED ATTRACTION HTHF SEA.SA'ST NOVFl, t C.U TTUUMA.Y GORCiXHJ 5 tM'U Or UCjtOW CAU-ACtA.-fTK, . ' . "i" t HLTMJHECft HtScttEDS " COCWTU34 -OFftfPt& OFHOftSCA AMI - nt FAHAUtf) FANTASY lAlIJCNGLELAND DOO03 OPEN 1 AND 7 P M PE FOR MANCE S A NO 8PM B5i Oregon mm f y 4 LOT U S I 0 A"p ( 5-TON HMOMINO ,s"n.,tY I HIPPOPOTAMUS ca,tihh l II I Ml AVUriNC LION I SAMSON Made in Oregon Banquet i"".;'' Given by tbe Christian Church i in Basement JIKX'l' itovsT r.i:i:i-' and iikow n t;it.vy I'itv .Meat Market V. lJe -VTIre -Kconomv .Market Nichols & Alipr.le kd Hii'iiis l-'inhting the Beef 1 rust CltKAMKK MASllKD 1'OTATOl.S Warner, Worlinan i (lore II. K. MAltSII, (Irocer ( ii'.iiviit.vn:i sTi!i(i Hia.vs KIiik's l-'ood I'rodiicls Co. I'lckl.LS Knight's racking Co, TOMATO I.V SAI.AI' I.I.THCI-: Tomatoes .Mason Uhrmaii Co. LKiuee .Medford l-'Ish -Malket llliK.AI) .Medford Ilakerv peerless llakery ICOVAI. ( 11 Lung Co. .Medford (Irocery Co.. IIAtiLKV S AI'l'Ll-: .11 K I' , llagley Canning Co. Talent IIOKK I'L'AltS liosue Itiver Valley Cannin;; Co. ICi: CltKA.M Snider's Dairy & Produce Co. JIIXTS Medl'oid Candy Co. ( ; ai'pi.i: iti Ti i:i .Made from apples grown In Kogue. Kiver Vulloy- Knigbi's Packing Co. sAin:i uAi'i:ns Tru lllu liiHcuit ('o. IJli'lTKIl Jttrksbii.! County Creamery ' IJItl'IAM .l:u-ksc:i County Creamei-y "SHOHTIK" CAKKS Pacific Coast Illscuit Co. CAKKS .Made from Olympic l-'lour 1-1 ,( Maddux llonney Other donations made Grocery. Kiisl Side (Jroceri (Irocery, Oakdale (Irocery. House Kuruisliers. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES MADE IN OREGON OLYMPIC PRODUCTS Olympic Flour, sack .$2.60 Olympic Rolled Oats, package ....... 35c Olympic Rolled Oats, sack ......... .55c Olympic Pancake Flour, package 25c Olympic Pancake Flour, sack. .,.70c Olympic Wheathearts, package , 25c Olympic Wheathearts, sack 70c FOUTS GROCERY CO. We Rometimes hesilato to-tell economy for fear our state ments may be viewed as mere exaggerated claims. We prefer to convince you by tile direct testimony! of other Zenith users or, better still, by demenstniting how the self-ad-Justing Zenith Carburetor on your own car or truck will low er your fuel consumption. YOUNG'S AUTO REPAIR SHOP " MEDFORD-ROSEBURG AUTO STAGES l.evo MeUiord 11 n. m. Kally. Leave ltospliiirK 1 p. m. Dally MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS I.KAVK .MKDI-Olili. in: no a. m. 1 : Art p. m. 4:30 p. m. Cars iop at all intermediate points Waiting room Medforil, 5 South l-iont. INTERURBAN Ladies of the of Church I'erl'ei-tii.-n Loaf I ' 11 1 1 11 1:1 11 l.uat -I'-! li coi 'i:io by Palace (Irocery, llibbnnl C.rocery, Fouls' , C.i.odwin's (Irocery, Lliingalow (Irocery, bow's Dishes donated by .Mordofl & Woolf, Complete 4? Dt Pnlont FLOUIl I.KAVK (ill.WTS PASS. 10 a .m. -1 :n p. m. H :oil p. ui. Phone S09 AUTOCAR CO.