MEDFOUP MATT TRIDUNE, METVFOKD. OREGON', TlirRSD'AY, 'XVVAL 2S, 1H21 PAGE ELE V EN" SAX FRANCISCO, April Definite almis of business revival In I'erlain in dUHlrifs of tho Twelfth Federal Re serve district appeared Uilline the past month, iluiing period also spiing activity in agricultural opera tions lieean, according to a report made public here today by the Fede ral Ileservo bank of Kan Francisco. "Lumber production, which has bcon at the lowest point in two years was IT. 3 per cent greater last month than In Uobiuary," the report said. ..m-iu-ihuuivij aiAty per cent or tnu mills today are in operation some on part timo-as against less than fifty per cent on March 1, 1921. "Several milk condensaries. which hod been closed since the end of 120, havo resumed operations and others have Increased their output to ineei oruers growing out of a more active, domestic demand and a slight Increase In foreign shipments. "1'neniployment has decreased, ex cept in the copper mining centers, where shutting down of the principal jnoduccrs has been ordered until the market price of copper rises to a price .which will make prpduction profit able. "In the shipbuilding Industry, two new contracts of record size were an nounced by one yard, although others are Hearing the end of the consiruc- !ion for which they havo contracts, j "The building industry shows dis (net signs of revival, permits in ilarch, 1P21, exceeding In value those iqf March. ItT.'o. by per cent and Hand Tailoring iiuulc lo your own individual measure, assuring you the satisfaction that comes from wearing- the finest of clothes made just for rou. Good 1'it guaranteed, '. Prices to suit. DON SPRINGER 105 W. Main, Successor to Ous The Tailor. . Patronize, home ... industry. being so far in excess of those of Feb ruary, lJi-l, uh to iiulieaie more thur HcaKonul increane ul" activity. Hank elf aiiiiKs wire unty fiftet-n per tent less in total value than in March, li20t which in view ut the year's decline in prices indicates that the volume of business being done is not less and probably greater than that of last year at this season. "Various price indexes show that wholesale prices are approximately 40 per cent lower than they were a year ago. and volume of actual trans actions in the wholesale trade gener ally is probably not, less than it was u vcar ago at this time.' EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A. C. Sowlatt J. D. Price, who owns a tract of tim ber land in the Trail section, came in the first of the week and went to Medford on the stase. Frank Abbott of Lako Creek was in town on Ills way from Medford up home, lie is planning to go to work on the Crater Luke highway here next week. F. J. Ay rag anil wife of Reese creek, were business callers also Tuesday, i Wm. Perry, our road supervisor was a business caller and also went to -Medford and Jacksonville to lay plans leganliiiK the work on the roads, lie has already done considerable work on the Agate-Lowor Dude creek bridge road and intends to make a good road as far as it goes, no slipshod patch work. Joe Poole and family were shopping in our town Tuesday of this week. As I was called to Medford the first of the week there were some Incidents occurred here that are not reported. Hut while in Medford met quite a number of our citizens as well as poo ple from our surrounding country. U II. Swlnk, one of the merchants of Mutto Falls, caino out on the Butte Falls stage Tuesday and went on out to Medford. Warren Armsberry of Lake creek, en me hi Wednesday morning and went up to his home on the F.ugle Point stage. There seems to bo considerable tra vel between Medford and Hutte Falls recently and hopes are entertained that business may revive there again and something done to give employ ment to the idle men who aro daily seoking work on the Crater Lako high way. Ed Dutlon, our old road supervisor up to (he election of James Owens as county commissioner, has the appoint ment as foreman on the road work on the unit between the south side of the David Cingcado farm and Hdg creek. Ho is a practical road builder and seems to know just how to handle men so as to deliver the gooods. Mr. and Mrs. John iN'orris, foreman on the .1., M. Wilfley orchard, were in town Wednesday. Mrs. Chris Bergsmnn drove In Wed nesday to procure a supply of garden seeds. Geo. Adamson and W. S. Chappell. the first named our old stagu driver on the Persist route, and the second our old cobbler but now both interest ed in the sawmill business near Trail came in Wednesday and took home with them a lot of pipe Thursday mor ning. They report that they are get ting out considerable lumber hut the most of it is used In that vicinity on the Rogue river bridge and neighbor hood. R. B. Baker of Butte Falls came out from home Wednesday evening to see his wife who is stopping at the Sunny side under the care of I)r. W. W. P. Holt of Medford. T. T. Taylor who has been confined to the house under the care of Dr. Holt has so far recovered as to be able to be around town again. Thursday morning 1 went to Med ford again on business and when I left home Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Nicholson and wife and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ferrin and daughter Miss Inez of Weiiaichee, Wash., were here. They came in Tuesday the 19th and bad spent the time gathering agates, but when 1 reached home that night found they had started for their homes. They had gathered a nice lot of stones and taken thein away, Mr. Nicholson hav ing learned the trade under the direc tion of C. D. Mill, who is now here gathering agates. They expressed themselves as very much pleased with our country. Speaking of Mr. Mills, he hns been here now siuco the Kith inst. and ex pects to remain until next Wednesday the 27th, and Is gathering all the agates he can. He went to Medford Friday and shipped 480 lbs. of the stones to his shop in Redondo, near Los Angeles, Calif., and expects to take that many or more with him in his car when ho goes. While 1 was in Medrord Thursday 1 met J. L. Robertson, Sr., Oreen Mat thews and his son llollie and they re ported that somo sneakthicf or thieves had taken two forty rod rolls of Pago fence and four rolls of barbed wire fence from the right of way on the Crater Lako highway that had been left on Green's place to be put on the road across his farm. He said that he and Fred Potlygrew, who has the con tract to put up the fence for the coun ty, tracked the truck from where the wire was taken across the Dodge French bridge but could track it no turthor as other vehicles hud gone over tho route and obliterated the tracks. Ira Tungate of Ilutto Falls, came out Friday and went on to Medford on the stage. John Swanson of Trail was at. the Sunnyside Thursday evening when 1 arrived home, and there was another man, a stranger came in and spent the night. Mrs. Lydia Jones of Talent, was here visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William G. Knighton, and returned today. , W. S. Baker who foreman on the Frank Rhodes farm and Mrs. F.d Tuck er and her daughter. Miss Mildred of lirownsboro, Air. and Mrs. Pert Claino J. W. llovey, tho foreman on tho Ala- vista orchard were among the busi ness callers Friday. Mrs. Fred McPherson made a busi ness trip to Portland and is there at this willing. Saturday afternoon. Kinest Carpenter and Nick Young were among tho dini'is Friday. W. G. Campbell, a man unsettled, came in ami spent the night at the Sunnyside Friday and started this morning for Trail. He said that he was looking for black sand as some he had found was quite rich with gold. Walter Allen of Derby, was in our town Friday evening, ami Shorty Al len of Wellen was also here having some drills sharpened and I Inquired what he was doing with drills as he is a fanner and he said he was prospect ing for gold, that ho bad found a quartz lodo and that it prospected quite well. Geo. W. Stowell and son Charles came in this morning and brought six sacks of spuds to the Sunnyside. Carl and Alvin lliebersteadt of i Brownsboio, were doing business in our town this morning. Joseph Prall of Reese creek, camo in on the Pinto Falls stage and went on up home on the Prospect stage. Mr. and Mrs. F.dward Frey of Lake creek, came in this morning, left their plow shares for' our blacksmith to sharpen and went on to Medford. Mrs. J. V. Maxfield and sun came In this morning on business, returniiiii before noon. STOtnCM? Get at the Real Cause Takt Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets 'That's what thousands of stomach (sufferers are doing now. Instead of taking tonics, or trying to patch up a poor digestion, they are attacking the 7eal cause of the ailment clogged liver and disordered bowels. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a soothing, healing way. IVhen the liver and bowels are per forming their natural functions, away goes indigestion and stomach troubles. Have you a bad taste, coated tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, don't care feeling, no ambition or energy, trouble with undigested foods? Take Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Dr- Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixer! with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. Take one or two at bedtime for cu'cJr relief. Eat. what vou like YOU CAN GET MOST ANY OLD THING AT MOST ANY OLD TOTE AT DE VOE'8 Shortage in FORD Cars We have a Carload of Tourings and Runabouts in Transit. Expect its arrival any day. Cars received on Orders only. Place your order now if you want delivery this Spring C.E.Gates Auto Co. Medford Concrete Lionstruction KaO. General Contracting. And Manufacturers of SEWER PIPE, ROAD CULVERTS, DRAIN TILE, HOLLOW $ t Y Y Y V l t t Y f t Y t Y BUILDING BLOCKS, IRRIGATION PIPE AND BRICK 9 - Dealers in Cement, Sand, Gravel and Crushed Rock. It's the place to buy your concrete products. Office: Jackson County Bank Bldg."p'" VILMO MADE IN MEDFORD FROM WHEAT GROWN IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY - t i !. s ! VILMO 4 VILMO and HARMONY FLOUR MANUFACTURED BY THE r. i ROGUE VALLEY MILLING CO. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS . OF GRAIN AND FEED WE CARRY FULL LINEIOF POULTRY SUPPLIES HARMONY All Guaranteed Products SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE Mill on South Front Street, Medford HARMONY