' -NrEDFOTtT) MATT," TT?rnTTTE, MEITFOTCT). " nftECiONV TTTUTCftDAY, APTJTL 2S. 1D21 HE. Sevens Have A!Bb We call your attention to Our Display in tho Chamber of Commerce Building1. AL RACES TO BE HELD VACFj ten Call and see our $45.00 Suits made of the finest fab rics by Master Tailors. F.J.HUBER .Ladies' and Men's Tailor m.mmm -113 W. Main St. . Tho DtilKln-LrwiH Tabernacle which woh uln il imI Wednesday nnrniiiK was 1UI 111) ill Hie chic clay, with the ex ception of the Hcatini,'. wirlnK and platform. Today mw the- building .nlnplete, ready feu- the; services. Senile c.r the! men returned fur work day and were iiKaln servd another hlekeii dinner. Itcv. Itohcrt I.ewlH, the advance man. told the ladies Unit the dinner Nerved Wednesday was the best in his Ioiib experience. Klven to the men who put up the tabernacles. Tim bulldliiK is located cor. Nth. nrnl I1KRI.1M. American tourists who come to Germany this summer will find conditions of travel far less at tractive than in pre-war times. In Hamburg and Herlin hotel facilities are constantly overtaxed by business men and even persons who have tele graphed days in advance for accommo dations are turned away by the first- class hotels. If furciKiiors are assign ed to looms they pay far more than Is chaiRed to (iormaus. Conditions along the Rhine are not Ivy streets, opposite the c ity park. It especially inviting for tourists. The -Have ' I You Tried : the Grater Lake Cigar Made in Med ford We guarantee Havana ' goods v Medf ord Gigar Factory Phone 90-M will seat some !!uo, and if the people turn out In Medford and the xur rounding country as in olber cities. inuny evenings people will be turned away. When once Or. liulelii is he. there Is an Increasing desire to return and hear him again. They keep on coining. Or. Ilulgln. Mr. and .Mrs. Lewis are classed among the greatest evangelists of the country. .Mr. Lewis in speaking about Dr. Itulnin at the dinner yoHicrdiiy Knld that he bml been associated with Hilly .Sunday and most of tlie eminent evangelists of I he ountry and that he considered that Or. Hulgln was not surpassed bv anv of them as u preacher. I .wit evenlne at the South M. K. hurcli a union preparatory meetinu was held and well attended. At the losci of the inpetihi.', .Mr. Lewis called for reports of the committers. It was found Hint nearly all were on the Job, but It was found essentia! that an ef fort be mado to get a large number ml for tho choir rehearsal Friday K p. m.r at the Tahernaulu and at : P. in. Sunday. Jlr. Lewis extends an invitation to all the singers of the community and all who enjoy the work to come into the choir. The drill will he beneficial and a rare op portunity given to get some Instruc tion worth while from one -who is eminently iiualiried. Those, unable to come out Friday evening are asi:ed to attend tho rehearsal Sunday afier noon. The opening scrvico Sunday will begin at 7 p. in. iM ornlng services will be held in all the churches as UHtiuI, also the Sunday schools. larger places are overtaxed by the oc cupying armies, and it Is almost lm lssible for outsiders to set first-class hotel accommodations. Cologne, Cob lenz, and .Mainz are filled to overflow ing by lirltisli, American and French officers, respectively. .Most of the hotels tiro under control of the mili tary and cannot he used by civilians unless they have authorization from commanding officers. It Is also difficult for tourists to travel between the various sections of the occupied area. Police registration is very strict and permits must be ob tained to enter and leave various areas. MT. CLEMEN'S. Mich., April All types of heavier-than-ait: aerial craft from tile light speedster machines to 'tho freight carrying plane will, be seen in action here September 8, !l. and 10, when the international air races aie to be held. , l-'our races have been iirrunaed, chief of which will be the free-for- all classic for the fulitzor trophy. The first event will be for ihn freight carrying planes capable of 76 miles an hour or more. The course will bo triangular, starting at Helf- ridge field, and swinging around at Hie Aviation Country Clnii, west of Tontine, the Packard KlyliB I'leid. Oetrolt, and back to Selfrldte field. The contestants will cover the course four times, a total distance uf liM miles, and the three with On best elapsed time Mart to finish, Kill di vide $2,500. First prize will be 1.100: second $7S0 and third $250. The second event, also to be held September 8. will he for light com mercial planes of tho two seated type. It will be flown over the same course as the freight plane event, but the re t lit will take into account speed in taking off and landing-. Kntrunts must have a peed of 80 miles or bet ter an hour. The prizes total t-'GOO. Over the limt course the third UMi UllQ U IV mtCVI Li III UMT Up-rl fo be a dood brovider lefrababy Wouhgster' in Sen's' new'evrolet'-... I MEDFORD MADE CANDIES In Rnulh f'.prnmnv ectndiifnna nre lvent for light passenger planes ca na more inviting to pleasure-seekers. iVlL' of Waat 90 mlle" nn """i HroQiii.il nn.i ii,.i .,, raced September 9. The point sys- Dresden and .Munich are not so filled with business men and tho better hotels are unusually able to provide lourlsts with rooms at lutes much less Hum in 1 toil 1 ii and Hamburg. 1 he passport problem is annoying even within Oermany's own boundar les. For example, it Is necessary for a lonrlst going from nerlin to Hnvarla to have the viBe of the llavarian legation In Iterlin. This precaution lias been taken by linvarln to prevent red aglta tors irom Invading their territory from Merlin Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this Blip, enclose with fic anil mall It to Foley & Co., 2S35 Shef field Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial pnekage con laltilng Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound for coughs, colds mid croup Foloy Kidney Pills for pains In sides and back; rheumatism, nnckache, kid ney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for con attpntlon, biliousness, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv. , AUTO PAINT SHOP L. 0. SPRINKLE, Prop. 'Automobiles Painted and Revaraished T PhonB777 221 North Fir. lein Wfor UlLOTilES VIlEDFOrW Treat to l arniim's Admirers. Admirers of that beloved actor of stage and screen, William Farnuin particularly those who love a good western story with their pictures re ceived a .royal treat at tho Rlalto Theatre yesterday when "Drag Har lan," starring Farnum, began its run. "Drag Harlan" Is from a story written by Charles Aldcn Sellze,- for the Argosy .Magazine. This picture is one or the most satisfying from the spec tator's standpoint that it has been our pleasure to review for many a day. Of course, Farnum dominates the pic ture: his personality is ever in strong evidence, ami ho has been favored Willi admirable support In tho polite and captivating Jackie Saunders, who plays the part of Barbara Morgan, u ranchers daughter. tern of scoring will determine the di vision of jaiOO In prize money In this event. , For the Pulitzer trophy, final event on the- program, September 10. a smaller course has been mapped out. It will be four times around a trlnn. gular course totalling Kill miles. The points of tho triangle will be at Self ridge Field, Troy. .Mich., and Puck aid Field, Oetrolt. A minimum speed of 140 miles an hour Is expected of the light one-man machines that will enter the aerial classic. The shortest elapsed time for tho four laps will determine the winner. The Pulitzer rare, first held at Mitchell liield. Long Island, last year Is expected to attract flyers from Eu rope as well as the United States. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers At 1 1 io Pu xc. In "TIu Ut'tiirn of Tarzan," shown it tho l'au theatre yesterday, the Intent development of the Tarzan epic Is presented in a nlot that simnlv UiiKles with thrills. It is easily tho must exelting picture you will ever have tho pleasure of seeing hand-to-hand fights between Tarzan and two full-tfrown, blood-thirsty lions, a spec tacular .shipwreck, Htirrini? scenes of wild animals In their native haunts, tnlwnture and a lovo story tltat threads the plot like a vein of gold. If you want to lie liVted out of your self atid thrilled to tho core, make sure that you He "The Heturn of Tarzan" hpfnn It leaves tonight. TAKIO 1IO.MI-: .Ml.IIIOItl) HADK CVMiy A ROGUE RIVER PRODUCT Ol'U TANDY IS A WINNKIt THY IT TO THE LOVERS OF GOOD CANDIES Having located in Medford for the purpose of manufacturing and wholesal ing candy, we wish to take this means of introducing ourselves to you. Our aim is to give you the best that can be produced, combining quality with th most for your money. We Want to please you. Come in anil see us. We are here to stay. ' , ; Home Production Is Worthy of Your Help Boost Your Town and You Boost Your Own Interests TVienn't 5iurt a bit I Drop a littlo rreezone" on an aekitig corn, instantly Unit corn stuns hurting, then shortly you lift it right off Willi lingers. Truly' our clrnggiut sella a tinv bottle of 'rrceiune" for a few cent,, miflieient to reuiovo every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. MEDFORD VANILLA CHOCOLATES NUT-TOP CHOCOLATES COCONUT CHOCOLATES PEPPERMINT WAFERS WINTERGREEN WAFERS COCONUT KISSES CHOCOLATE FUDGES CARMEL NUT II T.F.T THH K 1 1IIICS II ItAVK ALL Til KY WAXT IT'S I'l'ItK NU NUT BAR .. . . ALMOND BAR CREAM BAR . ' PEANUT BAR ' PEANUT DAISY COCONUT BAR MARSHMALL0W BAR MARSHMALL0W NUT BAR YOUR DEALER HAS IT. PATRONIZE HIM AND PROMOTE HOME INDUSTRY MEDFORD CANDY CO. 129 S. Front St., Medford QUALITY PURITY SKRVICE or it MmTo n" ; Found Everywhere Good Candy Is Sold PROTECT THE KIDDIES! YOU HELP YOURSELF ; YOUR TOWN, YOUR STATE, YOUR COUNTRY BY USING HOME PRODUCTS i f By serving them SNIDER'S Pure Pasteurized MILK, CREAM, ICE CREAM and BUTTER Seventeen years of experience have taught us the most sanitary methods of handling DAIRY ' PRODUCTS. Visit our factory at 28 N. Bartlett street and see for yourself wily it is listed as one of the most modern and sanitary plants of its kind in the state. SNIDER'S MILK, CREAM, ICE CREAM, BUTTER SNIDER DAIRY & PRODUCE CO. ft Strictly a Home Institution i