-IJL ivi mryi M jvmiu I ivj 1-HJ.m vi, hi m n win . uiii.iiw.v, n;ii rmu i , .i uiu '. i.i-i Medford Mail tribune AN INPEPEN'nKNT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHEP F.VKHY AFTERNOON EXCEPT KUNUAT BT THE . JIELiKORD PRINTING CO. Th Medford Sunday Sun is furnished subscribe desirlug a seven day dally newspaper. Office Mall Tribune Building, North Fir street. Phone 75. A consolidation of the Democratic Times, the Medford Moll, the Medford Tribune, The tjuuthern Oregonlun, The Ashland Tribune. ROBERT W. RI'HI., Editor. SUMPTER S. SMITH, Manager. BUBSCKrPTIOn TUBUS: BT MAIL IN ADVANCE: Dallv, with Sunday Sun, year $7.50 Bally, with Sunday Sun. month..- .75 ally, without Sunday Sun, year.... 6.50 Dallv. without Sunday Sun, month .65 Weekly Mall Tribune, one year 2.00 Sunday Sun. one year - 2.00 BT CARRIER In Medford. Ashland, Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix, Jft g f) t Dally, with Sunday Sun, month 75 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .65 Dally, without Sunday Sun. year.. 7.50 ' Daily, with Sunday Sun, one year 8.50 All terms bv carrier cash In advance. Official paper of the City of Medford. Official .paper of Jackson County. Entered as seconn-ctass matter at Medford, Oregon, under the act of March I, 1879. MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. , , The Associated Preas Is exclusively ntltled to the UBe for republication of ell news dispatches credited to It, or not otherwise credited In thla paper, and also the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches nerein m iiiau ' ' Yc Smudge Pot By Artkar Tmrrf ' TUo wont is making promeBs so cially. A Frisco mine promoter is mixed up in the Stokes divorce scan dal of New York. What damage the frost did to the Bifrtletts und the Hosca" is unknown, but it certuinly did not diminish the Howells. ' Inasmuch ns tlie girls and women of ,tho east uro exposing hare less, knees anil garters, as a rosult of a new freak stylo, a Galshevlki from tho rural dis tricts is due to show up on tho Alain Stem thus attired. Carters like .Ig norance aro not much use, unless ex WILL ROLL THE CLOTHES (Klamath Herald) WANTED All round woman, for French Hand Laundry. 121! N. x 4th. Tho ranks of the army or the unem ployed will bo augmented considerable when nil thoBo engaged in conducting "drives" since 101-1, go buck to work again. A new process has been discovered for hardening steel. Some hennery cook has sold his formula Tor frying tendor meat. Tho European proas pronounces the note or Secretary of Stato Hughes on the Ynp situation "lacking in finished literary style." A few lines about "the dying glory of the day," and "seolng vlBlons on the horizon" should have been thrown in, to lessen the shock. It Is further ordered and decreed by tho city council that policemen of the city of Medford take oft their huts when talking to tourists. DEFICITS WERE NOTED , (Yreka Journal) Tho Deficiency club mot at the church March 31. The ladieB aro busy preparing for the hassnur. which will take place some time In September. The weather predictions for Slmday lnllcato un inability to spend last week's wuges for gasoline. . "CHIEF JOSEPH IS IlEMEM HERED BY J. WOHMACIC STILL" (Hdllne Albany Democrat). One drink and Clilot Joseph will never forget. i'' The Portland Telegram has started drilling operations to convince I'ort land natives" that CiKler Luke is a state, not an oxciusiye jucuson count; asset. flrrirltS Pass' 'Coiiriui'' sya:v "wmi re gard to the damage done by tho recent frost,' tho county agent 'Advises that, while some sections suffered more than' others, taken as n whole the damage has nt lippn ' Reports from the Turk-Crook battle- front toud to show that Greece has the desire for war kicked out of her for some time to come. A GREAT ACHIEVEMENT. SPRING AND OIL Supposing the report should come Hetoro the setting of the sun The Trlgonla oil well hegan to run The valley's people of all around AVould be immediately upon the ground. Miss Shuy, Miss Jones and Mrs. Ilrown Vonid Join their neighbor In one bound. John and Jim, and I'ete Would be Immediately upon their feet. Htilcks and Fords, tractors and trucks Would begin to howl and then to strut All loaded with people on the street Would know it wns quite a Heat To get their power from beneath their feet. U. H. McC, llrtnvnslioro. Fair Weather WASHINGTON, April 9. Weather predictions for tho week beginning Monday ure: Rocky motintuln and plateau regions Fair temiiciuture near or above nor mal. Pacific states Normal temperature, fair except for occasional rains along jiorth cousl. THE "WET-DRY issue lias been introduced in tlie .New 1 oik mu nicipal election- Newspapers oil one side are claiming " the pro hibition law has been a complete failure, und on liie other side that it hits been a complete success. As a matter of fact both contentions arc wrong. No prohibitory '1,w !1"1 completely succeed, and no sane person can contend the prohibition law has completely failed. lint in one direction the national prohibition law has, in the. coun try at lat'tte, been sufficiently successful to warrant general commen dation. This success lies in the abolishment of the saloon. This moral sore on the body politic has been effectively removed. 5oot lefjpers undoubtedly thrive, there are undoubtedly places in most of the large cities where thirsty souls on the inside can have their thirsts quenched. But as an institution the saloon is gone, and every right thinking person in the country rejoices. Whatever modifications may be secured, one thing is certain, the American people will never tolerate the re-establishment of the saloon, Nor will any move which even hints its re-establishment be allowed to show its head. The saloon is gone, and whatever the defic- iences of practical prohibition, here is n genuine achievement, which even its opponents should be abb; to recognize. THE GRAIN CORPORATION. THE SPIRIT that brings the farmer's grain corporation into ex istence is the spirit that will threaten its complete success. Tlii is the spirit of private gain. The l'undementnl purpose of the present movement is to increase the profits of the producer. This motive is perfectly legitimate. But Ihe serious obstacle to complete co-operation will be the hope of cer tain individuals that, by escaping the obligations of co-operation, they will increase their individual pro! its. This has been the canker at the heart of every co-operative movement. Until the vast majority of individuals realize that profits thus attained in certain instances are inevitably overbalanced by the losses involved, any great co-operative movement will be prevented from securing the maximum bene fits, which genuine co-operation earns- RipptingRhijitiGs & wait Mason ' Ml A TALKSMITHS. MY NEIGHBOR, Hiram Henry Hicks, is fond of talking poli tics ; that is a theme that makes me sore, so Hiram Henry seems a bore. But I'm the sort of sapbead wight, who always strives to lie polite, so I pretend that H. H. Hicks, with all his talk of polities, is holding nie entranced, spell-bound; I tlo not yawn or rubber 'round, but hang upon his throbbing words as though they well might charm the birds. But when II. Henry Hicks runs dry, and I would talk of books or pie, or any topic I adore, he looks upon me as a bore; he interrupts and yawns and sighs, and hot tears gather in his eyes, and then he reaches for his hat, his parasol, brass knncks and gat, and hastens from my humble shack, he cannot bear to hear me clack. And Hiram Hicks is short of friends; the people shun hiin as he wends along the main street of our town; he as a bore has wide renown. But when I trip along the street I'm smiled upon by all I meet. This moral, then, these facts afford; you must be willing to be bored if you would bore the other toff, and talk his bloomiii"- whiskers off. The Importance of Forcaster Young's Work in the Rogue River Valley Mr. Floyd D. Young, of tho U. S. wenthor bureau, Ib once more on the job in tho weather office in Medford. Since the spring of 1917 Mr. Young has mado tho forecasts for the Kogue River valley and his success hits been so great us to gain national recogni tion. To the averugw cit.-zen tho greater portion of tho "weatherman's" work Is forecasting and but few realize that this is but a small part of the actual work ho does. Txor does trio general public realize tho value to the com munity which may accrue from the work of Intelligent and expert weather Investigation. . ' Horc, in Hague Kiver valley, most peoplo nrv prone to look upon tho work of file weatherman as purely a niatler'of orchard heating und of little benefit except to thoso who "smudge." This Is a mistake. While Mr. Young's work bos been largely connected with orchard heating and making of frost .orecasts the data he nas acquired has been of great importance In many other directions. Primarily Mr. Young is sent here each year for tho special work ol malting frost predictions and the In vestigation of orchard heating. In thin work lie has had to observe all tile weather phenomena and a careful record Is kept or such observations. In 191" It was suggested to Mr. Young tlie possibilities of working out a mathematical formula for accurately predicting frost in terms of actual minimum temperature to be expected. Mr Young stated he bud the matter In view and would Iminmlluttlv try to solve the problem as ho believed it could lie done. The result Is well known for Mr. Young succeeded In de veloping such a formula. So well has this method worked that a bulletin was Issued by the I'. S. weather bureau upon tlie subject and It is being used widely. Hut then? are still many things to learn about frost conditions, orchard heating, etc. In collaboration with the county agent, .Mr. Young Is going as deeply Into the matter ns his limited time and avail able funds will permit. If we slop to thin Just what this frost work and the other weather in vestigations will mean to our valley wo can readily understand why It Is of vast importance that It continue. There Is hardly a project of niucn magnitude, which might be considered here, that would not first go as deeply into tho weather side of the question as possible before starting work. Thj, first thing the aviation authorities want to know before they establish n field hero is weather conditions. Irri gation projects must, know weather conditions such. as ruinfull, water flow, etc. Canneries will want 'to know the, weather sj as to base their judgment on crop conditions. Scien tific farmers will want to know weath er conditions and tho frost conditions before they plant for what intelli gent man would want to come in. here and plant tomatoeu In toot nt our cold Bpots, for example. Saw mills, electric power plants, railroads and every oth er great Industry first Investigates tin weather. So, realizing the great value to lis all and especially to the growers of fruits, berries and vegetables who are Interested in prolecting their crops against frost, tho Fruit drawers' league mado successful orforts to have Mr. Young sent back here to continue the valuable work he has started. There was not sufficient money avail able for this purpose though the weather bureau desired to send him. However, through the work or Senator McNury an appropriation was obtain ed from congress at the last minute and Mr. Young was sent here. The people of tho county appreciate the efforts of those who helped to get tho continuance of this work as they all realize the Importance and neces sity of it. Mr. Young, with his five years or experience here is the most valuable man wo could get for the woik and he has the hearty co-operation of every progressive citizen in the county. Was in Bed Three' Days Mrs. Josle Hoed, 217 N. lister St.. Tulsa, Okla., writes: "I was in bed three days with my back. 1 took Foley Kidney Tills and In two days was at my work again. I cannot praise your medlclnn too lunch." Foley Kidney Tills stop bladder irregularities and strengthen the kidneys. They help eliminate front the system the poisons that cause backache, rheumatic pains. stiff joints, sore muscles, swollen hands and foot, puffiuess under the eyes. Sold everywhere. Adv An Imprisoned shark will repeatedly bruise Us nose against the sides of the glass lank and never seems to learn not to do it. Do you eat EM5 Hornby's Oats -or just oats ? "ELEANOR" '.'ill desij,ti dresses for all occa sions. Color and style to suit your individuality. Water color model on bristol board $2.00.. Send color of hair, eyes, height, and usual dress measurements to Box 7o, Mail Tribune Upon receipt of design, remit cheek to "Eleanor." Box 75, Tribune. The difference : 1 . We steam-cook H-O, so you only have to cook it a few minutes. 2. Pan-toasting brings out an entirely differ ent and delicious flavor, and gives it that rich, golden color. 3. It cooks up flaky not sticky and pasty.' 4. It comes to you clean and fresh, in an airtight Waxseal wrapper. THE H-0 CEREAL COMPANY, Inc. 1 -"mYUM A pJ)$AK Vwc m tour WIFE M The wisest thing a man can do it to take his wife into his complete business confidence and make her his BUSINESS partner as well as his life partner. Open a bank account for YOUR wife in our bank. Many a man has been saved from business disaster by the money his wfe'has quietly tucked away to her credit in the bank and 'which she was able to "produce" at the critical moment. Try it.1 We. invite YOUR Banking Business Jackson County Bank Established 1888 Member Federal Reserve Latimer's Powdered Arsenate of Lead Packed in 4 and 5-pound bags For sale by DENNY & CO. Phone 294 Warehouse S. P. Track 87,500,000 FEET National Forest Timber For Sale r;,::r:- LOCATION' AX-1 AMOl'.NT All tlie merchantable dead I'lrnW stand ing or down and ull the live timber marked or designated for cut ting on an area embracing about 6.2S0 acres in Twp. 35 S., H. 4 E., surveyed, and Twp. 3 S., R. 4 E., V. M uhsuweyed, Four Jilt Creek watershed, Crater National Forest, Oregon, estimated to be 87,500,000 feet B. -M., more or less, of western yellow'pine, Douglas fir, white fir, sugar pine and incense cedar timber, ap proximately SI per cent western yellow pine. STV.MI'Atil.; PISH'KS Lowest rates considered, $3.75 per M for west ern yellow pine, white pine and sugar pine, and $0.75 per SI for the other species. For material unmerchantable under the terms of the contract to be removed at the option of the purchaser, for which payment Is required by the Rorest Service, 25 cents per It feet. Rates to be readjusted In 1 925 and I 928. JIKIHLSJT. With hid $10,000, to apply on purchase price If bid is ac cepted, or refunded If rejected. i.'lN'AL DATK FOR HID. Seuled bids will be received by the District Forester, Portland, Oregon, up to and including 'Alny 25, 1921. n The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Before bids are submitted full Information concerning the character of the timber, conditions of sale, deposits, and the submission of bids should be obtained from the District Forester, Portland, Oregon, or the Forest Supervisor, Medford, Oregon. MEDFORD-ROSEBURG AUTO STAGES Lr Madiard 11 . m. Pailv. l.T Itanr 1 . M. Vaily MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS I.HAVK MKDKOHI). 10:00 a. m. 1 :00 p. in. 4:30 p. m. Cars stop at all interinediatt point! Waiting; room Medford, 5 South l-'ruHt. I.KAYK OKANTS TASS. 10 a .m. 1:00 )). m. 4: 30-p. ). I'lioa .TOD INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. imsmmmm DAY QR NIGHT WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors PICTURE FRAMING SWEM'S STUDIO YOU CAN GET MOST ANY OLD THING AT MOST ANY OLD TIME AT DE VOE'S BUY A GOOD BICYCLE It saves sline-lenUier, time and enemy Harley-Davidson Bicycles Are ns good nw Harley-Davidson Motorcycles , AH Itlcyrlcs anil Motorcycles re paired nt Gaylord Motorcycle Shop Medford Nut. Phono 1HH-M GOOD CLOTHES I Make Them KLEIN HS- 1 28 Kaat Mnn St. 'I S C A brand 1 W osw Cutou w v portable type writer. Other tnuea at attractive pnoaa. ua before you buy. l$OOIi STORK USE B. T. S. (Baricum Sulphur) for your "Pink Spray" 3 lbs. to 50 gallons of water. - Farm Bureau Co-Op Exchange A Real Car - ; for 2 . . S 1 $287.22 You will be surprised at the value in this bargain. Good tires, good top, side curtains and in fine mechanical condition. The Busy Corner Motor Co. 'The store where your dollar does its duty'