-.L-.I ' PXGE TWO fEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE. M"EDFQTl'D. PRECOX. SATPIfDAY. ' APRIL 0. W21 Tocal and Personal Good news lo the many who are planning Sunday outings of various kinds Is that tomorrow will be fair according to this morning's prediction. The weather has modernted consider ably and there was no frost this mor ning, the lowest temperature being 43 degrees. The warmest temperature of Friday was 75 degrees. Lost Amethyst and pearl pin shap ed like shamrock. Uencrous toward. Return to Mail Tribune office. 17 My motto: Not now "many" I can treat but how "good" I can treat those 1 do. Dr. Coleman, Chiropractic and Natural Methods. M. F. & II. Hldg. tf Tho Washington school grounds ten nis courts ate being fixed up by the pupils and Parent-Teacher association for playing. Try our merchants lunch. The Shasta. Follvnnua for best lunches. 2X Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Auten and Karle Atltcn, tourists from Flint, Mich., who had been spending the winter In Call fornia and are enroute homo by the northern route stopped off her yester day, and toduy resumed their Journey. They stopped off here u year ago while making the same trip. Oilier gues'.s at the Holland include C. M. Casllres of WilllaniHport, I'u., and Mr. and Mrs C. H. Furnsworth and Mr. and Mrs Wdlhetor of Puloiiso, Wn. Gregg shorthand and speed typing class now starting, Bookkeeping mas- lerdl)IU(iltly. through our new ma chine methods. Medford Business Col lege. -17 If you have an odd Job you want done, or need help for hotisecleaning etc., telephone The Salvation Army ilCS. Male or foinalo help furnished free of charge Wo wish to help un employed.' ''Copt. V. C. Sinclair, 229 Apple street. J7 Five auto touring parties spent Fri day night at the city auto camp grounds, . three of which remained there this forenoon. Ella M. Cross, public stehograpber, No. 9, Jackson County Hank Wdg. Phono 32(1 -R (mornings only). 41 You can now get the new McQuay NorriB perfect ground stop cut piston ling for 35c at the Hlversldo guruge. We can;' a complete stock of McQituy- Norris step cut and Snperoyl rings, and Inland rings. 2() There Is a scries of baseball games to he played by tho girls clubs of the eight schools represented In the .lack son' County Athletic association. The Applugute and Jacksonville girls clubs played at the county scat Friday after 1 noon and the contest was won by the former club, which next Saturday will lllay wllli the winner or the ltogue River-Gold Hill game. ' Majestic orchestra at Faglo Point Saturday night. 16 I Community -dancing tonilo at Nata- torluin. Imperial orchestra, "Host in the- West" and finest equipped hall in southern Oregon. - 16 Oregonlans registered at the Med ford are Blanche McDonald of Klam ath Falls, Mrs.W. J. Escott or Marsh fluid, J: G. W. Wlrklund or Fiigone, and the following from Portland: Mr and Mrs. L. W. Kcennn, T. F. Mcsch J. A. Liggett, J. -Al. Pnyman, Irene Riigh, -Miss M. H. Peterson, II. W Randall, S. flonson, Mr. and Mrs. D. D Smaller, ' Jr.-. J. 11. Hill, Alfred A Hftmpson, John W. Sinclair, F. It. Hoi lock, J. li. Messinger, L. W. Scott, Ucn-llybke nnd Goorgo W. Harrington Miss Altn Noylor, Goodwin corse Here, 121 N. Grape street. Phono 5-I8-.I Are yon puyliig license for 30 horso power and getting only 10? We' can glvo you back tho old wer and pep by ri'liorlng hurt refitting your motor Riverside- Garage; ;'. 20 TftA all day dairy meeting of the Jadfribn'-' county fiirmdrs and others began this forenoon In the public II lira. - - '- f- : - v . Efarythlng electrical. Hodford Elec trlcSCo. Phourf-61.'' ' Nw hats nrrivinl? dully-' iit' Lottie liovhird's, 109 . Central avenue. 17 Rdlntlvo to the frost damage In Josephine county the past week t lie Grants Pass Courier says: "With re fill rd to the damage done by the recent fi-ost.'the county agent advises that while some sections suffered more thair others, taken as a whole the damage has not been as serious as was at first believed, even thotfgh the temperature was below the danger point several nights. The early pears, especially tho Iliirtlotts. have been heavily thinned and the D'Anjoiis run second In the amount of Injury re cnived. The lute penrs are not miller- ially hurt. Tbp Hose nnd Cornice have been thinned somewhat, but the Win ter Mclis were practically untouched. U.;A. Holmes,: the insurance Man Insurance, and llunds, plus Service. Why nul dance on the -finest floor and til the best music? Tonlte lit the Natatoriuni. HI The Enterprise grange will hold a dnncfc and supper al the grange hall in Wimer a week fiom toniubl. Kxcel lent music nnd lots of good things t oat are promised for this event. ? ? ? Iteal music ? ? ? William's Jazz fiddle. J'Ullc, I'll. nite. Kngle Point Sat. nlte. li: ' Cut ' worms kill vegetables. Carco kills cut worms. Sold by Monarch Seed Co. tf A. 10. Ilililreth of Oakland. Calif, who is visiting bis parenis, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. ilililreth. nnd brothers. L A. and X, II.. at llutle Falls, was in Medford Saturday in company with his father, who was attending the I' & K. beat lug. 11. T. S.. dry Ilariuni sulphur for your pink spray. Farm lltncaii Co Operative Kxchanse. 1(1 ? ? ? Heal music ? ? ? William's .jazz fiddle. .1 ville, Fii. nite. Kaglc I'olnt Sal nite. ill' A sermon of striking interest Is an nounced by Rev. F. R. Leach for Sun day 11 a. ni. at the First liaptlst church. The speaker will treat of the "Wrong Conceptions Most Peoplo Have of the Secret of Contentment." The subject will doubtless draw some who do not nttend the usual church service. The choir also has somo good music for the service. The evening meeting is omitted that all may hear Dr. Wirt at the Presbyterian church in the union meeting. Anyone having trouble with mildew on roses can get rid of it by using "Mildew-Go". Sold by Monarch Seed Co. tf Pollyanna lunch and delicatessen 1C The weather was so warm last night that not a one of tho homeless wan derers who arrive In the city nightly on freight trains had the nerve to ap ply at the city prison for lodging. ? ? ? Real music ? ? ? William's jazz fiddle, J'villu Fri. nite. Eagle Point Sat. nite. C Insurance of all kinds. Lindas, 235 East Main. The street car between here and Jacksonville will be started some time next week, probably Thursday, ac ccording to J. T. Gagnon. The road bed has been overhauled and every thing is 'ready, he says, except the cutting of tlio rails over the Main street crossing of the Southern Pacific railroad to allow the car to pass over. Hard time dance given by K. of P. All Knights and their ladies are in viled.' Wed. eve. April 13. Ill Soda Fountain for sale at DeVoe's. . , , . - - tf In Judge Taylor's court this week w. c Kussercr or Jacksonville was lined $25 and costs on the charge of Intoxication. Ills drunk was simul taneous with that of George Margriter who drew a fine of $-10 and costs and a sentence of rive days In jail Violin instruction, Florence Howell, special attention to beginners. Sparta building, phone 545-H. tf Delco-Llght Electricity for every farm. Medford Eloctric Co. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hockensniilh of Heagle, Kuln Houston of Trail and Georgo W. Darker or llutle Falls are visitors in the city today and were guests at the Holland last night, Lawn mowers sharpened. Mitchell Ladder Co., 318 East Main. tf Sleepy Hollow" nt Eagle Point Sat urday night. 10 Marlon E. Hnrnum, daughter or W. V. Uarnuin, an orchardlst of Medford will be graduated from the O. A. C. school of conimereo this spring. .Miss Illinium Is a graduate of Medford high, and al. college has majored In office training. Miss llaruuni has had prac tical experience In office work, having been assistant secretary of the llnrd well Fruit company of Medford. Sho Is a member of the Gamma Iota soror ity at Corvallis. Students numbering I are in tho school of commerce so far Ibis school year. Wanted Refined, cultured and ex perienced woman to keep house for threo In family. No washing or iron ing. J. F. llaio, .105 S. Oakdale. tf Science tells us there is health and longevity In good bread. Experience has taught us how to make it. Itutier Roll llrend, for health and happiness, at your grocor. in Guests from a distance at the Nnsb are Matilda Carlsen of Christiana, Norway, Tuga Williams of Chicago. John Carrotber or New York city, Fred Morris of Wilson, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilson or Dixon, Calif. heed wheat $2.40 per cwt. nt the Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange. tf Personal attention to overdue ac counts. Lindas, 235 East Main. N. T. McDonald of Trail is one of the visitors from that section in Med ford, who arrived hero Friday. lllocks and dry slabs tor Balo. Call 859. tf "LiKle Pal o' Mlno" at Eagle Point Saturday night. 10 George .1. Parker, E. W. Anderson and Walter Rain tire in (he city from the llluo Ledgo mining section. Plcollng Henist Itching llultons covered Handicraft Shop. Ford truck with cab nnn good body for sale cheap. Now tires. Scely V. Hall Motor Co. tf The public market of Ibis morning was a very fair one for this season of the year. There was a goodly supply or meats, hut or course n scarcity of vegetables. Phone 474. Guaranteed work, prompt service. City Cleaning & Dvelng Co.. Iill South Riverside. tf When better automobiles are built, Ilnlc k will build them. tr The Women's college of the Rogue River valley met this nt'tcruoou in Medford Willi Dr. Eva M. Curlew of 2ti South Laurel street as hostess. Those wanting pure milk and cream from tubercular tested cows phone Ii2i-Y, llliss and Scott Dairv. It; Make spring afternoons happier for yourself and child through the joys ol kindergarten methods. Tiny Tot School, phone S32-W. 19 A number of Medford people attend ed the brilliant ball and cabaret of the t company, Oregon Coast intilloiv at Ashland last night. Invest your savings In the Jackson tounty Building and Loan association tf ltig time at Eagle Point Saturday, April !. k;. II. II. Stoddard and 10. A. Ilililreth re In the illy from Unite rails today. There Is a si-nrclly of dressed cbick us in I he maiket as the owners ot i lug poultry dislike Id kill their bens il this (line. On the other hand there is a great hunger locally for chicken meat and consequently a big demand lor II. What lew dressed chickens there are retail al 4". cents a pound. Rock Spring lump coal, dry wood. mill blocks and kindling. Valley Fuel Co. ir tf At the Holland hotel are George C. Ellis of Willows, CallL, M. Levy of Redding, Calif., L. P. Older of Port land and J. R. Lee of Portland. We have room for a few more hogs in our shipment to Portland Monday Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange, 032. , fi Mrs. A. Owen3 of Dallas, and E. C. Colbun and C. F. Grecez of Klantath Falls are guests at the Xash. We do Hemstitching and Plcotlng. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Xo. 10 S. Fir. Phone 215-R. 27 Waller P. Duulap received a tele gram Thursday night informing of his lather's death near Fresno, Calif., and left Friday to attend the funeral. Save money on wrapping paper by using white print paper in rolls. Ask this ofrice. tf Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Beard and fam ily, will soon return to Eugene to make their home, according to word received rroni Mr. Beard, who operat ed the service station at the coiner or Sixth avenue and Olive street berore leaving to make his home in Medford - Eugene Register. Everything electrical. Medford Elec tric Co. Phono CC1. Among nominees for election to the student council, which is the govern ing body in student affairs nt Reed college In Portland, is Miss Elizabeth Gore of Medford. The election takes place In about a week. Better buy a Chandler than wish you had. tf The new city hall annex will prob ably not be ready for occupancy for about a month, a change having been decided on In the plans ot the offlce arrangement. Patronize ' home and building pay rolls by insisting on having brooms made by Rogue River Broom Works. 17 Prices have dropped 100 to 85 cents on Columbia records. Xow is tho time to stock up. Palmer Piano House, 234 East Main. 21 Simon Benson, owner of the Benson hotel at Portland and one of Oregon's most prominent nnd wealthiest citi zens and former chairman of the state highway commission, arrived here by auto Friday evening from southern California where he had been spend ing the winter. He had expected that Mrs. Benson would come to meet him here from Portland, but he arrived a day too soon, nnd left the Hotel Med ford this forenoon for Roseburg where she will'join liiin. Mr. Benson who is traveling alone and without chauffeur says the roads are good with the ex ception of a few spots, between Med ford and Los Angeles "Pekln" at Eagle Point Saturday night. Lawn mowers sharpened right. Lib erty Shop. 2(il-J. tf A special feature at the services of the Main Street Methodist church; South, Sunday will bo Ibo address by I)r, Lincoln Wirt at IV a. m. on the "Capture of Jerusalem." Dr. Wirt was with General Allenby when the Holy City was wrested from the Turks. You will be welcome. Hemstitching and plcotlng 10 cents per yard. The Vanity Ha Shop, Cor. 10. Main and Bnrtlott. tr Fred Williams, public service com missioner of tho slate, arrived in the city Ibis morning to spend the day in looking into the petition of the people of Butte Falls and vicinity asking the public servlco commission to permit! the operation of a car on the Pacific nnd Eustern railroad between this city and Unite Falls to carry mail, passen gers and freight to that town. Mr Williams expected to meet with i number of tho petitioners here (his forenoon, 12-Inch dry pine $-l.oo n tier; lfl-inch dry pine $1.75. Valley Fuel Co. tf l leaning house tiibe Is here. Now Is (lie time to buy the best piano polish al Palmer s Piano House. 234 East Main. i Among the guests at Hie Meill'ord are Lincoln Wirt of New mrk, Guy 11. Booker of Seattle. M. I., hooper of Taconia and the following Callfor nlans: Ira O. Well of Long Beach. C. L. Stewart ol' l.os Angeles, A. M. Wes ton, Jr., or Sacramento, ami Mrs. 11. II. ..annali, W. G. Weightnuui, II. M. Larkln. 11. It. Lowe, It. W. Lippy. P. A. Itowo and P. J. Wagner of San Kraucisco. Dclco-I.rgbt farm light and power plants. Medford Electric Co. 11. H. Patterson accompanied by nis friend, J. T. Rose of Dayton. Ohio 7M NEW YORK, April 3. Distribu tion ot $7,904,399 for retiring allow ances and pensions to 900 persons have been made through the Carnp Ble foundation for the advancement of teaching during the last fifteen years, according to the annual re port of tho foundation, made publi today. Resources of.tho foundation were $24,028,000 of which $15,192,000 be longs to the permanent general en dowment, A retirement reserve fund of $7,571,000 is set aside to be ex pended during the next sixty years for relief of teachers in associated colleges. A fund of $1,250,000 is held for the division of educational In quiry and $:J90,000 to aid universities and colleges to adopt a new plan of contractual annuities. This plan pro vides for contractual forms of insur ance and old age annuities through tile policies of the Teacher's Insur anee nnd Annuity association. This association was established by the foundation -through a gilt of $1, 000,000. Its purpose is to provide In surance and annuity protection to college teachers without overhead cnai-ges. ll lias written, the report said, G5I1 insurance policies .covering $ .1 , f) 0 , i 4 i of insurance and 5;,4. an unity Contracts providing fin- $021, :i:ix annual income at retirement. The - distribution of money during the last fifteen years has been di vided a-mong former Harvard univer sity tenebers, who receive $025,000: former Vale teachers, $.",48,000. and retired 'Columbia educators $404,000. Sixteen other institutions received sums between $100,000 and $200,001) and the remainder has gone to eighty different colleges. There are .lr,G re tiring allowances and 190 widows' pensions now in force. Ashland Tuesday. Her husband who is convalescing rapidly will follow suit probably next Sunday. Miss A. Fuller, the rural school supervisor was visiting ill this section Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarke left Wednesday for a lew days visit with her parents who live at Waldo. .Mrs. Erwln Conig and small daugh ter of Derby are visiting with Mrs. W. M. Mansfield. Mrs. Asa Hollenbeak and baby were visitors at Mrs. Gus Ditsworth'a Sat urday. , tremors, (Pardon the literary license Highest Quality Jewelry Repairing but at any rate wo should be' pleased j Diamond Setting, nlcli llepaii in to have you further enlighten us on earthquake correspondents through the columns of your publication. This grave error of omission is an over- j sight, and I know you will rectify it. -Yours sincerely, P. PERCIFICl'S GOOF. 1 Satisfaction Assured quality and price. Mail us your wants. MARTIN J. REDDY OBITUARY. BEMIS Died in Boston, Wednesday April 6i li. Mr. Judson M. Demhi, father of Mrs. Reginald II. Parsons of Seattle and Mediord, Oregon. j Sport B. V.D.'s NEW YORK A group of nation ally known, tt-nnis players, including; neveral titkv-holderH, left hero today for Pinehurnt, N. C, wlitn-u they will com pel o in the an mm I north and .south lawn tennis championship tour nament for men and women. In the party were Mrs. Molla Rjurstedt Mal lory. national turf and indoor cham pion; lehiya KunmRae, tho .lapanene star; S. Howard Voshull and Vincent Richards. - t . , UriHAXA. T'.l.-r-rThe j:.ver.siay of Illinois baseball teqm left here today for Ja Fayette, Ind., where they will open the 'western enhferonce season against Purdue this afternoon. Cr.EVKLAXn iYounff Montreal if Providence, outpointed J no Iynch, bantamweight champion, in a no-decision bout last night. CHICAGO Three homo runs by Flack and Holloeher of tho Cubs and one by Meek of tho Wichita team were tho main features of the gjitn yesterday, wliieh' the Cubs won by a walk-away score of 13-3, aecord inix to a message from Wichita. Weaver pitched the full game. Ion (his luornini; on a business to Portland and Seattle. Mrs. Paul Hanson, corsetfero Xullone. Pliono. 5S5-J. trip for DIES AT R. R. STATION , l:l, I'ASO. 'IV.VIS. April 10. l!,.ar Admiral l'ran! ILirvcy ll,-iil,-y. retii-ril li'.i years old. died suddenly al the I'n ioii station bero this niiu'nlni;, while 'wailing for a train. He was on bis way lo his home. In Cowaiula. N. V. lie bad been in Kl I'upii a wi-ok. Notice Lost, from emigrant car nt Medford. Feb. L':i. one black male cat, some white lower pail month, white chin, breast nnd four feet. Conies for name of Jerrv. Five dollars given lo anyone to express hint. C. V. II. to W. II. lios uury. tierher, Calif. Hi DETROIT The Harmsworth tro phy and gold cup races to be le-ui here tho last week in August and the first week in September, will be run over the old gold cup course on the American side of llille isle, if the course can be altered to comply with the lliiritisworth rules. Some dredg ing will be necessary. MILLS Died at his home in Ash land, April 7, John W. Mills, Sr., aged 85 years. Horn ill Bristol, Tenn., in 1S:ifl, he came to Oregon in 1S39. He served In the civil war as a member of Co. C, First Oregon cavalry, and after being discharged returned to Rose burg. Later he removed to Jackson ville, and In 1S67 was united in mar- riago to Tabitha Anderson. To this union Seven children were born, all of whom are living and 'were present in the family circle when the husband and father passed away. The' wife i and mother also survives. The chil- dreu are Mrs. tleorge Mathes, .lrs. (J. 1 L. Carey, W. A. Mills, John W. Mills, Jr., and Miss Jessie Mills, or Ashland; Mrs. J. A. Frizelle, or Snoqualmie Falls, Wash.; and F. T. Mills of Chico, Calif. Funeral services will be held at the family home, 315 Almond street, on Sunday afternoon, April 10, at"' 2 o'clock. Interment in Phoenix ceme tery,, the G. A; R. having charge of services at the grave. COMMUNICATIONS A Correspondent Quakes- ' To the editor: 1 read with great in terest your daily column of questions and answers. One of the questions answered In the column is: How big a staff of earthquake correspondents does the II. S. have? The answer, 4500 earthquake correspondents. That ill view of the mention on the same page of the arrival of Pror. Einstein and a very plain and comprehensive explanation of his theory of Relativity, in other words your acknowledgment and acceptance of greater truths ought to lead you to be more plain and con cise in statements printed in your esteemed and enlightening publica tion. Now that the foregoing is plain we come to earthquake correspon dents. An earthquake is defined as a tromor in the earth's surface, some, tithes preceded or followed by volcanic eruptions. Then we are to understand that an earthquake correspondent is one af fected 13' tremors or is he of volcanic origin or does his correspondence deal wllh one so affected. The ordinary people know 'of a correspondent as one who corresponds, but an earthquake correspondent, docs it imply the cor respondent's disposition or whnt? I have heard of eruptive dispositions and Ihiinderoiis applause and various siniilies, hut never of one who corre sponded enrthquakely although I have known connhon newspaper reporters, sometimes dignified by the title corre spondents, who have had delirium "THE IMMORTAL HOPE" Address, by 13 F. LINDAS 11:00 A. M. Tlicrc will be no evening' .service. This church will hike part in Union Services at I'msbTlemH Church. ( . , ; 7 :30 P.M. , , I First Methodist Episcopal Church RiuVtli and Bartlett tOfcj "A Church with a ChalicnguijrrPrograin.i -wrj Classes ibr?Ay.tAps. : .Bible H.'hool 9:4o. rhMriWgM-iflMmmiam-w"M-ifmwfc7n"i COME RIGHT TO THE BANK TTM1 and again you are confronted with some problem in business or finance which warrants obtaining' the opinion and judge ment of an outside source before proceed ing. - And that is just one of the many adva,iitagos of '"Nationalized" account at- the Mi'st ' National Bank. ' , . - - .... , , ; ,, . ... Msi3frd Oregon gllllllillllllllllllllllllllilllM ; Mrs. T. 15. Roberts had . an liaster party Saturday evening. .. Kugeiie Carls and Ellis Davidson have gone to Quid Hill to work. W. S. Hailey and C. C. Davidson mado a business trip to Grams Pass Tuesday. , ' : ', Miss Steininet. and Mrs. , V. A Hailey motored to Grants Pass Satur day in a taxi to sec Mrs. Alice Ilarou on business. , -. A lew or the neighbors surprised Mr. and Mrs. Herman McPatten Monday night. T. J. Cook nnd family spent Monday evening at Homer York's. Vern Hailey and Hob Lindsay helped W. 11. York anil son brand cattle. Kvan Kuhll nnil Kugene Carls spent Sunday at the Hailey hoiue.lt Mrs. It. A. Jordan and son spent the weed; end ut her mother's, C, L. David son. E Word has been received here that Mrs. Wm. Lewis, formerly of the F. R. ranch, but now of Mediord, is criticnl- iy ill suffering from an attack of pneumonia. Mrs. F. pitswnrth relurned from TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SAI.K Ford touring $27: Chev rolet touring $ro. Fatten Robinson. Inc., llu' S. Riverside. Card of Thanks We wish to thank those friends and neighbors, who gave assistance audi consolation, during Hie death and bur ial of our beloved father. Kspeclally do we lb. mk those who contributed ihe floral pieces, nnd those who com- lorted with their sympathy, in song. MR. AND .MRS T. II. n TAYLOR MR. AND MRS. J. D. WIMKR MISS SAHIil'Y HOOKKR. 10 TO TRADK For a work horse, a young Jersey milk cow. Phone U.v.T. 1" l-'OR RF.NT i room furnished bunga low centrally located. Rent $"0 Ans. Hex 01. Tribune. 1 FOR RKNT Five room bungalow w ith sleeping porch. Rent $20. m;; Catherine St. Call MM! between 0 and S p. in. in FEW PEOPLE ARE CONTENTED or Happy. i Discontent Ls General Know" . l.1...-JIC'- Dt'-You "The Secret of Contentment' l i 1 f Not, You Will AVanf:;to.jHfthe::ruuit beimon, 1 1 :UU A. M ., Kuiiday, at the '' .... ' First Baptist Church (N. Central and Fifth Streets) REV. F. R. LEACH, Pastor. i ' 7:30 1 M. l .iuon .Meeting' at Presbyterian Church. )r. Wirt, Speaker. iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin t .. , Y X I I I 1 1 x I x I 1 I BE THRIFTY! i Place your money with us and let it earn 7 and S per (.,.nt, fur you. Why loan for less? It's to your interest to get the, best rale of interest possible, isn't it?. It's our business to make it possible for vou to do so. We will be glad to have the privilege of explaining to you anvthing vou do not dearly understand about our. association. Come in and talk it over Jackson County Building and Loan Association 30 N. Central Ave. FOR SAI.K O. A. C. strain Barrel Reel; eggs for hatching. Phone S,VR.,'J. 4 C. M. KIDD, President C. M. K.1DD, President o r. nanna o . t T f : Y Y V t I A.7 n-.f i .'k:'v-d