TWO ftiEDTOTlT) MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDTOftB, OIsF.(":0:. SATURDAY. 'APRTT, f Large cuncreisatiuiis were in atttn dance at ihe Main Street Methodist iff r.iiscoai cniircn, somn, last Sunday. Eg Jj t11oni1 " M l s,"day srliool, league, misBionary so- Tocal and Tint a few days more and the valley "Will be a uiass of blossoms as the earlier varieties of pears will then be in full bloom. Hern and there a num ber of trees are in bloom now. The later varieties of pears will be in full bloom in a week or JO days, and the apple blossoms will be out in about two weeks. "This is the most consis tent fruit blootnlnK section I ever saw" Haiti Floyd It. Yomm. the frost cxert. today. "Dining my five years of visits here in the spring blossoming time has always, route about April 1st." There Is very heavy setting of pears In the orchards, and generally of ap ples. Try our merchants lunch. The Shasta. liny fresh hulk seedH at Warner. Wortmau & Gore. 11 Another rousing dance at Nat to night. , Imperial orchestra. 10 A change In the weather Is coming as the prediction for Sunday Is fail and cooler, and the air begun cooling off a little this forenoon. Friday was the warmest day of spring so far, with a temperature of 7f. J" or Sale, 1 Hz 1 big six 7-passenger Htudebaker like new. Will consider trade. G Jl, Loomis. Phone 411-11-2. 11 Good order and good time at Kagle Point Saturday night. 10 We can' allow you a fair price for old tires. Kxchangu Tire Co. l.r W. L. Jones of the local forest ser vice will take the place of II. J. ICberly ns district warden for the stale! forest service In Jackson county. Ills head ouarters will be with the federal for est sci'vice and he assumes the duties of the position April 1st. Mr. Kberly who has been promoted to deputy state forester with headquarters in Salem, arrived in the city Friday anil will leave tomorrow to attend a for estry meeting al Klamath Falls. Miss Alia Naylor, Goodwin corse tlero, 121 N. Grape street. Phone 51S-.I. 35 See the picture, "Tho Triumph of Good Will," at the liialto Friday and Saturday. 10 Another rousing dance at Nut to night. Imperial orchestra. 10 Clias. A. Cheney of Denver and T. I'". Merrick of Seattle are among the guests at the Holland. Everything electrical. Medford Klec trlc Co. Phono Gin. Dancing school Mini., Wed. Frl. from 8 to 11), Althea hall, corner Main and Central. Guarauteo to teach you. In course of eight lessons. Campbell's Dancing School. HI Got that Hpnro tiro from our large '. stock of used and rebuilt tires. Priced light. Exchange. Tire Co. 15 Percy Cupper, state engineer arriv ed In the clly 'last evening for an In spection of (he various Irrigation pro jects in thlH vicinity, having come from Grants Pass where ho went over the big district Irrigation project In thai, section, "' ' U. T. 8., ' dry Barium sulphur for your pink spray. Farm llureaii t'o OpurnUve Exchange. Ill A great many, people swear "by" me, sonio swear "for" me and a few swear "at" me. I do not. worry tho, 'cause 1 was put In this world to do "good" and "I do". Dr. Coleman, M. F. & II. Iildg. Chiropractic and Natur al Methods. tf Another rousing dance at Nat to night. Imperial orchestra. 1(1' The public market this morning was a fairly, good one with plenty of meat and eggs, and a goodly supply ol dressed chickens wlilc'. proved pnpu lar anil sold early. 11. A. Holmes, tho msuranco Man V Insuraucc. and lionds, plus Service. N. The plcturo showing tho develop ment of ono of Ihe biggest manufac turing Industries of the country Frl day and Saturday at Hlallo. Ill Pollyanmi lunch and delicatessen k; The Southern Oregon Presbyterlal will convene next Tuesday in the Presbyterian church at Ashland with representatives present from the churches in this section of the state Prominent speakers are expected to address, the gathering. Dcico-i.igm isioctriclly for every farm. Medford Klectrlc Co. Soda Fountain for sale at DeVoe's tf I'eed wheat $2.40 per cwt. at the Farm lluieau Cooperative Kxchangi tf'.i Another rousing dance at Nat to night. Imperial orchestra. 10' OrcKonlans registered at the Med ford are F. S. Heck of Woodbuin, II t. Kouisen of Mauinth Falls, Percy A. Cupper of Salem, and the following from Portland: Captain and Mrs. It. IcClark. J. 11. Messlnger, A. W. Glass ford, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Fvans, Mi ami .Mrs. W. F. Miller, A. II. Balllngcr, and J. v. Gates. Personal attention to overdue an counts. Lindas, 23.1 Fast Main. Hlorks and dry slabs for sale. Call S5II. tf. Illversldo Community (Tun dance at Club House on Pacllic Highway Satur day eve., April L'ml. Good music. Tickets $1.50 on sale Iteddy's Jewelry Store. la' Clay A. Walker, the former resident here is a visitor In the city fium Dunsmulr, Calif. ' Flowering shrubbery and perennials. Eden Valley Nursery, liSrt-J-J. , Window and door screens, lattice work. Trowbridge Cabinet Works, T' Another rousing dame at Nat to night. Imperial orchestra. in A large number of Ashland fans were la the city last night enjoying the big American Legion dance. Yon will nlwnys find someone In at MODICHN PLUMH1NC. ft IIF.ATING CO. Use your phone, ours Is liM. 3J- Insurance of nil kinds. Lindas, East Main. clety, in fact, the who'e church is making advances along all lines. To morrow the services will be interest ing. At the morning services Mrs. Collins will sing. In the evening the choir will give a special number. This j morning and evening sermons w ill be helptul and inspiring. lo all these services the public is cordially invited. II. O. Frobach. secretary of the chamber of commerce, arrived home today from Eugene where he attended the short course of the l". of O. depart ment of couimerce for the commercial organization secretaries, and also the annual meeting of tho Oregon cham ber of commerce secretaries. New wooden beads for trimming blouses, hats, sashes, bags, lamp shades, etc., in many colors. Handi craft Shop. 11' Make the spring afternoons happier for yourself and child through the joys of Kindergarten methods. Tiny Tot School, phone Hliii-W. 1 Another rousing dance at Nat to night. Imperial orchestra. 10 Weed Post. No. 71 of the American Legion will have charge of the Fourth of July celebration in that city tills year, and plan to make it the biggest event of its kind in the history of northern California. There will be special program of sports, including baseball games, and other athletic contests. They are asking the co-operation of southern Oregon and nor thern California communities. Majestic orchestra at Eagle Point Saturday night. 10 "Spot" dances at F.agle Point Satur day night. 10 embroidery threads in all shades. Handicraft Shop. 11 Pen M. Collins of Grants Pass, transacted business matters in the city Friday. For Sale, 1021 lllg six 7-passenger Studebaker like new. Will consider trade. G. M. Loomis. Phone 4 1 l-H-2. II Don't miss "Dollar Day" at the Aiedford Pharmacy, Main and Central, KatuiMay, April 2nd. See their "ad" on another page this Issue. 10 Violin Instruction, Florence Howell, special attention to beginners. Sparta building, phono G45-II. tf George Older of .Montague, Calif., Is spending a few days In the city at tending to business matters. Orders taken for pleating of all kinds, accordian pleating, box and knife pleatlngs. Handicraft Shop. 11 Have your suits and dresses cleaned by a master cleaner. Home cleaning and pressing is a drudgery and takes valuable time that you need for more pleasant work. We will call for your bundles and return them promptly Telephone 211, The Panlorlum. Ill When better automobiles are built Ilulck will build them. tf Hal Gurber, who loft, this city last December for Constantinople, Turkey for a visit with his mother and sisters, writes friends In (his city that he has been held up at Gibraltar, Spain for several weeks awaiting transports anil was further .delayed by Greeco ami Turkey going to war. Itr. Jouett P. Ilray Is In his office week days except Thursdays, room 4011-410. Phone ES0. Lady assistant. "Keep Smiling." tf Save making your children's dresses by buying Pacific Package Goods. Handicraft Shop. 1 It April Fool s dance at Ileaglo Sat. 10 Terrence llrannlgan, who claims to have been working with bridge gangs I'roni Medford to Diiiisniulr for the past seven or eight years, was com niitled to the comity jail here for tio days charged with leaving a camp fire burning. .. Is claimed lie left a camp fire without extinguishing the same al a point In the immediate vicinity of Sisson. oiskyou News. Invest your savings in the Jackson County Uuildlng and Loan association tf Some first class 30x3Mi tires $15.00. .Medford Vulcanizing Works. 32 Lawn mowers sharpened right. Lib erty Shop. 2C1-J. " tf Frank C. Ilraniwell, state superliv- tendent of banks, and Percy A. Cup per, state engineer, left Wednesday night for southern Oregon where they will visit the Points i'ass, Medford and Eagle Point Irrigation districts us members of the stato Irrigation secur itles commission. Salem Capital Jour nal. Phone loo for Taxi. There will be u dance at Savage ( reek hall. Sat., April 2nd. 10 Uetter buy a Chandler than wish you had. tf lames M. Croneiniller of Jackson vilie was a business visitor III the city r riday afternoon. Cash, doors and frames everything In mlllwork. Trowbridge Cabinet Works. 322 Ford truck with cab and good body for sale cheap. New tiros. Seely V. Hall Motor Co. f Iletter get busy now and have your rugs ami carpets washed on the floor; sanitary and no trouble to housewife. Phono !'.ix, !:. L. Davis. 11 Mrs. A. O. Itennett leaves shortly on n vl;.H with friends and relatives In San Francisco and Amjel's Camp. Calif. Delco-Lrght farm light and power Plants. Medford Klectrlc Co. $100 Rcvsrd, 3IC0 The rradtTS or this purer will be pl' .iaod to learn that there Irf nt least i.c'tl d!nt-ase acteiu-e huH iM-t-ri ablo to tu-e In nil its siuki-s anil that I i-atarrh. ('alarm iieiim ureatlv trit!;L-!i. .-1 by constitutional i-or.dltlons lilus ' nrntltmlu'lal treatment IIhII'm !.'atart!i M-.llctre n taki-n Int'-rniitly snd v.i i:i? iteatu i-tt me .Mu.-ons sur- i-T i.f th. Syni.-m tl. -r:hy uentrcylitt; e fM'jnitatlnn o ihe tlia.'iMe. tlvinr ire pi tint; Mrenctti ml.lin,; up Ihe ean- -ition .i.-i.l i'sltitiK natur.' in doing tti rli. Tt'i- nrot.rtelor Iihvo in m'loh tatMi In thr .utull-.B power of Hall's 1'ntarrh Mi.lU-'i'e lli-it thev offer One Hnmlr.-il I 'oll.ii'i for any rae that (I falls i i-tire s ii.l for list of Kithnonlnl.. A. Urea.. 1'. .1 I'll! S'KV & C.).. TulaJn. Ohio. SjM by all Lr-Jtu.jtj. John C. Mann left Wednesday on a ten days visit to Los Angeles and Long Ileach. Calif. He will return with Mrs. Mann and the children. "Spot" dances at lleagie Sat. 10 Save money on wrapping paper by using white print paper In rolls. Ask this office. tf Mrs. Paul Hansen, corEetiere for Nulione. Phone K85-J. tf -is. Klaine Kluin and Mrs. Otto Kliini leave the first of the week for a month's visit in California. They will make the trip by auto. lietter get some of the print paper on rolls for wrapping paper at this office and save 2 or 3 cents per pound. Come and look at It and be convinced. I tf We have extra bargain In some roll print paper, first-class stock, ask us. tf Oh! Yum! Yum! Lome cooked eats at lleagie Saturday, April 2. 10 The Standard Oil service station at Sixtli street and Riverside avenue is nearing completion and will be open for business the first of next week. It was originally Intended to open the plant March 2Sth. The station is the same style as the Main street station. A large force of workmen are rushing the work to completion. We do Hemstitching and I'icoting. Singer Sewing Machine Co. No. 10 S. Fir. Phone 2 1 5-14. 27 Ilrooins made by the Rogue River Proem Works are the best for the money. Insist on home made brooms. 11 The Josephine county circuit court will begin Its sessions next Monday, April -Ith. District Attorney Kawles .Moore will request the return of the transcript of the cases against R. D. Ilines in connection with the failure of the Hank of Jacksonville for reconsid eration at the May term of the Jack-, son county grand Jury. Rock Springs lump coal, dry wood, mill blocks and kindling. Valley Fuel Co. tf When overhauling your old bus put new life in it by demanding genuine American hammered piston rings, fac tory equipment on tho best cars. The IJusy Corner Motor Co. tf' Hemstitching and plcoting 10 cents per yard. Tho Vanity Ha Shop, Cor. E. Main and liartlett. tf Mr. and Mrs. Jack Porter and little daughter are visiting friends and rl atlves in this city. Mr. Porter is en route to Fresno, Cal., on business. If you want some print paper in -oils, to fit in your paper racks or to use without tile racks, better see us at once and save money. tf It will pay you to run Into the Med ford Pharmacy, Main and Central streets, on Saturday, April 2nd. Their specials for one dollar will surprise you. 10 John Taylor of the Applegate is in the city for a few days visiting anil attending to business matters, Plcoting, Hemstitching, lliittons covered. Handicraft Shop.- 11 C. A. Malone of San Francisco, for merly wllh the California-Oregon Pow er company, Is visiting here for a few days. The development of Dodge Brothers factory will be shown Friday and Sat urday at the Rlallo. 10 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALIC Nice, modern home with sleeping porch, garage and garden, close in on pavement. Reasonably pricetl. 320 S. Grape St. FOR SALE Five room bungalow nlco bath, sleeping porch and gar age for two cars. Closo In. Terms. II. S. II., Mall Tribune. FOIl SALE Two acres near Medford on highway, cheap. Address, Two Acres, Mail Tribune. TOR SALE Furniture in 5 room bun galow, also violin, guitar, electric Ian, electric heater, vacuum cleaner, garden cultivator, Man's bicycle. 314 S. Holly St. 10' FOR RENT -Store room with fixtures S S. Grape 3t.:. .Will H.'.WHson. 10 WAN'tUJDTo biro' oiio or two teams wllh or without drivers. Phone r.:i7-J-:i. Il.-W, nlnghaiu. The circuit court will convene onf'1 Monday, April 4. for the April term of court. There are a number of cases on the docket for that time, among; them being the R. D. Hines. case 1 which has been transferred to Jose-55 phlne from Jackson county. The grand 5 jury meets Monday and trials wlll;: bo held the week following. The j Jacksonville bank case has aroused i r considerable interest in the valley. Grants Pass Courier. Music furnished by Hllss Heine at ! 55 lleagie Saturday nigiit. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Darker and 55 Mrs. N. U. Stoddard left the Holland hotel this forenoon where they were j : over night guests for their home at finite Falls. j 55 Call M7-M for desirable tenant for your furnished house. Will lease. 111 .The popular fox-trot sensation. 1 55 "Waiting for the Sun to Come Out," 1 55 from the "Sweetheart Shop," which 155 plays hero April 12th, Is being fea tured by the Premier Novelty orches tra of this city. Dance at lleagie Saturday given by Miss Georgia Henry. 10' Mr. anil Mrs. Robert J. Kelette and Robert Kelette of Osakls, Minn., and 1. w. jonnson of Phoenix, Ariz., are guests at the Nash, as is also K. S. Taylor of Corvallis. . 12-Inch dry pine $4.00 a tier; IC-inch dry pine $4.75. Valley Fuel Co. tf .Mr. -und .Mrs. 11. K. Haney of Med ford have, moved lo Portland. Port land Journal. The Medford Pharmacy's Special Dollar Sale for Saturday, April 2nd is worth looking up. Some genuine bar gains of seasonable goods. 10 James E. Grieve, his father. John Grieve, and nephew, Drayton Grieve of The Dalles, who will be their guest for an extended stay, left the city for Prospect about 5 p. 111. yesterday con voying a big auto truck load of sup plies for the Grieve hotel, and expect ed to reach their destination some time after midnight. Everything electrical. Medford Elec tric Co. Phone 6C1. Many Medford Elks will attend the big smoker and installation of new officers of the Ashland lodge tonight They will leave by auto for Ashland from the Elks tempe between 7:30 and S o'clock this evening. Lovely new linens In Madeira em- broidery. Handicraft Shop. 11 IIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllliniMIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'llllllllllllllllllll jJMMIlMIIMII1tlllMMIIMIIIIIMIIlllllMlllinnilMIIMIMIHMIUMMII mm j Easter Music Repeated Several hundred hoard and enjoyed it Sunday. Did von? It will be ;iven asain tor your benefit Sunday, 7:H0 P. M., at i First Baptist Church (X. Central and Fifth Streets) 11:00 A. M. "The Making of a Strong Man Lord's Supper and Reception of Member. Enjoy the day with us. fIII1IIIIIIIIIIIUIIII11IIIIIIIIIW ackaches awttf'otherexternaT pains'quickly soothed THAT dragffinir, wearing backache, that bo many women BufTtT from, is quickly cased by an npplicutioa of S loan's Liniment. iWo rubbing, rauHBinuaa, or skin Btaina. It's pood for oil tho family and all ttinda of "oxteroar'aebcauudpuina. GCu. 70c, $1.40. I 'f Pain's! JLXX l JL A ft. 1.7 JL 61 & loncimi MS Highest Quality .lowclry Repairing, Dliuuond Selling, Watch Repairing. Satisfaction Assured In quality and price. Mall U3 your want. MARTIN J. REDDY OOItONA Personal Typewriter . Fold It np. tales It with you, type write anyw-h ere. $50.00, Including carrying case. MKDFORD BOOK STOKB THntrlhnloril tnr 9n. Oronn THE TRAGIC LESSON to CHRISTIANITY of THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Address by B. F. LINDAS 7 :P0 T M . f f f t r f . .-Vi : f ; v ; BE THRIFTY! Place your money with us and let it earn 7 and 8 -per cent for you. Why loan for less? It's to your interest to get. the best, rate- of interest, , possible, isn't it? It's our business to make it possible for you to do so. We:viJl b(i glad to have. the. privilege of explaining to you anything you do iVot;c:leaiiy imdtM'stii.nd about our. association. Come in and talk it over.. C. M. KIDD, President . 30 N. Central Ave. O. C. BOGGS, Secretary 7 T ? f 7 T f t f T f t f T 7 There'Is a Picture Ahead Kodak As You Go GET YGUR FILMS TONIGHT In our Kodak Shop, which i has . provided fresh t supplies of genuine Eastman films for this week-end. Bring them back Monday for skilled developing arid printing. Films at 10 A .M., Ready at 5 P. M. In at 4 P. M., Ready at 1 o'Clock Next Day Prompt Attention Given to Mail Orders SWEM'S STUDIO 217 East . Main St. THE CHRISTIAN IDEAL Address bv F. LINDAS 11:00 A. M. B. rplil'l ing Services. Inspiring lusic First Methodist Episcopal Church Fourth and Hartlett "A Church with a Challenging Program." "A Church of (loud Music.'' ' P.ible School ):l.-. Classes for All Ages AETER the winter months v You will want your car washed, polished or simonized for spring and summer use. We are in a position to give you the very best satisfac tion in Washing, Simonizing and Polishing Jobs. The Polish we use will not injure the finish on the finest car. G. A. Childers Motor Co. 127 N.Riverside Phone 26. DAY OR NIGHT Wo render every service pos sible at a remarkable saving. WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors Medford Commission Sales Co. Sells anything. Sales Every . Monday. riKST SALE Al'ItUi 4TII Vnrds nt Vinson's lllveil(lt. llrlnc 111 your goods. I .o'clock. l'vrrybody welcome. 'ccd Hiirn, Xortli Sulc starts at O. K. OII.I.11.AX. Auctioneer. Plumbing and Heating Quality . Service i Wm. Hammett 42 S. Central Phone 659 INDEPENDENT , Auto Electric Shop All kinds earago and auto electric work fruarnnteed. A. V. DURHAM & X. o. CALLAHAN' 801 Gr)0 rivnc 8-Y GOOD CLOTHES I Make Then KLEIN SSL.. 128 East Man St. Licensed CITY SCAVENGER All refuse immediately r- short notice. Weekly Mlt In m. dence district Dally bualnee. dU trlct. Phone 89g.