Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 31, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    " Pi QE ; TWO "
ocal and
The ElkB lodge will be entertained
lonlsht by the University of Oregon
orchestra of 25 pieces at ubout 10 ).
lu. folluwlns th Wg concert given by
that (Inu musical organization in the
high school auditorium. A large at
tendance of B. P. O. E. members Is
asked to greet the musicians. It will
be a great nlKht for the Elks as dur
ing the regular lodge session, which is
expected to be a short one, Robert
Kb(d, the distinguished South Amer
ican' chili eater, 'will give a ten sec
ouds speech.
Cash, doors and frames everything
in nilllwprk. Trowbridge Cabinet
Works. 3--
. All Fool's day sale at the Truax
Store next Friday, 327 East Main St.8
A couple new Huick Six 1921 road
sters have been noticed on the streets
this week. One belongs to Ralph Tyr
rell and the other to Mr. Wilman of
the Johns Manvllle company, lloth
these gentlemen are traveling men
with a keen sense of comfort and util
ity in their motor cars. Nothing but
the best for them. 8
Lest ninny Medford fishermen for
get that the legal season for catching
trout, over nix inches in length does
not' open tomorrow, April 1st, as in
former years, il is stated the season
opens April 15th. However, it Is legal
any time, now to catch fish over 111
inches in length.
Put some our our Berry Special fer
tilizer on your strawberries; you'll get
more berries. Monarch Seed Co. tf
Ford truck with cab and good body
for. sale cheap. New tires. Seely V.
JlnlV.MotorCo: tf
Hang on to your chairs when the
Jazz Kings start- to work at the High
school tonight They just make people
move their feet. 8
The Pacific higbwaj both north and
south Is in good condition nnd conse
quently the number of auto tourists
passing through tho city from both di
rections is dally Increasing.
Better get busy now and have your
ruga and carpets washed on the floor;
sanitary and no trouble to housewife.
Phone 998, E. L. Davis. 11
't In 1 Shoe Polish 10c at the Truax
Store next Friday and Saturday. 8
Now that the auto trading season is
In full swing, the Medford Auto com
pany are handling a good many used
cars of various makes that have been
taken In on Buicks and Chevrolet new
cars and a(. very attractive prices for
cars that have been overhauled and
put Into tip top condition. They have
a number of good buys on bund today.
' Shista lodge, No. 1011, Brotherhood
of Rtillwny Clerks, at their mooting
hero IhSt Tuesday in Althea hall had
a good attendance of members from
tirantH Pass, Medford und Ashland,
aii(l after the transaction of regular
buslrioss initiated four candidates.
After the session there was a splendid
"feed" awaiting, which had boon pre
pared by 'the Indies or; tho" Medford
n,ienibora. At the table ouch member
was' railed on to make remarks, which
he . did, ttnd some important matters
pertaining to tho welfare of the order
were disoiiBBBtl. 1110 next mooting of
the 'Iddge will bo hold on April 19th,
olid u Uanco will follow the regular
session 'bf that 'night.
"Spot" dances at Beagle Sat. 10'
' Delco-Lfght farm light and power
plants;' Medford Electric Co.
' Cello quartets are unusual. Their
miLsIc la as mellow (nut rich as it Is
u'nusuul.' 'University orchestra con
cert; High School Auditorium, 8:30. 8"
.; A party. Of tourists who had been
spending the winter nt Los Angeles
stopped here Wednesday and today
left tho Holland to resumo their train
trip' to Portland. In tho party were
Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. C. Ruth and Miss
Lois M. Math of Dubuque, In., and Mr.
and MrB. Kmll V. Schmehig of
Hrochforrt, 111. !
!'PliH Blze 'solid crochet bed spread
ror sale, 1G0. Can bo seen nt Q08 S
Urupo''. '' ' '; ' "
'April Fbol's day sale. Special' iirlces,
Truax Storo, Friday, continued. Satur
day. Phono 290. i 8
Have money on wrapping paper by
using Whlto "print paper in lolls. Ask
this office, tf
Mr;. and Mrs. Clinton Dunlnp, who
hud been residing In Medford for Bonie
time past, arrived in Ashland this
week from n visit at Portland, and
wll make their home In that city
where thoy had resided for several
years, Mr. Dunlnp having accepted
. employment with the Ashland cream
cry. '
' Mrs. Paul Ilnnscn, corsetlere for
NuUone. Phone 085-.I. tf
Butter get some of tho print paper
on rolls for Wrapping paper nt this
office and Bavo 2 or 3 cents por pound.
Come and look at It nnd be convinced.
. tr
Herbert lliicker plays "Slldus Trotn
boiius". und "Sally Trombone", and
also perforiim with tho Jiux Kings.
His trombone does almost anything
he wants It to do. High School audi
torium tonight at 8:30. 8
Tomorrow ia April Fool's day when
nil, wise persons will be careful what
they pick up on the street, what they
kick' and what questions they answer.
' FloWor- pots. Flower puts. Mon
arch Seed Co. , '
Come In nnd smile. April Fool's day
sale, Friday, Truax Store. 8
. We have extra bargain in some roll
print paper, first-class stock, ask us. tf
Orogonlans at the Medford are Mr.
and MrB. T. E. Powell of Albany, V. J.
Dille and J. D. Heebe of Salem, and
the- following from Portland: II. !,.
Cock. O. H. Hariis, Mr. and Mrs. O. V.
Hennerlck, F. K. Ackei loan, Roy K.
Wise, H. D. Karmt-r and C. w. ilrey
man. i Ib4. of our special blend Mc coffee
for $1.00 next Krlduy and Saturday nt
tiw Truax Stoie. s
Mr. Edsil and wife, Mrs. O'Connor
and friends were ill from Medford.
Central Point and Phoenix last week,
and In company with Mr. Thompson,
who is promoting the Cooley Oil
well, made a visit to the well and ex
pressed themselves as very well
pleaded with what they were able to
see. The well Is now down 180 feet,
and the casing is being put in. Mr.
Thompson states when he was in San
Francisco, he visited Mr. Hughes
In the hospital, who has charge of
putting down the well, and found him
greatly improved and when he returns
north the drilling will be resumed with
double quick time. Yreka Journal.
Oh: Yum! Yum! Home cooked eats
at Beagle Saturday, April 2. 10"
Secial., prices Truax Store, next
Friday and Saturday; call In. , . 8
So many requests have been made
that the Presbyterian quartet again
present their magnificent Easter mor
ning nu.sieal program, that they have
consented to repent the program at 8
o'clock next Sunday morning. 8
The adult Biblo classes of the First
Methodist church will hold their
monthly business and social meeting
Friday night at the church on North
Bartlett street. These social times
aro becoming Very popular. Every
member and friend of the church is
invited, and a good time is assured.
The joke Is on us, April Fool's day
sale Truax Store, 327 East Main St. 8
Music furnished by Bliss Heine at
Beagle Saturday night. 10
Frank .lue. Chinese lyric tenor, wus
encored again nnd again at the Uni
versity orchestra concert In Grants
Pass last night. 8
James T. Chinnock, the Giants Pass
attorney, is a business visitor In the
city today.
April Fool's day sale prices will
make you smile, Truax Store next
Friday. Phone 298. S
We do Hemstitching and Plcotlnc.
singer Sewing Machine Co. No. 10
S. Fir. Phone 215-K.
The solo quartet of the Presbyterian
church, with Mrs. H. E. Marsh as or
ganlst will again be heard in their
Easter morning musical program, next
Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. The
splendid rendition of this program was
such an inspiration and delight to all
musical people present that many who
were not present Sunday morning
have expressed a desire that It be re
peated. 8
Mr. and Mrs. M.-1I. Grovcr, Ji, are
among the visitors in the city from
Hornbrook. They are registered at
the Medford.
Brooms made by the Rogue River
Broom Works are the bcBt for the
money. Insist on home made brooms.
Rock Springs lump coal, dry wood,
mill blocks and kindling. Valley Fuel
Co. ' tf
Tho. Service Garage, E. J. Jones and
Fred Colvlg, proprietors, delivered a
Moon touring car to Dr. Muxon of
Ashland today,' a Dixie Flyer to J. L.
Smith of Ashland and have sold four
Ackson 3-ton trucks to a Dorrls,
Calif., firm , ' ' 8
B.'J. Jones drove a Moon car down
from 'Portland yesterday. , He left, Al
bany tit fi a. m, and arrived In Medford
at 10 a. m a distance of about 310
miles and never got out of high gear.
Mr. und Mrs. Clarence Ireland, former
ly of Medford, came, from Portland
with him' and will buy a ranch near
Medford.. ....
When overhauling your old bus put
new life In it by demanding genuine
Amorlcnri hamniored piston, rings, fac
tory equipment on the best cars. The
Busy Corner Motor Co. tf
Hemstitching and plcotlng
10 cents per yard, . .' '.
Tho Vanity Ha Shop, ;1 ' ' .
'Cor. E. Main and Bnrtiett tf
.Medford at tile present tlnio l hear
ing the beBt church music from its
choirs, ill its history, und those who
prefer n solo qunrtct, say tho Presby
terian quartet .is the equal of most any
yon would find in any of the larger
cities. 8
Tile Bulgiii evangelistic party which
begins a big revival lu Medford soon
opened their Klamath Falls campaign
lust Sunday night in a big special
tnbernaclo and with the largest chorus
choir, ever heard in that city.
i.nwn mowers sharpened. Mitchon
Ladder Co., 318 East Main. 317
If you wnnt some prlut paper In
"ills, to fit In your paper racks or to
ue without the racks, bettor see us at
once and suve money. tf
Ask us for names of satisfied users
of Western Electric Washers and
Simplex lroners. Come lu and see
demonstrations tills week. Paul's
Electric Store. 9
Hill Jones, the well known West
faille bootblack has returned trom a
trip to Portland, where ho attended a
session of the Colored Masonic lodge
for Oregon
List your house, farm and timber
wllh the Medford Land & Insurance,
Agonry. 220 West Main street. tf
It will pay you to run into the Mod
ford Pharmacy, Main and Central
streets, on Saturday, April 2nd. Their
specials for one dollar will surprise
yon. 10
The personnel of the Presbyterian
quartet ia composed of soloists who
before locating In Medford were con
nected with large churches that de
manded the best In the way of music.
The public will certainly appreciate
the opportunity to again hear them in
their exceptionally fine program, next
Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. 8
The high school baseball team Is
engaging in nightly practice for the
series of games' with the Ashland nnd
Grunts Pass hlith school teams.
Call 537-M for doslrnble tenant for
your furnished house. Will lease. II
Buttons covered.
Handicraft Shop. 11
The development of Dodge Brothers
factory will lie shown Friday und Sat
urday nt (he Uiulio. 10"
' It is welcome news to the people of
Medford and the valley that a resump
tion ot the airplane forest fire patrol
in Oregon on the same scale as that of
lost year is practically assured Oregon
this year, according to a telegram re
ceived this week by State Forester
Elliott from Senator McNary. The
plans for the patrol are entirely in the
hands of the commanding general oi
the Ninth corps area at San Francisco,
McNary said. This official will make
the distribution of the patrol accord
ing to the limited appropriation and
personnel available. It is represented
that the same territory will be patrol
led as was covered last yeai. (
Trade your old suit for a new. one
at Will H. Wilson's... S
Dance at Beagle Saturday given by
Miss Georgia Henryi 10
12-inch dry pine Ji.Oo a tier; lG-lncb
dry pine $4.75. Valley Fuel Co. tf
Fred Schneider of Medford was a
business visitor In Klamath Falls the
forepart of the week.
H. E: Mathews, P, O. Box CGI, -would
like the names, addresses and tele
phone numbers of all "Unity" readers.
The Medford Pharmacy's . Special
Dollar Sale for Saturday, April 2nd is
worth looking up. Some genuine bar
gains of seasonable goods. 10
Lovely new linens In Madeira em
broidery. Handicraft Shop. 11
Among the northern California visi
tors in the city are Lulu Stoops and
Rex Perry of Yreka. They are guests
at the Holland.
Trade your old suit for a new one
at Will II. Wilson's. 8
Save making your children's dresses
by buying Pacific Package Goods.
Handicraft Shop. 11
The back Is that portion of your
anatomy , to which your "friends" (ti
red their remarks. See, Dr. linrl;
lund.i Chiropractor, Sparta.- Bids.-' .
Since the real--southeni:. Oregon
weather "fias rettrrnfeif ' everyhoir5 "htfs
27Mnore: pen and biwiuoss 4u allIJjics; is
improving,' "especially Is this true. In
i lie auto business and new cars are
npw being sold Jeveryjday, , ' ;
Real home laundry equipment, Sim
plex' Ironer- and Western Electric
Washer. See demonstration Friday
and Saturday afternoons. Paul's Elec
tric Store. 9
April Fool's party at Eagle Point
Saturday, April 2. 10
New wooden heads for trimming
blouses, hats, - sashes, bags, lamp
shades, etc., in many colors. Handi
craft Shop. 11
The new electrically equipped bake
shop. Including bread and pastry
'ovens are Installed in tho bakery de-
partment of the Groceteria and as
soon as the other equipment' Is In
place they will commence to operate
their bakery and a general invitation
will be extended to every one to visit
their up-to-date shop and sec the. bak
ery in action.. They hope to atnft now
any day. ...
Malic the spring afternoons happier
for yourself and child through tho joys
of Kindergarten methods. Tiny Tot
School, phono 832-W. ' 13
Majestic orchestru at Eaglo Point
Saturday night, 10
"Spot" dances at Eagle Point Satur
day night. 10
George T. Collins, William Bates
and W. R. Coleman were among the
Medford visitors In the county seat
1 rade your old suit for a new one
nt Will H. Wilson's. 8
Washable embroidery threads In .all
shades. Handicraft Shop. 11
For Sale, 192t Big six 7-passenger
Studelmker like new. Will consider
trade. G. M. Loomis. Phono 411-K-2. 11
The roof has been placed on the
Ryan building opposite the Jackson
ville court house, und the couuty as
sessor Is making ready to occupy, the
front room of tho building. The rear
section nnd vault will be used for
records now stored In the woodshed.
A force of men have been busy all
week plowing the park opposite the
courthouse, and getting ready to seed
it to grass. . ' , .
Dr.' Henry B. Vlirl, the dentist, has
returned. 'fJom,,.a , month's - special
course at -Fortlhiid'hnd Is now in his
offlcd Jigittiv better; prepared than over
" IWit'tm miss "Dollar Day" at" the
AiedfordJ Pliafmacy( 'Main anil (Joutrnl,
Saturday, April 2nd. See their "ad"
on another page this issue. 10
Anyolio having a few pieces of 8
inch rough siding, beveled from half
,lnh to five-eights please notify B. T.
DeLosb. phone 390-L. Either new or
good second-hand lumber will do.
Stockmen of the valley are marking
and branding their stock preparatory
to turning them on the range for tho
Young beef at Public Market Satur
day. , S
Violin instruction, Florence Howell,
special attention to beginners. Sparta
building, phono 645-11. tf
Orders taken for pleating ot all
kinds, accord lun pleating, box and
knife plentlngs. Handicraft Shop. II
Superintendent Robinson and family
of the Blue Ledge mine spent Wed
nesday lu the city.
Have your suits and dresses cleaned
by a muster cleaner. Home cleaning
und pressing is a drudgery and takes
valuable time that you need for more
pleasant work. We will call for your
bundles and return them promptly.
Telephone 214, The I'antoiium. 13
Wnen belter automobiles are built,
Itulck will build them. tf
Everything electrical. Medford Elec
tric Co. Phono 601.
Prof. 1. E. Vlning of Ashland, spent
Wednesday afternoon in the city at
tending te business matters.
Litwn, garden and berry fertilizers.
Farm Bureau Exchange. 1 Hi
' Dr. Jouott P. Bray Is In his office
week days except Thursdays, room
109-410. Phone 5S0. Lady assistant.
"Keep Smiling." tf
Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! Monarch
Seed Co.
Jimmy Duffy, who van barred by
the Portland boxing commission for
failure to fulfill a contract for meeting
Dave Shade in that city, is known in
this city. - Duffy, under the direction
of Frank Smith attempted to give an
exhibition bout ia this city lust winter,
and was halted by the Medford boxing
commiKSion. .
The Rogue Kiver Valley Canal com
pauy received a large steam shovel
this week to add to their up-to-date
equipment in constructing the ditches
for the Medford Irrigation Co.
Try our merchants lunch. The
Feed wheat $2.fio per cwt at the
Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange.
: ' - ; 3ic
Axel Lundgren of Copper, Calif., is
siiending a few days In the city attend
ing to business mutters.
Shelled corn $38.00 f.o.b. car. Farm
Bureau Exchange. 9
For Sale, 1921 big six 7-passenger
Studebnker like new. Will consider
trade. G. M. Loomis. Phone 411-R-2. 11
William Ulrich who has been spend
ing a few weeks in the city attending
to business matters, will return to his
son Earl's stock ranch on Union creek
the latter part ot the week.
Good order and good time at Eagle
Point Saturday night.- 10
See the picture, "The Triumph of
Good Will," at the Rlalto Friday and
Saturday. 10
Pat Swayne of the upper Applegate
country spent a few hours in the city
Wednesduy attending to business mat
ters. Everything electrical. Medford Elec
tric Co. Phone 661.
Dancing school Mon Wed. Fri. from
S to 10, Althea ball, corner Main and
Central. Guarantee to teach you in
course . of eight lessons. Campbell's
Dancing School. 10
B.'T. S., dry. Barium sulphur for
your pink spray. Farm Bureau Co
operative Exchange. 16"
J. N. Neighbors of Yreka, Calif.,
transacted 'business matters in the
county seat and Medford Wednesday.
A great many people swear, "by"
me,-some swear "for" me and a few-
swear "at" me. I do not worry tho,
'cause I "was put in this world to do
"good'' aud "I do". . Dr. Coleman, M
F. & H. Bldg. Chiropractic and Natur
al Methods. tf
R. A. Holmes, the insurance Man.
Insurance, and Bonds, plus Service.
The picture showing the develop
ment of one of the biggest manufac
turing industries of the country Fri
day and Saturday at Rialto. 10
: Attorney Charles Reames spent a
few hours in Jacksonville Wednesday
attending to legal business.
Delco-Llght Electricity for every
farm. Medford Electric Co.
Soda Fountain for sale at DeVoe's.
Louis Ulrich, the well known Jack
sonville merchant Is suffering from a
severe cold, necessitating his staying
at home.
We can allow you credit on your
old tires or new or repaired ones. Ex
change. Tire Co ' 8
On April 1st, Friday afternoon and
evening beginning at 3 o'clock, the
Methodist Aid society of Central Point
will serve hot chicken tamules, baked
beans, pickles, sandwiches, pie and
;coffee In Mrs. Lynch's restaurant.
Tamules on sale at 15c each. 9
No further legal action will be taken
in the Bank of Jacksonville failure
)untU the May term, of co,urt, when new
Indictments will be asked against
Chester Kubll, R. D. Hiues und others.
lAt this term of court Mrs. Myrtle
Blakeley, former couuty treasurer will
:l'ace trial on the second count of the
.Indictment against her. S. T. Johns
ton, -the' Thompson Creek sawmill op
erator will face civil action of the
state banking board for an alleged
'overdraft of $4000. At this session of
Uie circuit court, it is expected that
W. H. Johnson wU receive sentence.
Experienced Bpray rig man wanted.
Phone 64. Guy Conner. 8
After you tire autolng nil day come
und eat your dinner ut Hotel Medford.
Open to nine p. m. 9
Arthur Higgius of Proyolt, Oregon
was a business visitor in the city the
first of the week. ,
Personal attention to overdue ac
counts. Lindas, 235 East Main. .
April 1st is the last day of special
sale on hair goods at Mind. Dowd
Jeffres. 8
Marsh Garrett of Eagle Point, was n
business visitor in the city for a few
hours Wednesduy afternoon.
' Blocks and dry slabs for sale. Cull
859. tf
Rock containing platinum is being
found in the mining districts of Jose
phine county and muny prospectors
are in search of tho rare metal, ac
cording to telegraphic dispatches in
the Portland papers from Placer.
FOR SALE 1920 Huick roadster only
run 6000 miles; lu perfect condition.
142 N. Front. 10
FOR SALE New Oregon strawberry
plants 75c per 100; Red Raspberry.
$1 per dti.; Mammoth blackberry
; tips. Mixed Hollyhocks and .Violet
plants. W. M. Forde, Siskiyou
Heights. 9
FOR SALE Choice fresh young milk
cow. rnone aiu-j. i
FOR SALE Phlox and Bedding Uern
niums. Phone 370-J. 1-!
LOST Black heifer cair. 6 months
old. Hoover Dairy, 452-Y. tf-"
WANTKll A job. Can keep any set
of books. Can kive anything from
a Ford to a White. Drop me a line.
0. II. DeCourcy, 229 S. Front. It'
LOST One large female collie dog.
answers to name of Spriugdaie.
Please notify .Mrs. Uullis. phone 540.
WANTED Experienced stenographer
desires position. Stenographic prac
tice ami dictation remits- more than
Bulniy. Uox. 078, TrUvtue. 9
Thos. Wilson of the Imperial Valley,
Calif., who has a large dale grove'
there arrived here Wednesday for a
periodical visit to his placer claims in
this section. Other California guests
at the Medford are G. B. Pelton ol
Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H..
Gardner of West wood and R. C. Tap
per, A. Genesy. L. C. Dettor, F. S.
Schneider and II. B. Conwell of San
Flowering shrubbery and perennials.
Eden Valley Nursery,-0SO-J-2.
Ashland will be the mecca for all
Rogue River valley and northern Cali
fornia Elks on Saturday night, the oc
casion being the big smoker, athletic
entertainment and Installation of new
officers by the Ashland lodge. Prac
tically all resident members of the
Medford lodge have announced their
intention of attending, and they will
depart for Ashland from the club
house early Saturday evening.-
Gingham 15c a yard, outing flanuel
15c a yard at the Truax Store, next
Friday and Saturday. 8 j
Mrs. Pearl Zimmerman who had
been in California for the past year
and a half is here for a few days visit
with relatives and friends, after which
she has accepted a splendid position
with the Pacific Coast Mint Co. I
Hotel Medford dining room open
from 0:30 a. in. to 9 p. m. continuously.
Included among the Oregon guests
at the Holland are Mr. and Mrs. G. A.
Kisor of Woodburii, C. T. Smith of
Astoria, Gilbert W. Allen or Salem,
Mrs. II. A. Carey of Selma and Ray M.
Hyatt and J. M. Foot of Portland.
Window and door screens, lattice
work. Trowbridge Cabinet Works. 322
A change is coming in the weather
as the prediction is for a warmer tem
perature tonight and probable showers
for Friday. The beavy frost, that was
predicted for this morning, In, the val
ley, by the San Francisco. . weather
bureau fortunately,, .did , not fjimw i up.'
morning was 35 degryees. , ,. 0 .'!
R. E. Mathews, PvO, Box ,fi;61r, w,( uld
like the- 'names,, addresses, and , dele-'
phone numbers jii; , "jin'jtjr" .readers.
- ;;,ini-. .' i ' -fl . 8
Chas. M. Tucker of Dunsmulr, Is n
visitor in the city who arrived Ved
nesday. If you want to know about Horse
Shoe tires ask anyone using them.
.Guaranteed and adjusted here. Ex
change Tire Co. S
Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell of Wll
.liams are Josephine county visitors In
'Medford registered, at the .Nash.
The 00 cts. lunches served nt the
Hotel Medford on week days are not
lunches, they are dinners. 9
Miss Florence Pool, county home
demonstration agent spent Thursday
in the Lake Creek section where she
delivered a number of aluminum pans
for home made fireless cookers and
gave a demonstration of that handy
household necessity. Miss Pool spent
Wednesday among her Talent constit
uents. You will always fln! someone In at
CO. Use your phone, ours Is 620. 322
A. F. & A. M.
Special Communications Med--ryf
ford Lodge 103, Thursday ami
Friday evenings, March ui
and April m, 7 p. m. Work in F. C.
degree, by order of the W. M.
Building Shoes ,;
Like Bridges
Most shoes : are' just
''.made"- al.l . that' they are
-, intended for, are -to tie mere
; foot coverings." Thepres
" crvation of the' foot is not
taken into consideration.
That is where the ARCH
ordinary shoes differ.
They are built on a basic
principle they have a wide
bridge reaching- from the
ball of the foot to the heel,
anchored securely in place.
It is this bridge that
supports the arch gently yet
firmly it keeps it in its
normal position and pre
serves the foot.
"Shoes built to a principle
Not mere Foot Coverings"
iY'i AND,'-, V
Men's New Suits
Only $14.50
And we will allow you to $5.00
and up on your old suit.
two shipments of all kinds of
Boys' Shoes-. $2 to $3
32 N. Front St. Phone 467
I have just relumed from a month of special
training. My office is now open and I am prcnaivd
to do your dental work by the latest and most up-to-date
methods, and at very reasonable prices.
My plates fit. They restore the natural appear
ance and contour of the faw, which show a. marked
difference1 when compared to ordinary plates. My
crowns and bridges are artistically made, and the
best moiiev can bu'v. .
Painless Extraction of Teeth a Specialty
308 East Main St.
Kill That
Colds, Coughs
Neglected Colds are Dangerous '", 7 ! r .
Take no tfhunces. Keep this atanda'rt! fobedy handy for the first sneeze. '
Brcak3 a cold't'n 24 hours Relieves
Grippe in 3 Tor Headache
Quinine in this form dors not effect the head Casca'ra is best Tonic
Laxative No Opiate in Hill's.
Equipment, Workmanship and Service
These are the necessary-requisites to any first-class garage, ;
and we "specially feature all three. : . ' ,
oin- simp ia cuuipped with up-to-date machinery, which enables
us to site the same careful attention to the -smallest jol, which we
always do. Unit we give to the, big jobs. i; . v . . - J i :
Our Workmen are all experts in their line, are -well known to
the auto owners in this citv and valley ami use tho greatest care
with every piece of work.
Service is our wulchword and with full equipment and expert
workmen It is easy to render up-to-date se.rvice.
' ' yon are not now a patron of this slunp we ask that you give
ns u trial and wo will abide by the result.
Valley Garage
Phone 503-R
Cold With
La Grippe