rxriK FIVE 15,000 PEOPLE IN JACKSON COUNTY AND SOUTHERN OREGON READ THE MAIL TRIBUNE DAILY For a 30-cent Classified Ad a car was sold last week for $1,800. Figure that out The best and cheapest advertising medium in Southern Oregon is the Classified Ad Department of the Mail Tribune. MTCT)FOftT MATL TRTTWXR fRDPOUD. ORF.rtOX. MONDAY. r.Tf('lT 2 livestock; PORTLAND, Ore., March 2S.- rattle steady; receipts 2040. Choice U jteers $S.00C() S.aO ; medium to elioice j7, ..(( K.uu; tuir to good ;6.r.ni -25; common to fuir .".." Ofj li.r.u ; choice cows and heifers $0.50?i 7.00; medium to good $6.00'&G.r0; fair to medium fu.&affjO.OO; common to fair J4:5U5.50; canners $2.25ft 4.50; bulla ?3. 5005. 00; choice dairy calves $12.50igl3.50; prime light jll.f0l 2.fiO; medium light $9.50W 11.50; heavy $(i.00iJ7.50; choice feeders $C.0O0.5O; fair to good D.500.00. Hogs 25c lower; receipts 073. prime liKht $12,00( 12.25; smooth heavy $ 11.25(ff 11.7;". ; rough heavy jS.uOfg 10.25; fat pigs JIL'.UUifi 12.25; feeder pigs 1 .00 I 2.00; stags (subject to backage) JG.OOiy 10.25. Khop slow; receipts 36 13. JCust of mountain luinbs ?7.50ft S.25 ; val ley $0.00 7. 00 spring lambs $10(u 12.00 heavy 86.00(27. 50; feeders J0.006.50; culls $4.00ifi 5.00; ewes Jl.50ijT5.50; light yearlings $0.50ffi 7.00; heavy $D.0n6.fll; wethers f5-.U0lG.00... 1 iuller. PORTLAND, Ore., March 2S. Butter steady; extra cubes :1GiK:!Sc; cartons 44c; prints 43c. Hutterfat No. 1 churning creum 39fi42c f. o. b. Portland; undergrades 37c. l'oultrv liens, hoavyi 29i31e; light 2-11? 26c; old roosters 14(iJ17c; turkeys, dressed 48(iJ50c; ducks 42ig40c. CiralB ami Hay Rarley, ? 30.00(fl31.50; oats, $33.50 34.50; corn, No. 3, yellow, J30.00 30.50. Millstuffs Milrun, 529.00 ton. Hay 'Buying price, timothy, $25.00026. 00; alfalfa, $18.50 19.00; grain, mixed, $22.00023.00; clover, $1C.0017.00; straw, $15.00. N. Y. Stocks NEW YORK, Mar. 28. Signs of further commercial and industrial re adjustment, as shown by suspended dividends, neutralized easy money anil other factors in the stock inarkeL to day. Sales approximated 700,000 shares. Allis-Chnlmers American licet Sugar American Can ' American Car & Koundry American Hide & Leather pfd American International Corp American Locomotive - American Smelting & Refff. . . , American Sugar American Sumatra Tobacco . . , American T. & T American -Woolen Anaconda Copper Atchison At., ulf & W. Indies Baldwin Locomotive Baltimore & Ohio Bethlehem Steel "11" Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chandler Motors Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago. Mil. and St. Paul . . Chicago, n. I. & Pac Chino Copper - - Cblorado Fuel & Iron ' C6rn Products Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar ' Krle ' Renernl Electric Oenernl Motors - Goodrich Co Oreat Northern pfd flrent Northern Ore Ctffl Illinois Central ;.. Inspiration Copper Int. Mer. Marine pfd 41.8 23.5 12 2. 45. 44. 8H. 30.8 M. 79. 6 100. 72.7 35.5 81. 3!. 87.7 32.7 57.5 113. 39.7 81. 511.2 25. 2l. 20. 28. 74.7 87.5 23. 12.3 130.5 13.5 .37.5 73. 31.8 8 11.5 31.2 51.7 International Paper Kennecott Copper - 1" Louisville & Nushvillo (bid .. fi" Maxwell Motors Mexican ePtroleum Miami Copper . . . t 143.5 17.U 13.3 29. S 17.2 70. 15.8 95.7 78.2 3. 89.C 3 5.3 42.7 20.7 12. 08.3 01J.7 64. 40.3 23.7 20. 107.7 73. -Middle States Oil Mid vale Steel Missouri pacific i .New York Central IN. Y., N. H. and alfrtford . IN'orllk & Western SNorthcrn Pacific .. ,. Xiklahoma Prod. Ref Pan American Petroleum Pennsylvania People's Clas Pittsburft nnd West Vn. . Consolidated Copper . Reading Hep. Iron & Steel 1 loyal Dutch, X. Y Shell Trans. & Trad Sinclair Con. Ob. Southern Pacific outhern Hallway Standard Oil of X. J. pfd. Studebaker Corporation . . WHY? i A HOME AND AN INCOME PEARS AND ALFALFA. BEST INVESTMENT IN COUNTY iini-Ki.- ft roimiu. modern, bath .... i r.oe.iiisl on Piiclflc Highway. Good garage. LAND- io acres, bear creek- bottom ami Ri-nvclly loam soil. i. , i i.... i iiii iiii-ni .in -i, .... ace. Free from frost. 2. acres in pears, jnn ........... While ,.,ls .s a young orchard. I believe It will pay M prr cent l,ol,. investment this year. This pear orel.ard should ,,t m I for less than SIOOO per ..ore. The balance Is in nlfnln. and g. mlc. I .. . !'RICI -SII.-(MI Part cash, balance .erms. or will subdivide an. If two or more are Interested. This place Is offered at a snerlfl-e ,,,.ee .wl ,,.st Ik- sol.' as owner lias ...her bi.sh.oss (hat den.n., s l.i. ..e,,.in.. nunv fro... here. ley for fruit and garden. Located Ideally. A going thi.n half Km villl.c. See n.e now or phone. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Nash Hotel Corner "1I"T ivms & iii,.tri- I'ol.aeoo Products . . Tninsenntinenlal Oil 41.6 !'.," j PI. ! 1 1 7. Union I'a'ifii- II'. S. Ku,i Pr.Miufts I'. S. Hi t Si,,r,.s . . 1 'niieil tSat s i:ui,i.,- United Slates Stil l si : I tali I "opiM-i- Westing house Kleon ie Lilly's owrluml ... American Zinc. Lead i- Sin. l.lltte r, rid Superior . . 'ala. Pt-irnlcum -Montana Power (I. id) Kliatttl.l; Arizona (l.iill Pure Oil InvluciMe Oil General Asphalt 1 1. I::. . ; " ... .. , j like the earth, lias polar caps, j Mars, Suit to Foreclose Mortgage Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, fur Jackson County. E. F. Adams, Plaintiff, vs. A. M. Pike und Agnes Pike, husband and wile. Belle Nickell and ('has. Nickel, hus band and wife, Rosetta Duncan. S. II. Duncan, Robert J. Gardner, Miss Martha M. Knapp. R. K. Stine and R. L. Stine, husband und wife, Nor man C. Keats, Eugene -A. Higginson. the unknown heirs of any of the above named defendants, if deceas ed nlu,, nil .ithat- n.ii-urioo -ri.iu unknown claiming anv rinht. title, i estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants. To the above named defendants, and each thereof: In the name of the State of Oregon; You, and each of you, are; hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and Cause, on or neiore tne last nay prescnneii in ine order for publication of summons herein, to-wit: on or before the expira tion of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. And you, and each of you, ure here by notified that if you fail lo appear and answer said complaint, within said time, lor want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relict prayed for in the complaint, succinct ly stated as follows: For judgment against the defen dants, A. M. Pike and Agnes Pike, for the sum of $3400.00, together with in- I terest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent ! per annum, from the 12th day of De cember, 1912; for the further sum of $500.00 as reasonable attorney s fees, and for costs and disbursements, to be taxed; ' For a decree of this Court declaring plaintiff's mortgage, described in the complaint and recorded in Vol. 32, at page 279-80 of the Mortgage Itecords of said Jackson County, Oregon, a first and prior lien upon the following described premises, situated In the County of Jackson and State of Ore gon, to-wit: The East half of the Northwest quarter anil the Northwest ouarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Thirty-two in Township Thirty-eight South of Range Two West of the Willamette Meridian, unci lore closing the same, and directing the sale of said premises as under execu tion and the proceeds thereof applied in satisfaction of said judgment; and foreclosing and barring the defen dants herein, and each thereof, from nil enuitv of redemption or other right, title, interest, claim or estate In or to said mortgage premises and cn inininir and debarring them, and each of them, from asserting any claim whatsoever therein or tnereto, save only the right to redeem reserved by law; and for other renet as may un equitable. ' This summons is puiiiisneci in ue. Medford Mail-Tribune by order of Honorable F. M. Calkins, Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made and entered on the 18th day of March, 1921. The date of the first publication of this summons is the 21st day of March, 1921. GLENN O. TAYLOR. Attorney for Plaintiff. Address: 220 West Main Street, lledford, Oregon. QUICK SALE Low price. Well furnished .l-rooni Modern bungalow, newly palnteil, well located, paveil street, all clear. Price S:tirl, terms. Has nice lawn, fruit, trees, roses. PAGE-DRESSLER CO. Nash Block. room, fireplace. electric light, city llns iIIb- fnr ii-rluntlon. Also good nlr drain- I...r ltc...e...ber no better In ml in inc y business. I.cs C. BARNES 784-L Phone ! 1 crmer-sci- i'( Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, HosebMrg, Oregon, February 21, 1921. Notice is hereby given that liny Davis, of Eagle Point, Oregon, on Feb ruary 23. ia21, made Additional Hum stead Entry, Serial No. 013097, under the Act of April 2S, 1901 and Act of June 9, 19 Id. fur the NVi of SE 14 of Sec. 33, Tp. 34 S., It. 1 K., W. M., as Additional lo Homestead Kntry, Serial No. "!S3. patented, for the SU'Vi or Sl-:u of Sec. 33. Tp. 34 S., ' H. 1 1C, V. M.. and that unon comnle- ; tion of publication of this notice and j payment uf commissions and purchase i price of the land, final certificate and : patent will issue lor the laud embraced i in the additional entry. I The purpose of ibis notice is to allow Sail persons claiming the land adverse- ly, or desiring to show it to be mineral in character, an opportunity to file ob jection to the application with the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Oll'ice at Roseburg. Ore gon, and to establish their interest therein or the miners! character there of. W. II. CANON, Register. help wanted i t:m a i . k WANTED Experienced waitress. Gusher Cafe. WANTED Experienced Holland Cafe. waitress W.V.NTED Experienced waitress. If Hotel .Medford. WANTED A teacher who wishes to know of a splendid opportunity to work during summer vacation. Write 5UI Plttock Block, Portland, Oregon, giving full name, address and telephone number. 7 WANTED Experienced woman for I cooking and housekeeping; also re-1 ll.il.ln .,,,, f.,.. ... f ll,ll,lf.ll liable pei-son for care of chlldi'eii. Mrs. 11. W. Ruhl, phone r.KS-.l. HELP WANTED Male nnd Kemalc WANTED -Young lady or young man lo do collecting. In applying state if you huve hud any exper ience and where. Address "Col lector," caro Mail Tribune. tf WANTED SITUATION'S WANTED Practical landscape gard ner wishes to give estimates on new lawns, also florist and gardening, in or out tile city. Phone 501-R or Box 595. 10 WANTED Pruning by day or con tract. Experienced men employed only. Call OOO-X. M. S. Gentry. 9 WANTED Pruning by day or con tract. Experienced men employed only. Call Geo-X. M. S. Gentry, WANTED Work by married man. experience in orchard, farming and dairy work. Box 82, .Mail Trib une. 5 WANTED Experienced orchard and farm man with family, wants po sition. Back of 501 Beatty. 7 W A XT El ) M I BCE L L A X HO US WANTED Have a vory fine business opening for two active young men who understand drying prunes nnd other fruit by evaporator. E. 1). Sharp, Chico, Calif. 7 WANTED To buy CO head stock cat tle, state price and full description. W. W., Mall Tribune. tf" WANTED To rent ranch ten to fif teen acres, with option to buy. Ans. Box 81, Mail Tribune. 7 WANTED Good pasture and fenced for five head horses; also good pail 3 year old colts for sale, 1700 lbs. now. Klrthind Farm, Central Point. t i tf WANTED zen. 2 0 ton barley. Dr. Git- W ANT ED To rent 3 or 4 room apartment on the east side. Phone 14S-Y. ,. 8 WANTED Some old carpet or rugs. Box M, Mall Tribune. 7 WANTED Orders for plowing, fill ed Immediately.., Phono 452-L. ,. . , 315 WANTED Bath tub, state size, kind and price. Address No. 32, Mall Tribune. 23 1 WANTED House moving and re pairing. Phone 488-M or 4S8-X. tf WANTED Several men and boys to know that you can buy any bike for S2 00 m.r week. Liberty Shop, S. Grape. tr WANTED Shoe repairing while you wait at the "Model Boot Shop." 21 8. Central Ave. Quick service, quality work. E. N. Blden, prop; MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN J. B. Andrews loans money on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone 53-M. 31 North Grape street. DON'T WORRY Let us do your bookkeeping worrying Tor yon. Our system or accounting furnishes you monthly LOSS and GAIN state nienl.i. No waiting until the end of the year to know where jo., stu.ul. We supervise, di rect, or keep your books at your own place of business at a rea sonable Charge. Consult us. AceouiNtireJ 7 ERVICElO; Xysten qj Irxsurarvce M. P. SCIMIITT, Mgr. Phone 581 Liberty Bide. HELP WAXTKH MALE WANTED At once, export shoe shin er. Ray Illackburn. 502 S. Grape. 7 WANTED Men with tractor for disc lng. Phone GS5-J-3. . ion lnc.NT ;ioisi:Ki:i:piX(i ROOMS FOR HKNT llouseki t-ptlli; room. N. llartlett. TOR RKNT Unfurnished house keeping rooms. Kenlhvorth Ho tel. 315 llllt 11 EXT ITRXIKlll'.D ROOMS KOU RENT Furnished rooms. $2 per week. 445 S. Front st. 337 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, hot nnd cold water, bath any time; use of wash tub and iron. Large gar age: one block from library. No. 004 W. Tenth. roil VV APARTMENTS FOR Rl". first floor heat. ipnrtmcnt, 3 1005 W. Main. rooms. .Steam 4 FOn KENT T-AItMS FOR RENT 25 acres two miles west of Eagle Point. 0 acres in bearing pears. Good buildings. Inquire W. 11 Jackson, Medford National Bank. tf FOR RENT MIBCKLTiANEOUS FoITTfENT Two office rooms, Spuria building. Most modern equipped building in city. .Janitor service. Inquire Geo. Andrews. Mgr. 10 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Cheap, one Ford, ing $150 worth of extras. Front. FOR SALE 1920 Buick roadster only run (1000 miles; In perfect condition. 142 N. Front. 1 FOR SALE 1920 ,Kord truck, practic ally new. $050. Also 19U! lord tour ing car. lleimont. Ranch, phone No. 14-K-12. FOR SALE One 1920 Oakland six touring car, looks like new, extra enuipinent. Dimmer, lnotnmeter, new nnare tire, clock, etc. Owner must eell at sacrifice at once. Price $1100. Yutny Motor Co., 125 S. Front St. tf FOR SALM Ford touring car. Perfect condition, phone 444, call lor Collier, tf FOR SALF; Ford touring: car $275. Ford truck -vlt covered body, cab and w:i:'lshield, practically new, $700. Pation & Ycohinson, Inc., 112 S. Riverside. IK SALE POULTRY AXI) EGGS FOR SALE Black Phone 534-X. Minorca eggs. 10 TOR SALE Barred Rock eggs. O. A. C. host laving strain. Phone (1S5-R-3. 321 FOR SALE Pure bred White Wyan dotte eggs for hatching, O. A. c. strain. Phone 411-R-3. FOR SALE Can accept a few more orders for Tancred White Leghorn chix to hatch April 5th. Can also take custom hatching after same dute up to 1500 eggs. 'Price regu lated by per cont of hatch deliver ed. Satisfaction guaranteed. Standard Electric Hatchery. Tel 4S1. tf FOR SALE 3 Bronze Turkey hens and 1 gohler, $2 5. Also eggs for Iiatching from thoroughbred Rouen ducks, Whlto Plymouth Rock hens, O. A. C. Barred Rocks, 10 cents each. Mrs. C. S. Lam- mev. Acate. Central Point It. 2. 114 FOlt SALE Hatching eggs $7.00 nor hundred. Famous "Orogons maiou to Tancred Leghorn roosters. Large size nnd heavy layers. W. i. 1 .u kcr. Central Point, Phone 19-X-l. 314 Fni sat.E Barred Rock eggs, O. A. C. strain, for setting. Phono 919-W 332 FOR SALE White Wyandotte setting emrs S1.S0 for 15. 330 N. Front &f 341 FOR SALE Rhode Island Red eggs, 1 on ner sotting. 'I. I. cockerels, $2.50 each. Choice "tp-ale canaries $1.00. Phone 847-Y. FOR SALE White Leghorn chicks SI 5 to S1 8. Eggs $5.00 per hundred Tl T. Red eees. chicks and cockerels Dressier Square Deal Hatchery. Phone 951-L. 315 GOOD BUYS On the Paved Pacific Highway One acre close in; strictly modern 5-room bungalow $3250 V.nif acres finest bottom land with paid up water rigid, fin fruit, berries ind alfalfa, a good house, fine large barn and ponl try bouses $4750 Three nres of finest Bear Creek soil, irrigated; one of the niftiest strictly modern bungalows on the Pacific Highway, fine outbuild iiiL'S. poultry bouses, brooders. etc., very high class property. $7500 Brown & White Holland Hotel Corner roil SALK HEAL USTATE FOR SALE $050. Poultry, berry ami garden tract of two acres. Close in to business district, near school and paved street. 450 feet sewer and water main paid in full, if you are looking fur a real bargain, this will suit you. Will make seventeen good lots.' Worth $25011. Will sell for $i'.5o with perfect title. Page-Dressier Co., Nash Hlk. T FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Ml acres Willi 1 horse, cow, some chickens. $2u an acre. 130 Almond. 10 FOR SALE 0 room house on paved street, 50 gallon gas tank, large range, horse, buggy and harness. Inquire Jackson Street Store. Phone 235. FOR SALE 50 acre ranch, $2 aero. Inquire IS05 West Main. KOK. ALK Close in. east front rc? dent lols. Paved street, lies! location. $5(1(1 and $550. All ns sessiuenis paid. Campbell Car ley. No. 9 N. Fir street. tf FOR SA'.!-.' -40 acres, 9 miles norih of !; ..'tic Itiver: improved; water i-iKhi on Vlensunt creek, 1 mill's northwest of Winier store, 20 acres under plow: balance timber, H mile to school; horse, .wagon, harness, .cow, chickens, plow, har row, cultivator: all fenced; five room house, well, barn, lien houses, furniture. $2500 cash. John Lean er, Rogue Itiver, Ore. ti FOR SALE Partly furnished bun galow, fivo rooms and bath. Pav ed street. $300.00. balance on easy payments. Address Post Of fice Box 1037. City. 315 FOR SALE Cozy little cottage, 1 107 Niuntic st. $1000. tf FOR SALE Nice cottage, furnished, close in. 329 S. Grape St. 311 FOR SALE Bargain. 25 acres located thrflv miles from Gold Hill. U- mile frim school house, on phone Hue and rural routo. with running water on place. State water permit for felio acres, witli few n::res in alfalfa. A good six room house Willi fine fireplace; also fair outbuildings gfud woven wire fences, also plenty of free tango for cattle. Price $2500, $1500 down, balance on reasonable terms. See J. O. Pierce, owner, Gold Hill, Ore., or phono 31-F-l. 318 FOR SALE Five room modern bun galow, furnished, close in, $3000. Terms. Medford Land & Insurance Agency, 220 W. Main St. tf FOR SALE Twenty-two acres fine soil one niilo from Medford, eight acres full bearing orchard, balance sultablo for alfalfa. Five room mod ern bungalow, good barn and out buildings. Total price $7000, only $2500 cash required. Earl Tinny, 125 S. Front St. tf TOR SALE Good ranches. Seo us before birring. J. B. Andrews, 31 N. Grape St. Phone 53-M. tf FOR SALE Leasn and exchange real estate. Gold Ray Realty Company. FOR SAL10 Houses and bungalows, furnished or' unfurnished; alBO acreage. C. S. Buttcrfield, phone 216.. VOW SA LH Iil V ICSTOUIi. FOR SALE Three milk cows giving lots of milk; also separator. Call on Delinrr Ave. or phone 314-R. 7 FOR SALE Span of gelding horses weight 3000 lbs. Also wagon nnd harness. Phone 17 VM1, or call Van Fussen ranch, Ashland, Ore. 1 FOR SALIC sows, pigs and shouts weanlings $2.50; others just us cheap. S. T. Howard, 815 S. Oak dale. 8 OR SALIC Uy work horsu. Ill N Fir. 8 FOR SALE Young well bred Ilol- Htein cow, gentle, rood milker. Dr. ,1. U. Webster, southwest of Phoenix. FOR SALE 250 hoad of Bheop, 180 ewes lambing now, (i bucks, bal ance yearlings. Prlco $5 pur head for quick sale. F. L. Orr, Rogue River, Ore. ' 315 FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs for setting, O. A. C. strain. Phono 919-W 321 FOR SALIC Mount Crest Ranch of fers for sale four Shorthorn hulls, ready for service, your choice for $350. Two younger at $200, mostly red. Apply James Stewart, Mount- crest Ranch. Hilt. Calif. tf Close in on Paved Highway A Beautjful Bungalow With 10 Acres Irrigated Land This a Nice Country Home Best Adapted for All kinds of berries, vegetables, chickens. It is a money maker Price only $5500. Terms Page-Dressier Co Phone 282 Nash Block Any Kind of Real Estate The Best Fire Insurance I )ll S A MS M ISCIC LLA X KO I S FOR SALE Smudge pots and oil. HI Call 07-J-3. FOR SALE About vanized iron pipe Walter Frazer Olu-K-1. 3"0 feet 1-inch gal 10c per foot. Ti l. Kiowa, .V.S..I "i FOR SALE Barn 3nx5u ft. cl taken at once. Phone 070-L. -ap it FOR SALE (inod bulbs, tall red and 507J-2. healthy canna short vellow. Call tf FOR SALE Twenty tons good grain hay. $18 00 per ton. Near Talent. Phone 220-R. 0 FOR SALE I l-ineh sulky Sidohil plow $10. Phono plow $3 i97-.ll. FOR SALE West inghousc electric range, used less than five monihs. Over seven months of one year guarantee still good. 'Phone 5SS-.I. S KOI! SALE Ladies' snoes and men's high top shoes at one-half price whi!c they last, anil shoe repairing at the Medford Shoe Hospital. 119 E. 0th St. Medford. tl" FOR SALE Bargains in second hand farming implements, wagons, tools, cream separator, blacksmith out fit, tools of various kinds. S. T. Howard, S. Oakdale. 'o FOR SAl.E L. Lane. C -Wagon tank for oil. E. Mitral Point. Phone 13-3. FOR SALE Horses, harness wagon at Helms barn. FOR SALE Full size solid crochet bed spread $150. Call be seen at 5n.s S. Grape. 8 FOR SALE Cleveland tractor, used season and a half and In excellent condition. Ready to go to work. Bear Creek Orchards. 214 FOR SALE New 192 1 Family nnd Portable Electric "Singers" now on sale at No. 10 S. Fir street. Your terms are ours. Seo them! Free demonstration. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Phone 215-R. 27 FOR SALIC I I used drop-head Sew ing machines, all in first class me chanical condition nnd guaranteed. Ranging in prico from $10 to $(15. Cash or terms. "Your credit is good." Singer Sewing Machine Co., iNo. 10 S. Fir. Phone 215-R. 7 I'OR SALK 20 h. p. electric motor and 5-inch pump with 1000 feet of pipe. Irrigation system on KroiK'h Ranch near Roguo River. Seo S. J. Ulakoly, on the place. 310 FOR SALIC White enameled kitchen sink, glass front door, lot water pipe and nice lot nssortcd canned fruits. 32S S. Crnpo St. 314 FOR SALIC One throe-ton evapora tor dryer. 10 cars und 1150 trays can be tnken down or set up at short notice. Weather-proof. For further particulars Inquire of J. W. Johnson, 6718 Mission St., San FranclBCo. Daly City. 334 FOR SALIC Fordson tractor, fine condition, cheap. Pattou and Rob inson, Inc. tf FOR SALE Road grader. Twelve-foot blade. New machine. Can he seen at our warehouse. II. II. V. Cunul Co. ' tf FOR SALE Slightly used alfalfa cul tivator. Hubbard Bros. , u FOR SALE Socond-hand Vaughn drag saw. Hubbard Bros. tf FOR SALE One 5-horso Alino sta tionary engine, llko new, $W0. One 5-foot orchard disk, used one season, $50. Ono 8-foot orchard disk, used one season, $75. One 10 iucli gang plow, Just llko new, $75. C. E. Gates Auto Co. tf FOR SALE Sand, gravel, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phone 912-J, Samuel Date- man, 302 Maple St. FOR. SALE Manure. Hoover Dairy. Phone 452-Y. . tf FOR SALE Ono new Sampson trac tor at a very low prlco; will take good team in on payment, balance cash and terms. Geo. L. Trelchler Motor Co., Medford, Oro. tf FOR SALIC Hay at Three Oaks. J. llartzell. LOKT LOST Between Welch St. and Page theatre, an ainythlst anil pearl pin shaped like a shamrock. Prized as a memento. Return to Tribune of fice. Generous reward. S LOST Ono l'ord tiro and rim 30x R'A. Wednesday in city of Med ford. Please notify E. Chamber lain. 1'hono 501-R. I LOST Between Grants Pass and Medford, March 18, a canvass cov ered roll, containing paint brushes. Return to Jnterurban Autocur Co and receive liberal reward. BUSINESS DIRKCTOIIT Mosan Art Rugs MOSAN ART RUG CO. We weave rugs from old carpets and rugs and clean all rugs. "Rugs we clean are clean when we clean them. ' 1 19 W. icnth, phone 1X0. Free delivery. Undertakers PERL FUNERAL HOME Cor Sixth nnd Oakdale. Ambulance service Phone 47. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Hook binding. loose leaf ledgers, billing systems eU. Portland prices. 27 N, Fi,r BU BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors. MURRAY BROS. & VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 6, No. 22 North Central Ave,, upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY incorporated 1904. Ab stracts of Title, Title Insurance. Architect G. E. TEETS Licensed Slsson, California. architect, 322 Auto Supplies "-aflame a-iKaco- LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. We are operating the largest, oldest and best-equipped plaut In the Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under written guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth SL, Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law, rooms 8 and 9, Mecford National Bunk Building. A. E. RE AMES Lawyer, Corey Building. Oarnett- O. C. HOGGS Real estate law and settlement of estates a specialty. R. F. LINDAS Attorney, General Practice. Patents a specialty. Stewart Bldg, . W1NF1ELD R. GAYLORD Lawyer. Room 7 Palm block, 107 Last Main St., Medford. Building Materials. M KDFORD C R M E N T BRICK 1ILOCK WORKS specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Btreets. Chiropractor. DR. A. BURKLUND Chiropractor. Spinal Adjustments. 204-205 Sparta Itlilg., cor. Main and Rlrersld. Office phone 285. Chiropractic Physician JOUKTT P. BRAY Straight Chiro practic, rooms 409-10 M. F. & H. building. 9 to 12 a. in., 2 to 5 p. ni., dally except Thursday. Phone 580. Dentist DR. V. It. KAUFMAN, Dentist. Offlc In Sparta Building. Office hours a to 12 a. in., 1 to 5 p. in. Phone 285. Electric Service BATTERY & ELECTRIC CO. Facto rj distributors for Exide BattertOB and Fuirbunks-Morse light plants. Nal Bldg. Phono 110. 814' Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. son, C. P. A. Attention given t . anything in Accounting and Incom Tax requirements. Look Into out simplified accounting method. Lib" trty Bldg., Medford. Phono 157-R. Fidelity and Surety Bonds FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS- Wo execute all forms of bond McCurdy Insurance Agency. tf Instruction In Muslo. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ot piano and harmony. Halght MnsM Btudlo, 318 Oarnett-Corey Building Phone 72. Painting and Paperhanglng LEWIS & CASEY Painting, , Paper- hanging, tintlpg. Estimates furnish ed free. Phone 189. 26 S. Grape St. Physicians and 8urgeons. DR. A. BURSELL Splnologist, Phyi slclan and surgeon. Spinal adjust ments, general treatments and diag nosis. 309-10-11 M. F. & H. Bldg. Elevator to third floor. Phone 29. DR. J. J. EMM35NS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scientif ically tested and glasses supplied. OcullBt and Aurlst for S. P. R. R. Co, M. F. & 11. Co. Bldg. Pnone t67. DR. F. Q. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Phywclans. 410-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Phon 904-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician. Special attention given to eye, car, noso and throat. 303 Liberty building. Phone 496. DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Natural Painless Meth ods. Room 428 M. F. & II. Bids Phone 965. JAMES C. HAYES Physician and Surgeon; office hours 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Sparta building; residence 1405 W. Main. Phones: Office 563, res. 492. "Specialty," Medical and Surgical Diagnosis, tl Dr. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices M. F. & H. Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St.. Phone 165-J-2. Rug Weaving. MEDFORD FLUFF RUO WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 610-M, 706 Pine St. Tent and Awning Works MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING WORKS 128 N. Qrapa St. Phona 443-Y. E. Burner. Proo. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front St. Phona 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER Anything moved day or night. Service guaranteed. Fair treatment. 104 S. Fir. Phone: OHice 6 or res. 64.7-R 206, U I