page Form MEDFORP MAfL- THTBUNfl, fEDFORD. ORFHOX. MONDAY, MATCHf 28, 1021 Medford Mail Tribune! AN INDKPENHE.VT NEWSPAPKR PUBLT S H K f K V EHY A FT K H NOON EXCKPT fiUNDAT BY THE ! 1 It U hitl J I.NU CO. I The Medford Sunday Sun i furnished ubscr1b-rs desiring a fteven day daily bewnpaer. Office Mail Tribune Building. 25-27-29 i xonn rir sirefci. fnone &. t A coimolidation of the Democratic j Times. hc .Mf-dfrnrd Mail, the Medford ! Tribune, The Houihern Orrgonlan, The. Ashland Tribune. j ROBERT W. P.fHI., Editor. ! FUMI'TKIt S. SMITH. Manager. ( suBSCKiPTiozr terms: j BY MAJIj IN Al 'VANCE: Dally, with Sunday Sun. year 7.50 Iaily. with Sunday Sun. "month. .75 i Iaily, without Sunday Sun, yar.... 6.50 : tp.Hy, without Sunday Sun. month .63 Weekly Mail Tribune, one year t : Bunday Sun. one yenr 2.00 r BY CAFiRIEU In Medford. Ashland, Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix, i Talent: Iaily. with Sunday Sun, month 75 IHily, wlthojt Sunday Sun. month Jmily, without .Sund.iy Sun, year.. 7.50 J Imlly, with Sunday Sun, on year .-) ! ah terms uy carrier can in advance. jsnt fo- Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackson County. Bworn dally averairc circulation for six months ending Oct. 110 3226 Entered nn BPronv-c!aft matter at Medford, Oregon, under the act of March 8. 1H79. MEMBEItB OK THE ASSOCIATED PP. ESS. -The Associated Ptphs Is rxcluslvely entitled to the use for republication of ell news dispatches credited to It, or not Otherwise credited in thtH paper, and also the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Ye SmMdge Pot By Arthur t- The lienjamln Franklin dieted ft one of the "master minds" or .h0 White Sox KamblinK plots, when illi truth 1h known, will turn out to be a J'ollnh-Jcw by the name of Isadore Rosenblatt.' RipplingRhqmGS REAL STUFF. BKOWN tired (if tin' moilern hooks, in which sex stuff jre Vfiils. I saiil. "Oils l'i!!:ins and L'adzooks. I'll read some old (inn' talcs. The authors of u b t-'uiic time wrote works thnt hit the sjiot. but modern authorship's a crime, and modern books are rot." I took a Cooper story, tiien a " Leather-stocking " yarn; the siiflit of it brought baek nain our old aiK'estral barn; there I would sit amimp the hay when I was but a eliild, and roamed with Cooper far away, in forests dark and wild. But now I turned the paL'es o'er, and heaved some weary siuhs:! found each character a bore, a preai-her in disguise. The paleface hero strove to teach a lesson worth our while; the noble red men paused to preach in every forest aisle. The lovely damsels rode around on palfreys black and white, and preached a while whene'er they found an audience in sight. The luckless captive didn't screech when burn intr at the stake; he merely saw a chance to preach, and windy maxims make. I read the book an hour or two, then threw it on the floor, and .sighed, "Great Scott! Can it be true that once it didn't bore? .And was I ever young enough to think that story fine? And did I ever read such stuff and thrill all up my spine?" The Rules of the Road Utile (empathy will be wasted on the Portland bookkeeper W'ho admits embezzling 10,000 and spending It on a lady barber. Trimmed and ft soaped, he la now In hot water. If the city buys 19 acres for an auto camp, it ought to be able to install an electric ranee in the "JuhkIcm--down by the stockyards, and mldc a couple of Morris chairs under the watertank, also for tourists. A bettor day than Easter could not be desired by the most critical, the weather man outstripped himself, it was a perfec t day, the world seemed better and all was well, except thai Mrs. A. mlcht have selected a more becoming hat. The church choirs will iinvo no more fancy singing to do now, until Xmas. TIIK AOK OF TIIK HI-.I'OllM.vnON iiy Preserved Hmlth. ('nan the Chicago Tribune) Wherein thu dial) commonness of Smith is vividly heightened by a front handle strik ing in Hb uniqueness and originality. It is pleasant to nolo that thu lierg doll in Jail, went Into court Saturday hogtled and guarded, and attended no bui'lesituo show en route, as did his slackcv brother, sale in Cermany through muckleheadednesK of the war department, when under the rule of Nuoty link vr. The new adminis tration seems to take especial delight jn snowing no consideration to Ameri can lellow-H of all species. Sunday your chit. Journcd to the Applegale, anil attended cow marking lesllvltles at Miles Cantrall's. This Is u highly painful process for the cow, anil is conducted as follows: Tho cows are driven first into corral, Where they run around like a traveling man in a hotel dining room nying to locale the table the best looking waitress has charge of. At this Juncturo three amateur nut Hart's appear on rambunctious steeds aim cavort about, heaving a rope over the horns of the bovine. They then ileiotc their energies to getting his mnn legs in a rope. This accom plished lite yearling steer, or heifer. Is flopped on his side with a dull ami sickening thud, whereupon Master of Ceremony fantrall cuts a couple of , arusiui nuts In tho ears of the prone animal, and calls for tho "big Iron." A 12.year-nld hoy rushes forward with the red hoc Instrument, and iinnds It to hM pa. who a rustical I v slaps it on the ribs, right ldu up. The air Is filled with the scent of ourning hide and hair ,and the fu ture beefsteak bawls like a Wilson Idolator at extiacis from liohcrt Lansing's book. This over, thu head is freed from the rope by standing on the neck, and the hind legs loosed by his own efforts. In moving the cow around, a hired hand uses lis tall as a crow bar. After gelling out of the dentist's chair, the victim moves over to Ihe water trough with a look of disgust on liis moon faced colllKo-nance. I.MI'KltlliC-l' IGNITION. (Albany 1) rat) .1. William was to have de livered a sermon to the Holly I'll- t I I o'clock Sunday, but he had engine trouble. "Tho Nubility of I'roliibiii,,,)'-. (From sermon topic llend Times). Nobility! The homebrew tlid are all burning, and a new bootlegger is born every second. The Futility ( Prohibition is much better. Though they buy gasoline. have no bread they rush demon gadding. "Cascarets" for Constipation I no, think! A plensnnt, hnrmlivu Cnsourrt works while you hIccii and liu your liver active, head clear, stoiumii sweet anil bowels moving- as regular m a clock by morning No griping or ilieolivenietn'e. 10, L'o or nd rent lions, Children loyo this cuaJy itiluiiiln; tw. At the request of several subscribers the Mail Tribune today publishes the kuics of the Iload as enacted in H. B. 339, the motor vehicle license Bill now a law: The laws of the road everywhere lu this state are hereby declared to be as follows: (1) Vehicles proceeding in the opposite directions shall pass to the right giving one-half of the road to each. (2) Vehicles proceeding in the same direction In overtaking each ntber """i .pass to the left. ii) I'he overtaking vehicle shall maintain its Bpeed until clear of the milieu loucie, and for such distance thereafter as shall prevent the throw ing oi uusi ana m, upon the overtaken vehicle. (4) The signal to MSS Bhall be given by one blast or stroke of the horn, unii. wnisue. gong, or otne, signaling device. ff.l Should tbo ... . ... -"- ncie men not give way, three such blasts or signals shall be given, and upon th failure to comply therewith, the over ling vehicle may at the next suitable for both vehicles, go by without further signal. (C) It shall be the duty of the operator of eveiv overtaken vehicle to turn to the right and give one-half tho road to the overtaking vehicle, and not to Increase his speed while being passed, and such vehlci,. or load shall not e.uend beyond the left of the center line of the road. (7) Drivers, when approaching highway Intersections, shan, look out for and give right of way to vehicles on their rinlit, simultaneously broaching a given point; provided, that street and intenirban cars and emergency vehicles shall have the right of way at all times at such highway inteiseixions. (8) All vehicles approaching an intersection of a street, road or highway with tho intention of turning thereat, shall In turning to the right keep closely to the right and in turning to thu left shall run to and beyond the center of Intersection before turning. (!) Tho driver of any vehicle about to turn, either from a star.U-i',:: or while in motion, or about to stop, shall give timely signal visible to operators oi other vehicles to tho rear, of his intention to turn or stop, or change his course. Such signal shall be given either by the use of the hand and arm or by the use of an approved mechanical or electrical device. When tho signals required by this section arc given by the use of tho hand ami arm, they shall bo given as follows: (a) An operator Intending to turn his vehicle to the left shall extend his arm in a horizontal position, for a reasonable length of time, and slow down. (h) An operator intending to turn his vehicle to tho right shall extend his arm with (ho forearm raised at right angles, for a reasonable length of tlmo, and slow down. tw Jin operator intending to stop his vehicle shall extend his arm and move it up and down in a vertical direction, for a reasonable length of time. hen such signal is given by means of a device, it shall only be given by an adequate device which has been approved by the secretary of state. (10) The person in charge of any vehicle moving along and upon any street, road or highway shall keep such vehicle and load thereon to the right mind boundary of such street, road or highway, Bo as to allow more swiftly moving vehicles free passage to the loft. (11) Tho operator of n motor vehicle shall, on a signal, by raising the .......i. uoiii a person rming, leaning or driving a horso or horses or til her ani mals in the opposite direction, bring such motor vehicle Immediately to a stop, nun leiuain Biationary so long as may bo reasonable to allow such animal or animals to pass, and If traveling In the same direction, shall use reasonable caution in passing such animal or animals; provided, that in caso such animal or animals appear badly frightened, or the person operating such motor vehicle U signaled so to do, such person shall causo tho motor of such vehicle to " mining so long ns snnu be reasonably necessary to prevent accident. nnd insure the safety of others. 111!) No vehicle shall overtake and pass to the light of any street car or Interurbiin car while the same is engaged In taking on or discharging pas-sengers. I 111) Kvcry vehicle shall be kept on the right half of the road, street or highway traveled, and no vehicle shall overtake and pass any other moving enieies wnen (he view ahead Is not clear for at least one hundred yardR. wii "iieie curvature oi tne road or highway prevents a clear view in front for a distance of too yards or less, every motor vehicle approaching any ...... i.- uc M'n inuier coniroi ami shall give signals of Its approach by frequent blasts or strokes of horn, bell, whistle, gong, or other signaling device. nun upon an curves, to the right shall keep to the inside thereof, and upon all curves to the left shall keep to the outside thereof. (15) No race or contest for speed shall be held upon any road, street, or highway lu this slale without the permission of the authorities of the state, county, or municipality having jurisdiction of said road, street, or highway, and unless the same is fully and efficiently patrolled for Ihe entire distance over which said race or contest for speed Is to bo hold. (If.) Kvery person operating a motor vehicle on ihe public highways of this state shall drive the same in a careful and prudent manner, not to exceed thirty miles per hour, and within the limit of incorporated cities and tow ns not to exceed twenty miles per hour, and at Iuleisectious and school houses not to exceed twelve miles per hour, and lu no case at a rale of sliced thai will endanger the properly of another, or Ihe life and limb of anv person 117) Upon all narrow ways in parks, passes, and defiles, not otherwise provided for, all vehicles shall proceed in one direction onlv as the signboards and regulations upon such narrow ways in parks, passes, and defiles so located shall then direct. The direction in which all vehicles shall so proceed may be declared by park commissioners In parks, and by Ihe county commissioners or other legally constituted aulhorltics with respect to narrow passes and denies within their respective jurisdictions; and when so declared shall be ouspicuously marked with as to Indicate Ihe rule and regulation in re Said thereto and the direction In which all vehicles shall so navel. I IM No vehicle shall be moved, run. or operated un ihe roads, streets, or highwavs of this Male by any pel son unable to control and properly operate j Hie same with due regard to the safety of the public and oilier vehicles; pro vided, (hat In all cases any person lu a slale of intoxication s deemed con clusively to be unable to control and oin'ruie (he same. (l!'l No vehicle used upon Ihe public streeis. roads or highways of this state shall be left standing unsecured or without Its motive power being so secured that the same cannot be operated or Ihe vehicle moved without some net m.ii the pail of (be owner or operator. o u-hicle shall . parked i i Ihe main traveled portion of the hlgliwas of this state. pioUded, dial this t-hall not apply to any vehicle bo disabled as to prohibit the moving of the same. (20) No vehicle shall be operated with an excessive smoking exhaust upon f.ny road, street, or highway In this state. Gongs and siren whistles shall not be used on any vehicle other than ambulances, or vehicles operated by a police department, fire department, sheriff, or other peace officer, or upon any such vehicle except when moving in response to emergency calls. (21) Patrol wagons, ambulances, fire patrols, fire engines, and fire ap paratus shall, in all cases, with due regard to the safety of the public, have right of way, all provisions of this act to the contrary notwithstanding, but this act shall not protect the driver of any such vehicle from consequences re suiting from the arbitrary exercise of this right, or for injuries wilfully in flicted. (22) In all localiiies where an audiorlzed officer, marshal!, constable, or policeman, displaying his s(ar or badge and (hen discharging the duty of regulating and directing traffic in his locality, shall signal any vehicle to take any direction or to stop or otherwise proceed for the safe(y of the public, it shall be the duty of the driver of such vehicle to obey said direction and to comply with the orders of said officer. (23) Should any pedestrian, vehicle, or other object conie'in contract, from any cause, with a moving vehicle in the roads, streets, or highways of this state, it shall be the duty of the driver of said vehicle to stop and render such aid and assistance as may be required, and In case of injury to persons or damage to any vehicle or property, it shall be the duty of the driver of either vehicle and of any occupant thereof to furnish the driver of the other vehicle. or to any occupant ot such vehicle, or witness of (he EcciUcnt, or in case of ' Ml Injured nodestt-inn r,t- cneh tiAlnctflo.i iha llcnncu number nf bis vehicle. tae true name and address of the owner, and of each occupant of said vehicle, end It shall likewise he the duty of any witness of (he accident to furnish to the driver or occupant of said vehicle or vehicles his, or her, true name and address, and the drivers of said vehicles, or any other parties concerned in said accident, shall make a written notation of the time, place, date, and other data, together with the names and addresses of witnesses present. None of such Information, however, shall be construed or determined to fix liability in either case for fault or negligence of either party, but it shall be a means ot identification of the circumstances only, and neither party to a collision or injury resulting from a mistake in judgment or arising from accident Bhall move away from the place of its occurrence without complying with this section. (21) The drivers of all vehicles shall, within twenty-four hours after caus ing injury to any person or damage to any vehicle or property, report the same to the constituted power of the locality, or to the sheriff of the county in which the accident or collision occurred, giving the information obtained as herein before provided. (2u) No city, town, or other municipal or local authority within this state shall, except as In this act otherwise provided, pass, enforce, or maintain any ordinance, rule, or regulation, requiring a slower rate of speed on the part ot motor vehicles than is in this act provided, or prohibiting or restricting in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this act. the use of the roads, street. or highways of this state or any part thereof; any such ordinance, rule, or regulation now in force is hereby declared superseded by this act and of no efrect. Provided, however, that if It is deemed inadvisable on account of sharp curvatures on any portion of any road, street, or highway in this state, that motor vehicles shall not be permitted to operate thereon at the maximum speed otherwise allowed in this act, the state highway commission and, or, the county court of the county in which such portion of road, street, or high way la situated, may regulate such speed by proper order, rule, or regulation. Provided, further, that the speed limit prescribed by any such order, rule, or regulation shall not in any case he less than one mile in five minutes, and that notice of such order, rule, or regulation shall be posted at each end of the portion of any road, street, or highway affected by same, by means of a sign of sufficient size to be easily read by persons approaching same on such road, street, or highway, which sign shall set forth the maximum rate of speed allowed on such portion of said road, street, or highway, and the authority by which said order, rule, or regulation was issued. Any violation of such order, rdVe, or regulation shall be punishable as in this act provided. Av drivers or operators of motor vehicles when driving a motor vehicle upon th highways of the state of Oregon, outside of the legal boundaries of municipal corporations, which highways cross railroad tracks, shall, upon approaching railroad crossing at grade, and for a distance of 150 feet there from, reduce the speed of such vehicle to fifteen miles per hour. (2ti) Pedestrians when using any highway outside of incorporated cities or towns shall use the left hand side of such highway, so as to leave the right hand side of the highway free for vehicles passing in the same direction, and for safety in meeting vehicles proceeding in the opposite direction. DIG DOWN BELOW THE SURFACE THAT is the only way yon can truly appreciate the emit significance of the Federal Reserve System in spreading a protective influence around its Mem ber IJaiiks and the customers of those banks. From the ground up it has brought those improve, meiits which could OXf-Y have withstood the con ditions of war-time and after-war-tiine uncertainty. "Xatioiiali.ed" Accounts W First National Bank' How Much Do You Know? 1 What is the approximate number of Illiterate males of voting' age in this country? 2 At the present ratio of gain when will the total population of the world reach four billion inhabitants? 1 From 1S75 to 11)20 what year had the greatest lire loss and what was the amount of loss? 5 How much diij tho Japanese pop- A Serie of Human Interest Talks on Insurance 44 . .V" - wwv ' BUILD UP YOUR HOME STATE Are you more interested in making money plentiful in New York or at home. Millions in life insurance premiums leave the west an- , nually most of it never re turns for investment. j Why' build up a surplus else where to be loaned at a low rate of interest. Our funds stay here and arc invested in farm mortgages, used to build your school houses j and roads, pave your city streets and construct water systems. Development here provides ad- . ditional labor. Labor employed buys products from the farm and stoic. Build up your home state and place jour next policy with A. B. CORNELL TheQrCgOnlifCMan Mr.nroKi). i;i ; in ulation of California increase In ten years? 6 When was the salary of the president of this country Increased from $25,000 to $50,000? 7 How many men In the army com mitted suicide during the recent war? 8 Where does the greater part of our population live, in cities or in rural districts? !l How many people in United States belong to some church? 10 How nisny members are there in the College iif Cardinals? Answers to Yesterday's Questions 1 How long hi a passport valid? Aus. A passport is valid Tor twelve months. However, It may be renewed for another twelve months. 2 Who ex-connnuntrated , Henry Kighth? Alls. I'oie Paul the Third. 3 When did Napolenn conquer Itnly? . Napoleon entered Italy In 17110 and reconquered it in 1S00 at (he bat tle pf Marengo. 4 Did the Crusades aid or check the power of the Turks? Alls. The Crusades served to check the advance of the Turks. 5 What is meant when it is said, that a figure is in "has relief?'' Ans It means that the figure is only slight ly raised from the background. 6 When were public schools first established in America? Ans. The first public schools were established in New Kngland about 10-12. 7 Why was the Battle of Manila a remarkable sea fight? Ans. Because Admiral Dewey destroyed the -Spanish fleet without the loss of a ship or man. S How many stars are there in the Big Dipper? Ans. There are seven stars in the Big Dipper. 9 What bears do not hibernate in Ihe winter? Ans. Male polar bears do not hibernate in the wind'. 10 When was Ihe revised version of (he Bible brought oui? Ans. The revised version of the New Testament was brought out in lSiO by Knglish and American scholars. The revised version of the Old Testament appear ed in 1S84. The Geo. LTreichler Motor Co. Have some good used cars Dodge Brothers, one Hudson Speedster, two Olds, one Ford Touring, one Maxwell Delivery, one Ford Truck, one Olds Truck. For sale, all in good condition and prices are reasonable. Come in and look them over PIERCE REPAIRS Phonographs Irons Electric Vibrators Ranges Vacuum Cleaners Electric Fans Reproducers Electric Motors . . Percolators Auto Lights -Iron Cord'j Rural Telephones Soldering All Kinds In Fact Most Anything L. BRYAN PIERCE ALL WORK GUARANTEED Telephone Orders 925-L You will find me in "The Glass House' at 116 N. Central Ave, Hubert Work Appointed. WASHINTON. M.,r. :s. Hubert Work, president of the American Medical association and f.iriner re publican national committeeman I'roin Colorado, was giver, a recess .-n,. peintnient by l'resldent l bu-cio,., day as first assistant postmaster gen eral. Beards came bacx into fashion after li.ouis XIII, king of France, let hk grow to hide a scar. There arc several thousand varieties of wild yeast in the atmosphere at ;tli Hull's, I II r" J" ' "tTTMHIIIM miJMUUI?j I III . THE UNIVERSAL CAR ... I I 11 The Ford Sedan l ! I wiih electric slaiiins and ligliiing system, demons!- I I Jl I able rims with :(!i-incli (iiOS all around, is the I I IIU ideal family car because or lis general utility and III I 111 rerincd and comfortable equipment. Mncly up- I I HI liolsteivd. 1'liKe glass windows. An opm cuv in I I I ! "'c sli"g. summer and early fall. A closed cur I I H I in inclement weather anil winter, lialn-proof, dust- I I ills j'"""!'. lu (he chy or (lie country, n family car. ( I 8 1 !"' 'w os( of operation and maintenance Is nut I III I lie teas! of its charms. Won't you come lit nnd I C. E. GATES AUTO CO. 11 1 for-Sixth nnd 1'ecifl.j II l;jhw;tjr jjj 11 Medford Iron Works Licensed CITY SCAVENGER Tractor. Tt.,.,.1. f (ias i .in, i. , , AH refuse Immediately removed on ",-"u '"I'airlns n Specialty ..hc-rt notice. Weekly visit In rest- (,l .... !dence districts. rally ImsinoM ills- ii l. KllMip.Y I'huue 891. I