MED FORD MAIL 'TRTBtUCTV 'MEDFOllD; Olf-KOON. MAT I ' I M )A V, : M A I '( ' 1 1 2il 1021 15,000 PEOPLE IN JACKSON COUNTY AND SOUTHERN OREGON READ THE MAIL TRIBUNE DAILY Fpr a 30-cent Classified Ad a car was sold last week for $1,800. Figure that out The best and cheapest advertising medium in Southern Oregon is the Classified Ad Department of the Mail Tribune. Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 2B, Cnttlti oiidy: receipts 74. QuutatioiiH un hanged. Hogs nominally steady; no r.-eel,jis. uqlations unchanged. Sheep weak; no receipt: Quoia- Jions unchanged. lluttor PORTLAND. Ore.. Mar. 26 i:utu-r iown two cents and fats three ;stra cubes JbVJSc; cartons j-ie; rillts 43c. Hutterfat, No. 1 fliuruiiiR roam 3984:!c r. o. b., Portland; ljintlergrades 37c. Kbbs firm, Yin- Poultry liens, heavy 2931c; light 2 4 if? 6c: old roOBters 14517c; turkeys, jrtssed 48g'50c; ducks 4243c. Grain anil Hay Barley, $3O.00ig31.50; oats, $33.50 g34.50; corn, ISO.. 3, yellow, $30.00 fi.10.50. Millstufrs Milvun, $29.00 ton. Hay 'Buying price, . timothy, b25.0020.00; allalfa, $18.50? 9.00; grain, mixed, $23.00023.00: tlover, $10.0017.00; straw, $15.00. tiBSl' YORK, Mar. - 20. Today's liort session of tlie stock market was tfended by many confusing niovc- jncnls. Gi'oss recessions of one to five points were made by Atlantic llulf. General ABphalt, Mercantile (Marine preferred, United Fruit, Hide and Leather preferred. Central Lentil- it, American Smelting, Western l.'n joi), Montgomery Wnrd and Seals ioeuucK, me latter railing to the new ow quotation of UCV4. Houston Oil lihanced Thursday's extensive pain Jiy Bomo five points, Mexican Pctro- (Miin rose two points and other less Conspicuous issues of the same class, lis well as motors and textiles, weie 'tune to three points higher. Sales ap proximated 250,000 shares. Atlls-Chalmers 3S. American Beet Sugar 43.5 American Can - - 30 1 American Car & Foundry ... 121. American Hldo & Leather pfd. -t (American International Corp. mi. American Locomotive SS. American Sugar 04.3 American Sumatra Tobacco .. ", 0.8 American Smelting & Ref'g. . . . P,'1.7 American- T. & T. ............ too. American Woolen 74. Anaconda -.Copper 30.2 Alchlsoii 80.7 Utl.. Gulf & W. Indies 30. S (Baldwin Locomotive 83. iDalttmore A Ohio 33.2 ilethlehem Steel "B" 58.7 X'anadian Pacific J 14.5 Central Leather -10.7 handler Motors SI. 5 Chesapeake & Ohio Gfl.B Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul ... 25.2 Chicago. It. I. & Pac 20. 'hino Copper 20.2 Colorado Fuel fe Iron (bid) ... 2S. Crucible Steel 00.5 Corn Products 76.5 23.3 12.3 13(1. 14. 3S. 73.8 31. S 80. 32. 51.3 58. S 17.7 5.3 148.7 17.7 . 13.2 30. 17.2 70. IB. '5. 79.5 ' 11.3 71.2 35.? 26.2 42.2 12. Si. 7 Cuba Cane Sugar Erie (bid) General Electric General Motors floodrich Co Oreat Northern pfd c.reat Northern Ore Ctfs Illinois Central (bid) Inspiration Copper Jlnt. Mcr. Marino pfd international Paper Konnerott Copper I-oiilsvlllc NasKvllle (bid) .. Maxwell Motors (bid) Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper V . ... Middle 'States ' OiV ',. .'..-. . . g Middle steel . . P Missouri. Paolfic- . i:i ... ,V.v ; 'W ofK"ertrnl ... . . . . . ..... R.V Y.. N. JL-and Hartford (bidj V Norfolk Western (bid)-;.;.. wtnein Pacific . . ; Oklahoma frod. A K,ef. .. I'an American Petroleum .... Pennsylvania v.'. I'lttauurg and West Va. (bid) Hoy Consolidated Copper .... Heading Hep. Iron & Steel G8.. Itoyal' Dutch. N. Y ' Shell Trans. & Trad, (bid) .. 41. Sinclair Con. Oil 23. S Southern Pacific 75. Southern Hallway '-0 7 Hlandard Oil of N. .1. pfd. ...107.7 Studebaker Corporation 77. S Tennessee Copper (bid) Texas Co 42.2 Texas & Pacific 22. Tobacco Products 4 7. Transcontinental Oil 10-3 Union Pacific 11". I'. H. Food Products .... . 23. I'. S. etail Stores 50. I'. Si Ind. Alcohol 0 -7 I'nlted States Rubber 73. I'nited States Steel 82.2 1'tah Copper rT. 47.7 I; NY. Stocks WHY? A HOME AND AN INCOME PEARS AND ALFALFA. BEST INVESTMENT IN. COUNTY HOUSE B room, modern, bnlli room, fireplace, electric light, city water, plmne. Located on Pacific HlBlmar. iool garage. I..XD 0 a ores, hear creek bottom nnd gravelly loam soli. Has ills- trirt Irrigation. Lnnd lies Idcnl for Irrigation. Also good nlr drain age Free from frost. 25 acres In pears. Just beginning to hear. Wlillo this Is a young orchard. I believe It will pay 30 per cent on Kholo Investment this year. This pear orchard should not sell for less than SIO00 per acre-. The Imlnnec Is In alfalfa nml garden lnnd. PHICK $14,700. Part cash, balance terms, or will siilxllvlite land If two or more arc Interested. This place Is i.rfere.1 at a rlilre price nnd must be sold as owner lias oilier business that lie :inds his nttentinn away from here. Itememln-r no better lnnd in tin- val ley for fruit and garden. located Ideally. A going liuslm-ss. I than half Its value. See me now or phone. ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Nash Hotel Corner I Westiughouse Klci trie .... j Willys (jviTland American Zinc 1.,-ail and Sm. liutlc and Supei im- ( hid) . . 1 I.T 45. ii'ala. Pcii-olrum Summons for Publication In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for the County of Jackson. Medford Inigation District, a Munici pal Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Abe1 Schoenfeld, Benjamin L. Schoenfeld,! Stella S. Colin, Pearl Schoenfeld,! Julia Attell, Bertha Schiller and 1 Kdith Fisher. Defendants, j To the defendants. Abe Schoenfeld. i Benjamin I.. Schoenfeld. Stella S. Colin, Pearl Schoenfeld. Julia Attell. j Bertha Schiller and Kdith Fisher. In tue name of the State of Oregon j you and each of you are hereby re- J quired to appear and answer the com-! plaint against you in the above en-i titled action filed in the office of the 1 Clerk of this Court on the ISth day of; March. 1921, on or before the expira tion of six weeks from the date of the I first publication hereof. I 1 his summons is served upou you by publication in the Medford Mail Tribune under and by virtue of an order made by the lion.F. M. Calkins, Judge of the circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Jackson, dated and filed in the office or the Clerk of said Court on the 25th day of March, 1921, which order directs that this Summons be served upou each of you by publication once a week for six successive weeks. The date of the first publication of this Summons Is the 2Gth day of March, 1931. and yon are required to appear and answer the complaint herein on or before the 7th day of May, 1921. You and each of you are hereby notified that If you fail so to appear and answer the complaint In this action within the time specified, the plaintiff will take judgment against you and each of you, nnd will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, namely, a judgment determining the value of an easement for the construction, operation and maintenance of an Irrigation canal for the plaintiff over a strip of land fifty feet in width across the lands of the said defendants in Section 31, Town ship 3(i South, Range 1 East of the Willamette Meridian in Jackson Coun ty, Oregon, and the damages, if any, accruing to said defendants by reason of the appropriation of said land for such easement, and the compensation to he awarded to the said defendants for such taking and for such damages, if any; and for the further judgment of this Court that after compliance by the plaintiff with the terms of said judgment the land charged with such easement shall be thereby appropriat ed to the use or the plaintiff for such easement for said purpose, and that said easement shall thereafter be the property of tho plaintiff, and for the costs of this action and for such other and further, relief as to the court may seem just and proper In the premises. Dated March 2th, 1921. LINCOLN McCORMACK. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors In tho County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of tho Estate of John W. Davidson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the under signed, executor of the last will and testament of John W. Davidson, de ceased, to all persons having claims against said estate or said decedent, lo present the same, properly verified, to tho undersigned at his residence Northeast of Central Point, Jackson County, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated, and first published March 12, 1921. C. J. McCAY, Executor of last will nnd testa ment of John W. Davidson, deceased. ELIJAH II. HURD. Attorney. 41112 M. F. & II. Building, Medford. Oregon. Close in on Paved Highway A Beautiful Bungalow With 10 Acres Irrigated Land This a Nice Country Home Best Adapted for All kinds of berries, vegetables, chickens. It is a money maker Price only $5500. Terms Page-Dressier Co. Phone 282 Nash Block . Any Kind of Real Estate The Best Fire Insurance J. C. BARNES 78 . "j Phone Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Hoseburg, Oregon, February 24. 1921. Notice is hereby given that Ray Davis, of Eagle Point, Oregon, on Feb ruary 23, 1921, made Additional Horn stead Entry. Serial No. 013097. under the Act of April 2S. 1904 and Act of June 9, 1916. for the NWi of SE!4 of Sec. 33, Tp. 34 S.. R. 1 K., W. M., as Additional to Homestead Entry, Serial No. 090S3, patented, for the SWVi or SE'4 of See. 33, Tp. 34 S., U. 1 E., W. M., and that upon comple tion of publication of this notice and payment of commissions and purchase price of the land, final certificate and patent will issue lor the land embraced in the additional entry. The purpose of this notice is to allow all persons claiming the land adverse ly, or desiring to show it to be mineral in character, an opportunity to file ob jection to the application with the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Offico at Roseburg. Ore Ron, and to establish their Interest therein or the mineral character there of. W. 11. CANON, Register. . HELP WANTED 1EMAI.I WANTED Woman for general housework. Good wages, good home. 1.1 Geneva. Phone SI". 4 WANTED Experienced woman for cooking and housekeeping; also re liable person for care of children. Mrs. R. W. Kuhl, phone 518-.I. HELP WANTED Male nnd Female WANTED Young huly or young man to do collecting. In applying state If you have had any exper ience nnd where. Address "Col lector." care Mail Tribune. tf WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Pruning by day or con tract. Experienced men employed only. Call liOO-X. M. S. Gentry. 9 WANTED By reliable young man age 25, work of any kind. Experienc ed in building. Box 53, or phone 235. 4 WANTED Pruning by day or con tract. Experienced men employed only. Call tiun-X. M. S. Gentry. WANTED Work by married man, experience in orchard, fanning and dairy work. Box 82, Mall Trib une. v 5 WANTED Experienced orchard and farm man with family, wants po sition. Bnck of 501 Dealt)'. 7 WANTED Garden pl iwing. 272-L. Phone 313 WANTED Pruning and grafting by ' day or contract. Can furnish suf ficient help. Work guaraiiteed. 3 2:1 N. Central. Kidd Bros. 313 WANTED MISCKI.LANUOUS WANTED To rent bungalow; will i room modern advance three months rent; may consider buying. Box 45, Mall Tribune. 4 WANTED 370-W. Weaned pigs. Phone 4 WANTED A few pieces of S-inch rough siding, beveled from half inch to five-eiglitns. Please jhone B. T. Del.osh at 390-L. 4 WANTED 20 zen. ton barley. Dr. Git- WANTED To rent 3 or 4 room apartment on the east side. Phone MS-Y. S WANTED Some old carpet or rugs. Box M, Mall Tribune. 7 WANTED Orders for plowing, fill ed Immedintelv. Phone 452-L. TJrW . 315 WANTED Call 537-M for a reliable tenant for your furnished house; will lease. 313 WANTED To buy a small bunch of cattle. Give full description, price, etc. W. W., .Mail Tribune. WANTED Lawn and gsrden work, pruning and grafting, etc. Geo. A. Seely. Phone 947-L. 313 WANTED Bath tub, state size, kind and price. Address No. 32, Mall Tribune. 231 WANTED House moving and pairing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. WANTED Several men and boys to know that you can buy any bike for $2.00 per week. Liberty Shop, S. Grape. tf WANTED Shoe repairing while you wait at the "Model Hoot Shop." 21 S. Central Ave. Quick service, quality work. E. N. Illden, prop. MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN J. B. Andrews loans money on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone 53-M. 31 North Grape street. ANNOUNCEMENT We have associated with us Mr. Luke W. Henderson, an expert accountant, of wide experience, whoso former connection wit'a ono of the largest firms of Pub lic Accountants in the West, places us In position to render HIOHEST CLASS service In accordance with methods de veloped and perfected during years of accounting experience. AccourtirjJ kERVICElO: 1 1 rvcstnervts lrsurvce1 I M. P. BCHMITT. Mgr. Phone 581 Liberty Illrtg. 1IKI.P WANTED MALE, W ANTED At once, expert shoe shin er. Ray Blackburn. 502 S. Grape. 7 WANTED Man about 30 to 40 years of age as janitor.. Hotel Austin, Ashland. I WANTED Men with tractor for disc ing. Phone 0S5-J-3. KOI! KENT IIOUSEKI' ROOMS FOR RENT Unfurnished house keeping rooms. Kenilworth Ho tel. 315 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR KENT Steam heat, private hath, 1 room first floor. 1005 West .Main, rhone S04-L. 4 FOR RENT Furnished rooms. $2 per week. 445 S. Front st. 337 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, hath any time; us of wash tub nnd iron. Large gar age; one block from library. No. 004 W. Tenth. 11111 RENT APAP.TMKNTS FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Adults. Inquire CIS King St. 4 FOIt RENT Apartment, 3 rooms, first floor, 1005 W. Main. .Steam heat. 4 FOR ItRNT rARMS FOR RENT Good ranch, 45 ' all'ulfa. C. S. Butlerl'ield. FOR RENT 13 M acres one mile west of Central Point. Phone 403-X-2. 313 ACTOMOBILE8 FOR SALE Ford touring car, good condition. Flynn, Peoples Electric Store, or call GSIS-J after 6 p. in. 4 FOR SALE 1919 Chevrolet touring; first-class condition. Owner must sell for cash. Will take Ford in exchange. Write Box 121, Rogue River. 313 FOR SALE 1920 Chevrolet at a bar gain. Terms. Will consider Ford in trade. Phono 7S1-II, evenings. 313 FOR SALE One 1920 Oakland six touring' car, looks Ilka new, extra equipment, liumper, motonieter, new spare tiro, clock, etc. Owner must sell at sacrifice at once. Price $1100. 'I'umy Motor Co., 12a S. Front St. tf FOR SALF". Ford touring car. Perfect condition, phone 444, call for Collier. tt FOR SALE Ford touring car $275. Ford truck' wltU, coyared body, cab and windshield, practically new, $700. Patton & Woblnson, Inc., 112 S. Riverside. "U SALE POULTRY AND UtiGS FOR SALE Pure bred White Wyan dotte eggs for hatching, 0. A. C, strain. Phono 4U-Iv-8. FOR SALE Can accept a fow more orders for Tancred .white Leghorn chix to hatch April 5th. Can also take custom hatching after same date up to 1500 eggs. 'Price regu lated by per cent of hatch deliver ed. Satisfaction guaranteed. Standard (Electric Hatchery. Tel 481. tf FOR SALE 3 Bronzo Turkey hens and 1 gobler. $25. Also eggs for hatching from thoroughbred Rouen ducks, Whito Plymouth Rock hens, O. A. C. Barred Rocks, 10 cents each. Mrs. C. S. Lam moy. Agate, Central Point R. 2. Ill FOR SALE Hatching eggs $7.00 per hundred. Famous "Oregons" mated to Tancred Leghorn roosters. Largo size and heavy layers. W. K. Par ker, Central Point, Phone 19-X-l. 314 FOR SALE Electric brooder, 3511 chick size, $12.00. R. L. Wilson, Hotel Holland. 813 FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs, O. A. C. strain, for setting. Phone 919-W. 332 FOIt SALE Whito Wyandotto setting eggs $1.50 for 15. 330 N. Front St. 341 FOR SALE Rhode Island Red eggs, $1.00 per setting. 'I. I. cockerels, $2.50 each. Choice 'tr ale canaries $1.00. Phone 847-Y. FOR SALE White Leghorn chicks $15 to $18. JOggs $5.00 per hundred. R. I. Red eggs, chicks and cockerels. Dressier Square Dnal llatohory. Phone 951-L. 315 GOOD BUYS On the Paved Pacific Highway Que ncre close in ; strictly modorn ij-room buiiKHlnw $3250 Four acres finest bottom land with puid up water ri(?ht, fine fruit, berrii's and alfalfa, a pood house, fine lnrpe barn and poul try houses ?1750 Three acres of finest Hear Creek soil, irrigated; one of the niftiest, strictly modern 'bungalows on the racifie. Highway, fine outbuild iiiKs, poultry houses, brooders, etc., verv liih class property. ?7500 Brown & White Holland Hotel Corner I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Folt SALE 0 room house on paved street. 50 gullon gas tank, large range, horse, buggy and harness. Inquire Jackson Street Store. Phone 235. u FOR SALE A bargain, 100 acres; good soil, wire fenced. 50 acres iu cultivation, 2 miles to store: no buildings, $00 per aero. Address P. O. Uok S3". 4 SOME BARGAIN 5-room bungalow, bath, toilet, etc., ono uere of ground, large chicken house, fruit trees, ju.u outside city limits which means no city taxes or assessments, just the place for small chicken ranch and homo garden. Inquire Western Union. I FOIt SALE I room plastered house, bath, complete. Two lots. $100 cash, balance like rent. C. S. But terfield. - 3 FOIt SALE C.O acre ranch. $25 acre. Inquire 1S05 West Main. 5 FUK SALE A neat little 'building 12x18 feet, suitable for a garage. Enquire 613 N. Barleltt. 4 FOR SALE Close In. east front resident lots. Paved street, best location. J500 and $550. All as sessments paid. Campbell & Car ley. No. 9 N. Fir street. tf SPLENDID BARGAIN 9-rooms, lot 50x300, East Side. Immediate possession. $2700. Lindas, 235 E. Main. 4 OWNER MIST 8E1.I 5-room bun galow, modern, built-in features, closo in. $2200. Lindas. 234 10. Main. 4 FOR SALE 40 acres. 9 miles north of Rogue River; improved; water right on Pleasant creek, 1 Vi milea northwest of Wimor store, 2 0 acres under plow; balance timber, V4 milo to school; horse, .wagon, harness, ,cow, chick'"1 plow, har row, cultivator; all fenced; five room house, well, li:.:v.. hen houses. furniture. $2500 cash. John Lean er, Rogue River, Ore. 0 FOR SALE Partly furnished bun galow, five rooms nnd bath. Pav ed street. $300.00, balance on easy payments. Address Post Of fico Box 103 7, City. 315 FOR SALE Cozy 1107 Niantic st. little $1000. cottage, tf FOR SALE Nlco cottage, furnished, closo in. 329 S. Grape St. 314 FOR SALE Bnrgain. 25 acres located thre miles from Gold Hill, Ms nille frnju school house, on phono line and rural roule, witli running water on place. State water permit for 'v.o1jo acres, with fow acres in alfalfa. A good six room houso with thie fireplace; also fair outbuildings gojd woven wire foncos, also plenty of free range for cattle. Price $2500, $1500 down, balance on roasonablo terms. Seo J. O. Pierce, ownor, Gold Hill, Ore., or phono 31-F-l. 3 IS FOR SALE Five room modorn bun galow, furnished, closo in, $3000. Terms. Medford Lnnd & insurance Agency, 220 W. Main St. . tf FOR SALE Twenty-two acres fine soil one mile from Medford, eight acres full bearing orchard, balance suiUihlo for alfalfa. Five room mod ern bungalow, good barn and out buildings. Total price $7000, only $2500 cash required. Earl Tumy, 125 S. Front St. If FOR SALE Good ranches. Seo us before buying. J. B. Andrews, 31 N. Grapo St. Thono 53-M. tf FOR SALE Lease ana exchange real estato. Gold Ray Realty Company. FOR SALE- furnished acreage, -Houses and bungalows, or unfurnished; also C. S. Butterfleld, phone 216. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE- -sows, pigs and shoats $2.50: others just as T. Howard, 815 S. Oak- weanllncs cheap. S. dale. FOR SALE- -Bay work horse. Ill N. Flr. FOIt SALE Young well bred Hol- stoin cow, gentle, good milker. Dr. I. B. Webster, southwest of Phoenix. FOR SALE 250 head of sheep, 180 ewes lambing now, G bucks, bal- , unce yearlings. Price $5 per head for quick salo. F. L. Orr, Rogue River, Ore. 31 FOR SALE Matched team 7 and 8 years old, weighs over 2000, wagon, harness, and woodsaw. Also houses and lots. 520 Palm St. 313 FOR SALE Bnrred Rock eggs for setting, O. A. C. strain. Phoue 919-W 321 FOR SALE Ten beautiful fresh cows, high testers; also cream separator, and good work horso. Walsh's place ono mile northeast of Medford, on Crater Lake Road. 313 FOR SALE .Mount Crest Ranch of fen for sale four Shorthorn bulls, ready for service, your choice for $350. Two younger at $200, moBtly red. Apply James Stewart, Mount crest Ranch. Hilt. Calif. tf LOST ,OST-One Ford tiro and rim Sox 3V4, Wednesday in city of Med ford. Please notify E. Chamber lain. Phone 501-K. ' IX)ST Glasses with dark rims, be twoen. Main Street and Lincoln school. Not in case. Reward to finder. Return to Mall Tribune. LOST Between Grants Pass and Medford, March 18, a canvass cov ered roll, containing paint brushes. Return to Internrhan Autocar Co and receive liberal reword, FOR SA I.F M ISCELLAX EOl'S FOIt SALE Twenty tc hay, $1S.00 per ton. Phono 220-11. is good grain Near Talent. FOR SALE M-inch sulky plow $25: 957-J-l. 0 Sidehill plow $10. Phone FOR SALE Extra rich milk for 1 uc. not delivered. Geo. Marshall. Phono U5-.I. I I'Oll SALE- so boxes fine Newtown apples, UlS's to 150's, wrapped, packed and wired at $1.25 per box. No deliveries. Call 121, 9 to 5. Court Hall. 3' FOR SALE Weslinghouse electric range, used less than five months. Over seven months of one year guarantee still good. 'Phone 5SS-.1. , S Ft! It SALE: Ladies' snoes and men's high top shoes at one-half price while I hey last, and shoe repairing at the .Medford Shoe Hospital. 119 E. (lib St. Medford. tf KOK'SALE Bargains in second hand funning implements, wagons, tools, cream separator, blacksmith out fit, tools of various kinds. S. T. Howard, S. Onkdalc. S FOR SALE Wagon tank for oil. E. L. Lane. Central Point. Phone 13-3. S FOR HALE Horses, harness aud wagon at Helms barn. S FOIt SALE Full 8iz solid crochet bed spread $150. Can be seen at 50S S. drape. S FOR SALE Cleveland tractor, used season and a half and In excellent condition. Ready to go to work. Bear Creek Orchards. 2 1 4 FOR SALE One team, weight 2000 lbs., with wagon nnd harness. H. Evenslzer. Perrydalo. Box 7S. II. 2. 4 FOIt SALE Set of heavy leather harness. Geo. R. Myers, Central Point. 4 FOIt SALE Toung horse, harness spring-loolh sulky plow, mower, 2 cultivators, fanning mill. Phone 1S-X-I. Central 'Point. 4 FOIt SALE New 192 1 Family nnd Portable Electric "Ringers" now on sale at No. 10 S. Fir street. Your terms are ours. Seo thein! Freo demonstration. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Phono 215-R. 27 FOR SALE 11 used drop-head Sow ing machines, all in first class me chanical condition and guaranteed. Ranging in price from $10 to $05. Cash or terms. "Your credit is good." Singer Sowing Machine Co., iNo. 10 S. Fir. Phone 213-R. 7 FOR SALE 20 h. p. olnctric motor nnd 5-inch pump with 1000 feet of pipo. Irrigation system on French Ranch near Rogue River. Seo S. .1. Blakcly, on the place. 316 FQR SALE Wheat hay. Also red oat hay. Flno for milk cows. Phono 403-X-2 313 FOR SALE Two Ico boxes, four dol lars each. Phono 222 or call Gusher Cafe. 313 FOR SALE Whito enameled kitchen sink, glass front door, lot wnler pipe and nlco lot assorted canned fruits. 329 S. Grapo St. , 314 FOR SALE Ono tnrec-ton evapora tor dryer. 10 cars and 160 trays can he taken down or set up at short notice. Weather proof. For further particulars Inquire of J. W. Johnson, 0718 Mission St., San Francisco. Daly City. .334 FOR SALE Fordson tractor, fine condition, chonp. Patton and Roli Inson, Inc. tf FOR SALE Road grador. Twelvo-foot blade. Now machine Can bo seen it our warehouse. R. R. Y. Canal Co. tf FOR SALE 81lghtly used alfalfa cul tivator. Hubbard Bros. tl FOR SALE-Socond-hand Vaughn drag saw. Hubbard Bros. tf FOR SALE- -Canary birds. 612 S. Park. FOR SALE One 5-hore Almo sta tionary engine, like new, $26. Ono 5-foot orchard disk, used one season, $50. Ono 8-foot orchard disk, used one season, $75. One 10 lnch gnng plow, Just like new, $75. C. 15. Gates Auto Co. tf FOR SALE Sand, gravel, sediment nnd dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phone 912-J, Samuel Bate man, 302 Maple St. FOR SALE-Manure. Phone 452-Y. Hoover Dairy. tf FOR SALE One new Sampson trac tor at a very low price; will take good team In on payment, balance cash and terms. Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co., Medford, Ore. tf FOR SALE Hay at Threo Oaks. J. Ilnrtzell. W. tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY Motan Art Rugs MOSAN ART RUG CO. We weave rugs from old carpets nnd rugs and clean all rugs. "Rugs we clean are clean when wo clean them." 119 W. 'tenth, phono 180. Free delivery. Undertakers PERL FUNERAL HOME Cor Sixth nnd Onkdale. Ambulance service Phone 47. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING- CO. has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding looso leaf ledgers, hilling systems etJ. Portland y rices. 2T N. Fir St. BU8INES3 DIRECTORY. Abstractors. MURRAY BROS. & VAN VORI8 Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 6, No. 22 North Cetural Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated 1904. Ab stracts of Title, Titie Insurance. Architect G. E. TEETS Licensed Siason, California. architect 323 Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. We ara operating the largest, oldest and beat-equipped plant In the Paclfta northwest. Use our springs whea others fall. Sold under written guarantee. 31 North Fifteenth SL, Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. POUTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-la-n', rooms S and 9, Medford National Rank Building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnettr Corey Building. O. C. HOGGS Real estate law and settlement of estates a specialty. . B. F. LINDAS Attoraey, General Practice. Patents a , specialty, j Stewart Bids. - - . ! WIN FIELD R.- OAYLORD Lawyer. ! Room 7 Palm block, 10T East Main 1 St., Msdford. ' i Building Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORKS specialize In all kinds of cement building product. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. Chiropractor. DR. A. BURKLUND Chiropractor. Spinal Adjustments. 204-205 Sparta Bldg., cor. Main and Riverside. Office phone 285. Chiropractic Physician JOUETT P. BRAY Straight Chiro practic, rooms 409-10 M. F. & H. building. 9 to 12 n. m,, 2 to G p. tit., dally except Thursday. Phone 680. Dentist DR. V. R. KAUFMAN, Dentist Office in Sparta Building. Office hours S to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 28$ Electric Service BATTERY & ELECTRIC CO. Factory distributors for Exlde Batteries and Fairbanks-Morse light plnnts. Nat Bldg. Phono 118. 814' Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. B. M. W1V son, C. P. A. Attention given t anything In Accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look Into on! simplified accounting method. LOU erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. Fidelity and Surety Bond FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS- we execute all forms of bond McCurdy Insurance Agency. tfl Instruction m Music. FrTSBAIFoN HAIGHf Teacher bt . piano and harmony. Haight Mush studio, 318 Qurnett-Corey Building Phone 72. : Painting and Paperlianglng LEWIS & CASEY Painting, Paper, hanging, tinting. Estimates furnish, ed free. Phone 189. 20 9. Grape St. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. BURS0LL Splnologlst, Phy sician' and surgeon. Spinal adjust ments, general treatments and'dlag j nosis. 309-10-U M. FV'eV' H,' Bldg.' Elevator to third floor.' " Phone ' 2.j DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician -"and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat Eyes scientif ically tested and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. R. R. Co, M. F. & H. Co. Bldg. PQona t67. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Phyiiclana. 410-417 Garnctt-Corey Bldg. Phone 9IM-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel 8L DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear,' nose and throat. ' SOI Liberty building. Phone 496. DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Natural Painless Meth ods. Room 428 M. F. ft II. Bldg. Phone 965. ' JAMES C. HATES Phystoian and Surgeon; office hours 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Sparta building; residence 1405 W. Main. Phones: Office 663, res. -492. "Specialty," Medical and Surgical Diagnosis, tt Dr. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices M. F. & H. Bldg. Phono 165. Residence 118 Genesee) St. Phone 165-J-2. Rug Weaving. M EDFORD FLUFF RUQ '- WORK makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 610-M. 706 Pine St Tent and Awning Works MEDFORD TENT AND AWNINQ WORKS 128 N. Grape 3t Phone 443-Y. K. Humor. Proo. ' Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 43 North Front St Phone 316. Prices right Service guar anteed. ' DAVIS TRANSFER Anything moved day or night Service guaranteed. Fair treatment 104 S. Fir. Phone:, Office (,M or res, 64,7-R ?0, $