Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 26, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    ,;- I
ny CUES!
over and newly elected directum, they
$42,203, AGAINST i
D. 0. K. K. BAND A
in uiKanize and elect the offl.-.i-H
for the year, which calls for a fcresi- '
dent, vice-president and treasurer.
Tin- eb-ctluii uf the directors was
a i rat e for the candidates, all ol
whom were leading citizens of the
community. The election of any seven
of the sixteen candidates would have
placed strung men at the helm of the
Ttie community chest proportion
waa defeated in the Chamber uf Com
merce referendum by is winx. AI
tliuuih there were 201 memlKra, who
voiwl at the final election fur di
rectors of the Chamber uf Commerce,
not all of them voted on the refer
endum uf the community che.n. There
were 180 votes canvassed on the ref
erendum, which made a vote of ft I
necessary for a decision. Of the
total 81 were cast in favor of the
.istiiblishment of a community chest,
whereas 99 voted in opposition to
A great denl of satiafaction is being
expressed because of the decisive vote
i.n the question, as no room is now
left for an amument to attain bring
up Ihe same for discussion. Had the
community chest been adopted by a
narrow margin, there would have
kn erv doubt of in aucce-sj
wlih cmjaraively atione sentiment
against it.
The opposition have now offerr.4
110.1 solution for organization to ar
iur financial support In the commu
nity. A committee from the Cham
ber of Commerce should Investigate
every request mado for funds. It
should approve or disapprove, the re
quest. J'ublle announcement should
be made of the committee's action,
und in case of an approval, then such
organization should ho permitted to
nollrlt funds through the columns of
the newspaper, but not by means of
u campaign. or drive us was common
during the war period.
' The opposition to the community
rhest was to a great extent due to a
disfavor of ortranlzed drives because
of the coercion and pressure used to
force people,, to donate, to causes in
which their sympathies were nut en
tirely in favor.
New Directors Klectcrt.
' As a result of the finnl election, the
following were elected directors of
the Medford Chamber of Commerce
for a two-year term: C. 10. dates,
John C. Mann, K. C. Caddis, C.eorge
1,. Treichler, Win. O. Tait, Fi-nnk 1'.
Karrell and T. W. Miles. Of this list
who were formerly members of the
board and were re-elected were C. K.
Gates and Georgo L. Treichler.
There was a total of 201 members
votod, which is over 50 per cent of
the membership and which Is a re
markable record. The votes of four
members had to be thrown out be
cause of their failure to pay their
dues to April 1,
The old board of directors will re
main in charge of the affairs of the
Chamber of Commerce until the an
nual meeting, which will take place
in the early part of next month.
This will give them an opportunity
to complete their work for the year
und verify the annual reports, which
are now being prepared.
At the first meeting of the hold
'Stop Thief" at Page
"Stop Thief? Leave Mo My Dia
phragm!" That will be your speech
less cry when you see siuilins Turn
Moore ai the Page theatre tomorrow
in his newest comedy, based on the
fiimoua farce, "Stop Thief!" The com
bination of star and comedy is a verit
able thief of laughter in that you will
laugh until your diaphragm is so sure
you can't laugh any more. It's a whole
some farce that will please every taste
from caadBjotber to littlt Johnny. A
furtiire tear appeals kr and there as
the very engatins crook and bia sweet
heart pleads that the rubbery of the
iritdift psts was to kaTe bea
their laat "haul" before marryine and
becoming respectable members of so
ciety. All the loot ia restored and thoy
are forgiven and married but oh,
boy! the fun that is unrollod first!
Dorothy Gish at Rialto
Wn announce the coming to the
Rinltn !hputir for throo Havs beein-
jnlntf tomorrow of Dorothy Gish in one
of the finest comedies of the year,
"The Ghost in the Garret."
It's a real story, too, by Wells Hast
ings, one of America's foremost humorists.
There is a bulldog in "The Ghost in
the Garret" who is humanly intolllgvut
and a parrot that will make you gig
gle like a school-kid.
Never mind dignity you needn't bo
afraid to laugh for everyone else will
he laughing with you. We will give a
prize to anyone who can sit through
"The Ghost in the Garret" without at
least a chuckle unless he's blind.
Don't overlook this feature or
you'll regret it for a long time.
The fume uf the I. O. K. K. band,
of .Medford, is reach me beyond its
Iicul cuvironmt'nt an 1h disci isvU in
itn engagement for a ball to be given
at Grants a&s, Tut-sUay evening.
April ft. The affair is being promoted
by members of tho K. of 1. order of
Grants I'ass, and the event is to be
the one big event of the year in the
'lit'K the t'limate" city. Not only the
1). U. K. K. band will make the trip,
but ulso the brigand patrol team, all
wearing their gorgeous Arabic cos
tumes. A street purade will be given
in the evening to advertise the event,
and in exhibtion of fancy drills will
be put un by the well trained bil
gands. The event is the forerunner of othei
affairs to be given preliminary to a
t). O. K. K. ceremonial, which will
be celebrated by the Medford Tem
pi at Etna Mills n May 7, next,
where about 100 Tyros are to be
rounded up from ajvtone the K. of I.
lodces of northern California, and
Initiated into the &ldlor4 Temple.
Great preparations are beine made
by the members of the order of Ktna
Mills to make the ceremonial not only
great success from the fraternal
order view point, but also as a means
of bringing; closer together the two
sections of northern California and
southern Oregon into better acquain
tance and understanding, and to that
end an invitation has been extended
to all members to bring along their
ladies with the promise that suitable
entertainment will be provided for
all who may come. It is expected
that ut least 200 1). O. K. K.'s with
the band, brigands, officers, votaries,
tyros and their ladies will accept the
hospitality of Ktna Mills on the occa
sion of the ceremonial.
The Sweetheart Shop
The fourth and positively last week
of "The Sweetheart Shop" begins to
night at the Columbia. Through the
efforts of the theater management,
contracts for this mimical attraction
were changed In several nearby cities
In order to hold the play another
week. It will not play Oakland. After
leaving San Francisco, the attraction
will go east by way of Medford, Port
land and Seattle and settle down in
Chicago for twenty weeks. San Fran
cisco Call.
KANSAS C1T, Mar. 20. Whether
mailing of a post curd constituted
sufficient notification of a summons
to thu'colors under the selective draft
act is tho principal point involved for
decision in hubens corpus proceed
ings on call In federal court in Kan
sas City, Kas., today to bring about
the releaao from prison of Krwln
Bergdoll of Philadelphia.
llergdoll, brother of Orovor Rerg
doll, draft evader now In Oermany,
is serving a five-year sentence.
Hrown chiffon vfHi i,ils combine
ilh Ueorselle In balik pattern of
urans. ,ul dull bin to make this
attractive robe, ij'he small, drap.d
Jacket of velvat oe into n train at
Hi. tiac-U which bu a lining f
or silk. Hands of brown
link, tli. eurf nd f.ulih th. r.n.i
of tin KlrL
A jury in the circuit court Friday
afternoon returned a verdict In favul
of the plaintiff in the civil suit uf the
slate bank examiners, bv F. 0. ltialn
well, against Chester C. Kubli, Ap
plegute stockman. The Jury award
ed the plaintiff the full amount
sought, J42,i0:).T:. The jury delibe-i-ati'd
about an hour.
Tho defendant was the only wit
ness for the defense, and KuMl
on the stund but a few minutes. He
claimed that a check for $5000. given
hirn by Louis Neldermever. for 10OII
head of sheep, bad not been credited
to his uccount. No definite rccoi d
could be found of the check, and at
torneys for both sides concentrated
on this sum. Its allowance, or re
jection. Other obligations were ad
mitted. The feature f tin IrUI was the
testimony of M. II. Johnson, ex-cashier
of the bank, whose bearing on the
witness aland made a good impres
sion, and whose memory of alfalra
connected with the bank bordered on
the marvelous. It was admitted that
without his assistance the state's case
would have been weakened.
The next case on the docket is that
of F. C. Ilranvwell against A. W.
Walker, and Is the last ef the clvl
suits In connection with the failure of
the bank.
Do you eat
IIornbvs Oats
-or just oats ?
The tier canlla consumption of
candy in tho I'nlled States has in
creased 500 per cent in forty years.
OUANI) KAIMDS. Mich., Mar. 2(1.
Casper Dldia, 14 years old, confessed
today, according to the police that ho
helped his mother club to death his
stepfather, Joseph KenlihUM, last
night. Then, according to the con
fession, he and his brother James. 9
years old, placed the body ln a toy
wagon and cartod It lo the railroad
yards, where they left it. The body
was found early today by a switching
The white race Is decreasing more
rapidly than the yellow or black. -
New Zoaland estimates its loss of
population due to the war and Influen
za epidemic of 60,000.'
rr-n 1751
The difference :
1. We steam-cook M-O, so you only have
to cook it a few minutes.
2. Pan-toasting brings out an entirely differ
ent and delicious llavor, and gives it that
rich, golden color.
3. It cooks up flaky not sticky and pasty.
4. It comes to you clean and fresh, in an
airtight Waxseal wrapper.
The United States constitution etveB
congress the right to regulate weights
and measures.
U.n,. nf rha hact irrniloH of Waste
paper are used as pure substitutes lor
ground wood pulp.
Warming relief lor
rheumatic aches.
HE'S just used Sloan's
Liniment and the quick
comfort had brought a smile
of pleasure to his I'nce.
Good for aches resulting;
from weather exposure.
sprains, strains, lame back,
overworked muscles. Pene
trates without rubbing. All
140 druggista have it.
:utii v.'
Electric Vibrators
Vacuum Cleaners
Electric Fans
Electric Motors
Auto Lights
Iron Cords
Rural Telephones
Soldering All Kinds
In. Fact Most Anything
cnciiYv 1
Telephone Orders 925-L
You will find me in "The Glass House' at 116 N. Central Ave.
10 D
ay Special Sale of Pianos
' We re direct iitrikutor f pUnt jumI pluyer pio f rm f ctery te yeur hm:
The larreit hiiHnnt f Piano, ever .hipped into Medfortl arriirl t Falr' Put Hwft UiUy, cn
.i.ting of two car load, of piano, and player piano..
Thee were purchased on a cash ba.i. and .hipped harnc.ed in a car, thereby eliminating freight on the
weight of boxe., which i. over 5500 pound.. Even cheaper than .hipping by water through the Panama
. i. I 'd I.
. ( , , ..'tiir
i-.t; HI
li ..i- M.'rn
The Quality House
234 E. Main St.
Pianos Bought Right
Can Be Sold Right
We challenge competition with any piano dealer on the Pacific coast, quality
of goods considered