MEDTOKlt MAIL Tliini'NR. MKDKOIM), OKKUOW KATlTRIAY. MAK't'll JC 1!I VACUO THUMB $ 10D Revard, $100 The readers or this paper win b pleased to learn that there Is at least ofio dreaded disease that sctenco has been able to Hire in all lis stages and that Is catarrh. Ciitarrh beinrj Rreut'y induem-ed by cunstilullomil conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Caiarrh Medicine ia tuken internally and acts thru lb BUmkJ en the Mucous Sur faces of the Kysuin il...reliy destroying the foundation o' ihe diaen ,u. jjivuiu li t pt tien: atrength by buildhr,; up the con st'.. uilon and ussIeimik nutur? in dolnc its work. The proprietors have so mmh lalth In the ctiratlvo power of Hall's Catarrh Meillelee that thev offer One Hundred Dollars for any cam! that It falls to cure. Send for Hut of tetlmonia! Address P. J. CHFNKY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. 6ohi hy all DrjRR'an. 76c. by Trading at Fouts Grocery. ' ADDIXt; XI'.W SI'K (U K LIST Tin: U.VLS TO These iu'IiiLs lire bargains tluit we pit'fV tip arid pass tMeri on to thf cdnsuormiV' '.' ' i . ) ,( 'A new one. is a. iHlvl pnckiino nt' Two .Minute Ont Food' Tor Kir Our Crystal White Soap deal will ' In- U. cents worth of soup mid two Cream Oil FIIKH SATl K iluy only Do not put oil' Inlying Unit suck ol' sugar too long. Try a suck ' ol' Fisher's Best Flour. Kvery sack Kunrun- tw'd r-.m 1arKe run of Plums 15c Two lnru; cans of Apricots Hoc Liberty .li'lly Powder, :i for iKr Ono pound hulk Chocolate U5c Ono pound can Ciliirurilcllis Choco late .. H"k' Ono pound bulk Cocoa 20r Snowdrift ....2i3c, 50c, 05c and If 1.85 C'rlsco 25c, 35c, 5c, $1.:!() and $1.05 We nutdo a real good buy in guuker ruffed Hico Pancake Flour. A 20- ccnt, package for 10c Two Tall Cans S'dnion for ..........25c W1.73 Carton Cifinrctts $1.00 A rofrular 20c package I'nncake Flour 10c 1.00 pi uk of Tobacco 85c Ono pound Shredded Cocoanul 25c Von will always find our prices In tho lowest no! eh. A good chicken food Corn at $2.2? por hundred. Wo have u now cako flour, tho Ex Special Shred Cocoanut 25c Wo have some moro specials: Canned Pumpkins i. 10c lurgo can Ilipo Olives 20c cello, mix with water only. Per package ""'t' liulk Tea, Green or Black 25c Xo. 10 till Kipo Olives $1.23 Dates 25c Walnuts 20c to i$0c Tea 25c to 00c White Beans, 4 pounds 25c Hulk Coffee 20 to 45c Haisins Sue Currants ... 30c Itonstcd Peanuts 18c 1Mb sack Itolled Oats 55c -ll). sack Graham 50c. 0 lb. sack Corn Meal U3c Quaker Corn F'lakes lie Kolloep'a Kot Krisp 15c KelliiRB's Krumblo I'.inn 25c Post 'J'oastios l3c Shredded lYhcut biscuit...... 15c Clorox .' 20c Soda ' . 8 H. d. 6ots ...2oc l'ostum Cereal 23c Instant Postum 25c and 45c Siacaroui, package 10c Macaroni, bulk 10c SpiiKbettl, bulk, 2 pounds Deviled Moat Gc and 10c Veal Loaf ...20c Hip-o-Ute 33c Cookies - 30c Candy -;0c tiinger Knaps 20c. Job Itice 4 25c Head Hi lc 5 doz. nacknee Clothes Pins 25c U doz. Sprint; Clothes Pins 30c Crystal White Soap 4 for 35o Sunny Monday 4 for 25c Hoyal White, Kob White, Clean Easy, White I'inen Soup 0c White and Silk Soup jc Old Dutch Cleanser lc l ye 14c Citrus Powder 800 Cold Dust c 3 packages Sea F'onm 25c Crystal White Soap Chips J5c 20-Mulo Team Soap Chips. 40c II oz. Washing Powder lc Canned Hominy, 2 for 35c Canned Peaches 30 to -Nh Canned Pens 15c to 30c Hall Hlulng ,(,c Lux !c Hlncu, 15c 2 cans Tomato Stint e for I5i Canned Corn t. .!,' We have a car or fine llurbnnk po tatoes. It will pay you to look at them before voll buy You enn always save money trading nt Foul's Grocery EvanQ.-Luth. Zion's Church Fourth St. below Onkrtnio iv- Rev. Dr. V. R. .MorenzOeser. Pastor. ttcs. 51S AV. Fourth St. Oootl Friday. Divine service 1 1 a. ni. Holy comnuinion. ami The Salvation Army Hall 310 East .Main St. Meetings Tuesday, Thursday ituirilay s p. m. Sunday school Sunday 2 p. m. Free ami easy Salvation meetings S in. Subject, "The Live Christ." Captain ami Mis. Sinclair, res. Apple St. I'hone 3DC. , Evang.-Luin. 2ion's Church Fourth St. below Oakdale Ave. lev. Dr. V. K. Morenz Oeser, 1'astor. ' Jtes. 51X2 W. Fourth St. Easter. Sunday school 10 a. in. Divine service 11 u. in. Holy communion. Catechetical instruction for ennfir latitin every Satunlay afternoon at 2 'dock. St. Mark's Episcopal Church Cor. North Oakdalo and Fifth Sts. 11:30 a. in. Holy communion. S a. in. Toly communion. I'1 u. ni. Sunday school. 11 a. in. Holy communion. 7:30 p. in. Elks service. Easter Music 11 a. m. service. Processional. Jesus Christ Is Kisen Today.. ..Morgan Kyrie Eyre Olorta Tihi Eyre (inilias Tihi Byre Ciedo Kvre ..nourseois Cower ICyre Fyre Eyre First Church of Christ, Scientist lliunch of The Mother Church, The irst Church of Christ. Scientist, in Iioston, Mass. Services are held everv Sumhiv at 11 o'clock. Subject lor Suniluy, .March . "Heality." Sunday school at 9:45. All under the use of twenty are welenme. ednesdnv eveniuir iiipetintrK. nt i wnich testimonies of Christian Bel- ence healings are Kiven, nt 7:30. Iiuicli edifice. 212 North Oakdale. The Heading Hooni which Is in the M. F. & II. UuildinK, is oien from one to five daily, except Sundays and boK days. All authorized Christluu Sl!- ne literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. The public is cordially invited tn nr. tend the services and visit the Ituad- uig Room. "The Strife Is O'er" Palestine Anthem "Christ the Lord Is Kisen Today".... Wilson Offertory "Praise God" Sursuiu Corda Sancttis Henediclus Akiiiis Dei tlloria In Kxcelsis Old Chant Amen (lower Aunc Diiiiitis Cower ' Itecessionul t'otno Ye Faithful Sir A. Sullivan Elks Service Faster Evening 7:30 p. in. Processional Jesus Christ Is Hisen Totlay....MorKan (iloria Crotch Magnificat Mann Credo Eyre Anthem Christ the Lord Is Hisen Today.AVilson Nearer .My Cod to Thee Mason Autliom Sauctus Gounod Our Fathers Cod to Thee America Recessional Come Ye Faithful Sullivan llosanna in the Highest. Mr. Meeker. Mrs. .Meckel', Mis. Springer and , chorus. Soprano tolo. Ride tin. O Kin, Mis. Pierce. Gelhsemane, Mrs. Pierce and men's chorus. The Shadow of the Cross. Mis. Willits, Mis. Hilton, Mr. Meeker, -Mr. Vro- uian and chorus. Part 11 The Crown Introduction, piano ami organ, Miss Vroman and Mr. Roberts. Contralto solo, The Strife Is O'er, Mrs. Sasnett. Christ, Our Passover, Miss Dew, Mrs. Sasnett, Mrs. .Meeker, Mr. Meeker, Mr. llrooks ami chorus. Abide With Me, Mrs. Van Scoyoe, La dies' chorus, Men's chorus. Contralto solo, Come, tlraclous Spirit, Mrs. Willits. Quartet, And It Came to Pass, Mrs. van Scoyoe, Mrs. Sasnett, .Mr. Mac DonotiKh, Mr. Vroman. Finale, Lift Hp Your Heads, Mrs. An derson and chorus. Miss Matie Vroman, pianist. Mr. Hernard Roberts, organist. Mrs. May Jordan-MacDonougli, di rector. Easter Services. Bible school 9:45. Classes for nil ukcs. It. F. Lindas, supt. Morning worship 11 n. in. Sermon, "Faith's Springtime." Tho best in Easter music by our vested choir. Epwortu League: Social hour 5:30; devotional meeting 0:15. Evening service 7:30. Sacred can tata, "Cross anil Crown." ALL GREEDS JOIN CARDINAL GIBBONS HAl.TIMOUi:; -Mar. -2G. Anions tin huuilivtls of mi'sKiKi'N cf Kympa thy ami reitrt't it thr dvaxh uf Tardi nal tliUbunsi that jiouivd in nt the nri-hcpiHi'opal tfsiiU'in'e from persons vt all creedH and rank was an official testimonial from the Jialliinore He brew eoni;reniiM4Mi. It 't t'lul'-d the f inprii'.n- ef thf eon;:: elation to tli- mil able fur his Kanetlty: a eitizen ad-ni'-tn i n i s f the household and tn s Milled lur his putriotimn; a inodrl i loir ";tt h" i'- brrt hrcn of I la Is i - I A hiwiea n in whom during --the ure;t iii"re, :i ttd 'ini'Unlfd: ( 11 isis (t;iiue found a friend. "We vuiec tin- prayi-r that in ";!- - ' pi o iilf'i' .i ifjidt-r shall be fciven in J "" r - . , tii- f iihoiics ,.f Ameri.-n who shall : Cut ThJe Out lv is Worth Money ' maintain ttie saint nniiie siaioianis m i 'it i ho! 1 1- dignity, Arnei iean iti.-ni ' and human service." '' A slowiiiB' tribute lo tht? eardinaTiJ ; memory was voieed iit a I'esultttion 'adopted yesterday by the Ha lti mure ! Federal ion of eh tire lies, represent inn i virtually all the protestant denomina tions of the eity. which saitl that h" merits -the praise and esteem of all Wltliolu Ui'hlllKdOll oi eieeu tu men seet." Jules .J. dusserand, Kretnh nmbas sador at Wasliinntoii, sent the follow ing teU'Kiaiu to Hishop I'oriiKan: 'We nonirn with you a prelate On gut this slip, enclose wltli Sc aiid mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Bheffeld Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name ami address clearly. You will receive in i&turn a trial package coiitaibiog Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kltluy Pills for pains in sides and back; rheu matism, backache, kidney ami ti&ddor . ; ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tab lets, a wholesome and tborouKhy cleansing cathartic for constipation, I biliousness, headaches, and sluggish id-1 bowels. Sold everywhere. " Adv. ? t ? T First Christian Church Tor. Ninth and Oakdale. Dell Ely Millard, Minister. Ki'S. 5L'l W. Kleventh St. Phone 133. liihlo school 0 : 4 ." a. ni. Herbert Berriun, supt. Vo are alining for 300 present and urge you to be present. 11 a. in. The service of the church. A special service for you. Sermon subject, "Why I Am a Christian." Special music. Anthem by the choir. And a solo by Mr. Wilson. You are heartily invited. 7:30. Special evening services clos ing our week of evangelistic services. Sermon subject: "Why I Belong to the Christian Church." The special music will be an anthe mby the choir and a solo by Mrs. Dr. James Hayes, "llosnim" by Oranier. An inspiring song sorvice and a hearty welcome lo Main St. Methodist Church, South Cor. .Main and Oakdute. James K. Condor, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. in. Subject, "The Doubting Thomas." Senior league meets at C:30 p. m. Preaching 7::10 p. in. Subject, "The Three Crosses." Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. I loth sermons deal with the naur- rectiou of our Saviour nnd the pastor has made special preparation for this occasion. hlle wo have made no elaborate program for the Easter day. et the services will be deeply spirit mil nnd devotional. Mrs. Hauler will sing "Angels Rolled the Ilock Away" at the morning ser vices and Mr. Wilson will sing, "Come See the Place,-" in th evening. You are cordially Invited to worship with us on this Easter day. Strangers and v'Hitors in the city especially invited. "You are always well Dint." First Baptist Church "The Friendly Church" North Central and Fifth Sts. 0:45 a. m. Itible school, F. W. Mears, supt. Short Easter program. Nine new scholars last Sunday, the last Sunday lo count on our goal. 11 a. in., "The Assurance of Immor tality", Easter message. Ordinance of baptism. A feast of Easter music will be given Sunday at ihe First Baptist church hy a large chorus choir under tho direction of Mr. A. Andrew Walk er. The morning program will include Carol by Archer, "Twino the Easter Garland." Soprano os .oi'A'ses Garland." Soprano solo, "As Sleep Takes Its Flight," by Miss Myrle Davis, und anthem, Maker, "Awake Thou That Sleepcst," Mrs. F. R. Leach and Mr. Walker, soloists. The concert Sunday 7:30 p. m. will consist of seven numbers of standard excellence, besides the cantata "Death and Life" by Shelley. The personnel of the choir is eight sopranos, five contraltos, four tenors, and three basses, giving quality, balance and power. Five soloists will be used to interpret tho characters in the cantata with Mr. Walker in bass role. The program will be as follows: Processional, Sudbury, "Resurroc lion nnd Ascension." Carol, Archer, "The Merry Church Dells Ring." Men's Easter Glee. Mewald, "De scend Celestial Dove." taster Scripture Lesson. Soprano solo, Shelley, "Christ Is Risen," Mrs. Newberry. Ladies' Easter Glee, Porch, "Hark the Easter Hells." Prayer. Anthem, Martin, "As It Ilegan to Dawn." Mrs. Newberry, soloist. Hass solo, Shelley, "Resurrection," Mr. Scougall. Announcements and offertory. Cantata, Shelley. "Death and Life," Miss Davis, Mrs. Newberry, Miss Steiner, Mr. Ilarr, Mr. Walker, solo ists. Easter address, "Does Dea'.h End All?" Rev. F. R. Leach. Hymn. "Christ Arose," congregation Benediction. Wednesday 7:30 p. ni. "Reaching Our Goals; Some Lessons," theme for the prayer meeting. Large attendance urged. Thursday 8 p. m. Choir rehearsal. Friday afternoon, Oolden Link class will meet with Mrs. Effie Daily, post poned meeting. The church will be beautifully dec orated for Easter. A hearty welcome is extended to the public to enjoy this the greatest day in the entire year. Plan to be at every service. Frederick R. Leach, Pastor. ELK CREEK Mr. Frank Clary mude u luislnens trip to Ashland Sunday- Charlie Ciury, who ha been visiting Frank, returned homo with hi in. .Mr. and -Mrs. I toy VuuKhn spent Sunday afternoon visiting with her parents, Mr. nnd r.Ma. Dave Feiu'e. Air. and Airs. Irwin Howe him new haty girl, born March 17. Mr. Jess Clary who has rented the F. Hutchinson ranch, made a busi ness trip to Kagle Feint Saturday, re turning late Sunday evening. Mr. Henry Trustay has been cir culating a petition to have our mail either continued as it is or have a daily mail. They are trying to cut it down to twice a week. .Miss Enid Middlehusher spent Sat urday afternoon visiting, with Miss Ha -el Spencer. Reverend Glazier of the Free Methodist church will hold two ser vices at the Trail school house Easier Sunday, March 27. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stewart and daughter, Lee, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hutchinson. Mr. Koy Clancy of Ashland is working at tho ir. a. Kiiu-ies. Mrs. Middlobutdier und Mrs. S. AV. Hutchinson called to see tho new baby at Mrs. Howes' Saturday after noon. - . Domestic Laundry Economy Wash SERVICE BEGINNING APRIL 1, 1921 This is an entirely new way of handling the family laundry work. Its purpose is to re lieve the housewife from an expensive investment in laundry equipment, as well as the inconvenience of having the laundry done at home. The laundry makes its charge by the pound, at the rate of 10c per pound, and no bundle under this rate for less than 10 pounds. In the laundry each bundle is washed separately, none of the garments being marked, thus removing an objectionable feature. All flat work is carefully ironed and neatly folded; sox, cotton and woolen underwear come home ready to wear, while all ladies' and chil dren's garments (starched when necessary) arc just damp enough to iron nicely. Th damp clothes are securely wrapped in water-proof paper and will not sour or mildew within one week's time. The ironing can be done at home as desired. While this method of handling dors not entirely displace the. ROUGH DRY SERVICE, which. we will still continue to handle on a piece price basis with a minimum charge of 75c, it does enable the housewife to get the work done cheaper, gives a quicker service, re moves tho objectionable feature of marking the garments, and the damp clothes will iron nicer than when dampened at home by hand. jw MED FORD DOMESTIC LAUNDRY, Phone 166 ' T T T T t t T t t T T J T T T T 4 I Presbyterian Church Euster morning, Mar. 27, 1921 1 1 o'clock. Organ Spring Song Hollins invocation. Quartet This Is the Day. llarltono solo lie Is Illson! Quartet Christ Our Passover. .Congregational Hymn No. 10D, "Gol den Harps Are Sounding." Prayer. Organ, Ol'fertoiro Rnptiste The Story. Scripture reading. Quartet, As it Began to Dawn. Tenor solo Fear Not Ye! Tenor and baritone duel, Jio Is Not Here. Quartet, He Lives Again! Contralto solo, They Have Taken Away My Lord. Quartet, Christ the I-ord Is Risen. Soprano solo, Christ Hath Opened Paradise! Contralto solo, Lives Again Our Glorious King. Soprano solo, In the 12nd of the Sub bath. . Quartet, Awake Thou That Sleepest. Congregational Hymn, Crown Him With Many Crowns, llenedlction. Organ postludc, Festival March....Read Personnel of quartet: Mrs. Fred Strang, soprano, Mis. Frank Isaacs, contralto, II. Scougal, baritone, For rest Kdmeades, tenor. Mrs. II. K. inli, organist. Musical composers: Included In the above program are Stniner, Schnocker, Martin, Morgan, Schilling, Havens, Speaks and Harrington. First Methodist Episcopal Church At the First M. K. church. Fourth and Ilurtlett streets, bhe music will be a special feature of the Kaster ser vices, both morning and evening. The lull vested choir will sing ut both ser vices, wilh accompaniment of piano and organ. The numbers for the morning are as follows: Double quartet, Christ Our Passover Schilling Mesd. Van Scoyoe, Pierce, Sasnett, Willitts. Messrs. Meeker, MacDon ough, Canaday, Vroman. Trio, The Winter Is Past Ashford Mrs. Van Scoyoe. Mr. MncDonough Mr. Hrooks Hallelujah Chorus (The Messiah).... ! Handel Full choir In tho evening, Asliford's beautiful cantata, "Cross and Crown," will be sung. The numbers are as follows: Part i The Cross. Introduction for piano and organ. Miss Vroman and Mr. Roberts. Thou, Uird, Wilt Arise, Miss Dew, Mrs. Sasnett nnd chorus. The Temptation. Mrs. Van Scoyoe, Mrs. Hilton, .Mrs. Willits, Mr. Biooks and chorus. Trio. God Shall Charge His Angel Le gions, Mrs. nn S-nyoe, Mr. MiiO' Douough, Mr. Canaday. Highest Quality Jowelry ItcpalriiiK, Diamond Setting, Watch Itepnlrllig, B&tlafBCllon Assured In quality and price. Mall us your wants, MARTIN J. REDDY f r r ? ? ? Y T T y y t y t y MONEY DEPOSITED WITH US ABSOLUTELY SAFE WHY? r ItlOCAl'SKi Kveiy Borrowers givo-s proniis.soiy note. i HKl'Al'SK ICveiy Borrowers gives real estatu security of twice Ihe value of amount borrowed. This is first appraised by n coiiiiniilee of three nnd then approved or rejected bj din nine Directors, enili of recognized business ability, mid judgment, und imparity. HHC.U'SK the Books nnd all It'ocords me run-fully audited by the State Auditor or Building Loan Associations of tho State. ' '11 I.; BIG ADVAXTAGK TO YOV in opening a K.W I.MJS AU DI ST or DKI'OSITI.NG MOVK' tt!i us III way or Inking out PAID-CP STOCK IS Hie high into of interest you re ceive. SU'p in ami talk it over. . , . , Jackson County Building and Loan Association 30 N, Central Ave. C. M. KIDD, President 0, 0. B0GGS, Secretary t. ....... ...... What Is Electric Service? Your electric service wire3 for lighting, ' cooking, heating or power are only one ter minus of a vast electric equipment covering the territory served by this company. "When you use electric lights or other service, you have the use of distributing lines with transformers, poles, copper wires, cross-arms and insulators,., sub-stations., with transformers, switchboards... and regulating devices, ..high tension transmission' lines , connecting the different power plants, which are located at different points bti the lines so that in case of an accident to one or two plants the other power plants would carry the load and keep up the service. ; Your service is safeguarded by a large force of men repairing and testing lines and apparatus and emergency men with swift automobiles and motorcycles are ready at all hours of day or night to make repairs, regardless of storms or weather conditions. A railroad train may be ten minutes late or thirty minutes late, and as long as it does not occur too often it is not considered a serious fault in the service. A customer who wishes to turn on an electric light wishes the service instantly and blames the service if lights are not instantly available at any hour of the day or night on the turn of the switch. 1 In order that your electric lights may be ready for you when you turn the switph, requires ceaseless, untiring, intelligent supervision of the vast generating and distrib uting system between the power plants and your service connection. Yours for electric senice, . ' California-Oregon Power Company Phone 168 216 West Main Street, Medford, Oregon 'V. 4;