medford irsn; TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1921 "FA7JE TTTRFE ; r-Tl The selection of the proper corset for your figure is more important than the se lection of any other nrtiele t.f your veuiiiij apparel. As the corset tends to im prove ami set off your fig ure, so does it improve and set off lit the same time the other articles of dress. The special offerings of new MODART models whieli we are now making should be of interest to our patrons. These models have been designed in collaboration with world famous modistes and express the last word in the season's fashions. J !. .-' ' ' A trial fitting by our expert corsetiers will prove to you their smart styles. Thre is no obligation. ' S , . PFrontLaced M. M. Department Store TRIED, TESTED, TRUE A theory is only proven by practice. That is why the Federal Reserve System can be said to repre sent the most protective measure of banking ever devised. It has passed through more severe tests in o shorter space of time than have ever faced Ameri can banking before. It has stood the fire, and i stronger than ever. 1 Do you wonder, then, why customers of the First National Bank appreciate that factor in our service! liSt Vhe First National Bank ;i Mdljford Oreoon Kill That Cold With 1 1. y i .v v i. X ? CASCARrVw QUININE for ujy Colds, Coughs omV AND La Grippe Neglected Cold3 are Dangerous Take 116 chances. Keep this standard romedy handy for the first sneeze. Broaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinino in this form does not affect the head Cascara is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT The" Geo. L.Treichler Motor Co. Have some good used cars Dodge Brothers, one Hudson Speedster, two Olds, one Ford Touring, one Maxwell Delivery, one Ford Truck, one Olds Truck. For sale, all in good condition and prices are reasonable. Come in and look them over ' GREATER INTEREST BEING SHOWN IN FRIDAY'S ELECTION Jackson County School Notes A greater interest is being taken by the members of the Chamber of Conv meree Id the final election of directors than was taken In the primary. This may be due to referendum which la being taken at the same time on the ! community chest question tts that re ' suited in a tie on the vote previously . taken. I In less than twenty-four hours after 1 the ballots were mailed the members J some thirty ballots had been returned ', to headquarters. Fifty percent ot I these were from members who did not I vote at the primary election and there I fore it Is believed that one of the lur I Rest ballots in the history, of tho ' ('number of Commerce will be polled at tills flection. I All ballots for the final election and referendum must be returned before ,7:30 Friday evening. March 25, at which time they will be opened and ! counted by the electioti tellers. The same tellers who served at the pri mary election will have charge of the ballots in tho final one. Aslt anyone of them as to the system employed to make It a secret ballot which is as near perfect in that respect as can be obtained. The tellers aria J. It. Woodford, Glenn O. Taylor, Alex Sparrow, John II. Goodrich, Charles F. Morris, W. E. Walker and George K. Gates. Miss Helen Cowglll, assistant atate leader of Boys and Girls clubs was fn the county last week visiting the cooking and sewing clubs and giving instructions. There are twelve sow- ing and two rooking clnlm In the coun ty and the membeis are doiim good s work and looking forward to the cous ty fair next fail with seat interest. Postmaster V. J. Warner of Med ford has ottered to give a setting o eggs from his pure bred While Leg horn chickens to any eluli niemlnT in the county who will agree to give hlni one pullet next fall otter the state and county fairs. Many Poultry club members are taking advantage of this generous offer and hoys and girls are writing in from all over the county for eggs. Miss Faldine was out to visit the Antioch school this week. Fred Clark who enlisted In the navy has returned to his sister's home, Mrs. J. Glass. Mr. Rosenberg whb has been living on tho Trowbridge ranch tit Antioch has started to move to the Iturbcr ranch. - Mrs. Pollard made two trips to Med ford this week for cement. ; Mr. and Mrs. S. Pollard are looking for Mr. Pollard's brother and wife from Klamath county Sunday for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Moore wore out Saturduy and Sunday to visit home folks. Mr. and Mrs. T. Jones and family were up in this nelghbornood to visit Sunday but got stuck in the mud and had to return home. Mr. Weston went to Ashland Friday to visit home folks, also hta wife and little boy who have been visiting there for two weeks. Several families of this neighbor hood attended the dance at Eagle Point Saturday night. Jess Glass sold his cattle to his brother Elbert Glass, It is reported that Mr. Joa Mayficld has sold his ranch to the Mitchell brothers. The Trowbridge bvothers will farm their father's ranch at Antioch this year, Parties from Medford were out In the Beagle and Antioch districts try ing to get the farmers to bond their land for Irrigation. ; Myrtle Chapman returned to Med ford Monday after a two 'weeks stay with home folks at Beagle. ' This Woman Suffered Mrs, H. A. Leaman, Sturgin, Colo., writes; "I suffered with bladder and kidney trouble tor ; years. Doctored and tried everything. No help. Final ly arfriend sent tne Foley Kldnoy-PIIIs. They helped me so much I used 1 bot Oes. ow i feel fine. Spent sleepless nights.,1: Suffered so tt seemed I hardly could live. Recommend Foley Kidney Pills to all who suffer from kidney trouble as f did." Sold everywhere, ' Adv. FREE HOMESTEADS J. I Porte, Canadian Government agent from Spokane, Washington, will be at the Medford Hotel, March 21sl and 22nd to give information to par ties interested in free homestead land In Western Canada also to arrange for reduced settlers' rates from the Canadian boundary line to points In Western Canada. 809 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Experienced woman for cooking and housekeeping; also re liable person for care of children. Mrs. R. W. Ruhl, phone 618-J. FOR SALE Two ice boxes, four dol lars each. Phone 222 or call Gusher Cafe. 313' FOR SALE Three shoats weight 100 lbs. each, 27 dollars. H. Anning, phone 408-J-l. 311 FOR SALE Close-in 10 acre ranch, 6 room house, large barn; Ideal place for berries and chickens. Immedi ate possession given. Price $1800 each. P. O. Box 951. 311 FOR SALE $1700 In well secured notes. Liberal discount. Inquire Dox 93, Mall Tribune. ' 310 WANTED Four or five low iron wheel wagon trucks. R. R. V. C. Co. 310 WANTED Man and wife for farm work. Will give good home. Must be ablo to milk. Box L. 0., Mail Tribune. 310 WANTED Will pay spot cash and iwu Duume vacant lots for o or d room bungalow. A, Mail Tribune. 311 There are at present Mt club mem bers tii Jackson county and more en rollments are coming in evoiy day. This goes to show thut our boys and girls appreciate tho opportunity to learn to be better fanners and better homcmakers. The enrollment to date is as follows: Sewing 202; Cooking 39; Hoinemaklng 4; Home llcautiilcation 5; Poultry 82; Robblts 15; Vegetable Gardening' S; Corn 10; Pigs 2; Pota toes 1. Tho County Superintendent's office room at the county court house has been cleaned and the walls painted a buff color. It la now moro than prob able that a contagion ot sunshine may emanate from this room along with tho letters and literature that go from it. Who knows? Basket ball games are Btill popular with onr rural schools. Oak Grove has had three games with Hoy Scouts team and other Metlford teams, and is ready for a game with lone Pine boys as soon as a date can be arranged. The plans for the Home ReatHtm course in our schools, both rural and town, ore meeting with favor. The county librarian is co-operating with the county office in this work, and is to issue home reading certificates to any nunil who faJs and reports on ten books selected from the reading course lists. It Is evident that the librarians also of the branch libraries of the county are more than ready to help to connection with the course. Local Teachers Institutes are being arranged for In the county, and teach ers who are winning professional cer tificates this year are wishing infor mation as to dates. The first is to be held on April 2nd, at Rogue River; another on April tilth, at Phoenix; aud a third at Trail, probably two or three weeks later. These Institutions will be held at the school buildings, the morning sessions opening ul 10:30. Griffin Creek schools received the pupils of Oak Grove school last Fri day afternoon for a contest in lan guage, spelling and arithmetic. All tho pupils concerned, grades 3 to 8, entered heartily into the "meet" ami tension ran high. Fortunately the Grimn Creek pupils had provided two burros in way of amusement while scores were being counted, else the period of waiting could not well have been endured. Tho resulting scores were a tie, which moans two more contests between these two schools. Anita Stewart Has Entirely New Role Tho Prouty Boosters' bull was to blame for It all! And the theatergoers of Medford have the Prouty Boosters' Ball to thank tor affording them one ot the most appealing photoplays of the year in "The Fighting Shepherdess," screen version of the famous book by Caro line Lockhnrt, starring Anita Stewart and which will be seen nt the Page theatre commenolng tomorrow. A Bennett comedy called "Wedding Bells Out of Tune," Paramount Muga- zlno and Jeunesse Butler playing selections from "The Sweetheart Shop" all go to make a wonderful evening's entertainment. At the Rialto In screen stellardoni, the name ol Wallace Held stands high. The popu larity of this star is increasing by leans and bounds and every new pic ture In which he appears. Is heartily welcomed by his admlrera. The an nouncement therefore, that Mr. Held will be seen at the Rialto tomorrow In his latest Paramount photocomedy, "The Charm School," should be suffic ient to fill the theater at every show ing of the picture. - Mr, Held never has hail a more con genial role than that of the young superintendent of a young ladles' school. Among the fifty beautiful girl pupils Is Llla Lee and when a romance develops between the superintendent and herself, there Is something doing every minute, The story was written by Alice IJuer Miller and wa.i pub lished in the Saturduy Evening Post, also was a Now York stage success. The climax is a surprising one anil will Interest every spectator. AT U was not "bluo Monday" nt tho Christian church hint nltfht, ns a lurse and npproctuntivo audlonco was red out and tho subject, "Oh, You Poolinh Girls" WftH not ct BenttMionnl ono tin sonio might think. Tho text wuh front the bible liwe live vimhm had their lamps trimnwd and Inirning when th bride groom came and were admitted to the feast. The five fool ish virgins, wheuw lumps were not filled and burnliiir were not per mitted to enter. The lesson was to be prepared when the Iord shrill come. Subject for tonight "What Ib Mun'n Greatest Power? Dr. I-i. w is nn entertaining talker and you should hear him. Splendid musical program begins at 7:30. LEGION INVITED 10 HEAR DEBATE ON JAP QUESTION A dtrbate to whether aliens, not eligible to citizenship, should he er- miued to hold real ptojerty in the t utted States is what will take place at the Medfont Chamber of Commerce forum tomorrow notm at tho HolianJ hotel. No one can deny but what this ques tion is an issue in the t'niUvl Stales and particularly so in the western states. The question also has two; sides and it is unwise for anyone to draw any conclusion until the two view points have been given consider ation. Tho question will he debuted by two high school students. Prank liucliter. a sophomore and Kdwln Thomas, a senior. They aro thoroughly prepared to argue the question as considerable time has been spent by both of them in the study ot the question. The forum tomorrow will bo the second last one of tho fiscal year Hie 61st anil the forum committee will appreciato a good attendanco by the members to round out the success or the Chamber of Commerce for the first year under reorganization. Due to tho Interest In the question to be debated, the privilege of the forum tomorrow Is extended to mem bers of the Medford l'ost of the Amer ican Legion. REBELLION IN STOMACH 'Pape's Diapepsin" at once j ends Indigestion and j Sour, Acid Stomach t MOTHER iS TBIEND For Expectant Mothers Dseo It Three Ieierations kitf K IOC (LET M BO-rHIUHOOO Ul Til MIT. raat BlADrtltC RdULATOI CQ.,, DIPT. 3-D. ATUABT. CA. Lumps nt u rut imputed food eituse pain, f your itunuieh i in n revolt; if sick, M-,y Hint upset, tint I what you jtiflt ate ft.1 lYrmcntctl and turned sour; hend hr.y nnd nelivs; hi'lch gases mid acids ind rnu'tato unditfesli'd food just tako t In blot or two of Pupe'a Dinpcpsm to itilp neuLi'iiKzo acidity nnd in live inin itfs you wander what became of the .mm, nudity, indigestion und distress. If your fiiomiu'li dwsn't take care of tout liberal limit without rebellion; if JWMf fI W tilt HI 3 i i Is 1 0 J il Of ft Wf fMiiemUr ihv quickest, rftt, most (wriBtp atmnach ntMl is Pje IiejKo, wbicU costs so tittle ftt drug stores. GOOD CLOTHES I Make Tliom KLEIN TA1LOH 13M Xast 51 an St. CUIMHtA hnwa Typewriter Fold it ED. t'se M with you. type writs anyw-h ere 150.00, Including can-ring em. MKUrOBD BUOK BWM LOST Opal fraternity pin. Notify Mrs. Elliott, 115-Y. 303 Medford Irrigation District 6 Bonds Price to Yield To Exempt from Federal Income Taxes Validated by Superior Court of Jackson County, Ore. An approved investment for Oregon Savings Banks You ar referred to your local banker where descriptive circulars are available. Reservations may be made through all Medford banks or at the Rogue River Valley Cabal Company. The Lien Created by These Bonds Is Prior to First Mortgages SYNDICATE MAXA(il-:it.S UNION TRUST COMPANY of Spokane Affiliated with the Old National Bank JB K ADTOKD $ EE D EN Sc Insurance Exchange Bldg. San Francisco, Calif. Do you know why it s toasted TS seal in tho delicious B urley tobacco flavor," TRINE CIGARETTE Medford Fish Co. Sea Food Fresh Fish Dressed Poultry That Appetizing Portland Bread ' We Are Prepared to Serve You The Family Sets the Price We rendor the scrvlco in accord with Hieir every rlCHtro and guarantee satisfaction to all. Also Licensed Lady Embalmer WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors AN OLD MAN Is tho Man ten yearn older than joa? YOU OAK TELL HIM By Hta Motto of Travel KEEP YOUNG Br Ridins Bike or a Harley'Davidson Motorcycle jDemomrtnMUen t Gaylord Motorcycle Shop Kindle Handle Shop kj.uu ravor Candle Making CLASSES IN FEEE HARD DRAWING.; Out door sketching anil com mercial art. Boom 208 Mpps M,"' " Plumbing and Heating Quality Service " 1 Wm. Hammett 42 S. Central Phone 669 YOU CAN GET MOST ANY OLD THING AT MOST ANY OLD TIME AT DE VOE'B Medford Iron Works Tractor, Truck, Spray Outfit, Ana Gus Kiieinc Repairing a Specialty GENERAL FOUNDRY ' AND MACHINE SHOP INDEPENDENT Auto Electric Shop All kinds garago and auto elcctrlo work guaranteed. A. V. DURHAM & N. O. CALLAHAN 601 N. Grape , I'Lone 818-Y Licensed CITY SCAVENGER All refuse Immediately removed on short notice. Weekly visit Id resi dence districts. Dally business dis trict. Phone 89f. WHITSRTf A .TRNNTNGB. AUTO PAINT SHOP Automobiles Painted and Kevarnished . . 221 North Fir. L. 0. SPRINKLE, Prop, Phone 777 .. ... j