MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MTCDFOllD. ORFIOX. SATURDAY. MAKCN 10. 1921 13,000 PEOPLE IN JACKSON COUNTY AND SOUTHERN OREGON READ THE MAIL TRIBUNE DAILY For a 30-cent Classified Ad a car was sold last week for $1,800. Figure that out The best and cheapest advertising medium in Southern Oregon is the Classified Ad Department of the Mail Tribune. N. Y. Stocks NEW YORK, Mar. 19. Week end covering of short contracts injected a dogree or strength to the stock mar ket today. Oils, motors, independent steels and food and chemical special ties rose one. to three points. Among tho heavy, issues were Atlantic Gulf, Utah Copper, New Haven and Penn syVvania but rails for the most part were neglected. The closing was strong. Sales approximated 350,000 Bhares.' Allls-Chalmers .. 36.2 American Beet Sugar 43.7 . American Can 29.7 American Car & Foundry 122." American Hide & Leather pfd 47.7 American International Corp 43.5 American Locomotive 87 American Smelting & Ref'g 40 : American Sugar 94.7 American Sumatra Tobacco 79.7 Tmerlcan T. & T 100 American Woolen : 07 Anaconda Copper 37.7 Atchison 81 Atl., Gulf & W. Indies 34 Baldwin Locomotive S8.3 Baltimore & Ohio 33 Bethlehem Steel "B" 57.0 Canadian Pacific 113.5 Central Leather , 40.6 Chnndler Motors 80.2 Chesapeake & Ohio 59 Chicago, Mil) and StuPatil 25 Chicago, R, L &. Pac 25.3 Chino Copper . 20.0 Colorado Fuel & Iron bid.. 28 Corn ' Products 1...... 74.3 Crucible. Steel : 90.5 Cuba Cane Sugar 24 Erie 12 General Electric 137 General Motors 13.2 Goodrich Co 37.2 Great Northern ptd 74.5 Great Northern Ore Ctfs 32 Illinois Central bid 85.2 Inspiration Copper 33.6 Int. Mer. Marine pfd 52.5 International Copper 58 Konnccott Copper 18.3 Louisville & Nashville J00 Maxwell Motors bid 4.0 Mexican Petroleum 147.5 Miami Copper 17.7 Middle States Oil 13 Mldvalo Stoel 30.2 Missouri Pacific IS New York Central 70.7 N. Y., N. H. and Hartford 10 Norfolk & Western 90.7 Northern Pacific 79 Oklahoma Prod. & Ret 3.3 Pan American Petroleum 72.2 Pennsylvania . 35.2 People's Gas 43.2 Pittsburg and West Va 25.6 Ray Consolidated Copper, bid 11.8 Reading 08.7 Rep. Iron & Steel 07.5 Royal Dutch, N. Y 03.2 Shell Trans. & Trad, bid 40.0 Slnclaim Con. Oil 23 Southern Pacific 74.5 Southern Railway 20.7 Standard Oil of N. J. pfd 107.5 Studebakor Corporation 69.2 Tennessee Copper bid 7.8 Texas Co 41.8 Texas & Pacific 21.7 Tobacco Products 47.5 Transcontinental Oil 8.5 Union Pacific 118 U. S..Food Products 22.3 U. S. Retail Stores 49.S U. S. Ind. Alcohol 69.8 United States Rubber 71.5 United States Steel 81.2 Utah Copper .'. 48.8 Wostinghouse Electric 48 I Willys -Overland 7.7 1 American Zinc, Lead and Sm S.5 Butte and Superior bid..'.. 11.7 AStraiglitTip We Advise ! Immediate Investments ' This District You Cannot Go Wrong We Can Save and Make You Money ! . Our Listing of Properties Is Very Large No Trouble to Show Properties Four Cars for Your Service City Homo3 Suburban Homes Small Tracts Orchards Alfalfa Inside Business Frontage Lots Are You Informed of present Oil Developments? Page-Dressier Co. Phone 282 Nash Block Any Kind of Real Estate The Best Fire Insurance 42 51.5 5.7 33 1S.3 62.2 I Wall Street Review NEW YORK, .Mar. 19. Easier rates ifor call money Influenced the belter I tono o( the securities market this week but net changes, save In a few of the speculative leaders were com paratively insignificant. Liquidation seemed to have run its course in the more stable issues, altho rails were comparatively backward with new low records for varying per iods in such prominent Issues as Penn sylvania and several of the grangers. Oils contributed a preponderant share to the enlarged operations. Steels and equipments asserted much of their former leadership. Of the bet ter known specialties tobaccos were heaviest, losing ground on adverse trade reports. Now Is the Time to Buy Land We Can Save and Make You Money Our Listing Is Large LOOK these over and make appointment for showing. 1. Fourteen ami onc-lmll' acres of land, li f ucres pears, few apples and cherries. Some iilfiilt'u, coin and when!. All good land, water avail able. Seven room house with, base ment. Good barn. Price. .""()(. 00. - Kiev and one-half acres with residence, aLso 10 arres, making to tal of 21 acres. 10 acres in alfalfa. Family orchard. I'liicticully all cul tivated. All under water. Modern bungalow, good barn. Price $11,000. Konr llllfl nne-hiiir npres lnt outside city limits. Adapted for the growing or iM-rrics, vegctaDles and the raislmr of noulrrv. Clt v water main crosses the property. Price V-uou.oo. 4. Thirty acres, 12 miles north of Medford. Part bottom land. Water right for to acres, 10 acres alfalfa. Seven room house, modern conven iences. Good barn, four chicken houses. Price $11,500.00. ". Twelve acres, all finest creek bottom soil, lrrigntcri. Fair house and barn. Shade trees, best for al falfa and garden. Price $.1,500.00. I. Might acres under irrigation. Gootl five room house. Elevated tank, two wells, chicken houses, barn, vineyard, about 2 acres gootl orchard, pears and apples. An idel place for a chicken farm. Price $2500.00. 7. Five acres 011 Kings Highway, very lino soil. Xo buildings. Price $2500.00. 8. Two acres Just west of town. Good soil, fine, shade trees, small cottage, well with plenty of water. FI110 for poultry- Price $1000.00. (. Ten acres on Pacific Highway, '(.lose to school. Good fivo room house, porch, woodlioiise, cement block milk and fruit house. Hum, chicken house. -I acres paid water right. -I acres in crop. Iterrics. Farm implements, some chickens, 'I acres piistmv. All fine berry land. Price $5000.00. 10. F.levcn acres, all cultivated. Part in fruit. Neat four room bun galow. Wood and storehouse. In AledTord Irrigation District. l"rice $3000.00. 11. Twenty-two acres on Pacific Highway. 18 acres of this is first class creek bottom land. 0 acres bearing pears, 8 arres bearing ap ples. Well built: ."-room modern bun galow. Iarge well and rank bouse. Good bam. IVicc $10,000.00. 12. Twenty acres very fine land, two tulles from city. 12 acres al falfa, 7 acres wheat. Xeat house with lights, water and very cosy. Pump liouf-, tank, electric .motor pump, water in house, barn and garden. Large barn, shells, hog houc, gran ary. Price, complete, $12,000.00. lit. Twenty-seven acres, :t miles south of Medford. All cultivated, part, in orchard. Fair house, barn, chicken house. AH under Irrigation. Price $1,000.00. 14. Sixteen acres in Central Point alfalfa district. This Is r very attrac tive properly. Thirteen acres in line stand alfalfa. Three acres gen eral crop land. Has 11 cheap water right. Has a nice 5-rnom bungalow. Good bam. Price $7000.00. Terms. 15. Twenty acres, all In -bearing pears. Siv room modern bungalow, with water system, garage. Improve ments worth over $0000.00. Itest or soil. A line home, with p:r I ig or chard. Ih ice $15,OO0.0O. Page-Dressier Co. Phone 282' Nash Block MEDFORD For Any Kind of Real Estate The Best Fire Insurance Cala. Petroleum Montana Power bid Shattuck Arizona .... Pure Oil Invincible Oil General Asphalt HELP WA.Vl'KU KKMALK WANTED An old lady to help keep house. Phone or write Polk Hull. .Medford, Ore. 312 WANTED Lady cook, wages $S5.00 month. Address Suukist Hotel, Hilt. Calif. . 307 WANTED Cook and waitress by Mrs. Leonard Carpenter. Phone U10-J-3. 310 help tvAxncD Male and Fronnta WANTED Man and wife for ranch work. Must be experienced. Phone 591-J-2, between 12 nnd 1 o'clock or audress Box S3, Mall Tribune. tf HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Married man understand ing orchard and general farming. House furnished, close in, give ref erences. Box 25, Mail Tribune. 30S WANTED Men with tractor for disc ing. Phone 6S5-J-3. WANTED Boys with bicycles to learn carrier routes. AI ail Tribune. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To rent 7 or 8 room mod ern house, close in. Would lease for a year. Phone S72. 307 WANTED TO KENT Must have fur nished house for self and two little girls by April 1st. References Phone 537-M. 3U6 WANTED To rent 4 or 5 room house, modern, furnished or unfurnished. .1. C, Mail Tribune. 306 WANTED Setting hens; no White Leghorns. Call 468-J-l. 308 WANTED Spot cash for crude plat num, $10 an ounce. Must be clean. T. W. Gruetter, 346 N. Front St. 307 WANTED To buy smudge oil. Phono 611-J-4. 303 WANTED Hath tub, state size, kind and price. Address No. 32, Mail Tribune. zii WANTED Houso moving and pairing. Phono 48S-M or 4S8-X. WANTED Several men and boys to know that you can buy any bike for $2.00 per week. Liberty Shop, S. Grape. tf WANTED Shoe repairing while you wait at the "Model Boot Shop. 21 S. Central Ave. Quick service, quality work. E. N. Biden, prop. FOK KENT rUK.NlSHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms at 325 S. Riverside. Phone 701-J. SOS FOR RENT Large, well furnished bedroom for two or threo gentlemen Meals can be arranged. 314 S. Cen tral. 307 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, bath any time; use of wash tub and Iron. Large gar age; one block from library. No. 604 W. Tenth. FOB RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping apartments. 219 Talent Court. Phone 955-R. 312 FOR RENT Largo front room, fur nished for light housekeeping; also sleeping porch. Adults only. 325 E. Jackson St. Phone 211. 310 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Stoam heated apartment 1005 W. MJn. Phono 804-L. 308 FOR REM T -MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Grocery store, 3ti S. Grape St. Stock for sale if desired. Store doing good business.- 307 FOUND FOUND Bunch or keys on Jackson ville road. Owner can have same by calling at Tribune office and paying for' ad. 308 MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN J. B. Andrews loans money on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone C3-M. 31 North Grape street. TAKEN UP TAKEN UP And placed In pound, ono sorrel horse, small stripe 111 face, both hind feet white, and one small light bay pony with white head, white spots on body. Owner can have same by paying charges and seeing Chief of Police. 307 TAKEN UP and put in pound, one bay mare, right hind foot white, small white stripe In face, very thin in flesh. Owner can have same by paying charges and redeeming ani mal. Chief of Police. 307 ANNOUNCEMENT We have nK.soeiatcd with us Mr. Luke V. llenrtcTSon, nn expert accountant of wide experience, whose former connection with one of the larKOHt firniH of Pub lic Accountants In the West, placeH us In position to rend'-r HIGHEST CLASS service in accordance with methodH de veloped and perfected during yearn of accounting experience. Aud'tirvS Cf Aceourvtire4 lYSTEMERVICEiO; Insurance af Investmervts ' M. P. SCnMITT. Mgr. Phone 581 Lllici-ty nidi WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED For plowing see W. E. Hlair, 619 N. Central. Phone S90-X. 312 WANTED Ily exert window cleaner. storo fronts, buildings, etc. Resi dence work a specialty. Floors wax ed and polished. Janitor work. Geo. A. Seely. Plume 917-L. 311 WANTED Position as camp or ranch cook by competent woman: prefer full charge. Box J. .1., Mail Tribune. 30!" WANTED Plowing 452-L. to do. Phone 30! WANTED Get your pruning and blight cutting done by experienced men. Call Gentry at 600-X. 307 Garden work. Phone 30S AUTOMOI11LES FOR SALE Large car, excellent con dition. Terms if desired. Phone 7S1-.I between 6 and 8 p. ill. 312 FOR SALE One Overland Country Club in first class condition, 1917 model. Overhauled and newly paint ed. Has spring bumper, spot light, wire wheels, cord tires in rear, two extra tires. Special price for cash. Phone 907-L or call at 122 N. Ivy. 307" FOR SALE Ford, bargain. New body and top. first-class condition, good rubber nnd all extras. $150 will han dle deal. 28 N. Riverside. FOR SALE One 1920 Oakland six touring car, looks liko new, extra equipment, bumper, motometer, new npare tire, c.jck, etc. Owner must Rell. at sacrifice at once. Price J 1100. Yiimy Motor Co., 125 S. Front St. tf FOR SALE Ford touring car. Perfect condition. Phono 444, call for Collier. tf FOR SALE Ford touring car $275. Ford truck Willi covered body, cab and windshield, practically new, $700. Pattoa & Robinson, Inc., 112 S. Riverside. FOR SALE The owner says wo must sell 1920 Doi t. $149 worth of extras. Cord tires. $1000. Come soon. It won't last long. Clark & Chllders. "'j FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Fine Poland China boar pig. Old enough for service. Upton Bros., Central Point. 311 FOR SALE One good work horse. Berkeley Orchard. 307 FOR SALE Pigs. O. Severson, It. 3, Medford. :' 310 FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs, O. A. C. best laying strain. Phono 0S5-R-3. ' , " 321 FOR SALE OR TRADE One sorrel horse, three years old. weight 1300, well broke, gentje, .will guarantee. Phone 10-F-2, Me.tdowbrook Farm, Eagle Point. 311 FOR SALE Flemish Giant and New Zealand Red pedigreed stock; self cleaning outdoor hutches. Also good trunk and stock saddles, sideboard and child's crib and mattress. 838 W. Second St., or phono 5G4-J. 307 FOR SALE-Ten beautiful fresh cows, high testers; also cream separator, and good work horse. Walsh's place ono mile northeast of Medford, on Crater Lake Road. 313 FOR SALE Ten good milk cows. Phone 5-F-4 or Box 67, Eagle Point, Oregon. 307 FOR SALE Mount Crest Ranch of fers for sale four Shorthorn bidls, ready for service, your choice for $350. Two youngor at $200, mostly rod. Apply James Stewart, Mount crest Ranch. Hilt, Calif. tf U SALE POULTRY AND EtMJS 1 OR SALE Black Minorca eggs for setting; would deliver Wednesday and Saturday. Phono 534-X. 812 FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs, O. A. C. strain. Phono 919-W. 332 FOR SALE Hatching eggs from my Tancred Imperial and Royal Whlto Leghorns. The best bred egg pro ducers in Boulhnrn Oregon, $4.00 per Betting. R. V. Crum, phone 697-R-l. 309 FOR SALE Whlto Wyandotte setting eggs $1.50 for 15. 330 N. Front St. 341 XVMITE LEGHORN BABY CIUX Bred to produco commercially profit able hens. April delivery, $13 per wji'red. May and June delivery $1 if") per hundred. Full count guar antced. Sales' Hatchery, Potaluma, Calif. 308 FOR SALE Rhode Island Red eggs. $1.00 per setting. H. 1. cockerels $2.50 each. Choice i-.r-ale canaries $1.00. Phone 817-Y. t.-rr OAl l Vt'MIn T ntrhnrn nhllra $15 to $18. Eggs $5.00 per hundred. W T t?iH ntrtra rhl!a fi n rt irirlnraln Dressier Square Deal Hatchery. pnone y&i-L. uo FOR SALE Hatching eggs from my bred to lay Whlto Leghorns. W. J. Warner. tf Irrigated Bottom Land Close in on the Pacific Highway Four acres finest Hear Crook lHittoni soil, paid up water right, some fine fruit nod lierries, partly seeileil lo alfalfa, good house, linn barn nnd poultry houses, city water for household purHscs. Price $1,730.00. ' BROWN & WHITE FOK SALE REAL ESTATE j FOR SALE Nice cottage, furnished, close In. 329 S. Grape. 306 FOR SALE Ily owner, modern live room bungalow, sleeping porch, cab inet kitchen, stationary tubs, two lots, barn, garage, fruit and shade trees. 1021 Niantic. Phono 333-J-2. 312 FOR SALE Bargain, 25 acres located three miles from Gold Hill. ',i mile from school house, on phone line and rural route, with running water on place. State water permit for twelve acres, with few acres In alfalfa. A good six room houso with fine fireplace; also fair outbuildings good woven wire fences, also plenty of free range for caitle. Price $2500, $1500 down, balance on reasonable terms. See .1. O. Pierce, owner, Gold Hill, Ore., or phone 31-F-l. 318 VOH SALE A bargain. 100 ncres; flood soil, wire fenced, 50 acres in cii.tivalion. 2 miles to store: no buihliin; $50 per acre. Address Box 30, Mail Tribune. 309 FOR SALIC 5-room houso In good condition. Address Box 30, Mail Tribune. 3U7 FOR SALE Five room modern bun galow, furnished, close in. $3000. Tornm. Medford Land & Insurance Agency, 220 W. Main St. tf FOR SALE Eight room modern resi dence and lot, close in. city of Ash land. Property cost more than $3000 when lumber, hardware and labor were at lowest prices. Price $2000, terms on half. A. F. Stennett, 325 S. Riverside, Medford. 308 FOR SALE Bungalow oil South Oak dale. A bnrgain if taken at once. J. B. Andrews, phone 53-M or call at office, College Bldg. 307 FOR SALE Close-in nine-room resi dence, on ono of the best streets in Medford, large lot, garage nnd other outbuildings. In addition to furnish ing a homo for owner property brings in an Income of alriut $50 per month. Piico $1,000, half cash. Ad dress C. J. W., caro Mall Tribune. 300 FOR SALE 10 acres, 9 miles North of Rogue River, improved, water right, on Pleasant creek, miles northwest of Wlmer store, 20 acres under plow, balanco timber. mile to school. Horse, wagon, harness, cow, chickens, plow, harrow, cultiva tor, all fenced. E-rooni house, well. barn, hen houses, furnitiiro, $2500 cash. 308 FOR SALE Modern i room bungalow Phone 610-R-4. 309 FOR SALE Cheap, nice bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, screened In sleeping porch, large screened back porch, built-in features, on pavement, co mont walks, good garden Bpot, fruit and borrlos.' Immediate possession. See it nt 518 Beatty St. 309 FOR SALE 7 room house, nowly pa pered and painted; barn, woodshed, garage. 1 54 acres ground, close in. Might take small house in exchange. Good terms. P. E. Wynkoop, 423 8. Newtown. tf FOR SALE Suburban ten ncres, pear and chicken ranch, new bungalow. Forced to sell on account of owner's health. No agents' foes. Call or ad- dress B., 405 Beatty St. 307 FOR SALE Nine acres of land, 8 room house, barn and othor build ings, 4 Mi miles from Central Point on good road, cheap. Will consider good car aB part payment. Terms for part of bnlnnco. Address H. Crnndall, Gold Hill. 307 FOR SALE 6-room modern bungalow, partly furnished, $3750. 5-room modern cottngo, $2000. 7-room bungalow, $2250. On paved streets, havo gnragos, all assessments, taxes paid. Terms. Address P. O. Box 951. 309 FOR SALE Twenty-two ncres flno soil one mile from Medford, eight acres full bearing orchard, balance suitable for alfalfa. Five room mod ern bungalow, good barn and out buildings. Total price $7000, only $2500 cash required. Earl . Tuniy. 125 S. Front St. tf FOR SALE Good ranches. See us befors buying. J. B. Andrews, 31 N. Grape St. Phono 53-M. tf FOR SALE Leas ana exchange real estate. Gold Ray Realty Company. FOR SALE IIousBB and bungalowB, furnished or unfurnished; also acrcngo. C. S. Buttorfleld, phone 216. MISCELLANEOUS CAN YOU DANCE? Start right. Wo tench wultzone-Btop and fox-trot ill the latest steps. Special attention to beginners. Strictly private les sons. Monday, Wednesday and Fri day from 8 to 10 p. m. In Althea hall above Medford Pharmacy, cor ner of Main and Central. Camp bell's Dancing School for Refined People. Phono 249-X. 307 LOST LOST Trlgonia oil certificates num ber 975 and 1111, issued to T. V Elliott. Company notified. Worth less to anyone else. Finder notify Mull Tribune. 208 HOLLAND HOTEL CORNER FOR SALF MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Refrigerator, large and of best manufacture: lawn mower, scythe, spading fork, garden rake, hoe. and a few other small tools. 325 S. Riverside. Phone 701-J. 309 FOR SALE 200 Bartloit pear trees, line budded stock. W. J. Webster Ranch. Phone US.VJ-3. 312 FOR SALE 100 rods 41-inch rabbit proof Page fence at a bargain. Cull at 203 Liberty Bldg. 309 FOR SALE Kecleaned bearded bar ley seed, $13 a ton. Phone 534-It. ft FOR SALE Automatic reel, click reel, steel fly rod. very cheap. 229 S. Front, after 5 p. ill. 3nS FOR SALE Underwood typewriter, good as new. Phone 832-W. 307 FOR SALE One heater, one range, electric washer, chairs, bedsteads and springs and oilier household goods. 620 S. Oakdale. 30S FOR SALE Electric washing ma chine with wringer; in perfect me chanical condition, does splendid work. $50. 339 Haven St. Phono 931-.I-2. tf FOR SALE Electric washing ma chine, $35.00; water power washer, $10; electric vacuum cleaner, $25, at 211 W. Main, The Medford Ex change, tf FOR SALE Roll top office desk and revolving office chair; also Under wood typewriter, visible model, at the Medford Exchange, 211 W. Main. tf FOR SALE Several standard make drop-head sewing machines, $15 to $15.00 which wo will sell on easy terms. Tho Medford Exchange, 211 W. Main. tf FOR SALE Good Jersey cow, team young horses, high lift sulky plow, thousand gallons smudgo oil and CO h. p. caterpillar tractor with plows. B. L. Dodge, 19 Geneva Ave., Med ford. 3i0 FOR SALE Garage on hlghway;good business, good location, small pay ment down, rest liko rent. Call or write owner, 319 E. Main St. Phono 424-M. B. Wltchor. . 307 FOR SALE Cheap, Brlggs auto work saw attachment. Will fit any make of car. Also combination trunk ruck and tiro carrier for Chevrolet car. See or call Henry Woolf. Phone OSO-Y. 307 FOR SALE Two leather bottom rock ing chairs, good ns new. Mission rinish. Phone 709-L or call at 122 N. Ivy St. 307 FOR SALE Kitchen stove in good condition. Pierce's Repair Shop, lid N. Contra!. 309 FOR SALE Road grader. Twelvo-foot blado. Now machine. Can bo suon nt our warehouse R. R. V. Canal Co. tf FOR SALE John Deere tractor plow, two 12-ijcli bottoms, good as now, suitable for Fordson, etc. rhone 611-J-4, Foothills Orchard. 308 FOR SALE Loose grain and alfalfa hay. Phone 000-R-2. 307 FOR SALE Alfalfa, first and second catting. Gold Rango Ranch, 2 miles south on Highway. 309 FOR SALE Wheat $2.50 per hundred. Talent Orchard Co., Talent. 309 FOR SALIC MoyeiB pump, capacity 2000 gallons nn hour, 60 ft. of 2-lnch pipe, nnd a 3000 gallon galvanized tank. MiB. Ellon Benson, phono 86-X. 307 FOR SALE Plnno, selected by Herb Launspach for Its flno tono, or will trade for a light car. Court Hall, tf FOR SALE White eewlng machine. W. J. Wnrnor. tf FOR SALE Slightly used alfalfa cul tivator. Hubbard Bros. tf- FOR SALE Second-hand Vaughn drng saw. Hubbard Bros. tf FOR SALE Canary blrdB. 612 S. Park. FOR SALE One 6-horse Almo sta tionary engine, like new, $225. One 6-foot orchard disk, used ono seunon, $50. Ono 8-foot orchard disk, used one season, $75. One 10 lnch gang plow, just like now, $76. C. E. Gates Auto Co. tf FOR SALE Sand, gravel, sediment and dirt. Plowing nnd teaming work done. Phone 9 12-J, Samuel Data mini, 302 Maple St. FOR SALE Manure. Hoovor Dairy. Phono 462-Y. tf FOR SALE One now Sampson trac tor at a very low price; will take good team In on payment, balance cash and terms. Geo. L. Trelchler Motor Co., Medford, Ore. tf FOR SALE Hay at Three Oaks. W. J. Hartnoll. tf FOR SALE 200 pan new shoos at cost. Sucond-hand shoes and shoe repairing at tho Medford Shoo Hos pital, 119 E. Sixth SL, Medford. BUSINESS DIKEOTORr Mosan Art Rugs MOSAN Alt'!" RUG CO. We weave rugs from old carnets and rugs and clean all rugs. "Rugs we clean are clean when wo clean them." 119 W. 'tenth, phone 180. Free delivery. Undertakers PERL FUNERAL HOME Cor Sixth and Oukdale. Ambulance service. Phono 47. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equlpiied printing office In Soul horn Oregon. Hook binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, . etc, Portland prices. 21 N. Fir St, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors, MURRAY BROS. & VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 6, No. 22 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated 1904. Ab stracts of Title, Titie Insurance. Architect G. E. TEETS Licensed architect. Slsson, California. 322 Auto Supplies LAI1ER AUTO SPRING CO. We M operating the largest, oldest and best-equipped plant In the Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fail. Sold under written guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford .National Bank Building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnett Corey Building. O. C. BOGGS Real estate law a&d settlement of estates a specialty. B. F. LINDAS Attorney. "General Practice Patents a specialty. Stewart Bldg. WINFIELD R. GAYLORD-Lnwyer. Room 7 Palm blook, 107 East Main St., Medford. -.-..! it . Building Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS specialize In aU kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. Chiropractor. DR. A. BURKLUND Chiropractor. Spinal Adjustments. 204-205 Sparta Bldg., cor. Main and Riverside. Office phone 285. Chiropractic Physician JOUETT P. BRAY Straight Chiro practic, rooms 409-10 M. F. & H. building. 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m., daily except Thursday. Phone 6S0. Dentist DR. V. R. KAUFMAN, Dentist Offic In Sparta Building. Office hours i to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 285. Electric Service BATTERY & ELECTRIC CO. Factorj distributors for Exido Batteries and Fairbanks-Morse light plants. Nal Bldg. Phone 116. - 814' Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wlk son, C. P. A. Attention given t anything In Accounting and Inconrt Tax requirements. Look into Out simplified accounting method. Llb erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. Fidelity and Surety Bond FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS We execute all forms of bond McCurdy Insurance Agency. ' tfl Instruction Tn Music. FRED"ALTON HAIGHT Teacher"ci piano and harmony, Halght Mubh studio, 318 Garnett-Corey Building Phone 72. Painting and Paperhanglng LEWIS" &"cAsYaM hanging, tinting. Estimates furnish ed free. Phone 189. '26 S. Grape St. Physicians and 8urgeoni. DR. A. BURSELL SpinologiBt, Phj slcian and surgeon. ' Spinal adjust ments, general treatments and diag nosis. -309-10-11 M. F. &' H. Bldg. Elevator to. third floor. Phone 29. DR. J. J. EMM35NS-r-Physiclan and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scientif ically tested1 and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. R. R. Co. M. F. & II. Co. Bldg. Pnone t67. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Ostoopathlo PhyJClani. 416-417 Garnctt-Corey Bldg. Phone 904-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathlo Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear, nose and throat. 801 Liberty building. Phone 496. DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Natural PaluleBS Meth ods. Room 428 M. F. & H. Bldg. Phone 965. JAMES C. HAYES Physician and Surgeon; office hours 11 to 12 a. tn., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Sparta building; residence 1405 W. Main. . Phones: Office 663, res. 492. "Specialty," Medical and Surgical Diagnosis, tf Dr. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices M. F, & H. Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesea St. Phone 165-J-2. Rug Weaving, MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 610-M. 706 Pine St. Tent and Awnlr-S Works MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING WORKS 128 N. Orape St. Phono 443-Y. E. Burger, Prop. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right Service guar, an teed. DAVI3 TRANSFER Anything moved lay or night. Service guaranteed. Fair treatment. 104 8. Fir. Phone: Office 614 or res. 6-2(1