MEDFOTiP MATL TKTnTTXfl, MET)FOT?D, OREOONr, SATFIiDAY. MAKCIT 10. 10:11 Medford Mail Tribune AN I N O K 1 1 E N 1 K N T NEWSPAPK It PUBLISHED EVKflT AKTERXOOX EXCEPT SUNKAT BY THE MED FORD PRINTING CO. The Medford Sunday Sun is furnished obscribtre deuiiliig a Beven day dally newspaper. Office Mat! Tribune Building. 25-27-29 North Fir street. Phone 75. A consolidation of the Democratic Times, the Medford Mail, the Medford Tribune, The Southern Orcgonlan, The Ashland Tribune. ROBERT W. TlVlUj. Editor. SUMPTER S. SMITH. Manager. SUBSCRIPTION TEEMBI BT MAIL IN ADVANCE: Daily, with Sunday Sun, year 7.B0 jjany, wiiii auiumy un, monin Daily, without Sunday Sun, year.... 6-5' Dailv. without Humlav Sun. month .6i Weekly Mail Tribune, one year 2.00 Sunday Sun. one year 2.00 BY CARRIER In Medford. Ashland, Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix, Daily, with Sunday Sun. month 7 Dally, wlthojt Sunday Sun. month .6fi Duily, without Sunday Sun, year.. 7, Dailv. with Sundav Sun. one year 8. All terms by carrier cash in advance. Official paper of the City of Medford AriAal lum.w nf Innlimn I '" 1 1 ti I v.- Entered as seeonft-cians iniittpr Medford, Oregon, under tiie act of March 8. JBYtf. MEMRERH OV THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Th Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It, or not otherwise credited in (tits paper, and also Che local news puunsneti norein. All rights of republication of special dispatcnes Herein are mso reserves. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry ' Iloth Hiram Johnson nntl Mexico oro exceptionally silent theso days, due to tin) first named running out of wind, and the second out of powder. . Tho astuteness of the limbs of the Vlaw is astounding always, hut douhly so when thoy look for violators of the - speed laws, everywhere hut on the Pacific Dleway. How bright the future loams? Main Street will either be ankle deep in crude oil, or paved with (told from the mines of Mike Woniack, by the 4th of July. Tho socallcd starving nations of Europe ure making no appeals for American relief just now, for fear someone will remind them that it is a good time to plow and plant. WELL DONE DOILIES SERVED (Roseburg News) A sole of cooked food and fancy articles March 19, at J. V. Casey's real estate oirlce, by ladies of St. Joseph's church. It may not rain tomorrow (Sunday), but tho odds are 15 to 3 that the flow ers on the Easter bonnets get sprin kled next Sunday. Tho arrest of a gent In Ixis Angolos for endeavoring to scare hugo sums out of tight and prominent Portland citizens last winter, does not jibe with the efforts of tho Portland police, who have a sus;ect half way to the pent tonllnry tor tho samo crime IT'S HUNGER SICKNESS (Albany Democrat) For Sale Cheap on account of sickness, diamond ear screws, chost Itogors silver, ruby ring and wrist watch Answer No. 3202, caro of Democrat. Now that Clara Ilanion Smith has been acquitted, sho can put on a styl ish dross onco more. Throughout the trial Clara wore a garment radiating simplicity, and cut on tho lines of a Mothor Hubbard. Mrs, E. Ilranch claims that sho also can drive tho now car (Salem StutoB man). A family row is brewing. ; "Tho fight ngnlnst tho saloon must ' Ro on," nnnouncrS tho head of the Antl-Suloon licugun. As (hero nro no saloons to fight, tho main issue is to close tho roll top mahogany desks In the main office of tho organization. It is evident that as long; us the fat salary exists there will he giumllls to battle. "Portland to Ho Kleoco Center" (lldllnc Corvallls (iuzotte). Efficiency in wholesale skinning operations. Ileauty In tho henneries makes tho plain steaks, tenderloins; and takes tho dlHhwater tnug out of tho Java. New suits of clothes are showing up on citizens of lute. It Is not known whether this is duo to republican pros perity or grim necessity. U N 1 ON gLA BE on run ior wihxtvpii car. I'ligo Orossler Co. . Much fuvorublo comment Is heard on the streets of .Mt-drord about the tiew busses Just put on by the Inter- urban Auto Company on their runs to ' 1 1 LoUulJjiants Pass. Mr. lnifc- T Tho oratorical foundation lor the proKsed tourist hotel at Crater Lake has been completed, anil a toree ol vocal carpenters are ready to use their hammers The structure, as yet, has not taken concrete form. This Woman Suffered Mrs. II. A. I.enniaii, Stiirgln, Colo., writes: "I suffered with bladder and kidney trouble for years. Doctored and tried everything. No help. Final ly a friend sent mo Foley Kidney Pills They helped me so much I used 7 hot tlos. Now I feel flno. Spent sleepless nights. Suffered so it seemed I hardly could live. Recommend Foley Kidney Pills to all who sufror from kldnoy trouble as I did." Sold everywhere. Adv. THE LESSON "Property hits no heart. Money has no soul. The ruling classes ure not people, they are merely living machines, formed by a eomblnation of property and money, which allows them power, to exploit or slaughter the working class as they see fit. Keniove both, private property, private fortunes, and a new era of brotherly love and exampled human huppineHU will arise." THAT was written 16 years ago by a Russian disciple of Nikolai Lenine. His instructions have been pretty well carried out. There are no private fortunes in as that term is generally understood. Hoth have been removed, and now we trust the writer observes, that era of brotherly love and hu man happiness, which was to arise ! Exploitation and bloodshed, instead of deereasinp, lias increased The only vital change has been a cracy of the Czar, to the autocracy of Lenine. And where Russia, with all its reaction anil tyranny, was as a whole, enjoying health and a certain well being, it is now a land of desolation, starvation and outrage. True much of this was an unavoidable product of war. But this does not lessen the force of the truth, now demonstrated, that the com munistic theory of a milleniuin, arising from destruction of the eco nomic framework of society, is not only the purest drivel, but that it, is in reality more productive of evil, than is the system it seeks to destroy. It was Macaulay who said it was impossible to indict n nation. So it is impossible to indict a class. Russia's experience has demon strated that cruelty, oppression, mid hate, are the monopoly of no class. Xcitzches "will to power" works its dire end, no less ruth lessly under the dictatorship of tlie proletariat, than under the dic tatorship of the Grand Dukes. The only force that will bring n radically ibelter world, is the force of a new spirit, not in one class, but in the heart of humankind. This spirit can only be the product, of evolution not revolution, it can only spring to life in peaceful soil, it can never be vitalized by the machine gun and the bomb. The lesson that Russia leaches Inciting war of class against class, merely leads to destruction. The truth must he learned that the country uroeervman who nnt in his sugar, is the spiritual kinsman, not of his fellow tradesman, but the millionaire profiled-; that the union labor lender wl, ,,,.! claims the interest of his class comes before the interest of the na tion, is not the prototype of the strong armed toiler, but, of the thick necked capitalist, who proclaims So iinally the issue is not between two eonflietin.r ,.!luu f ,.n but between two conflicting theories running throiigh"all classes, the theory of justice to all, ami the theory of privilege for the few. Walt Mason KEEPING VffllKN attending to my spinning, or whatever tasks are V Iuim' 1 l,m 'I- Ki'e my neighbors sinning I suppose they're acting fine. While I fumigate my chickens or repair the kitchen flue, folks may act up like the dickens, don't notice what they do. Oh, I'm singing, nngel-tliroaled, as I (inker in the ruin, and my thoughts are all devoted to my labors safe and sane. So I do not hear the scandals that are flying through the town, and I do not meet the vandals who would wreck some fair renown: Ami I miss the vicious stories that the gossips weave all dav, for I hoe my morning glories in (he good old fashioned way. Busy people do not puddle tales that stir up human strife; busy people do not meddle with the dirty dregs of life; they are thinking of achievement, of the toil that makes hit, and they know their Ki-eat bereavement when the darkness makes them quit Idlers upend then- ttime inventing (ales that make old Satan rin they re the sleulh-hounds that arc scenting every trail that hints oi s.n; and the wholesome lads are sweating as the golden mo-'-nts flit, only worrying d fruiting w,len d,l,,.,1L,ss k them (put. How Much Do You . Know? I. What was tho occasion for Lin coln's llottysburg address? -. Whin wo, ,dit. ilartllng'H name boiule snu Was luuiTleit 3. What was the total amount of winnings of .nan o' War.' f i. now many AinOlit'tut HU:aleru Here sunned iimiug uiu i orjif, tt, y u. now ninny p.-i.ple hi M i.u.m speak tipauisn .' y ti. ncii was the n,,,,,., ,... saereY y V. What is thy1. ,!,. ( t1L. ab breviation i.J-V-. M. W'mL'are Hie seven new won ders of I,, , i,i v . . j u- !Aow niuny times lias lluley'a cuiiieu-v u.,,., ,, ,..,, , ti. Will t'Jaslei- bv early or latu in Answers to yesterday's questions: 1. llow many euruuiuakcs have l here been In tile I'nlted .States In lie last fifty years? Alls. There liave been ti.-tlH earthtiiiiKes. tit nils p( number -t.-ii, 1 oci-ui reo in tlie I'acluc w coast region and 37 occurred in liiu Atlantic eoast region, wl "' wllal !4,Ml ol weather does a rapid rise of the barometer liulieulc? '.ns. A rapid rise of the biu-oineler linllralc.K unneltled Weather. A rapid tali ludientcs storms. a. llow long does the average bee live? Ails. The average llle ot a bee is four years. 4. What was the worst eoal mine disaster that ever oecitrred In tlie l ulled States? Ans. The most ting le eoal mine disaster oecuired Le lemi.rr t;. i-uiT, when an explosion In a mine of .Monongah, Vii., killed ;lel men. What eounliies harvest wheat in January? Ans. Australia, .New Zealand, and t'hlle harvest wheat the first month of the year. d. llow onK u iHik protected when It Is copy weighted? Alls. The original leini ol eopywrlglu is lis, years. (.! ye,,,- l,,.,,,,,. expiration, application may l,e made for renewal fi- number l'x years. - W hat Is the pay of a cadet a I FROM RUSSIA. Russia, there is no private property transfer of authority from the auto is the lesson of the might of money must prevail BUSY. West Point? Ans. CadetH at West' Point get $1,174.20 per nnnur,. There wero 750 cadets at tb;0 academy last year. 8. How inuoh,-Sfidnoy hs john p. nockefelter ..',. , chm-m and works of ll'uMie welfare? Ans. Up to January ,1., 1!l21i th tntaI Iunmmt r ailliomjfccd K"',H W11H $475,000,000. Who organized the Military Tinier of the Loyal Lotion? Ans. Tho order was oiBniilvted by officers and ex-officers of the army, navy and marine corps who took part in the war from 1Sll-(j5. 10. What Is the streiiKth of the police force of New York City? Ans. The New York City police force con sists of 10K70 men nml women. Taitfs enemy" -77 say it is WHEN yon tront Quick com fort ink reliif from any Vxtfninl" pmn, uao Sloan's! Liniment. Itdr.ithe job with out atnininir. rultinir. bamiiMt- in. Vaofwtv for rheumatism, neuraltfift. nt-ht and pain a, vprnina and attains, backache. KeeDit At all druggists Free Spiritual Advice on business. Domestic affaiis for the poor and needy. :'. to 4 p. m. dally except Sunday. MRS. CHAS. KNIGHT 22" X. Oakdalc Ave. .Medford, Ore. STATE HIGHWAY A FLYING VIST State Highway Commissi on ora K. A Booth of Kugene, John B. Yeon of I'urllund and W. B. Harrett of Hop pener. accompanied by State High way Rnglneer Herbert Nunn and i Mr. Juhnson, ropresontative of the Portland Journal, who have been making an auto trip over the Taeifle Jlighway, arrivefl in Medford at 9 a, m. this morning frnn CrantH PaH, where they stayed all night, and left immediately c continue their trip to the California line. They took lunc h in Ashland today, and will arrive in Medford about 3 p. m., today, will take dinner at the Medford hotel, and leave at 7 p. m. on the .Southern Pa clfie for their homes. They were met at f.rants Phhs Fri day by District Highway Kngineer liodgman, who accompanied them over tho highway through this dis trict. This tfl Commissioners Yeon and Canett'H flrnt trip in an official ca pacity to Jackson county. butterflies cuu bear only liih thin sounds. QUICK EIEF FROM Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That is the joyful cry of thousands since Dr. Edwards produced Olivi .Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards, a practicing physidatk for 17 years and calomel s old-time enemy, discovered the formula for Olive Tablets while treating patients for chronic constipation and torpid livers. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not contain calomel, but a healing, soothing vegetable laxative. No griping is the "keynote' of these little sugar-coated, olive-colored tab lets. They cause tlie bowels and liver to act normally. They never force them to unnatural action. If you have a "dark brown mouth"- bad breath a dull, tired feeling sick headache torpid liver constipation, you'll find quick, sure and pleasant re sults from one or two of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime. Thousands take them every niht lutf to keep right. Try them. Notice to AH Zandownors in Medfortl irrigation District and to All Whom It Mav Concern. You are hcrt'by notified that on tho 11th llav of March. 1 1 1 1 tti Ocnlmr-ita (jr.inpuny, Mil., filed Us duly ucknow leitgt'il petition Willi tho Hoard of If rectot'8 of Med ford Iri igatlcm District praying muu iru miiou-lug. (li'HCrlhml hind of tho not it inner situate in J nek- son County, Oregon, ho included within Hits Modford Irrigation District, that is to say: Commencing at the norlhwnst corner or uonaiion Luml Clulm N. 47 in Town ship :t8 .South. Itango I West, V. M., said corner being tho northwest corner on the viHt lino of claim and moro par ticularly described iih belnir the corner in Lot 2 of .Section 7. samo Townshin ana itangc: tnence south on West line of Claim HCt.l feet to the cor ner of said claim, said corner beinc in Lot 3 of Section 7 : thence lOnst aloner said South line :"79 feet to the Kust line of Lot 3; thence South on Kast line of :i, s( reel; tlienco North 87 denroe 17 minutes West ISO feel: thence Nnrttf 3 degreeH 23 inlnutes West 31'3 Cent mence iNorth degrees 0: minutes West U35 feet; thence South 4ft degrees S9 degrees 3fi minutes Wey, oo5 feel; thence North 2 dem-cea 01' 'inimiti.B w..r uiu ieei; inence iNOfin u degrees 32 nilu utes Kast 375 feel; theCe North 33 de grees fl minutes Wes; 200 feet: thence iSorth 10 tleurees -1 2 ... 1 .... t ..u u'nui J fin leei ineuce iorilV Ifi UMri-.a ll m n. utes West U20 t'et ; thence North 8S de grees 23 niinut.H Knst 432 feet: thence North 27 jJehvoH 14 mltmtes West 47li reel; lheu.e North Sfl tlegrees 49 min utes Kn'st I 5 7 feet; thence South 5 rit greeH i2S minutes Kast 17T. feet; thence 6 degrees f.3 minutes Kast 172 'V to the point of beginning, contnin Mf i)S. 94 acres, more or less. And further nrnvmn that an order br made by the safd Hoard of Directors that said land he Included in the Medford Ir rigation District. All persons interested In. or who mav be affected by the proposed change, of me nouiuianes or satci District or hy the inclusion of safd lands in said lHsirlrt are hereby nolitied to annear at the of flee of the Hoard of Directors of Med ford Irrigation District in tho Liberty jiumiing on est .Alain street in the City of Medford, Oregon, on the ftth day of April, !21. at 2 o'clock in tlie af ternoon of that day, and then and there biiow cause, ir any they have, why th imiy or of said net lion should not b granted or the hind therein described be included in the Medford Irrigation Dis trict. HOAKD OF DIItKCTOKS OK MKDKOKP limiUATION DIHTltlCT. Hy K. M. WILSON, Secrvlury. Dated Murvh 12. 1921. Notice to All landowners In Medford irn (ration District and to All Whom it May Conoern. You are hereby notified that on the 11th day of March. 1921, It. W. and Winifred M. Clancy filed their duly ac know t edged petition with the Hoard of Directors of Medfotd Irrigation District nraying that the following described land of the petitioner situate in Jack sou County. Oreiron. be included within the Medford Irrigation District, that Is to say: Commencing ut the Southeast corner of the it. u. Clancy property us de scribed in Title Register of Jackson tVunty, Oregon. No. :tJi;t, and running thence North along the east boundary of said property 27tl.4li feel to the In tersection tit same with the location ol" the Phoenix C;mal Kx tension ; thence continuing abmg said canal location as follows: Norm til' degrees and mm utes West 97 feet: thence St ulh SS de grees and ;"t minutes West UT feet thence North L" degrees and 40 minutes West ID feet: thence North 6X dere and 27 minutes West 10-S feet: thence North 11 decrees and 33 minutes West :rt feet: thence North LI degrees and 4f. minutes West Mil feet: thence North M degrees ami 0: minutes West 313 feet: thence North til degrees and 2t minutes West 224 feet: thence North 4 , degrees ami 41 minutes West Ifi feet: to the Wi si boundary of said described prop erty: thence south along said West property line into feet more or less to the Southwest corner of said property; thence Kast along the South boundary of sa id propert y 16 chains more or less tit place of beginning, containing 14.10 acres. And further praving that an order be made by tlie said Hoard of Directors that said bind lie included in the Mod ford Irrigation District, All persons interested In, or who mn' be aff-vi'Ml by the proposed chane of :hc boundaries of said district or by the il elusion of s id lands in s:iid district .ire bereb" difiitl to appear at the of f;c of 'he Hoard of Directors nf Med ford Irrinj.:im District In the Liberty Hufldir.g on WVsl iiaai street In the City of Medford, Oregon, on the Mb dav of Apiil, I9l1, at 2 o'clock In the after noon of that day, and then and there show cause, if aI,y they have, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted or thf land therein described be includ.-d in tlie Medford Irrigation Dis trict. HOARD OV DIRKCTOItS OP MKUKOItn IRlitCATION DISTRICT. Hy K. M. WILSON. Secretary. Dated March 12, ltm. Notice to All Landowners In Medford .irrigation District and to All Whom It May Concern. ion are hereby notified Unit on the 5th day of 1'cbruarv. 1921. O. A. Mack and J. Pearl Mack filed their ilulv ac knowledged petition with the Hoard of directors ol M-uiord Irrigation District praying that the following dexerih.-d land of the petitioners situate in Jack son County. Oregon, be Included within the Medford Irrigation District, that is 10 say. Water lots 33. 32. 31. 30. 29 and lots 2 to 7 inclusive in the Town of Phoenix, Oregon, as the same are designated on the official plat recorded In the records or Jackson County, Oregon, containing 2.43 acres tst land. And further praying that an order be made by the said Hoard of I Mrectors mat Fam land be included in the Med ford Irrigation District. All persons interested in. or who mav be affected by the proposed change of me boundaries or said District or bv the inclusion of said lands in said dis trict ure hereby notified to appear at the office of the Board of Directors of Medford Irrigation District in the Lib erty Huilding n West Alain street In the City ol' Medford, Oregon, on the 5lh day of April. 1!21, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, and then and there show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted or the land therein described be Included in the Medford Irrigation Dis trict. BOARD OP DIRECTORS OF MKDFORI) IRRIGATION DISTRICT. By K. M. WILSON. Secretary. Dated March 12, 121. flotlca to All Landowners In Medford Irrigation District and to AU Whom It Max Concern. You are hereby notified that on tho 8th day of February. 1921. Job T. Wilder and KIvlrA K, Wilder filed their duly acknowledged petition with the Board of Directors of Medford Irrigation Dis trict praying that the following de scribed hind of the ' petitioners situate in Jackson County, Oregon, be included within tho Medford Irrigation District, that is to say: Lots 3, 4, f and 6 in Block 6: also lots 1 and ti, in Block ti, all. In the Town of Phoenix. Jackson County, Oregon, con taining one acre, more or less. And further praving tnar an order be made by the said Hoard of Directors that said land be Included in the .Medfortl Irrigation District. All persons Interested in or who may bo affected by the proposed change of the boundaries of said district or by the inclusion of said lands in said district are hereby notified to appear at the office of the Board of Directors of Med ford Irrigation District in the Liberty Building on West Main street In the City of Medford, Oregon, on the 5th dar of April, li2I, at 2 o'clock in the after noon of that day, and then and there show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted or the land herein described be included in tlie Medford Irrigation Dsi Irict. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF M10DFORD IRRIGATION DISTRICT. By K. M. WILSON. Secretary. Dated March 12, 1921. Notice to All Landowners in Medford Irrigation District and to All Whom It Man Conoern. You are hereby notified that on the 15th day of Jamuiry, 11)21, C. II. and Elizabeth D. Brown filed their duly ac knowledged petition with tho Board of Directors or .viedtord irrigation District praying that the following described mnd or the petitioner situate in jacs son county, Oregon, be Included within tho Medford Irrigation District, that Is to say: All that portion of the northwest quar ter NVi4 of Section 8 In Townshl 37 South. Range 1 West of the Willam ette Meridian, lying North and Kast of the Hopkins Cannl of tho Kogur River Valley Canal Company, compri'ng 108. C acres. And further pray inn: that an order he made by the said Hoard of Directors that said land be included In the Medford Ir rigation District. All persons interested in. or who may bo affected hy this proposed change of ine nryundaries or said district or hy the Inclusion of said lands in said district are- hereby notified to appear at the office of the Board of Directors of Med ford Irrigation District In tlie Liberty Huilding on west Main street in the City of Medford. Oregon, on the Bth day of April, jy-'i, at z o clock in the atter- noon of that day. and then and there show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted or the land therein described b" included in the Medfortl Irrigation Dis trict. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF MRDFORD IRRIGATION DISTRICT, By K. M. WILSON. Secretary. Dated March 12. 192L Notice to All Landowners In Medford Irrigation District and to AU Whom It Mar Concern. You are hereby notified that on the 20th day or January, F. E. Martin filed his duly acknowledged petition with the Board of Directors of Medford Irrigation District praying that the fol towing described land of the petitioner si mat o in Jackson county, Oregon, be Included within tlie Medford Irrigation District, that is to say: Beginning at a point thirty links north of the Southeast corner of Dona tion Land Clatm No. 75 In Township 27 South, Range 2 West of tho Willamette Meridian, and running thence North S.21 chains; thence East 8. 411 chains; thence South 8.3 1 chains; thence West 8.4;t chains to the place of beginning, con And further praying that an order be made by the said Hoard or Directors that said land be Included in the Med ford Irrigation district. All persons Interested in. or who may be affected hy tho proposed change of the boundaries or said District or by the inclusion of said lands In said district are hereby notified to appear at the of fice of the Board of Directors of Med ford Irrigation District in the Liberty Building on West Main street In the City of Medford, Orecon. on the 5th day of April, 1921, at 2 o'clock in the after noon ol that day, and then and ther show cause. If any they have, why the prayer of said petition should not he granted i.t the land therein described be included in tlie Medford Irrigation District. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF MEDFORD IRRIGATION DISTRICT By E. M. WILSON, Secretary. Dated March 12. 1921. Notice to All Landowners In Medford Irrigation District and to AU Whom It May Conoern. You are hereby notified that on the JMh dny of December. 1 !20, Rosetta Alice I'heisler filed her duly acknowl edged petition with the Boartl of Direc tors of Medford Irrigation District pray ing thai the following described land of the petitioner situate in Jackson County. Oregon, he included within the Med lord Irrigation District, Unit Is to say: Lots Tflne (9) and Ten (10). Block Three (SI of il'erce Subdivision as the same are designated and described on the official plat thereof on file In the office of the County Recorder of Jack- sou i ounty. Oreuon. and futrher de scribed in Certificate of Title of Reg istered num. Numoer :nii, containing nine is) acres,, excepting a tract con taining 1 acre, being 20V 7 feet square lying in the Southeast corner of the said Lot No. U. And further pravlng that an order be made by the said Board of Directors that said land be ineluded in tlie Medford Ir rigation District. All persons interested n. or who tn.iv bo affected by the proposed change of the boundaries of said District or bv the inclusion of said lands in said distriet are hereby notified to appear at the of fice of the Board of Directors of Mod ford Irrigation District in the Libertv HU I Id lug on U st Main street in t In. City of Medford. Oregon, on the 5th day r rtprn. r..i. at - o clock in the nft,.r- neur of that day, and thvn and there .show cause, if anv they have, why the r.rnvcr ..f I.-..1.1 i..tifjfil should HOt 1)1' g.'nutf-d or tiie land therein described be Included In the Medford irrigation HOARD 'OK DIRECTORS OF XILDl'ORD IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Bv K. M. WILSON. SECRETARY. Dated March 12, 1-'L Novice to AU Landowners in Medford Irrigation District and to ah Whom it May Concern. You are herehv notified that on th 13th dav of January. 1S21. J- N. Cornutt filed his dulv acknowledged petition with th. Tlr.ji-d f llireetoi-s lit Medford Irrigation District praying that the fol lowing described land of the petitioner situatu In Jackson County, Oregon, be Included within Die Medford Irrigation District, that is to say: Commencing 50.47 chains East of the northwest corner of Donathm Land Claim Number 61 In Township .'" South of Range 2 West of Willumette Meridian In Jackson County, Oregon, and running thence South ID. 57 chains; thence East 1.12 chains for a beginning point, and running thence East 4.12 chains; thence South 19.. chains; thence West 4.12 chains; tiierce North 1 chains to point of beginning, containing So.", acres. And further praying that an order be made by the said Hoard or Directors that said land be Included in the .Med' ford Irritation District. All persons interested in, or who may be a free ted by the proposed change ol tlie boundaries of said district or by the Inclusion of said lands in said district, are hereby notified to appear at the ornee or the Hoard or Directors or .eu ford Irrigation District In tlie Liberty Building on West Main street In the City of Medford. Oreuon. on the iith day of April, 1H21. at 2 o'clock in the af ternoon of that day, and then and then show cause, if any they huve. why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted or the land therein described be Included in the Medford Irrigation Dis trict. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF MEDFORD IRRIGATION DISTRICT. By K. M. WILSON, Secretary. Dated March 12, 1921. Notice to All Landowners In Medford . Irrigation District and to All r Whom It May Concern, You nro hereby notified that nn the 2Gth dav of February. 1!21. A. II. Fisher and Delia M. Fisher filed their duly ac knowledged petition with the Board of Directors of Medrord irrigation District praying that the following described land of the petitioner si urate In Jack son County, Oregon, be Included within the Medford Irrigation District, that Is to say: Lots 1, 2. 7 and 8. In block i'i in the Town of Phoenix, Jackson County, Ore gon, containing .75 acres. And further praying that nn made by the said Board of Directors that said land be included in the Med ford Irrigation District. All persons Interested in, or who may be affected by the proposed change of Hie boundaries of salt! District or by the Inclusion of said lands In said District are hereby notified to appear at the of fice of the Board of Directors of Med ford Irrigation District in the Liberty Building on West Main street in the City of Medford. Oregon, on the 5th day of April. 11)21, t 2 o'clock In the after noon of that day, and then and there show cause. If any they have, why the prayer of safd petition should not be granted or the land therein described he included in the Medford Irrigation Dis trict. HOARD OF DIRECTORS OF MEDFORD IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Bv E. M. WILSON. Secretary. Dated March 12. 1921. Highest Quality Jetvdry Repairing, Diamond Sotting, Watch Repairing. Satisfaction Assured In ' quality and price. Mall ua your wants, MARTIN J. REDDY CORONA Personal Typewriter Fold It up, take it with you, type write anywh ere, $50.00, including carrying caee. MKDFORI) BOOK BTORB Distributors for Po. Oregon. Used Trucks, Cars Trailers, Tractors Tlie Lnrfjost Collection In Southern Oregon nt Prices at Sell 1 Attcrlmry, 3 K-ton, lonff wheel base, late model, lumber rolls, guar an teed 1st class contll- CO"l"lfl tion. Quick sale PUUU 2 I'Vill'rnl SV.'. -ton. lnnir whnnl hnup used one season, lumber rolls, every part In good condition (COCOn and ready to go h)mOvU 3 Federal 2-ton, standard wheel base. ' You will have to see this to realize a bargain. In tip- t0 ffr top condition, for vvUvJ 4 Quad 3-ton.. Used one sea son, cost $5500. In Al condition. If you want power on all 4, It's here $2500 5 Federal 3 H'ton, with Leo 6-ton Trailer and Logging Bunks $4000 7 Huffman 2-ton, solid tires, stake rack body, newly painted. Used one season. 1920 model $1850 S Maxwell l'-ton, solid tiros, stiike nick bodv, r.uu'ly painted, fsed one season. 1920 model. rt -t "JCO Frleo is right at tj 1 OOU 9 Holt Caterpillar 45 Tractor, L.atest ,MOdel. Used on V minnrrh in r.u u onjy enough to as- ?:..B!t.$4000 sure us pertectlon ter than new 10 Two Itellniiee Trillion in i ging bunks. 5-tons, tires and spil.igs ime new. L sed very little $900 each 11 I'ord Due. Thorouirlilv and newly nainted. r:iinvIt.i bnouid go quickly $225 13 ltnrt TT i , m,iiiiik vr, ,ew paint. Kngine is thoroughly overhauled. If you are think- (tOArv ing DOItT, see this for .. JptUU Other Trucks. Cars. Trailers, and Tractors. Some like new. All have attractive prices. You lose If you fail to look us over before buying. Those wishing to ADVEUTISE AND SELL through us must place vehicle il? our storage. None will be offered for sale that are imr in . - .-v-v cnanleal condition. Prices must be ATTRACTIVE for QUICK SALL. John C. Sijmor Trai tors, Trucki and i :lrni Machinery TRUCK CHEAP SAMSON Practically New Guy Conner Phone 64 T. G. HEINE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Surgery ot Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat. All diseases of these organs treated. Glasses fitted. 314-315 IJb- erty Bid., Cor. Wain & Oraps Htt. YOU CAN GET MOST ANY OLD THING AT MOST ANY OLD TIME AT DE VOE'B BE PHOTOGRAPHED THIS YEAR ON YOUR BIRTHDAY SWEM'S STUDIO BUY A GOOD BICYCLE It saves shno-lentlior, time nml encrirj' Harley -Davidson :. Bicycles ' Are ns good ns , ' , r, . . Harley-Davidson Motorcycles All II I cycles and Motorcycles re paired t Gaylord Motorcycle Shop Mcrifurd Nut. Phono 188-M INDEPENDENT Auto Electric Shop All kinds RurnKC and nnto electric work fruaranteiHl. A. V. DUIUIAM & X. O. CAIiliAUAV 601 X. Grapo Phone 61H-Y The Medrord Auto Paint Shop (Registered) General Motor Car Reflnlshlno; N. Cmtral & Jackson. Phone TOT Plumbing and Heating Quality Service Wm. Hammett 12 S. Central Phone 659 Medford Iron Works Tractor, Truck, Spray Outfit, and Gas Engine Repairing a Specially GENERA!. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP The Family Sets the Price Wo render the service Iri accord with their every dcslrd and guarantee satisfaction to all. Also ;.. v;( Licensed Lady V Embalrher J WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors EARL FRUIT COMPANY of the Northwest SELL Corona Dry Arsenate of Lead , Rex Lime Sulphur Oil Solutions QUALITY AND PRICE RIGHT L. M. CAMPBELL District Manager J