PXGTC FOUR Medford Mail Tribune THE HAMON MURDER TRIAL. AN 1NDKPENDKNT NEWKPAPKK PUBLISHED KVKRV AKTKKNOON KXCKPT RUNIA7 HV T I i VI MED FORD PRINTING CO. Tha Medford Sunday Hun In furnished ubBcrlbem desiring a seven day daily &WHpuptjr. Offtce Mall Tribune Building, 25-27-29 North Kir street. Phone 75. A consolidation of the Dcmocrntlc Times, the Medford Mall, the Medford Tribune, The Southern Oregonlan, The Ashland Tribune. ROUKRT W. RI'HIj, Kditor. 8UMPTKU S. SMITH, MuitUKr. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS: TUT A I I IN AliVAM'K! Dally, with Sunday Sun, year 7.fi1 Dally, with Sunday fun, month 75 Pally, without Sunduy Sun, ywnr ... 6. to Dally, without Sunday Sun, mouth .6i Weekly Mall Tribune, one year 2.U0 Sunday Sun, one year. 2.00 Bf CARRIER In Abdford, Anhland. Jacksonville, Centrul l'oinf, Phoenix, Talent: Ially, with Sunday Sun. month 75 rtaliu nlihn it Kumluv Sun. month .: Dally) without Sunday Hun. year.. 7. SO Daily, with Sunday Sun, one year 8.r0 All termH by carrier canli in advance. Official papr of the City of Medfurd. Official papr of Jackson County. Medford. Oregon, uud.-r the act of March 8. 187. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur furry An evufiKi'llHi, whw iwndmti' stunts in this pulpit, Include every thing UHiinlly Hern In u 3-rtiiK t Ii c-uh, with the t'xci'pthm of u ti'upfA-, is headod for thu valhy. Cluhllll.imon Smith' was arq.iltti'ij, nfl everybody expected Hln- would be. Khe now Iihh nothliiK t II vt for, but all the millions nhe tan ci- out ol the movk'H, A IT.MIMM'l M. WOMACK. (Vreka loiirnill) Mm. C. A. Mitthvll,' who hna been hero vlailiiig her huh, .Mr. Perry Hill, left n few days atf" for Humbug, where she will spend ho vera 1 nmnl hs prospect ing and pocket hunting. Mrn. Mitchell Hold hep Inst mine tho past winter and expects to hooii have, a few more. HuRHfn. and Kngland have signed a trade treaty. Knglund gains no ad vantage, except to get bulb, hands firmly gripped In the whiskers of lluHHlan commercial progress. In eliaslng Non-l'arllsan visionar ies out of the state, after forcing them to lather their own hidcH with tar, Knnmiu dectlneH for the first time In Its history, an opportunity to go crazy. Tho women folks are gradually closing negotiations for gelling under a new spring hat. NOTICR ! On, and after thla dale, I will not ho responsible for any rain falling on tho Sithlmnth, ns the name has left my bod and board. (Bgd.) V 10 ATI 1 I) UM AN. INK AM) DUIMf. (Oakland Tribune) "Darling, 1 have a uonfeHHlou to mako. Ah 1 told you In my last letter that when I uol those Well, I have been about half tight ever since, and 1 intend to two letters of yours, I got drunk. 1 Htay that way until you come ,. homo. The only trouble with that arrangement Is that every time get drunk, Instead of for ; getting you and your letters, I only want you more and love you about twice as much, if that can be possible. More peoplo were killed In auto ac cidents last year than at Chateau Thierry. Demon gasoline! Cyclone cellarH, with doors awlnging both ways, should be built along the die way b. Loco mot vc englueerH whistle for everything required by the Kspee rules and regulations, but mostly for meanness. i ; . ( There has been a heavy declhi" In glrllHh gadding., ,111 anU down the Main Htem of late. ":- ' i. I u V . IDHV-I'(DI'(TS (DorrlH (Col.) NVuh) The new garage opened by It. C. WIlkliiK and Mr. Ituss a, the Northern lumber shed la pre pared to do an up-to-date piece of work, or if your car Ik ion old to fix. run It ihrougl: the planer and turn It Into I ugct-Mll watcheH. "IIAKNKY STOCK MX SHOT IN IXWIUt HAS1N" Headline ll.nil Times). Cruel and unusual. Look not on the patent medicine when It cnntalneth iron, for It bltetb like an udder and rutneth ye teeth. Ixiuls I'liich of Jai ksniivlUe drnw over Thursday. More rei kles driving. "KAKmkhs I m.r.it to i si: POI SON NKXT WI JvK" iCorvallls Oa. ette Ad). If this din't lower what the farmer buys, and boost what be h-Uh, nothing will. "NO cii.x;k A.MoNt; cm itcii OrFICKHS' (Headline Portland Telegram ) A finam'ia I st i Inneiu v due entirely to Inefficient handling of tho contribution box. "Cascarets" if Sick or Bilious Trtniiyhft Miirnf If n nliHMfLlit. llArin- leaa Oasoaret work while you elo'p mid have your liver actiw, heml clear, tomach iwpot and bowels moving regular by morning. No Kripinfi r oonvenionco. 10, US or 60 rent buxra. fhUdren lore tW caiuly caUiurtio too. TIIK Claru Smith Ifamoii murder trial is ove r, for wliii-h many thanks. I-'or a wi'uk it lias overshadowed every other event in tin; world's news, from the revolt in Kussia to the oeeuputiou alont; the JUiine. And in many quarters newspapers are eondeinned for smearinj; their front pages with details of a sordid crime, which in the opinion of the morally fastidious, only appeal to the lower and oaser passions. Vliy is it? Does one find the answer in the l"pravity of the press? We doulit it. Neither newspaper editors, or news service directors, distribute the details of such an affair, from anv impulse of scif-;rrati- lieation. They merely follow the olli;ratiou of their trade, which is to supply the pulilic with news, that is, with items which the puhlie demand, renders news. And tic ( l,;ia Hamon trial was news. It was lir news for a va riety of reasons. In the first place it came during a lull. There was no nevix competition. The main events in the European drama were over, with tin' rrcMiient s message delivered, everytlimg was ipuel in Washington. The hoards were cleared, so to speak, for Clara. Jo the next place this case contained in a peculiar sense, those ele ments of human and dramatic interest, which appeal and as long as human iialurc remains what it is, will appeal to the rani; and file of mankind. True the eternal triangle is as old as the l'yramids, and the human drama involved not only has heeii enacted since the Flood, but is heiiig enacted every now and then in every corner of the world. Irom (I'opher I'tairie lo d'allipoli. Why then should the Smit h-.Iones drama nevr emerge from lo cal obscurity while this Ilamon drama, essentially identical, should flash from coast lo coast and even across the sea 1 The answer is, the prominence of the principals. Ilamon was a man of wealth, and power. And because he was that, his tragedy attained that reality, which is impossible when only the Smiths and the .Jones are concerned. And that factor of reality gave the Ilamon trial, the one element it needed lo phice it front stage, as news. The world is not inti r csled in anonymity. And only prominence, as possessed by the Ila mons, I he Thaws, the Stillmaus and the Stokes, can destroy this anonymily. So wiih the element of reality achieved. Hie Ilamon murder, took its place, not only with the great criminal cases of the day. bill au tomatically achieved that dramatic, unity, which has given certain examples of literature permanence, from the Assyrian annals cut in slone, through the (ireck tragedies, to the modern problem plays, and linlike many of its predecessors t In? Ilamon drama was extremely moral, teaching without, mitigating delails, the time-honored truth that the wages of sin is death. Wu (2ipplingRhymQs$l Gn& 4rVtolt Masons w 1 1 UN I ha vi REALISM. cd my fountain pen and found some fools cap blue, I'll wrile ii tale of tiresome men, anil tiresome women too. I'll chronicle their tiresome deeds, the tiresome, things they say; 'twill he so dull the sport who reads will throw the hook away. Some little ten cent human soul I'll analyze with glee, (iiul hoist it on a pole, so all the world may see. And dead game spur!; , who read my book will rend their beards and wail, "Oh, let, the public hangman cook so punk and fierce a tale!" Hut hook reviewers, bulging-browed, will praise it, line by line; they'll say, "One hook above Ihe crowd stands forth, sublime and fine. The lale begins where it should end, and ends where it should start; no heroes through ils pages wend, no villains grieve the heart; it has no action and no plot, no motive can he found; and yet the volume hits the spot, its technique is so sound. This is no talc of blood and bones, lmt. one in which we find the soul of I'ete Augustus .Jones described as 'twas designed." If yon are tired of stirring tales where villains get the hook and virtue in the end prevails, wait till I write my hook. Henry le-eiecieil gnvt-raor of Virginia? Ans. He was re-elected four times. 7 Wlio was Uiiit! of KiiKlaiiil wlion Hie IteviiliiUimnry war was tinmlit? Aus. (ieiii'KV the Tlilnl was king then. t How many wars are Included in tlin term "French and Indian wars"? Ans. Kour wars are included In Ihe I term "French and Indian Warn". They are Known as KinK William's war, Ijuecn Anne's w-ar, Kini; (leorKe's wat and Hie specifically emit led French ' and Indian war. !l How often do birds molt? Ans Birds molt, or shed their feathers. once each year. ' 10 What was Ceorge F.lliot's rich! I name? Ans. The author linnse i:i- lint's right name was Marian Kvans. I How Much Do I You Know? 1 How liiiiny e;;rt luiunkes have ihuro been in the I'ntled States in the Inst fifty years? "1 What Hort of weather does a rapid fist of the barometer indicate? ;i How long does Ihe average bee live? 1 What was Ihe worst coal mine disaster that ever occurred In I'nited States? fi W hat countries harvest wheat In January? i I low long is a book protected when tt Is copyrighted? r What is the pay of a cadet at West Point? S How much money has John I. Rockefeller given to eharity and works of public welfare?' H Who organized the military or der of the Loyal Legion? 10 -Whal is the strength of the po lice force of New York City? Answers to Yesterday's Qu.&;ions 1 Who was Croesus? An;. He was kinj; of Lydia in Asia .Viinr who tame to the throne about ,tiN II. C. The C.ivek cities of Asia Minor fell before hU armies and he iK-canie the possessor of vast wealth. - What are the three shapes of bones? Alls. Hones are loiip. like the arm bone, flat as the shoulder Made and short and irregular as the hones in the wrist. liWhal happened to Haniel II. tone when Kentucky was admitted to the national union? Ans. I lo lost his holdings in the s'ate for lack of proper title. 4 How many muscles are there in the human body? Ans. There are PH) musclea In the human body. Most of them are In pairs and all are named. G What insect exists in one hun dred thousand varieties? Ans. There are about IiHUMHI different kinds or beetles varying in form, size, color ami habit. ti J low many times was Patrick "Gets-It" Ends All Corns Just As Good For Calluses. Money Back If It FaiK Tlttit v Mvniiils utter yen touch the corn wnh im Mould corn rontowr the jtib buiK. Munition pataoi tt io-Mortill tiuiu. Simple At A, U, C. No corn, unrtt or toft. 19 too old or too det-ply rooted to resist "Htt-lt.' Im tm dlnteiy it elrten itud shrivel the oUf9 Ioov.mi fron tin inn- flesh nnd soon you cuu peel it t slit ell with your lingers as palulesoly 11.4 you trim your null. ivn'l coddle corn pt'Hts. Pon't nurso nnd pumper them, ixurt cut nnd iron tlumv H K MO V K thoni with "OKI'S IT " I'osis n trifle at uliy drnu tier. MM. bf U Utw renct) tk Co.. CtiU'tttfu, JOHNNY TUP ANTS THE ALL-WOOL SUIT WITH EXTRA TROUSERS Just in, and real clothes they are. Who wculd have thought a season ago that this spring would bring an excellently tail ored, all-wool suit, with two pair of Trcusers. For Boys at $15 Sodrtg Ml'LV ttlothff. EASTER TIES A beautiful assortment in large silk four-in-hands. New ar rivals. Late shades and de signs. All on display at prices that you never dreamed of. BIG EASTER SPECIAL 59 c Others at 75c, $1, $1.25, $2.25 orietu $ratnd (Elothea A : The values we tteck, wliich ve HOW ABOUT GETTING FIXED UP FOR EASTER? , . , rre showing make it worth ycur while to come in tomorrow and look over our: e have made it a paint to have ready for the occassicn. v ' .p. We have seme rare values at ...r v $35.00 $40.00 $45.00 $47.50 $50.00 Work Pants $3.00 Medium Weight Union Suits $1.95 Shirts and Drawers at $1.25 Dress Shiria, Collars attached $1.50 Sealpax Athletic Union Suits ...... $1.48 Easter Caps 75c to $2.50 Easter Hats, 1 lot $2.85 Others priced from $3.00 to $8.00 Mann's Department Store THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY ENTRANCES ON E. MAIN AND N, CENTRAL MEDFORD, OREGON Slidewell Collars .15c Black and Brown Seeks 15c Fancy Silk Socks . . 50c Leather Palm Gloves 25c Gauntlet Leather Gloves 50c Boy's Chambray Shirts 95c islets? The Family Sels the Price Wo nMiOtT llu- Hfrvlcc In ucrnrd with (ht'lr overy rtfslru nml Kl'"'imtt,c--tntiMfruMlnn to nil. Also Licensed Lady Etnbalmer WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors BUY A GOOD BICYCLE U snvt'H Nliiiit-lcatlirr, time ami tMU'i'iy Harley-Davidson Bicycles Harley-Davidson Motorcycles All HIryf'l'! atiil MoloroyeU'ii rt--luiln'tl jit Gaylord Motorcycle Shop Vli'dfind Xiit. 1'linnr INK-SI INDEPENDENT Auto Electric Shop ll klinN urito mid 1111(0 oUa4'trlc vviirk iciiiii'iinlct'tl. . V. IH HII AM .V X. O. CAI.l.AllAN (KM . CruiH I'lioiic Klll-Y Plumbing and Heating Quality Service Wm. Hammett 42 S. Central Phone 659 EARL FRUIT COMPANY of the Northwest SELL Corona Dry Arsenate of Lead Rex Lime Sulphur Oil Solutions QUALITY AND PRICE RIGHT L. M. CAMPBELL District Manager GOOD CLOTHES 1 Make Them KLEIN J'HD T AILOB East Mud St. Medford Iron Works TriH'Inr, Truck, Spray Outfit, nml (las KiiKlna Ilrpaiiiiif; a Specialty (;i:xi:u.r rorxnr.Y AM) MAOI1XK SHOl' For Sale by Owners Pure Bred Jersey Cattle Twohy Brother. (Ymininy. who own one of tho finest IutiN of Purt? Hrotl Jersey t'.tttle in Southern Oregon will sell all or part of their dairy heni now on "The Meadows" farm, consisting of. 112 I'nie 1'ivii reistertMl Jersey Cows 1 Pure- IIiimI lleifeis I moiilh to '2 ytirs oll 12 Pure llreti Hull I'nlven I Pure Itieil iei;isteretl Hull, No. 1810:11, 4 yean old out tf St. Mnwes tiohleu Ponpy. This stork Is res'strrod in The American Jersey Cattle Club ami can he sern at "The Meadows" farm on Crescent City Highway, t miles from ilrunts Pass or eommunicate with I'.. A. Murphy, l.undlH'r, lluihlint;, tit-ants Piu. The Geo. L.Treichler Motor Co. Have some good used cars Dodge Brothers, one Hudson Speedster, two Olds, one Ford Touring, one Maxwell Delivery, one Ford Truck, one Olds Truck. For sale, all in good condition and prices are reasonable. Come in and look them over . Particular Welding On Automobile Parts. such as cylinder blocks, heads, frames, axles, lovers, brackets, fenders, bodies, etc., receive our best skill and attention. You must he satisfied. "THE WELD THAT HELD" Vulcan Welding Works Now located at SI South Front. The Medtord Auto Paint Shop (Registered) Oeneral Motor Tar Itoflnltililug V. (VntrHl Jackson. rhnne 79? Licensed CITY SCAVENGER All refuse immediately removed on short notice. Weekly visit In resi dence districts. Dally business dis trict, l'hone 89i. GRANTS PASS MEDFORD INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. r ffcotlve October 28 LEAVE MEDFORD. 10:00 a. tn. 1:00 p. m. 4:10 p. m. Cars sto, at all Intermediate point. Office and Waiting Rooms: Medford, 5 South Front, Nah Hotel Bldg. Phone 309. GranU Page: The Bonbonnler, Phone HO. We also operate .Use Una. from Medford to Ajhland. Phoenix Talent. Central Point, Jackjonrllle. Dally and 8nndaj. LEAVE GRANTS PA38. 10:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. WITH MXDFC2D TRADE IS MEDFORD MADX .111111. Hill, 1 ' " - r