Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 17, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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; Th4 uoard of directors of the Med
ford Chamber of Commerce met yes
terday afternoon to certify the result
of the primary election and the refer
endum rote on the establishment of a
community chest in Medford.
: Thd final election of seven directors
out of the sixteen candidates nominat
ed was ordered returnable not later
than 7:30 on the evening of Friday.
March p5th.
' !The question of establishing a com
munity chest, due to the tie vote cast,
as ordered re-submitted to the mem
bers for a referendum vote, with an
understanding that whatever decision
Is arrived at, even though the major
ity te by. one vote, the board will act
' New arguments will be submitted
and the referendum ballots will be
returnable In the envelopes provided
for the final election of directors.
: A committee consisting of V. II.
Vawter. chairman, T. E. Daniels, Geo.
T. Collins and Wm. P. Isaacs was ap
pointed to Investigate and report to
the, board of directors what-actlon is
recommended-on. the Crater Lake pro
position as submitted to the citizens of
this State.
"A New Lease of
i, Life Through
; Internal Baths
Mr. E. Shain of Ranta Cruz, Cal.,
writes to the Tyrrell Hygienic Insti
tute:; .
"My wife and I will be 85 years
founff next-birthdny and consider
Ibat' the 'J. I). L, Caw-ado' has given
ua a new lease of life, for wo now
enjoy the best of health. We wore
going down hill ' fast, but Hie C'as-c-ado'
has given us such health as we
have not enjoyed in years."
. The "J. B. L. Cascade" cleanses
the jlowor intestine its entire length
and keeps It -always frco of poisonous
waste. ,
Thousands testify that constipation,
Indigestion, stomach troubles, bilious
ness, headaches and all the many se
iloiih troubles which they cause are
absolutely relieved and prevented by
Ihls'Nature Treatment.
W.est Side Pharmacy, Main and
Grape .Streets, will be glad to show
you i the ."J. B. L. Cuscade," explain
Ua simple operation and will givo you
free;.:on., request, an interesting little
booK jiy for. ChaB.' A. Tyrrell of New
York. . a noted specialist on Internal
Bathing for .25 yoars in that city. Clip
th!s;oUt as a reminder to ask for the
boolclet'.at your first opportunity.
'"' ''. Adv.
, Have you seen the
.'latest and smart
est hats that Miss
;Towne is showing
at the new
Prices from $5.50
tbf 15.50, nothing
over lb.OU.
i . -
"MAT'S what might have happened to the
country's' banking system during the settle
up, settle-down period since the war if it
handn't been for the stabilizing, equalizing
influence of the great FEDERAL RE
Do vou appreciate, then, what a great factor
this" System is in banking at the First Na
tional i ' . -
"Nationalized" accounts
Vfie FIrst National Bank
E. V. Carter of Ashland visited
friends in Medford today and an
nounced he has accepted a position
on the state fair board recently ten
dered him by Governor Olcott.
Now Is the time to have your elec
tric fan overhauled. Phone orders
925-L, and I'll call. Pierce Repair
Shop, 116 N. Central, "The Class
House." 309
Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetiera for
NuDone. Phone 585-J. tf
Emma Heed of Jacksonville and
John Grieve of Prospect were Medford
visitors Wednesday.
After all Is said and done you will
still continue to save at the Grocorteria.
Pythian Sisters dance, K. C. hall.
Friday nigbt. All knights and families
are expected to attend. 30(5
Merle Rhodes formerly of thlB city,
who had been in Los Angeles for the
past three years arrived hero this
morning for a visit with relatives and
friends. .
For crating, packing and storage
call 333 Kelzur Transfer. ' 312
Special sale, discount 25 per cent, on
all hair goods at Mmo, Oowd Jeffries.
Entire stock going. 307
Dean John A. Beicll of the School
of Commerce, O. A. C, addressed the
students of the high school today, on
hidden opportunities. He made a very
interesting talk and left this afternoon
for Ashland. Last night Dean Bcjcall
was the guest of John A. Westerlund
at the lattcr's home on East Main
street, they being old schoolmates
years ago in Rock Island, 111.
After all Is satd and done you will
still continue to save at the Grocorteria.
Grape cider, fresh from the press at
the Jackson County Creamery Bottling
Dept. Phone 22-R.
. L. Lewis arrived back home this
morning from a business visit at Port
land. Violin instruction, Florence Howell,
special attention to beginners. Sparta
building, phone 545-H. W
Everything electrical, Medford Elec
tric Co. Phone CGI.
H. A. Hinshaw, general freight
agent of the Southern Pacific company
was here from Portland today attend
ing to railroad matters.
Pelco-Light Electricity for every
farm. Medford Electric. Co.
Quite a delegation of Elks from
Grants Pass will be here tonight in
attendance at the Elks lodge meeting.
Over 2000 cans of government bacon
have been sold in eight weeks by the
Grocorteria. Better get what you want
oefore it's all gone. tf
Hotel Holland guesta include Mr.
and Mrs. D. R. Bardue of Chicago, Mr.
and -Mrs. V. N. Ruffner of Seattle,
A. D. Gurnded of Rocklin, Calif., and
L. A. Crane and family of Mill Valley,
Dr. Jouett P. Bray is In his office
week days except Thursdays, room
409-410. Phone 5S0. Lady assistant
"Keep Smiling." tt
Seeley Hall returned to the city to
day, from a short business trip to Port
land. Ladies! Use Buttermilk
To Beautify Complexions
Till. DelJfflitfuX. New. VanlnliinK
, Crefltti Containing True Buttermilk
In Gun ran teed to .Make You
. Look Younger or Money Hack
Oct a small quantity at any phar
macy by simply asking fur Howard's
Buttermilk Cream and massago It
daily Into the face, neck, arms and
nan da. The directions arc simple,
and it cobLh ho little that any girl or
woman can afford it. Your complex
ion must uuickly show a decided Im
provement or your dealer is author
ized to return .your money without
question should you be dissatisfied.
No matter whether you nro troub
led with wrinkles, hard little lines
around the mouth and eyes, coarse.
sallow faded looking skin, or simply
roughness and redness caused by
wind and sun, you will find that all
these trials quickly disappear with
the use of this old-fashioned beauty
recipe brought up to date.
If you have- not already tried this
simple -way to beauty, get a package
today and let your fftce be the Judge.
Howard's Buttermilk Cream is only
sold on-a positivo guarantee of -satisfaction
or money bark. Adv.
PORTLAND. Ore., Mar. 1
from about .10U.0OO sheep
on the
farms of western Oregon will be as
sembled and graded and marketed in
Portland, according to the pl:ins an
nounced today of the Western Oivgon
Wool and Mohair association, which
was recently formed.
I. A. Wade resigned ns vice-president
of the Fi rs t National ba n k of
Uend last week to come to Portland
and manage the association's affairs.
The plan ts to concentrate in this
city the wool and mohair of the west
ern part of the state and ultimitely
to market the farm flock clips of
Washington as well ns Oregoh. Over
tures have already been made from
sheepmen in northern California to
join the association which is to be
co-operative concern. The assocl i
ton Ik to be conducted without u view
to profits, the farmers to get ;he r.inr
ket price for the grade of'their wi-ol,
less the cost of marketing.
The several new Irrigation ditches,
under construction' in the vicinity of
Butte Fulls are nearinfr completion
and will be ready for operation dur
ing tho dry season up hero which-Is
about July or later. ;
Mrs. Harry 'Herreferd, camo up
from Ashland last week with her new
Win. Moore was doing business in
Medford tho .first of the week.
J. D. Jackson was up from Weed.
Cel., the latter part of Inst week en
gaging men-for mill work' and those
going back with him were Merle
Bralnard, R. C. Spencer, Everett Ab
bott nnd the Albert Bros.
Uncle Sarh Is Bending up several
thousand young pine .trees, which arc
unloaded at the railroad station here,
and then taken on up to the high
mountains to bo planted. The past
few years they have been sewing pine
seed on the snow up there, which
.could not have been a success, or why
so many trees to be planted?
Mr. Leonard of Medford stopped
overnight hore on his way up to his
homestead, where he is going to erect
a modern home and other Improve
ments to fill the homestead require
ments for proving up on same.
Mr. Cox and King were doing busi
ness with our merchants Friday. The
boys both havo homesteads out near
tho Obenchain mountain.
The "torn Walker family movod out
to their ranch for tho summer.
Wo, have a week's vacation now In
the school, - as' some of the teachers
wanted to look around for new loca
tions. H.-D. Mills came up from the city
Thursday and remained during the
noon hour, but was seen passing down
the street In somewhat of a hurry at
train time, with four ladiea' Easter
bonnets which had neither paper
sacks or boxes for protection. It is
hoped he reached his destination
without damage to same.
Ben Edmonson nnd wife wore
doing business in Modford Friday,
returning with a load of seed grain.
He also purchased a load of hpgs
from the Smith brothers, below town,
and took them on up to' his ranch
abovo here. Charles Patton wont up
with him to do some grubbing which
will enlarge his farm acreage
Win. Hughes left for Weed, Cal..
" Mrs. Barker returned home Wed
nesday after an absence of two weeks
in tho Ashland hospital, whore she
was operated on. V o . ...
: Wm. Welch Is down with 'the flu In
Charles Edmonson and family
moved back to their homo in town
this week after spending tho past
year on the Beck place. ,
Mrs. Bornicc Goodyear is visiting In
tho valley this week. '
Huel Hildrcth's father and mother
camo up Saturday to visit him. They
spent the winter in Cottage Orove.
The Goss family are spending the
week In Eagle Point preparing their
place for spring work.
It begins to look like spring again
after .a long and rainy winter, as
plowing gardens and Betting out
strawberry plants are In vogue.
John Allen passed through town
this Monday morning on hia way up
to the upper country to start teams
and men tr work on tho road. He Ih
draining tho mud holes, and Intends
to start hauling gravel this week to
fill them up below town, and could
have started tho grader this week. If
it hadn't rained so hard Sunday night.
1 F. Nltky returned from Portland
Saturday, where he spont most of the
winter and went on up to his home
stead. Loren Moore and Bill Odcn left for
Weed Monday, where they intend to
work in tho mill. Men are getting
scarce In town now-a-days. Hardly
see any loafers on the streets any
Ira Tongnte went out to the valley
Monday to flic on a piece of land.
John Keller is back on hl place
for spring work,
A. Dupreo was seen on the streets
Miss Hogan was taken out to a hos
pital In Medford last Thursday, poi
soned from an aching tooth.
Cut This Out It la Worth Money
, Cut out this slip, enclose with Sc and
mall It to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield
Ave., Chicago, III., writing your name
and address clearly. You will receive
In return a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for
coughs, colda and croup; Foley Kidney
Pills for pains In sides and back: rheu
matism, backache, kidney and bladder
ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tab
lets, a wholesome and thoroughly
cleansing cathartic for constipation,
biliousness. Headaches, and nliiRBish
"Conrad in Quest of His Youth"
If you believe yo.irne't to bo old at
thirty-five and that lire has nothing
further In store f ir you, you should
see Thomas Mcishan In William De
Mille's splendid picture. "Conrad in
Quest of Ills Youth" which opened a
four days' encasement ul the ltiallo
theatre yesterday.
Without telling the story in detail,
the central idea of the story that one
never grows old when ono loves fills
one with enthusiasm. Conrad I mils
it impossible lo travel tho road back
to seventeen, because there is none,
but when he fell In love, presto! his
vanished youth returned.
Mr. Meighan Is supported by an un
usually capable company, Margaret
Loomis playing opiosite him. Then
there aro Mabel Van Huron, Kathlyn
Williams, Sylvia Ashton and other
artista, all of whom contrlliuto their
bit to make the picture artistically
"Once to Every Woman'
Dorothy Phillips, who won the
hearts of local theatregoers in a dozen
previous screen productions, notably
her two most recent photodmmas,
"The Heart of Humanity" and "Paid
In Advance," won new friends at tho
Page theatre yesterday when she ap
peared in her latest feature, "Once to
Every Woman."
A short roview foils to do justice io
the character drawing, the artistic de
velopment of the story and the mas
terly details. This photoplay must bo
seen to bo appreciated, and the Indi
cations are that few local theatregoers
will miss it.
Spring work has begun In this dis
trict, tho weather being so beautiful.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Edwards visited
.friends and relatives on the river last
A large group of young folks gath
ered at Swayne's Saturday evening to
enjoy visiting with Miss Hazel Swayno
who was spending a short visit with
her parents. Miss Swayno returned
to Sacred Heart hospital Sunday even
ing. 1 Ora Philips was severely Injured In
an accident with a horse last week. f
Ervln Lewis motored to the valley
on business.
Jacob Knutzon and son Hester made
a business trip to tho valley.
, Ernest Dorn spont tho week end
with bis parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McKee and
daughter Jeanette drove to Ashland
I 1 -
f faia mmi li imh ' i i C
to take advantage of the ,
20 to 50 Reduction on Furniture and House Furnishings-
We start to remodel and combine our stocks Monday and if you want to get these-goods at re
duced prices, be here Friday and Saturday.
Citiod siilistituti! for Linoleum. Comes in rolls, different pat
terns.' Heantiful for floor coverings. Regular !)0c JQ
per square yard. Sale price JJ
A small quantity of Linol, beautiful patterns to select from.
Former price was $1.35. Last two OA
day's sale OVC
Extra special for two days. Regular $(i.00 springs. While
they last during closing two day's sale tQ 1 C
Only a few at this price - PO IO
to visit with relatives there. Miss York
accompanied them and surprised her
parents and friends with a short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wlnnlnghatu
and daughters have returned home.
Mrs. Win. Swauhb and Mrs. Dcssie
Conrad who havo been visiting their
parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Hearing,
returned '? their home at Marysville,
Cal., last week.
Mrs. Alice Kichardson of Rogue
River, spent the week in visiting her
brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Geo. Rowley who hafi been in Port
land nttending an auto school, return
ed homo a couplo of weeks nso and
has been confined to ills bed ever
since his return with the flu.
Mr. Pace, our city marshal and wife
moved into the house on tho Pacific
highway recently vacated by Mr.
Scott, Mr. Duniilngton has moved his
family In Mr. Pace's house.
Rev. Moore of t'lovordale. Ore., nnd
Rev. Samples of this place arc holding
a series of meetings at the Baptist
church. Rev. Moore was for several
years a missionary in Mexico and will
prove to be an interesting speaker.
The public is urged to attend these
meetings every evening at 7:30.
Mr. and Mi's. Frank Smith who have
been visiting Mrs. Smith's mother,
Mrs. Crosby, for a couple of months,
returned from Winters, Cal., Friday
whe. they aint ton days visiting
Mrs. smith's sister nnd husband, Mr.
and Mrs. I.eo Netherland.
Wallie Bell returned to his homo in
Klamath Falls after a wuek's visit
with relatives.
cigarette. Flavor is
pealed in by toasting
South Fir St.,
mMamsmm -
BiwSSwL)--'' iiSttLi Sold by grocers in
packages and family tins.
Another P. C. B. product
Delicately bakrd, crisp and Uljr."
Will prove plcning addition lo.
any meal.
Your iroccr can luppty you.
Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.-
Fish Co.
Sea Food
Fresh Fish
Dressed Poultry
That Appetizing
Portland Bread
We Are Prepared to Serve You
lit! sure lo (tut sninu of these Grass Rugs for bnth, porch aud
general use before they arc all
gone at - - ....
See the Window
Itetter get that refrigerator during the closing two dny's salo
and save enough to buy your ice. It will cost you more after
& Woolf
and W. Main St.
At the Club
and in the
x BestJCafes
You'll find Snow" Flakes'
served with broths, soups,
oysters, salads and cheese.
Everyone likes to nibble
these crisp, tasty soda wa
fers. Don't ask lor crickets
CORONA Personal
Fold it op, take 11
with you, type
write anyw'h ere.
, $60.00, Including
I carrying cae.
Distributors for flo. Oregon,
Medford Iron Works
Tractor, Truck, Sprny Outfit, nhil
Gas Knglno Ilepalrlng a' Specialty "'
howela. 8pld everywhere. Adv.