T rXGE FOUTt MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, TnRDFOT?T), OR FX! ONT, MONDAY, MAlfCII 11, 1021 Medford Mail Tribune AN lNPEI'ENDKNT fiJSWUPAPKR PUBLISHKD KVKHY AFTRIINOON HXC'KPT SUNDAY HV TUB MICUKOUi) 1'lllNTINa CO. The Medford Sunday Kim is furnished pubscrlbers desirintf a suvcn day daily newspaper. Office Mall Tribune Building, 25-27-29 North Kir street. Thone 75. A consolidation of the Democratic Times, the Medford Mall, the Medford Tribune. The Southern Orefonlan, The Ashland Tribune. ROHHKT W. ItLTIU Editor. SU.MPTEII S. SMITH, Manauer. SrjBSCBIPTIOIf TEEMS: BY MAIL IN AUVANC E: Pally, with Sunday Sun. year J7.rn Pltllv, with Sunday Sun. month 75 Pally, without Sunday Sun, year.... C.fi Pltllv, without Sunday Sun, month .6T. Weekly Mall Tribune, one year 2.00 Buntiav Sun. one year 2.00 BY CAhKIKIl In Medford. Ashland. Jacksonville, Central 1'olnt, I'hoenlx, Talent: Pally, with Sunday Sun, month 7r, Pally, wlthojt Sunday Sun, month .6.1 Pally, without Sunday Sun, year.. 7.50 Pally, with Sunday Sun. one year S.iiO All torms by carrier cash in advance. Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackson County. Entered as serom'.-ctnsa matter at Medford, Oreeon, under the act of March 8, 1879. MEMUEHS OF THE ASSOCIATED PleKStf. , , , The Associated )'ress Is exclusively entitled to the use for r 'publication of ail news dispatches credited to it, or not otherwise credited In this paper, and also Che local news published herein. All rlRhts of republication of special dispatches herein are aisu ri-w.-i n-u UNIONf&glLABEU Ye Smudge Pot Br Arthur Perry In the accounts of tho devilments or tho Russian Reds nnd the Russian Whites, ono honrs nothing of tho Rus sian Yellows, who were highly conspic ioiis at important crises' of tho late fracas, by thoir sprinting ability to wards homo. Tho conference at Portland for the erection of a tourist hotel at Crater Lalto, brought forth licarly and volun teer pledges to glvo everything but money to mako a success of the scheme. THE POWER OF THE PRES8 (Albany Democrat) DEMOCRAT WANT ADDS JACKSONVILLE BANK CASHIER ACQUITTED OF FRAUD CHARGES .What has become of tho old fashlon crt citizen who used to make a business trip to llornbrook, Cal., ovory Satur day afternoon? IT WAS A SHAM BATTLE. DrniXfi llio rodent unpleasantness, which fcrniinaji'il Noveni lii'i' .'inl, we freiiii'nlly made the iisscrlion that politically the contest was a sham. On the conspicuous issues we maintained, there 1 was no distinct party clcvcage, that the only genuine issue, was one of efficiency and on this issue the Republicans had all the best of it. Nevertheless, as everyone will recall, there was a frrcat deal of talk about the League of Nations, tin? tariff, Wilson's meddlesome foreign policy, Chinese ef;t;s, Australian beef and what-not, while this eharu'e of noise and fury signifying nothing, was vociferously condemned. But what doth the little birdie see? It is semi-officially announced from Washington that t lie Harding administration will follow the Wilson administration, on all the important policies, produced as by produclsof the war. The League id' Nations is not to be scrapped, as the DeiiKicrats charged, the form may be radically changed, but the .spirit is to be retained. Not a single foreign policy of the Demo cratic parly is to be reversed, a majority of them are to be sustained without the dotting of an "i" or crossing of a "I." And how about the tariff? The tariff is precisely where it was, not a political issue at all, but. solely an economic one. In fact, Sen ator McKendrick of Wyoming, Democrat, leads in support of the ( incrgency bill, while his chief opponent is an eastern Republican, and his chief aide a southern Democrat. And lias Harding proved to 'be the hide-bound 100 per cent Re publican so glibly forseen, putting the partizan label on every act and every cog of the new administration '! Hardly. An ex-Democrat is his private secretary, another democrat is comptroller of the currency, still another democrat at least a democrat for. forty years is award ed the highest diplomatic prize within the power of the president to bestow, ambassador to the court of St. James. And efficiency, the capacity of the new administration, assisted by men like Hoover and llughes,:to put tlie'affairs, of the country on a business like and constructive basis; remains the one consideration upon .which the Republican parly, as n party, must rise or fall. START THE BALL ROLLING. AT LAST a businesslike proposition to make Crater Lake the re sort it should be made, has been launched, and headed by Port land, every community in the state should contribute something to the cause. The Mail Tribune herewith starts the ball rolling with a contribution of i);100, available whenever it is needed. Give the deputy sheriff a motorcycle and a free hand in check ing up the speed fiends in this county. A deputy without a speed ometer, can no more enforce speed laws than a policeman without a elub can quell a riot. As yet there have been no audible democratic protests against sending Colonel Harvey out of the country, to devote his literary energies to diplomatic correspondence. Tho now secretary of agriculture knows tho niliidB or tho farmm-H, in proposing that what tho runner buys bo reduced, and what the farmer sells bo increasod. "Position Wanted Lieutenant in Franco wants general work in office" (Want Ad Portland Journal) Can handlo major tasks. THE WOE OF LETTING GO! (Eugene Register) "Dear Miss Pago I am a collcgo student ,hnvo boon keoplng com pany with a girl for several months but. did not Intend to mako hor think that on expression of ser tousnoss. 1 was only a steady ho causo I liko hor company. To my surpriso, I bcllovo she has como to think very much of mo. Whllo Hho commands my hlghost respect nail I do not want to innko her and, J am not ready to become Berious in tho matter. How should 1 ap proach hor to let her know that I cannot bocomo too devoted be cimno of sevoral yours of further college work? Indeed, what shall 1 do? Poor .ilmnile. It In now against tho law to amtiko n cignrotto In Utah, bat It is all right to hnvo 40 wives. There are going to be a ltd. of sick people in these drv United CU . . . t ... oiaies me coming year, now that a case oL old-fashioned beer is of- lieially sanctioned medicine. RipplingRhijmGs - . A 1. .i GOVERNMENT. RESULTS REMARKABLE SAYS NEW YORK MAN Prominent Rochester Citizen Tried Ten Years to Get Relief, but Tanlac Is Only Thing That Helped Him. One of thu latest iu testify JoK.iid- iiiK the powers of Tanlne, Uio cele brated medicine, which Iiuh been ac eon)!Iihin Hurh remarkable results. is James J. Ueasley, 102 l-Jlr.ulurf Avenue, Rochester, New York. . Air. lieasley 1ms been chief record keeper for the Department of Water Works, city of Itochcster lor thirty years nnd is a well known and highly respected citizen. In referring to the remark able recovery of his health by the use of Tanlac, Mr. lieasley said: "I have been trying for ten years to find relief from a case of dys pepsia. Nothing ever helped me to amount to anything until I got Tan lac. This is saying a great deal, for 1 did everything ii seems that a man could do to find relief. Of course. I was hardly ever sick enough to go to bed and was most always able to keep going, but I just never felt right. At times during those ten years, my stomach would become sour like vine gar. 1 would have an uncomfortable bloated up feeling after eating that would last for hours. I suffered a great deal from nausea. At times my heart would flutter and palpitate and I would become alarmed over my condition. My nerves were on edge all the time, and I became irritable, nervous and restless. I had no strength or energy to do anything. In fact I wasn't like myself at all. lOven a week or two ago it was an effort for me to get out of my chair and I felt as stiff and clumsy as -an 'old work horse.' "It is really remarkable what Tan- JAMHS J. ItKASLKY of HochestPi. X. V. Uc has accomplished In "my case. It has relieved me entirely of indiges tion, I never have that distressing "pel i n ir si n v m nro after on t i n it. a n d I feel perfectly fine in" every way. I will always feel . 'grateful , for . what this wonderful medicine has done for me and 1 am only too'glad to give U my heartiest endorsement.''! Tanlac is sold in Medford by West Hid Pharmacy, in Jacksonville by J. W. Robinson, in Rogue River 1y W. S. Cary, and by leading druggists in every town. . Adv. Automobile Accidents and Lawsuits You may take everv lnumn precaution against af-cidei.ls, but if Wi-bst.'r is right, Ihey often happwi at most unexpected times and places. Automobile accidents are no except"'"- , , If confronted with a claim for injuries inf licted cither- real or fancied the experience will be very unpleasant at best. Most people desire protection a'-ainst financial loss to themselves but at the same time do not want to escape an obligation to anyone who has suffered through their fault. The only solu tion for properly meeting; the responsibilities of own-in"- an automobile is known as LIABILITY INSUR ANCE. The rates have been steadily lowered as the form has become more popular and the cost is now really negligible. Get full particulars front .., cCURDY Insurance Agency Medford National Bank Bldg. Tel. one-two-three 0ARSENESS Swallow slowly small pieces rub well over the throat VA po Run Over 17 Million Jars Used Yearly 5 I (fjiirf once) TO EVERY, WOMAN .Young InilU'H or tho valloy, riitui iiliiK from u sojourn in minny Ciillfornlu linvo consult niliiKlliiK with tho Tnl niadHo KlrlB, mid Kono to meeting tho Koodlooklng film actor, Kugcno O'Jlrlcn. PRESIDENTIAL CRUELTY (Corvallls Gazette) Tho illKimtclms announce that JlanlfiiK boats his clerks down to the office mornings. Tho prospects of getting a drink without becoming a criminal are in creasing, nil opinion being rendered, that whiskey, wine, and beer can be prescribed for medicinal purposes. , Sickness will Increase, and the first doses should ho administered to those who have been drinking home brew. Testimony in the trial of Clara lla moil Smith reveals that she reall.ed "her romance, was closed," on the day that (he lion. Jake llaiuou announced that ho had did the same to his pocket-book. Oil development continues unabnted n largo amount of drilling being done In the Nash district, r TAKING ANOTHER CHANCE (Oregon City Enterprise) Announcement lias been made of the engagement of Mrs. Florence I.. Sudlow, widow of Upland-Stanford Sjidlow, to James Kink. Cltlr.ens who think the war is over, should try dumplug some tin cans in tho area of .I'vlMo recently manicured of such, by Col. Sargent. About one more Sunday of rain, and there will be a new face In Ibe local tneleoioloslcal bureau. TIIK cost of government's too frrcat, wo similiter id the fig ures spriniff, mid Junes, the voter, pays the freight mid feels, tlint he is buintf stung. Economy is thought u bore, it's not by governments desired ; it takes nine men to do a chore that one, could do, and not feel tired. This government can't buy n miilo without ten miles of scarlet tape; inspectors round tlie critter fool, and write reports upon ils shape; and vets report upon its looks, describe the places where it sweats; nnd forty clerks in forty books write down the findings of the. vets. Tin? mule would bring but little inon, if offered at a farmer's sale; but when our I'uclt! Sam gets one it costs hint, ball' ii Ion of kale. And every thing our Uncle does is done the most expensive way ; employes in his buildings buzz like flies upon a summer day. And states men windily orate, ami grafters crowd the public trough, and -Jones, he sadly pays the freight, and wonders where lm will get off. Oh, you are done, and I am Junes, and we have bunions on our backs, and we have tired and aching bones, from toiling 'neath a beastly tax. The country for retrenchment groans, some pressing evils to abate; alas, my. friends, we all are Jones, and Jones, you know, be pays the freight. NAl'I.KS. Mai. II. Father John I loch, whose passport will not ho vised by tho American consul here, intends to go to Home to ask an explanation from tho American embassy. This ac tion will bo taken through tho Czecho slovak legation at the Italian capital, it Is said. Later ho luteuihi to go to Vienna, in which city he will take the necessary steps to get permission to enter the I'nited States. Father Hoch was accused of being an associate of Count Michael Karolyl former president of tho Hungarian re public, who was expelled from Italy two weeks ago for iillcgcd communis tic agitation. ' Car, Truck and Tractor Repairing Wo slam! back of every job we do. 821 W. TKNT1I ST. l'HOXH Hfl-V BE PHOTOGRAPHED THIS YEAR ON YOUR BIRTHDAY SWEM'S STUDIO T. G. HEINE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Surgery of Eyes. Ears, Noso and Throat. All diseases of theso organs treated. Glosses fittod. 314-315 Lib erty BtdR., Cor. Main & Oraps Sts. GOOD CLOTHES , I Mako Them KLEIN 5- 128 East, Man St. CUBONA Person) Typewriter Fold It up, take It with you, type write anyw'h ere. I 160.00. Including I carrying case. virciiFORI) IUtOK BTOKB Distributor for Po. Oregon. Yl I1HII Ht The . Medford Auto Paint Shop (Registered) General Motor Car Kcflntshlng V. Central & Jnckson. Phono 79? Plumbing and Heating Quality Service Wm. Hammett 42 S.-Central Phone 669 Licensed CITY SCAVENGER All refuse immediately removed on short notice. Weekly visit tn resi dence districts. Dally business dis trict. Phono 89S. WTUTSFTCT & .1KNNTNGR. AN OLD MAN Is tho Man ten voars older than you 5 YOU CAN TELL HIM I!v His Mode of Travel KEEP YOUNG . Ily Hiding a I'.iUo or a .; Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Demonstration at Gaylord Motorcycle Shop - :- YOU CAN GET MOST ANY OLD THING AT MOST ANY OLD TIME AT DE VOE'S Overland Wrecked, 1 Hurt DIXON, 111., Mar, 11. A broken rail wrecked tho Chicago and Northwest ern Overland limited train while It was traveling fifty miles per hour near here today. A trainmnn suffered minor Injuries. Klght stocl I'ullmau cars were derailed. Slight Quake in Indiana TEUHK 11ACTK. hid., tfar. 14, An earth shock was fell In Torre Haute nnd vicinity this morning. No damage was reported here or from surrounding towns. I You Must Replace the Wear X l rn . i n 3. and Tear on the Human System Rid you ever stop to consider what a tremendous task is placed upon your human system every day? Your heart is constantly pump ing life and vitality to every part of your body. This is being- rap idly .consumed after beinp; turned into onergy and strength that keeps your System performing its various functions. Kvery day there is a certain amount of wear uml tour thai must t rcplacvd, if yea uj- to enjoy good health. Many people have found S. S. S. a great aid in keeping their system in good condition. Being such a' line blood tonic and system-builder S. S. S. strengthens and enriches the blood supply, and gives new vigor and vitality to the whole body. S. S. S. is sold liy all druggists. Write for free literature and full information to Chief Medical Ad viser. IHJ Swift Laboratory, At lanta, (la. EARL FRUIT COMPANY of the Northwest SELL Corona Dry Arsenate of Lead Rex . Lime Sulphur Oil Solutions QUALITY AND PRICE RIGHT L. M. CAMPBELL District Manager Bodies We make a specialty of all kinds of J'xidios for Trucks, Cabs and Deliver' Wagons. All Work Guaranteed Remember, we carry a big stock of Auto Spring's. Billings' Carriage & Auto Works GIM CHUNG China Eerti Store Horb cure for e:rcne. headache, cat arrh, Ulpthorta, sore throat, lung trouble, klttnpy trouble, stomach troub.o, heart iruubie, chills and lever, crinp, cougna, poor circulation, carbuncles, tumors, cracked brutisi, cures all kinds of goiter. Medfcvnl, Oregon, Jan. 13, 1917. This la to certify thAt I. the undersign ed, had very severe stomach trouble ana nad been bothered for several years and last August was not expected to live, and hearing of Oim Chung (whose Herb Store is at 214 South Kront afreet, iled ford), I decided to get herbs for my stomach trouble, and 1 started to feeling ut-iicr us suuu tta i usou mem anu louay m a well man and can heartily retoiu nient anyone afflicted as I was to se Olm Chung and try bis Herbs. (Signed) W R JuHNSON, Witnesses: 3"m. Lewis, Eagle Point. V. U Chtldreth, EaRle Point. M. . Anderson, Medford. a. E. Holmes, Ragle Point. C. K. Moore, Kagle Point J. V. Mclntyre. Haul Point. Oeo. Von der Helen, tCagle Point. luus, a, Moduli. bUffis pclnu The Geo. LTreichler Motor Co. Have some good used cars Dodge Brothers, one Hudson Speedster, two Olds, one Ford Touring, One Maxwell Delivery, one Ford Truck, one Olds Truck. For sale, all in good condition and prices are reasonable. Come in and look them over SYMPATHETIC SERVICE Rendered la a Quiet Dignified manner at THE PERL FUNERAL HOME Your loved one la taken Into tbe Home where there la always some ono with them. Our Residence Is on the Second Floor. ' Wo are Licensed Kmbalmers and are prepared to make shipment to any port ol the United Statea or Foreign Countries. We will take complete charge ot any Service and make all arrangements. Lady Assistant. Phone 47. Corner of Sixth and Oakdale. . One block west of Postoffloe. BABY CHIX HANSEN'S TIIAPNKKT SPECIALS FH direct from Hansen's fnrm anl produced by hens ivltn n 17X-i7,- ejtis a yenr rating. The Iml.ince r our stack Is of tho Hunseu mid Tuncred Strain, not directly trapiicslcd, hut with years of pood breeding behind (hem. Hanson's Trapnest tSpiMjials-- 1 day. old chix $ .30.... 3 wt't'ks old chix 05.... S weeks old pullets 1.C0.... 4 weeks old coekrels .Ii0.... 5 weeks old cockrels 1.00.;.. Hansen's Tanered Strain Bred to lay . . ... . . f .20 .50 ... (J125.00 per 100) 1.50 x (Seloetcd) .23 (Selected) .50.,.. ROGUE RIVER POULTRY FARM ('. I-'. Carpenter Phone 20 1 -W. I , THE UNIVERSAL CAR I I The Ford Sedan . I ! The Ford Sedan, with an electric starling nnd III I Slill ''n'1('n,K system is very popular among the people lllll Dill 1 of Hokuo Hiver Valley. It is a permanently en- 111 I ! closed car with plenty of shade. To women It 11 I Ml 8 brings the convenience nnd luxury of nn eleetrle. I 111 9 S 111 l"rnhilit,v, dependability and eo.i.Mny of the lllll III Come in and see this remnrkahle car ask for I llljl a demonstration. You' cannot help hut w? im- lllll 1 1 I pressed by the moderate cost, beauty nnd slvenj?th ii ' I lllll Cor. Sixth and Pncifi,; lliitfurcy lljl