PAnn SF.VF.N 15,000 PEOPLE IN JACKSON COUNTY AND SOUTHERN OREGON READ THE MAIL TRIBUNE DAILY For a 30-cent Classified Ad a car was sold last' week for:$l,800. Figure that out Tha best and cheapest advertising medium in Southern Oregon is the Classified Ad Department of; the Mail Tribune. MEDPORD MATL TRTRUNFi, nTDFOlvP, OftKOOK. SATURDAY. MAT?fTTl2. 1021 1 Lfvestooki ' PORTLAND. Ore."; Mar. 12. Cattle firm; Receipts 70.: Quotations unchang ed. ' ... !- ' " Hogs nominally -steady; no receipts. Quotations- unchanged. ' , Sheep nominally steady: no receipts. Quotations unchanged.! . , Butter PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 12. Butter unsettled.- Extra cubes 41iii42c; car tons 49c; prints 48c. Dutterfat, No. 1 'churning cream 45cJf.o.b. Portland; undergrades 43c. ' . i iN. y. Stocks1 NEW YORK. Mar. 12. Today's short but lively session ot tfit Mock Stop Paying Rent Twenty-one ; , Homes : All under $3,000.00 . .: . r;.vi ; Stop moVing :; ,"; .. '.v, '.'.:.'. , : .' : Save money Now is the time to Buy . Look this list over 1. Attractive homo of five rooms, screen itorclt, sun room, bath, cabinet pantry. All newly papered anil painted, new ligliO fixtures, J "rice $2772.00 clear.. . 2. Good five room house, close in locution, nice corner lot 83.100 feet. ' Price !OO.0O,' terms. 8. Two story six room jnodein house, corner lot, 100x100 feet, (iood locution, large, luwn und walks. Room for bungalow on tiio' udditional lot. Price $2750.00. ''4.' Five room modem bungalow, two' bedrooms. AVoodhouse, chicken house. Deep lot; Price $2100.00. ' " ' . -. . " ' I 'B; Five room bungalow with modern conveniences. Very desirable east side locution. Nice lot. Price . $2050. ' ; '';' '"' 0. Fivo room bungalow, butli, sleeping porch, wood and store house, (urdeu, elilekcn houso and ynrd. I Ait SUxSiM.J Price $2000.00. ' 7. Five room modern plastered cottiige. Built in features. Paving all pnid. Price $2750.00. 8. Two story modern house, bun galow type. Woll loculed, nice luwn. Price $2800,00, - covering street as sessments. 1). Five room cottage, all newly finished. ; Modern conveniences. Knst front, shade trees. . Close in lotntiou. Price S2S0O.0O. " , 10. "Well built five room moderni bungalow, liardwood floors, fireplace, iibiiHe wired " for electric cooking. Jiifgo garden, nice shade trees. Fast Melioration.' , Price $250.00. :(. ' It.. ' Five room modern cottage,. with ' modern conveniences. ' Lot .-(xl0t. Price $2,000.00. - V " ; ' " : ';. IS!.'; Five room modern cottage. eas front. Good location. ' Vrice ,$2000.00 clear. ., '-''l'l. Six room modern bungalow, '.liardwood floors, nice bntli. Garage, wootlliouse, garden, fruit, 'lawn und . fttm'crsV' Close In Ipcntioiu Price $100.00. . . .. .-.. .:.'...;: .'.,,.,,- " 14. ' Fivo room cottage, bath, sleep lug porch, n'ewly . finished .' inside. Voodhouse, garage, with' two room apartment above. Price $2500.00. 15.. Do oust side, fivo room mod ern bungalow, fine shade, berries and Other fruit. Trice $2500.00. ' ' ' 10. Five room modern cottage, iiood lot..'. Paving ail paid. '. Price $2500.00. !: 17. - Five room cottugo With mod ern conveniences. Price $2100.00 ch nr. ""','' :. , ' " '' 18. Five room cottage' with mod ern - conveniences.' Lot 100x100. ,'Piice $2500, clear. 'ID.- Five room modern bungalow, cast front. This Is a neat, cozy home, and the price Is right. $2500.00. I 20. Modern bungalow of five room.', Mleepliigj porch, large butii. All rooms newly finished. This house is in fine condition. , Fast front, nice ! lawn. Price $2850.00.. . ;,; '21. Xeat five room bungalow, plastered. Modern conveniences, tinod location. Price $2(150.00. Good terms. . ' :.f , , Plione or call, and make appoint ment Tor showing. Four cars at your service".' ''"' ' " ' '"' ' 1 Page-Dressier Co. Phone 282 ' ' "' Nash Block .For Any Kind, of Seal Estate ' -v .-.The Best Fire Insurance - exchange began 'with a-resumption of heavy .selling tor both .accounts. Shorts continued' to press the oils, steels and equipments. The market Irallii'a briskly in the last hour o( the ! trading period on buying of Pacific : mils, popular shippings and tobaccos. 'Losas were largely recovered, with ;hero' and there some substantial : gains. The closing was firm; Sales i approximated ",50.11(1(1 ahaies.' j Allis-t-'lialniers ; American ,l!eet Sugar . . .' American Can . . . .' Americ an Car & Foundry i J American Hide & Leather pfd. j American international Corp. Amurican Locomotive American Smelting & Ref'g. . . American Sugar' I American Sumatra Tobacco ... American T. & T 'American Woolen .. ; Anaconda Copper iAtchisoa Atl.. Oulf & W. Indies 24. 7 4(l.B 2C.8 122. 43.2 41.5 82.8 37. !I0." SO. 102.. U4. .15.S T'J.5 4(1.0 84.2 31.5 55.2 :i(i.7 71.5 r.ii.r 24.2 20. 2U.7 70.' SCO 21.8 1 l.P, 12-t.r. 71.2 :D. ' 30. (i 48. 07.8 4.8 145.3 10.5 1 I.S 30.5 llj.7 (i,7. 17. A4.5 iialdwin Loconnaive ... ... lialtimore & Ohio liethlfhem Steel "IJ" ..... Canadian Pacific . .'; Central l.ealher Chandler Motors . . . Chesapeake & Ohio ........... Chicago, .Mil. and St. 'Paul . Chino Copper i . . . . . -- Colorado Fuel & lion (bid) .. Corn Products ............. 4 Crucible 'Slept Cuba Cane Sugar Erie General 'Electric General Motors Goodrich Co. . . . . Great Northern pfd Great Northern Oro Ctfs.". ... Illinois Central Inspiration Copper int.i 'Mer. llnrino pfd International Pler Konnecolt. Copper . .;. , Louisville & Nashville Maxwell Motors (l)icl) ........ Mexican Petroleum '. . . .'. .'...'. Miami Copper (bid Middle States Oil Mldvale Steel Missouri Pacific. New ork Central . N. Y., N. H. and Hartford . Norfolk & Western .......... Northern Pacific 7-.I-S Oklahoma Prod. & Ref. 3 Pan American Petroleum 08.5 Pennsylvania . . . ." People's Gas . . ' Pittsburg and West Va. . . . Ray Consolidated Copper . 30. 38.5 25.5 ll. 68.3 03. (18. 41.2 21.2 72. i!).0 10G.C 5(1. 7. sl. JO. 7.5 ilb 20. 5.1.2 , 05.7 - 0(!'r3 78.3 4,7.3, 45.5' 7:2 ; 10.7 30. S3 31. 11.5 51. Reading 'V1 Itep. Iron & Steel A Royal Dutch, N. Y Shell Trans. & Trad Sinclair Con. Oil Southern Pacific Southern Railway Standard Oil of N. J. pfd. .. Studebaker Corporation .... Tennessee Copper - Texas Co. ' Texas & Pacific '.'" Tobacco -Products Transcontinental Oil ....... Union Pacific . .-. U. S. Food Products U. S. etall Stores U. S. Ind. Alcohol ......... United States ubber . , United States Steel . Utah Copper Westinghouse Electric Willv's Overland American Kinc, Lead and Sm. Butte and Superior Cala. Petroleum . ; Montnna Power (bid) Shattuck Arizona ..... Pure Oil Invincible Oil General Asphalt Bungalow Bargain Beyond Dispute The best buy ever of- : fered in Medford Two-story, strictly modern and up-to-date. . Large living and din ing room. Veneer panel, beam, ceiling,,- fine ; den, i two . large porches, many built in features. Beautiful fire place,' cabinet kit- chen, set laundry tubs; i one sleep ing room, first floor, three sleep ing rooms and bath , '2nd floor, fine garage, wood house, ' store room, paving and all ; assessments paid. ; - - ; Owner writes us 'To Sell It" That's the-Reason It's Only $5500.00 . Immediate Possession Page-Dressier Co. Kas'h: Block '" ' 'v ' Phone 282 " Any Kind of Real Estate : " The Best Fire Insurance ' " ' ' alfAlfa and pears. ' ' '. - ...',. '" '.' ' " . IB acres parfy irt full bcarinft pcnrH nnd purtly In n fine sland of' alfalfa, nil finest soi); good house with modern conveniences, barn, etc., close in to JletTrrd, and with crop prospecM which are Kern-nil tlmiugjiout the cn'ii : ltogue River alley, this season's crop ought to pay very closo to C'c price at which (his place can lie bought for u short lime.; Price is fr,000.00. 11KOW.V & WHITE HOLLAND HOTEL CORNER . 11 KLP WA.VIKI) FJS JLV1 .K WANTED Lady to help in - tailor shop. Experienced help preferred. Klein, the Tailor, 128 12. Main. 02 WANTED Girls for confectionery work, experience preferred but not necessary. Crowson's. tf ' HELP WATTKD Male and FemAle WANTED Man and wife for rnnch work. Must he experienced. Phono 53 l-J-2, between 12 and 1 o'clock or address liox K8, Mull Tribune. tf WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By experienced tractor man, position at once. lto C. C. Wail Tribune. 'Mi WANTED Plowing to do. Phono 452-L. 303 Notice to Creditors In the County Court ot. the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of John W. Davidson, Deceased. ' Notice i& hereby given by the under signed, executor of the last will und testament of John W. Davidson, do ceased, to all persons having claims against said estate or said decedent, to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned at his residence Northeast of Central Point, Jackson Couniy, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of Jhis notice. Dated, and first published March JB, 1921, v...,!,-..;..,..;.., d. 'it mccay... Executor of last 'will and tesln- IJ t.i.,iW-(Jtf''' l.l.W-IK,'.,V ' 1 ' doeeas'ed. "'vil l 'lEbl.lAH. H. 'llli.RD;.(,.' ; , Attorney, ,411-12 ?(. F, & fi. 'Hifftiling, Medford, Oregon. ' ",, .'.' , , Noticeifor Publication . . Depnrttnent' orthe' interior, United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, February 24, 1921. Notice is hereby given that Ray Davis, of Eagle Point, Oregon, on Feb ruary 23, 1921, made Additional Hom Etead Entry, Serial No. 013(197, under the Act of April 2S, 1904 nnd Act or June 9, 1910, for the NW4 of SEVt of Sec. 33, Tp. 34 S., R. 1 E., W. M., as Additional to Homestead Entry, Serial No. 09083, patented, for the SW)4 or SEYt of Sec. 33, Tp. 34 S., R. 1 E., W. SI., and that upon comple tion of publication ot this notice and payment cf commissions and purchase price of the land, final certificate and patent will issue for the land embraced in the additional entry. The purpose of this notice is to allow all persons claiming the land adverse ly, or desiring to show it to be mineral In character, an opportunity to file ob jection to the application with the Register nnd Receiver of the United States Land Office at Roseburg, Ore gon, and to establish their interest therein or the mineral character there of. ' W, II. CANON, . : . Register.! EAST SIDE HOME Five rooms, bath store room and woodhouse, large chicken .house and yards. Large quantity of ber ries, cherry trees, shade trees. Water piped over the land for ir rigation. , . A REAL CITY FARM Size of Lot ' 118 ft. by 258 ft. , -Owner leaving city. Price for quick action $3700 Terms!' Page-Dressier Co. Photie2S2Vv TSif Medford For Any Kind of Real Eital The Best Fire Insura: npo-' j SAFEI in business demands account ing methods which enable. you, at all times to know, tho true situation concerning your busi ness progress. SYSTEM Is our businpss. Bookkeeping, income tax and other business difficulties satis-" factorlly adjusted. Consult us. Aud:tiri Account! rvj kYSTENERVICD I rs u rarsce gp I rvvestmervts M. P. SClIMITT,.MBr. ' ..' Phone SKI -i - IJberty Bldg. Cole-8 for Sale '-Passenger; Finish. Equipment nnd Mofivi. Power like new. 'hone (f01-V, or cull lllO . Onkdiilc .... M.ll..,l mi?. iHpuiuiu, . HELP WANTED .MTVLE WANTED Men with tractor for disc-, Ing. Phone 6S5-J-; WANTED Roys with bicycles to learn carrier routes. Mail Tribune. " WANTED Good air around orchard man, tractor experience. Apply Mail Triune, Dox W. 11. tf W A X TIC I ) M IS( ' i : I . L A N i : )l'S WANTED To buy from owner, 3 or 4 riiom house, with bath. State price. Box K, Mail Tribune. 301 WANTED Partner for restaurant do ing a big business, or will sell. Call 10S Hush, Ashland, Oro. 303 WANTED To knit sweaters and cro chet yokes. Answer Box 93, Mun Tribune. , 30: ii WANTED To rent (i or 7 room housu; wlll take a year's lease. Phone 882-': , 31CJ WANTED A second hand Fordson in good condition. Wrlie or call Thos. Mee, Applegato, "Oro. '305 WANTED Plowing for Fordson trac tor. II. W. Nowsliom, 23 Cuter Lake Ave. ' j , "' 304 WANT to rent on April first 4 or 5 room house. Might buy. Stale ren tal, price, location and givo full par ticulars. S. C. II., Mail Tribune. 303 WANTED To buy stock hogs. , 895..- i Phone 301 WANTED House moving and ro-r ' 'pairing. Phone 4SS-M or 4S8-X. tf WANTED Several men and boys to know that you can liny any hike, for S2.00 per week. Liberty Shop, S. Grape. ! . ' tf WANTED Shoe repairing while you wait nt the "Model Bopt Shop." 21 S. Central " Avp. Quick Bervlce, quality work. K. N. lildeu, prop. FOR RENT norrSKKKEPDia ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, close in, to adults. 325 S. Riverside. Phono 701-.!. . .302 FOR RENT Furnished and nnfurnish-1 ed house!.eeping rooms and bodi rooms. 6 W. Jackson. 303 1 r OK KENT Two Ilgnt liouseltecpinnr rooms, adults. 221 N. Holly. . 301 FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Six room cottage, close In on paved street. , Phone 93S-M. " i ' 301 'Oil HUNT I'UIUNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Large ( und conit'ortnulo furnished Bleeping rooms, 32G S. Rlverslcif?. Plonei70LJ. 301 FOR RENT Rooms.'"-' '"Hot' and cold water. Imperial, 30 N. Front. 303 FOR RENT Sleeiilng room, 315 S. Riverside.., .. -. '','.'. ,'. - .- 302 FOR RENT Furnished rooms, $2.00 per week. Phone 936-R. 445 S. Front .". "', '303 FOR RENT Sleeping t rooms, - hot and cold water, bath any time;' U3e of wash tub and iron.'. ' Largo gar age; one block from library. No. 604 W. Tenth.' . V - FOR KENT TAJIM3 FOR RENT 140 acres diversified ranch on highway, 10 ncres orchard, 25 ares-under cultivation, good gras3, timber, fenced, $2.00 per acre rent. Box 05, Moll Tribune, ii05 FOR RENT OR SALE On easy terms, two stock ranches, one ot 120 and the other 605. Box 250 Eagle Point. . '.... , . 305 FOR RENT 15 acres , in alfalfa, two acres in apples and "pears, 11 acros for grain or corn. ' Two mllrs north of Medford. Box 66, Mail Tribune. ' ' . . - 301 FOR BALK LIVESTOCK i FOR : SALE Ten good tnllk cowb. .. Phone O-F-4 or Box 07, Eagle'. Point. Oregon. ' '.'. .; 307 FOR SALE Six heavy work horses . suitable for logging and runch work. L, Louden, Jacksonville. 302 FOR SALE Six fine young DuroC Jer sey sows breeding age. Also good well rotted horse manure, no straw. Tent, North Central, opposite box factory. ' 302 FOR SALE Al young ranch team, good sized. 1103 Nluntic St. 301 FOR SALE One good unblemished . work or driving horse. -. Color solid black, weight 1300 lbs. Phono 59. Earl Tumy, 125 S. Front St. tf FOR SALE Two fine colts nnd two horses. ' Dr. Helms Barn.- , tf FOR SALE Ten beautiful fresh milch . cows, also good work horse, Wulsh's " place. one mile northeast of Medford on Crater Lake Road. . 303 FOR SALK Mount-Crest Ranch of fen for sale .four. Shorthorn' bulls, .ready , for, service,' your 'choice for :- S3oO. Two younger at Jzuu. mostly ; fed. ' Apply James Sfewavt, Mount- crest Ranch. Hilt, Calif. tr ; : , WHY? ' A BARGAIN' IN LAND $30,000 RANCH FOR $7,500 Former owner, spent purchasing nnd developing Oils ranch $.10,0(10, We now offer it. for S7.)0(, 1240 ncres, near paved highway. On good road, 'fine stream ulong place, near good range. Can bo Irrigated with little expense, 80 acrt-s In cultivation, 10 acres 10 year old pears balance "alfalfa nnd grain land." Beautiful ground!) for btil.dlng, Ideal place for home, $2000 rash. Ilalunrfl terms. ' I believe this Ui bo the best biiy In land 1 have offered In 10 years I have been In business ROGUE KIVEE LAND N'aih Ilotol Corner. FOR RENT MISCF.LIuVXKOl'S FOR LEAtili In b(it business section in Ashland. 319 K. Main St., sixteen rooms known as the Manx hotel. The furniture for sale reasonable, to re liable party. Must give reference. Call or address S. 11. Stoncr, 319 E. Main St., Ashland, Orcg. Reason for selling poor health, must go to sea level. 302 FOR EXC11ASGB V'OR THADIC 320 acres near mouth of big Butte creek, for Medford pro perty. Medford Land & Insurance Agency. tf FOR TRADE Seven passenger Cadil . lac for light car. Court Hall. tf FOR -TRADE Two lots on Portland Ave. for light car. Kate Young, tf Kilt SALK POl'I.TRY AX1) FOGS V'OR SALE Buff Rocks eggs for hatching, $1.75 a setting. Call 219 S. l olly. Phono S1G-J. 303 FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs from hiiKt ot layers, $1.00 a selling. Ex cellent Oregon rooster, $3.00. J. E. Cribble, Kenwood Ave. and W. Palm near W. end of Fourth SI. 305 FOR SALE Egg Producer $3.40 cwt. .Mill run $.1U5 sack 80 lbs. Hulled barley $l.(i0 sack. Scratch Food $3.00 cwt.. We deliver. Call 200 or 029 Monarch Seed Co. tf WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHIN ' Bred to produce' commercially profit ahl hens. April ilellvery,' $13 'per hundred.- May and .lime tleih'diy '-.,$ia.60 per. hundred..: Full t'Oimt'gutU'- .iiinteed. .,, Sales;,,) lijkli'luJi'yr'Putaliumi. " Calif,, , ... ., (.i :...t,.-.wi8 FOR SALE Ilai're(i:R(icli"eggs,: O. iA C. strain, 75c a setting. Phone 91 9-W. ' . MOllcl. ' -in. 302 FOR SALK 210 White Leghorn aiid Barred Rock pullets, trap-nested, laying SO per cent. Chicken house and fixtures. 2111 S. Riverside. Phone 9G5-M. 301 FOR SALE Barred Uocx eggs, O. A. C. lies; laying strain. Phono 0S5-R-3. e '- 320 FOR SALE Rhode lsiand Red eggs, $1.00,per setting, t. I. cockerels, $2.li0 each. Choice tv-nlo cauarios 1 00 Phonn S47.Y FOR SALE White Leghorn chicks $15 to $18. Esgs $5.00 per hundred. R. I. Red eggs, chicks and cockerels. Dressier Sqftare Deal Hatchery. Phono 951-L. ..315 FOR SALE Hatching eggs from my bred to lay White Leghorns. W. J. Warner. At FOR SALE S. C. While Leghorn eggs from first-class stock, $1.50 for set ting of 15. Got them at Mail Tribune office. . . . tf FQR SALE O. A. C. strain Barred Rock eggs for hatching. Phono 6-F-i!. T. E. Pottenger. . r' - FOR SALE- REAL EST AT B FOR SALE Cottage ' $1000. 1107 Nlautlc, FOR SALE Twenty-two notes fine FOR SALK Slightly used alfalfa cul soil one mile from Medford, eight.! . tivator. Hubbard Bros. ;. tf "acres full bearing orchard, balance full suitnble for alfalfa.' Five room mod ern bungalow, good barn and out buildings. Total price $7000, only $2500 ' cash required.; Earl Tumy, 125 3. Front St. tf" FOR SALE Buy from owner and snVe commission if purchased at once, . one of -the best buys In a 6 room fur nished bungalow In Medford, close In, on paved street, all assessments paid, fruit, 'flowers; etc., till ready to move into. Address R. L., Mail Tri bune. ' '' ' - '-' . 301 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 81) ncrea some improvements, good"hulldlngs. - $20 nn acre. Address YM Almond St. FOli SALE Cheap;- nlco. bungalow, 5 rooms und bathscroeneirin slticpliVg ,. porch, 'large' Bdrifo'itqi) hftck .porch, . , built-in . features, on- puveinent;- dai mont walks, good garden" spol. fmiit ' and hurries. ' ,SBe'litt.C'lii ,Buiil,ty St, i-;, .i ' i: 't : ii .it"., '.i , ' '-' ' 303 FOR SALE Ranch close in to Ash ' land, $150 an acre with Improve ments. Box 7, Mail Tribune. 302 FOR SALE 6-rooin piustored hquse, modern; largo lot; close In on Ouli dale. Price $3240, clear. Bennett Investment Co. tf FOR SALk-Good ranches. See. us befors buying. J. B. Androws, 31 N. Uuapo St. Phone 53-M tf FOR SALE 160 acres timber In Elk Creek district, or will trade for im proved valley proporty. Phono 304-J . - . .. .-. . 304 FOR SALK Leash and exchange real estate. Gold Ray Realty Company. FOR SALE Houses nnd bungalows, .furnished .or unfurnished; also acreage. C. S. Buttei field, phone 210; MONEY TO LOAV TO LOAN J. B. Androws loans money , on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phono 53-M. 31 North Grnpe streot. CO. J. C. BARNES Plione 7H l-.l APTOMORILES FOR SALE liest value used ear, new ly painted, new top, Continental mo tor in fine mechanical condition. Hud this car conditioned for my own use but will be away for the summer. Call Mrs. C. M. Speck, Hotel Med ford. 301 FOR SALE One 1920 Oakland six touring car, looks liko new. extra ouulpment, bumper, motometer, new spare tire, clock, etc. Owner must sell at sacrifice at onco. Piico $1100. Tinny Motor Co., 12i S. Front SI. It FOR SALE Ford touring car. Perfect condition. Phono 411, call for Collier. tl FOR SALE Ford touring car $275 Ford truck with covered body, cab anil windshield, practically new. $700. Ration & Robinson, Inc., 112 S. Riverside. FOR SALE Tho owner says wo must sell 1920 Dort. $119 worth of extras. Cord tires. $1000. Come soon. It won't last long. Clark ft Childers. tf FOR S A LF M ISCK I.I.A X EO I S FOR SAI.E conditiou. Two scaled Intel; in good Phone 201-W. 300 FOR SALK First cutting alfalfa. $18, one mile tint on King's Highway. Phono 20-J-l. 30f. FOR SALE 200 locust posls, 7 and 9 feet; 45 tiers ot hardwood. Phono 355, Jacksonville. 303 FOR SALK Common alfalfa seed . tests , 91 , porcent, gennluaiion 9.9.9 ' ' .percent pure, no dodder, $23 cwL Grimm, 57o pound. Monarch Seed Co. ' tf FOR SALK Piano, selected by Herb . Lauuspach lor Us fine tone, or will trade for u light car. Court Hull, tf FOR SALK 22 Ions of choice haled alfalfa, $20. Carl Esch, 2V4 miles S. W. ot Eagle Point, . 30: FOR SALE Practically new Bruns wick phonograph and records at a reduction. 41 S. Holly. 302 1 l?mf QAT.F Gtiiftrnuii iftnlnp lmhv cab. Phone BOI-X. after 5 o'clock. 301 FOR SALE 900 pound' horse; will work anywhere, $20. Also 8 Buff Leghorn yearling hens. 13. Hoaly, 'one mile east off Crutcr Lake road on Spring street. 301 FOR SALE Franz-Promier vacuum cleaner, $20. Phono 174-J-2. 301 FOR SALIC Furniture for four room cottage consisting ,of bods, stoves, tables, chairs, etc. 121 Cottage St. Hi. , 302 FOR SALE Whito. sewing machine. :.W. J. Warner. .:.. FOR SALE Two section steel har row;' also flprlngtooth, at ' Billing's Shop. ' ' : 301 FOR SALE One ivory dresser, stand and Iron bed springs and good heutor for sale. Call 833-X. ... , 300 FOR SALE Threo-?hch Mitchell wag on, good condition, Phone 25-R-2. .-.' ' '. J. ' ,., . 303 FOR SALE Home grown nlfalfa seed 20c per lb. Corvallls test 99.76. J. M. Hurley, R. R. No. 2,. Medford. Phone 21-F-15 JncKsonvllle. 302 FOR SALE OR TRADE One-ton Fed eral truck, new wood rack and 1921 license. Will take used car in trade, condition no object. 5G5 B St., Ash laud, Ore. , . . . , 302 FOR SALE Second-hand Vaughn drag , saw. Hubbard Bros. ' tf FOR SALE Canury . birds. . 612 S. Park. . . ' FOR SALE One 6-horso Almo sta tionary engine, like new, $225. One 5-foot orchard disk, used one ' season, $50. One 8-foot orchard disk, used one season, $76. One 10- : Inch gang plow, just like new, $75. P. E. Gates Auto Co. ' 'tf FOR SALE Sand, gravol, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming work dono. Phono 812-J, Snmubl Bate- man, 302 Muplo St. FOR SALE Manure. Hoover Dairy. Phono 452-Y.. tt FOR SALE Ono new Sumpson trac tor nt a vory low prlco; will take good- team In on payment, balance cash and terms. Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co.- Medford, Oro. - - tf FOR SALE Hay at Three Oaks. W. J. Hurtzell. , tf FOR SALE 200 pa:; new shoes nt cost. Second-hand shoes and shoe repairing nt tha Medford Shoe Hos pital. 119 E. Sixth St.. Medford. .' . MISCELLANEOUS WELL DRILLING Peoplo should drink puro water; my wollR stand the stale hoard of health test. J. M. Dodgo, 715 Cedar St. Phone 820-H. .305 1JUSINHS.H DUtECTORY -. Chiropractic Physician JOUKTT.. P. ..BRAY Straight Chiro practic, rooms 409-10 M. F. & H building. 9 to 12 a. in., 2 to 6 p. m., dully except Thursduy. Phone 5S0. Painting and Paperhanglng LEWIS & CASEY Painting, Paper- hanging, tinting. - Estimates furnish ed free. Phono 189. 20 S. Grape St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 42 North Front 8t .Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar an teed. - DAVIS TRANSFErt Anything moveo day or night Service guaranteed ' Fair treatment. 104 S. Fir. Phone: OL'ice 611 or res. 617-U 806. tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors. MURRAY BROS. & VAN VOR18 Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 6, No. 22 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated 1904. Ab stracts of Title, Title Insurance: Architect (!. E. TEETS Licensed architect. Sls8on, California. 323 Auto Supplies LAHER ATJTO SPRING CO. We are operating the largest, oldest and best-equipped plant In the Paclflo northwest. Use our springs when others fail. Sold under written guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St, Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law. rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. RE AMES Lawyer, Corey Building. Qarnett- O. C. HOGGS Real estate law and) settlement of estates a specialty. - B. F. LINDAS Attorney General Practice. Patents , u specialty. , Stewart Bldg. , - ; " IVINFIELD R. OA YLORD Lawyer. Room 7 Palm block, 107 East Main St., Medford. . .. Q." A. CODDING Lawyer, Medford National Bank lildg. Building Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK A BLOCK WORKS specialize in all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. Chiropractor. DR. A. BURKLUND Chiropractor. ' Spinal Adjustments. 204-205 Sparta Bldg., cor. Main and Riverside, Office phone 285. Dentist DR. V. R. KAUFMAN, Dentist Office in Sparta Building. Office hours to 12 a. m 1 to 5 p. m. Phone 285. Electric Service BATTERY & ELECTRIC CO. Factor? distributors for Exlde Butteries ana Fairbanks-Morse light plants. Not Bldg. Phone 116. 814 Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. B. M. Mflh son, C. P: A. Attention given t anything in Accounting and Income Tax requirements; Look into oul simplified accounting method. Uti erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R, 1 : -Fidelity and 8urety Bonds -1 FIDELITY AND- SURETY- BONDS- Wo execute all forma of . bond McCurdy Insurance Agency. " ' tfj ' Instruction In Music, ; ;-, ';.-;; FRID ALTONHAieHT Teacher e4 piano and harmony.- Halght Musis, studio, 818 Garnott-Corey BUlldlns Phone 72. , , - '...: . ' ' - j . -' !' Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. BURSELL Spinologist, Phy sician ana surgeon, spinal aajust. stents, general treatments and diag nosis. 309-10-11 M. F. & H. Bldg. Elovator to third floor., Phone 29. DR. -1. 3. EMMBNS Physician antt . surgeon. . Practice limited to eye, . ear, nose and throat. Eyes sclentlf , ically tested and. glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurist for S. P. R. R-Co, . M. F. & 11, Co. Bldg. Pnono l67.: V; DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA. MAINS . CARLOWOsteopa.thio Phytoians. 410-417 Garhett-Corey Bldg. Phone 9Q4 L. Residence 20 ,S. Laurel' St . DR. . W. W. ..HOWARD Osteopathia Physician. Special attention given '' to eye, enr, nose and throat " 301 Liberty building, Phone 493.. . DR. HARVKY P. COLEMAN-rChlrb. practic and Natural Painless Meth ods. Room 428 M. F. & H. Bldg. Phone 906. . i .': ,.' JAMES C. HAYES Physician - and Surgeon; office hours 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Sparta building; residence 1405 W. Main. Phones: Office 663, res. 492. "'SpeclaRjr," Medical and Surgical Diagnosis. - tl Dr. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices M. F. & H. Bldg.- r Phone 166. Residence 118 Genesee) St. Phone 105J-2. . i-i '.' Printers and Publishers j MEDFORD PRINTING CO.. has tha best equipped printing office In Southern Orerjon. Book , binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 N: Fir St Publlo Accountants ALAN .. BRACKINREEDi Room . F. E. HAYES, Room 10 Jackson County Bank .Bldg. Accounts, fed" ernl tax returns, business counsel. Rug Weaving. MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone E10-M. 706 Pine St - ; . ; ;i . Tent and Awning Works MEDFORD TENT' AND AWNINO . .WORKS 128 N. Grape St Phone . 413-Y. B. Burger, Prop. ' ;