PAflR SEVEN1 15,000 PEOPLE IN JACKSON COUNTY ANB SOUTHERN OREGON READ THE MAIL TRIBUNE DAILY 'Tot a,30-cent' Classified Ad a car was sold last week for $1,800. Figure that out The best and cheapest advertising medium in Southern Oregon is the Classified Ad Department of the Mail Tribune. MEDFORD MAIL T1UBUNE, MEDPOUB; - M KOftfr T11U RSI") At; MAHCtt 10, !!)21 1 it EPISCOPAL RECTOR ADMITS FAULTIN .LOS' ANGELES J'aJ.j 10. TKeRev: Raker P, iieo threatened with a church trial for having performed a marriage ceremony for Alfred L Dupont, powder manufacturer Qf Wilmington,, Del., and Mias Jessie D. Ball- of Los Angeles, several weelts ago, has "recognized the fact" 'hat he failed "through a mis understanding" to comply with ccclesi astkaU awe, according to a lotter made pulftlc today by Frederick C. Valentine, chancellor, of the Episcopal diocese of Los! Angeles. . , 'x ... ' : The church law violated forbids an Ep'jscopal clergyman from performing a, marriage ceremony for a divorced person.' Mr. Dupont had been divorced. Officials of the Los Angeles Eplsco pal.'dlocese plan no further action to ward Dr. Lee, It is said. '; " '- i, , - v y, ." i.- i! Livestock .... , . . PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 10. Cattle nominally steady: . receipts 15, Quo tations unchanged. . ... - ' Hogs steady; receipts 171: Quota tions unchanged. , ' Sheep steady;: receipts is.' Quota tions unchanged.. ; ' 'J ' . ..Butter" PORTLAND' Ore,.;. Mar. 10 Butter steady. Extra cubes 41 42c carton; 4 0c .-iiriiits 4 Sc.' teuttorfitt',' - No." 1 chuvping cream, 45c f. o. b.', Portland; undcrgrddes -43c, '; l;'-:;-. ' ' "",' ' ' V'. .. Eggs.... .:. ,.,.;' PpRTLAND,. .Ore.,--. .March 4.--Eggs firm, lo higher, . Buying price 2829c; '.receipts ilolvered.r..6elllns prtckj, candled , 31,S3c; selects, ' 3 3 .36jj;; Other: qjiotatibnB unchanged.; ' jf ; V " " . ;'.'.' ; -J .;'.'-. . ' ' ': Grain ."'-.'i'--''--1''- --. . . Barley, $3.1033; oats, . $34035: corpvo. 3, yollpw, $3132. .. Mlllrnn. 31 32; scratch feed $50! ; .. ' . -I Hay ,.-.'.'..-:. L ' HayrrBuylng price,; timothy, . $2,7 2I;1 alfalfa; $18 lOjiO; grain, mixed, Wmtf cloven $l6lt; .cheat; $21ig 22; straw, $15 ton"; : N. J. Stocks 'r, NEW jYORK.v March 10. Rails were the; outstanding features of to daly's broader and more reactionary y stock market. . Standard and specu lative issues lost one to three points on unusually heavy offerings. Sales IRigyPONI Market Newj -A rtrrt nnn ' jVllis-Chalmers ; 34.8 American, Beet Sugar ,...!. 42.5 American Can ..a-.-t- ,, . 27.5 Amorlcari Car & F6uiidry......122.7 Am6rlcan Hide & Leather pfd.... 43.2 American. International Corp.... 4 2 American Locomtlvo 85.2 American Smelting & Refg 37 American Sugar 90 American Sumatra. 'Tobacco ;.!.:' 83 r aBMVvWltocomjUlxi ,.:;'.i.-SwiUw,rS3-.& :&iu(tia'oW)iKi iiZ:'.t::::a s$.jr Cthlfi'';rri:.-i.v-B'-i. CauadUn' fiitAfoiUiX&JZi.JStfl i ;. ;coiitrai U!lieV:.L::u.:;1;.:...i';37 : OfianUltirs 'sM6tprl','?4.'.):...;.v'...';.;.'t 5, ' ChesaDdake &. Ohio J..:;..;.- BY. 7 'Chicago, .Mll.;.& ;St. Patil..'..;;:.,;' 2 8.3 ; i. .&. P.; ' ' Chjiid . popper ' i..:..V,.i'.:f,...;.i';.'. ' !C01oraio Tuet & Iron .Coiii Products i..L..i.::.,...... IV .Crucible fytkl ,.b.''...".'.:. ..:.,!..;,;:... . .Cuba'.Cane Su'gar'f .:.'.'..'..:.....U.i.. 'riric-v...A.:'.v.:.;r..:..;.:-..........:;v:.. fteneral Electric ' .....;..'...'..;..'....'... ' General. Motors Goodrich Cp.'..:.:...;...'..;..;..:....i., Groat 'Northern pfd .;....'.'......... .'Qsoit- NortBrn Ctfs., ....'..'.!... (Ifinoi's Central .:r1.::;.:;;....:....... inspiration Copper .. Jnt. Mer., Marine, pfd ;.. rnternatlonai.'Pa'per '...V...:,.y.:... Kehne'cott, iCoppbr.;'....'............ Louisville & Nashy'llle .!.....'... Maxwell Motors ..;......:;........;'. : 2 i.S'4.3 . 69 . .'90.5 . 22R ii :b .128.7 . 12.7 . 3G j . 70.5 . 30.5 .,S8 . 31 . 48.5 . 53 ,. '16.0.! ... 9;2 Mexican ePtroleum ......,.i.:.....154.8 Mfaml Copper 16.5 Middle States Ooll 12.5 Mldvale Steel 29.7 Missouri Pacific 17.2 New Vork Central GS KPY., N. H. and Hartford......'.... 16.5 Norfolk & Western 95.7 Northern Pacific 76.7 Oklahoma Prod. & Ref 3.7 Pan American Petroleum ...;.... 72.2 Pennsylvania 36 People's Gas 38 Pittsburg & West Va 26 Ray Consolidated Copper li? hpArlinr 70.5; American t. .T,',f ;i.,;.r...;..;;,r.,;..4ol.8 American Vo6feS l,.jf4:::...V:;,'.62.7 Anaconda ppsjw&lfcfiji'SjIr. Ii tlep. Iron & Steel 64 j Royal Dutch, N. Y 63 j Shell Trans, ft Trad : 4U.Z Sinclair Con. Oil -21.1 j' Southern Railway .................... 20 r ...107' ... GO' ..; 7.6 ... 40.8 20.5 . 51.3 7.0 ...117 I 2 ... 51.3 ... 67 ..'. 6C".S .'79.3 ::. 4 8 ... 46 7.2 ...11 ;.. 38.2 ...' 52.7 ... 6 ... 31.7 ...17.7 ...53.7 Standard Oil of N.-J.Vprd.:..".. fltndebakcr Corporation Tennessee Copper, Texas Co. Texas '& Pacific .;....:.'..;......: Tobacco Products .....'. Transcontinental 0:1 Union, Pacific .. ..J.. tl S. Pood Products W. S. Retail Stores .. .: IT. S. 1ml. Alcptol United' States 'flu boor .'..,.!..... United States Steel : ITtah- Copper J..j.. WoBtingljot'ise Electric ........:; WJDy's Overland -.'........v....;. American Zinc, Leaf! and'Spi. Butte and Superior Cala. Petroleum' Montana Power .;. Shattuck Arizona ......;....'. Pure Oil ....... .V Invincible .Oil Gcueinl Asphalt , Liberty Bonds. NEW YORK, March 10. Liberty bonds closed: 3Wb 00.12; First 4's, 86.60 bid; second 4's 86.42. First 4 Vs .86:98;. second 4's 8G. 56 ;" third 4K'a. 90.32; fourth 4's, 86.70.- Victory 3's 97.40; Victory 4 'b, 97.40, ;,, "' NEW YORK, March lO.rySmall sales of electrolytic copper were re-: ported at 12 cents delivered in the market here today, .the lowest price touched since February, 1914,, when It sold at about $ll;., The larger producing inrests woe 'bUII virtu ally out of the riiavket(- (Furnished br tne Jackson County .. Abstract Co.) ' :".' ;,! .. Marriage, Lloertse , : t - Roy S. Roland and; Re (Jia Cotton. ,i ft, l-iiiCircuit Court V- Agne-L IfprrelK.vs.. C, E. .. Ten-ill (sheriff)S,Reply , to : second ' amended aliswer. Onflgment and- cost bill. ,. . .:;MiirgaVe. J-.:Fiy vs. ipaul Fairclo. Proof of mailing. . , . . iMary E. Holt -vs. W. J. Moore (ex.) Petition to -set, apart homestpad. -iyestorn Finance Corp. ys. Norman MerrolL- Motion, ;denwrreiv and order,' iCity ot Medford vs. John V. !clntire Execulioni, v-t:' -in . .,', Clty of Medford vs.' Harrison Wllsoij ct aL; Execution. - , . City of Medford- vs. Jamcs' Ingram et al. Exechtlon. City of Medford vs. Anna M. Walter et al. ' ' - , City, of Medford vs. Emma E. Miir )hy et al. Execution. City of Medford vs. T. F. Casselman et al. Execution. , City of .Medford vs. Elmira Miller et al. Execution. City of Medford vs. D. E. Phlpps 'ot al;: Execution. City of Medford ys. Geo. W. Isaacs et al. Execution. City of Medford vs. F. Crump et al. Execution.; . .-. . ; ;. . . T. E, Pottenger vs. Ross Kline et al. Answer. " . , . ' Probate Court ' Est. R. ,V; Beall. Final report, and order.' ,x ; - - . " ,v ' '; ' Est. James G. Ege.rton. Petition and order. ' Est. John Mui-tangle. . Order. Est. Jane Carroll. Petition and order. .Est. Carrie Beall, Inventory .and an pmisement. ' '.. ' ',''.' ' ' ' Est. i Annie' Cah'trali.; inventory and appraisetnent.A Proof of publication.'. . RUB RHEUMATISM OB Rub ! Pairt - rigKt , out with small ' ! : trial bottle , of old ' t ; '; . V'St-Jacobs'Oil." ,',,Rhenmatism 'is.;,"pih"'' only. ' Not one -case in--frfty recluircs internal treatment.; Stop. drugging;. i Rub sooth ing, pepctratirtg "St. Jacdba Oil" right into your, aoreatift, achintr jolnta and muscles, apd relief comes -instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" ia a, harmless rheu inatisnl cute which never. disappoints and cannot burn the skin. . Limber up I Quit complaining! Get a tamall trial bottle of old,, honest "St. Jacobs OH" at any drug store, and in just a moment youll be free from rheumatic pain, soreness, .stiff ness and swelling. Don't suffer! ' Re lief awaitslyoii. "St. Jacobs Oil" has cared millions of rheumatism sufferers in the last half century, and is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, baefcache, sprains. ' -',. 'i- Cole-8 for Sale T-Passirngcr j Finish, Fxiiipment and Motive Power like now. Phone OOl-W, or call 120 N. Oakdnle Ave., Medford. FRUIT AND 5 acres "all In cultivation. Lots of Two irood wells and lacc Is and buildings, close to M"iirord on ri is lor less money tli. - rou will Ii fifty root lot In town, ; ml j-011 ntc Hie down town tllst t. We sire p for your dollar rlatit l.c.-o In the flihl 4elKTe, no why 1.. t give its it to your sa detraction. nnow.v WTrrro IIOI I.A.M) HOTEL COIIXKU Real Estate Transfers City of Medfoi-d to Clara M. Aitkcn, lot 3, blk. 1, Bungalow Addition to Medford $691,35 City of Medford to' MolHe M. Chilcls, lot pn Geiiossee St., Medford '. 57.37 Palmer Trust to David R. Wood, ' S. 13.9 acres ot SW of NIC sec. 14, t.p. 36, R. .2 W '. " 1 Everett Finlny ot ux to-Clara M. s , Altken, lot 3, blk. 1, Bungiiuny Add.. 'to Medford ...1..: ,...;.....' 1 E. D. Elwood et .ux to Mary Ann Syrou,. lot In Broback's Ro .,seve, Medford '. 1 Elmer E. Cook ot ux to. Ida A. Luke.ot.'vir, lot in Ashlaml....... 3000 Lottie L. Pclton et al to Mprlo Ii; Robison et ux;-lot in ABhlnnd.. 10 Susie .L. Allen to John Each, N. ' . 46 ft. of lots 10 and It, Allen- . : ' dale Add; to Ashland 1 W'. S. Campbell "ct ux to II. H. ' ' . Corson, tfc interest in SW sec. 6, tp. 36,' S. R. 3 W.: 1 George E. Pratt to Sarah Haw- kins, NE of SB sec. 24, tp. 38," . S. R. 2 W. '.. 10 Harry L. Wilson ct ux to W. T. . Berry . et ux, lots 6, 7, ,8, blk. 1, Laurelhurst Add., Medford.. 10 George L. Llndley ct ux to Harry L. Wilson et ux,' lots 6,- 7, blk. : 1, -Laurelhurst Add., Medford.. . 10 George R. Lludley et ux to Harry L. Wilson .et ux, lot 8,,. blk. 1, ' Laurelhurst Add. to Medford.. 67.50 B. H. Short to Winona Stoelman . lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, blk. 21, 'YDcktmiB Add. to Gold Hill. 1 D.-H. McCall et ux to John Win ters, W,4 of EV4 sec. 2S,' tp. 33 S. R.. 4 West ' 1 John H. Hcnselman to Mi'B. M. ' ; Charley, lot 12, blk. 1, Roanoke . Add. to Medford 10 Mrs. Merritt-Charley , et vir to ; N. T. Hodges, lot 12, blk. 1, Roanoke Add. to Medford 10 Daniel Baron to J. E. Fifield et ux, lot in Ashland, Q. C. D.. Clly of Medford to Eliz. I,, Biden, part lot 5,- blk. 2, Mlngus Sub- div. to Medford 110.07 Win. B., Morris et ux to Archie Rametis et ux, N',4 of Nfc sec. 6, tp. 41, 2 East , 10 - . , I, Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., .Chicago, ;lll., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains in sides and back; rheu matism, backache,, kidnoy and bladder ailments;; and Foley Cathartic Tab lets, a .. wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, biliousness, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv. ! HELP WANTED MALE . WANTED Boys with bicycles to learn carrier routes. Mail Tribune. WANTED Good a".: around ; orchard i man, tractor experience. Apply Mall Tribune, Box W. B. tf . i '. . Notice for Publication ! Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, RoseburgJ Oregon, February 24, 1921. . ! I Notice is hereby given that Ray Davis, of Eagle Point, Oregon, ,011 Feb ruary. 23, 1921, mado Additional Horn; stead Entry, Serial NO. 013697, under the Act of April 28, 1904 and Act of Juno Sme, for the NW4 of -SEW, of Sec. 33, Tp. 34 S., R. 1 E.,',W. M.', as Additional' to Homestead -Entry, Serial No. 09083, patented, fbr the SWft or SE&.of Sec. 33, Tp.'34 K R. 1 E., W. M-, and that-iipon comple tion of publication of thlBj notice and payilient'of connnisslons and1 -.purchase price of the land, flnnl etjt-tlficnte and patent will issue for the land embraced in the additional entry;. ' - The puaiosu of-this liotldp'ls'to allow all' persons-claiming, the land adverse ly, of;deslrlrigtd Bh(jw' it to be mineral Ih' file ob- jnuiiuu. 1.0 . inu. application-. Wlin Hie Register. "and itecelver of ttie .United States Land.; Office at, Rosebiirg, .Or Bon, and (o establish, theft- interest therein or' the mineral character there.1 Of. . '.'. ,, ' VI. W. H. .CANON, i ; ; ' ' ' Register. ; SAFETY FIRST! in ' business, (loninntln account ing methods which enable you at ,all times to know the true situation concerning your 1uh1 ness progress. '. ' , SYSTEM ia our business Bookkeeping, .Income tax and otf'vlitigtntflR dif ficultles atls- ; factorily adjuetd.'; ; onsuit us. XmEtlXERVICElO; i0 Irvsurarvce sy Inyestmepis -,,M, P, SCnaiITT, Slgr. Phono 581 Liberty nldc. POULTRY good fruit trees In full bcnrlna. er the new Irrigation project, fair ne rond. Y01I can buy this proper are to pay for a small homo on a still within walking distance of ostivc that we llnve more to offer Medford district than yon will the opportunity to try and prove 1IKLP WAM'BB I'K.MALK WANTIiDGIrls, for confectionery work, experience' preferred but not necessary. Crowsou's. tf WAXTBD- SITUATION'S WANTED1 Plowing lo 452-L. ' do. Phone 3d3 WANTED Steady work on ranch by married man. Address Cbas-. 11, Sal terflold. care D. H.-Hiinscom, Central Point. R. 2, Hox 87. 300 WANTED Plain sowing to do. Phono S30-W. 512 W. Fourth St. . . , 30C WANTliUJ Lady wJshns eniphiynienl coiking preferred.- .Call Washington Rooming house. . 2l WANTED By', middle-aged lady cook ing in camp or-noiei, . experienceu, and good cook. Call or wrlto Wasj ington Rooms, Medford. 801 WANTED Work , by the day to assis' at light housework. Miss E. J. Pal, terson, 635 N. '-; Central, Medford. Phohe 325-W.. . . ' . 299 WANTED Housekeeping by capable middle-aged woman for respectable party. Address D3, oare Tribune. 300 W ANTE I) M ISO! ', l.liAN KOU8 WANTED A second hand Fordson In good condition. Wrlto or call Thos. Mee, Applegate, Ore. . 305 WANTED Plowing for Fordson trac tor. H., W. Newstrom, 23.. Crater - Lake Ave. ', - 301 WANT to rent on April first 4 or 5 room, house. Might buy. Stato ren tal, price,- location and give full par ticulars. S. C. H Mail Tribune. 803 WANTED Furnished or unfurnished house by responsible ' 1 party. All adults. Can furnish references and ' lease if necessary. J. C. C, phone 157-R. . ..i - . . ... 300 WANTED To rent a few ncres with house within three miles of Medford. Address Post Office Box 959, 299 WANTED To buy stock hogs. Phone 895. , ; ' 301 WANTED House moving and re pairing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. tf WANTEI-Several men and boys to know that you can buy any bike for $2.00 pur week.. Liberty Shop, S. Grape. . - . . , tf WANTED Shoe repairing while you wait at . the "Model Boot Shop.'k 21 S. Central Ave. Quick service, quality wo'rk. E. N. Biden, prop. FOR RENT HQtTSEKEEPINQ ...... ., ROOMS. ....... FOR RE'T Two fAi-nished hoiise keepiug rooms. GJ3 N. Bartlett. 299 .'.'" VOR RENT HOUSES ' FOR RENT Six .room cottago, close in on paved street. Phono 938-M. .''.;' ' 301 1XK .1USNT BURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Rooms. -Hot and cold water.. Imperial, 30 N. Front. .. 303 FOR RENT Heated room with bath. Home privileges to right party. Will give two meals. Phone 845-H. u 300 FOR RENT Cheap, sleeping rooms. Bteam heat.. 1005 W; Main. ": . , 300 FOR RENT Comfortablo furnished , room, homo' privileges. 225 S. Riverside.- . - . 30n FOR ' RENT Sleeping room, 315 . S. Riverside. " ' ' " ; ' . ' '802 FOR RENT Furnished, rooms, . $2.00 per week. Phone 936-R. 446 S. Front 803 FOR ,RENT-T-Sloeplng...rqqms, hot and cold water, bath any time; use pt wash vtuh -and Iron. .-Large gar age;' one, ;block-from library. - No. 604 W. Tehth :.f..v-;r. ;;;.v.FpRAtiB-Liyi,'ttook V: ' FOR ; SA-LE--Jersey cotv.; good family , cow.y.-Phon6ilV7-L: " y.vt 298 FOR': SALE, Ten i goo'Ar. milk : oowb. Phone ,5-F-4 or Box 67;. Eagle Point, .Oregon,. ' ...': 307 FOR SALE Six , heavy wor-k horses suitable fdr'logglng, and 'ranch wort. L. Loudeb,: Jacksonville. ,302 FOR SALE Six fine young Duroc Jer sey sows breeding age.. VIso good well rotted horse manure,. no straw. Tent, North. Central, opposite box factory.: ': ; ,:;.,' ' . "'"' ' 303 FOR. SALE Al young mnch team, . good sized. 1103 Niantlc St. -301 FOR SALE One soa ,- unblemished work or .driving horse. Color solid black, weight 1300 lbs. Phone 58. Earl Tumy, 125 S. Front St. . -.. tf FOR-SALE Two fine, colts and two hoi-ses. Dr. .Helms nam. .. tt" FOIt SALE Ten beautltul'fresh milch cows, also good work horse. Walsh's place, one mile northeast of Medford on Crater Lake Road. ' . - 303 FOR SALE Mount Crest Ranch of fers for sale four Shorthorn bulls, . ready for service, your choice for ' $350. Two younger nt $200, mostly red. Apply James Stewart, Mount crest Ranch. Hilt, Calif. ... 1 . tf .. :,;'.;;.. why? .' : A BAHGAIN IN LAND ' $30,000 RANCH FOE $7,500 Former owner spent, purchasing and developing this- rniu'li $30,000. We now offer R for $7500, 840 acres, near paviil lilittiwnjr. On good rond, fine stream along plitoo, near good range, t an lie Irt-lgntcd with little expense, HO nrros In cultivation, 10 ncres 10 year mid pears ' balance nlfalfa and grain land. Beautiful grounds for balding, Ideal place for home, ao0 mh. Dnlnnco terms. I believe this to bo the best buy In land I have offered In 10 years I have been In business ROGUE RIVER LAND Nnvh Hotel Corner I FOIl RENT 15 acres in alfalla, two ncros In apples and pears, 11 acres for grain or corn. Two miles north of Medford. Box 66, Mail. Tribune. 301' FOR RENT 10 acres ulfalfa, 10 acres for grain or corn. Water for pari. Two miles north of Medford. Box 89, Moll Tribuno. 299' FOR KENT MISCKLTjAXEOUS . FOR LteASIO In best businoss yoction In Ashland. 319 E. Main St., sixteen rooms known as the Manx hotel. The furnituro for sale reasonable, to re liable party. Must give reference Cull or address S. 11. Stnncr, 311' E. Main St., Ashland, Ores. Reason , for soiling poor health, must go to sea level. . 302 MONEY TO LOAN ro LOAN J. 11. Andrews loans money on real estate and buys mortgagos and Liberty bonds. Phone 53-M. 31 North Grape street. m SALE POULTRY AND EflCS WHITE LEGHORN BAHY CH1X Bred to produco .commercially profit- , able hens., April delivery, $13 per hundred. May and Juno delivery ' $12.50 per hundred. Full, count guar anteed. Sales' Hatchery, Petaluma, Calif. 808 FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs, O. A. C. strain, 75c a setting. Phono 919-W. It , 1 302 FOR SALE240 White Leghorn ami Barred Roclc pullets, trap-nested, laying 60 per cent. Chicken houSe and fixtures. 246 S. Riverside. Phono 955-M. . 301 FOR SALE eggs, $1.25 Mammoth Pekln duck per 10 postpaid. Art Moore, Persist, Ore. 299 FOR- SALE Barred r.oclc eggs, O. A. C. Bes'. aying strain. Phono GSG-R-il. 320 FOR SALE Rhode- li-.,nd Red oggs, $1.00 per sotting. ' H. I. cockerels, $2.50 each. Choice Vc alo canarios . $1.00. . Phone 8-17-Y.' , ;,' .'.,. FOR SALE White Leghorn chicks , no 10 910. JLggs fu.vv liur uuiiui en. I R. I. Red eggs, chicks and cockerels. DresBler Square ileal liatcuory. Phone 95J-L. 315 FOR SALE Hatching oggs from my bred to lay White Leghorns. W. J. Warner. . tf FOR SALE S. C..WI1H0 Leghorn eggs from first-class stock, $1.50 for set ting of 15. Get them at Mail Tribune , office , . ; tf FOR SALE O. A.. C. strain Barred Rock eggs for hatching. Phono '5-F-2. T. E. Pottonger. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE , FOlTsALE oITeXCHANGE 80 acres , some, improvements, good buildings, $20 nil. acre. Address 136 Almond St. ,.. ;301 FOR . SALE Chcaif nlco bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, screoned'ln sleeping . porch, largo screened back porch, built-in feature,' ''on pavement, ' oo . mont walks, good garden spot, fruit ' and barrles..: See it at 518 Beatty St. ... , ... ....-,-. ... '. .303 FOR SALE OR THAD13 Ton, acros, two acres In Ring 'cherries, five acres in Newtown - apples, .three acros not cleared. Orchard il years Old,: well eared for. Gasollno spray -pump and other implements. One mile from highway and city limits of Ashland.. Will trado for Ashland or Medford property. Mrs. Anna Ziglor, 1 320 N. Main St., Ashlnnd. 299 FOR SALE Ranch ; cIobo in to Ash land, $150 an acre with linprovo' i nients. , Box 7, Mail Tribune. 302 FOR SALE Small ranch close in. j "Splendid for fruit, barrios, chickens. Write Owner,,Mnil Tribune'. 299 FOR SALE Fine income property. Call at-344 S. Central. Seo this at onco. Whltlock.. 300 I FOR SALE 6-room plastered house, modern; largo lot; close In on Oak dale. Price $3240, cloar. - Bennett Investment Co, tf FOR SALE Dear on houso and, lot 322 B. Fourt'ii St. and Apple c.'S Property still for sale, $800. Terms. .,. . l 299 FOR SALE Good ranches. , See us hefora buying. J. B. Andrews, 81 N. Grape St. Phono 63-M. tf FOR SALE Five room modern houso, all In good shape, large lot, fine soil, , berries and fruit.. Cull 1014 W., Tenth St . . ., ,299 FOR SALE Ten acre fruit' ranch l',4 miles west of Medford, at a bargain. Call or address B, 405 Beatty St., Medford. 299 FOR SALE" 160 acres tlmbor in Elk -Creek district, or will trade for Im proved valley property. Phone 364-J : ' :-,;-. 804 FOR SALE Least, and exchange real estate.. Oold Ray Realty Company. 1'OR SAI.E Hoitses and bungalowsi furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. C. S. Buttorflold, phone . 21ff. CO.' J. 0. BARNES I'hone TH4-.I VOTl RENT rAKMS AVTOAI011II.E9 ?OR SALE One 1920 Oakland six touring car, looks like new, extra equipment, huniiHM-, motometer, new spare tire, clock, etc. Owner must - Bell at sacrifice at once. Price $1100. Tumy Motor Co., 125 S. Front St. tf FOR SALE Ford touring car. Perfect condition. Plume 4-11, call for Collier. tl FOR SALE Ford touring car $275. Ford truck Willi covered body, cab and windshield, practically new. $700. Pattern &. Robinson, Inc., 112 S. Riverside. ' FOR SALE Tho owner says wo must sell 1920 Doi t. $1-19 worth of extras. Cord tires. $1000. Como soon. It won't last long. Clark S: Chlldora. tf FOR SALE MISCKLLANF.Ol'S FOR SALE 900 pound" horso will work anywhere, $20. Also 8 Inil't Leghorn yearling hens. E. Hoaly, one mile east oft Crater Lake road on Spring street. 301 FOR SALE Frnnz-Promlor vacuum cleaner, $20. Phono 174-J-2. aoP FOR SALE Furniture for four room cottago consisting of bods, stoves, tables, chairs, etc. 121 Cottago St. - I 302 FOR SALE Washing machine, nearly new. Phono 845-H. 3u0 FOR SALE $6,000 gilt-edgo first mortgage on Jackson county ranch; substantial discount. Address Box 39, Mail Tribune. 300 FOR SALE White sowing machine. . W. J. Warner. tf FOR SALE Furnituro. All first class artlclos. DroBsers, chiffoniers, onani el bed, , springs,. - mattress, , dining chairs, rockersi buffet, china closot, Hoosier cahlnot, 1 AxiniiiHtor rugs, davenport, library table, refrigera tor, lawn mower, Wheeler & Wilson drophoad sewing ninchlne, ladies' writing desk, wringer, tub, boiler, In fact everything must go. Ownor loaving.j 25 S. Orange.':'. . tf FOR SALE Two section steel har row; also-sprlngtooth, at .Billing's Shop. . i m ; , :...!.-.., 301 FOR SALE Ono ivory dresser, stand and iron bed springs and good heater for sale. Call 833-X.- 300 FOR SALE Throe-inch Mitchell wag . on, good condition. Phono 25-R-2. - . :-.', . - ; .- : . ( v.. ' - .303 FOR SALE Baled, first , crop, clean alfalfa at $20 for quick sale. J.. K." Haney, Talent, Ore. 299 FOR SALE Slightly used alfalfa cul tivator. Hubbard Bros." ' .',, ' . U FOR SALE Homo grown alfalfa seed 20e pSr 11). Corvallla ' tost 09.70. i J. M. Hurley, R. R. No. 2, Modtord.' , Phone 21-F-15 Jiiensonville, . 302 FOR SALE OR TRADE Ono-ton Fed ' eral truck, new wood rack und 1921 ; licerise. Will take UBed car In trado, condition no object. 565 B St., Ash ' lniuH Ore. 302 FOR SALEThoroughbrod fox torrlor imp, seven months old. . Phone 351- L. . . , . . , . 299 FOR SALE Sqcond.liand Vaughn drag saw. Hubbard BrOS.. . tf FOR ' SALE Canary birds. 512 S. Park. . . . . FOR SALE--Good piano. A. W. Short, Phoenix, .pro. . . ... 290 FOR SALE One 5-horso ' Alnio Sta- , tlonary engine, ' like new, $225. "One D-foot orchard disk, usod one season, $50. One 8-foot orchard disk, used one season, $75. One 10 . Jnfh gang plow, just like new, $75: ' C. E. Gates Auto Co. tt FOR SALE Sand, gravel, sodlment and dirt. ' Plowing and teaming work s done. Phono- 912.J, Samuel Bat man, 302 Maplo St. ..-. FOR. SALI5 Manure.., Hoover . Dairy. Phono 452-Y. ;, , . tf FOR SALE Ono new-SampBop trac tor at a vei-y low price; will -take good team in on payment, balance cash and terms. Geo. L. Troichler Motor Co., Medford, Ore. tf FOR SALE Hay at Three Oaks. W. J, Haruoll. - .'.,.' tf FOR SALE 220 gallon Bowser gaso line pump and tank. Riverside Gar age. ' 299 FOR SALE 200 pair new shoes at cost. Second-hand shoos and shoe repairing, at the Medford Shoe Hos pital, 119 E. Sixth St., Medford. . FOB ICXCILVHGH FOR TRADE 320 acres near mouth of big Butte creek, for Medford pro- perty. Medford, Lun'd & insurance Agency., , ,. , tf LOST Small silver Waltham watch with fob. Reward if. returned , to Mail Tribune. -299 BUSINESS DIRECTOR!" Chlropractio Physician JOUETT P.- BRAY Straight Chiro practic, rooms 409-10 M. F. & H, '. building. 9 to 12 a. in.t 2 to 6 p. ni., dally except Thursday. Phone 580 Painting and Paporhanglng LEWIS & CASEY Painting, Pnper hnnging, tinting. Estimates furnish ed free. Phone 189. 26. S. Grape St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER St STORAGE CO Office 42 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right Service guar anteed. liAVlrt Tit A NSFKn Anything moveu day or night. , Service gimranloed. Fair treatment. 104 S. Fir. Phone: Office 614 or res, 617-R-208, ft BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors. MURRAY BROS. & VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5, No. 22 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated 1904. Ab stracts of Title, Title Insurance. Architect G. E. TEKTS Licensed Slssnn, California. Auto Supplies LAHER A'CTO SPRING CO. We art operating the largest, oldest and best-equipped plant in tho Paciflo northwest. Use bur springs when ' others fail. Sold under written guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St, Portland, Oregon. ..... Attorneys. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National . Bank Building. A. E. REAMES-'-Lawyer, Garnett- ; Corey Building. 1 x'. O. C. BOGGS-vReal estate law and ! sottlcmcrit of estates a specialty. ; ' B. F. LlNP.VS Attorney, General! Practice: PatentB speclaltytf Stewart Bldg, , ; , -...! WINFIELD R. . GAYLORD Lawyer1, i Room 7 Palm block, 107. East Main" St., Medford. t : G. A. CODDING Lawyer, Medford . National Bank Bldg. .. .. Building Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORKS specialize in all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. Chiropractor. DR. A. BURKLUND-rChiropractor; , Spinal Adjustments. 204-206 Spart : Bldg., ' cor. , Main ; and i Riverside. Office phone 285. , i Dentist DR V. R. KAUFMAN, Dontlst. 0lc in Spnrta Building. : Oftics hours S to 12 ai m., 1 to 5 p. m. Phone 28B,1. Electric Service BATTERY & ELECTRIC. CO. Factory distributors for Exlde Batteries anff Fnirbanks-Morno light plants, Nat' Bldg.- Phono 116. - ',- 814 Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. B. M."WU son; C P. A. Attention given M- - anything in Accounting and Incom. - .Tax requlronionts. Look Into out; - simplified accounting" method. . Lib) , erty Bldg,, Medford. Phone 167-R. . Fidelity and Surety Bonds FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS- We execute all forms ' ol bond. McCiurdy Insurance Agoncy. - tft instruction Tn Music. . I : ,c. -, FREDALTON "HAidlPIV-Teacher plauo and harmony. Halght MusH r studio, 318 Garnott-Coroy : Building, Phone iZ. J i i1 Physicians and Surgeons. Dili- A. RURSELL Splnologlst, Phyt . .siclan and surgeon. Signal adjust, inonts, general troatmoufi) apd dies' nosls. 809-10-11 MrjfjW'Ql. BWg: . Elevator to third floofFfioneS. DR. J. J.,.EMM15NS--Phy40)ap; od Burgeon. Practice, limited1 1?ei ear, nose and. throatij Eyes elomlf lealiy ."testod "and glaasea1 supplied, Ocnllt(( and AtlrlSt tor &-'P. R..R.JCoi M. V.-& H. Co. Bldg, i Ptione 87ts' . DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS . CARLOW Osteopathic ' Phyiclans, 416-417 Garnott-Coroy Bldg. Phou 904-L. Residence 26 S. Lnurel St. DR. W. . W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician. Special attention, given to eye, ear, nose and throat. 301' ..Liberty building.. Phone .498. DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chlro? practic and.' Natural Painless Meth. ods. Room 428 M. F. & 11. Bldg. Phone 866, ,; ' ,,' ri . JAMES .C. HAYES-Physician and Surgeon; oftico hours 11 to 12 a. m., 2 (o 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Sparta building;! residence 1405 W. Main. Phones:? Office 663, res. 492. "Specialty," Medical and Surgical DlaguoslB. tl Dri WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices M. F. & II. Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee' St. Phone 165-J-2. , : DR. SCHELLER Osteopathic Physiov lan. Rooms 44 South Grape. -. - Printers arid Pilbiisitefi MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped printing office in Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St, Public Accountants . ALAN BRACKINREED, Room 9 F. E. HAYES, Room 10 Jackson County Bank Bldg. Accounts; fed eral tax returns, business counsel. ' .; Rug Weaving. MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. ' Phone 610-M, 706 Pine St. Tent and Awning Works MEDFOKU TENT ANO AWNINd WORKS 128 N. Grape St. Pooufc 443-Y. E. Burger, Prop,