MKDPQKT) MATL TRTBUXTC, iTDFOUT), ORFO OX"." "WEDNESDAY. ' MATCCIT n. 1021 TAfJE RE YEN !5;ffilP 1 mm COUNTY 11 SOUTHERN OREGON READ THE MAIL TRIBUNE DAILY I or a asi led Ad a car was sold last week for $1,800. " Figure that out The best and cheapest advertising medium in Southern Oregon is the Classified Ad Department of ! the Mail Tritiune.' , " . . Livestock ' PORTLAND, Ore., -Mar.-' 9. Cattle steady; 'receipts 105. CJuotatlons un changed. , Hogs steady; receipts ICti. Quota tlons unchanged. Sheep ? 50cig Jl ' hlKhcr: receipts HI 19.-- East of mountain lami)a $8.50 9.25; valleys 8.50r.heavy. lii.SO Kj8; feeders-6t';.60; culls J516; ewes fl.B09li light yearlings, S7fi T.6Q: heavy, C.50f 7; wethers, $5.50 i (i.50. i ' -; . . , Butter - PORTLAND. Ore., Alar. 9. Butter unchungeU. Extra cubes 4li42c; cartons 49c; prints 48c., No. 1. churning cream 45e . o. b.j Portland: undergrades 43c- PORTLAND, Ore., liar. ' 9. Eggs Ilrlll. une ceni msner. . . . . Kircs. PORTLAND, Ore., March 9. rgga flrnvlc higher.. Buying price iS(J2Uo; receipts delivered. Selling price, caumeu oitB'iJjo;. seiecta, bay 30c. Other: quotation Unchanged. '"' '. '".' Grain ,..'.',. . ' Hurley,' $31 3?; oats',' $34 35; corn', No. 3, yellow, $3X 3?. ''' ijlllrun, $3l32; scratch feed $56. ' Hay liny Buying prlco, timothy, $27 88;-alfalfa, fl9)lB,50; grain, mixed, 2223;. clover,'. $1017; cheat, $21 22; straw, $15 ton. :t .' .. N. Y. Stocks. NEW. YORK, Mar. 8. Shorts con trulletl today's dull and reactionary Mock market, numerous representa- , tlvo and special Issues recording dc Vllnes of one to three points. Seles approximated 400,000 shares. , Allls-Chalmers 34.7 American Beet Sugar .' American Can r . . . . American Car '& Foundry" .. .. 'American" Hide & Leather pfd. American' International Corp, American' Locomotive American Smelting & IteTg. American Sugar' I . ; . . .. .' American Sumatra Tobacco American T. & T .-,, American 'Woolen ...-..,-.,..'..; Anaconda Copper . . ; v . Atchison ... r All., ulf ;& W. : Indies . . Baldwin '' Loobhiotlvo Baltlm&rb '& -6hld . . . , . . .' .', . . Hethk'ho'm'. Steel f'B" 43. B 28.2 123. 44.3 43. 85.2 .38.5 91.. 85. 102. '04. 3G.8 80.7 40.7 89. 32.7 . 57. 111.7 ' :ik.S 71.2 59. 25.5 25. 21. ' 28.2 71. : 92.1 22. S 12. G 130.5 13. : 36." 72.5 31. 88.5 32.5 50.5 54. 111.7 99.5 4.8 15C. 17.5 13., 30.5 18. 69.8 il7.0 97. 79., ; 13 ' 73.8 37.' .39.8 ' 27.: - 12.' : vi.o co-.' 1 01. ' 40. 22. 74.6 21. 1,0 8.7 00,;! 7.7 ' 41.2 21. 52.2 8.' 118.2 2t.8 52.2 67.0 67. 81..1 48.5 41.. 7 7.3 8.5 I'anauian t'nciric, Central Leather J. .' .;,v; ('handler, Motors,', Chesapeake' & Ohio , Chicago, , Mil., and St,' Paul Chicago, rR. I. Puc.' .... Chlno Copper.....,;-. Colorado' Fuel & Iron Corn Products . ..' Crucible Steel.'- . . ... ... . .'. . . . . curia Cunb 'Sugar' ... Erie-. ,'.;.:;...'.; , Oenorttj' Electric fleti'erai' Motors Goodrich J Co; , ... Crfcat Ndrthe'rn pfd Great . Northe.rh ', Ore Ctfs. . . , lllnols Central; lnsnlt-iiMfin fntthb.. . ' Int. Mel-. Marine, pfd. iniernuuonui .rapsr Kenhobott', Copper .; 1 Louisville & Nashville Maxwell . Motets; (bid) ; Mexican Petroleum . . i .-. Miami 'Collper -... Middle' States Oil'". .Mldyiia, steej 'i Missouri Pacific,: i . . ... . New- Yoi-k- tfoMnii N, f .,, NM.-ilnd llarttbrd . . .. Nortolk ft . Western ....... Northern .fcuulflc v. .' ,-. i y. .'. (lkIahottalJrOdi ' Ret. ....... Pari AMerlcan Pbtroieuni ''. . . . Poiihiylvtirtlti ; ij .-.-.t. .-. . , .-. Peopi'sl Gas v ; . . '. : ....... PlttMliurg iind --West Va. . . RaSr;Ooi)sb!lda(ed-. Copper ' , ; . Reading- ;.. .- Hepi lioli A Steel . v .: : Royal Dutch,- JC.;. Y, '. , Slell' Trails., &j rad Sinclair Con till . . . .' Southern;. Pacific .... 1 ...... . 1 Southern Rojlway, Standard Oil of N:'J. pfd. Stud'Jbaker' Corporation' ...... Tennessee Ppipor (bid) Texas - db: : .. . . .-. . . ... Textis & ' clflb ' ... Tobacco Products Transcontinental Oil . ........ nibh 'Pacific TJ. S. Ftdd Products. to. S. Hetalr. Stores ' i L'. S.. lnd. Alcohol United States Rubber vt:nltod Slates. Steel tltfth Copper , .'.;;.. WestltiBhousp' Electric .- Willy's Overland American 2lne, Lead and Sm "NOURISHMENT' is Nature's first aid to ' the body in times of weakness. . .. Scott's Emulsion unsurpassed in purity and goodness, is nourishment in a form that seldom fails. Scott ft Bom. BloorafWd, N. J. ALSO MAKERS OF ItMIOIDS (Tablets or Granules) for INDIGESTION L ASPIRIN" i ! Name "Bayer" oft Genuine. 1 It's criminal to take a chance on any substitute fur "Buyer Tablets of Aspirin." Unless ybu see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for twenty one years and proved safe by millions. Tuke Aspirin only us. told in the Buy er package for Colds, Headache. Neu ralgia. Rheumatism, Earache, Tooth ache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cosjt few cents. Druggists also sell' larger packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaccri cacldesler of. Salleyllcacld. Adv. Rutte and Superior Cula.. Petroleum ....... .Montana power (bid) .. Shattuck Arizona (bid) Pure. Oil '-.'. Invincible oil , (le'lieral Asplialt ....... 11.7 38.2 ,52.2 ' 32, 17.7 54.8 QiMews fKurnfshed. by ma jacksdn County '. Abstract Co.) . Marriage License " ' Richard K. linker and Edith Lewis. 1 Circuit Court George E. llblslngcr vs. Wayne W. Noble et al. Default decree Rogue River, Valley Canal Co. vs.! A. H. bunuennan et ux. Foreclosure. . 'Margaret J. Fry vs. Panl Fairchild et al. To quiet. R. W. Stearns vs. Will L. Webber et ux. For money. , Jackson Cq. Bank vs. J.-F.. Hale (adm.) Notice of appeal. Ed M. Andrews et al vs. Beyd White. Stipulation and decree. P, E. Zook ys.Mary Zook., Findings and conclusions. Decree.' Frank C. Bramwell, supt. of banks vs. S. L. Johnson. Notice and demand. State Compensation Insurance Fund of Col. vs. J. F. Redely ot ux. Answer. Western Finance Corp;, vs., Norman Morrell et al. Answer.' ' ' " ' .' , . Probate Court Est. .Josiah Frnk Crump. Petition and order. . V Est. Enoch M: Smith. Citation. SAGE AND SULPHUR -DARKENS GRAY HAIR ' w It's-Grandmother's Recipe- to .Restore Color," Gloss.- . and Attractiveness. :i ; .' " Almost : everyone' knows, that-, sage Tea aild Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color- and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make tit at home, whldh Is mussy and trouble some. Nowadays, by .asking at any drug store fon "Wyeth's Sage-and Sul phur Compound," you will get a large bottle of this .famous old 'recipe, 'lmy proved-: by .the '.addition ofnothep In-, gredlenta, at a small cost. ... v Don't May 'gray! Try, It!; No'-bne cart ' possibly 1 tell that you. 'darkened yoUr hair,-as It does it! so naturally and evenly." You dampen a Sponge or soft; brush 'i; Witty It and. draw this through-yollrj halr, taking ;one .small strrind at a. time;: by morning the gray hair-disappears; and after another ap plication oK'twct ' your hair., becomes beautifully dark, glossy and attractive, v Wyeth's Sage , and Sulphur Com pound Is si'dellihtful toilet- requisite- for fhdBO who doslr dark hair and a ' youthful .appearance. It Is not in tended ior.the cure, mitigation or pre vention ot disease.-" "'' " j SAFETY FIRST! In businbss, demands account ing methods which enable you at all times to. know the true situation concerning your busi ness progress. - SYSTEM Is our business Bookkeeping, Income ' tax and other business difficulties satis factorily' adjusted. ' Consult us Aud!titS' Cy Accourvtina J 5 iYSTEMAERVICEiO; Irvsur&nce irwestmeras gr M. P. SCIUllTT, Mgr. I - Phone r.RI ; Liberty Bldg. . FRUIT AND POULTRY B acres all In ctiltlvaUou. 1-ots ot KOO(, frl( rcrs ( fl,nR ..lrtr-,MVon,ir the new Irrigation project, fair uiiiiuiuh, v tujin sou tni ly lor less i"w fifty foot lot III urn 1. 7 the down town dlsln.v for your ibUlur rlgbl riml elsewhere, so w 1 1 y It to your siitlMfiu-Uon, . 1 UU utc icum ii . t " Jvc ut BROWN & WITITF. )IiLNl) HOTEL COItMCR Est. Annie Water. Final account and order. Est. Thomas McAndrew. Notice. Est. Willis W. Taylor. Proof of pub Ilcation. final order. Est. W. B. Roberts. : Final order and decree. 1 -.. , ' Est. W. F. Songer. Petition and order. Est. Nannie E. Pritchnrd. Final ac count and order. Est. Thos. Etlmeades. Final notice and affidavit, order. Est. Sumnel II. Duffleld. Final ac count and order. Est. L. Nelson. Oath, report on sale. Est. Charles F. Updike. Final order and receipts. Est. Nancy J. Cunningham. Ad"1''" ted to probate. " SAYS ACID STOMACH Excess of hydrochloric acid sours the food and forms gases. i Undigested food delayed W the Momach decays, or ratherj crments tlie tame as food left in the open air, says a noted authority. He a.lso tells us that Indigestion is caused by Hyper-acidity, meaning, there is an excess of hydro chloric acid in tho. stomach which prevents complete digestion, and starts food fer mentation. '.Thus everything eaten sours in the stomach much. Tike aarbaeciSOurs in a cani'iorniing arid'fjuid: and gasei-l which innate-he stomach like 1 a toy J balloon.:, then we teel a heavy, lumpy misery in theiishestS we belch up gas-, we 6ructate Sour food" or have heart burn, flatulence, water-brash or nausea.. nc tens us u lay asiue an uigesuvc aids and instead, get from any pharmacy four ounces of J ad Salts and take a tablespoonfut in a glass of water before breakfast and -drink while it is effer vescing 'and furthermore,' to continue this for a week. While relief follows the first dose, it is important to neutralize- the acidity, remove the gas-making mass, start the liver, stimulate the kid neys and thus promote a free flow of pure digestive juices. - Jad Salts is inexpensive and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combip'd with lithia 'and sodium phos phate. This harmless salts is used by thousands of people for stomach trouble with excellent results, Notice for Publication f Department of the" Interior, United States Land Offlco, Uoseburg, Oregon, February 24, 1921. Notice is hereby glvon that Ray bavis, of Eugle Point, Oregon, on Feb ruary 23, 1921, made Additional Horn- stead Entry, Serial No. 013697, under the Act of April 28, 1904 and Act qf June 9, 191C, for the NWli of SB 14 of Sec. 33, Tp. 34 S., R. 1 E., W. M., ns .Additional to Homestead Entry, Serial No. 090S3, patented, ' for the 8WH or SEVi of Sec. 33, Tp. 34 S., R. 1 E., W; M., and that upon comple tion of publication of this notice and payment of commissions and purchase price of the land, final certificate and patent Will Issue for the land embraced in the additional entry. ... ; - The purpose of this notice Is to allow all persons claiming the land adverse ly, or desiring to show it to bo mineral hi 'charnctei, an 'opportunity to file ob jection to th6 application with the Register , and Receiver of the United States Land Office at Roseburg, Ore gon, 'and, lo. establish their Interest therein or the mineral character there of, ! , ' W. H. CANON, i -..'': ' ' Register. HfCLP WAfTTBTD , Hale and Fotnole WANTED Miiri land, wife for ranch ; work; 'thbho 64,-Guy Conner.. .298 CLERKS; (Men. (women) over 17 for ; Postal- MailV Serylce,r$l25 ' ! month; 'i Experience - unnecessary. 'Foi - free j partlonlars' b'f JexlirtilhnUqrii . Write 'J". Lecj,ir(J,,ormor Civil service Kxam- iner,-758 Equitable Bldg.i Washing- tn, i. c;'. :, i.f-' t.:. i -1 - '' .'"rss'j Buiigalow Bargain s '-y'Largojaving .Room Hardwood Floors Fire Place, Sleeping Porch Garage, Woodhoiise, Drive Many Built in Features All Street Assessments Paid Close in. Nice. Lawn '-' : . !Note: IT HAS SEVEN ROOMS It Is In Good Condition ' '' It Is a Beautiful Home The Price Is Right Only $5500.00 ' ; Phone or Call for Showing Page-Dressier Go. Phone 282 " ' - Naxh Block .. Any Kind of Real Estate 1 The Best Fire Insurance ' line road- 0,1 can buy this proper .nvo to nny for 0 small homo lur H nmuil iioimu Oil u V.IU1I11 walking dlHtnncc of ostivo tlmt we 'linve 'more to offer Mcdfonl district thun you will the oiporttniiiy to try 11 nil prom HELP WAVi'KD MOUlK WANTED Cook for ranch. Phone (14. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Boys with bicycles to learn carrier routes. .Mail Tribune. . WANTED Good oir around orchard man. tractor experience. Apply .Man Tribune, Box W. 1). tf WANTED SlTlMTiOXS WANTED Plowing" to do. Phono 452-L. . .Sua WANTED Steady work on ranclrby inurried man. Address t hus. II. Sat terlield, care D. H. Hanscom, Centrul Point, R. 2, Dux ST.. 300 WANTED Plain sewing to do. Phone S30-W. 512 W. Fourth St. 301' WANTED Lady wishes employment cooking preferred. Call Washington Rooming house. 299 WANTKD Hy middle-aged lady cook 1 ing in camp or hotel, experienced and good cook. Cull or write Wash ington Rooms, Medford. 301 WANTED-Work hy tho day to assist at light housework. Miss E. J. Pat , terson, 035 ,N. Central, lledl'ord. Phone 326-W.' V : WANTED Housekeeping by capable mldde-agod, woman for respectable piu ly luurcst yo, uui u iiiuiiii, ow WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WAiS'TUD Parrel spray pump in A l condition. Phone 45-.I. , 297 WANT to rent cn Apiil first 4 or 5 ; room house. 'Might buy. State ren tul, price, locution mid give full par ticulars. S. C. ll.i Mail Tribune. 303 WANTED Furnished or unfurnished house by ' responsible party.' All adults. Can furnlBh references and lease It necessary,' J. .C. C, phone ' 157-R. . 300 WANTED To rent.n few acres with house within three miles. of Medford. Address Post Office Box' 959. 299 WANTED To rent furnished cottage or apartment. , Jlest ,of references. Phono room 201, Hotel Holland. S98 WANTED Sound yoiiug work, horse,') weighs i;;oo. is. L. March, central Point, Oregon.' " ' -298'- WANTED 3 or K4. JMJtin tarnished apartment for family of three adulttt. E. Welgold, Hotel Medford. , .j 298 WANTED-,To buy stock hogs. Pholie. S95. 301 WANTED House moving nnil'rd . pairing. Phono 4S8-M or 4S8-X. ,tf WANTED Several rain and boys to know that you onn ouy any blkojfor ?2.00i per week;.- Liberty Shop',,.' S. Grape. ' ' -JsAJ- tf WANTED Estimates' 'given on all kinds of building wijrk. ' , Jobbing a specialty. J. IL.Drewl 1 Phdne lS-J-1.. '.; - r). : 298 WANTICD--Shoe 1 -repairing, whllB.'you wall -nt "tl.a -"Mrwlal UnA fihnn'.1 '. 9!l S. Central 1 Ave. Qiilck'rservlce, quality work. E. N. Pljsu; prop.! , booms :.. FOR'lREN'rV-Two furhlflhed hbuso I keeping rooms.'- 603 N. Burtlett. ' 29b FOIV JKI&NT FUlWIJSHBD ROOMS FOR ' RENT Comfortable furnished room,-home'prlvllcgeS.-' 226 S. RLvei. side. '-. .. ' " ' 300 FOR RBNT--Sleoping room, 315 S. IHverside. - ' 302 If6li RENT Fnrrtlshed rooms,. $2.00 ' per week. Phone 93C-U. 445 S. Front . - : 303 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, : hot V.und cold water, bath any time; use j of" wash tub and iron. Large gar ' age; one block from library. No. ,.,604 W, Tenth, FOR BENT APARTMENTS FOR'RENT-'-Bachcloi' apartments.. 219 Talent Court. Phono 955-R. .'298 FOll BUNT rABMS FOR RENT 15 acres in ulfalfa, tw.o acres In apples and pears, It acres for grain or corl). Two miles north of Modford.' Box 66, Mall -Trlliuno. 301 FOR-RENT 10 acres alfalfo10' acres for grain or corn. Water for part. Twd miles north of Medford. Dox 89'. Mail Tribune.. - 299 FOB BENT MISCEliLAJnEOUS FOR LEASE In best husinoSB section In Ashland, 349 E. Maln St.; sixteen rooms known as the Manx hotel. The furniture for sale reasonable, to're- liable party. Must give-reference. Call or,' address S. it. Stoner, SW E. Main St., Ashland, Oreg. Reason for selling poor health, to sea level. i : 302 MONEY TO 1.6a. . TO. LOAN J. D. Andrews loans money on real tiBttite 'and 'buys mortgages " and Liberty bonds. Phono 63-M. 31 North Grnpo street. r ;-.-:" WHY? A BARGAIN IN LAND s $30,000 RANCH FOR $7,600" Former owner spent purchasing and developing tills ranch $30,000. We now ofrcr It ror $7500, '210 iirn, near paved lilzlitvay. On kimii! road, fine stream along pluro, ncur good' range.. Can be Irrigated with little expeiiM',' 80 acres In tiilllvutloii, lo'ticrcs II) yell; old pears linbiuce nlfiilfn and grain lurid, Ileniitlful groiimlx for buillng, Ideal phu-e for lioiiie, S'JOtM) pnsh.' Tlitlam.o terms.; .1. Isdlcve tills ,to bo the best buy In land 1 liaVcofferod Irs' 10 years I linve Ihwo In business ' ROGUE RIVER LAND Nasli Tlotel Ciirner Al'TOMOlULES FOR SALE One 1920 Oakland six touring car, looks like new, extra equipment, bumper, niotometer, new spare tire, clock, etc. Owner must sell at sacrifice at once. Price $1100. Tinny Motor Co., 125 S. Front St. tf" FOR SALE-'-Fonl touring car. Perfect condition. Phono 444, call for Colllor. tf FOH SALIC Ford touring car $27i. Ford truck with covered body, cab and 1 windshield, practically new, $700. Pnttoh & Robinson, Inc., 112 S. Riverside. FOR SALE The owner says we must sell 1920 Dort. $149 worth of extra.,. Cord tires. $1000. Come soon. It won't last long. Clark i; Childers. tf R SALE 1-OULTHY AND EiS K SALK llurred Rock eggs. O. A. 4.'. strain, 75c a setting. Phone 919-W. 302 W1.' LEGHORN BAUY C1I1X '' ' ' produce commercially profit- hens. April delivery, $13 pur hundred. May and Juno delivery $12.50 per hundred. Full count guar anteed. Sales' Hatchery, Putaluma. Calif. FORSALE 240 Whllo LoKhorn arid Haired Rock pullets, trap-nested, laving GO tier cent. Chicken house and fixtures. 240 S. . Riverside. Phone 955-M. ,, . .301 FOR SAI.K- eggs. $1.25 Manimotli Poliin dilclt per 10 postpaid. ' Art Moore, Persist, Ore. ' zny :H; V. r.-iltf FOR SALE Pedigree Whltrf lieghora hatching eggs. White Wing Poultry ' Farm, 'Phoenix, " Phono 9-F-1L . 298 FOR SA1..1C llarrod Rock eKgs, O, A, .. . .. 1 , 1.. ,11 pur. 11 ' u. lies, paying siiaui. rmniu .uoj i,. . . 320 FOR SALE Rhode IsUnd Red eggs, $1.00 per setting. I. cockerels, $2.50 each. Choice alo canaries $1.00. Phono 847-Y. FOR SAi.W-'-Whito . Leghorn 'chicks $15 to $18. ' Eggs 45.00 per hundred. R. I. Red eggs, chicks and cockerels. Dressier Square ' Deal llatchory. Phone 951-L. 315 FOR SALIi! Hntciilng eggs from my bred .to lay 'White Leghorns. W. J. Warner. tf FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn eggs from first-class stock, $1.60 for sot ting ot'J5. Got them at Moil Tribune ' office.; ' ' ''"'.-; tf FOR, SALE O.- A. C, strain Barred Rock oggs for hatching. Phono 5-F-2. 'T. E. Potlonger. FOB. BALK REAL ESTATE FOR SALIC. OR TRADE Ten acres, i two acres hi' Blng cherries, five acres in -Newtown apples, three 1 acres not cleareU. Orchard 11 years old, well cared for. Gasoline ispray pump arid other implements. One l mile from highway and city limits of ! Ashland. I Will trade for Ashland or ' Medford property. Mrs. Anna Zigler, ' 326 N. Main St., Ashland. 299 FOR SALE Ranch close "in to Asli ; land -$15l) an nero with. Improve ments. Box 7, Mull Tribune. , 302 FOR SALE Small ranch close In. ' Splendid for fruit, berries, chickens: Write Owner, Mull Tribune.. 290 FOR'' SALIC Fine Incomo property. ' Call' at 344 S. Central. See this at i once'. ,'Whltlock. 300 FOR .SALE 6-room plastered house, ' modern; large lot; close In on Oak dale. Price $3240, clear. Bennett Investment Co. , , tf FOR SALE Deal on house and lor 322 E. Fourtu St. and Apple c.'.' Property still for salpj 113 FOR SALE-Good ranches. Boo ns . V I' ., r ' 1 : 'I. before buying. J. I. AndrcwB, - 31 N. .Grapo St I'hono. fOrid -IV. FOR SALfc-Ffve rodrii'inodBi-n 'house, all in good shape, Ilirgo lot; fiVie soil, herrieS and fruit, Clill 10141 W; Tonth St..- - -i -..,.,. 29D FOR SALE Ten acre fruit ranch VA miles west of Medford, at a bargain. .Call or .address 11, 405 Beatty St., Medford. -....-' 299 FOR SALIC Brick residence, modern conveniences, pitted right. Terms. One 6-room house, $600.' Owner, Jesse L. Richardson, Central Point 1 Feed Store, Central Point. Phone 41. i -; ;: ' ' ' 1 . 2! FOR SALE-llT acrbs" tTmiier In Elk Creek district, or will trnde for Inv proved valloy property. -Phone 364-J ! .-. ' . . 304 FOR SALE Bungalows and cottages! See us before purchasing. . Medford - Land & Insurance Agency, 220 W. . Main.; ... tf FOR SALE Leaato and exchange real estate. Gold Ray Realty Company. FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. C. S. Butterfleld, phone 216. IiOHT LOST Small silver Waltham watch .with fob. Reward If returned to Mall Tribune. 299 CO, . J. C. BARNES I'llone 78I-.I l'OK LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Tell good milk cows. Phono G-F-4 or Box HI, Eagle Point. Oregou. 3o? FOR SALE Six heavy work horses suitable lor logging and ranch work. L. Louden, Jacksonville. 302 FOR SALE Six flue young Duroc Ji-r. sey sows breeding age. Also good well rotted horse manure, no straw. Tent, North Central, opposite, box factory. 302 FOR SALE Al young ranch team, goud sized. 1103 .Mailt ic St. 301 FOR SALE Team of horses and 2" head of Angora goats. Phone S57-X. 2.v FOR SALE One good unblemished work or driving horse. Color solid black, weight i:tuo lbs. Phono Ml. Earl Tinny, 125 S. Front St. tf FOR SALE Two fine colts and two horses. Dr. Helms Ilarn. if FOR SALE Ten beautiful fresh milch cows, also good work horse. Walsh's place, one mile northeast of Medford on Crater Lako Roail, 303 FOR SALE .Mount Crest. Ranch of fers for sulo four- Shorthorn bulls, ready for service, your choice for $3fi0. Two younger nt $200, mostly red. Apply James Stewart, Mount crest Ranch, lilt, .Calif. tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 200 ft. woven wire poultry .ii, fencing. Phone 805-11. 500 'Fojl SALIC Two section sleel har row; also springtooth, lit Killing's Shop. . , 301 FOR SALE One ivory dresser, stand and Iron bed springs anil good heater ' lor sale. Cull 83;i-X. 300 FOR SALIC Three-Inch Mitchell wag on, good condition. Phone 25-R-2. 303 FOR- SALE Baled, first crop, clean alfalfa at $20 for quick sale. J. IC. llaney, Talont, Ore. 299 FOR' SALE Slightly .used ull'nlfa cul tivator. Hubbard llros. tf FOR SALE Home grown nlftilfa seed 20c per lb. Corvnllis test 99.7(1. J. M. Hurley, R. R. No. 2, Modford. I'hono 21-I'MG Jacksonville 302 FOR SALIC OR TRADE One-ton Fed ; oral truck, new wood rack and 1921 ' license. Will take usdd cur In trade, J condition no objuct. 565 II St., Ash land, Ore. ' . 302 FOR SALIC Thoroughbred fox terrier pup, scvon months old. Phone 351 L. . 299 FOR SALIC Socond-liand Vaughn drag buw, Huhbard llros. tf FOR SALE One 2-3 bottom - 3 2-tnch John Dcero tractor plow, $95. Thoo. J. Fish, Jr., Phoonlx. ', 298 FOll SALIC Registered "Disco 2S" alfalfa, yields u ton inoro to tho acre In the "Jacksonville district. Trv U on your plnco, it will prove tho beet. $35c. per pound, delivered Mudl'ord. Chas. Nunan, phono Jacksonville 390 ' 297 FOR SALIC Baby buggy, folding. Call j 749-R, Medford. 297 FOR- SALE 1920 31j-ton Attarbury truck, run about 2000 miles, guuran- ' teed just like a new truck, at '$2000 under list price.- For further infor- ' niatlon phono 18, Mr, Burdick. . 298 FOR SALE Canary birds. 512 S. ' Park. :. FOR SALE Good piano. A. W. Short. Phoenix, Ore. 299 FOR SALIC One O-horso Almo sta tionary engine, llko new, $225. One 6-foot orchard disk, used one Season, $50. One 8-foot orchard disk, used 0110 soason, $75. One 10 ihch'gang plow, jusi llko new, $75. 1 tf. E. Gates Auto Co. tf FOB SALE Sand, gravol, sediment rind dirt. Plowing and teaming work ' "done. Phono 912-J, Samuel Bato- than, 302 MaplO St. . FOR. SALIC Manure. Hoover Dairy. Phono ,452-Y. tf FOR SALE One now Sampson trac tor nt a very low prlco; will take good team In on payment, balunce cash and terms. " Geo. L. Trolchler . Motor Co., Modford, Ore. tf FOR BALE Hay at Three Oaks. W. J. Hartzell. tf FOR SALE 220 gallon Bowser gaso line pump and tuuk. : Riverside Gar ' ago. 299 FOR -8AL1' 200 pair new shoes al cos.. Second-bund shoes and shoe " repairing ut the Medford Shoe Hos pital, 119 IC. Sixth St:, Modford. KfOLICN STOLEN Adlako bicycle, .blue frame, black mud guard, from front Page theatro Sunday night. Reward. John Altkcn, Jr., liar mini npartmonts. 29S BUSINESS DIRECTORY . Chiropractic Physician JOUETT P. BRAY S-aigbt Chiro practic, rooms 409-10 M. F.' & H. building. 9 to 12 a. in., 2 to 5 p. 111., dnlly except Thursday. Phono 680. ; Painting and Paperhanglrig LEWIS & CASEY Painting, Paper--, hanging, tinting.- Estimates rurnlsh ' edfreo. I'hono 189. 20 S. Grnpo St, Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAOW CO Offlco 42 North Front St. I'honi 815. Prices right. . Service guar k :anteed. ' DAVIS TRANSFBft Anything moved day or night. Service guaranteed Fair treatment .104 S. Fir. Phone. Office 611 jr rea.'eillt- 206. u BUSINESS DIRECTORY.' Abstractors. MURRAY DROS. & VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 6, No. 22 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incori'orated 1904. Ab stracts of Title, Title Insurance. Architect (i. E. TEETS Licensed SIsson, California. architect. 323 Auto Supplies LAHF.R AUTO SPRING CO. Wo ara operating the largest, oldest an 3 best-equipped plant In the Pacific northwest. - Uso our springs wheu others fall. Sold under written guarantee. 84 North Fiftoonth SL, Portland, Oregon. Attorneys.. PORTER J. NICKF Attorney-utlaw, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National ' Bank Rullding. A. E. R E M ICS? I ,u wyor, Garnett Coroy Buiidiug. O. C. HOGGS Real estate law and settlement of estates a specialty. If. F. LINDAS-r-Attornoy,., General Practice. . Patents a specialty. Stewart Bldg. . ; WIN FIELD R. GAYLORD Lawyer. Room 7 Pnlm block, 107 East Main St., Modford. . ' . ,-. . O. ' A.- CODDINO-Lawyer, Modford National Bank llldg. Building Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK ft BLOCK WORKS specialize In aU kinds of 'cement building products.. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. ... ' ,;. Chiropractor, DR. A. KURKLUND Chiropractor. Spinal Adjustments. '204-205 Sparta Bldg., cor. Mnln and Riverside.' Office phono 285. 1 - 1 ' " , Dentist DR. V. R. KAUFMAN, Dentist. Office ' in Sparta Building. Ol'flca hours S ' to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p.-m. Phone 285. ' Electrio Service BATTERY & ELECTRIC CO. Factory distributors for ICxIde Batteries an Fairbnnks-Morso light plants.. Not ' Bldg. Phone 110. . . -. 814 " : Expert Accountant: WILSON AUDITING CO. Ev M.'WIK; son, C. P. A.-' Attention' given tj ' anything in Accounting nud Incom's ' Tax" requirements. - Look 'Into out ; 1 simplified accounting method. Lib erty Bldg.,-Medford.: Phone 167-R1 .Fidelity and. Surety Bonds FIDELITY. AND SURETY BONDS- Ve execute ail forms of bond McCurdy Insurance Agency, tf) '; Instruction' Tn Music. FRED ALTON HAiaHT Teacher oj '. piano and harmouy. Halght Musl . studio, 318 Garnott-Corey Building'' Phone 72. ' ' ' ' r ' ' Physicians' arid Surgeons. DR. A. BURSELL Spluologlat.' Phyi slclan and surgeon. Spinal adjust i . inents, general treatments and dlag , nosls.' 309-10-11 M. F. & H. Bldjf... Elevator to' third floor. Phone 29t ' DR. J. J.. F.MMENS PhyBlcian and'c surgeon. Practice limited to eye, i' oar, noso aud throat Eyes sclentif-,: ' Ically tested and glasses . supplied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. R. R. Co. ' M. F. & IV. Co. Bldg. '- l-nohe Btf?i ' DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOVV-rOotoopathlo Phy- lolaua.- 410-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg. ' Phono. : 904-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel 8t DR. . W-. ' W. HOWARD Oateopathlo Physician; . Special attention:; given.' to. eye,- ear, .nose and .throat. r,803 , Liberty building. Phone 490, "; , DR. 1 HARVEY ' P. COLPJMAN Chlro. 1 practlo and Nathrul Painless Meth ods. Room 428 M. F. & 1L Bldg. ' . Phone 965. .. '. ' : ,, ",. JAM ICS C.' HAYES-Physicinn and,4 Surgeon; office hours 11 to 12 tt. m., - r 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. : Sparta building;' ' residence 1405 W. Main. Phones: . Office 663, res. 492. 'Specialty,";. . Medical and Surgical Diagnosis. ' tl. Dr. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices M. V; & IV. Bldg. Phone 165. Rcsldenco 118 Genesee: St. Phono 165-J-2. OR, SCHICLLER Osteopathic Physic-'. ' lan Rooms 44 South Grape. - Printers and Publisher MEDFORp PH1NTINO CO.. has the . , best cquli)cd printing office In ' Southern Oregon. Book blndlug,' . looso leaf ledgors, billing systems,. etc. 1 Portland prices.' 27 N. Fir St. Publio Accountants ALAN URACKiNREED, Room 9 . F, E. HAYES, Room 10,-Jackson ' . County Bank Bldg. Accounts, fed ernl tax returns, business counsel. Rug Weaving.' MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS i ; makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and ' rugs. , Phone . 610-M. i ' 706 Pine St. . , ,. ( Tent and Awning Work MEDKORD TENT AND AWNINtt"" WORKS 128 N. Grape St. Phonn 413-Y. E. Burger, l'roy. ' ' I