Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 05, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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Tocal and
The rainfall of Friday was much de
plored both in the oily and coimtiy dis
tricts aa It uiltioil ul(lillonal moisture
to the ground and delayed the drying
out process, which was fast going on,
thus delaying the plowing on the fa rum
and the making of gardens In the city.
Yesterday's rainfall was .31 of an inch.
However, this week many early gar
dens were ut in and planted in thi:
city, l-'air weather la predicted for to
night and Sunday.
$1.75 per 100 His. for fancy Netted
(loin potatoes, free delivery. Hutchison
& Lumsden. 2'J1
j Have your motor cylinders robored
nml fitted with iioLnxo ijlstonn at
Hiverside (Jarage. Host equipped shop
for cylinder rehorlug In southern
Oregon. i!ii7
Community dance tonight at Nata
lorium. 2'ti
.Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Ciithile and chil
dren who have spent the winter visit
Ing Mr. (iiithiie'H parents at Liverpool,
Kngland, expect to sail for homo next
Mrs. Paul Ilausen, coraetlere for
Nullono. I'houe 585-J. tf
Everything electrical. Medford Elec
trio Co. Phone C61.
Little Hatha ia Mayliew, hy rcipiest
will he seen In a real spring-time dance
at the Natatorial tonight. Tills little
: dancing midget Is always an enjoyable
! feature of an evening's entertainment.
Splendid music will he furnished hy
Iho Imperial orchestra. ill.")'
,'E. If. Poineroy of Santa Ilnrhnra, E
S. Koshala of Salt Lake City, O. L
Skofstad of Seattle, (i. W. Zaiii? of
Hacramcnlo, and .Mr. and .Mrs. C
Kndlcott anil Miss Harriett Edgev.orlh
of San Francisco are nmong the guests
at tho Holland.
.Ilavo you seen little Llarhara May-
hew In her real spring dance? She
will appear tonight at the Natatorluin
community dance. A cordial invita
tion is extended tho public to attend.
Admission only 10c. 295
Johnson's Transfer nny time any
where. Prices right. Phone 723-Y.
Reuorlns and fitting your engine
with UeLuxe pistons gives it new life.
It's not so expensive, (lot our priced
Hiverside Garage. P. F. Close. 297
Although plenty of eggs are being
lnid to keep the price down in this
vicinity to 2D cents a dozen they are
growing somewhat scarce owing to the
fact that so many peoplo are purchas
ing In large quantities to put down in
water glass and many others using
numerous eggs In their Incubators for
the hutching season.
E. L. Davis, recontly located in Mod
ford, has a Hainilton-Heach carpet
washer, which cleans and washes car
pets and rugs without taking them ofr
the floor. Tho system is perfectly sun
ltary, kills moths and all germ dis
eases, does not interfere- with the
housework or cause uny inconvenience
and carpets are dry In one hour. Phone
!)!)8 for pai'ticulai-s. 2117
The lunch you like at tho Dairy
nook and homo cooking. ;t05
llettor huy a Chandler than wish
you had. tf
County Agent C. C. Cato and Mrs
(ate arrived homo last night from
their Bojourn in Lou Angeles. Mr. Cati
comes back In his usual gooil health
and will at once delve into the nniltl
tudliious duties of his ofl'lco Willi re
newed vigor.
Prunes flair sale. Call 45:i-M, David
ltaymoml. 297
Just received a Bhlptnent of 30x3
flrst-clRHs nouskld tires, while they
last lu.00. Medford Vulcanizing
When bettor nutomobltca nre hullt
Hnlolc will hulld thorn. tf
1. Ilragg, a veteran of Iho old sol
dier's homo left this morning for Mod
ford whero he will visit with his grand
children, Kosebmg lievlew.
Income tax returns prepared. Lindas
236 East Main.
Finney Notlod Coin potatoes $1.7.1
per 100. lbs. dolivered. Hutchison
Liuusdon. li'.ir.
Dr. Jouett P. llray is in his office in
M. F, & 11, llldg., woek days except
I hursdays, rooms lll'.M 10. Phono 5S0,
Lady assistant. "Keep Smiling." 2HG
Tho storeoptlcon lecture on "Old and
New China" given last Wednesday
evening at the First llnptist church
was greatly enjoyed by all who were
present. The views were unusually
good, and tho new niachlue purchased
by tho church proved to he a splendid
Btureoptlcon. The church received
soino new members, anil voted to set
aside Holy Week as Membership Week
in tho church. Special effort will he
made to reach many interested people
of tho congregation. The church will
go "over the top" in lis goals, which
nre But for Easter from present Indira
lions, New members will be received
hy baptism Sunday evening, and the
hand of fellowship given to a number
of now members at the morning ser
vice. "Homo Uaked" goods at thu Dairy
Nook. You'll like them. 305
Hock Springs lump coal, dry wood,
mill blocks and kindling. Valley Fuel
Co. tf
Notice! Tho meeting of the Amer
ican Legion will commence at S:30 to
night. Tho social session will start
nhout 9:15. All legion members and
tho auxiliary are requested to attend
Frank P. Karrell, Commander. 295
Mr. und Mrs. J. C. Mechen nro visi
tors in tho clly from Trail who are
registered lit the Holland.
Invest your savings in the Jnckson
County JUtilldlng and Loan association
Iloglnnlng Mar. 1st we will furnish
tin-pastiirlzctl milk to customers who
wish it. Cows tuberculin tested. Snider
Dairy & Produce Co.
Hear the Ashland-.Medfoid debate at
4hc 1 1 lull School tonight. 290
(icorge Maddox of the Medford green
house who was operated on Thursday
at the Sacred Heart hospital for uppen
dlcitls, is getting along nicely.
Kindergarten training Is the very
basis of all later education. Every
child Is entitled to the advantages and
happy experiences of the kindergarten.
Tiny Tot School, G22 West Fourth
street. Phone S32-W. 299
If your merchant does not handle
Itoguo river mailo brooms you can get
them at the public market. 29G
Ashland High Sehool-Medrord High
School annual debate tonight at 8 p. m.J
High School auditorium. 29
Oregonlans at the Medford last night
anil tliis morning included Carl It.
Barnes, V. F. Slater, Hay W. Turnbull
and Maud Lombard of Eugene, W. .1
Kerr of Corvallls, and tlio following
from Portland: Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Trudgler, .Mr. and Mrs. A. S. (John,
Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Kemger, C. E. Col
lins, Pat. Illake, Chas. H. Harris, T. II.
N'eustcd, II. E. Parsons, Chas. II.
(ilaser, W. P. dray, (i. .VI. lllalt, It. C. ami A liraiiloy, Thos. II. Mc-
(iiilro and A. 11. Palmer.
If your clothes ure not becoming to
you, you had better ho coining to ns
I'antoriiim Dye Works. tf
After all Is said and dono you will
still continue to Bave at the Groceteria.
The Japanese question will be dis
cussed at tlio High School tonight at X
p. in. No admission charge. 295
The Elks hard times Inaugural ball
last night was a largely attended and
very enjoyable affair with some strik
ingly original and humorous costumes
among tho odd ballroom garb worn hy
till the dancers.
Everything electrical. Medford Elec
tric Co. Phono 0(11.
After all Is said and done you will
still continue to save at tho Groceteria.
Will Ashland or Medford High win
In the debate tonight? 295
i no itogue lllver Canal company
sent qullo a number of laborers In the
Fish Lake vicinity this morning to cut
out the brush along the right of way
of tho Medford district irrigation sys
tern In that section.
Humilton-Heach Carpet Washer
washes carpets and rugs on your own
floor, restores the colors, kills moths
and disease germs, making your homo
absolutely sanitary. Tel. 244. 296
Hemstitching and plcoting
10 cents per yard.
Tho Vunlty Hut Shop,
Cor. R Main and DaVtlett. tf
Husiness college girl will
services for home. Phono 259-11. 29U
Tho rain of last night drove four
young men who arrived In the city on
a freight train to take laborers' jobs
at constructing tho irrigation system,
to seek shelter in tho city prison. They
hud served in tlio II. S. navy during
tlio world war and were penniless
Muttressos mudo over, furniture up
bolstering, crating and packing. Doug
las, 137 N. Central. Phono 2-Y. 29(i
For crating, packing and Btorage
call :i3:t Koiznr Transfer. 31
Big roviow und speed typing 'class
under expert instructor begins this
week. Modl'ord Husiness College 300
Dr. Her I Elliott, arrived homo today
from Dallas, Ore., whero he attended
tho funeral of his father.
Our oils at a hlg reduction tills
week. Huy now. C. E. Gates Auto Co.
After all is said and done you will
still continue to save at tho Groceteria.
Seo thu laud of the Midnight Sun
Join tlio party of tourists who will
leavo Seattle oiirJy In June for Alaska
Personally conducted by Mrs. A. M
llroughton, Ashland, Ore. 30G
Miss Elsie Lawrence of Medford for
treasurer Is Included In tho list of nom
Illations for positions 111 tho calilnut of
the V. of O. campus Y. W. C. A. for
tlio coming year. March Dili is the
date of the (dec! Ion.
Over 2000 cans or government bacon
have been sold in eight weeks by the
tlrocerteria. Getter got what you want
uororo it s all gono. tf
jjeico-ijigni f.iectrlcuy for every
(arm. n.edford Electrio Co.
1' Ishlng rods re-wrapped, varnished
and repaired. Also second-hand tackle
bought and sold. Eaton, 320 N. llollv.
niarcn id win no tlio last iinv on
which Income tux returns may he filed
without the payment of fines for dolln
quency nnd less than 40 per cent of the
taxpayers In the Oregon district have
tiled Iholr returns, according to Milton
A. Miller, collector of Internal revenue.
Miller points out that tho baste neces
sary 111 preparing returns at tho last
iiiimiiciil ii-cquciuiy results In errors
which prove embarrassing to taxpay
ers and annoying to officials of th
depart mom.
Grape elder, fresh from the press at
tho Jnckson County Creamery Bottling
wept, l'liono 2211.
l.awn mowers sharpened. Mitchell
Ladder Co., 31S East .Main. 317
Coal summer price $ti and $8. 295
10. V. Anderson Is spending tho week
end In the city from tho llliio Ledge
mining district.
List your house, farm and timber
with tho Medford Land & Insurance
Agency, 220 West Main street, tf
No. 1 Netted Gem. potatoes $1.75 a
hundred hy the sack delivered at War
ner. Wortman & Gore. 290
Hotter dry llmo sulphur. Potter drv
irsenato of lead. Containers worth
cash if returned. Conner's Warehouse.
W. S. Stains and family of I.anflne.
Mtu., ('a., Mr. and Mrs. .loo Cox of
Hod Hlulf, nnd C. M. Ilartlett and J. K
Uoss of. Portland are guests at the
Personal attention to overdue ao
counts. Lindas, 235 East Main.
If you want Borne print paper In
oils, to fit In your paper racks or to
use without the racks, better see us at
once mid savo money. tr
Insurance of nil kinds. Lindas, 235
East Main. .
The new intermediate H. Y. P. U. of
the First Haptlst church was organized
Sunday evening with an encouraging
Interest by the boys and girls present.
A business meeting and Biipper were
held Wednesday evening and the or
ganization was perfected. A member
ship contest is to he held with Mar
jorlo Daily and Lois Norris as cap
tains. Meetings will he held Sunday
at (i:45 p. in. at the Carey Cottage and
are open to all interested. Mrs. B. F.
Neff is the superintendent, Eltron Wal
(iron, president; Francis Neff, 1st vice
president; Helen l-eueh, 2d vice presi
dent and chairman of the social com
mittee; Kalnna Bryant, treasurer;
James Hears, chairman of the mem
bership committee.
Huve you tried any of the Columbia
Koeords that Palmer's are selling at
59c, each? Come In before they ure all
gone. 29(1
No. 1 Netted Gem potatoes $1.75 a
hundred by the sack delivered at War
ner, Wortnian & Gore. 2911
After all is said and done you will
still continue to, save at tho Groceteria
. " ' tf
Charles Campbell, son of W. N.
Campbell of Hillings, Mont., who was a
resident of Medford tell years ago, has
aguln located In tile city und will as
sume charge of the gentlemen's fur
nishing department of Munn's store.
Wanted Singing canaries. Box D,
Mall Tribune.
They're here. Ask the man who
owns one. 296
A.lfalfa seed, tests 99.92; no dodder.
Phone 902. Elinor Hanley Bush, 82(1
East Main. 310
Among the Trail section residents in
the city last night and today were T. (
Gaines, Mike Spencer, J. 11. Trusty, Jr.
and P. E. Saudoz.
It. A. Holmes, the Insurance Man.
Insurance, and Bonds, plus Service."
1 Ford truck with .cab and good body
for sale cbear). ' ' New tires. Seely V
Hall Motor Qol .1 1 ;, 1 -,, ; U
Dolco-Llght farm light and power
plants. Medford Electric Co.1
The Clubwoman's Bulletin,' Iho offic
ial organ of the Oregon Federation of
club women, In Its' issue just out con
tains, tlio following Medford item:
"The Greater Medford club had a
smart card parly recently in the Hotel
Holland for the benefit of the Scholar
ship Loun fund. Mrs. Frank G. Owen
and Mrs. Skewis presided at tlio tea
tiible. Mrs. II. L. Nobllt was chair
man. Eighteen tables were arranged
lor tlio players.
Try our merchants lunch. Tho
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Carpenter
of Del Monte, Calif., well known for-,
inor residents of Medford, expect to
sail next week for an auto tour through
Furope. Some time ago they shipped
their car to Fiance for this purpose.
A car load of Netted Gem potatoes
just arrived $1.75 per 100 lbs. Hutchi
son & Lumsden. 295
The Ashland lodge of Elks will he
officially visited tonight by Thomas
B. James of Marshfield, district deputy
exalted grand ruler.
When overhauling your old bus put
now llfo In it hy demanding genuine
American hammered piston rings, fac
tory equipment on the best cars. The
Busy Corner Motor Co. tf
Among the Holland guests, are Mr
and Mrs. M, 11. Monro and G. W. Cent
ner of Eugene and H. K. Bukerof Won
First class dry oak and fir wood
1.50 and $5.00 per tier. W. F. Long-
will s Yard. 2911
Tho now officers of Canton Daylight
No. Hi, Patriarch's Militant, I. O. O. F.,
department of Oregon, were Installed
by Major A. J. T. Smith, lust night as
follows: Leo Wat kins, coniitant; E.
C. Payne, lieutenant: S. J. F. Mauess,
ensign; N. J. Wiley, accountant, and
1'. E. Hodden, clerk. Captain Lei
Wat kins resigned and Charles N.
Davis was elected captain, Lieutenant
E. C. Payne resigned and John Millard
was elected lieutenant. Alter the
iriccllug a nice supper was served by
Mcsdames Watkins, Deniiner, Davis
and Wiley.
Dance at Savage Creek hall, Snttir
day evening, March 6, 1921. Music by
Melson s orchestra. Hill, including
supper, $2.00 per couplo. mile from
pavement. Good graveled road. 295
Probably the happiest young man In
Jackson county is Lark Evans, who
was exonerated of tile kidnaping and
robbery charge which has been hang-
lug over him since 1919 when the Jury
In circuit court Friday returned a ver
dict of acquittal. Evans will, accord
ing to his present plans, continue to
operate his paint shop in Ashland
which be established some time ago.
Potatoes, Netted Gem, fancy stock,
$1.75 per 100 lbs delivered in town.
Hutchison .t Lumsden. 295
Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Van Seoyoc left
Friday to spend the week end at their
cottage at Trail.
Afler all Is said and done you will
still continue to savo at the Groceteria.
' tf
The public market was a fairly good
one today, a feature being the sale ol
tnat pretty wild flower. 'tho lamb
tongue, In hunches. They nre now
blooming in profusion.
C. A. (Shy) Huntington, the widely
nown football player of V. ai O. fame.
who ret'ereed the Medford-Ashliind
basketball game here last night.
turned to Eugeno today.
ihe social hour of the Epworth
.eague of the First Methodist church
oil North Burnett street between the
hours of 5:30 nnd 6:15 Is urovinc a
cry enjoyable feature for the voting
people us well as the older ones who
attend. A large attendance Is expect
ed tomorrow afternoon ns a committee
of young men will have charge of the
entertainment and refreshments. Ep
worth League service will follow at
Guests ut tho Medford include C. L
Marcus of Boston, .lav Dunn of Los
Angeles and Edward ltohlnson. Leo
IJindeeker, C. A. Stuart and A. Colder
of San Francisco.
The O. A. C. is sending out invita-;
Hons for the formal opening of the
second annex of the home economies'
building, March 11th and 12th. I
George A. Mansfield, president of
(he local Farm Bureau and of
the Slate Farm Bureau Federation
who has been away from home most of
the time for the past two months on
slate farm bureau organization work
Is expected home Sunday. The past
week he spent in work in Multnomah
I'OUTLANI), Ore., Map. 5.Ait-
other four-rent roji in Ihe wliule
tmle price of butter w.'ih made this
morning, niakiiiK a total drop of
er.ts Kline Wednesday. Thin biliiK-u
the creamery price down to 48 cvntH
Mir the bent grades.
The reduction was brought about
by the fact tiiat San I'YancInco butter
has been declining at a rapid pace
during the pant ten days until now the
southern market in ut a level where
it could flood thiH territory with but
ter If prices were not met.
1-ant year til this time, butter was
selling retail at an average of
centti a pound.
The Oregon State Board of Dental
Examiners are sending out Dr. II C.
FIxott of Portland on a lecture tour
throughout thu state. His subject
is "The .Mouth und Teeth and .Their
lielation to Good Health."
The doctor will lecture beforo the
pupils of the 4th to Sth grades in
the morning of the 9th of March
(Wednesday,) and In the high school
In the afternoon. '
Dr. 1L C. FIxott will also give an
illustrated lecture at the high school
Wednesday evening, March 9th, at S
o'clock. "The Teeth and Mouth and
Their Kelutlon to Good Health.' He
will use a moving picture and slide
,-- St. Mark's Episcopal
Cor. North OnkdaJe nnd Fifth Sts.
8 a. m. Holy communion.
10 u. m. Sunday school.
11 a. in. Holy communion.
Win. II. Humilton, Vicar. '
Main Street Methodist Church, South.
"The church which serves the com
munity." James E. Condor, pastor.
Sunday school 10 a. m.. Mr. Lovett
superintendent. Our school is in
creasing in number and interest. Last
Sunday was a record breaker. You
will find a cordial welcome with us.
il'reoching llvi. m. and 7:30 p. in.
Morning subject," Your Own Bur
dens," evening subject, "The llain-
lit-w in the Clouds."
i.pwortn League nt (1:30 p. m.
Leader, ltaymoml Berry.
1'ruyeriiieeting Wednesday evening
at 7:30.
The church stands for tho best. No
other Institution In Medford is seek
ing the welfare of everybody as thu
church. Your children, your prop
erty nnd you are safer because of
the church In your midst. What are
you doing to help tho church? Every
body should go to church somewhere
SAN FltANOISCO, Cal.. Mar. 5.
The Nevada, California & Oregon
railroad will bu extended ulinnst im
mediately from Ijikeview northerly
to Cump creek und Thomas creek to
open up what is said to be the largest
pine Umber region on tills continent.
When this extension of twenty-five
miles Is completed, the Pennsylvania
Door He Sash company will erect saw
mills and commence cutting lumbr
at the rate of lOO.IIOO.OOU feet yearly.
Confirmation of plans lo start
early construction of iho railway
from likeview was obtained here to
day from A. It. Hoehl, attorney for
Charles Moran of New York, owner
of the majority of the stock of the N.
C. & O. line.
More important Is the belief that
as noon as construction Is stnt-ted the
Western Pacific may arrange for ihe
purchase of the narrow-gauge Hue
from Haekstuff, Nev., to iuke-.iew,
and standardize it.
Although President C. M. Levey, of
the Western Pacific, denied today
that his road contemplates buying the
N. C. & O. line. It is known that the
Western Pacific executives greatly do-
sire to acquire and construct feeders
Tor the system. Tho prospect of trans
porting 100,000,000 feet of lumber
yearly from one mill alone therefore,
is regarded ns an inducement to
throw out rail connections, beyond
Extension of the road to Paisley, 4r,
miles north of Jjokeview," is regarded
an eventuality after : the . lino
reaches the sites of sawmills already
projected. Ultimate ' connection Avith
Bend and, Klamath Fulls is, believed
to be reasonable.
The attention of all those who are
guarantors for the Ellis and White Ly
ceum Course are reminded that the
last number, a lecture hy Herbert Leon
Cope, America's greatest humorist,
will be given at the Presbyterian
ihurch Wednesday evening, March Hi.
This course was procured by forty (li
ferent persons signing us guarantors
for the expense of same. The sale ol
tickets has not been sufficient to meet
these expenses. Therefore those sign
ing this, guarantee ure asked 10 meet
their share, of this deficit cheerfully.
Several have already paid up and will
not be asked for further funds, but all
others ure requested to puy to Hie
treasurer, Mrs. Geo. Andrews, the sum
or ten dollars to cover their guunintee.
Should there be a large sale of tickets
for this last attraction tills per capita
tax will be lessened and a refund made
that will divide the expense evenly.
SALEM, Ore., March r. The pub
lic service commission of Oregon lias
begun preparation (o combat efforts
of the Puget Sound cities to obtain a
rehearing of tho Columbia basin rate
case, in which lit einter-state com
merce commission several months ago
granted Portland a 10 per rent dif
ferential from territory south of the
Snake irver.
is always ready lo
ease, rheumatism
' A T the very first twinge, down
comes my bottle of Sloan's
then quick relief, without tubbing,
for it's stimulating- and scatters
-oiifrestion. Tho boys use it for
itilf muscles, and it helps Sally'a
backaches, too." 35c, 70c, $1.40.
OOIIOSA Personal
Fold It up, take It
with you, type
write anyw-b. ere.
J 5 0.00, Including
carrying case.
Distributors for So. OroKon.
The Medford
Auto Paint Shop
General Motor Car Iteflnlshlng
N. Central & Jackson. Pbone 707
Tlio following agreement has been
made between the student bodies of
Medford and Ashlnnd high schools:
e, the students of the Medford
and Ashland high schools, agree that
in the relations of the two schools
from now on, there shall be no steal
ing of caiis, pennants or ribbons, or
any other conduct to promoto un
friendly, relations between tlio two
schools and as fur as within our
power we will promoto friendly re
lations between tho citizens of the two
"Irvine Terrell, Presl.
"A. Small, I'rest.
"March 1, 1021."
Inaugural S
Meeting of Ohloans
Tho annual meeting of the Ohio as
sociation of Itoguo Klver Valley will
bo hold Saturday, March 12, 1H21, at
Cliaiituuuua Pioneer hall, Ashland.
Oregon. Ohloans and their, families
are cordially Invited to bo present
with well filled baskets. Dinner serv
ed at 12 o'clock sharp.
Tell your Ohio friends to be present
for dinner, business meeting and ex
cellent program.
J. J. CAM11E11S, President.
Liberty llotuls.
NEW )I. .Mnr. 5. Liberty bonds
losed aj's $M.(2: first 4's
bid; second 4's SMi.rU; first 4 '! 's
J.X7.0U; second 4 's $Sli.08; third
4l4's SII0.2U; fimrth 4 M 's $00.20;
Victory 3-Vs U 7 . 5 S ; Vlctry 4's
$07. -IS.
Arsenate of Lead Pool
The pool for a carload or more of
Orchard Brand arsenate 01 lead will be
closed Saturday night, March 5. Any
fruitgrower who wishes to place his
order in this pool may do so by signing ;
for the amount wanted nnd depositing .
his check. The price will be $22.50 por j
iuo ior dry and f 11.28 tor paste, a sav
ing of 5c por pound over the regular!
retail price. Call at Farm Uureau Co-!
oporatlvo Exchange and sign.
295 Committee.
The verse with which l'res; Iltmliiiu' took Iho oath ol' office will
lie the text of the sermon 011
"The Nation's Anchor"
V by
Sunday Evening, 7:30
First Methodist Episcopal Church
Fourth und Biii'tlctt
To nil members of the
11:00 a. 111.
"Principles of Success in
Character Building"
Tho lnws of chnracler success are .just ns immutable us those
pertainine; to business success
These Services Will He Worth Your While
YOU Need the Church the Church Needs YOU
1 100 Rev. jrd, $IC0
The readers of ibis oaner will b
pleased to learn that (hero Is at least
ono dreaded disease that . science hus
oeen able to euro In nil Its stugt-s and
that Is catarrh. Ciitnrrh Itelnr crenflv
Inllueuccd by constitutional condtllons
require constitutional treatment. Hull's
Catarrh Medicine is taken Internally and
RCls thru tile Hlood on file Murium Sur.
faceii ot the Sysv.un tbreby destroying
(lie foundation o' ihe dispute, giving tiie
pi Hen: strength liy buildinw up the con
st'.. utlon and asststiiiK natur? in doing Its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith In the curative power of Hall's
Catarrh Medicine tliat (hey offer One
Hundred Pollars for any case that It falls
to cure. Send for llpt of testimonials.
Address V. J. rllKN'KV & CO., Toledo,
Ohio. Sold hy all Dr-jcltists. ,6c.
FOR SALE 1 1.;. acres, good 6100111
house. J500 will handle.
5 rooms, hath complete: on paving.
All clour, fauo will handle, balance
like rent.
One of the best homes In the city.
East Side. 51 1100.
WANTED Housekeeping by capable
middle-aged woman for respectable
party. Address 9;!, care Tribune. 300
FOR SALE Crude Durham heifer
coming three. Scheble Runch, Crif
fin Creek. i'.'T
.j .
of home Sundays hy skirting next
Sunday-to o-o to
First Baptist Church
. . (N. Central ami .Fifth Streets)
where in'any have lefonie interested, and are
now regular attendants. Two services of spe
cial interest for next Sunday.
( Keception of New MenilxMS.
Ordinance of Baptism.
Authorized Captial One Million
WHY are wo inaklii" such wonderful growth?
HKIWVSK jvo-ro ' belplm; 2.-.0 worthy fundltes to own their HOMES by a,l..K a fraction
less than H per cent Interest on n,iiev hummed
"KCA,SK 'pZlli'l'unJZlJ''- '"11 '""""5 " ""ret from the d:,y .l,-"
e it "uik lnT.' .' I ,K".P "" ,'''r"''," S'" k' -' t'""o. nnd I,Wi,l.
level beoT, Li - .7 T' "" ""' ,Vl' "hlcl. In twelxo years has
lieer been below , pey cent and nui-t always more -
..KCAt SK TMKKE IS NO n AIT AN ViVH K it E . A,lv,ls,,,B ,,,, sillllry , Scor(.ti,rJ, lx,11(t t,,
onl, expense. The Olhcors and Directors Klvc their services.
Jackson County Building and Loan Association
C. M. KIDD, President
30 N. Central Ave.
0. C. BOGGS, Secretary