MEDFOTCD MATT- Tmr.UNR MEDFOKD. OTJFiON'. FUTDAY. MARCH f. 1021 PAf!F THREE Spring Displays Wrappy Coats J .(i Are demanded this season by the discriminating shoppers. Our wrappy coats are fash ioned in all the new, rich ma terials and are charmingly distinctive. We extend a cor dial invitation to you to call while our displays are at their best. Early buyers have the largest variety from which to choose. LIBERTY 10 ALL THEME Of CO OH l BE Incoming Vice-President Lays Stress on Rights of Minor ity in His Inaugural Address Vice-Prest. Marshall De livers Eloquent Tribute to His Country. TKe JHub Coat & Suit Go SUNDAY MAIMii: KENNEDY "THE TIlUTIi HOBART BOS WORTH "BELOW THE SURFACE" Everyone who has seen this super-special advises every body else to see it. That's the sort of a picture it is. NOW RIALTO TODAY WASHINGTON, Mar. 4. Following Is the full text of the Inaugural address of Vice President Coolldge: "Five generations ago there was re vealed to the people of this nation a new relationship between man anil man, which they declared and pro claimed in the American constitution Therein they recognized a legislature empowered to express the will of the peoplo in law, a Judiciary required to determine and state such law and an executive charged with securing obedl enee to the law, all holding their of fice not by reason of some superior force but through the duly determined conscience of their countrymen. "To the house, close to the heart of the nation, renewing Its whole mem bership by frequent elections, repre senting diroctly the people and reflect' ing their common purpose, has been granted a full measure of the power of legislation and exclusive authority to originate taxation. Rights of Minority "To the senate, renewing its mom bershlp by degrees, representing In part the sovereign states, lius been granted not only a full measure of the power of legislation but, if possible, far more lniiwrtnnt functions. To it is entrusted the duty of review, that to negotiation there may be added ratlfi cation and to appointment approval Hut its greutest function of all, too little mentioned and too little under stood whether exercised In legislating or reviewing, is the preservation of liberty. Not merely the rights of the majority, ' they little need protection but) the rights of the minority, from ill ss. PAGE the enactment and enforcement of laws calculated to preserve and pro mote equal and exact justice to ull men. Religions die because priests mumble their creeds but have no faith In their gods. Governments go to wreck because their statesmen shorn aloud their shibboleths but let a friend ly enemy pass the ford. Change of Government I freely grant tho right of this people to change our form of govern ment and to adopt other basic princi ples but, if it is to -be done, let It be done decently and directly so that all of us may know It. The old faith lias already too many sleek and smilini-' Joabs asking of it, 'is it well with thee mv brother?' While the old order endures let representatives represent the old Ideas, It he understood that they are not mere bellboys, sub ject to calls for legislative cracked ice every time the victims of a debauch of greed, gambling or Improvidence feel the fever of frenzied need rhe life is more than meat and the body more than raiment. It is of minor Importance who holds the wealth or the nation if the hearts or all its peo ple beat with true historic American throb. The clothes may mark but the clothes cannot make the gentleman. l'he economic rehabilitation of Amer ica is of vust moment but the relmbili- atlon of the ancient faith which up held the ragged continentals, emerged in pristino glory from the throes of civil war, and hurled its smiling and undaunted face against the representa tive of tyranny nuon the fields of France, is a greater work. What "My Country" Means It is enough, perhaps too much. Who am I to suggest, even with shame faced timidity anything to you. For eight long years crowded with events which have forever changed the! cur rents of the world's history I have been with you. I come to the end of them with a feeling of heartfelt grati tude to you nil for those little, name less, unremembered acts of kindness and charity which have marked your friendship and good will. You have been good to me. The ardor of your friendship will sweeten any air that 1 breathe. None can wish for a kindlier fate than I would give you ir I were omnipotent. I go but I remain, I leave with the same Inarticulate cry in my soul with which 1 came to you: My country. It is no new unusual cry for the American but It. has, I tear myriad concepts. To some it means broad acres and fertile fields, to some oppor tunity for personal preferment to a thoughtless few, the right to utter every vagrant word which finds lodg ment in a mind diseased; to the hall educated that democracy should be goveFned as soon by the Infant's cry as by tho prophets' warning. Hut to me it Is but tho composite voice of all the good and wise and self sacrificing souls who trod or tread its soil, calling whatever source they may be assailed The great object for us to seek here,jfor iha iil)ei.ty wliloli is law-encrown to TODAY Not a slnglo nd verso comment litis been heard ii bout this re markable Pic ture! It pleases every-one! BEHOLD MY WIFE . . From Sir Gilbert Parker's 'Transla tion of a Savage' Sunday Double Bill Harold Lloyd and Enid Bennett GRANTS PASS MEDFORD INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Dally and Bandar. I.KAVK GRANTS PASS. 10:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. i 4:30 p. m. I Effective October 25 LEAVE MEDFORD. 10:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:10 v. m. Can atop at all Intermediate point. Office and Waiting Rooms: Medford. 5 South Front, Nash Hotal Bldg. Phone J09. Grants Psas: The Bonbonnler, Phone 180. We also operate stage line from Medford to Ashland, Phoenix, Talent, Central Point, Jacksonville. for the constitution identifies the pres Itloncy with the senate, Is to continue to mnke this chamber, as it was in tended by tho fathers," the citadel of liberty. An enormous power Is here conferred, capable of much good or 111, open itj may be to abuse, but necessary wnoity and absolutely uecessnry, secure the required result. "Whatever Its faults, whatever Its human Imperfections, there is no log Islativo body lu all history that has used its powers with more wisdom and discretion, more uniformly for the execution of the public will, or more ln harmony with the spirit of tho au thority of the people which has creat ed it, than the United States somite. I take up the duties the people have assigned mo under the constitution which we can neither cplurge nor di minish of presiding over tho senate, agreeably to its rules and regulations, deeply conscious that It will continttc to function and harmony with Its high er traditions as a great deliberative body, without passion and without fear unmoved by clamor, but most sensitive to the right, the stronghold of govern ment according to law, that the vision of past generations may be more mid morn tho reality of generations yet to come." ed, preaching that doctrin which seeks not its own but tho common good and, nbovo nil, warning us by the memory of the dead and the hope of the unborn to close our ears to the niouthlngs of every peripatetic reformer who tells us that the way to sanctify tho repub lic is to remove every landmark which has hitherto marked the boundaries of national and individual life. The Lord of Justice "It is no now religion wo need. Our creed should be: One lord, one faith, one baptism the lord of justice, who wns with Washington nt Valley Forge, Grant and Lee at Appomattox, Persh ing on the fields of France the faith that under a republican form of gov ernment alone democracy permanently cun endure; the baptism of that spirit which will not bo content until no man Is above the penalties and no man beyond the protection of our laws. Let him who goes and him who s'tays remember that lio who saves his lifo at the loss of his country's honor, loses It and he who loses his lifo for the sake of his country's honor, saves it." Marshall's Farewell WASHINGTON, Mar. 4. Following is the text of the address of Vice Presi dent Marshall on his retirement from office: "Very shortly I shall have ended my official life as the constitutional pre siding officer of this body. That mo ment, when it arrives, will not mark my demotion Into the ranks of the average American citizen for I never arose above them. "I sprang from the loins of men who helped to lay the foundations of the republic. At my birth my father placed upon my baby brow the coronal of a free born American citizen. In my youth I was taught that If I wore it worthily no prince or potentate nor electorate could add to or detract from the honor of that royal coronet. "I may huve failed but I have tried to keep the faith. I have never doubt ed that, so far as the principles of civil government are concerned, the pillars of Hercules rest upon the declaration of independence and the constitution of the United States. To my mind there is no beyond. The forms under which the principles of the republic are administered may need changes to meet changing conditions but the tin derlylng idea does not, for truth is unchanging and eternal. What was so when the morning stars sang together will be so when the Angel of the Apocalypse appears. "I venture to express- this much of that idea: A government dedicated to the Inalenlahlc rights of man to life, to liberty, and to the pursuit of happl i ness can find Its perfect accomplish ' ment only In republics brave and j strong enough to rise above the ambl tlons, passons and prejudices of lndi .vlduals and groups. Representative 'government was Intended to guoran tee this Inalienable right of men thru ? "They WORK while you leep" A Dependable Phyaicr when Bilious, Headachy Constipated and Upset. 10, 25, 50c drugstores. Jones' Saturday Specials and Free Delivery Knocked in last week's paper. We know this was meant for us because we are the only store that sells as cheap as the "Trot around and help yourself stores," besides giving the people free delivery. THE SHOE FIT SO WE PUT IT RIGHT ON" Here's what they said "Those who bought Saturday paid the same as those who bought Friday. Those who bought this week are still paying the same." Right there is the whole trouble. They're asleep. Their prices remain the same all week, but not so at Jones, because prices are dropping on groceries every day, and Jones prices are too. No wonder they had time to count their customers while Jones' phones were ringing continually and his store full of people, getting the benefit of his LOW PRICES AND FREE DELIVERY This is the way some people TRY to run a store: "If you want to trade with us, come in, run around and gather up your own gro ceries, get them home the best way you can, unless you want to pay us extra for delivering for we intend to pocket every cent of profit we make. All we want is your money. We give no ser vice in return." Not so with Jones We give free delivery and service, coupled with low prices. In fact, that ad reminded us of a mountain trout trying to fight a full-fledged salmon. Another Orange Sale a Week From Tomorrow CUMONA Personal Typewriter Fold It up, take it with you, type write anywh ere. 150.00, Including carrying ease. MKDKOKI) HOOK STORE Distributor! tor tfo. Oregon, Jl CA iU CU r-.;f.4 C r Fl.... Best Hard $2.78 1-2 gal. can Mazola Oil $1.13 Large can Salmon 10c 1-lb. pkg. Pheasant Coffee 22c 3 cans good Corn 44c Wheat Flour No. 2 Sliced Pineapple . . .29c No. 2 1-2 Sliced Pineapple 37c Men's 50c Dress Sox ..... 25c Men's 75c Dress Sox 40c Men's Work Sox. Regular 20c, per pair 2 pair for 25c Best Superfine Hair Nets, 2 for 15c 1 lb. Ghiradelli Ground Chocolate 36c Cornmeal. Per sack 35c Codfish. Per lb 18c 4 lb. Can Swift's Jewel Shortening 84c 11 Pounds of Sugar for $1 With a 50c purchase of anthing else in store 8 bars of Swift's White Soap. Only 38c Hebe Milk (a new one) 5 cans for 48c Sunkist Peaches. 50c value 35c We Carry Everything in Market in Fresh Vegetables Always Good and Crisp Make out your list and 'phone early Saturday morning. We send goods C. O. D., driver will collect when he delivers. Yours for Low Prices and Service JONES' GROCERY Phone 125 Spring Millinery Opening H .i All the newest and smallest styles for 'Spring. Bright' little sailors, so new and smart, Clever pif the race models. ! , , j , Large hats for more formal wear.' You are cordially invited to call and see our display. X,-, Friday and Saturday, March 4 and 5 The Vanity Shop Miss Lounsbury, Milliner Why Our Welding Pays First, becuuso oxy-acotyleno welding as wo do It gives to u nleco or metal tho same or greater strength thun It originally had. Second, because It Is cheaper to mend the old than buy the new, it you can get the sumo service out of It. Is this not logical? "T1IK WEMI THAT IIKI.II" Vulcan Welding Works Xovv lorutcd nt ill South Front. N. The Medford Auto Paint Shop (Registered) fleneral Motor Car ItorinlslilnR Central & Jackson. lTiono 707 GOOD CLOTHES I Make Them KLEIN 5SL: J 28 Knst Man St. Cor. E. Main and Bartlett' ; it?; , Price ... ft We render tho service In accord wltjijji tlu-lr every desire and guarantee 4 satisfaction to all. Also ' " 1 il Licensed Lady Embalmer WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors- '