MEDFORD MATTj TRIBUNE, ;NfEDEORT", ORFiPX, THURSDAY, MARCH ?. 1021 100 ANSWERS TO ONE 30-CENT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT IN THE MAIL TRIBUNE FEBRUARY 14 Figure That OutSeventeen Answers for S Cents. The Best and Cheapest Advertising Medium in Southern Oregon Is the Classified Ad Department of I he Mail 1 nbune - OMAHA, Neb. Ma. 3. Emil RotliH chlld, former wealthy grain denier - and president of tho firm of HothH child Grain, company, was found dead from asphyxiation on the kitchen floor of his homo here early today. Gas was pouring from the ' burners of a stove. Members of his family said thnt Mr. RothRehild had been suffering ftfrom a nervous breakdown, following "severe financial reverses. He is said to have lost heavily during tho past , right months in grain speculation. y Hef left several notes, but their con- "jj jents were not made public. ! PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 2. Roy B. jL Marietta, was found dead early to- ' day in his homo which hud been dam aged by fii'u. ' Marietta's head had been almost completely blown off by a shotgun found near the body. Fire men said the kitchen had been drenched with kerosene. Officers at trlbnted- -the -suicide to domestic trouble? .-Fivemsn- extlnnuished the firo after $1,000- damago had been caused. ". . IT if SALEM, Ore., Mar. 3. Service rates of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company In the various cities and towns of Oregon were materially ad vanced by an order of the Btate public service commission Issued today and made effective March 1. The order declares the advance is granted on the distinct condition that the company hall at once carry into execution a Program which it recently announced for extensions and improvements to .? cost from $5,000,000 to . $7,000,000. iil I Note The decision in no way. affects rT tho iripnl Iftlnnhnnn rnfnal NEW WIRELESS FOR USE BY VESSELS !N FOG LIVERPOOL, Mar. 3 Discovery of n .new wireless invention by which ships may be guided during dense fogs was announced hero tonight by William Marconi at tho annual I!r!t ish shipmasters dinner. This inven tion, bo suld, is based on :i princlplo by which electric waves may be di rected In any definite direction' like flushes, from a lighthouse. Ho de clared these vaves would take the place of leading lights in thick weather and would prevent collisions of vessels during fogs. At' a meeting of the executive com- mlttee, of the Jackson County Farm Bureau a resolution was passed as fol lows: Resolved, that a vote of thanks be extended to Senator Thomas and Rep resentatives Carter and bheldon for the support given by them during the passage of the Cooperative Marketing bill through the senate and house dur ing the past sesBlon of the legislature. EI TO WASHINGTON, Mar. 3. The $75,- 000 tapestry, presented to Mrs. Wilson, wife of the president, during the peace conference, will find a place In the new home of the Wilsons. Mrs. Wilson, It was learned today, has removed the tapestry from the east room of the white house where it has been hanging since It was brought to the United States. It Worked Wonderfully Have yon noticed the number of per sons coughing this Spring, caused by an irritated condition In the chest. bronchial tubes or throat? This cough jng Is banished by a few doses of Fo ley's Honey and Tar. Mrs. Anna Stein 410 Western Ave., Covington, Ky. writes: "Your cough medicine worked wonderfully on our little son. He Is subject to bronchitis. The first doSes helped him." Good for all sorts of coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and Br'!1 coughs. Sold everywhere. Mr. FARM BUREAU THANKS f JACKSON DELEGATION MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of FIks only look for "tho name California on tho package, then you uro suro your child 1b having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love Its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle, ou must say "Cali fornia." Adv. EarfefNews Livestock. PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 3. Cattle nominally steady; no receipts. Quo tatlons unchanged. Hogs steady: receipts 295. Quota tions unchanged. Sheep steady; recciptB 144. Quo tations unchanged. PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 3. Butter steady. Extra cubes 4liM7c; cartons 53c; prints 52c. Buttorfut, No. 1 churning cream 50 f4c f. o. b., Port land; undergrades 42 48c. Butter. PORTLAND, Ore., March 2. But ter four cents lower. Extra cubes,' ,, . ... , , - 1 4648c; cartons oJc; prints o 2c. Butterfat No. 1 churning cream, 5054c f. o. b. Portland, undergrades 4749c. Eggs PORTLAND, Mar. 1. Selling price, case count, 262Sc; buying price, 25 27c; selling price, candlod, 2S30c; Poultry Hens, light, 24 25c; heavy, 2S5S 30c; stags, 18(g20c; old roosters, 12 15c; turkeys, No. 1 dressed over 10 lbs. 50(?55c; under 10 lbs., 48 50c; ducks, 38 42c. Grain Barley, $31 32.50; oats, $33 31.50; corn, No. 3, yellow, $3a.oU. Millrun, $3334. Hay Buying price, alfalfa, $19 19.50; grain, mixed, $22 23; straw, $15; clover, $16 17; cheat, $21 22. N. Y. Stocks NEW YORK, Mar. 3 Today's ses sion of the stock market was unusually dull and narrow but shorts occasional ly found It advisable to cover contracts in the more representative Issues. sales approximated 300,000 shares. Allis-Chalmers 35 American Beet Sugar ; 46 American Can 29 American Car & Foundry 123.7 American Hide & Leather pfd 44 American International Corp 45 American Locomotive 86 American Smelting & Ref'g 41.7 American Sugar 93 American Sumatra Tobacco 87 American T. & T :...100.8 Rub Backache away with trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs Oil." small When your back is sore and lame Br lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a littlo in your hand and rub it right on your aching back, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lame ness is gone. ...,. ' , . Don't stay crippled! This soothing, n-notrntinff oil needs to be used only once. It takes tho pain right out and ends the misery. It is magical, yet absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. , , Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica, backache or rncumausm bo iiroiuywjr, It never disappoints! y WHY? A BARGAIN IN LAND $30,000 RANCH FOR $7,500 Former owner spent purchasing anil developloic this ranch $30,000. We now offer It for S7500. 2tO acres near paved lllghnny. On gootl rond, fine stream along place, near good range. . Can lie Irrlgutcil lib little expense. 80 acres In cultivation, 10 acres 10 year old pears balance alfalfa and grnin land, neaiitirul grounds for building. Ideal place for home. S2000 cash. Bnlanee terms. 1 believe this to bo the best buy In land I have offered In 10 years I have been In buslucss ROGUE RIVER LAND Vftsli Hotel Comer Amorican Woolen 61 Anaconda Copper 3S" Atchison 81.7 All., Gulf & V. Indies 43.3 Baldwin Locomotive S9.6 Baltimore & Ohio 33.5 llethlehem Steel "IV 57 Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chandler Motors Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul ... 114.S . 59.S . 27.5 Chicago, U. 1. & l'ac 27 Ohlno Copper 21.2 Colorado Fuel & lion bid 2S Corn Products 71.5 Crucible Steel 91.5 Cuba Cane Sugar bid 23.2 Erie 13.3 General Electric 131 General Motors 13.6 Goodrich Co 37 Great Northern pfd 71.0 Great Northern Ore Ctfs 31 Illinois Central S9 Inspiration Copper 33.7 Int. Mer. Marino pfd 51.2 International Paper 55 Konnecott Coppor 17.3 Lbuisville & Nashvillo bid 100 Maxwell Motors bid 5 Mexican Petroleum 157 Miami Copper 17.5 Middle Slates Oil 13 5 Mldvalo Steel 30.7 Missouri Pacific 1S.S New York Central 70.5 N. Y., N. H. and Hartford 19 Norfolk & Western 99.2 Northern Pacific SI Oklahoma Prod. & Ref 3.3 Pan American Petroleum 74.3 Pennsylvania 38 People's Gas 39 Pittsburg and West Va 28.C Ray Consolidated Copper 12.3 Reading 73.3 Rop. Iron & Steel 06 Royal Dutch, N. Y 59.5 Shell Trans. & Trad, bid 39 Sinclair Con. Oil 23 Southern Pacific 7(5.6 Southern Railway 26.5 Standard Oil of N. J. pfd 10G.5 Studebaker Corporation 59.6 Tennessee Copper 7.6 ' ' , ,. Texas & Pacific 23.0 ,.,,,,, Rl, R Texas Co 41 Tobacco Transcontinental Oil 8.5 Union Pacific 120.6 U. S. Food Products 22.6 U. S. Retail Stores 54.5 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 68 United Stntes Rubber 67 United Stntes Steel 82 Utah Copper 49.8 Westinghouse Electric 46.8 Willys Overland 7.0 American Zinc, Lead and 8m 8.8 Butto and Superior 12.3 Cala. Petroleum 40 Montana Power aid 54 Shattuck Arizona 6 - STOimUPSET? Get at the Real Cause Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets 'That's what thousands of stomach sufferers are doing now. Instead of taking tonics, or trying to patch up a poor digestion, they are attacking the real cause of the ailment clogged liver and disordered bowels. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a soothing, healing way. When the liver and bowels are per forming their natural functions, away goes indigestion and stomach trouble Have you a bad taste, coated tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, don't care feeling, no ambition or energy, trouble with undigested foods? Take Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Dr- Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. . Take one or two at bedtime for ouiclf relief. Eat what you like MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN J B. Andrews loans money on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phono 63-M. 31 North Grape street. FOR EXUHASGB EXCHANGE Portland property, five room house, lots 84x120, good site for large building, five blocks from river, and 120 acre farm, barn, house, thirty-five acres in cultivation, fenced, mineral spring of value on land, thirty miles from Portland. Ev- change both properties for country or city property In Jackson county. Write owner, Box 189, Jacksonville, Oregon. 296 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Two Fords, two Brlggs auto woodsaw attachments. Call or phono Henry Woolf, 686-Y or 608 S Newtown. 294 FOR SALE The owner says we must sell 1920 Dort. $149 worth of extras Cord tires. $1000. Come soon. It won't last long. Clark & Childers, tf FOR SALE Cheap, ono six-cylinder car, Blightly burned. Call 769-J. 293 CO. J. C. BARNES I'hono 7K4-.1 Pure Oil Invincible Oil General Asphalt ... We seem to be blessed with wetness even if It is a dry country, suuiiay seems to bo tho favored day for the blessedness. -Mr. and Mrs. Krvin Lewis are living on Squaw creek. Mrs. liarr returned home Sunday. lifter spending a few months at Pros pect. .Mr. and Mrs. Swayne drove to Med- ford last week. A ten and one-fourth pound baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Wlnningham Feb. 23. A pie social and dance was given tit Spikor's Saturday night for tho benefit of the school. A lnrse crowd gathered to enjoy a good time and lots to eat. Everybody was there, many from the lower district also wore present. The pies were auctioned off and about $22 was cleared, which Is to be spent lor equipment for the school. Mr. and Mrs. Fred I lorn puj some water in the radiator of their Ford, water , being plentiful In this district this year, and wore able to be present at the pio social. - EASE THOSE TIRED, ACHING MUSCLES Outdoor and indoor workers, sub ject to exposure or heavy toil, find relief in Sloan's Liniment BEEN at work all day, standing on your feet, lilting heavy weights? And now you're all liml out. Never mind , if you arc wi.e you have a bottle of Sloan's on the shelf, at home or in the shop. Put a little on , without rubbing, and quickly comes grateful warmth and relief. Good for rheumatic-pains, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago and the bust of ex ternal pains that arc all the time com ing. Helps break up colds, toot It's .comforting to keep it handy. Three sizes 35c, 70c,$1.40. Liniment WANTED Furnished house for four adults. Thone 157-Ri , 297 WANTED Several men and boys to know that you can buy any bike for $2.00 per week. Liberty Shop, S. Grape. , tf WANTED Furnished room in private family. Leo Davenport. Cull Ros- seaii Coal Co. 293 WANTED To buy two carloads baled grain hay. Russ Mill. WANTED Estimntcs given on all kinds of building work. Jobbing a specialty. J. II. Drew. Phono 8-J-l 29S WANTED Shoe repairing while you wait at the "Model Boot Shop." 21 S. Central Avo. Quick service. quality work. E. N. Bidon, prop. WANTED Houae moving and re pairing. Phono 488-M or 488-X. tf WANT HO SITUATIONS WANTED A No. 1 sawyor and sottor wants work In sawmill can give good . references. 207 S. Ivy St., Medford Oro. 297 WANTED By married man, position as truck or tractor driver. F. RoBsfe, Washington -Rooms,; 33 Front, St., room 5. ' ' ' 294 WANTED Work by woman rooming at 319 S. Grape St. 293 WANTED Crating and packing; gar den work; liotiseclcanlng. Phone 522-W. 297 HELP WANTEI)-FKMAT.B WANTED Waitress room and board. Hilt, Calif. $30 a mouth, Sunklst Hotel 293' KOK KENT KIKMSHIJI) ROOMS FOR RENT Sleeping room, hot and cold water, bath. 221 N. Holly. 293 FOR RENT Comfortably furnished sleeping room. Homo privileges. 220 S. Riverside. 291 FOR RENT Furnished rooms, $2.00 per week. Phone 936-R. 445 8. Front 303 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, bath any time; use of wash tub and iron. Large gar age; one block from library. No. 604 W. Tenth. FOUND FOUND A man's bicycle. 21 8. Central Ave. Inquire at 1f MS (Pain'sV enemvf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FRUIT AND POULTRY 5 acres all In cultivation. Lots of good fruit trees In full bearing. Two good wells and place Is' under tin new-Irrigation project, fair buildings, close to Medford on flnn roud. Von can buy tills proiwr ly for Iiwh money than yon will have to pay for n hiiuiII home, on n fifty root lot in town, and you are Hill within walking distance of the down town district. Wc nro pnntlvo that wu have more til offer for your dollar right hero In the Medford dlstrlet Hum you will find elsewhere, so why not glvo us the opportunity, to try and provo It to your satisfaction. , , imowA WIITTK . , ... nOLLAXI) HOTEL COR.VKIt FOR SALE POUliTIll AND KGGS FOR SALK While Leghorn hatching eggs, spciulid strain, $1.00 per net ting. Phone 701.1. 295 FOR SALE Pedigree While Leghorn hatching eggs. White Wing Poultry Farm, Phoenix. Phone S MI. 298 FOR SALIC Purred Rod; eggs. O. A. C. Host laying strain. Phone 0S5-R-3. FOR SALE Rhodo Island Red, While Leghorn and Mammoth White I'ekin duck hatching eggs. Ernest Webb. Central Point. 298 FOR SALE Can only hook a few hundred Leghorn chicks In April. Get your orders In now. Dressier Square Deal Hatchery. Phone 951-L. 291 FOR SALE Pino bred White Wyan dottes, 1 1 hens, 1 rooster. 1 cockerel. These uro blue ribbon birds. Phone 420-W. 293 FOR SALE- iloose eggs. Phono R-13-X FOR SALE Rhode Island Red eggs, $1.00 per setting. R. 1. cockerels, $2.50 ouch. Choice female canaries $1.00. Phone SI7-Y. FOR SALE Barred Hock eggs for hatching, O. A. C. strain, $1.00 per setting. Phono S-J-2. 293 FOR SAI.E hnlclilng. Barred Rock Phono 919 -W. eggs tor 291 FOR SALE White Leghorn chicks $15 to $18. Eggs $5.00 per hundred. R. 1. Red eggs, chicks and cockerels. Dressier Square Deal Hatchery. Phono 951-L. 315" FOR SALE Hatching eggs from my bred to lay Whlto Leghorns. W. J. Warnor. .tf FOR SALE S. C. Whlto Leghorn eggs from first-class stock, $1.60 for sot ting of 15. Get them at Mall Tribuno office. tf FOR SALE O. A. C. strain Barred Rock eggs for hatching. Phono 5-F-2. T. E. Pottcnger. FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs from O. A. C. best laying strain. Phone 6S5-R-3. 294 FOR SALE REAL ICSTATB FOR SALE OU EXCHANGE 80 acres somo Improvement, good buildings, $20 an acre. Address 130 Almond St. 296 FOR SALE 1 ISO acres timber in Elk Creok district, or will trade for Im proved valley property. Plume 364-J iv:- 34 FOR SALE Small cottage at 1107 Ninntlc St. Good condition, east front, garden spot and sovoral fruit trees. Chicken houso and yard. Sewer and water. Telephone owner, 452-11 evenings. 296" FOR SALE Nice bungalow, 7 rooms, modern, on pnvemcnt, cement walks, lawn, fruit and berries. Look and you will buy. Good terms. BIS Beatty St. 290 FOR SALE Modern 6 room bungalow, every up-to-date convenience. Easy tonus. Inqulro owner, 313 Apple St. m 296 FOR SALE Corner lot closo In, small 2-room house till good shape. Price ' $800. Terms. 322 E. Fourth and Apple. See owner at house. 296 FOR SALE Eight room modern story and half bungalow two blocks from Hotel Medford. Piped for gas. Elec tric range and water heator go with place Price $3650. Tonus. Phono owner 905-W or 471. 295 FOR SALE FIvo room modern house, garage, storo room, wood house, chicken houso. SU Call 215 W. Jackson 293 FOR SALE Bungavows and cottages. Soo us before purchasing. Medford Lnml & Insurance Agency, 220 W. Main. tf FOR SALE Good ranches. See us before buying. J. B. Andrews, 31 N. Grape St. Phone 53-M. tf FOR BALE Least, and exchange real estate. Gold Ray Realty Company. fOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. C. S. Buttorfluld, phone 216. . BANKRUPTCY Invnrlably refuilts on account f Improper accounting mot hods SYSTEM 1b our bualnoiiH INCOME TAX Returns correctly prepared. Bookkeeping and other business difficulties satisfactorily adjust ed. Consult us. Xysten slr3urajce AccourvtitxJ cVRVICEIO; lrvesrnents M. P. SCIIMITT, Mgr. Phono 581 Mlioily nirlg. FOB SALK LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SOU range sheep. O. T. Wilson, Gold Hill, Ore. FOR SALE One small horse, weight about 9U0 lbs., will work either sin gle or double or in saddle. Price for quick sale $20. E. C. Richmond, Central Point. 297 FOR SALE Twelve weaned pigs, fine ones, $3 each. M. R. Harper, Table Rock. 297 FOR SALE Two fine fresh Miravista orchard, 597-J-3. cows tf FOR SALE Ten beautiful fresh milch cows, also good work horse. Walsh's place, one mile northeast of Mcdlord on Crater Lake Road, 303 FOR SALE Mount Crest Ranch of fers for sale four Shorthorn bulls, ready for service, your choice for $350. Two younger at $200, mostly red. Apply James Stewart, Mount crest Ranch, 1 1 i It. Calif. tf FOR SALK MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Team, wagon and har ness. Also wood saw. Call II. A. llaiisconi, 526 Palm St., any day ex cept Saturday. 297 FOR SALE Good Iron bed, slnglu bed and mattress, oak dresser, oak cen ter table, fifty feet good new garden hose, refrigerator, chairs, etc. Call Friday or Saturday, 221 N. Holly St. 291 FOR SALE Manure. Phono 152-Y. Hoover Dairy tt' FOR SALIC Few hundred pounds good alfalfa seed cheap. E. P. Hughes, Talent. 297 FOR SALE A Clovoland tractor thor oughly overhauled and in excellent running order. Price is right. Harry Rosenberg. Phono Hotel Mcdford at 7 p. in. 29 FOR SALE Canary birds. 612 S. Park I, 293 FOR SALE Rucleaned bearded seed barlev, $2.60 cwt., $18.00 ton. Phono 869-W. J. E. Judy. 296 FOR SALE Child's go-cart, In good condition. 325 S. Riverside Phone 701-J. 292 FOR SALE Home grown alfalfa seed 20c per lb. Corvallis test 99.76. J. M. Hurley, R. R. No. 2, Medford. iPhono 21-F-15 Jacksonville. 290 FOR SALE 500 cords wootl on ground or will deliver. Good proposition for man with truck. W. L. Van Houtcii, Gold Hill. 295 "OR SALE Ono new Sampson trac tor at a very low price; will take good team In on payment, balauco cash and tortus. Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co., Mcdlord, Ore. tf FOR SALE Early Sunrise seed po tatoes. C. M. Parker, phono 452-w. 294 FOR SALE Two second-hand spring- tooth harrows. Hubbard Bros, tf FOR SALE Storo counters, tables, desk and shelving.' C. D. Abbott, 912 S. Central Ave., Medford, Oro. Phone 435-W. 294 FOR SALE Plato glass mirror and man's blcyclo. Thone 371-X. 293 FOR SALE Hay at Three Oaks. J. Hartzell. I'OR SALE 220 gallon Bowser gaso line pump and lank. Rlvorsido Gar ago. 299 FOR SALE Seasoned wood by tier or cord. MiiHt ho sold Boon. Prompt delivery. O. A. Seoly, 947-L, and W. E. Blair, 890-X. 297 FOR SALE 200 pair now shoos at cost. Second-hand shoes and shoe repairing at tho Modford Shoe Hos pital, 119 E. Sixth St., Modford. FOR SALE One 5-horBe Almo sta tionary engine, like new, $226 One 6-foot orchard disk, used one season, $50. Ono 8-foot orchard disk, used one soason, $75. One 10-Inch gang plow, Just like new, $75. C. E. Gates Auto Co. tf FOR SALE Sand, gravel, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phone 9 12-J, Samuel Bateman, 302 Maple street. LOST LOST White Spitz dog, namo Tip. Finder phono Chas. Cook, Applcgnto. Reward 291 TAKEN UP TAKEN UP Three year old briudlc steer branded with Circle S. Split In each ear, underbit In right. Phono Otto Caster, Modford, R. 4. 295 BUSINESS DIUKOTOUY Chiropractic Physician JOUBTT P. BRAY Straight Chiro practic, rooms 409-10 M. F. & H. building. 9 to 12 a. in., 2 to 6 p. m daily except Thursday. Phone 5S0. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFEA Anything moved day or night. Service guaranteed Fair treatment. 104 8. Fir. Phone: Office R44 or res. B47-R 20K. tf BARGAINS FOED TOURING $275.00 FORD TRUCK With covered body, cab and windshield. Practically new $700 Pattonand Robinson, Inc. Tel 101? W Bo- Riverside BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors. MURRAY BROS. & VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5, No. 22 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated 1904. Ab stracts of Title, Title Insurance. Architect G. E. TEETS Licensed KIsson, California. architect. 322 Auto Supplies until 6PKIH0C0. LAHER AUTO SrRINO CO. We are operating tho largest, oldest and best-equipped plant In tho Paclflo northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under written guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-Iaw. rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Corey Building. Garnntt- O. C. BOGGS Real estate law and settlement of estates a specialty; B. , F. LINDAS Attorney, v General Practice. Patents a - specialty. Stewart Bldg. , , . WIN FIELD R. GAYLORD Lawyer. Room 7 Palm block, 107 East Main St., Medford. G. A. CODDING Lawyer, National Bank Bldg. Medford Building Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. Chiropractor. DR. A. BURKLUND Chiropractor. Spinal Adjustments. 204-205 Sparta Bldg., cor. Main and Riverside. Office phono 285. Dentist DR. V. R. KAUFMAN, Dentist. Offics in Sparta Building. Office hours S to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. in. Phone 285. Electric Service BATTERY & ELECTRIC CO. Factory distributors for Exido Battorles and Fatrbanks-Morso light plants. Nnl Bldg. Phono 116. 314 Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Attontion given t anything In Accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look Into ow simplified accounting method. Lib erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. Fidelity and Surety Bonds FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS- We execute all forms ot bond McCurdy Insurance Agency. tP Instruction In Music. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ol piano and harmony. Ilalght MuBlf studio, 318 Garnett-Coroy Building Phono 72. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. BURS ELL Sptnologlst, Phjt slclan and Burgeon. Spinal adjust ments, genoral treatments and dlag-. nosia. 309-10-11 M. F. & H. Bldg. Elevator to third floor. Phone 29. DR. J. J. EMMTCNS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat.. Eyes scientif ically testod and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurist for 8. P. R. R. Co, ' M. F. & H. Co, Bldg. ,Pnone D67. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Coroy Bldg. Phon 904-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Special attention given to eyo, ear, nose and throat. 303 Liberty building. Phone 496. DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Natural Painless Meth ods. Room 428 M. F. & H. Bldg. Phone 965. JAMES C. HAYES Physician and Surgeon; office hours 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Sparta building;, residence 1405 W. Main. Phones: Office B63, res. 492. "Specialty," Medical and Surgical Diagnosis, tf Dr. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices M. F. & H. Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. SCHELLER Osteopathic Physic Ian. Rooms 44 South Grape. Printers and Publishers ilEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St. Public Accountants ALAN BRACKINREED, Room 9 F. E. HAYES, Room 10 Jackson County Bank Bldg. Accounts, fed eral tax returns, business counsel. ' Rug Weavlnfl. MEDFORD FLUFF RUO WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 610-M. 706 Pine St. Tent and Awning Work MEDFORD TENT AND AWNlNtl WORKS 128 N. Grape 8t. Phone 443-y. E. Burger, Prop,