Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 03, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    PATJT3 TWO 1
ocal and
Further reassuring news as to the
outlook for the frost service appropri
ation bill being passed at this session
of congress was contained in the fol
lowing telefiram from Washington re
ceived in Medford this morning fromj
Congressman W. C. Hawley: "After
conference house conferees agreed to
increase appropriation for frost ser
vice. Think item will be in when bill
becomes a law."
Several long-horned Elks of Ashland
lodge and Grants Pass will bo fea
tured in the president's cabinet at the
Elks Hard Time Inaugural ball. Mar. 4.
) i!)3
You can alwaj's find a gift for tho
tiny baby at tho Handicraft Shop. 2!M
Illg dance nt Applegate Mar. filli.
Good homo cooked supper. Everybody
come. 2'H
Dr. Bert R. Elliott received the sad
news today by telegraph of tho death
of his father at Dallas, Ore., and will
leave for that city on tho first train
late this afternoon.
Large assortment of new and rebuilt
tires. Exchange Tire Co. 201
If your clothes are not becoming to
you, you had better be coming to us
Pantorium Dyo Works. If
Horse shoe tires carried and guaran
teed. That meanB your money's worth
and free service. Exchange Tiro Co.
Sid Brown who has boon 111 for the
past two ;veeIiH is thought to be suf
fering with an ..''ailment resembling
smallpox (lir scarlet fever, the diagno
sis having not yet beon completed. As
a muttcrfof precaulionJils home on
West Tenth street has been1 quaran
tined. J ))
After aft is said and done you will
still continue to save at the Groceteria.
E tf
Everything electrical. Medford Elec
tric Co. Phone 6C1.
lllg dance at Applpgato Mar. 5th.
Good home cooked supper. Everybody
come. 2!M
AnslI and Emma Gllson of Jackson
ville have applied for a permit with
the state engineer to appropriate
water from Little Applegalo river for
tho Irrigation of 30 acres in Jackson
Hnmllton-lleach Carpel Washer
washes carpets and rugs on your own
floor, restores tho colors, kills moths
and dlRcaso germs, making your homo
absolutely sanltnry. Tel. 244. 2!)i
The Harder you look the bettor your
timo at the Elks Hard Time Inaugural
ball, March 4 th. 2M
Thoro will bo many surprises for
Elks only, their ladies anil lady friends
at the Elks Hard Time Inaugural ball,
March 4th. 2!i:i
Today was Iho finest day of the
early Bprlng season with tho coldest
temperature of tho morning 40 degrees
and tho sun shining brightly, thus
showing up tho weather prediction of
rain to have been a bad guess. The
flno weather will probably continue
for another day as the prediction for
Friday Is for clear weather. Tho max
imum temperature of Wednesday was
(17 degrees and l'lres In most homes
throughout tho day were dispensed
This is a real party of tho year, The
Elks Hard Tlmo Inaugural ball, March
4th. 2!i:i
After all is said and dono you will
till continue to savo at tho Groceteria
Hemstitching and plcotlng
10 centB per yard.
Tho Vanity Hat Shop,
Cor. E. Main and llartlolt. tf
Among tho Grants Push witnesses
hero (Ills week in attendance nt the
Lark Evans trial at Jacksonville were
Chief of Police McClain, Andrew
Shade, Harry Cougle and Henry illicit-er-
-(Mi.:. ..'
Buttons covorcd to order. Handicraft
Shop.'-" -""'"--"'" ' ' 21)1"
Noy jftj,y)ty,(iliil coiiiliinutloim to em
lroldei'."-Hantllornrt Shop. 2!M"
No tlnnce at. Talent this week. 2M'
Mr.sand Mrs. Hastltu.s of Tacoma
und Ili .10. Bennett of Kmippton, Wash.,
iind J. E. Ball of San Francisco are
among the Hotel Holland guests.
For crating, pneklng and storage
call 33:1 Kelzur Transfer. 3 I
Heniember the 10c dance tonight at
tho Natatorlum. Excellent music, fin
est floor and tho best tlmo ever is as
Billed. Prlao numbers a specialty. 2112
Our oils nt a big reduction this
week. Buy now. C. E. Gates Auto Co.
Operations at Iho Blue Ledge mine
which ceased last October or Novem
ber will be resumed Inside a month,
according to tho best Ittforiiiution ob
tainable, If the roads to the mine are
sufficiently dried out for trucking ore
by Hint tlmo.
No cigarette has
the same delicious
flavor as Lucky
Strike. Because
r It'S
F avor!
Miss Helen Pbllbrook who was at
tending the O. A. C, some time ago
was compelled because of ill health to
give up her studies at that Institution
and is now residing with an uncle at
After all is said and dono you will
still continue to save at the Groceteria
Over 2000 cans of government bacon
have been sold In eight weeks by the
Grocerteria. Getter get what you want
before It's all gone. tf
Big dance at Applegate Mar. 5th.
Good home cooked supper. Everybody
come. 204
Big things are In store for the people
of Medford. Tomorrow morning they
will awaken to find t)iat the Elks lodge
has a new exalted ruler, and later in
the day will be paying homago to a
new president of the United States.
Corn fed beef at public market Sat.
Fishing rods re-wrapped, varnished
and repaired. Also second-hand tackle
bought and sold. Eaton, 320 N. Holly.
Grapo cider, fresh Trora the press at
the Jackson County Creamery Bottling
Dept. Phone 22-R.
Oregonians at tho Medford are G. M.
LeValley of Oakland, N. O. Dickover of
Grants Pass, and the following from
Portland: C. J. Korinek, J. I. Fleming,
Guy II. Smith, W. A. Coggershall, J.
C. Black, E. B. Gabriel, J. Hampton,
T. A. Gurrow, W. 11. May, T. A. Coffin
and Paul Mooncy.
Dolco-Llght-r-Electrlclcy for every
farm. t Bedford Electric Co.
Itecleancd electric seed blnestone
$1.70. Seed barley, beardless, $15.00
per ton. Conner's Warehouse, til. 294
Lawn mowers sharpened. Mitchell
Ladder Co., 318 East Main. 317
If your merchant does not handle
Itogue river made brooms you can get
them at tho public market. 290
Arrangements huve been completed
for the coming series of debates be
tween tbe high schools of Medford,
Grants Pass and Ashland. The first of
the series will be held In Medford be
tween Ashland and Medford, two
teams each, a week from next Satur
day night, and the winners will meet
two teams froui Grants Pass, one at
the latter city and the other at the
home of the winning team.
No dance at Talent this week. 293
All Elks, their ladles and lady
friends should bo on time for tho seat
ing of tho president's cablnut at the
Elks Hard Time Inaugural ball, Mar.
I th. 293
List your houso, farm nnd timber
with tho Medford Land & Insurance
Agency, 220 West Main street. tf
Mrs. F. Mayl'lcld Is a visitor In Med
for from Central who is registered at
the Holland.
No. 1 Notted Gem potatoes $1.75 a
hundred by the sack delivered at War
ner, Wortmnn & Gore. 29li
Personal attention to overdue ac
counts. Lindas, 235 East Main.
Better dry llmo sulphur. Bettor dry
arsenate of, lead. Containers worth
leash if returned. Connor's Warehouse.
The Farm Bureau Cooperative Ex
change will ship a car load of hogs to
the Port hind market on Monday of
next week.
If you want somo print pnpor in
rolls, to fit In your papor racks or to
use without tho racks, bettor soo us at
once and savo money. tf
llavo you tiled any of the Columbia
Records that Palmer's aro selling at
59c each? Como In before they aro all
gone. 29G
Big dance at Applegato Mar. 6th.
Good homo cooked supper. Everybody
come. 291
T. F. Champlln of Eugene and .1. K.
Rush of Portland aro slopping at the
Nash hotel.
Insurance of all kinds. Lindas, 235
East Main.
A wire has been received from Presi
dent Harding stating that ho was hear
tily in favor of tho Elks Hard Time
Inaugural ball, March Itli. 293
No. I Netted Gem potatoes $1.75 a
hundred by the sack delivered at War
ner, Worlman & Gore. 2!Mi'
Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Cudy, former well
known residents of .Medford who have
been residing at Albany for tho past
year or more, arrived in the city this
morning to again make their home
Wnnled--Singing canarios. Box D.
Mall Tribune.
After all Is said and rtono you will
still continue to snvo at tho Grocoterla.
They're here. Ask the man who
owns one. 29
Horace J. Geppert of Butte Falls
and John lloskins of Eagle Point are
visitors In the city who arrived Wed
nesday. Annexation of tho Diamond Lake
region to the Crater Lake national
park Is favored resolution adopted
last night at the KKIamatli County
Spoilsmen's association meeting
Establishment of a limit of 30 pounds
of fish a day, or not more than 30
fish, nnd not to exceed 50 pounds a
week, was advocated. Protest against
trolling from motor boats was regis
tered. Klamath Palls Herald.
Mfnlfa seed, tests !:.!:; no dodder.
Phono 902. Elinor llanley Bush, S26
East Main. 310
Now Is the chance to get harmontcit.s
cheap. Heavy cut In price. Palmer
010 House. 294
R. A. Holmes, tho Insurance Man.
Insurance nnd Ponds, plus Service.
Kord truck with cab and good body
for sale cheap. New tires. Seely V.
Hall Motor Co. tf
Mrs. L. E. Williams will review-
Main SI reel by Sinclair Lewis, at the
Y. W. C. A. Hook Review (lass this
veiling at the Y. W. ('. A. house.
A car load of Netted Gem judatoos
just arrived $1.75 per let) lbs. Hutchi
son l.iimsdcn. 29.
Delco-Llghl fnrm light and rower
plants. Medford Electric Co.
Try our merchants lunch. The
Attorney E. W. Phlpps arrived home
this morning from Salem where lie
appeared lu a case before tbe supreme
When overhauling your old bus put
new life in it by demanding genuine
American hammered piston rings, fac
tory equipment on the best carB. The
Busy Corner Motor Co. tf
First class dry oak and fir -wood
$4.50 and $5.00 per tier. W. F. Long
will's Yard. 296
Danco at Savage Creek hall, Satur
day evening, March 5, 1921. Music by
Nlelson's orchestra. 1)111, including
supper, $2.00 per couple. Vi mile from
pavement. Good graveled road. 295
Included among tho guests at the
Medford are S. R. Friedman, R. G. Mc
Lellan, D. V. Hosier, J. F. Wilde, and
W. E. Fuller of Chicago, Dr. and Mrs.
O'Brien of St. Louis, Frank K. Berry,
Fred Schram and C. S. Hulen of Seat
tle, and II. II. Deffenbaugh, Wm. J.
Evans, V. Wolff and George H. San-
dage of San Francisco.
Potatoes, Netted Gem, fancy stock,
$1.75 par 100 lbs delivered in town.
Hutchison & Lumsden. 295
After all Is said and done you will
still continue to cave at the Groceteria.
Start your summer sweater now.
Beautiful yarns at the Handicraft Shop
Mrs. Ona Bauer of Grants Pass Is
among the visitors In the city from
Giants Pass.
$1.75 per 100 lbs. for fancy Netted
Gem potatoes, free delivery. Hutchison
& Lumsden. 295
Have your motor cylinders rebored
and fitted with DeLuxe pistons at
Riverside Garage. Best equipped shop
for cylinder reboriug in southern
Oregon. 297
Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlere for
NuBono. Phone 585-J. tf
The many friends of John Moffat,
manager of the men's clothing depart
ment of the Mann's department store,
will be pleased to learn that his condi
tion, which bad been serious for tbe
ptiBt day or so was improved' today.
Ho Is Buffering from a bad cold which
has settled around und affected Ills
ilea rt.
Everything electrical. Medford Elec
tric Co. Phone 681.
Johnson's Transfer any time any
where. Prices right. Phono 723-Y.
Kchorlng and fitting jour engine
with DeLuxe pistons gives It new life.
It's not so exponsive. Get our prices.
Itlversido Garage. P. F. Close. 297
James Taylor, one of the proprietors
of the Valley Fuel company, accom
panied by his wife will leavo here on
March 9th for a four to six weeks so
journ In the east, most of which time
will be spent at their former homes in
Cheyhoygan and Detroit, Mich.
Potter buy a Chandler than wish
you had. tf
Special on flno 3Gxl clincher tires.
Exchange Tire Co. 294
Just received a shipment of 30x3V4
first-class non-skid tiros, while thoy
last $15.00. Medford Vulcanizing
Works. 299
Tho Foreign Missionary society of
Ihe First Methodist church will meet
Friday afternoon at 2:30 at tho home
or Mrs. J. W. Smylio. All ludies and
friends aro Invited to attend.
Whon bettor auiomobllea are built,
Dulck will build thera. tf
Income tax returns prepared. Lindas
235 East Main.
Francy Netted Gem potatoes $1.75
per 100 lbs. delivered. Hutchison &
Lumsden. 295
Mr. and Mrs. Jonn H. Cochran are
enrouto home by auto from Long
Beach, Calif., whore they bail spout tho
winter, and telegraphed hero from
Redding, Calif., this morning. They
aro expected to arrive In Medford to
night or early Friday.
.1. J. ('ambers of Ashland, was
among Iho .Medford visitors today.
Arsenate of Lead Pool
The pool for a carload or moro of
Orchard Brand arsenate m lead will be
closed Saturday night, March 5. Any
fruitgrower who wishes to plnco his
order in this pool may do so by signing
for the amount wanted anil depositing
his check. The price will be' $22.50 per
liltl lor dry and $11.23 for paste, a sav
ing of 5e per pound over the regular
retail price. Cull at Farm Bureau Co
operative Exchange mid sign.
295 Committee.
1 Friday and
Miss Lounsbury, Milliner
There was only one homeless wan
derer who applied for lodging in the
city prison last night. The recent mild
weather has almost put a stop to the
overnight housing evil oftramps at
the city bastile.
Notice: It is requested that all ex
service men present their discharges
to the Flying Squadron of the Amer
ican Legion Saturday afternoon, March
5. Any man having claims against the
government should be sure and pre
sent them at that time. This also in
cludes men who have not received
their state and Victory medals. All ex
service men regardless of whether or
not they are Legion members should
tako advantage of this opportunity.
Bring your discharge. Signed, Frank
P. Farrell, commander. 293
Ed Walker, the district game war
den formerly stationed in Medford, but
now In charge of the Douglas county
district with headquarters at Roseburg
was in Medford yesterday with his
young sou on business and returned to
Roseburg today.
Tonight Incidental to the Elks lodge
election . every precaution has been
made to guard the new club house cat,
Bolshevik, from harm. The last night
of big doings at the temple, Billy,
the famed lodge cat, wandered outside
and met his finish through collision
with an auto.
I. A. Snider of Palo Alto, .1. N.
George of San Francisco and Myron
Lathrop of Cadillac, Mich., aro visitors
in the city and guests at the Nash.
Tho mild weather of the past few
days has resulted in the saving of
! much WOO(, and other neatjng fllel
Medford and valley homes, as fires in
the average home have only been nec
cessary morning and night and if con
tinued throughout the day make the
house uncomfortable.
Mr. Cummlngs, who accompanied
Major French as fur as Los Angeles,
says that their Buick Six was the first
car over the snow blockade between
Gazelle and Dunsmuir. The crew work
ing to get Hie road clear warned them
that It would be impossible to get
through and they found three miles of
terribly hard road but the Buick went
through with but little assistance from
the teams. Mr. Cummlngs says both
ho and tho major can understand tho
reason for the many Buick records for
doing tho impossible after making this
last trip. Major French reached New
York yesterday, traveling by train
from Los Angeles. The highway is
again blockaded by new snow. 293
Rock Springs lump coal, dry wood,
mill blocks and kindling. Valley Fuel
Cov tf
A. F. & A. M.
Special communication Med
ford Lodge 103, Thursday
evening, March 3, 7:30 p. ni.
293 L. E. WILLIAMS, Secy.
Wonderful Re
sults at 70 From
Internal Baths
Mrs. 1 M. WadlJii, 2013 National
Ave., Snn Dlepo, Oil., writes Tyrrell's
HyKionic liiHtitutu of New York an
follows: f
"Within the last 'month have had
wonderful results and all inflamma
tion has nearly subsided. I could
hardly expert a woman over 70 to
eive benefit from a trouble of long
standing as quic kly as a younger per
son. Money could not buy my J. n.
L. Cascade' If 1 could not icet an
other." Jt is dificiilt to believe how many
internal troubles internal bathitiK will
relievo until you realize that physic
ians njme that !f5 per cent of human
ailments are caused by accumulated
waste in the lower Intestine.
The "J. H. I, Cascade," the Helen
tiflc method of Internal bathing, re
moves in a perfectly natural way all
poisonous waste, ami has been so suc
cessful in promoting health that over
half a million intelligent Americans
are how using It regularly.
It is the invention of Chas. A. Tyr
rell, M. D., of New York, who for 25
years was a specialist on Internal
I!nt np, and it is now being shown
and explained by "West Side. Phar
macy, .Main and Jrapo. streets.
They will give you on request n
very interesting booklet on Internal
Bathing by Dr. Tyrrell. "Why Man
of Today is Only 50 per cent Effic
ient." Ask for it today and know more
about yourself and your functions
than you ever have before. Adv.
All (lie newest mid siiiiirtcst styles for Srin.Lf. Dritrjit
little sailors, so new and smart, (.'lever off tlie face
Large hats fur more formal wear.
You are cordially invited to call and see our display.
Saturday, March 4 and 5
Vanity Shop
Clarence Buck of Jacksonville, has
made an application with the state
engineer for water from the Big Apple
gale river for the irrigation of 34 acres
of land in this county.
Miss Emma Goldman will arrive
from Russia In time to take part in the
Elks Hard Time .Inaugural ball, March
4th. 293
A. C. Tippett of McMinnville, Frank
Davcy of Salem and E. B. Bennett of
Fort Klamath are among the Oregon
ians registered at the Holland.
Invest your savings in tbe Jackson
County Building and Loan association.
Beginning Mar. 1st we will furnish
un-pasturized milk to customers who
wish It. Cows tuberculin tested. Snider
Dairy & Produce Co.
The rolls for 1920 taxes have been
turned over to tho sheriff's office and
taxes are now due and payables All or
the first half must be paid before April
5m or penalty will be added. Owing
to the fact that the Medford banks are
not collecting taxes this season tile
sheriff's office hopes the peoplo will
pay their taxes early and not wait
until the last few days as the rush Is
much harder to handle and tho people
huve to wait for their chance.
The recent announcement that
Medford will enjoy the same rates on
lumber as Weed and Kalniath Falls
FOR SALE; On paved street, 5 room
bungalow with garage. Inquire 531
S. Fir St. 29D
vulcanizing outfit, all ready to set
up. Took Eads' speed wagon three
trips to move, $300 will buy it and
pay for it. 106 Twelfth and Front,
Medford. 291
WANTED Position as tractor driver,
experienced. Write Chester Parsons.
Phoenix, Ore. 293
FOR RENT Furnished five room bun
galow. 511 S. Grape St. 295
FOR SALE Brick residence, modern
conveniences, priced right. Terms.
One 6-room house, $(i00. Owner,
Jesse L. Richardson, Central Point
Feed Store, Central Point. Phono 41.
i 29!1
WANTED Florist nnd gardener
wishes to take care of lawns. Ans.
Hox 59, Mail Tribune. 295
FOR SALE Ford touring car $275.
Ford truck with covered body, cab
and windshield, practically new
(00. patton & Robinson, Inc., 112
S. Riverside.
FOR RENT Bachelor apartments. 219
1 alent Court. Phone 9ao-R. 29S
FOR SALE Two fine colts and two
horses. Dr. Helms Harn. tf
WANTED To buy good young blocky
team. Phone II. W. Bingham, 5'JT-J-o.
Eyes Scientifically Tested
and Glasses Properly Fitted
Broken Lenses Accurately Duplicated
suite. 1-2 over May Co.
808 K. Main. Upstair.
OURONA Personal
Fold It tip, take It
with you, type
write aajW'h ere
$50.00, Including
carrying case.
Distributors for Pn. OreKon.
E. Main and Bartlett
is incorrect according to E. A. Welch
who has returned from California
where he represented Medford at a
railroad hearing. Medford is placed
on an equality with Klamath Falls on
shipments to California but not on on
equality with Weed, which would
give local lumber shippers an un
warranted advantage. The conces
sion concerning Kalmath Falls how
ever is regarded as a great boon to
Medford lumber interests.
Cocoa beans are native of Mexico,
but are found in all parts of the trop
ical world.
I A Specially Planned Presentation and
Sale of Silk Yardage and Articles Into
Whcih Silk Enters
National Silk AVeek lie-ins tomorrow. As tt tribute to the lis- Ej
sureil liifih favor and fashion of silk for spring anil summer.
19:21. we have planned in conformity, with National Silk Week
special window and department displays of silk and silk goods.
The Silk Section Is Ready With Great "
Displays of New Silks . . :,-v.:a
Special care lias been exercised in their selection as to weaves,
(Unilities. and values so that patrons who rely on this s'oro for
their silks may expect to find '1'IIK BEST.
Note the New Lower Prices
at which these silks are to be had prices notably less 111 an
like fashion-favored qualities could be obtained for last year.
1'lentv for everybody iu all the newest and most fashionable
i.ilks for dresses, skirts, blouses, and suils; silks for linings
and trimminfrs, tor iindcrtmn:s and ncfthtjces. .Materials can
be purchased for an entire .spring and summer wardrobe at
much lower prices than preceding quotations would have led
one to expect.
New Silks at New Lower Prices
Xew Taffetas N'ew Satin Channelise
New Crepe Satins ', .j Xew Fantasi Silks
Xew Crepe de Chine Xew llaronette Satins
Xew Canton Crepe "ew liloek Cheek Crepes
Xew.Satins New Pongees
' Special Prices on Pongees During
Silk Week
F. K. Deuel & Sons, InCi
IIsSJ HAD of taxinir iii-onics4vvljyaio,t.;tJ2?..
OUTdO therein' making; a person pay 'a '
premium on wasteful AVouldn't ,
it make YOIT more careful about keeping
that "nationalized'' account at the F IK 1ST
Don't overlook the importance of the Fed
eral Reserve System, of which this bank is a
Vhe First National Bank
I have taken the agency for the
Indian ,
and have on display a new 1921 model
Scout machine. The best motorcycle on
the market.
I also do all kinds of Motorcycle repairing
A. Mole
At Valley Garage, N. Holly St.
$100 Reward. $100
The renders ot this paper will be
pleased to learn thai there l at mil
eno dreaded dlaeane thut sclents bai
ceen able to cure In oil Its etagee and
that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly
inlluem-eil by constitutional conditions
requires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Medicine Is taken Internally and
aria thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur
faces of the Syst.'m thsreby destroying
the foundation o! tho disease, flying tho
pttien; strength by building up the con-ii-.utlon
nnd nsslstlnt; naturs in doing its
work. The proprietors have p much
faith In the curative power of Hall's
C atarrh Medicine that they offer Ope
Hundred Dollar for any case that it fails
to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo,
Ohio. Bold by all Druggists. 76c.