Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 23, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford Mail tribune
Th Medford Sunday Sun is furnished
subscribers desiring a seven day dally
Office Mail Tribune Building, 25-27-29
North Kir street, i-none la.
A consolidation of tile Democratic
Times. Die Medford Mall.- the Medford
Tribune. The Koutliern Oregonian, The
Ashland Tribune.
aUMPTBH 8. SMITH, Manager.
riY MAll, IN ADVANCIv: .
Dally, with Runday Sun. year "2V
Daily, with Sunday Sun. month.... .5
JJally, without Sunday Sun, year.... 6.f.0
Daily, without Sunday Sun, month ..
. Weekly Mail Tribune, one year 2.00
1 Sunday Sun, one year , , 2. 00
BV CARRIHK In Medford, Ashland,
Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix,
Pally, with Sunday Bun. month 7S
' Dally, wlthojt Xuinluy Sun. month ,fi.'
Dally, wllhout Sunday Sun. year.. 7.n0
Pnlly, with Sunday Sun, one year 8,.0
All terms by carrier cash In advance.
Official paper of the City of Medford.
Official paper of Jackson County.
Sworn dallv averatto circulation for
six months ending Oct. 1920 3220
Kntered as second-class matter nt
Medford, Oregon, under the act 6f March
8, 1879.
' . . PHKSS. ' , ,
The Associated press Is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication of
all .news dispatches credited to It, or not
otherwiso credited In this paper, and also
the local, pews published herein. .
All rJKlils of republication of special
tilspalcties perein are aiu ff-v
' Xe Smudge Pot
l ',' By Arthur Ferrr
U in O. K to have an "On Time"
Week llko the present one, to jim-ulr
cato '.iunr;tuallty in the youths, but a
statu that Is 25 yeurs behind the rest
of the country In the' development of
nlitural , resources and tourist possi
bilities needs a-"Ciiti'h-Up Week."
r- I'
, " .- ' ,
president UnrdlnB has announced
Ills cabinet, and there Is no.t a rubber
nl-aniV In .the works, nor u vlsloimiy
full W ihnlC-baked notions about the
ConHtltutlon, being Inferior to a docu
ment, prepared by u couple of Huuslun
AFKW DAYS AGO R. W. Boiling, President "Wilson's brothur-in-lnw,
was officially exonerated from the charge of soliciting
a bribe as an official of the LvS. Sbippin'g-board. ;
A few weeks before that Charles M.' Schwab was also completely
exonerated on a charge of crooked dealing, as directing head' of ship
Blit nothing either of these nien can do,' no official exoneration
however complete, can restore to them the prestige and reputation
they enjoyed before these charges were-njaiV'.j., .; . .- i
Such a situation " the necessity of a radical change in
the methodstof official investigations, which are becoming more and
more a permanent part of government administration. Such investi
gations are desirable, they let the light into dark places, they provide
an insurance against crookedness and corruption in high places, but
while the people have rights, which should not be impajred, the of
ficials .involved, have rights which are no less sacred.
'. .,...(.
A great wrong has been done Messrs. Boiling and Schwab and
there is i;o possible way of correcting it. The suspicion is there, the
poison seed has been sown, and while time can mitigate the injury,
nothing can remove the moral sear. Some procedure can certainly
be devised which will protect innocent; individuals from slander, until
solid basis for such slander has been established. A rule to prohibit
all personal charges in public, until their validity had been first estab
lished in private session, would seem to be a first step in the right
Utiles the present practice of allowing petty spile and malicious
gossip, free play for character assassination, is soon-outlawed, the
time will come when no self-respecting man will even consider taking
an office of public trust. Such an -eventuality would strike at flic
very heart of American welfare. Our entire .syntimt. of jiirispj.-utle.nce.
iu 1, 1,1,,, I il, ,i M,.. ,...... :.. : ... t
......i...., mi. !.-,.-ittiujLiwii iiiiiL cvi-i i iiinu irt jiuiocciiL Illness M OYeu
guilly. This principle must be scrupulously observed n all official
investigations, if the system of corrective publicity is to be preserved
t ',' (Portland Journal)
. ' tvttU, what eUrioslty may sonio-tiio-.H.
hundred years hence khzo .
Ulion ft copy of the Journal uh it
j opIicui'H today '! '' i
;"',f ;' ,': i,
',(,,. j 5 Days Wo Havo ISeon 1-1
o'(fj ,On nnd After March 1, AVo Will
Hb'l-ft. OH." (Ad! Klanmtli Hui-ultl).
'tnu't-tuittlhs violently ,
,',Tho,.-lofelslnture, which I haVlnK
sueli a tlmo to die,' bIiouUI pass a law
.inuklns It a pilHon offonHo fbi- Kn of
ficer .of the law, to'itrreHt'iiiiy jiei-sun
with Intqxlonnts'.-.ovcT tio yodrs of ago.
NotlllbK docs till) lllilha of jlliitlcu so
mtjcji "good. us to sneak up on an Old
couple, and seize a';plnt.of hootch, of
ond kind or anothcK us nt .Pendleton,
Ore! recently when, a ludy 72 years
old. had a pint of hellish port wlno
confiscated.: Thort Is' plenty for. of
ficers to do inajestieully sneaking up
onihtv hootletfeurs, who never scorn to
bo seriously pestered ,ln thcli- uctiyl
tlcs. , , N
Mt Is a pleasure to note that the
furmcrs, ' who. InslHted last fall, that
they would not plant any more crops,
uro plowing ukhIiC
;,' - (Knleiii Stntoiimn), -.
; "'. Benjamin Franklin Pound yes
' tbrdny filed an honorable dis
, chargo . from tho llnited Htutcs
', army with the county elnrk, U.
' j. lloycr, Mr. Pound nerved ns
. u.ouptaln of tho'dcntal corps.
-f'Tlic ' pteit,, for fitod fut famine
iitrlcken' China Is not locclvliirf a
' I'tiady .response., The Chl-uso should
do like Ariucnla -so IioImIio'IUI ;md
thoru tvlll bo plonly of i;rul foi thi'oni
lug. ,' i . -
. ,.x may Intorest you lo know that
itinong tho sin flKhtors now operating
In Iho; Btttte,, ur.e ."tho, 'ndlaua
Kollsi,"-" tho "Kansas I-urnon," the
"lContucky ICvangollst," tho "Dixie
l'astor," and tho "Cowboy Preacher."
This-Is borrowing a trick of the linit.
and. -next will come the bland tm
nouncemcnt for SUndfty services that
the jpastor will fight ten rounds to a
iluclslon with Satan, the Slippery sinner.'
The latitude and longlltudc of the
sonnv Id the silk 'socks the gals wlmi
should 'either be abolished, or kept
straight, . in nine out of ten cases, the
said scum Ih twisted slightly to the
left; '''.''
" r . - ' ' ....... f
fy wlt Mason
11 K have to punish those who fail to walk the harrow way,
' V for law and order must prevail, or there's the dunce' to
pay; and so we put, lewd men in jail for stealing bales of hay.
And we've been jailing sinful giiys through all the bitter years
since Adam brushed the pesky flies-from off-his brindled steers;'
and often, often, doubts must rise if wisdom here appears We've
jailed such multitudes of nien -for long or shorter spells, we've
sent so many to the pen mid locked them in their cells; if jails
improved the .world, why, then, it should he wearing bells. Aiid
ev.ery. time we jail a skate for swiping ibales of hay, we let some
greater-reprobate unshackled go Ids' pay, to bear his plunder in
a crate, or haul it in n dray. The )rison is a beastly place that
reeks of nameless grime, anil he is fur "from heaven's grace, who's
in it-, doing time, and '.hitler lines are on his face, and in his heart
is crime.. Revenge on who put him there, is what he thinks
of'most, the jurist in his padded chair, the stall fed legal host;
his soul is cankered in despair, nnd justice seems a ghQst. Some
day the old world must invent a better kind of pen that will not
make the erring gent go forth to sin again;, for punishment for
beasts, mid not for men. 1 . 7
-.' v V .
Jr .;'t
On TiraeColyum
;,"ljlke lied Bill Passed." (Ili-ud-llrio
I'oltland Telegram.) Is board
Included In this?
. It's beginning to ' look like the
weather man has returned to norma!.
Another 'spell like last Sunday, anil
tho JltrrT-y to Ashland will be a steam
boat. .
- Thcro was a euvo in In the Nu.h
district Titos, p. m. A derby but fii..t
located In J896 was the victim.
The Soldiers' Bonus
Whim ho whs a young lad,
Ho hitil to wulk tho lino. 7 ' " ;
Ho always got his wood In early ', . '.
Hellevo 1110, he wus on time. I
In Inter yeurs ho'd yenrn,.
And oh, how ho would plno; ,
Wlmn h htrniil that buglo blow,
And he had to bo on Unto.
1 lo had to cook when t:.a unioko was
hluo, '
So the hoys would huve soniotliitiK to
chow, - v
When you cook up noar the Hhln..-,
Vou lutvo to have the enUi 011 timo.
Now army life Is not so bud, .
When you mo nothinii hut n lad,
'Cause all tho big guys iron I you fine,
Hut It always helps to bo oil time.
Now Hint the war Is ended
' They give us another lino. t -if,...
.1 ,1 I. 1. 1. 11 1
, ii.v lid, 1 1 nicy quii IMI1UIIIK' US,
And set that bonus nruund 011 Mine.
Dill Harding Is a ripper 1
And 1 hope thai, wo will find,
When lie gels lnt,o action;
He'll put 'em around on time.
They've talked and talked of this,
Of prices and their decline.
Wo are looking nhoad now-iluys.
For a good and better lime.
And now thut the cabinet's oft his
And he knows Its the sentiment of
the rest
Of the boys who wero on the front line,
We hope to see this compensation
cpme on time.
Kthcldn Hnyes, Washington School.
How Much Do
You Know?
NU'k Onrtcr Ak1iioiV and 1-1
Hloutli IliuhiinlHon iinruttcil tlulr
fontn to tht rourt h n, r.
"Cascarets" for
4 Constipation
i I 4tiit.t' A nlnnannt hflrmlcAS
;Ccitret works while you sleep and has
your liver notive, head clear, stomach
sweet nd bowels movinc s regular a
clock by morning. No griping or
inconveniene. 10, 25 or 50 cent hoxet.
.tlitldren loyo tins candy ciitharlio tHi.
. t .. .' ' ,
1 Never Be Late
ICarly to school should be tho rule,
And promptness In ev'ry duty.;,
Tardiness mars tho sweetest song.
And robs It of all Its beauty.
"Never be lute for school.
He early In nil your classes;
rover let others wait for you,
He there ore the moment jwssos.
Mar.lorle (ioff, Mncoln school, "A
grade, age l'-
liONHON. Keli. The first
"world poultry conferrm-p" is to be
held at The llagnc from W'vtcmhcr l
to Sept.-Tiibcr 1;:, next. Ivicgnt'-s
fiotn governments, teachltur ami e
Dcrlmeut.'il lnt.iitutiins. poultry and
other MM ii'hcs j', nlli'iel.
1 What position wus Robert K. lieo
glvon. ufter the close of tho civil wur?
2 What Is limelight?
3 What famous singer was known
ns tho "Swedish Nlghtlngnle"? ,
4 What Is a synthotlo diamond?
5 How many, lynelilngB wore there
In l!l20?
B What sort tit it garment in n
poncho? ' '
7 Where is Poiupell? '
8 How Is poplin mnde?
9 Whore do we get tho wJnl "post
lnorloiu"? .
. ,! Wlia,t port, pf an ant(intil 1s,i a
qungga? ' ' ' '''
Answers to Yesterday's Questions '
1 What lire deciduous trees? Ans.
They lire trees that shed their leaves
nt tho approach of winter.
2 What race of dogs Is the, wildest?
Ans. The wolf dogs of tho esqulnios
are the wildest of dogs.
8 -What Is a dormouse? Ans. It is
n small unlmul of squirrel-like habits
and is found In the Old World. It Is
1 elated to both mice and squirrels.
4 When was the. "Triple Alliance"
first formed?' Ans. The "Triple Alli
ance" was first formed betweon Aus
tria, Ocrmnny nnd Italy In 1 SSa.
6 How ninny Esqulnios are there?
Ans. There are about 40,000 Ksqnlnios
They nre widely scattered and are
fount! in tho norlheru parts of Amer
ica, the Arctic Islands and In tlreen
lnnd. 6 When Is "Yom Kipper"? Ans. II
Is the tenth day of the seventh month
and Is set aside by tho Mosaic Inw. It
Is called the day of Atonement.
7 Whore is Hampton Roads? Ans.
Hampton Heads is nit arm of the
Chesapeake Hay on tho Virginia cousl
forming tho cntranro of the James
' 8 What animal walks on a single
toe? Ans. The horse walks 011 the ex
treme tip of the third toe mi both the
1'trre and hind feet.
9 Whloh of the Ureal t.nkes Is the
second largest? Ans. Luke Huron.
i0 Who wrote "The Federalist"?
Ans. Alexander Hamilton, James Mad
ison and John Jay.
Just add water
S ' '.
: ,'i77;: '" "' ''": ! ' ' W--' ' "I'm .'.' ",.v''. ;- ' ' . ,''. ..-..,
It's, so economical to use &s&s
Pancake Flour - v
Ecpnomical in time you just acid cold -water
and there's a big bowjful of batter
reaHy for the griddle. . ' . ; -
Economical in cost- this' combination of
" thc?ch6icesti buckwheat, wheat, corn. a' 1 4
v' rice contains even the. sweet powdered milk"-?--'
save you adding fresh milk. . '
j Yoii would use five pints of milk to mix a package
. of ordinary pancake flour. 7. ? 7. .
Fisher's Pancake Flour . costs you about 5c more for
the package and is mixed with cold water. .-.
- . That's economy'worth while. ; .. . . , i .:;,
Once you know the pishrr '
qur.lity in Pancake '
Flour you'll want to try Fisher's
Blend Flour, Fislier's Rolled Ools '
ami Fisher's QroniuWd Wheat
ferries. Your dealer will supr-'y
you slaJly. vr.iv,- ;
j ;ariii;acturcd in "Anu-ritti'j r;mt riowrmfi Mill"
''A - ' : l- - , ' r: . i
. - , -. v; ,'.- :;.' 1
i Kede
i ' ' I '. I't.'l') I'!:' ' .! !,! ' ' ' '': "'.' i.?- ' - - : " . i'
Apply over thront and cheat
cover with hot flannel cloth.
Oif 17 Million Jau t 'it J ' tarty
1 his sale nas been so successiui rnat we
only a few, tires of the
sizes left
'- r
Plus War Tax .,
Plus War Tax
77 is; enough to tempt any purchaser )
The Biisy Corner Motor Go.
J The Store Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty
Y,ou Can Afford to
' Ride a Harley
Davidson Motorcycle
The Medford
Auto Paint Shop
General Motor Car -Heflnlshlng
V. OntrM Jnrtnon.- ITinno 10".
numbing ana tti eating smith & wii.n, pronrictora
, Service
Wm. Hammett
General Draying and
tilvp r a Trial
10 R rptitriir-"' ' ' 1 Plinno P,r,n ! 2f r H-T.-.t-W. Office Wll-