Messrs. Wilkinson ami Ilewett, the field men of the internal revenue col lector's office who are stationed here until all this week in the federal build ing to aid citizens in making out their income tax reports, with office hours from 8:30 a. m. until a p. in. daily, are very busy men. They urge the public desiring their services to make use of them at once and not wait until the last minute. Don't buy fans or calendars from traveling men representing out of town firms, as the money goes away from home. We have a fine line of both, wi.l sell them cheaper than anyone else and will be around with samples in plenty of time for fans and calen dars. 285 Hemstitching and picot'ing. Handi craft Shop. 2S7 After all Is said and done you will Btill continue to save at the Groceteria. tf New spring and summer line of Pa cific Package goods received; models on display at The Handicraft Shop. 2S7 A large force of Elks were busy to day in transferring the new scenery and decorative effects for the minstrel show to the Page theater stage and setting them In place there. This afternoon the announcement was given out that everything was in apple pie ordor for tonight's performance which starts promptly at 8:30 o'clock Income tax returns prepared. Lindas 235 East Main. Wanted Singing canaries. Box D, Mall Tribune. . List your house, farm and timber with the Med ford Land & Insurance Agency, 220 West Main street. tf Huge tire sale now going on at the Busy Corner Federal tires at greatly reduced prices, and all of It new and guaranteed stock. 21)1 Oregoninns registered at the Med ford Sunday and this morning were H. Heckott of Salem, Mrs. 0. C. Jacobs of Ashland, Leitii F. Llnseth of Dallas, Mrs. A. E. Zana of Grants Pass and the following from Portland: T. M Word, J. M. Putnam, J. D. Doano, M. H. Hover, S. Hirseh, M. Relnhurt, D. J Sldwell and C. W. Tuodgler. Just received tho advance styles In spring millinery. Lottie M. Howard, 109 North Central. 2S4 Electric vibrators repaired by Pierce 110 N. Central, "The Glass House." 2S4 Have yanr phonograph greased and graphlted. It will run better. See Pierce, 110 N. Central or phone 926-L. 284 After all Is said and done you will still continue to save at the Groceteria. tf CHICAGO, Feb. 21. The first car of corn donated by American farmers for the starving peoples of Europe and Asia will be loaded at Eureka, Ills., to day, according to word received by the Illinois Agricultural association. The first car of corn will be consign ed to the Hoover European relief com mission in New York. Some shipments will be sent to China. ' Livestock PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 21. Cattle steady: receipts 1S40. Choice steers $7.50 iff S; medium to choice, $0.75 up 7.50: fair to good $li 6.50; common to fair $5 6; choice cows and heifers $G ra 6.7 5 ; medium to good $5.50ripli; fair to medium, $Gfa5.50; common to ' fair $4ff5; runners, $24: bulls J3.G 0 ire 4.5 0; choice dairy calves, $1J 13: prime light $l0fD12: medium light $9ig10; heavy ' $li7.50; best feeders, $0.5013 0.75; fair to good $5.75(5:6.75.,. Hogs firm; receipts $609. . light, $11 Hi 11.35; extreme nmooth heavy $ 1 O.uOtfj) 1 1 ; ; $G.0Ofr9; fat pigs, $10&11; Prime $11.50; rough, feeder . pigs. $10W11. Sheep wealt: receipts 2450. East of mountain lambs, $7.50JS; valleys, $6.50 !? 7; heavy $6.507: feeders, SG.SOfffG.KO; culls, $45: ewes $1W4; - light yearlings, $6. SOW 7; heavy, $5.50 (W6.60; wethers, $5t6. Butter PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 21. But ter steady; extra cubes 50fr52e; car tons. 57c; prints 66c. ISutterfat, No. 1 churning cream 64 W 55c f. o. h., Portland; undergrades BlfJSac. Eggs PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 19 Eggs higher. Iluying price 27!?29c deliv ered. Selling price: Candled 32. 34c; selects 34(fj 35c. CHICAGO, Feb. 21. Bulls had an advantage In the wheat market today with the trade giving attention to knowledge that the visible supply was only forty per cent of an average and that exports to date were much above normal. Opening prices which ranged from a4 to24c higher with March $1.71 to $1.71 '4 and May $1.61 to $1.62' were followed by a material further advance, and then a moderate reaction. Corn, after opening quarter to 1 3-8c hlcher. including May at 71 Ho to CROUP Spasmodic Croup is frequently relieved by one application of V A RO RUB Oetf 17 tli'.lhnjurt VicJ Yearly Tl'ic, continued to harden. Oau, starting unchanged to half and c higher .May 43?; to 46c, then scored gains all around. Scattered selling had a depressing eitect on provisions. N. Y. Stocks NKW YORK. Feb. 21. Free sell ing or the genera! list, especially shipping!-, oils, steels and motors, ef fect extreme declines of two to eisht points in today s stork market. Sales approximated 550, null shares. NEW YORK. Feb. 21. other ship pings were adversely affected by the drive against .Miami. tlulf. Mercan tile .Murine preferred lost 2 -i points and United Fruit 3. Oils increased iber losses. t'nited Stales Steel, which withstood last week's pressure. fnrtVictd one point and other steels and equipments were one to two points lower!! Motor, textile and leather specialties participated in the reaction, also rails. Atlantic Gulf re covered part of its loss before noon, but the entire list showed increased unsettlement. Call money opened at seven per cent and exchange on Lon don was firm. NEW YORK. Feb. 21. The failure of the brokerage firm of Merrick and Hennett was announced todav from the rostrum of the Stock Exchnnge. Allis-Chalmer.s ;t5.3 American Meet Sugar 48. American Can 2:). American Car & Foundry ... 124. American Hide & Leather pfd. 45. American International Corp. 45. American Locomotive 83.5 American Smelting & Ref'g. . . 42.3 American Sugar -- 92.7 American Sumatra Tobacco . . . 85.7 American T. & T 100.2 American AVooIen 53.8 Anaconda Copper 38.5 Atchison 82.5 Atl.. Gulf & W. Indies - 45.5 Baldwin Locomotive 89.5 Baltimore & Ohio 3:1.8 HethlehCm Steel "!)" 57. Canadian Pacific HG..'i Central Leather 37,5 Chandler Motors 69.7 Chesapeake & Ohio 60. Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul. .... 27. Chicago, It. I. & Pac 27. Chino (Topper 22. Colorado Fuel & Iron 27.2 Corn Products 70.2 crucible Steel 32 Cuba Cane Sugar 24. Erie 13.2 General Electric 131. General Motors 14. Goodrich Co 37.7 Great Norrtern pfd 70.2 Great Northern Ore Ctfs 30. Illinois Central (bid) 88.6 Inspiration Copper 34.8 Int. Mer. Marine, pfd 50. International Paper 54.5 Kennecott Copper 18. Louisville & Nashville 100. Maxwell Motors 6.2 .Mexican Petroleum 15?. 2 .Miami Copper (bid) 18.3 Middle States Oil 13.7 Midvale Steel 30.8 -Missouri Pacific 18.2 New ork Central 74,2 N. Y., N. IT. and Hartford ... 19.8 Norfolk & Western . .' 103. Northern Pacific 83. Oklahoma Prod. & Ref 3.3 Pan American Petroleum .... 74.2 Pennsylvania 40. People's Gas 58. Pittsburg and West Va 28.5 Ray Consolidated Copper ...... 13. Reading '. . . . 76.2 Rep. Iron & Steel 66.5 Royat Dutch, N. T 00.5 Shell Trans. & Trad 40.2 Sinclair Con. Oil 23.6 Southern Pacific 77.7 Southern Railway 21.8 Standard Oil of N. J. pfd 109. Studebaker Corporation 5 9. Tennessee Copper 8,5 Texas Co ' 4 3. Texas & Pacific ' 23.2 FOR SI TORTURES Zemo, the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Just What You Need. Is Not Greasy Don't worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, healthy skin by using Zemo. Ob tained at any drug store for 35c, 01 extra large bottle for $1.00. Zemo generally removes pimples, blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring worm and makes H12 skin clear and healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It 13 always dependable. The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland, O. PICK IT UP! Bungalow Furnished, neat, modern bungalow o five rooms and bath, built in features, screened in back porch, recently painted in side and out and tinted inside. Located five blocks from Med ford hotel on paved street and in good neighborhood. All as sessments paid in full. Nice lawn, fruit trees, roses, etc. Steel range, gas stove and heating stove go with furnishings. Owner leaving city. Price reasonable. Terms if desired. Ad dress I!. L., care Mail Tribune and owner will call. MEDTYyRT) MATL TT7THTTXE, MF-DFOirn. ONFrtOY. Tobacco ' Products . . . . Trauscnnlinciuul Oil . . L'nion Pai-itn- I'. S. Food Products , U. S. Retail Stores I'. S. lnd. Alcohol Cnited Slates Rubber . Failed States Steel , . I'tah- Copper Westinghollse Electric Willy's Overland American Zinc, Lead 1 Butte and Superior . . , Cala. Petroleum Montana Power (bid) , Shatluck Arizona .... Pure Oil Invincible oil Ceneral Asphalt 23.11 70. 1.S.S S3. 5 49. 4ti. S. 1.1. 4 0.2 5 3. li.2 34. 20.3 Cbwtfflews (Furnished by ma .racftson County Abstract Co.) Circuit Court F. J. Newman vs. D. T. Lawton ct nl. Foreclosure. J. T. Wiseman el al vs. N. E. May et al. To quiet. Modford vs. John V. Mclntyro et al. Affidavit, default, judgment. Medford vs. Emma E. Murphy et al. Affidavit, default, judgment. Medford vs. T. F. Casselmnn ct nl. Affidavit, default, judgment. Medford vs. Anna M. Walter et al. Affidavit, default, judgment. Medford vs. I). E. Phipps et al. Affi davit, default, judgment. Medford vs. llnrrison Wilson et al. Affidavit, default, judgment. Medford vs. James Ingram et al. Affidavit, default, judgment. Medford vs. Klmira Miller ct al. Affi davit, default, judgment. Medford vs. George W. Isaacs Estate et nl. Affidavit, default, judgment. . State vs. It. D. Mines. Affidavit, counter affidavit. . . Albert Horde vs. Jackson County. Answer, , .,' , State vs. FnySlndo. Larceny. A. A. Gillott vs. Clirion IC. Wolcott. Affidavit and order. Ulanche D. Ilulen vs. W. F. Union. Amended complaint, affidavit, order. II. V. Martin vs. Grants Pass lrrlg. Dist. Reply. Edna Drlskell vs. Wesley Drlskoll. Commission, decree. Theresa Cornelius vs. Hay A. Clem ens. Order. E. M. . lligham vs. Jackson County. Answer." Western Finance Corp. vs. Norman Merrell. . Answer. 1 Ruddy Cheeks SparklingEycs Most Women Can Have Says Dr. Edwards, a Well-Known Ohio Physician Dr.F.M.Edwards for IV years treitcd scores of women for liver and bowel ail ments. During these yeors he gave to his patients a prescription made of a few well-known vegetable ingredients mixed with obVo oil, namin'f them Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. You will know them by their olive color. These tablets are wonder-workers on the liver and bowels, which cauee a normal action, carrying off the waste and poisonous matter in cne's system. If you have a pale face, sallow look dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, head aches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, inactive bowels, you take one of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly for a time and note the pleasing results. Thousands of women and men take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the suc cessful substitute for calomel now and then just to keep them 1:1 rxxxxsoGOoooocooaoooosoooex Used Automobiles For Sale One good Chevrolet ' Touring ...$450 One 1916 Ford De livery .: 150 One i Studebaker . . ' Touring ,' 650 One good Oakland , ". Touring 850 It costs you nothing to look " at these bargains Tumy Motor Co. ' 123-125 So. Froht Street itvTooooooooooooooocoooooooa Marie Palmer vs. Frank WHUimon. Decree. Ediih Wilkinson, vs. Frank Wilkin son. Decree. V A X T EI S I T I A T I O X 3 WANTED Job on ranch by (he year. by man with family, near good school. Address c. C. Vorce. Koguo River, Ore. 25 WANTED My a middle-aged lady cooking In camp or farm: experienc ed and good cook. Write or call a.shtngton Rooms. Medford. 280 WANU'.u on; on Inrm by young married man. Address .1. A. M., care Mail Tribune. 2S4 HELP WANTED FKMAL1C WANTED French nurse who can give French Instruction to children five and eleven years of ase. Mrs. Delroy lietchell. Phone 524-R. WANTED Lady to cook In camp, small crew. For particulars write P. O. Box 09S, Grants Pass, Ore. 2S7 HKIJP WAitTKJi MALil WANTED One first ciass'sash and door maker. Also two first class cabinet makers, for planing-mlll work. Write to The J. (i. Flook Co.. Hoseburg, Oregon. 2S7 HEIiP WAHTKD Male and Female WANTED Clerks, linen, women) over 1", for Postal Mail Service. $125 month. E.erienee unnecessary. For free particulars of examinations, write J. Leonard, (former Civil Ser vice Examiner), 758 Equitable lildg.. Washington, D. C. 285 W A X T El ) MIS CE I . li A X EO IS WANTED To rent furnished rooming house 8 to 11 rooms, llox 95, Mall Tribune. 2S0 WANTED To rout, large front room In private family wilh iihu of piano, also sleeping room in same house. Phono ltoy J. White, Medford Hotel. 285 WANTED -To rent 5 or li room mod em bungalow. Karl Knapp. 284 WANTED Well bred Jersey bull, not over two years old. A. G. Illshop. Medford, Ore., R. 3. 288 WANTED Hotbed sash or glass. Phono 462-L. 281 WANTED Weaned pigs over li weeks old. 403-X-2. 2S4 WANTED To buy at once 20 to .'10 tons first class 2nd and 3rd cutting baled alfalfa liny f.o.h. trucks at ranch or storage rooms; must be accessible for trucks. Quote price by phono or letter at once to Whittle Transfer Co., Ashland, Oregon. 281 WANTED -500 Mcdiord women to ex chnnge their old machines for latest model "Singers" at tho new low price. Singer Sowing Machine Co., 10 S. Fir. Phone 215-R. 21)4 WANTED Old sewing machines to repair aim aujust. piiono 316-11. . 21)4 WANTED Shoe repairing while you wait at the "Model Boot Shop." 21 S. Central Ave. . Quick service, quality work. E. N. Ulden, prop. WANTED House moving and re pairing. Phono 488-M or 488-X, tf FOIt EXCHANGE FOR TRADE 19111 Velie Six for 191!) or 1920 Ford. Velio is in Medford, good shape. Write It. D. Evans, care Y. M. C. A., Eugene, Ore. 289 WANTED To trade team weighing 2200 lbs. for heavy horso weighing 1500 lbs. or over. R. 4, Box 78a, four miles south Medford on hlghwny. L. L. Cnse. 286 LOST LOST Dlaek terrier, female pup. License No. 445. Call 651. .280 LOST Saturday afternoon between Liberty bldg. and Riverside Apts., a cameo brooch. Finder plcae loave at Mall Tribue and recelvo reward. 284 LOST Shaffer fountain pen. Return , to Junnlta Crawford, First National Bunk.. 285 LOST Saturday afternoon on streets . of Medford, black silk scarf. Finder leave at Tribune Office and receive reward. 284 MISCKLLAJTEOCS. LEARN RAGTIME Jazz Piano Play ing. Booklet sent free. (PlanislH write for Teacher's Proposition). Chrlstensen, 403 Sprcckels Bldg., San Diego, Cal. 287 LEFT IN MY FEED YAltD Jan. 35, 1921, two cows, 1 Hereford cow do horned, marked crop and nndorblt in right ear, under half crop and two Bpllts In left ear. Branded on lert ribs and left hip; can't make out. brands. One all white, cow, hell on, marked swallow fork In right ear, under slope In left. Branded on left, hip, looks like fig. 11. Owner pay , charges and take same. E. G. Cole man, Phoenix, Oregon. 284 PROFITS C:m ho materially increased hy Byfltematie accounting. SYSTEM, our business INCOME TAX Returns correctly prepared. Bookkeeping and other business difficulties satisfactorily adjust ed. Consult ub. Aud'tirw If AccouMirw S lYSTEriAERVICEiO; M. T. SCTIMITT, Mgr. Phono BUI l.llM-rty Illilff. MOXPAY. VRr.liT.liY MOXKV TO LOAX TO I.OAX J. 11. Andrews loans money on real estate, and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone j;i-.M. 31 North Grape street. FOH RKXT TIOl'SEKKEPLXa ROOMS FOR RENT Two or four light liou: keeping rooms. 511 S. Central. 2S4 FOR RENT Modern housekeeping rooms upstairs. ;l;i N. Ilartletr. Phone "."C-M. tf l-'Olt ItEXT I t KMSIlEl) ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished rooms. $2.00 per week. Phone Mi. lt. 415 S. Front ;io:i FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, bath any time; use ot wash tub and iron. Largo gat age; one block from library. No, 604 W. Tenth. von huxt houses FOlt RENT li-room collage, close in on paved street. Phone 93S-M. 2S0 FOR SALE rorjliTm AND EGGS FOlt SALE A few of those Tancred Imperial While Leghorn cockerels leu. win sen at a reduced price R. V. Crnm, phone 597-K-l. 281 FOlt SALE 30 laying hens. Tailored strain. Make good breeders. Phone 51I7-J-4. 2S9 FOR SALE R. I. Red hatching eggs at 1100 N. Riverside. 289 FOR SALE About, twenty pure bred R. I. Red laying pullets $1.50 each: also pure bred Barred Rock cock- erels $2.50 each. Phono 17-F-21. 2SU FOR SALE 100 young White Leghorn hens, 75 percent now laying. Entire lot $150. Phone 41, Jesse L. Rich anlson, Central Point. 287 FOlt SALE Hatching eggs from my bred to lay Whito Leghorns. W. J. Warner. tf FOR SALE Rhode. Island eggs. Phono 820-X. setting 2S5 FOR SALE lion turkeys and loins. J. C. Herring, Central Point, Ore. FOlt SALE Whcite Leghorn ogf from thoroughbred chickens. Phone 7-F-12. 2S FOR SALE S. C. Whtro Leghorn eggs frtmi first-class slock. $1.50 for set ting of 15. Get them at Mall Tribune offico. tf FOR SAL1 i. .l.-ii.i. v. . y.-. snitlll milieu Hock eggs for hatching. Phono 5-F-2. T. E. Pottenger. -O. FOR SALE While Leghorn baby chicks from stock with an Immense capacity fur laying eggs. $20.00 per 100. Also custom hatching. Rogue River Poultry Farm. Phono 20 1 -W 290 FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs from O. A. C. host laying strain. Phone C8B-R-3. . 21)4 FOlt SALIC REAL KSTATR FOlt SALIi G-room hotiso $500.00 6-room house $1000.00 AH kinds houses, all kinds prices. Ranches from $1750.00 up. Splondld vacant lot. Save money by calling on mo. V. E. WYNKOOP, ' 423 S. Newtown. Phone 898-Y 28 FOR SALE Five room modern house. garage, store-room, woodhouso. ehlckenhouse. Cull 215 W. Jackson St. 2811 FOR SALIC Furnished bungalow of 5 rooms and bath, screened In back porch; newly painted outside, newly painted and 'tinted lnsldo; on paved street in splendid neighborhood; all assessments paid. Nice lawn, rose bushes and fruit trees. In tho fur nishings is a splendid stoel rnnge, also gas stovo In kitchen and heating stove. Price reasonable for qulcit sale. Terms if desired. Owner leav ing town. Address H. L., care Mall Tribune and ownor will soo you. 284 FOR SALE Modorn 6-room house on pavement, corner lot, east front. See owner, 423 Bcatty St.' 285 FOR SALIC Modem 0-toont brick house, sleeping porch, fruit house and garage. 4 lots. All for $1600, 1 onns If desired. Inquire Jesse Richardson Feed Store, Central Point, or Brown & White, Medford. 284 FOR SALE By owner, modern home, five rooms, bath, pantry and porches East front, paving payed, nice lawn, roBcs and berries. Will sell furnish ed or unfurnished. No reasonable orfer refused. Some terms. Call 30 Cottage. 284 FOR SALE 4'J acres ulfnlla ranch, about 26 acres under irrigation, two miles from Roguo River. J. M. Cnrl ton. Rogue River. . 284 FOR SALE Bungalows and cottages. See us before purchasing. Medford Land & Insurance Agency, 220 W. Main. tf FOR SALE Good ranches. Gee us before buying. J. B. Andrews, 31 N. Grape St. Phone 63-M. tf FOR SALIC Leash and exchange real estate. Gold Ray Realty Company. FOR SALE Houses anil bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. C. S. JJutterfleld, phone 216. BARGAINS FORD TOURING $275.00 FORD TRUCK With covered body, cab and windshield. Practically new $700 Pattonand Robinson, Inc. Tel 150 112 So. Riverside 21. 1)J I FOB HALE taVKOTOCK FOR SALE One red Durham bull, weight, sixteen hundred. Stock hos, all sizes. Got lo be sold. Phone 3'u. Jacksonville. 29 l-'UR SALE Span heavy mules, heavy work team horses. Phone 17-F-2I FOR SALE Fresh cow. larse. rich milker. $75. no. Phone 17-F-21. L'Mi FOR SALE Young c;:lf. t-R-:i. 2s4 FOR SALE Two registered Hereford bulls ready for service. Priced right Will sell to responsible parties on one years tune. S percent interest E. G. Coleman, Phoenix, Ore. 284 FOlt SALIC Team of big sound mules, one fresh cow. Miravista Orchard 5H7-J-3. FOR SALE Twenty of the finest milch cows In southern Oregon. Will sell separately. Also new DeLaval Separator. Walsh's place, one mile northeast of Medford, on Crater Lake road. 2S7 FOR SALF MISCICLLAXF.OIS FOlt SALE Good recleaned bearded seed barley $2.50 per cwt.. $4S.OO per ton. Phone S09-W. .I.E.Judy. 287 FOH SALIC Grain drill nearly new. cheap. Phone 1.-F-2I. 281 FOR SALIC Choice alfalfa hay $ a Ion. Snowy Butte Orchard. .1. G. I.ove, phone 19S-J-1. 2S0 Kill SALE Limn sower cheap. Put- ton-Robinson. Inc. 2Sti FOR SALE Haled grain hay and baled alfalfa liny. $25.00 ton delivered Phono 17-F-21. 286 FOR SALIC Beardless barley, best for spring seeding, $2.50 per cwt., ton lots $15.(10. Delivery at Ed Hanley Ranch. L. D. Harris. Phone HS5-R-2. 281 FOR SALE Host grade alfalfa hay. $18.00 per ton. 3 miles west of Med ford, 1 ij miles from Jacksonville. Phone U85-K-2. L. D. Harris. 281 FOR SALIC We have for sale 2 Chev rolet I rucks, 1 Ford truck, 1 Ford roadster, 1 2-lon trailer. Several poultry liul lories and other modern poultry equipment. Completo office equipment Including 1 large sale, 1 small safo, three flat top desks, 1 roll top. 1 cash register. 3 Burroughs adding machines. 1 Dictating inn chine. 1 Adilressograph machine. 3 Prolectographs. Filing cabinets, etc. Also 300 cases eggcase fillers at less than cost. 25 Intent improved cream separators. Until March 1st will sell tlieso separators at wholesale cost and show you tho Invoice. If not sold by March 1st will ship sep arators away. Here is you oppor tunity to supply your needs at bar gain prices. Sue property at Eldridge Dairy Products Co. 284 FOR SALIC Slightly used choice pianos, Voso and Son. Ivors and Pond, Ludwlg anil M. Schulz. Pal- mur's Piano House, 234 10. Main. 289 1'OR SALIC One Drosser, 2 carpet sweepers, 2 stands, 1 chair, 1 bed springs, 1 sewing machine, 1 oil coolt stove, 1 flroplaco screen, 540 S. Fir St. 280 FOR SALIC Alfalfa hay. Phono 9-F-5. 286 FOR SALIC One 12 h. p. horizontal bollor; oho 1V4 ton Ice machine. Snider Dulry Co. 285 FOR SALE Ono 8-foot double corru gated steel roller, ono practically now sprlngtooth with riding attach ment, one practically now mowing machine. C. IV Morgan, Gold Hill. 280 SPRING NEARLY HERE Let us sup ply your wants In trees, shrubs, roses, vines. Rollnble, guaranteed. Yakima Valley Nursery, A. S. Abbott salesman, Medford. 289 FOR SALIC Beardless barloy, best for spring seeding, $2.50 per cwt., ton lots $45.00. Delivery ut Ed Hanley Ranch. L. D. Harris. Phone C85-H-2. i , 280 FOR SALE First cutting alfalfa hay, ouo mile out on Kings Highway, $20. Phono 2G-J-1. 285 FOR SALIC Corrugated rollor. phono 452-L. ' 284 FOR SALIC Dry hardwood. Phones S47-L or 890-X. 285 FOR SALE Ono green bone grinder, ono Buckeyo 60-cgg Incubator, and feeding und drinking cups for buby chicks. Also laying hens. Call 543-.I. 285 FOR SALIC 220 gallon Bowser gaso line pump und tank. Riverside Gar age. 299 FOlt SALE Seasoned wood by tier or cord. .Must be sold soon. Prompt delivery. O. A. Seely, 947-L, and W. E. Blair, 890-X. 297 FOR SALE 200 pair new shoes at cost. Second-hand shoes and shoe repairing nt tho Medford Shoe Hob pltul, 119 IC. Sixth St., Medford. FOR SALIC L. C. Smith typewriters, iHiuon Adding Machines, Check Writers, ribbons, carbons and pa pers. All makes typewriters bought, sold, exchiingod, rented and re paired. Valley Sales Agency, Sparta Bldg., Phone 188-W. tf FOR SALE Good trailer. 113 S. Front. FOlt SALE One o-norsa Alino sta tionary engine, like new, $225. One 5-foot orchard disk, used one season, $50. One 8-foot orchard disk, used ono season, $75. Ono 10-lnch gang plow. Just like new, $75. C. E. Gates Auto Co. tf nvti. sai.h anna, gravel, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming irork done. Phone 9 12-J, Samuel Bateman, 302 Maple street. Al'TOMOllILKS FOR SALE One Reo touring car, in good mechanical ordor. W. H. Nor cross, Central Point, Ore. 285 TAKEN UP TAKEN UP Brown niaro weight. 15U0 lbs. Shehlo ranch on Griffin Creekvl PAOF. VWFj 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abstractors. MURRAY BROS. & VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 6, No. 22 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Incorporated 1904. Ab stracts of Title, Title Insurance. Architect G. E. TICETS Licensed architect. Sisson, California. 322 Auto Supplies LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. We are operating the largest, oldest and best-equipped plant In the Paclflo northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Sold under written guarantee. 34 North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oregon. Attorneys. PORTER J. NICFF Attorney-at-law. rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnett Corey Building. O. C. BOGGS Real estate law and settlement of estates a specialty. B. F. LINDAS Attorney. Gor.eral Practice. Patents a specialty. Stewart Bldg. U'INFIELD H. GAYLORD Lawyer. Room 7 Palm block, 107 East Main St., Medford. G. A. CODDING Lawyer, Medford National Bank Bldg. Building Materials. MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS specialize in all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth streets. Chiropractor. DR. A. BURKLUND Chiropractor. Spinal Adjustments. 204-205 Sparta Bldg., cor. Main and Riverside, Office phone 2S5. Dentist DR. V. R. KAUFMAN, Dentist. Office in Sparta Building. Office hours 8 to 12 a. ni., 1 to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointment. Phone 285. . Expert Accountant. WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wtt son, C. P. A. Attention given to anything in Accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look into our simplified accounting method. Lib erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. IVAN LIVINGSTON Incorporated Accountant. Auditing, Systematia ing, Financial and Income Tax Statei ments. Address 311 S. Sixth St, Grants Pass, Ore. 27( Fidelity and Surety Bonds FIDELITY AND SURETY BONDS We execute nil forms of bond McCurdy Insurance Agency. tf Instruction Tn Music. FRED "AUrdii "haigHT Teacher oi piano and harmony. Haight Musl studio, 318 Girnett-Corey Building Phone 72. Physicians and 8urgeons. DR. A. BURSELLSpinologlat, Phy. slclan and surgeon. Spinal adjust ments, general treatments and diag nosis. 309-10-11 M. F. & H. Bldg. Elevator to third floor. Phone 29. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Burgeon. Practice limited to eye, car, nose and throat. Eyes scientif ically tested and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. R. R. Co, M. F. & H. Co. Bldg. 1-none l67. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians. 410-417 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Phone D04-L. Residence 26 S. Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear, nose and throat. SOS Liberty building. Phono 496, DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Natural Painless Meth ods. Room 428 M. F. & 11. Bldg, Phone 965. JAMES C. HAYES Physician and Surgeon; office hours 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. Sparta building; residence 1405 W. Main. Phones: Office 563, res. 492. "Specialty," Medical and Surgical Diagnosis, tl Dr. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices M. F. & H. Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Qenesea St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. SCHELLER Osteopathic Physic ian. Rooms 44 South Grape. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office in Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose loaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St. Public Accountants ALAN BRACKINREED, Room 9 f . i'j. ii ay km, Room 10 Jackson County Bank Bldg. Accounts, fed eral tax returns, business couusel. Rug Weaving. MEDFORD FLUFF RUO WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone Slo-M. 706 Pine St. Tent and Awning Works MEDFORD TENT AND AWNINO WORKS 128 N. Grape SL Phone 443-Y. E. Burger, Prop. Transfer EAD3 TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offico 42 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. , Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER Anything moved day or night. Service guaranteed. Fair treatmont 104 S. Fir. Phone: Office Oil or res, 617-11206, U.